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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Nov 11 2014 : 3:34:46 PM
We have bad internet here sometimes, so am going to try to post again and hope for the best without losing it. Been swimming every day, we both love it here so far. At home, the schools were cancelled because of the snow, they got close to 2 feet. I am glad we are here. Will post when I can,
Jan Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Nov 12 2014 : 07:08:56 AM
Good morning everyone. We got the cold front last night. It is windy for the third day in a row. I got up about 7:30 and the porch thermometer said 35 degrees so it appears that we got a freeze last night but a mild one. Just enough to burn the top leaves but not kill everything back to the ground so I can finish trimming it. Hopefully it drove those pesky ants underground.
It's great to hear that Jan is getting to swim every day rather than dealing with bitter cold.
Hope holly will soon have Internet from home. I'm having serious withdrawals from her daily stories from her beautiful green mountains
Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 17 2019 7:54:34 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Nov 12 2014 : 09:24:46 AM
The cold hit here with wind last night too. I sleep right next to the kitty door that is in my window. I was sooo cold. I added another quilt, my sweater and sweatpants. Tomorrow the snow is suppose to hit. And of course I have my interview early in the morning. I think it is time for my down comforter. Today is sunny and clear but oh so cold!
I'm going to stop taking the medicine that is making me sick. I had the worse day yesterday. I had a terrible feeling deep in my chest. It was kind of scary. So now I just have to wean myself off.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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Posted - Nov 12 2014 : 09:27:19 AM
GG, your little city house sounds perfect for you and B. I hope you are able to sell the country house soon. I just hope you don't get so busy you don't have time for us anymore! Still missing Darlys.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Nov 12 2014 : 10:57:31 AM
No, Bunny, I won't get too busy for this group. You gals have helped me through many a bad day.
You will do great in this interview. I'm so sorry the meds are making you sick. I have had to stop a couple of meds in the past that I had bad side effects from, and knew other people who tolerated them just fine. Be sure to read the paperwork including all the fine print so you will be aware of possible side effects and what to do. I have an aunt who is not able to tolerate any meds at all. But she has made it to her mid-80s.
I am watching BBC news and they are showing the people in Syria. How lucky we are. I am so sorry for the innocent people who are in harms way because of the greed and ambition of others. Watching their homes and towns being destroyed, having to flee their homes and powerless to do anything about it. It breaks my heart. 7.6 million people have been displaced. So horrible.
Edited by - doll58maker on Nov 12 2014 5:19:47 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Nov 12 2014 : 1:51:43 PM
Well my interview is delayed until Friday. It is suppose to snow here tomorrow and the guy is from out of town and didn't think traveling would be a good idea. so I'll see him on Friday sometime.
I have been doing some research to find ways to help with the fibro fatigue. I found a site that suggested supplements of d-ribose, magnesium, Vit B. I'm going to give them a try. I'm a little worried about the ribose because I have low blood sugar and this lowers blood sugar. I might not be able to take it. But at this point I'm going to start working through some things. I can't seem to rely on the doctors to help me effectively.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Nov 13 2014 : 07:40:31 AM
Bunny, looks like you and I are having a private chat
Have a great day everyone, and stay warm.
Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 17 2019 7:56:44 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Nov 13 2014 : 08:31:08 AM
Bunny and Gypsy,
I am here -- just really busy.
Many of the younger doctors are now getting educated about alternative medicine. It is good to bring in any research you have done and discuss it with them. I have asked my doctor how he feels about his patients bringing in stuff from the internet. He said he doesn't mind. He also was quite frank it saying that there is so much that doctors do not know. Lowell is always crabbing that these highly educated people do not know how to treat him. There is so much to know and so little time to learn it all.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Nov 13 2014 : 08:49:50 AM
I wonder if Lowell could be suffering from fibro. Men have it too and it often goes undiagnosed.
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Nov 13 2014 : 09:07:31 AM
I met my new pain doctor yesterday and what a relief. She is educated, had looked over my history, made pertinent comments regarding it and it's completely on board with what I would like to do. It sure took a long time to find someone who would work with me this way, but she was worth the wait.
