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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Oct 28 2014 : 09:33:47 AM
Bunny, every artist has that same experience. The trick is to write it down as soon as you can or write down clues that will remind you.
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Oct 28 2014 : 11:29:43 AM
Auto-correct is kind of the new word puzzle of our day!!
Oh man, Marie, that is quite a stain. I hope it isn't a favorite item. Bet it was fun getting that pumpkin into a plastic bag!
MIL is settling in. Fritto, the weiner dog, is on a strict DH-imposed diet. He had trouble getting her harness on her because she had gotten so fat. MIL says she won't eat dry dog food. Guess who likes dry dog food now. Well, maybe not "likes." Guess who will eat dry dog food now! MIL was buying dog food (wet) for finicky dogs. DH told her that a dog that fat cannot be considered finicky. MIL loves the little stinker and the dog is of course, cute as the dickens. She just needs to be smaller to stay healthy. And MIL does want her healthy because she does adore the dog.
So the Saga of the 1987 Mercury Cougar. This is(was) my MIL's car that she really wanted to bring with her when she moved. I understand why. We all feel more comfortable driving a car we are used to and I think that gets more ingrained as we age and perhaps become a bit more nervous behind the wheel. DH mentioned that a rear wheel drive behemoth was not the best choice of cars for the weather here. And the car was very old, although well-maintained and very low mileage - about 70K miles on a 27 year old car, another reason not make a 1300 mile trip in this vehicle. And I thought it was all settled.
Then DH started cruising sites where these Mercury Cougars had been refurbished into "Cool Cats." And thought, "Hmmm. I've always wanted to have a cruising car. Mar and I could go to car shows and long drives..." Mar thought the idea stunk.
I mentioned how much more comfortable everyone would be in, say, a rented minivan. Plus, no one would have the worry of whether such an old car would make it.
To be continued... Mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
820 Posts
820 Posts |
Posted - Oct 28 2014 : 11:54:17 AM
hi everyone! sorry its been so long but it has been so busy at work trying to get the new system up and going. think we are finally making it work. so sorry to hear about the problems--will be praying for everyone. been very depressed but am starting to feel better and will try to catch up with all the pages i missed by next week. love you guys! janiee farmgirl #390 |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Oct 28 2014 : 12:26:37 PM
Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 17 2019 7:28:40 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Oct 28 2014 : 4:29:51 PM
Gypsy, I want tickets to that final showdown. Should be good entertainment.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Oct 28 2014 : 4:30:02 PM
Good evening everyone,
Well, Fairpoint Communicatons went out on strike the day after I posted last. We have not had internet service at home since that last day. Apparently, many other people have not had internet and some people have not had a land line since then either. Remember in the summer when we did not have service for 23 days? They still have not credited our account for that missed time.
I am on page 186 reading. I am at the library and note that when I arrived I thought I had a full battery and find that I am down to a third.
big change Mar to have MIL living close to take care of. I hope it is an easy transition for all involved. I hope that the chocolate man is not planning any conventions until she settles in.
I like your nice long post Mel. Good to be chatty and post long ones for the rest of us to read.
When I wrote about the pig almost setting me in the mud I meant for you to laugh and am glad you almost peed in your pants. I know that my writing is coming through as I meant it and not flat.
I did not know that your youngest was on a ship, Bunny. I hope it is a good time for him. I knew someone who was in the navy in Viet Nam and he said the most exciting thing they did not their long sea voyages was to stand on the bridge and see who could pee the furthest downwind.
The pigs and cows went to the butcher shop on Saturday. Hersey weighed 840 pounds hanging weight. The biggest pig was 324 pounds hanging weight. There will be a lot of fine bacon in three weeks when they come back in the vacuum sealed packages. I am glad they are all gone, now i do not have to worry about the pigs escaping or the cows strolling down the road.
I am going to close this post so it does not get lost as the battery winds down.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Oct 28 2014 : 4:46:07 PM
Good evening again,
One year I made leaf women for the porch. We had Talulah Baghead, Agnes Baghead and one more whose name I can not remember. They were all movie stars in the silents and early talkies. I think Agnes may have been the mother on Bewitched.
I hope that Patty's sister will heal now. It s****s that the other driver was basically indigent. I hope Patty that rest is available to you soon. I am glad the wedding went well. I hope there are many happy memories for your son and his new wife.
By now every one who was away is back home. Breaths of relief.
The muse comes in many different dresses. I am glad yours is back Bunny.
