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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jan 25 2013 : 07:27:00 AM
Hello Girls. I hope all is well in your neck of the woods. Cloudy and cool here, but nothing too serious. We are supposed to be in the low to mid 70's by Monday, but we are being told that there is a decent chance of a significant storm system by the end of next week; we shall see. Personally, I'll believe it when it happens.
Bunny, thanks for the website. It had a lot of the same information I was reading in this book the Doc brought in. I can't get my hands on any lemon oil right now, or even eucalyptus leaves, Ginny, but I do have some lemons. Do you think if I cut them up, squeeze some of the juice in a mixture of water and dish soap, then spray it all around under the deck and put the rest of the lemons around where I need to fix my plumbing, if that would move them off at least so I can get the broken fixture replaced? I'm going to try it; what can it hurt, huh?
Marianne thank you for thinking that I am brave, but, unfortunately, I'm a huge, gigantic coward. You just do whatever you have to to get by. I've had to do without modern amenities many times before; it's things like the freaking spiders that paralyze me. lol I certainly would not mind not hauling water home from the office, though, believe me. The things we take for granted. Oh well, I much rather haul water to use the toilet then to have to go out to the outhouse or out to the "woods" to go, which, by the way, I am not good at doing. I literally have to strip down in order to not make a mess of myself. My daughter who is quite good at "roughing it" in that way, laughs at me all the time. When I am going somewhere with her and I have to go, she tells me, "I'll just pull over and you can go on the side of the road." I always refuse and she laughs all the way to where we are going, because she has seen me after I've tried it her way. lol TMI, right? Sorry.
Darlys, take your time; my birthday doesn't end until the 31st. Oh, let me explain, I feel that birthdays should start the 1st of your birthday month and not end until the last day of your birthday month. I haven't found anyone to agree with me about my birthday, yet... but I shall never give up! heeheehee
Holly, how about HERMES for the calf. You could pronounce it "her mees" as we Americans do, or you could pronounce more like the French, "airrrrmez", but if you do that, be sure to roll that 'r' just a bit. : D
Gotta go Girlfriends. I'll check back later, if I can, otherwise, I'll talk to you all on Monday. Hey, this was pretty short, today, huh? For me, that is.
Love and Hugs, Kathryn
If there is a will, there's a way; find your way!
Sister #3282 |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Jan 25 2013 : 08:41:43 AM
Holly, I would just name the calf Hamburger. I had a friend that names his animals after meals. The pig was naturally Breakfast. My first husband said his grandmother would name the chickens after older family members who had passed on. He could never eat the chicken mowing it was grandpa Clyde or uncle Elmer.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
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Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
395 Posts
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Posted - Jan 25 2013 : 10:51:22 AM
Kathy - I will chuckle about your sledding story for several days. Thanks for the giggle. How does anyone survive childhood?
Holly - the exchange was closed yesterday so didn't get any snowpants. I hope I can find a pair before the snow melts. Thanks for sending sizes. I also like to buy girl things so let me know if there is anything your daughter needs.
Katheran - I am a dunderhead when it comes to plumbing. I used to start repair projects and when I got stuck hubby would finish up for me. Since he has had his stroke I am leary about trying my own repairs. I do have a solution to your problem. Find a friend who isn't afraid of spiders. Stand at a safe distance and walk her (him) through the steps needed to get the repairs done. Then do something for that person that doesn't involve spiders. One of the nicest barters I ever had was coming home to a home cooked meal after church one Sunday. I am excited about this weekend. Tomorrow we are entertaining a small group of the Adams' nieces and nephews (big family so plan to do this throughout the winter) and then on Sunday both my boys and their troops will come and prepare a fish fry for us. Our boys have had some difficulties with each other so this will be our first time together in our home for about 3 years.
Taa taa chickie poos. Enjoy your day and whatever weather you are having. Happy weekend |
Edited by - Thelma on Jan 25 2013 11:04:45 AM |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jan 25 2013 : 1:27:12 PM
Good afternoon everyone,
I am on early today because tonight Talie has a basketball game and then there is a varsity game that Kethry wants to go to so I am not sure if I am taking them or not. Last night we went to Dartmouth College to the Hopkins Center for Performing Arts otherwise known as the HOP. We saw the Jazz Orchestra of the Lincoln Center with Wynton Marsalis. They have a nice venue. The music was great we were in row two on the right side. Two of the teens and then Talie came home took care of the homefront last night.