Bunny, it sounds like you were getting anxiety from that med. Horrible feeling. Stay safe in this weather. I'm at dd's and we got ice last night. Luckily, we can safely make it to the mall!
Gg, you have already won over the ex SIL. You should just pity her. How obtuse must she be! Even B"s friend could see what was happening. She has spent her entire life pretending this was a relationship. The distance will solve this problem for you. I don't think you need to lose another minute thinking about her.
I miss you guys! G, congrats on getting into your city cottage! So excited for you. Mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Nov 13 2014 : 09:24:37 AM
. |
Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 17 2019 7:57:26 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
873 Posts
873 Posts |
Posted - Nov 13 2014 : 09:24:56 AM
On man!! This cold 'SUCKS' big time. I feel like a perpetual popsicle!!!!!!!!!! It is too cold, too soon. If I didn't have to walk Jake I wouldn't even consider opening the front door! LOL :)
Bet Jan is down there sitting by the pool.....grinnin' and gloatin'....deservedly so, she tolerated this miserable cold forever! I think if the pool here didn't have a pump moving the water it would probably be an ice skating rink. Well, that may be a slight exaggeration, but it's 10:30 and still below freezing. :(
GG...yeah for the lil' house closing! Will be a big load off the shoulders, I bet. You will get the hang of your diet dos and don'ts and then it will be second nature. I don't think anyone in the health care industry would be offended by your observations.....we all know that there are docs out there just don't have a clue and take a trial and error approach...throw all the meds they can at you and hope something sticks! I feel bad for the physicians sometimes for the way the pharmaceutical reps bombard them constantly. Almost every time I go the my PCP there is at least one rep that shows up!
Bunny......I am glad you are taking your health into your own hands, but don't lose sight of the fact that the doc should stay informed just in case you really need the help or advice. Have you sent the new items to San Fran yet? How's your Etsy shop doing? Hope you are feeling better soon so you can get to sewing!! My shop doesn't get too many hits...obviously I am not doing something right. I am disappointed but not giving up. I have to get some new things up today. I have got to figure out my picture quality..I know, but I am a bit discouraged, I know I haven't I need to take the blame I guess.
Okay....over the pity party!! LOL :)
Like GG said.......stay safe and WARM!!!!!!!!!
My best to all, Mel Sassy City Girl with Farmgirl Fantasies! |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Nov 13 2014 : 09:32:11 AM
It is snowing. My cat just burrowed under my down comforter.
Mar, I'm glad you were able to find an MD you like. My MD doesn't believe in patients doing Internet research. She feels it causes more trouble. However, on our next appointment I will call her out on how much research she has done for me. I will take your advice Marie and print out my internet research on the supplements for her.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
873 Posts
873 Posts |
Posted - Nov 13 2014 : 09:38:04 AM
Hey, Marie and Mar.....Glad to see you guys. I was typing away at the same time as y'all.
Marie.....stay busy but don't over do.....GG may be on the right track about Lowell.'s so great that you found just the right doc! That is always a blessing to have someone to work with your personal plan not in spite of your plan. :) Stay safe on the way to the mall....careful on the ice!
My best to all, Mel Sassy City Girl with Farmgirl Fantasies! |
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Nov 13 2014 : 09:55:34 AM
I have asked Lowell to go to a rheumatologist to get a diagnosis or at least to rule out fibro and chronic fatigue. He wants a cure. He doesn't just want to take care of symptoms. He has been switching out his meds. It seems as if after 6 weeks of taking a particular med, it doesn't work for him anymore.
