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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jan 21 2013 : 5:07:19 PM
Good evening everyone,
Talie said the dance was not that great. He enjoyed being with his gf but the music was not good and there were not enough people there for his likes.
I bet that peach tree is a beauty. There is nothing like the first flowers of spring to bring joy.
C and G are learning to put their eggs right into the carton and carry it with the top closed. It is a good chore for them and they are still happy to do it. and excited to bring them up to the house and show them off.
I read a book once on what women should do when their husbands retire. It said whatever you do on the first day of his retirement he will expect you to do everyday after that. They gave the example of making him a special lunch. They also talked about husbands wanting to go out to lunch with the wives and their gfs.
Marylyn, I am so glad you dropped on to tell us you are still among the breathing. I do wonder you know.
Yes, Ferdinand is steak and hamburg. very delicious too. Coco is due in the middle of February and this year is an H name. We are soliciting opinions. Something unusual or a bit funny.
This afternoon Kethry and I took C and we went to the material store that is closing and moving sale. I ended up with $329 of stuff for $142. I bought some sheer material to make summer curtains and some shiny white material with varying size dots on it in bright colors to make birthday bags. Then assorted beads, ribbons, window markers, glue and other trinkets that I might find useful. The store is almost empty now. The new store is almost where the store before this one was thirty years ago. I do not know why this one is moving. It might have to do with the Walmart that is up here is a relatively small one and they are petitioning to make it into one closer to the size of a super store. So, the material store may have been sized out of the complex.
Temperatures were below zero at rising and a high of twenty in the middle of the day. Overcast most of the time. The man who is logging said the ground might be good and stiff but so is he in this weather. He said our first check from the sale of the timber will be coming soon. We will put it in the land tax account so we can pay our town taxes this fall.
Anyone heard from Jan or Phyllis or the woman whose name is eluding me right now who lives in the apartment likes to do cross stitch and moved to the midwest from California. Geez It makes me crazy I can remember details but not names.
Tomorrow night is Tai Chi.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
395 Posts
395 Posts |
Posted - Jan 21 2013 : 5:54:40 PM
Oh where oh where has Thelma gone-Oh where oh where can I be? I am right here in North Iowa trying not to freeze to death. It was 14 below last night and 0 today. Colder again tonight. Last week we were in the mid 20's. I have just finished reading several pages of your posts and I really have missed you kind, caring, loving gals. Right now Lily needs to go out and hubby wants me to watch tv with him so will post more tomorrow. I love you all my chickie poos. sleep tight |
True Blue Farmgirl
526 Posts
526 Posts |
Posted - Jan 21 2013 : 6:09:16 PM
AWWW - Thank You Darlys for telling me I'm amazing! It brightened up by otherwise irritating day! Also, I am a big fan of Downton Abbey and Castle! Even David has been watching it with me, at least the last two shows. That or he's bored silly. Truthfully, I think he's trying to fix the damage he has done to our marriage. He has been so nice and done so many nice things for me. I was going to talk to him this weekend but a very big issue at his job didn't get resolved on Thursday like we thought, so I figured I would wait until next weekend when it does.
David is actually the #2 guy at our County Jail (official title is Jail Program Director/Assistant Administrator). The Administrator and the Jail Clerk were "suspended with pay" before Christmas for stealing money from the inmate account! I tell you, you just can't make this stuff up in Downeast Maine! Why would you do that? Steal from inmates? Unbelievable. It's a long story so I won't bore you with it, but here are a couple of links to the news articles about it if you're interested. So life has gotten really strange at work for him of course and I'm not going to bring up our marriage until this is settled. They fired the Clerk on Thursday but won't decide on the Administrator Bob until next Thursday.
Yes Pam, get that lemonade recipe from Darlys! We loved her special lemonade on our journey up the East Coast and in Rio last year!
Nancy - Another good laugh for me was reading about how your water in the bath was different then the kitchen, lol! My Mom finally figured out to wash the kitchen floor when we were all in bed or she'd get up before everyone else and do it. She still does only I bought her a Shark Steamer now! And to think, she has a cleaning woman!
Kathy - I hope your hand starts to get feeling back in it soon! that must be so strange not to feel your fingers or what they are feeling! When you mentioned getting ready for your green house, I envy you. It's about 10 degrees here right now. I have 9 catalogs to go through of seeds! They started sending them to me before Christmas which I was surprised by. I don't think I have ever gotten one before Christmas before.
Again Darlys - thanks for the belly laugh, lol! Threatening your male grandchildren!