It was -20 most of yesterday. Today was -10 when I arose and it is 0 now. It was a beautiful blue winter sky until an hour or so ago. I guess with the cloud cover the temperatures will rise.
Yes, I have to believe the boys behavior will improve. I think that people's behavior is like a wheel that goes around with time. The bad behavior is always there but as time passes the wheel gets bigger so the behaviors are farther apart and they alter some with each bump. When the weather is warmer again we can all go outside. it is amazing we can be very loud inside and louder outside but it is so much easier to live with when we are outside.
This is what I would suggest for the spiders. They can not live well in the cold. On a cold day take your broom or vacuum cleaner and suck them all up. I do like spiders and think they are beneficial but if it is cold they are all dead anyway.
the noise level is increasing downstairs so I had better get down there to be the playground supervisor. There are three teens as well as the small boys so the house will continue to stand.
Hugs to you all. Thanks for the bit of sanity.
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
912 Posts
fernandina beach
912 Posts |
Posted - Jan 26 2013 : 05:19:29 AM
Oh my goodness! I have just been reading all the posts and a lot has been going on. I guess I better step in and say hello. I won't talk about the weather here. After reading about all the very cold weather being talked about I almost feel guilty living here. It did get down to 32 one morning.
I had to get used to my DH being around all the time when he first retired. But now I am so happy to share my day with him. We get along well now that I am used to his friendly teasing and wanting to go everywhere with me. We have lots of laughs and he really is my best friend. As far as housework is concerned I have given up on any type of schedule. I am lucky that DH is willing to help out with dishes, vacuuming and other household chores. It does make me laugh that when I am talking to someone on the phone it always seems he starts vacuuming somewhere in the house.
Kathryn I, too, think you have a lot of patience dealing with thos spiders.
Holly, you house is so alive with the children's noise. I loved it when the grandkids were young and would come over with their noisiness. It is so quite now that they are grown.
Marianne, I love the name you suggested for the cow. All I could come up with was Homer. You gals really have some terrific names. Hamburger was a good one, too.
Bunny, I think of you and all that homework. Just hang in there, sister. The thing that used to get to me when I was in school was that I knew in my heart that some of the professors didn't read or care about my homework.
Ginny you are getting some good advice here about your situation with hubby. I, too, think a good calm discussion is in order.
It is so good to hear from all of you. We have the best ladies on our forum.
I was cleaning out my purse yesterday and realized I had a lot of stuff in it. I don't change purses usually and I just keep sticking things in there. Finding a small screw driver and an old nutrition bar made me laugh. But when I found a little bag of dog cookies that I had picked up at the vets office a couple of months ago I realized that I better clean my purse out more often.
I so love the purple tumer story. I have never made anything with an eggplant because as a child my mother made it once and it tasted awful. When I have it in the restaurants it just tastes wonderful to me. Actually eggplant is probably the only food I don't care for. Does anyone have any food they can not stand to eat?
Stay warm all you ladies living in that cold weather. My SIL says it was 11 on Thursday in NY. Brrrrrrrr!
I am going to go now and work on finishing up my cat quilt top. Oh, Mr. Kitty is being very vocal about wanting to go outside.
Have a great weekend ladies
Make everyday a celebration of the heart. |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jan 26 2013 : 6:12:38 PM
Good evening everyone,
I will be glad when this cold weather passes so I can bundle the boys up in their snowsuits and send them out the door for a good long while. The do get into things outdoors but not like in the house. C seems to be a magnet for what he should not do. If someone tells him not to do something it seems to eat at him until he does that thing and finds out what happens to him. We are working on being kind.
The wind has picked up since the sun went down. It was zero all day long. The sun was shining and the sky was an amazing blue.