I have no advice about male dogs marking territory. I have been thinking in the last several weeks that if I get another dog it will not be male.
At herb camp we made bow drills to start fires. Mine worked! twice! It was very exciting.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - Oct 28 2014 : 7:14:01 PM
GG--I bet B is glad to be back in Texas. Canada had to be cold this time of year. It's about to get hotter with ex-SIL. I'll pass on tickets. Marie--I used to read horror-scopes. There's a reason why I call them that. I was in a hospital once and I was under or over medicated--don't remember which--and I was hallucinating. I read a horoscope that said:"Beware of anyone whose name starts with D, N, or W." I thought it was weird but then, I was pretty out of it. Five minutes later I was in a meeting with three social workers whom I'd never met before. their names were David, Nancy, and Wenzel. I walked out of the room. I found the newspaper with the horror-scope I'd just read and it said something entirely different. Then I realized I'd imagined the first one. But it freaked me out. You can tell this as a scary Halloween story if you want to. Bunny--one way to jump-start your creativity is to go on an artist's date. Like when I went recently to hear the two authors read from their works. You do it for yourself and it doesn't have to cost anything. It can be as simple as going to the zoo with a sketchbook or doing yoga outdoors. Just something new to get those creative juices flowing. Mar--those wiener dogs are prone to obesity. It's good to put him on a dry diet. I have an aunt and uncle who fed their dog fried liver and lettuce everyday. That's all the dog would eat. And she was rotund (so were they). Waiting to hear more of the cross-country car story... Holly--I just bought some pork steaks from a farm where the pigs were pasture-raised and fed organic food. They tasted great but there was a lot of fat on them. I want to get some bacon but for some reason it's not listed on their website. Maybe I'll call and ask. Is internet service hard to get in Vermont? There are some places around here out in the country where you can't get it. I think it's silly they put up a cell tower in a nearby park that is supposed to look like a tree. Trouble is, that kind of "pine" only grows out west, not in the midwest. Do they really think people won't notice? I'm livid with this ordeal involving the guy who hit me. Can't go into detail but it seems like I've had nothing but trouble since he hit me. It's like with Patty's sister--all it takes is some careless driver to totally mess up your life. You can be as careful as possible and some idiot will still find you. And there are lots of idiots out there. Cindy
"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
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True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Oct 28 2014 : 7:42:21 PM
GG, so glad you were able to get some good evidence you have improved B's life. It must be nice to know you have been such a positive influence.
Holly, what a nice feeling to know you have full freezers for the winter. My youngest is only on a ship for two weeks. They are doing a training along the east coast and then he will return back to base in North Carolina. With so many women in the military now, I don't think peeing off the side of the ship would go over too well.
Mar, glad DH has taken over MIL's dog feeding. I hope it helps. I hope you can work through the marking around the house.
Today was a good day in the sewing room. I have one dress almost done. I need to work on some purses too. I have some coats my mom gave me I'm thinking of upcycling into purses. Oldest son is having girlfriend issues all ready. She is giving him mixed messages. She saw her x at a fair they went to and he has a new girlfriend. Thankfully he is busy for the next two weekends so maybe she will realize how much she liked having him around.
Holly, you little fire starter you! Great skill to have.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Oct 29 2014 : 5:02:16 PM
Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 17 2019 7:30:05 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
873 Posts
873 Posts |
Posted - Oct 29 2014 : 9:10:03 PM
| glad your B made it home safe and sound and that y'all had a fruitful conversation....what's for dinner? Any new info about your lil' house?
Bunny.....sons and girlfriends.....don't ya just want to strangle some of these females.....they don't know when they have a good guy! I'm a Mom to two boys also and I want to just run in and save them! Can't do that but it sure would be nice! So happy for you and the trajectory that your business is taking! Woo! Hoo! for you, kiddo! :)
Holly... sorry to see the problems with the internet....I have ATT U-Verse and it's a bit of a pain sometimes is slower than when I had DSL! I suppose if I had a fortune I could pay for a faster speed but that isn't possible, so I live with it's present inadequacies. I envy you all that fresh meat from your butchering! The stuff you get in the grocery store nowadays certainly doesn't have much resemblance in taste to what I remember from my Grandpa's farm. And the price of Organic is just untouchable. How are all of your kiddos doing?