Marianne - You do write so elequently! I had to laugh at your DD however with her "surfing" the icy hills! Wish I lived closer to Holly, I have a huge toboggan in our shed I think the boys would love. About 6 people could fit on it!
Penny, So sorry to hear you had to quit your job, but you deserve far better! And you will get it, very soon! Stay positive and do a lot of positive thinking!
Here's a story about tricking a 7 yr. old into eating. We had a friend's 7 yr. old over to eat one night & I said I was making chili and A.J. said he hated chili. I said "Do you like beans? He said yes. Do you like hamburg, he said yes, I said do you like tomato sauce, he said yes, I said, well that's all Chili is!" He sat down and eat all of it and loved it!
I've been very busy. I decided to paint the bedroom before moving into it and putting up the new bed. I switched rooms around so I could buy a new bed and not have to sleep with David figuring he could stay in what is now my office as we took the two twin box springs from our old bed and put mattresses on them so we have two twin beds in here. Needless to say Holly, he's in the new bed too! I have two lower disks torn and they are torn in such a way I can never have surgery. So instead of lots of Christmas presents, I decided to buy a TempuPedic bed. However, I can't afford a $3000.00 bed so I bought a good foam bed similar to it from Overstock. I LOVE IT! I can see why my sister splurged on a real TempuPedic! This weekend I went through stacks of papers, redid my files, got all my tax stuff together and ready to do, and am just trying to catch up on lots projects I never get done.
We were going to go to Ellsworth Saturday but we woke up to snow and it snowed all day, about 5 inches. Sunday it got up to 45 and melted the five inches a lots of other snow we still had. Today we woke up to 7 degrees, now it's about 14 and they are calling for snow late tonight and tomorrow. Maybe I will get a snow day from work and get one more day to play catch up. My BFF showed a picture on her Facebook page of their weather map and they were having -30 - -45 in the midwest (Mpls.). Her daughter who is a teacher and grand children didn't have school today because of the cold. I told her to be sure and keep it, lol!
I will spend this week getting ready for the fundraiser. Now you know why once again, I haven't been on here. Just busy playing catch up!
Good night ladies!
Ginny Farmgirl #2343
"I always have a wonderful time, wherever I am, whomever I'm with." "Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally won out over it." Both by Elwood P. Dowd (Jimmy Stewart) in the Movie Harvey
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Jan 21 2013 : 6:17:39 PM
I have been so busy lately, trying to get some of my unfinished projects done. Finished a rug and a knitted shawl. I am now finally getting things put on Etsy,now that I got a new camera for Christmas. That is time consuming listing and taking pitures. It seems to wear me out. Thelma, it is cold here too. Right now it is-13 degrees with the wind chill of -29. Supposed to be colder tomorrow. We had rain last week, believe it or not, then snow, which is good, at least we have some ground cover so hopefully the water pipes do not freeze. Holly, It sounds like the boys are adjusting well and enjoying collecting eggs. Do they sleep well? I cannot catch up with all of you now, but do hope you are all doing well. Have a great evening, and stay warm!!!!
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jan 21 2013 : 7:41:06 PM
So good to see you gals posting. I will not complain about the weather here after hearing about all those freezing temps where so many of you are. Wow! We are getting ready for spring. I bought 2 pr of long johns on sale since winter is over and they are half price. Holly if the catalog you got from Texas was for wildflowers, they don't require any care, they are like weeds. Just sow them in the fall, maybe they tell you to do some other stuff but here we just throw the seeds out and enough of them germinate that we then get flowers year after year. If we get good rains in the fall we will have beautiful wildflowers in the spring. I was trying to think of a name for the cow starting with H but you've already got hamburg so the only thing I could think of was hot dog and they are usually pork, aren't they? Thelma and Marilyn, glad you could at least stick your noses in and let us know you are still around.
My daughter tapes Downton Abbey and we watch it together later. We just this evening watched the Sun nite episode. I enjoy it but don't think this season is as good as the prior 2. Have you seen the signs popping up all over the place that say "Free John Bates". It's on Pinterest. I would like to see a little more romance between Mary and her new husband, can't think of his name right now, but we waited 2 seasons for them to get together and now they are like stuffy old married people. Maggie Smith is priceless. Ginny, sounds like never a dull moment around your place. You know by the way hubby is acting that he is wishing you would just forget everything. If you really want to do that, maybe a non-confrontational talk would be in order. Just to clear the air. Me, queen of marital advice, with 2 divorces, ha.
