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True Blue Farmgirl

3448 Posts

Kunkletown Pa
3448 Posts

Posted - Nov 02 2014 :  2:54:50 PM  Show Profile  Send HealingTouch a Yahoo! Message
Sounds like my posts they just fly away! It gets annoying.

The new owners will change it anyway! LOL! At least you want them to get a nice clean house. Your new house will be lovely I'm sure. I don't know where you get the energy to do everything!

Ready to send MIL to me yet? Is hubby handling her ok? How are she and the dog adjusting? When you look at her ask yourself who will take care of you when you're her age and how will you feel? Scary thought! It's an adjustment for everyone. She's lucky to have you. A lot of people just put them in a home and forget aout them. I know because I took care of them. Poor souls.

I want to see St. Vincent too! I forgot about t until you mentioned it. How's the SF store looking? Sounds like it will be a good fit for you.

Had a nice surprise this afternoon. A lady I met at Bible study in September just dropped by with a bouquet of flowers, a Christmas cactus and a beautiful card. I was shocked. She told me I was an inspiration to her. She is such a nice person. The Bible study isn't even at my church, it is at hers. Still in shock.

Wind is fierce today and it looks like winter is starting to raise it's ugly head. My Dining room is painted the buttered yam and it is so nice. I had some trepidation about it but I'm really happy I did it. My husband did it! Now all the work of moving and reorganizing everything.

Must go feed my pup and do her eye drops.

Be Blessed and Be a Blessing,
Sister 1922

God first, everything else after!

When Satan's knocking at your door, just say "Jesus will you get that for me?"

When it gets to hard to stand, Kneel!

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True Blue Farmgirl

2428 Posts

Gladstone Mi.
2428 Posts

Posted - Nov 02 2014 :  3:57:20 PM  Show Profile
I am in Florida, and I swear we brought the cold air here with us. It has been cool, but at home, they had snow on Halloween. It is supposed to warm up tomorrow. Everyone here is so friendly. We are loving it so far. The RV park we are at has 192 lots. We met someone that is from our area, just 60 miles away!!! I am hoping to be able to go swimming tomorrow. I missed all of you, and being on the internet.
It took us 7 days to get here, we stayed at Walmarts all the way there. It cost us almost half what we were expecting for gas, which really surprised us. It is quiet here, I am sure we are going to enjoy the whole 6 months here.
Have a great evening,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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True Blue Farmgirl

3448 Posts

Kunkletown Pa
3448 Posts

Posted - Nov 02 2014 :  4:07:36 PM  Show Profile  Send HealingTouch a Yahoo! Message
Hi Jan
Glad you made it safely. Swimming sounds good to me! The yo yos are great. Thanks again. How are you doing with the downsized situation?

Be Blessed and Be a Blessing,
Sister 1922

God first, everything else after!

When Satan's knocking at your door, just say "Jesus will you get that for me?"

When it gets to hard to stand, Kneel!

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True Blue Farmgirl

2428 Posts

Gladstone Mi.
2428 Posts

Posted - Nov 02 2014 :  4:15:21 PM  Show Profile
Darlene, so glad you like the yo yos. It was hard to get rid of so many things, I had to keep telling myself that is is just "stuff". We are still packed in here, but I am finding room for the clutter. We are pretty comfortable in here, and the bed is so comfy, even the dog does not want to get up out of it. Olivia, our Yorkie was so good riding here. So far think she is liking it here, but am sure she will get homesick soon, especially not seeing my son and daughter. My daughter took it hard, she cried. I talked to her a couple of times already, she is adjusting.

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

2259 Posts

Posted - Nov 02 2014 :  6:57:35 PM  Show Profile
Jan, it's good to hear that you arrived safely. One year, I think it was 1989, we had snow and ice in Orlando. A very rare occurrence but it does happen. Also, another year at Thanksgiving when my son was visiting I remember it was very cold, also unusual. I hope it warms up for you. I've lived in Orlando and in Plant City, which I think is not far from where you are staying. Be sure to get over to the beach when you can. I used to like to go to Tarpon Springs, a Greek settlement. Good Greek food and they have sponge divers there. If you really feel adventurous you can go to Key West and see Hemmingway's house and one of the presidents(Truman I think) had a winter home there that was open for tours. For that matter, Thomas Edison and Henry Ford had winter homes in Fort Meyers, Florida that are now museums. There is a huge banyan tree on the grounds. It must have been the first time I had ever seen a banyan tree, for I never forgot that tree. A village full of people could have lived in that tree.