I have written down all of the suggestions for the calf. When it comes out I will try out each name until one seems right. There is a young man on the next hill whose name is Homer. He was named after his grandfather. His father must have been drunk when they named him. Can you tell it is not a name I think a child should have been named? He can fix any car.
There was a chili supper at the school tonight to raise money so the circus man can come and spend a week with the children teaching them circus skills like juggling and unicycle riding and clowning. I made a batch of chili but I did not win the prize. I really did not expect to because while my chili is tasty it is not spicy at all.
Cheri is having massive hormonal mood swings. she is her own worse enemy when it comes to just letting go and accepting that there is not control over the darn things. Hopefully, they will pass soon. I need to look for something for her to ease the intensity. She did say that she is getting feeling back on the side of her knee this week from the knee replacement she had in September.
The teens are all out today and tonight. J took his car and his friends to Burlington to chill at the mall and are now playing basketball at the rec. K is at her friend's house for the night. Her friend is Vietnamese and her mother loves to cook. She asked K if she would come and cook fried chicken and greens for her. K told her she didn't know how. The mom said you black and you don't know how to cook fried chicken? K said I am adopted my mothers are white. OHHHHHHH that is good. Now the mom has looked on the internet and found fried chicken recipes and matzo ball soup recipes (because K told her we ate it) and has been cooking those for two weeks. K friend told her not to tell her mom anymore food she eats because her friend just wants to go back to eating good Vietnamese food. K had a good laugh. Talie is out with his gf. He spent the day doing basketball stuff and then went to her house for supper and then went to a movie. His gf's mother was home. We have agreed the mom and I on the parameters of them dating. Like a sibling would go to the movies with them They are both 15. J will bring T home when he comes from basketball.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jan 27 2013 : 05:49:26 AM
.. |
Edited by - doll58maker on Oct 19 2019 6:30:13 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
502 Posts

502 Posts |
Posted - Jan 27 2013 : 09:18:39 AM
Hi Friends,
I've been away from my computer and I have some catching up to do. I just wanted to check in and let you know that I've been in Colorado, wedding planning with my daughter. We had a wonderful time and we got so much done! The best part was being there for her dress fitting and to help her select her veil. I did shed a few tears of joy at that moment. I also bought a really neat vintage style mother of the bride dress...a black lace confection that makes me feel like a million bucks! The wedding will be in a mountain meadow just outside of Estes Park, CO and the reception will be in a mountain lodge. I am so looking forward to both the marriage (my future son is a great guy and I am so happy to have him join the family) and to the wedding day. Now I am back in Phoenix and it is raining, a rare even here. I will jump back in after I've had a moment to catch up on what you all have been doing. Have a great Sunday : )
Warmly, Pam
Pam Farmgirl #1075 |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jan 27 2013 : 3:50:06 PM
Good evening every one,
Gypsy the difficulty in Texas is that the fine state will allow only one person in a same sex couple to adopt. Only my name is on the paper work for the boys from Texas. In Vermont we usually do two parent adoption and then the sending state decides what to do about the birth certificate. If we are only allowed to do one parent adoption because of the rules for dealing with Texas then after the boys are finalized then we will do second parent adoption and the fine state of Texas will need to figure out how to deal with the birth certificate. Yes, you may give my contact info to the men in Austin.
Brown Babies, Pink Parents I met this woman on a cruise. I do not know where her partner is in this website. I would be glad to talk to the men this woman is closer and may know more about navigating the Texas system. I could also put them in contact with the social worker who contacted us.
Another bright sunny day with temperatures hovering around the big O. Soon it will warm up.
We had crepes for supper. Cheri put chicken, spinach and cheese in them and we put cream of chicken soup over the top. This is one of my favorite meals.
I scooped four pallets from the grain store to make a new compost bin. Now if it would warm up enough for me to want to go out and bare my hand to hold the screws to put it together.
I put a new light fixture in the bathroom today. My friend Steve who is an electrician came over to help me because the wiring instead of a black and white wire had two whites. The hardest part was fitting the fixture over the base plate because the bleeping holes the long screws had to go through were difficult to find through the insulation on the fixture. It is done and it is nice.
Sweet dreams everyone.