Wishing everyone a good night and a warm bed.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
395 Posts
395 Posts |
Posted - Jan 22 2013 : 08:45:00 AM
Weather - we are having a heat wave in Northern Iowa this morning. It is 2 degrees out there. Giggle I love the four seasons so I guess I should stop complaining about weather conditions, It is just that I hate being cold. Sledding - When we were kids we had plenty of sledding hills on the farm, but our favorite spot was about a 20 minute drive to "THE HILL". It was steep by Iowa standards with a small creek at the bottom. Someone have removed the hood from an old car and hauled it up there. Now with the hood turned upside down we would get as many kids as possible on that thing. When we got to the bottom the boys would show off by pulling it back up the hill. Well one time we had a few to many kids on ( I was in the back and fell off) that car hood went lickity split down that hill and right into the creek. We are lucky that no one got hurt or froze to death by the time we got back to town. That summer, when the creek was low, someone went there and pulled the hood out. However we were changing from preteens to teens and sock hops, boys, and princess phones became more important that wet wool coats and mittens. Retiring hubbys - ladies, ladies, ladies! Having a man around the house is a comfort. You both worked your entire lives so you could enjoy this new chapter in your lives. Relax and cherish the time you will now spend together. You will be doing things together, and enjoying them. I am lucky that we can garden together, travel together, fix meals together and then linger over them, make back to back appointments at dr. or dentist, take the morning off to drink coffee together. Well, you get the idea. I also want to note that I still have my hobbies and circle of friends and he has his. Love your mate and enjoy the time you have together that you have both earned through hard work and sacrifice. Ok lecture over. Hope I didn't step on anyone's toes. I guess this is important to me because Darwin had a major stroke shortly after he retired. He is now in good health but does not speak without great effort and is weak on his right side. I could have been a widow in May of 2006.
Have a good day |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jan 22 2013 : 09:19:46 AM
Great advice Thelma! You Rock!!
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
361 Posts
361 Posts |
Posted - Jan 22 2013 : 10:32:59 AM
Thelma as Gypsy says you rock!! DH had a small stroke in August. and he just about drove me silly(okay sillier) the couple of weeks i had to stay home to be with him. he was so adamant that he had to get back to work. he is only 52. but you are so right, so often the last few months the thought that i could have so easily lost him hits me, and scares me so much. it is hard for him to talk also, and it is frustrating for both of us. but i have had to learn to step back and realize, things are differnet and we have to work with what we have, because we still have each other.
Some dreams are worth the risk it takes to make them real.
Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footsteps on the moon. |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Jan 22 2013 : 4:14:10 PM
As usual, the subject matter here is so pertinent to my life. DH gave notice last Friday at work. He is giving them four weeks because it takes so long to get someone to interview, etc. And frankly, the company probably won't be able to replace him even that quickly. We always said that once the children were grown and out of the house, if we still liked one another, he needed to stop the travel... Seems we still like one another! It is a dream come true for me to think we will always be together. And by that I mean, each night we will sleep in the same time zone. I don't assume we will be attached at the hip. But, we do prefer one another's company to pretty much everyone else's! We laugh and say, "Has our marriage worked despite all the travel, or because of it?" There were times I felt like a single mother. We were separated for extended periods and moved SO MANY times. Always for his career. But, we have seen so much of the US and some of the world because of his job. The kids have lived all over and can honestly say they can find something to love about anywhere. We saved and lived below our means so that he could retire early. He is 56. He does have his certification and license to dispense hearing aids and I think he might work part time doing that. Together, we would like to do some hearing aid refurbishing, etc. for people who can't afford some of these expensive models.
So, while talking with my MIL this morning, she asked me if I ever mopped my floors. I figured the best way to answer those types of questions is just straight forward. I said, "yes." I guess since I just gave her a straight answer, she didn't know how to proceed with whatever the planned follow up was because she just sort of sputtered a bit and I changed the subject.
Oh darn, time has gotten away from me. I must go feed. I will finish chatting with you gals later!
Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Jan 22 2013 : 7:27:47 PM
It is now -113 degrees out. The schools are closed again, so I know I will not be going out again tomorrow!!! Do you believe it is supposed to get up to 35 degrees on Monday? I may have to dig out my shorts!!! LOL!!!! It will feel so warm, like summer. The wind chill this morning was -32 degrees!!!!! Hope all are well and staying warm. Have a great evening, I am going to warm up under the quilts on the bed!!!!