Cindy.....:) You are sooooo right about all the idiots out there! I guess they are out there to keep the rest of us on our toes!! LOL is the MIL settling in? Hope you get the lil' pup to stop marking his territory........maybe once he realizes this is his new home he will settle down. My Jake is good at home but it never fails every time I take him to my sons' house he will inevitably do something. And I am at a loss at how to prevent it! Oh well, c'est la vie (spell?) How is the arrangement with the neighbor girl working out?
Marie....hope you were able to get the rest of your chores done. How is your crochet class doing at school? How many students do have participating this time? Hope Lowell isn't giving you too hard of a time......were you able to figure out some way to take care of that huge stain on your table?
My best to all, Mel Sassy City Girl with Farmgirl Fantasies! |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Oct 29 2014 : 10:32:14 PM
Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 17 2019 7:31:38 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Oct 30 2014 : 09:27:16 AM
No idea.
True Blue Farmgirl
820 Posts
820 Posts |
Posted - Oct 30 2014 : 11:51:06 AM
hello gals, still have not read all of the pages but have at least started trying. "dollmaker" i am so impressed with you. You inspire me with your thoughts and adventures and i am starting to think about kissing the frog! truth is i have been severly depressed since my brother's death and have just now this week started getting my "maryjane" back on. I have a dear friend who told me that every time i thought about what i might could have done to have prevented it to say out loud" there is nothing i can do now to change it and at the end of the day the result is the same. he is gone" and that actually seems to help some. my brother in law called me last night to tell me that he had shot "my' deer and it field dressed at 175 lbs (basically 100 lbs of edible meat) I am so excited! am planning a short trip to oklahome around thanksgiving to pick it up. my other brother and i are going to naruna this weekend (so far) to clean up mom's grave and to "bury" glen. we both think that is what he would have wanted. i have been going crazy during the depressed time trying to figure out what craft to do - i still cannot do any canning because i still do not have a functional stove/oven top but i totally forgot about dehydrating! and with this new deer meat coming i am going to try my hand at making jerky. and my remaining brother gave me another one burner heater to use so i might try my hand at some water canning. I am still testing the one burner heater to make sure the heat stays the same. i also need to finish up with sorting the fabric so i can finish up some quilttops i found and start more. i tried to do some crocheting for babies but it makes my hands hurt too much. well, i guess this is my break from work! I meant to mention the lady whose sister was losing her leg. My dad lived for over 60 years with a wooden leg and he was great with it. I am so sorry that she has to go thru it and it doesn't seem fair -sometimes bad things just happen. cindy! what a horror story! that is so strange. i am sorry about you getting hit too and having so many problems. will be praying for your health. holly! i miss you! love the stories and how you tell them. everyone else and anyone i might have missed....hugs to all of you! janiee farmgirl #390 |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Oct 30 2014 : 5:35:39 PM
Continuing saga of the 1987 Mercury Cougar...
As Dh and his mom left the home that he had been raised in and she had made her home since 1951, they decided to cling to the good memories and embrace the future and their little adventure they would have by driving from Chula Vista CA to Vancouver WA. A wrench had been thrown into the plan about four days before they left when MIL found out that her older brother (91) was not doing very well. The man had fallen and suffered some confusion following the fall. So, they decided that although this uncle of dh had been completely unconcerned with his family for four decades, MIL wanted to check on him. So an addition to the trip was planned.
The first stop of this journey was at MIL's sister's house for goodbyes, dinner, a good night's sleep and some parting laughs. Dh's youngest aunt lives in San Diego, a very short distance from Chula Vista. The next morning the twosome set off with high hopes, a packed almost-vintage car and a slightly obese weiner dog. The car performed flawlessly through stop and go traffic in LA and sailed without a hiccup over the dreaded "Grapevine" - a steep grade in Southern California that has gotten the best of many cars! Well, flawlessly, may have been a stretch of the truth. The air conditioner worked for only about 45 minutes and the passengers would have been much more comfortable if it hadn't conked out. But, nevertheless, everyone was feeling pretty good about how they had conquered The Grapevine.
As they continued up I-5 through California, it was darn hot. Having the windows down was the only option, but it didn't help that much. They stopped in Los Banos, CA, where the car made a "WHOOOOOOSH-BAM" sound and lost overdrive. It didn't completely cripple the car, just slowed it down to 56 mph.
To be continued... |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Oct 30 2014 : 9:27:57 PM
And the plot thickens............darn, this is worse than waiting for the next episode of The Good Wife.
We watched a Stossel show tonight about the government spying on all of us, said all our telephone conversations are taped and they can turn on our cameras in our computers and iPhones even when they are off and spy on us. Pretty creepy stuff. Did you know you can buy your own drone and spy on your neighbors. Yet they can't find the ISIS dudes wherever they are.