I will be starting to cut back on my activities soon. I just need to work on what is important and not just the fun things.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Nov 13 2014 : 3:33:50 PM
I am still here, feeling so great that we are down here with 80 degree weather. I have been enjoying the pool daily. We went yesterdayand got new bikes. I had to get a 3 wheeler, I cannot ride a 2 wheeler anymore because of my hips. So now we can go down the road and do some exploring to see what is around here. We do not have a car with us, we did not want to have to tow anything behind us. Been walking alot daily also. Near us at home they had 42,5 inches of snow. I think we got close to a foot. Did I mention that I am glad we are here in sunny Florida? GG, how exciting to close on your little dream house. It will beso nice for you once you move in and start enjoying the benefits it has there. Mar, glad you found a good dr. that you can trust. That means alot. Bunny, My dr. was one that prescibed so many drugs. I was on 13 different drugs, which cost me $800.00 a month co-pays, plus all the bad side effects I had. I would not have had to have all those joint replacements if I were not put on so many steroids. I went off all my meds and told my dr. that I just could not afford them anymore. She understood, and left it at that. I started to get better, but it took almost 2 years to get all the steroids out of my system and get my sugar back to where I did not need insulin any more. Mel, I hope it warms up for you soon. It is way too early for the cold weather already. It is supposed to get into the 60s here next week. It sounds funny, but I am sure we will all be bundled up when it hits. It is music night across from us in the rec hall, so I am going to go check it out. Have a great evening,
Jan Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - Nov 13 2014 : 6:51:07 PM
It feels like Christmas here with snow flurries and the radio is playing Christmas music and some people have their lights up already--this feels way too soon. Jan--I'm glad you're enjoying sunny Florida. I don't think I could live through one of Michigan's winters. GG--maybe you could put your country house on the market as a retreat center for some church or religious group. Just a thought. And I agree that many medical professionals could stand to learn more and be open to other types of treatments. Bunny--it's frustrating to have doctor that can't/won't answer your questions. Or worse, one who doesn't care. I actually once had a dr. who told me flat out that he didn't care about me or the side effects of the medicine I was on. There's a saying: "People aren't interested so much in what a dr. knows; there's interested in how much he cares--about them". Sadly, it's hard to find one who really cares. That's one of the reasons I' interested in alternative medicines--they seem to care more about the people they treat. Most of them don't make very much money, they just want to help people. My dad's short term memory is getting worse and the medicine isn't helping much anymore. I have a feeling this Christmas will be the last one with all of us together. My parents will be married for sixty years next year. I'm glad I have my happy Jaxon to cheer me up. His tail wags so hard it should be registered as a lethal weapon. Cindy
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Nov 15 2014 : 5:42:03 PM
Jan, I envy your weather. It is 12 degrees at night and in the 30's during the day. Too cold! I loved the snow in California. The county plowed the roads and it always warmed up just enough during the day to clear the roads. Not here. They don't plow any of the roads in town. I don't get it.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Nov 15 2014 : 9:21:09 PM
Just checking in. It's still cold here. And dreary. Jan I wish I were there with you. This is not fun.
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Nov 16 2014 : 4:08:58 PM
Wow,it snowed here. In November. Unheard of and... the reason we moved here rather than stay in Spokane where it snows in November. And December and January and February and March, often in April, sometimes in May and even in June! Anyway, there was a major wind storm and we lost a very large fir. The root ball is taller than dh who is no slouch at 6'. We also lost some hardwoods and we are still trying to pick up branches just out of the yard. Lots of clean up.
I was visiting with a neighbor who wants the wood from the fallen trees and is willing to lend out her husband to get it, so that's good news. I was just helping dh pick up some of the piles we had made of pine boughs that had dropped and Audrey showed up for Horse Time. It was very nice to see how excited she was that I was out, too. Lately , I have been "done" by the time Audrey gets home from school and comes over to "help." She and dh have struck up quite a friendship and it is very nice to see. He is her hero.
We are trying to get a routine down with Mom. Tomorrow is Hair Day. I will drop her for her roller set and style and come back an hour later to see the results in the morning. Then we will continue on to the Bank. Which is an event for her. I do our (and her) banking online, but she wants that cash in hand, so to the Bank we will go.
Dh has come up with a short list of foods she can prepare for his meals (I am on a "special diet" and will not be subjected to these dinners.) We have a Grocery Day and also a Shopping Day, which means Costco, WalMart, JCP, wherever someone needs to go. Fridays is dh and my day to ourselves. It has become obvious that we need some structure for her. Her mood remains very positive, even through weeks of rain and then snow and wind. Not bad for a Native Californian forced to move in her ninth decade of life.