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
395 Posts
395 Posts |
Posted - Jan 23 2013 : 07:46:25 AM
Hang in there Charlotte you will will relax as time goes on. It took me a long time, but now I am in a safe place because I know whatever happens will happen and there will be nothing I can do to stop disaster.
Marianne - is your husband the "chocolate man"? You are going to love having him around, and in the same time zone. Best wishes on the new chapter in your life book that the 2 of you are about to write.
Really Janet 113 below zero! For your sake I do hope that is a typing error. It is warming up here also. not much, but enough to make a difference. After reading posts from the past few weeks I am so wanting some lemonaid or to smell those peach blossoms. It will be early May before the Northern Iowa turns awesome. With Easter being in March this year we will still be going to Sunday services in our winter clothing.
Holly, what size snowpants do you need? Also what size shirts do your 3 munchkins wear? I am going to the exchange tomorrow with some of my "pass alongs" and will exchange for boy clothes if I have the sizes. Let me know.
Taa taa ladies of the chicken coop variety. It is time to clean a little so I can sew alot after lunch.
Edited by - Thelma on Jan 23 2013 07:53:32 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
213 Posts
213 Posts |
Posted - Jan 23 2013 : 08:13:54 AM
Well, now I know what you all have been talking about your posts disappearing before you have a chance to post it. The one time I did not use word to write and then transfer...Argh!
I will attempt to recreate what I wrote...attempt, being the operative word.
Ginny, your story about the 7 year old eating chile reminded of an incident that happened with my ex. It was either just before or just after the birth of my son (my first). Yes, I realize that was a long time ago, but this is one of those memories that doesn't grow dim with time. I had bought an eggplant one grocery shopping trip and when he arrived home he went into the fridge to get his fist of many beers and saw. He proceeded to forcefully inform me that was not ever going to eat that "purple tumor thing" that was in there. I just shrugged and let it go. A couple days later I prepared eggplant parmesan for dinner, not knowing what to expect, but with no intention of volunteering any information until asked, which he did not frequently do. He arrived home and exclaimed at how good the house smelled. He proceeded to sit down and eat to large helpings, never once asking what it was. Now, I must interject with a little notation, here. I had spent my whole life preparing meals for a much larger family and had not gotten used to cooking for just the two of us. Needless to say, there was quite a bit left over. He came home for lunch every day specifically to have more; he continued doing so until it was completely gone. Each time raving about how wonderful it was. Upon consuming the last of it and after his usual rave he asked the million dollar question, "what is it?" My response? "That purple tumor thing." The look on his face was priceless.
That incident gave rise to what my children later dubbed "my sneaky cooking technique". My daughter was the worst eater when it came to anything green; vegetables, spices, even fruit. If it was green she refused to eat it. So, I would bake "green foods" into their sweet treats and favorite dishes. I dried them in the oven then ground them up and added them to the mixture. She never caught on until one day when she was about 16 or 17 and came home from her friend's and caught me at it. She thought, when she caught me that I quit and I did, for a while...but what she doesn't realize, of course, is that I still do it, on occasion, to this day. lol
Let's see....what was next. Oh, yes. The weather. While all our northern and eastern girls have definite precedence on the complaints of the weather, I too have a small bone of contention on this subject. The constant shifting of the temperature from cold to warm is not making me very happy. For example, last weekend it was sunny and in the upper 60's; everyone had their doors and windows thrown open. Monday, however, did not make out of the 30's. Again, today we are supposed to get near or right at about 70ish, but tomorrow, once again, it is not supposed to make it out of the 30's. That simply is not enough time for my body to make adjustments. No real rain to speak of either. We had that one storm a couple weeks ago, but nothing else. We are going to shrivel up and blow away if this keeps up. Ooooo, easy weight loss, cool!
One last thing, I wanted to share with you, my friends (heavy sigh). When my hot water heater had an issue on Sunday I had the feeling that this was a pre-cursor to another, bigger disaster hiding in the wings. (sigh again) I was right. ; / I came home last night to water gushing out under the house beneath the kitchen. Luckily, it was inside the house; I think that would have made it much worse. I could not find the main shut off to the house, so I called my friend to ask her (it is her house after all). she told me the only whole house shut of was at the street (the meter), which, if you're caught shutting that off it's a thousand dollar fine. No one was at the city, however, for me to call, so I called my SIL again. He came out after dark and shut it off at the street (after you finish reading this I do expect you to eat it and forget what it said...) That slowed it down, but did not stop it, as I discovered this morning. My SIL also climbed under the house to see if he could find out where the water was coming from. He came in the house to tell me what he found. The plumbing issue is not too difficult to fix; my friend (the homeowner) said they had put what's called a "sharkbite" fitting onto some plex pipe or hose. This is what failed. Fortunately they are not expensive and they just snap on, so the actual repair is easy too. The major problem, however, is that there is an infestation of a demon horde; fiddleback spiders, aka brown recluse. (shiver me timbers). This means, of course, that I have to figure out how to get rid of this demonic invasion before I can even find out what size the fitting is, so I can replace it. That means no water until that time. Then I have to figure out how to esplain to the city that the valve at the meter is faulty without telling them how I know...and the plot gets thickerer and thickerer.