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
1266 Posts
1266 Posts |
Posted - Jan 27 2013 : 8:37:30 PM
I loved reading this Thelma, Thank you.
I just wanted to jump in real quick and say hi and will try to finish catching up on the reading tomorrow so I can spend more time replying to all....hope everyone is doing well
quote: Originally posted by Thelma
Having a man around the house is a comfort. You both worked your entire lives so you could enjoy this new chapter in your lives. Relax and cherish the time you will now spend together. You will be doing things together, and enjoying them. I am lucky that we can garden together, travel together, fix meals together and then linger over them, make back to back appointments at dr. or dentist, take the morning off to drink coffee together.
(((((Hugs All)))))Penny
Farmgirl Sister #3343
God gives Miracles to those who Believe, Courage to those with Faith, Hope to those who Dream, Love to those who Accept, & Forgiveness to those who Ask...
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True Blue Farmgirl
912 Posts
fernandina beach
912 Posts |
Posted - Jan 28 2013 : 05:22:08 AM
Pam, it so nice to hear that you are getting ready for a wonderful wedding. Your daughter must be so happy that you were able to be with her as she prepares for this lovely event in her life. I was very fortunate to be able to assist my daughter in her preperations for her weddng. I am still waiting for some rain here. The black clouds just come and pass by.
I am spending another busy day cleaning out that crazy sewing/craft room of mine. I did get one bag of stuff cleaned out yesterday and it is off to the thrift store today. I hate cleaning. But somebody has to do it, I suppose, so I will press on.
I was watching the Believe It or Not show last evening and there was a lady who makes things from the junk she finds in dumpsters and at the dump. Some fellow hired her to redecorate his office. She used ash cans for part of a desk and crates for shelves. I was surprised how clever she was. Patty, it reminded me of you and how well you can make things.
Someone, not me or my DH, must have reported the family two doors from me because the police were there on Friday. This is the family that has the 4 kids who never come out of the house. The man claims they are homeschooled which is fine but they don't ever play outside. Yesterday they put a "For Sale" sign up so I guess they will be moving soon. The oldest boy must be about 15 or 16 and the youngest boy is 10. The last time I saw one of the boys he was wearing pajamas and had oily, long hair. This was about 2:30 one afternoon as he was taking in the trash can. I do pray for those children.
Gypsy, I am so happy for you. With your great spirit and you being so full of life I am sure some man will come along that will be just right for you. Do not worry about his age as it is only a number. My children do not like the fact that I married a younger man and that he was not rich. They might think I am stupid but I know better. I am glad to hear that cheer in your writing.
Holly, it is strange that the states cannot get a uniform set of standards for adoption. Putting the children first and realizing the complications that happen when differences happen should be the first concern. I am so glad that C and G have found a forever home with you.
Living here in the south is really interesting. There are two restaurants here that only have fried food, mashed potatoes, black eyed peas, cabbage, and gravy for their buffet. The do add a salad bar. I went with some ladies to eat there last week and just ended up with soup and a salad. I did have some blacked eyed peas and cabbage, too. I told the waitress that I was sad that they did not serve roasted or grilled chicken.
I so admire you ladies that are good writers. It is a gift that one can express themselves so well and write with such good use of the language. I may be a talker, as some say, but I am not that good in the writing department.
Have a special day and enjoy.
Make everyday a celebration of the heart. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Jan 28 2013 : 06:00:38 AM
It is raining and snowing right now, we got about 6 inches on the ground from last night, so I am going to have to go out and shovel what I can for the mail person. They will not deliver mail if you do not shove. Bob is working, so I will try my best. I cannot do all of it, as we live on a corner lot and the street side is a 1/2 block! Good thing it is not cold. We are in for rain tomorrow, then back to 8 above zero, and below zero at night. I am thinking we will have some pretty icy roads come the weekend. I worked both Friday and Saturday, yesterday was my shopping day, so did not get much done around the house. Is it spring yet??????