And then there's disney and universal studios. Sea world, cypress gardens. All those beaches--You might never want to leave! I really loved it there. Lived there 12 years. Still miss it.

We worked in the yard this afternoon. It's a big yard. Almost 9 acres of yard. Mostly uphill. We are beat. I heated up PF Chang Mongolian chicken for supper and did not even have any rice to go with it. And we are out of ice cream. Bummer.
Good night all.


Edited by - doll58maker on Nov 02 2014 7:12:33 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

2914 Posts


2914 Posts

Posted - Nov 02 2014 :  9:16:17 PM  Show Profile
I didn't have any trick-or-treaters for Halloween. My house was the only house on our street with the porchlight on so I guess everyone skipped it. So guess who had to eat the candy?
It was very cold Halloween night and cool today. The frost got what was left of my tomatoes. Our hospital has officially merged with another group of Catholic hospitals. I hope it makes things better.
Jan--one place you have to visit (if you already haven't) is the space center. My family visited it in the early 70's, back when they were still sending people to the moon. Funny how we can send people to the moon but can't take proper care of the planet we live on. My brothers are all Star Trek fans and seem to believe that technology will save the world. Needless to say, I'm the odd one in my family.
Mar--how is Fritto doing? hope he's still not marking his territory. Maybe once he gets settled in he'll stop.I hope MIL is settling in. It must be a big adjustment. As for the Cougar, I think it used up all its nine lives.
GG--hope you get some rain in Texas. My brother and SIL in Dallas won't be up for Thanksgiving as she is still recovering from her heart surgery. You'll have to send before and after pictures of your new house.
I washed my flannel sheets and am getting ready to make up the bed for winter. I've been coughing a lot when I go outside and it's cold. Then I use my inhaler and I'm OK. Still taking the chaga mushroom extract.
Things are kinda slow here.

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

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True Blue Farmgirl

820 Posts

Shawnee Oklahoma
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Posted - Nov 03 2014 :  07:21:12 AM  Show Profile
hello gals,
cindy, what is the chaga mushroom extra for? I use to have asthma really bad and haven't for years but with the changing of the weather, i cough a lot when i go outside and am having asthma again so i was just wondering.
jan, so glad you are sharing about going to florida and being in an rv. I keep thinking about doing it but i just haven't had the courage yet. i have not been to florida since i was 18 and i remember the beaches being so bright and clean - quite a difference in texas. Of course that was a few years ago (hahahaha) so they could have changed.
bunny, i hope you got your sewing mojo back - you are such a creative person. i love seeing what you can do with clothes. you are my inspiration for that.
mar, hope the dog is adjusting to his new home and his travel companions are doing well.
well, i cannot go backwards without losing this message so this time i will just end it here. my brother and i had a good time saturday, cleaning up mom's grave and doing the rest of it. the rocks on her gravesite were huge. I can see why he was so upset about it - it was awful but we moved all of them to another area w/o graves. i brought my phone so we could play some music off of you tube. then afterwards we stopped at Storm's hamburger place and had a hamburger and chocolate shake. I had forgotten how good Storm's hamburgers were.
well, my boss is beginning to "eyeball" me so i had better close.
hugs and love to all
farmgirl #390
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True Blue Farmgirl

2914 Posts


2914 Posts

Posted - Nov 03 2014 :  2:52:43 PM  Show Profile
Janiee--the chaga mushroom extract is to build and support the immune system. It's supposed to be particularly good for the lungs. It was warmer today but supposed to be cooler tomorrow. the weather changes so much that it's hard to know what to expect.

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
3331 Posts

Posted - Nov 03 2014 :  3:18:28 PM  Show Profile
Jan, it is so good to hear you made it. I do hope you get the weather you went there for very soon. Have you been swimming yet? Got to use that swimsuit that just aged in the drawer back home.

