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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Nov 07 2014 :  8:55:36 PM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 17 2019 7:42:25 PM
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Nov 07 2014 :  9:46:34 PM  Show Profile
I do!
Were the bagpipes broken during the trip? I'm hoping to get to crafts and be a bit less bone tired at night too. Rented a movie she didn't make it thru. Mom feel this evening in the house. She uses a foot stool in front of her chair and gotcaught up on its leg. I had been in the other room and came back to find her sitting on the floor. Dh was there and got her up. No major injuries.

I hope everyone stays warm thru this arctic for that is coming.
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

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Posted - Nov 08 2014 :  3:00:14 PM  Show Profile
Hello all

We are having another beautiful day but cold weather is on the way. The wind is blowing. I am making broccoli cream soup which I will serve with roast beef sandwiches. My menu choice but I let B choose turkey or beef for his sandwich. Last night I made a big salad with lots of healthy stuff in it including quinoa and grilled chicken on top. With a cup of butternut squash soup. Two days with no cod. Yea.

I'm going to make myself pull more weeds even though it really hurts afterwards. I've learned to pace myself and that helps some. There is a long ridge along the drive to the house and it has been let go for years.
There are wild persimmon trees and rocky outcroppings and it looks nice when it is cleaned up. But I suppose it must be about a quarter of a mile long at least. Since I have refused to use chemicals the ants have taken over. My feet and hands are covered with bites. I read that instant grits would take them out so we tried that and it does seem to work over time. They eat it and it swells up in their belly and they die. I hope it is at least as painful as all these bites are for me. They swell up and make a blister and itch like crazy.

Mar I'm glad MIL did not break anything when she fell. I got mom the medical alert but she says there are a lot of false alarms. So she has started taking it off even though she promised she would not. She has gotten more stubborn as they often do when the mind starts going.

Holly I do hope your Internet problem is solved soon. I know that's a big pain to have to go to the library.
Bunny, lots of luck on the interview. I know you will do well.
Jan I wonder if you are getting to swim today. Marie, did he show up with that coke or not?

Gotta go. Hope everyone is having a great weekend.


Edited by - doll58maker on Nov 08 2014 3:02:48 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Nov 08 2014 :  3:06:41 PM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 17 2019 7:44:02 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Nov 08 2014 :  4:46:55 PM  Show Profile

I haven't finished cleaning out my garden yet and there is snow predicted for tomorrow night. I believe this is a little early for snow. Good thing Lowell got his brakes fixed. I still have some licorice, dill and parsley to harvest. I also want to dig up one of the chives and keep it inside. Guess I've got until tomorrow night.

Gypsy - Thank you for looking out for me. I do know that diet colas are not the healthiest choice. I make the choice nonetheless because fruit juice is too sweet and water is too bland. <sigh> All the things I like are bad for me. Yeah, coke/come. At one time I . . . well never mind. he he he

I have been working hard on some slippers I am making for a farmgirl. They look pretty and (of course) finely crafted. I just got a look at some crochet tutorials which I might show to my classes as a refresher. Mikey from The Crochet Crowd does them and he is more patient than I am sometimes.

Well, time for dinner. I might have a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I don't feel all that hungry.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.

Edited by - churunga on Nov 08 2014 4:48:00 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