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jan 28 2013 : 1:05:48 PM
Good afternoon everyone,
It is snowing and has been since morning. We have about four new inches of snow. C asked why is the sky white today and sometimes it is blue. We came to the understanding that he knew that it was white because of the snow. I think he was asking what is in the sky to make it blue. I told him it was the absence of water in the sky. I know that is not technically right. When I am not driving in the slippery snow I will take the time to explain the light bending in the atmosphere reason. It is about 25 out today. Twenty five degrees warmer than yesterday. It may be in the forties by Wednesday and then back to below freezing. We are just behind Jan in the weather experience again.
Talie has baseball conditioning and basketball practice today. He told me he could not play AAU basketball this year because baseball practice will have started. I am not crushed the AAU team costs about $300 for the season. It is an intense after season league of play. There can be four games on a weekend two each day and some times a couple of hour drive. He does not seem to be upset about it. He really likes baseball better.
Nancy When you finish your craft room you could come and dig mine out. I have some projects started that with out some sit down time I will not finish them. I do not even open the sale emails from the craft stores anymore.
Hugs to you all.
Holly farmgirl #2499
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Jan 28 2013 : 5:04:54 PM
Oh, Holly, I am doing the same with the emails from Michael's and JoAnn's. Just hitting delete without even looking! I think you did a good job with the sky color explanation. I always tried to answer without talking down to the children, too. Glad to hear you are going to get a bit of a break with only baseball conditioning and that Talie is forgoing the extra basketball.
Nancy, you are no slacker when it comes to writing! Your posts are always enjoyable. Good news about the For Sale sign! Isn't it nice when a problem just goes away? Maybe our craft rooms will just straighten themselves next!
Jan, Your weather (and eventually, Holly's weather) is quite a rollercoaster ride. Will you work both days again this weekend? Is business going well for your son?
It is so nice to hear from Pam and Penny!
Today is Dh's birthday. He is 57 and I opened the shower door this morning to tell him his birthday suit still fits! ;-) Dd and boyfriend treated him to a bluray/DVD player. He was so excited. Unfortunately, the package had arrived in less than pristine condition and I knew it had arrived due to the thump of it hitting the side of the house .... and no the bluRay player does not work. Everything BUT the bluRay part works, so we were speaking to the kids about the exchange process. It is so upsetting to have them upset. They were so excited about treating Dh to such an extravagant gift. Oh well.
time to feed the "girls" --Mollie, Sammie and Gracie --
Have a lovely evening, Marianne
True Blue Farmgirl
410 Posts
410 Posts |
Posted - Jan 28 2013 : 6:18:37 PM
Cough! cough! wheeze, sneeze, eeehhuuh (that's for "aches") arrghh (that's for pain) -- yyyooeow (that's for headache whenever I cough) I had been congratulating myself on missing the bug that DH had (is on the tail end of) - but I was too smug too soon. The past week & weekend has been unproductive, miserable and whiny. I may not have had it quite as bad as DH as the sore throat escaped me ... although I am hoarse. And we are both sick and tired of being sick and tired. He was feeling well enough this morning to go to work - so maybe it will be done with soon.
Cute, Marianne, "birthday suit" ... you ARE a clever tart, aren't you. So sorry, though, about the BluRay DVD player. I hope you can get it replaced without any hassle beyond getting it to the store.
Jan - been watching your winter weather drama. Stay warm.
Holly, I think you are about the cooooolest parent a kid could have. And I love every word you write. Crepes for supper sound great and I'm going to suggest them for tomorrow night. DS is oven roasting chicken & veggies tonight and I'm sure there will be leftovers that we can use for crepes ... or tortillas, even.
Pam, how precious that you can completely revel in, and enjoy, this special time. The wedding sounds heavenly. And, it is only too perfect that you found the absolutely perfect mother-of-the-bride dress.
Joann's? Michael's? I am also afraid to open those sale e-mails anymore! Aside from the annoying bit that I've pretty much run out of storage possibilities, I can't afford to save so much money!
Nancy, that list you sent arrived today. I laughed so I coughed - it made my head hurt -- it was SO worth it! Thank you. And, I hope that house sells really quick!