I spent the morning preparing paperwork for the sale of her home and getting her signature/initials as needed. Tomorrow we will hit the Notary, too. As well as the PO to send these documents back to the escrow division of the real estate office. This process will be wrapping up soon!
Hope everyone is staying warm, Mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - Nov 16 2014 : 5:05:08 PM
Mar--I think it's great that you're looking out for your MIL. I once worked in a nursing home and it was so sad that some of the residents had no one to watch out for them. Your DH is brave to eat the meals she cooks--these days, almost everything my mom makes comes from a box or a can and is lacking in flavor. they say your taste buds decline when you get older and I believe it. Sometimes I just say I'm not hungry rather than eat some of the meals she makes. She and my dad don't realize that the food doesn't taste all that great. It's still snowing here. We may get up to to three inches before it stops. I just got the latest issue of MJF magazine and I think I'm going to make a yule log this year. I love these old traditions that no one remembers anymore. Where is everyone? Cindy
"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Nov 16 2014 : 5:58:23 PM
I'm just sitting here waiting for Lowell to come home from rehearsal. I learned how to upload songs onto his SoundCloud site. There are three more good ones there. If you want to listen, here is the link:
It snowed lightly all day yesterday giving us some traction on the icy sidewalks. I called a neighbor in to the city for having an icy sidewalk on the way to the school which I almost fell on. I'm not going to be a bi**h about it. I will only call the city about them if I come close to falling.
I just learned that I am janiee's partner for the Stuffed Christmas Stocking Swap. I tried to email her and haven't heard from her yet. All I need to know is if she wants a green/red/white or blue/white/gold stocking.
Jan - My endocrinologist suggested I take red yeast rice instead of a statin drug for my cholesterol. High cholesterol runs in our family. My dad overdosed on it. Nothing bad happened. Lucky you are missing the pile of snow up north.
Cindy - I hope your dad can experience this last Christmas with some lucidity. I know so little about memory loss and dementia. I still have some memories hiding behind curtains put up by the ECT. My parents have been married for 52 years. It is so neat to see them enjoying their lives together now.
Bunny - Here in Minnesota, if a town doesn't plow the streets in a timely manner, the mayor will likely face a tough election. The mayor of St Paul was in a lot of trouble last year for the lack of diligence in plowing.
Marianne - I can see that you and MIL get along really well. I believes that she appreciates all the help and attention given to her. I agree about the food. My mother was never a very good or creative cook. I once made tempura when I was at home once and my dad told me he was really grateful for something different to eat.
The classical station just played one of my favorite pieces -- Pavane for a Dead Princess by Maurice Ravel. It is so beautiful. In the story, from the north of England, the English princess was only feigning death so she could marry a Scottish noble.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Nov 16 2014 : 8:06:25 PM
Hello from COLD central Texas. Two more days of cold then it's supposed to get back up to low 70's where it should be this time of year
We are back from closing on the house. We are very happy with it. It was built in 1997 and has had only one owner. Everything is like new. Just a little outdated, but no wear and tear to speak of. The owners both are very old and have gone to a nursing home. They had seventeen good years in it, I hope we will be so lucky.
Cindy you are right, this place would be a great retreat for a group, or has good B&B potential.
Funny about the moms and their cooking. My mom was a wonderful cook but now it's hard to eat her food and she has no idea. She mostly just microwaves now or eats junk. At this point I want to leave her alone and let her enjoy her last days. Her mind is going fast and so is her sister's. We don't know which of them will go first but the other one will follow soon.
Mel, are you freezing up there? I see on the news there might be snow flurries tonight. I don't have time for this crappy weather, there is too much to do. Bunny, did you get out to the interview or was it next Friday?
Marie, you be careful! We don't want you falling on icy streets! Wondering if Holly is snowed in.
We are bone tired. Will catch up with you all tomorrow. Stay warm.
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Nov 16 2014 : 9:43:59 PM
My interview is rescheduled for Tuesday.
Marie, careful on those sidewalks.
GG, great news about your new house. Now to move. Fun!!
Mar, you are a trooper for helping MIL. We did get a bit of weather didn't we. It is still cold during the day but the snow is melting.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
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