2914 Posts


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Posted - Nov 08 2014 :  5:09:35 PM  Show Profile
Not a lot going on here. I always get kind of down this time of year--not sure why. It just gets dark so early and the evenings are so short. Makes for a long night. But I do sleep better now that it's cooler.
GG--what kind of ants are you talking about? Are they fire ants? I hear they're making their way northward as the climate changes. We'll probably have them here one day. Never thought we would have armadillos, but we do.
Mar--I'm glad your MIL is OK. My mom fell going down the steps last year and broke a tooth. Luckily that was all she broke. She bruises easily and it worries me. Sometimes my dad will grab her hand and he bruises it. He doesn't mean to.
Bunny--you'll do good with the job interview. And you'll continue to ring up sales. It won't always be smooth sailing but it will be rewarding. Life will help you out.
Marie--my addiction is regular Pepsi. I can't stand the diet stuff and I won't drink it anyway cause of it's connection to Monsanto, which makes the aspartame in it. But Lowell should have brought you one. Everyone's entitled to one vice.
A weird thing happened at work yesterday. I was in the linen room where I work and I heard shouting coming from the soiled linen room next door. We have high school students who work for a couple hours each day and they were in there yelling. The boiler in the boiler room next to it was running and was very loud so I couldn't tell what the yelling was about. But it sounded like they were about to come to blows. So I called security. It turns out the kids were "just rappin'". I told them they couldn't be that loud in a hospital. And really, it sounded violent. The security guard told me a lot of rap music is violent. The kids didn't seem to realize how loud they had been. Or that you don't rap in a hospital. All the students in the program have issues of some sort--they're in the program cause they're considered to be "at risk". If they keep up that kind of s--- they're going to be at risk of losing their jobs.
I just made some black bean burgers and they're cooling. One fell on the floor as I was flipping them over and Jaxon got it.

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Nov 09 2014 :  11:01:32 AM  Show Profile
Cindy, we have fire ants but they are bigger and have big mounds that are easier to find and treat. These ants I'm getting into are little black ants that make lots of little mounds that are hard to see, and they are everywhere. So working in weeds, you don't realize you are standing on a nest of them until they are all over you and the one in charge somehow signals the gang to all sting at once. They sting but not as bad as fire ants. Soon the cold will chase them underground. I think we will get our first light freeze possibly next week. That's normal for this area. The hummingbirds have all gone to Mexico for the winter, we saw a huge flock of canadian geese, two V's of them, headed south, and the butterflies are nearly gone. The salvias have given up and the Mexican petunias and fire bush are not far behind. So fall will soon be over and we are in for gray days of winter for about the next three months.

Today is a perfect day. Sunny and 70 degrees. We have had a really nice fall. The snowbirds are coming to Texas in droves to get away from the coming snows up north.

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Nov 09 2014 :  8:36:23 PM  Show Profile
Where is everyone?

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Nov 09 2014 :  10:11:48 PM  Show Profile
Nothing going on with me. I'm taking a new medicine that is making me sick. I have no ambition to do anything. I'm going to stop taking it. It's for bipolar disorder. I just don't have time to feel this way. I have a doctor that keeps adding new medications for various things. Bipolar, depression, not sleeping. But they are all making me feel worse.
I just wanted help with the fibromyalgia and ended up being sent to a psych Dr. Because my regular doctor didn't know what to give me to help me sleep. She was afraid it would make the bipolar worse.. So the psych Dr decided I must be depressed because of losing my house and everything. She felt an antidepressant would help with the fibro pain and sleep. But she said they don't work on people with bipolar disorders unless they take lithium first. She wanted to give me something to help me sleep, but that pill made me have body spasms. The next pill made me sleepy all day and I lost all interest in sewing. I'm tired of these doctors shoving more pills at me. I was doing fine except for the Fibro.
So I'm taking back control and going off all this crap. Slowly of course. Been there, done that.

I'm so tired of doctors right now.


Farmgirl number 3738
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Nov 10 2014 :  04:12:07 AM  Show Profile
Gee, bunny, that doesn't sound like fun. I have heard that Cymbalta is a very effective medication for fibromyalgia. Have you had any success with that? I hope you feel more yourself soon.It takes a while to get thru some of these medications side effects.I will have the pleasure of being seen by yet another pain specialist next week.

Cindy, did jaxon enjoy the bean burger? Any smelly side effects later on?

MIL had no lasting ill effects from her fall.She was embarrassed.but, as db says, mom is very close to the floor to begin with! Today, she and I will get our hair done. mine is a cut and blow dry. Hers is shampoo,"set" and back combed several inches of height. She was disappointed in the results last time, but decided to give the same professional another chance.

I need to get her to a craft store for a few supplies.