There you, girls, that's my adventure of the month, year, decade....I am going to war and I will not be taking any prisoners. >; /
Love and hugs all,
If there is a will, there's a way; find your way!
Sister #3282 |
True Blue Farmgirl
395 Posts
395 Posts |
Posted - Jan 23 2013 : 3:46:28 PM
Oh my gosh Kathryn, sounds like you are plumbing deficient as am I. I don't mind spiders, but here we just have daddy long leg type spiders. My granddaughter is afriad of them so I spray my foundation a few times a year to keep them at bay. Now if there were snakes down there I would be moving out! I know what you mean by the up and down of the temps. It is driving me crazy too. I either put on to much clothing or not enough. "that purple tumer thing" sure makes a great story. giggle taa taa for now |
Edited by - Thelma on Jan 23 2013 3:48:04 PM |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jan 23 2013 : 5:36:06 PM
Good evening everyone,
Gypsy once said that I am so busy but I make time to post on this board. You all are my sanity. I know that however awful or chaotic or happy my day has been you are all here for me.
Thelma I think you win the cold evening of the week award. We have gotten to ten below so far. The weather guesser said today that this evening was going to thirty below but my thermometer is outside in the dark so I may never know because I am not going to get up in the middle of the night out of my nice warm bed to turn on the garden light to look.
Ginny I think David has a lot of apologizing to do and you should take your sweet time accepting if that is what you want. You take control and set the terms. I have a big dog you could borrow to sleep on the other side of the bed from you so you can decide who sleeps there when.
The boys are all small for their ages. snowpants would be size six to fit seven to grow a little. They wear small children's shirts and size six or so sweatpants. thank you for asking.
Jan I am glad you are just busy and not sick or anything nasty.
Marianne Congratulations on your dh's retirement. I am glad you both get along so well after all these years. It is nice to here that there is life after work.
Thelma you and Darwin are to be envied for your continued love through all the good times and bad and all the years.
So, after reading Kathryn's post about the problems with fixing her water leak I am so glad for the cold weather. No nasty spiders that bite at my house. Too dang cold.
The boys are adjusting better each day. With that said as they become more accustomed to being here and in turn not want to leave or be abandoned again we have more sneaky behaviors to deal with. C melted a plastic flower pot on the window of the gas stove in the north end of the house. It set off the fire alarm three times as it melted off what I could not scrape. He infuriated ds 18 and dd 16 today by pooping his pants on purpose twice. the second time right after ds had cleaned him up. He has been doing time outs on the stairs frequently these days. G is so into protecting and running interference for C it is clear he has been doing it a long time. I have told him several times he does not need to do it anymore that it will be ok. C is a year older than G.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Jan 23 2013 : 5:36:32 PM
Thelma, It sure was a typo, it was -13 degrees. That is cold enough. We are supposed to start warming up this weekend into next week.Now they are saying 35 next Wednesday with RAIN. Do you believe that? Talk about weather change. I am really starting to get cabin fever though. I have not been out of the house all week, and only twice last week. I work Friday, so that will be a treat to get away for a few hours. Am going to get into my pjs and watch some tv before bed. Have a great evening,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
467 Posts
467 Posts |
Posted - Jan 23 2013 : 6:14:12 PM
Evening sisters. Temps here in Maryland went from 48 on Monday to 25 on Tuesday!! 22 today. Went out to feed the chickies & let them out into the garden, and found the water in their dispenser totally frozen!! Jenny ran it into the house to defrost & refill & both of them stuck their little beaks in right as soon as she sat it down. I forgot about that. Guess we'd better get water heater for their water bucket.