Gypsy, darlin' ... all you ever need to remember is that you should never have to change who you are for anyone ... and you can believe that if a fella has "potential" ... you'd best keep kissing frogs. BUT if there is a soul mate connection, you will be able to expand your world as will he expand his. You will feel it in your bones. You really do deserve a prince! One who appreciates your sensitivity and your artistic nature as well as your beauty. Hark! Are those white-horse hoof-beats I hear? Is that a crown atop that handsome equestrian's head? Oh My! Yes! Methinks a royal is arriving soon! Say it is true!
Hi, Penny. Looking forward to having you back here.
DH is on his way home so I'll say nite-nite. I just get worn out so quickly.
Sister #3284 - on her Tippie Toes - oxox, Darlys
Chocolate Kisses ...
That is the best ... to laugh with someone because you both think the same things are funny. |
Edited by - darlystippie on Jan 28 2013 6:19:18 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jan 28 2013 : 7:33:20 PM
.. |
Edited by - doll58maker on Oct 19 2019 6:31:15 PM |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Jan 29 2013 : 01:34:16 AM
Ah, phooey, Darlys. The cold sounds gross and annoying. Hope it moves out soon. Glad Dh is on the mend.
Gypsy, what email from Sedona?? That sounds so mysterious and exciting! Tell more when you are ready.
So, do you remember the coyote that has been lurking and Dh has been "shooing" with the help of a 22? It was concerning because this animal was making regular patrols in the middle of the morning, broad daylight and, as I said was being quite adamant about feeling it belonged here. So, as Dh and I enjoyed a cup of coffee this weekend, midmorning, said coyote walked by with a kill in its mouth. Obviously, an animal, not fowl. We thought, "Crud, one of our neighbors nine cats ..." (She had already lost all her chickens.) So, the coyote will not be making this pass again. And, it wasn't a pet, it was part of one of the female deer. :-( Circle of life, I suppose. Just not in my backyard. This coyote was walking within six feet of our pool. BTW, our neighbor is thrilled. And, I guess, so are her cats.
The BluRay player arrived by USPS and it was purchased through amazon. So, I am hoping an exchange will be simple ...
Pam count me amongst the gals who want to live vicariously through you. Your daughter's wedding sounds like a wonderfully exciting time. Your dress sounds divine. I have never had an occasion to wear such a dress. What fun. Please share details as the day gets closer. Did your daughter choose a long veil? Will her face be covered? I always think the drama of lifting the veil is beautiful, by the guys so often kind of screw it up, you know? Leave the veil cockeyed and sticking up on one side ...
My mom got married in a suit. Her mother was a seamstress and had always dreamed of sewing her only daughter's wedding dress, but passed before the event, so she chose a suit. My MIL got married in a regular dress. She and Dh's dad had known each other six weeks, so romantic! Dh and I got married in jeans in Reno after the catholic church refused to allow us to marry because of his divorce. Dd was six when she made the observation that wedding dresses look terribly uncomfortable and questioned why a gal would dress in such a fashion. I don't think this family will ever see a traditional wedding ...
Dh and I did eventually marry in the catholic church. Our children were in catholic schools, our priest at the time was much more reasonable and we saw the value in raising our kids with a religion (although, we always taught them that you have to take what is valuable to you and leave some of the "stuff" that doesn't make sense ... don't tell the Pope._) I know you are all surprised that I don't mindlessly follow a group's beliefs. Dd was in kindergarten when our "wedding" was going to take place and, as I mentioned, attended a catholic school. Unbeknownst to me, she was announcing to her teachers, the nuns, other parents and kids that, "My parents are getting married this weekend." Hmmmm, was that why I wasn't asked to be on the Spring Festival committee? Who cares! I had such a laugh once I realized why I was getting some strange questions from some of the other mothers while waiting to pick up the children. That ceremony was very special, we had been married eight years at the time. Ds was best man, my sis was MOH, Dd stood next to me. Dh was baptized, etc. during the mass. My parents were there. They were devout catholics and very emotional. It was something that reaffirmed our union and solidified our family since I had been a "step" mom for eight years. A really great day. MIL didn't make it. She had felt dizzy a few days before. Sigh.