There was a wonderful story in the local paper about a little dog whose master was taken by ambulance from his ranch about 20 miles out if town and someone flagged the ambulance down to tell them the little dog had gotten on the running board and was riding with them on the outside of the ambulance. he would not leave his human. What a story. They let the little guy inside so he could be with his human. They put a picture of "buddy" in the paper and he sure was a cutie. The guy was ok and they all ended up back home safe and sound. Gosh I love a heartwarming story like that.
Janiee, we always second guess ourselves when something bad happens. When my brother died, he had asked me to come that weekend and I had told him I had to take my papers to my accountant because it was the end if March but I promised to come the next weekend. The last words I heard from him were of him saying, well, I know you need to take care of your taxes in a sad tone. I ended up overnighting my taxes because he died that Thursday night and I was there that weekend after all but he was gone.
We simply have to control our minds not to go to the "what ifs". Life can change in a nanosecond. We have no control over how things play out. We must take pleasures where we find them, or as Holly says, moments of joy, for pain is sure to visit us again and again.
So Mar, how is DH handling things now? And how was the elderly brother who fell? Does he have anyone to look after him?
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Oct 30 2014 : 9:36:35 PM
"A man," wrote 19th century author James Allen, "sooner or later discovers that he is the master-gardener of his soul, the director of his life."
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Oct 31 2014 : 01:21:57 AM
Beautiful quote...
The Saga continues...
After losing overdrive on the Cougar, dh continued to drive. He and MIL had a few laughs about how friendly the Californians were, everyone giving them that "special" wave as they blew past the pair of them traveling at the breakneck speed of 56 miles an hour. That evening they were still in good spirits and planned to head on up the interstate at that slower speed, which by the way was significantly impacting the cougar's mileage.
The next morning's report was that for some reason the top speed had lowered to about 52 miles an hour and since the air conditioner was not working, neither was the defrost. Not having the defrost proved to be very inconvenient since it was raining steadily. Since the coupe had too humans and one madly panting dog, the condensation on the inside of the windshield was difficult to keep up with. But, MIL did her best with a rag. The windshield wiper, which had had very little use in drought-stricken Southern California, choose this point of time to de-laminate. The rain was coming down steadily so there was no choice but to pull over and sit out the downpour for a few minutes.
This point in the trip found them on their "side trip" to see the elderly uncle. Instead of continuing to head straight up I-5, they were now taking a jog west towards the NW tip of California along the Pacific Ocean. Which meant mountains and switchbacks. The mountains weren't good news for the transmission and the curvy road was treacherous without good visibility. And the car was getting louder.
In fact, it got so loud that dh pulled over at a truck weigh station and turned it off to take a look under the hood. Once the Cougar got a taste of a rest, it didn't want to start again. After thirty minutes rest, dh got the car started again. By now, there were no plans to refurbish this diamond in the rough. They continued through the mountain pass towards Eureka where a lovely young lady named , Alba, was patiently listening to me beg her to keep the Enterprise rental agency open a few minutes later than normal because I was "sure" they would be there any minute.
To be continued...
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Oct 31 2014 : 09:15:40 AM
Bet the DH was very Grateful for cell phone and cell Service! Geez that must have been misery for them. I'm sure this was not the least bit funny at the time! I feel sorta guilty for giggling as I read it, but you are such a great storyteller, mar. I can see those impatient drivers with their rude one finger waves. Yet these same people will flash their lights at oncoming drivers to warn them of the radar traps. Never have figured that one out.
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Oct 31 2014 : 9:31:33 PM
Ok, people! Start posting! I'm counting the views. 
Edited by - doll58maker on Oct 31 2014 9:32:23 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Oct 31 2014 : 9:38:52 PM
Mar, I'm loving your story as usual. Did you know Los Banos means essentially " the bathroom. " my son and I always laugh at what would have caused someone to name a town that.
I'm back sewing like crazy. A friend gave me a bunch of clothes that were her mothers. They are all plus sizes 20 and 22. I finished a jacket the other day. It looks pretty good for a size 22.
I went to the movies tonight and saw St Vincent. Very good movie. Had to pull the hanky out.
Nite all!