Holly, I was cleaning up in the garden over the weekend and I was thinking how happy I was to have all those bulbs you sent to look forward to in the Spring. Thank you so much.
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True Blue Farmgirl

820 Posts

Shawnee Oklahoma
820 Posts

Posted - Nov 10 2014 :  12:06:32 PM  Show Profile
hello gals, just trying to get ready for the cold front coming :) not much else is news. still have not gone into my craft room or sewn lately on my mom's machine. i really need to move it because that part of the room's ceiling is starting to look like it could come down. sigh. got so many ideas of things i want to do but no energy to do any of it yet. have got to clean it up and organize , i know that is what is throwing me - it is so messy that i cannot find anything and that depresses me. wanted to cook a hamburger stew in the crock pot but did not have any ingredients outside of the meat so a tript to the grocery store before i go home.
bunny, go glad you are still sewing. holly, hope all the kids are doing ok. what do you all do for thanksgiving?
gg, glad you are still hanging in there. i found me a pattern for a frog dolly so i am going to eventually make ma a prince. anyone else need one? :)
marianne, i understand how you feel about your mom falling. The last few months my mom was alive, i never knew if i would find her in the bed, the chair or on the floor. she never hurt herself but she did a number on my back one time when she fought me picking her up. so please be careful and i envy you. I wish my mom was still around to pick up. well, better get back to work.
hugs and love to all
farmgirl #390
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Nov 10 2014 :  1:03:44 PM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 17 2019 7:47:11 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Nov 10 2014 :  3:18:16 PM  Show Profile
Not looking forward to this cold front. Weather report says it will get down to 30 degrees on Thursday and rain and snow all day and on to Saturday. I really hope I get this job. I need new tires for my truck in the worst way.

GG, I do have a low blood sugar issue. I will see if I can find those pills. Most of my problem is fatigue due to the fibro. I really need this job, but am so afraid I won't be able to last 8 hours every day. My interview is early Thursday morning. Fingers crossed.


Farmgirl number 3738
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Nov 10 2014 :  3:43:14 PM  Show Profile

After school classes have been canceled today. WOO HOO! I am unable to show the crochet instruction videos on the school's wifi because they block youtube. Bummers! Mikey from The Crochet Crowd does such a good job. I should check out other places.

Snow is falling. The storm warning has been down graded to an advisory. The buses are running on time 80% of the time today. The sidewalks are slippery because the snow melts rather quickly and then refreezes. I have to walk very carefully.

Bunny - Get some glucose tablets. They are in the diabetic section in drugstores. I can get 3 bottles of 50 for less than $10. It will give you a quick shot of carbohydrates. Each small tablet has 4 grams of sugar in it. I had a pill that caused me to lose my sense of satiety. I was constantly wanting to eat and gained 15 pounds in a week before I quit.

Gypsy - Thanks for the yarn. It is most welcome. One of the after school classes is a fiber arts class which uses all the small balls of yarn for their projects. I am happy to take this off your hands. Lowell is not so pleased that I have so much stuff sitting around. Tough S**T!

Janiee - Whoa! Protect those craft supplies. Move them out a little at a time into a shorting area and start putting like things in the same box. Do it a little at a time and take your time. Put everything you do not want in a box and sign up for the Traveling Craft Box. When it comes, take out anything you want and fill it up with stuff you don't and send it off. This swap is so much fun.