The snow sled stories reminded me of when my daughters were younger, oldest daughter "decided" who would sit in front while she sat in the back of a long toboggan. The driveway had iced over and she knew it. It was a very long driveway that was slightly steep, and it curved to the right. They all settled into their places with oldest daughter in back, middle daughter in front & Jenny in the middle. They pushed off, screaming as the sled began began picking up speed. Suddenly, the sled hit the iced part of the driveway just as they all tried to lean to the right to turn the sled. At the bottom of the driveway, the sled went airborne as it hit a bump where driveway met the road, crossed the gravel road & flew, all three girls screaming, arms and legs flailing, right into a huge pine tree. Middle daughter ended up stopping the sled with her face and still has the scar to prove it. Afterwards --- long afterwards --- middle daughter confessed that she sort of knew what would happen. That's why she positioned herself last. Middle daughter, who had the front seat, later told me that it was a blast right up to the moment her face hit the tree!!
Don't we all wish we were kids again? Where did I put that sled? It's supposed to snow tomorrow.........
Hugs and Squishies!!
Farmgirl Sister #3983
Take care of the land and it will take care of you. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jan 23 2013 : 6:30:12 PM
hello everybody, we had high 70;s and sunshine today. Kathryn it sounds like your weather is similar to ours. It goes from hot to cold and back again. It confuses the trees. Your eggplant story is priceless. I have been lazy and just typing in the box too and you can't go back a page to see who said what or you lose it all. Plumbing problems is the curse for the single woman.
Ginny you should take Holly up on the offer of the big dog. Would give you instant authority! I agree with Holly, the man should be big enough to at least apologize and show some remorse for hurting you like that. Otherwise you will always be waiting for the other shoe to drop. Been there, done that.
Janet, have you already got a motor home or do you get to go out and buy one? I'll bet during these long cold winters you are dreaming about where you will be when you get to go RVing for good. I would pick Arizona or Florida for Dec and January for sure. I have a friend who lives in Canada and he finally has his work so he can go to Mesa AZ for the winter. He was telling me about having to shovel the snow off the drive in front of the garage and it would be piled up 9 ft. along the sides of the drive by the time he got it all shoveled off. Thelma it sure is good to see you posting a little more. You are always so upbeat you make the rest of us feel better about everything. We lost Annika, looks like, along with some others. Maybe they will come back again. Marianne, I am so happy for you that you and DH will get to retire and enjoy each other and your life together. Sounds like you have a nice place there and he's probably been too busy to enjoy it much. Now if the MIL issue would take care of itself you could have a nice life. I don't know what you do about somebody like that. Sounds like you are doing a good job of deflecting the meanspirited behavior. A simple yes or no and nothing else is a good idea. She must be a very unhappy person. With my first one who was like that, I finally just ignored everything like I didn't even hear it. Let it go right over my head and not rise to the bait. Then she would say hateful things about me to my husband. We finally just stopped going around them at all. And where is Bunny? Buried in homework?
And yes, Charlotte, Thelma, Marianne, Holly, those of you in happy loving relationships--count your blessings - you are in the minority it seems. I was listening to Janis Joplin and in one of her songs are the words, "freedom is the word for nothin left to lose" I think there is some truth to that so its a good thing to remember when the going gets a little rough. I would trade my freedom for a loving relationship any time. But if I ever do it again, it will have to be absolutely and totally right. Good night all,
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 21 2019 7:15:29 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Jan 23 2013 : 8:46:38 PM
Kathryn, you have so much more patience than me. When I lose a long post I have a grand hissy fit and don't post until the next day. Good for you for hanging in there. Your weather issue does not sound fun. People tend to get sick with temp changes like that.
I love your purple tumor story. Priceless!
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
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Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Jan 24 2013 : 09:05:33 AM
I think a bunch of us must have been posting at the same time. When I posted there were no other posts after Kathryn's long post and now I'm at the end of the line.
Gypsy, I'm here. Yesterday was my long day at school. I was happy to get all my homework done last week and one day of sewing too. Now I have to get started on my long research project. Not looking forward to it at all. I'm actually hoping to make it longer than the teacher required just to give him as much work as possible.
Well, time for work. Thankfully a short day. Only 3 hours. Later all.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
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Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
361 Posts
361 Posts |
Posted - Jan 24 2013 : 09:56:34 AM
i know that our relationship is a rare one. my DH is my best friend. and i keep reminding myself that there is no one else i would rather spend my life with. that does not mean that there are not days i would like to give him a good rap up side the head though. :-)
Some dreams are worth the risk it takes to make them real.
Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footsteps on the moon. |
True Blue Farmgirl
213 Posts
213 Posts |
Posted - Jan 24 2013 : 12:30:12 PM
Good morning Gal Pals! I have about 15 minutes before the next patient comes in. I have been printing new forms all morning and re-designing some. I need a break and I thought of you all. ;D
Thelma, I am not a complete dunderhead when it come to home repair, but plumbing is more of a mystery to me than most other things. My father was quite the fix-it man and I often accompanied him, so I did absorb a few things. I am an avid researcher, though, so I can find out about things I don't know. Once my friend told me what king of fitting set-up it was, I went right to the computer and found how it worked, where I could get it, and how much it cost. In this particular situation, my greater problem than being all thumbs, is the crawling under the house with the spiders. Being "single" most of my life with no one I could depend upon for these things and no money for fix-it guys, I had to either figure it out myself or not repair it at all. Tools, of course, are always a problem. In doing household repairs, I quite frequently, found I needed a tool that I did not have, then once I got it, I would never need it again, so if I could live without, whatever it was needing repair, I simply wouldn't repair it. This one has to be repaired, though, I need water and I will probably have to do it myself. I just have to deal with the spiders first, so I can get under there to remove the part; lucky for me, it just snaps off, supposedly. We shall see.
I just haven't been able to come up with a way to get rid of the horde without using poisons; I can't live in my house if I use poisons. I have some diatomaceous earth, which would work, ordinarily, but it won't work when the area is wet and as the water is still running...
Gypsy, you are right, it does confuse the trees and other plants. I have some bulbs along the sidewalk and they started growing during a couple weeks of warmer, spring-like temps and then we had some freezing and they died. I don't know if they'll come back when it is actually spring.
Kathy, my brothers and I used to slide all together on one giant toboggan and funnily enough, I was the one always placed in the front, hmmm. We did crash a few trees...repeatedly, but I always bailed before we hit.
Bunny, my patience is subjective; there are times when even the word 'patience' in not in my vocabulary. For instance, I have a terrible problem with dropping things and because of my twisted spine, bending is difficult. So when I have dropped something again and again and again, then I can usually be heard, at the very least, screaming several words I try hard not to say, but that can also be followed by me chucking whatever it is across the room. lol
Well, it is no longer morning; we had a couple walk-ins for refills, a few phone calls, a problem with the lab, and the lens of my glasses popped out, AGAIN. @#*&%^*#@
Oops. There are those words, again; please pardon my fertilizer mouth.
All this talk about relationships...I, like The Gypsy Woman, am an expert on what should be, but have never had. I have had two marriages and one marriage-like relationship, but did marry him (thank goodness) and they were all disastrous. I have good new about my second marriage: After a 20+ year separation, I am finally getting my divorce. lol I think it's time.
Ginny, don't be discouraged. Don't let him get away with treating you badly; it sets a precedent that you do not want to become a habit. If he is truly remorseful then he will change the behavior, if not, he will repeat it. I don't know the history, here, but that is my advise. If it is a repeating behavior, then...well, you can make your own decision, but no one can continue to treat you badly without your permission.
Love and Hugs, my friends,
If there is a will, there's a way; find your way!
Sister #3282 |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
True Blue Farmgirl
526 Posts
526 Posts |
Posted - Jan 24 2013 : 4:56:23 PM
BRRRRRR - Janet, Thelma, Holly, we all need to stay warm and inside! With the windchill here today it's been about -25 and won't get much better for a couple of days, temp about 5. I'm glad -113 was a typo!
Kathryn - ROTFL - Might have to go buy a purple tumor thing this weekend! Here's a quote I stole of the internet about your spider problem "Apparently their taste buds are located on the tips of their legs so they will be very adament about not walking thru or hanging out in areas that contain tastes that they do not like. They hate citrus such as lemon, orange, etc. and from what I understand the best thing you can do is to dust with lemon pledge. They also hate eucalyptus leaves, another natural way to make them feel extremely unwelcome. I read somewhere else where they do not like the smell of kerosene, the source suggested wiping down window sills, door jams and any other area that might be used as access points with kerosene on a piece of newspaper. I love warm climates but will always be a Northern girl because I have no desire to have deadly insects, snakes, or other creepy things around me. Even cockroaches drive me nuts. I'll take the cold weather over that anyday.
Thank you all for the advice and I will certainly listen well and keep it in mind. Being winter and the nightmare at his work, I'm basically just laying low. Let's face it, we've been married 30 years and together about 33 so it's not like I need to rush out. I also think he is the one who should leave if we divorce. So for now, life is ok and I'm not going anywhere.
Well, I'm off to do more cooking for the potluck. Any good recipe ideas ladies?