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Nov 01 2014 : 11:37:55 AM
Bunny I looked at the online trailers for that movie and I'd like to see it. Thanks for mentioning it--I didn't know what it was about
True Blue Farmgirl
873 Posts
873 Posts |
Posted - Nov 01 2014 : 12:08:19 PM
| are so funny! :)
Well.....late bulletin......North Texas 'really' did have the arrival of a cold front. It was 48 when I walked Jake this midday! Supposed to be 63 as a high! It is glorious. But the normal high for this time of year is 73. So this could be a an omen of things to come....cold winter for Dallas, maybe? Beautiful sunny day though!! We had an easy summer, not many 100 degree days so I guess it's payback. We just really need rain to break this drought! May get that next week after the hurricane hits Mexico on the west coast. Okay....I know, I know.....enough of my unsolicited weather report!!! LOL ( It's GGs fault) She wanted a post! :) go you have Twitter and Instagram and Facebook? Nowadays that social media stuff is a great marketing tool!
OK Mar.....stop letting us hang!! PLEEEASE! And what's 'the rest of the story' as Paul Harvey would say!
My best to all, Mel Sassy City Girl with Farmgirl Fantasies! |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Nov 01 2014 : 4:33:09 PM
Paul Harvey wouldn't have taken longer to tell the story of the trip than the actual trip itself. It has been very busy with mom and I am often interrupted. Often interrupted.
Well, dh and MIL made it in time to meet dear Alba at Enterprise. They rented a car that they were sure would fit all the things they had jammed into the good ol' American Iron of the Cougar. Mom stayed in the cougar, which of course was never to be turned off again, while dh rented what he reported was a Camry. (It was a Corolla. "Deets" as dd and I like to say. Short for details.) Dh transferred everything to the rental, returned to the cougar and told Mom that she was to follow him to the wrecking yard so they could drop off the cougar. She said, "I don't want to drive the rental!!" He said, "you wanna drive the cougar?" So she followed him through six green lights and they left the car and all pertinent paperwork and keys (this model had a combination door lock so it was possible to leave the keys in the vehicle.) Took down all the information for the establishment so they could call on Monday and let the owner of the wrecking yard know how fortunate he was to have this vehicle gifted to him. While dh was writing the note to the "new" owner of the cougar, it gave out one last gasp and flung the serpentine belt which controls power steering, brakes, air conditioning and who knows what else...
They decided to call it a day and not try to see Uncle John that evening since they were exhausted and evening isn't usually the time of day to catch a ninety-one year old at his best. They bought alcohol on their way to their hotel, by the way.
The next morning they visited Uncle John. He was very alert, quite in his right mind. Hadn't seen dh in 41 years, but when his caretaker said, "Your nephew is here to see you." Uncle John asked for dh by name. They stayed six hours, knowing they probably wouldn't enjoy Uncle John's company ever again. He is taking baby steps of a very frail man, using a walker, wheel chair. Will soon have overnight care. He has some devoted neighbors who are family to him. They are doing a great job of caring for him and we will now keep in contact with them. Everyone felt overwhelmingly better having this time together and the peace of mind a surprise visit gives you about seeing the true care that is being given.
While they were visiting, dh was regaling the neighbors (who are like family to Uncle John) with the story of the POS cougar. (His phrase, not mine.) The man, Kendall, couldn't believe that dh had just left it at the wrecking yard. Dh said, "Do you want it?" The man most certainly did want it,even knowing all the list of things that were wrong with it and happened to have a friend with a flat bed truck. Within minutes, Kendall was merrily on his way 84 miles one way to Eureka to pick up this gem. I couldn't get the title mailed to him quick enough on Monday.
Dh and MIL headed towards Vancouver midafternoon and I saw them about nine pm. that night. Was it only a week ago?
And our portion of the Saga of the 1987 Mercury Cougar has come to an end. I do wonder what is in store for that car now that it is an official vintage car.
mar |
Edited by - rough start farmgirl on Nov 01 2014 4:34:17 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Nov 02 2014 : 1:53:55 PM
I wrote a post last night and it's not here today. I think if I try to post right when the Internet connection drops off it goes to cyber heaven. I said, mar, at least it's not parked in your back yard. Loved the story. Holly must be having Internet problems too.
We have another cool overcast day and one more tomorrow then it's supposed to rain. We sure do need rain so I hope it happens. We have to work outside while the weather lets us and then we will start painting inside. Interesting how we work so hard to fix everything for the new owner yet it's been fine for us all this time and we bought one where the owners just moved out and fixed nothing. Sound familiar Mar?
I wonder how Jan is doing. She is going to love Florida.
Gathered Up: Over 50 Farmgirls  |