It is going very well here in the Pacific NorthWest. We have a new vehicle. A Toyota Prius V. Very green. Well, the car is actually that pretty sparkly white, but the car is "green" with the gas mileage and battery stuff. Oh crud. Dh just got home. I have to help. More later
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True Blue Farmgirl

2428 Posts

Gladstone Mi.
2428 Posts

Posted - Nov 03 2014 :  3:41:14 PM  Show Profile
GG, This is my 6th time being in Florida, but the last 5 were only for a couple of weeks at a time. Saw most of the attractions, and the ocean. As a matter of fact, I ended up bringing some white Florida sand back here with me that I got last time we were here.
Mar, I was going to go swimming today, but the pool was closed due to paintinng around it. They only got half of it done, so looks like it will not be open again tomorrow. It is supposed to be 82 tomorrow, I can't wait.
I have been cooking out every night since we got here. The showers and laundry are right across the street from our RV, so makes it very convenient. I have been busy trying to find room for everything. We finally have a sofa and dining table again. I still have too much stuff. Oh well!!!
Have a great evening,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
3331 Posts

Posted - Nov 03 2014 :  5:33:49 PM  Show Profile
OK, had to break away because dh was going to park that Suburban next to the cute little car in the garage and I wanted to supervise. Doesn't that sound terrible? Anyway, we couldn't manage with an 87 year old in such a tall vehicle. So, this makes more sense. Mom did manage to get a WA drivers license because, God bless the state of Washington, if you have a drivers license that is current in any other state in the union, Washington just hands you a drivers license for another six years! Seems reasonable, no?

Mom just sold her house after four days on the market. Two almost full price offers. Sure feels a lot better than what dh and I went through trying to sell ours. But, it sure makes everything a lot easier.

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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Nov 03 2014 :  5:52:38 PM  Show Profile
I don't know what is going on but my iPad keyboard is so messed up! It's like someone cut the keyboard in half with one piece on each side of the screen.

Jan, so glad you got to Florida ok. Sounds like you are settling in.

I can't type this way. I'll have to get my laptop.


Farmgirl number 3738
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Nov 03 2014 :  6:19:35 PM  Show Profile
Well I figured out what was wrong. Apparently I can split my keyboard in half. It is pretty annoying but I guess there are people that like it. Everything is back together.

Mar, in Oregon, you have to have an original birth certificate or passport to get a drivers license. You have to have them to renew also. What a pain.
Sounds like MIL is settling in. Glad her house sold so soon. One big thing off the list.

Jan, how does DH like Florida? Is it what you hoped it would be? Sounds like you are settling in. So do you stay there for six months and then have to move? I'm sure you want to get away from the heat in summer.

Janiee, sounds like you and your brother had a healing day. Topping it off with good food helps.

Cindy, I'm thinking of my winter sheets too. It doesn't get as cold here until early next year. But I'm ready for warm sheets.

I have been working on crocheting a rug with fabric scraps. I see them on etsy for close to $100.00 and I figured I could make them at night while I'm watching tv. I have so much fabric! Quilts don't sell for what they cost. Plus they are a lot of work. Crocheting fabric strips at night keeps my hands busy. I'll never get much for the fabric if I sell it anyway. Maybe 2.00 a hard at best. So I figure this way I feel like I'm doing something useful while vegging in front of the TV.

My views are up again on my Etsy store. Only one sale this week though. No word on the store in SFO. I'm hoping she will be opening soon.

Talk to you later!!


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

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The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Nov 03 2014 :  6:40:25 PM  Show Profile
Great idea, bunny. Those rugs are popular. I was thinking that split keyboard was an "on purpose" thing.
Janie, a hamburger and shake is just good American food. Sounds like you enjoyed some time with your brother.