Well, I have taken a few strange sidetracks tonight ... but, it always opens up a path to everyone else sharing their stories, too. I hope!
Love you gals, Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Jan 29 2013 : 06:34:05 AM
Marianne, I usually only work on Fridays, but if my son has an auction or other plans on Saturday, then I will work for him. The store has been pretty slow, but it could be worse. Darlys, I do hope you get better real soon. There is so much going around, I am afraid to go anywhere right now. I shovelled snow yesterday and last night I was all stuffed up, though for sure I was in for it, but drank some peppermint tea and it cleared it right up. It is raining and sleetining out now, a big mess just getting started!!! The schools and even college is cancellsed again. Then on top of all this, tomorrow it is supposed to snow and we are in for another 5-8 inches. Looks like I am housebound again this week. The weeken back to below zero!!!! I am ready for spring, if we have one this year!!!! These pictures are from yesterday I took while out there shovelling. Have a great day!!!.JPG) 
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
213 Posts
213 Posts |
Posted - Jan 29 2013 : 08:37:01 AM
Good Morning, My Sisters! Happy Tuesday! It's cloudy, windy and 72 degrees right at this moment. Now, my freezy friends, I'm not telling you this to brag. I'm telling you all this, to say that nice temps aren't always great. Along with this temperature we have a severe thunderstorm warning with hail very possible. Also we are under a tornado watch. Now I can live with the temp, naturally. I can live with the clouds, the wind and the rain; I'm not too fond of thunderstorms, but I can deal with them. It's the tornados I most definitely can do without and in January, no less. No, I think I will pass on the twisters, thank you very much. And, boy, does the sky look ominous, right now.
I'm not going to say anything more, for right now, because the storm is covering over us really quickly and I will lose my computer until it's over, so I'll get back to you when it passes.
Love and Hugs, Kathryn
If there is a will, there's a way; find your way!
Sister #3282 |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jan 29 2013 : 12:48:07 PM
Good afternoon everyone,
Tonight I have Tai Chi and then to pick up Talie from the basketball game bus around 10:15 PM. I do not know how the children who go to school get up to get the bus by 7A some as early as 6:30 go to school all day and then play basketball until late. The game is about and hour twenty minutes from the school.
Today is overcast with temperatures in the high twenties. The snow is melting on the roof I can see the eaves dripping.
Jan for someone with new hips and knees? you do really well in the physical activity department. That is a nice long walk to clear.
Marianne I for one and am glad that you choose which parts of your religion are good for you.
Darlys I hope the nasty crud clears out of your system soon with no lingering coughs or chunks.
Gypsy traveling? Darlys has hinted twice about it now.
Nancy I do like to read about how you fill your days. and you pick out the nice thoughts to comment on.
The boys have asked about tornadoes. I told them we do not have tornadoes. They talked about three types spinning tornadoes, water tornadoes and dirt tornadoes. I think they do not believe me that tornadoes do not happen around here. I will take a good snow storm any day over a tornado.
I will tell you hours early.......sweet dreams.
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jan 29 2013 : 1:59:01 PM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 21 2019 7:20:55 PM |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Jan 30 2013 : 4:04:22 PM
So, Gypsy has a clandestine meeting set up in Sedona? Woo hoo, how exciting. So glad to hear that Darlys knows where to find princes.
Jan, you sure moved a lot of snow. I love a home with shutters. They look welcoming to me. Like the door is thrown open wide for all your friends to come on in! Your sky looks as gray as ours has been lately. Boy oh boy, I can see why you are ready for spring with that forecast you mentioned.
So, it seems Darlys' cold must be getting the best of her ... Also, Kathryn's tornado surely must have passed by now and left no problem in its is obscene to have the threat in January!