Good night all!
Ginny Farmgirl #2343
"I always have a wonderful time, wherever I am, whomever I'm with." "Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally won out over it." Both by Elwood P. Dowd (Jimmy Stewart) in the Movie Harvey
True Blue Farmgirl
410 Posts
410 Posts |
Posted - Jan 24 2013 : 7:29:57 PM
Kathryn -- Your card is in the mail! I am so sorry that I am late for your birthday. I could make excuses ... but that's just what they would be - excuses. So, i hope you had a wonderful birthday. I hope you can get your plumbing issues resolved. Being without water is not a good thing. But, then again, spiders are NOT a good thing unless they are out catching mosquitoes and flys or starring in stories for little children.
Holly -- love, love hearing about the boys ... and Kethry and Talesin and Ross...and everything else that goes on in your home. More about Cherie, perhaps? I actually have been considering names for the new calf. (Shows how "busy" I've been.) I have, so far, come up with -- Holliday, Hopalong, Heidi, Helga and, Hula!
Marianne, I hope your foot keeps getting better. I am so not exercising. It shames me. Mmmm .... I need to make cookies this evening. Oatmeal, I think. Well, they at least count as fiber, right? Your DH will be retiring before mine. And mine has been "thinking" about it for almost 4 years. I'm so glad now to know that June 14th is "the" big day. I expect I will truly enjoy his company.
The weather here has turned from mild and sunny to wet and dreary. I'm counting blessings that I'm not in the midwest. I hope you are tucked in good, Thelma, Marylyn and Jan. And all you ladies fending off Jack Frost's advances and sub-zero shock and awe ... stay vigilant. This too shall pass.
Gypsy, little sister, I do hope the weather in Sedona is lovely. I know the views are breathtaking! I'm going to venture a guess that the views are not all that will take your breath away. There will be so much there to appreciate. You are able to unearth the treasure in life itself. You will enjoy your little vacation, I'm certain of that! Gee, it's only a week off.
On relationships ... I have had husbands and more than a few men friends. Somehow, those gents actually experienced Karma. 'Nuff said. Now, husband #3 treats me as if I am more than perfect ... thinks I am smart, talented, pretty, nice and also thinks he has the better end of our marriage. I think I'm the lucky one - we argue over that.
Oh, hey, Ginny ... I just remembered back when I made a big pan of stuffed green peppers for a church potluck. Well, the peppers didn't hold up ... they collapsed in the pan. So I spooned Paul Newman's Sockaroni Spaghetti Sauce and grated cheddar cheese over the top - popped the pan back in the oven until it was hot and melty cheese. I got rave reviews over my Unstuffed Peppers. (Now I will slit the side of the pepper to make sure it collapses.) Have you thought of Jello salad with grated carrots, fruit cocktail and mini marshmallows? So very Minnesota Lutheran Ladies' Church Basement Social! Delightful! 
Well, my dear friends, DH has come home from work early today with a nasty cold. It's been perking for a couple of days and I've been kiss-less. Now he has gone to bed to be miserable, many hours before bedtime. I think I'll bring him a bowl of the chicken soup I made yesterday.
Sister #3284 - on her Tippie Toes - oxox, Darlys
Chocolate Kisses ...
That is the best ... to laugh with someone because you both think the same things are funny. |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Jan 25 2013 : 05:44:54 AM
So, my suggestions for bovine names are Hieronymus (rhymes with anonymous) like in Bosch the Gothic painter (weird stuff) which could be shortened to Hairy. Or Hermione of Harry Potter fame. Neither flows trippingly off the tongue ... They are both a mouthful, but that's the way I roll.
Kathryn, you are a brave soul. I would have called someone to fix that water for me. I don't like being without water. My dh will say he can live without water. He just can't live with me without water. Oh, well. I'm good for days without electricity as long as I have water.
I recognize how fortunate I am to be with my dh for 28 years now. He is my one and only husband. I, however, am his third wife. And we were in our twenties when we married. (He had a busy decade!) Oh, well. That inpacts our lives very little at this point. I wasn't officially a "Regan" until about eight years ago. Which he ribs me about every now and again. Something about sharing the last name with "all" the others made me hang onto my maiden name. Plus all my education records, etc were in my maiden name. I'm all official now. After 9/11, you couldn't "carry" different last names on your SSN and your DL. So, everything is all legal and Regan-ized.
I hope everyone has a wonderful Weekend! We are enjoying freezing rain (yuck) turning to either rain or snow ... time will tell. Marianne |
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