Jan, having the facilities across from you sounds very convenient. Hope they can finish up the painting quickly!
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
2305 Posts

Posted - Nov 04 2014 :  4:56:50 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

I am here for my hour at the library to catch up with all of you. I have been in severe withdrawal not reading all of you every night. We still have no internet service at home. I guess if you have a smart phone that is not an issue. C has something like that but I do not . The governor has made a mandate? that everyone in Vermont should have access to the internet. We live 12 miles from his office. If you have cable then you can have access but in order to get cable there have to be 10 house within a mile. We had MiFi before. It was not reliable. it was some sort of satellite system. We had to buy a certain amount of band width each month and when you went over the costs soared. Our bill on Verizon MiFi was in the $500 range each month. With this Fairpoint service it is $80 a month. there are other satellite services available that are all linked to television packages. I want the children to not have access to hundreds of stations each day and the cost is high as well. So, we wait. I hear there are communities with out service.

DdK seems to not have a boyfriend right now. Breathing as sigh of relief. She has been talking to her therapist (whom she say is the best in the whole world) and her massage teacher. The therapist has been talking about men who are controlling, the massage teacher told her his son was unhappy in a series of relationships and then figured out he was choosing the same type of woman each time. DdK thought about this and said that she has been choosing the same type of man each time and maybe she needed to look for a different type. I am so glad to hear her say that. Her last few infatuations have been rough looking guys who have been in prison for felony convictions in their late teens and now are trying to make their way in the world with that hanging over their heads . They also do not seem to want to rearrange their thought processes so they can get an education either in school or self taught to make more than minimum wage. If you have a felony conviction you can not get a passport an ddK likes to travel.

One time when we went on a cruise I have volunteered to teach crocheting. The cruise ship held up my bag because they could not figure out what all of those sticks in the bag were with their x ray machine. it was pretty funny. I hpe the B's packages clear soon.

I have started working with the little boys on how to say "no" when someone wants them to do something they know they are not supposed to do. For example, we had house guests last weekend. The 10 year old boy and ours went into the hay barn and played on the hay bales. In the front corner of the barn I had put my bag with the three and four foot zip ties I used to tie the tires on to the fence to keep the pigs in . The boys had been told several times to leave them alone after they had not. So, They zip tied the 10 yo to the barn and left him because the did not want to get in trouble. 10 yo's brother came by and we untied him. NO harm done. So we are practicing. No, We are not allowed to do_________. Maybe it will sink in in a few years.

Cindy you are very funny, the cougar had nine lives. lol

Mar, I really liked the story.

The library closes in 5 minutes. I hope you all stay well.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

2259 Posts

Posted - Nov 05 2014 :  11:30:55 AM  Show Profile
Holly, I'm so glad you checked in. You are really missed when you don't post. Everybody is, but

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 17 2019 7:37:58 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Nov 05 2014 :  12:01:25 PM  Show Profile
Holly, so nice to hear from you again! We did miss you and your stories. Your stories about the boys are entertaining. So glad no one was hurt.
Nice that DDK is rethinking her choices in boyfriends. Maybe she needs to change where she finds these boys. Good that she is talking to her therapist about it.

GG, it may be that B realizes that American politics effects the whole world in some twisted way. What happens here doesn't stay here. I would do anything for a nice fireplace fire. My mom won't let me have one because she says she is allergic to the smoke. Sigh.....

Jan, I hope your daughter can deal with the upcoming holidays without you. I know how hard it is from being on the other end. I miss my kids and holidays so badly. They just don't seem important anymore.

I sold the slip dress that was in the magazine to a lady in Australia. I figure it is coming onto summer there. It is so nice to hear that chaching sound at 3am. I know it is someone from another country.

Not much else. Need to get sewing. Had a hard time focusing yesterday. I have so many ideas so couldn't decide on one to work on. Hopefully today will be better.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Not all who wander are lost.../
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
3966 Posts

Posted - Nov 05 2014 :  2:49:06 PM  Show Profile

I have been gone far too long. I am so tired that I can hardly eat or get chores done. I do not take naps because that messes with my blood sugars. I would so love not to have so much stuff to do.

So . . . I will only be teaching two crochet classes next term. I need more time at home. I wanted to teach three classes because I thought they would pay me. When I found out that I wasn't getting paid, it was too late to back out. I wanted to use that money to put away and prepare for my business teaching crochet and other needlework. I guess I will have to wait.