I am not looking forward to taking Mitzi out for her walk. Still it must be done. I will be making some chicken with tomatillos tonight. There is a community issues meeting but I will not go. Just too difficult.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Nov 10 2014 :  4:03:07 PM  Show Profile
Bunny--it sounds like you need a new psych. dr. I used to have trouble sleeping and my dr. prescribed Sonata, which is classified as a hypnotic agent. Long story short, it made me have hallucinations and amnesia. I googled "hypnotic agents" and read about a man who took one to help him sleep, then he woke up and became convinced that his neighbor had locked his brother in the trunk of the neighbor's car. So he took a crow bar to it and damaged the car. Of course the neighbor sued him. Other people have taken it and woke up in the middle of the night screaming to their spouse that he/she was having an affair--and in the morning, they had no memory of it. I would wake up after taking it and have strange telephone conversations, which I had no memory of what I said in the morning. I didn't realize that the Sonata was causing it till I woke up one night and was "talking" to a statue that was "alive". In the morning, I remembered I'd been talking to a statue and I thought "something isn't right here". so I called my dr. and he said it was the Sonata. I threw it away and haven't taken anything to help me sleep since. One thing that helps is to lightly spray your pillow and sheets with lavender water.
I also listen to Native American flute music or yoga chants at bedtime and that helps.
It was nice today but the temperature is dropping rapidly. I'm coughing more because of it. I can breathe a lot better since I started taking the chaga/reishi mushroom extract but I can't seem to lose this cough. I cough so hard I feel like I might pass out. Luckily I'm not coughing nearly as much as I was last month.
My car was one of the ones recalled due to the defective ignition switch. I called a local GM dealer and he said he couldn't get me in till March 12, 2015! So I called a dealer about forty miles away and he said he could get me in Nov. 22. Of THIS year. So guess which one I'm going to?

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Kunkletown Pa
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Posted - Nov 10 2014 :  4:20:13 PM  Show Profile  Send HealingTouch a Yahoo! Message
Back again.

You poor girl with all those ant bites. Do you keep Benadryl on hand? Good to decrease the reaction. Also if you should ever have a severe reaction you can take it and get to the ER. I keep the liquid on hand because it goes down easier especially if you begin having swallowing issues. Your soups sound delish! Most of the elderly have a problem with keeping their alarms on. That's a problem but who can be there 24/7. Eve if it was glued onto them they wouldn't activate it anyway! LOL!

Glad MIL is ok. You must be exhausted. Caregivers need a reprieve. Does hubby pull his weight? At least everything is completed and she's there.That's one less worry. Where's the little horse tender?

These doctors are a mess with all these meds. They do give Elavil for fibro and it's supposed to work well. To many mood altering meds produce a terrible effect as you are seeing. Talk to your pharmacist and see what they say and what they would have you decrease or cut. When they make you a zombie I hardly think that's a solution. When you can't function normally that is an issue. Sometimes it takes a while to find the right combination. You know your body better than anyone so you decide what works. Hang in there. Sometimes when your vitamin D level is low you can have pain and sleeping problems. Get it checked if they haven't done it.

How's your blood sugar been? Lucky you to get some yarn from GG. Keep those students busy!

Hi Cindy, Jainie, Holly, Jan and anyone else.

Be Blessed and Be a Blessing,
Sister 1922

God first, everything else after!

When Satan's knocking at your door, just say "Jesus will you get that for me?"

When it gets to hard to stand, Kneel!

Edited by - HealingTouch on Nov 10 2014 4:23:28 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Nov 10 2014 :  11:13:58 PM  Show Profile
GG, thank you for the pin from Pinterest. I actually saw those a while back and make them as one of my thank you gifts with orders.

Darlene, I already take a vit. D supplement. I'm going to try taking my medicine at night and see if that helps before quiting altogether.


Farmgirl number 3738
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

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The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Nov 11 2014 :  06:56:34 AM  Show Profile
Taking your meds at a different time of day can make a huge difference, bunny. Looking forward to hearing you did week on Thursday!
Marie!!! Are you buried in snow up there? It seems so early for such a large amount of snow. I hope mitzi is quick at getting thru her walk business for you.

Gg, have you recovered from the ant bites? Are you enjoying your long sleeve weather?

Dh and I are celebrating that our weather forecast is not a high of 30 degrees today like it would be if we were still in Spokane.

I'm taking mom to Joann's today to get some craft supplies and poinsettias.I can finally drive the new cat and not have to worry about getting to get a five foot nothing octogenarian in and out of a suburban! And she would never wait for me to get out and come around.She would just start sliding out of the car...I am not looking forward to her weekly hair appointment. An hour spent at a stylist every week. What a waste of time.oh well, it means a lot to her. Like you said, g., vanity.