Holly, I agree that the sports program sounds like some crazy hours for students who don't have the flexibility of homeschooling. As a teenager, they need ten hours sleep. There is no way they can be alert during class or feeling their best. When dd was in her back brace, she was able to horseback ride whenever the best weather occured because we homeschooled. She was only allowed out of the brace for four hours a day. So she could enjoy her horses and clean up and then back into the contraption. Homeschooling allows alot of scheduling changes when necessary. Or when they are earned!
have a lovely evening, marianne |
Edited by - rough start farmgirl on Jan 30 2013 4:05:21 PM |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jan 30 2013 : 4:44:38 PM
Good evening everyone,
Last fall I signed up for some children's shows at the Flynn Theater in Burlington. They are during the day for an hour and cost about $7 a person. Ross and I went to one today. It was called Jumpy John Jones. I guess there are a series of books about him. He is a cat with big ears and a big head. He is the only boy with three sisters and he has an amazing imagination. I thought it was a nice show. Ross was nervous and wanted to leave from the get go but said he had a nice time. I need to get more tickets for the other shows we are to see or take one at a time to the other shows.
Today was overcast, sprinkly and in the high thirties for the weather. The dirt roads were slippery but the paved roads were just fine to drive on.
I did not realize Marianne that you homeschooled your dd. For a long time?
I think today went by in a blur. It does that some times when I have to be away for part of the day. The rest is spent in catch up.
We had meatloaf and winter squash for supper. I make a regular meatloaf but make a layer on the bottom and up the sides of the pan. Then I put cheese in the depression and then make a cover with the remaining meatloaf. Kethry says it is the best she has eaten and I should make it this way everytime. sometimes I use sharp cheddar but tonight I used mozzarella because it is the end of the month and what I had.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jan 30 2013 : 5:55:04 PM
Holly I think it is good to spend time with each child individually. I tried to do that with just my two, to take them to lunch by themselves once in a while and let them talk about whatever they wanted to. It is a good memory. I have never learned to make a proper meat loaf. My ex made a wonderful meatloaf and he put it in the middle of the pan and arranged potatoes on one side and carrots on the other and it was so good even all the grands liked it. But mine turns out heavy and not tasty.
I have been off the grains for a few days now and it is getting easier and stomach is actually beginning to settle down. Sure hope that's it, for I can do ok with just meat, veggies and fruit. Today I had a baked sweet potato filled with black beans and diced tomatoes and seasoned with cumin, then a side of roasted cauliflower and broccoli. It was good and filling and I didn't miss the bread at all.
Will see you ladies back on here next week. Have a great weekend, everybody.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
912 Posts
fernandina beach
912 Posts |
Posted - Jan 31 2013 : 05:00:57 AM
Yesterday the temperature was in the high 70's. Today's high will be in the mid 50's. Crazy weather here.
I am headed up to MA tomorrow and will be there until next Thursday. DH and I are going to visit his mother and help take care of her. She is a quiet person and not like my mom as she was in her 90's. Monday is DH's moms 95th birthday. His younger sister will probalbly be coming for the celebration. She is on a cruise right now and will drive from NY on Monday.
I was hoping that with the cataract surgery maybe my perception would improve. I have had perception difficulties since I was a child and driving has always been kind of hard for me. It seems that my perception is getting worse and now I barely drive. Oh well, I am just thankful that I have my sight. I was cross-eyed and had ampliopia when they operated on my eyes at 2 years old. After many years of eye exercises my eyes are able to track together but the perception was always very limited. Things perceptually can be quite amusing at times. There was one time when I thought a sign was on the top of a truck but in fact it was a sign behind the truck.
We had lots of veggies last night for dinner and will again today for lunch and dinner. I didn't know that we would be going to MA so quickly and bought califlower, green beans, zucchini and broccoli at the store last Monday. Some of it I may be able to freeze after cooking but I think we can eat most of it by tomorrow afternoon.
Gypsy, I am glad to hear that leaving out the grains is helping you. I also have problems with grains but sometimes I just crave them so badly. Usually I will just go and get some almonds or walnuts and that helps.
Holly how nice that you can spend that quality time with Ross. I wish I had made those special dates with my kids when they were little. We went places but didn't have those special times going out. I did play a lot with the kids. I still like playing with children as they are so in the moment.
You meatloaf sounds so good. When Kethry gets older she will always use your recipes when cooking as they are so good. Did the boys enjoy the meatloaf?
Mr. Kitty is nagging to go outside and I need another cup of tea.
Enjoy the weekend my dearies,
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