Lowell is out of money. His dad had the wrong bank account number so the usual monthly payment was delayed. I have to cover rent until he has so money in his account. That means I have no money until that happens. I really dislike having to depend on someone else's money. When his dad's money arrives, Lowell and I will have to sit down and divide it up strategically. He needs to have the brakes fixed on his van and I need to pay all the household bills. I hope he is more organized about getting the work done on the van this time.

Holly - I can understand the frustration with the internet service. My parents go through the same thing where they live in the boonies of Wisconsin. My internet service provider caught up with me so now I will have to start paying $19.95 a month. S**T! Oh well, I have several years of free service.

Bunny - So glad things are starting to look up. Congratulations on getting your creative mojo back. The store in San Francisco sounds like a good outlet. Maybe people will go to your Etsy shop and buy stuff there too. The rugs are great. I have all kinds of cut up fabric mostly from t-shirts and no time to make them. Probably should start.

Holly - I am always amazed by the amount of trouble little boys can get into. When Lowell was young, he brought home a dead swan he had found and tried to get it to eat popcorn. He even slept with it. His mom came down to his room and marveled at the stink and found the swan.

Marianne - Sounds as if MIL is settling in. Fritto will get lots of exercise running around and playing with your dog. The diet change will add years onto its life.

Jan - So glad you are in a warmer place. I can't wait to hear all about your adventures.

I am about to start punching goblins so I will end here.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

2428 Posts

Gladstone Mi.
2428 Posts

Posted - Nov 05 2014 :  3:04:33 PM  Show Profile
I had a nice long post yesterday and poof!!!! it was gone!!!! Today it was 82 and I finally got to go swimming!!! I was the first one in the pool. Not too many here are in the swimming mood yet, I guess. That is alright, then I have the whole pool to myself. I do not mind one bit.
My son called me today, all is going well there, he is doing alright in the store. When I mentioned that it was 82 degrees here, he evied me. He said it was 40 there. They are supposed to get rain turning to snow tonight, then 30s for the high for the rest of the week. I sure am glad to be here now. We are loving it. Bob is making new friends and has our next door neighbor to sit and chat with. Men can talk just as much as women do, that is for sure.
GG, I had to laugh when you wrote that you had a fire going. Yesterday it was 75 degrees and we went to Walmart, and most of the people in there had jackets or sweatshirts on. We could not get over that when we were so warm. Thin blood, I guess!!!
Bunny, soundslike you are doing alright with your clothing. Keep up the good work.
Mar, Is MIL living in your house, or does she have her own quarters? That was quite the story of the car.
Holly, Sounds like DD is growing up and making more sense of her life. Good for her. How many pigs did you have butchered?
It is going to be so different this Holiday season, for sure. They do have a pot luck dinner here for Thanksgiving, but Bob is not sure yet if he wants to participate. My kids are going to miss mom's cooking, but it is time for me now. They are 36 and 44, old enough to be on their own. They will survive, it will just be different for them.
Marie, I am sure you are in the line of upcoming snow. Were you able to use most of what I sent you?
Well, I need to get this off before I lose this post. Have a wonderful evening,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Nov 06 2014 :  01:45:02 AM  Show Profile
Jan, it is kind of fun to hear about the cold weather that you left, isn't it? I wonder how long it will take for your blood to "thin" and for 75 degrees to seem chilly to you, too! Meanwhile, it is nice to hear that you are enjoying it so much.

Holly, thank you so much for dvd for our neighbor friend. She enjoyed it so and you made us look like heroes for having such a thoughtful friend who would think to send a great dvd like that for her to have. It was such a surprise and just so appreciated all the way around. I sure laughed about the zip ties. But, I bet that wasn't your favorite part of that day. I do miss your posts and sure hope your internet situation improves.

Bunny, I bet that ChaChing is super exciting to hear in the middle of the night. Australia! You are SO international it isn't funny. I hadn't thought of your needing to keep all seasons of dresses available for sale, but with these international sales, I can understand it now! Keep up the good creating!

G, it seems like move in day came so quickly. So, will Thanksgiving be in tne new house or the farm house? We just learned that we will probably be having a nontraditional holiday on a different day due to work schedules. Seems funny since for the first time in our lives we are all within close proximity of one another! But, that also makes it not that important that the holiday happens ON the exact day or IN the exact way we expect. I know you know what I mean.