And yes, dh I'd doing at least his share of the work. We are doing really well. Not fighting. I've asked him to let me b$@:#, moan and complain without him feeling like I'm mad at him or asking him to change things. I told him that I just need to tell him about things and we have to laugh about them together. So far, all is well.

Gosh, I miss hearing from holly.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Dallas Texas
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Posted - Nov 11 2014 :  09:03:33 AM  Show Profile
Well, it was 77 degrees here, it's 42 with a wind chill of 34......yes we really did get the cold front they warned us about last week. C'est La Vie!!! :)

Marie........saw that you guys were supposed to get a foot and a half of snow...stay safe....sorry you have to walk poor Mitzi in all of that but it has to be better than the ice over.

Janie.....I sure could use a frog prince!! :) Stuffed anyway!!!!

Hope Jan is able to get her pool fix before the cold drops down her way! And she thought she was away from the cold! Of course it won't be in the teens like it is in the UP. Did you decide to celebrate Thanksgiving with your camping friends?

Bunny ......sending good thoughts through the airwaves for a fruitful Thursday!!

Mar....I know it can be a drag to have to sit and wait for your MIL at the hairdresser but you are a peach for doing it!!! I'll bet she appreciates it more than you know. Good that you and hubby are on the same page and can laugh about it! Yeah! You get to drive the new car! That sounds fun! I need to get to JoAnn's also! Hope it's a good trip.

GG.....hope the ants have retreated due to the cooler weather. You just got your craft room together....what are you going to do in the new lil' house?

Holly.....we all miss you!

Cindy....sorry to hear about your car....March 2015?....wouldn't you think they would feel obligated to get those potentially dangerous repairs done post haste?? Well, glad you were able to find someone to get the fix complete on a more timely schedule!

My best to all,
Sassy City Girl with Farmgirl Fantasies!
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Nov 11 2014 :  09:11:04 AM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 17 2019 7:48:33 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Nov 11 2014 :  09:20:46 AM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 17 2019 7:50:36 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Nov 11 2014 :  10:56:24 AM  Show Profile
GG, I think as far as B's xSIL goes, is he responding to the texts would be my question. If not, then let it go. She is a long way away and he is with you. If he had any interest in her, he wouldn't have been looking for you thru a dating site. At least she isn't in the same town. It could be so much worse.

Mar, I agree with GG on the time to do some handwork at the salon. Or if you have a tablet, play some silly computer games. The games usually still work without wifi. I think Fritto needs a new winter sweater. Mar, I'm afraid those low temps are going to be hitting us starting today and lasting for a while. So much for moving south to get warm.

Marie, I don't envy you the snow. Hope Mitzi is able to do her business in the cold.

Holly, ditto on the missing you!

Cindy, so glad you were able to find someone to fix that car issue. Something is wrong with the first guy. No reason it should take so long to get something like that fixed. He probably didn't want to do it so gave a ridiculous date to get you to go somewhere else. He probably doesn't make much money from it so sees it as a waste of his time.

Took my meds last night a feel a little better this morning. Still have to hit the sewing room. I still get so tired after only a few hours. It makes it hard to get something finished.

I saw a job in San francisco I was really interested in. But the company and how they do business looked hinkey. It was for a craft buyer. But people voted on items they wanted to buy and when 200 people voted yes to the item, the company contacts the vender and gets the best price for the item and then lists it for sale. It doesn't make sense because they could just get the item at wholesale or even a distributors cost and then discount it. Anyway, it just sounded like they were taking advantage of the fact that people are stupid and don't understand distributor or wholesale pricing.


Farmgirl number 3738
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Nov 11 2014 :  12:47:50 PM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 17 2019 7:52:55 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Nov 11 2014 :  2:11:38 PM  Show Profile
GG, what about a new phone number.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Nov 11 2014 :  3:04:38 PM  Show Profile
Good thought.

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