So, yesterday we spent almost two hours at Chase bank opening a "few" accounts. Mom has a trust so it got a little bit involved with Power of Attorney and being a Trustee, etc. Luckily the bank had a legal department that muddled through the language of the Trust and all is well. I hope. Mom just said, "Tell me where to sign. I don't want to do any of this anymore." She has also told us that she no longer wants to drive and everything was just getting too difficult for her anymore. (But, yet, fought us for so long to come up here. Water under the bridge.)

Dd is loving the atmosphere of her new job, but had a bit of anxiety yesterday. She acknowledged that if it wasn't important to her, she wouldn't have anxiety. So it is actually a good thing. We got to see her on Tuesday and I got all sorts of goodies!! I love make up. And free make up is even better.

Dh had a very strong opinion about the need (he was against) for those special coatings you can get for your new car's paint and to keep the interior clean. We decided to spring for it anyway once the price went from 800 to 250 dollars and they threw in lifetime reapplication. So, now, I can't drive the new car until the paint is properly protected with the previously deemed useless protection. And that won't be until Monday. Sad face. Kind of want to drive the pretty new car. But, oh well.

Miss you all,
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Nov 06 2014 :  08:13:26 AM  Show Profile
Jan, glad you are enjoying the weather and DH is making new friends. I can remember times when in the winter it hits 65 degrees and everyone is walking around in shirt sleeves. It is all relative I guess. Hopefully you can get DH to go to the pot luck. I bet he enjoys it. Do your two children spend thanksgiving together? That might make it a little easier. When I moved to Oregon, it messed up holidays for my family. I was the glue that held us together. Everyone came to my house. Now that I'm here, they are so far away and really don't have anywhere to go.

Mar, I think MIL will be glad to not have to deal with a lot of things now. Be glad she is willing to let things go. Some people hold onto things like driving way past when they should.

Got another custom order this morning from a repeat customer. I also applied for a full time job yesterday. I'm not sure if I can do it with my fibro, but I need to earn enough money to start saving so I can go back to California. It will be interesting if I even get an interview. Haven't had much luck yet.

Later all!!


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Nov 06 2014 :  4:11:08 PM  Show Profile
Well, I got a message from that job I applied for. Unfortunately I was at a doctors appointment and had put my phone in airplane mode. Called back and left a message. So bummed. Hopefully he will call again tomorrow or later today.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Not all who wander are lost.../
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Nov 06 2014 :  4:50:54 PM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 17 2019 7:39:57 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
3966 Posts

Posted - Nov 06 2014 :  5:11:43 PM  Show Profile
Gypsy - Sure, I can take the yarn. At this rate I won't have to go out asking for donations for a couple of years. I love to try to finish UFO's.

Lowell just called and asked if I wanted to get takeout. Well, I have already started to eat so I said no but I told him to get me a can of Diet Coke. He said no. (He doesn't want me drinking that stuff.) I told him to get me a bag of chips . . . and a can of Diet Coke. He said no. I said okay get me 2 cans of Diet Coke and one bag of chips. After he told me I would have to pollute myself with my own money. I said okay get me anything you think I would like as long as it is a can of Diet Coke. It went on to more silliness before he said that maybe he wouldn't get anything. I said just get me a can of Diet Coke. Can you tell that I really need a fix?

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Nov 07 2014 :  5:40:19 PM  Show Profile
I have an interview next Thursday!
I also got an email from the store owner in SFO. She is sending back 7 dresses because she said they are more for summer. So I told her to go to my website and see if there was anything else she liked. Thankfully there were 4 things she asked for. Of course she loved a scrappy skirt I made. They aren't very easy to make and are my least favorite item to make. She wants as many as I can produce. Go figure.
If I get this job, I'll only have weekends to sew anyway. I keep telling myself I'll be able to save up money to move. Trying to think positive.

Marie, sorry Lowell didn't play nice. When you have a craving, you NEED it. And if he doesn't get what you need, he will pay. (Won't he)

Mar, bummer about the new care. Like knowing what you are getting for Christmas but having to wait anyway.


Farmgirl number 3738
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