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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Sep 26 2014 : 9:37:11 PM
Mar, yellow dog is a good sport with letting you doll her up. Note to self, don't fall asleep around Mar when she is doing makeup. Funny how all those tomatoes squish down into nothing.
GG, glad you are enjoying yourself.
Marie, saying no is a good skill to learn. I had to take medication to be able to do it. I'm bipolar. When I was manic, I said yes to everything. Funny thing is I could pull it off years ago. Not anymore. Now I just stay home so no one asks me to do anything. I still feel the pull.
Jan, dodged the skunking big time. Good for you! It is not a fun thing. Pretty soon you won't have to even think about your family. Fly and be free!!
Holly, your class sounds so interesting. I love that you are so self reliant in so many things.
Not much going on here. I have a few dresses almost done for my store. I joined a blogging club called the mombloggersclub. Most of them are young moms with children at home, but hopefully interested in my creations.
I found out that Altered Couture is putting a red jacket I sent a year ago in a future issue. I was wondering when I would get it back and emailed the person in charge of all the clothes. She asked if they could keep it so they could photograph it.
I'm seriously trying to decide or figure out how to get my dresses into maryjanes magazine. I really think some of them would fit in well. I need to get my courage up. I'm not very good at marketing myself. Hopefully her daughters skirt has held together and she remembers me.
Off to bed. Have a good weekend everyone.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
rough start farmgirl
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Posted - Sep 27 2014 : 09:29:47 AM
Marie, The Inn is beautiful. And I think having tea there would be so special. What a great price! $15 for four courses. Such fun. The Garden Room looks so pretty. I hope you enjoy your visit. Mar |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Sep 27 2014 : 5:32:21 PM
Good evening everyone,
Another absolutely beautiful day here in tHe Green Mountains. I went to Wisdom of the Herbs school today. The teacher was remarking how wonderful it is to be able to enjoy the colors and sit in a t shirt and enjoy the warmth. Do you all remember the book Frederick by leo leoni. About the mouse who does not help to get in the harvest but takes time to remember the colors and the smells so in the dead of winter he shares those with the other mice and it makes the winter liveable. We do a sharing circle and I remarked that it is that time of year when the trees are shedding their leaves that we need to think seriously about what nasties we want to shed from our lives.
It is sort of disheartening to realize how many tomatoes it takes to make tomato sauce. How many plants would I need to plant to make enough to get us through the winter?
Tonight we had our Rosh Hashanah celebration. It is the Jewish New Year. It is a time to shed old habits or to attone for the transgressions of the past year. It is the time to make up seven fold to someone you have wronged in the past year. On Yom Kippur you name is written into the book of life for the next year. We had 40 people at the event. 10 of them were our family. I am putting the little boys to bed most of the guests have left.
Yes, Marie I did receive your quilt panel from the swap. I like the narrative that you sent as well. I like the piece and the embroidery on it. I have not been back to the swap site to post. I go there rarely. mostly in the spring so I can do the post card swap.
I am glad you kept Bill and Olivia away from the skunk that would have been a nasty middle of the night job to clean up from. I bet you do not have anything in your house currently to do the job. What a long night that would have been.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
Edited by - Tall Holly on Sep 27 2014 5:34:08 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Sep 27 2014 : 9:33:18 PM
Just a quick post. I am in South Carolina with the kids. Received a phone call today that my sister and her husband were out for a motorcycle ride today and someone hit them. So this is a post asking for prayer. My sister has been in surgery the last 4 hours and still there . Her husband will go into surgery after she is done, though the extent of their injuries are not known. She has a broken femur bone on her left leg and her right ankle had a protruding bone. Her foot appeared to have totally twisted around. Her husband has his femur bone protruding from his right leg. Those are the obvious injuries however we do not know results of body scans of yet. Please pray. It is going to be a long night. I will leave here tomorrow and head to Illinois or Ohio first and then Illinois.
Patty #1840
A rind is a terrible thing to waste. Compost.
When they had all had enough to eat, he said to his disciples, “Gather the pieces that are left over. Let nothing be wasted.” -Jesus in John 6:12 NIV Bible |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Sep 27 2014 : 11:09:06 PM
Oh Patty, that's horrible news. You must be worried sick. Sending up prayers that their injuries aren't as bad as it appears. Where did it happen? I know there are lots of drivers around here who don't "see" motorcycles. I pray that they will be out of surgery soon and on the road to recovery. You be careful driving to Illinois. Cindy
"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Sep 27 2014 : 11:27:25 PM
Cindy, it happened on rt 3, in South Roxana.
Patty #1840
A rind is a terrible thing to waste. Compost.
When they had all had enough to eat, he said to his disciples, “Gather the pieces that are left over. Let nothing be wasted.” -Jesus in John 6:12 NIV Bible |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
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Posted - Sep 28 2014 : 3:06:36 PM
Patty, I am thinking of you and your family. I hope both of them are through the surgeries and are resting comfortably. It sounds as though they will be looking at a lengthy rehabilitation. Please keep us posted.
Holly, Dd and I "celebrated" Rosh Hashanah, too. Probably sounds funny, but I hope not disrespectful to you to hear that two Catholics gave a nod to your traditions. There is something to learn from every religion or philosophy.
Today, I am (again) procrastinating re:tomatoes. So at a few minutes after 1 pm, I texted our neighbor to tell her that if her daughter (the young girl who I told you "adopted" dh and I) was available, I could groom our horses with her until about two o'clock or so and then I needed to get started on some red sauce. The mom responded that she was at Costco and would relay the info to her husband. Before I got the text that said, "She will be on her way down." I heard Audrey yelling, "Marianne! Marianne!" as she rode her bike towards our house. We putzed with the horses for the next hour and talked (listened) and then I sent her home and DIDN'T start the red sauce... ugggh. The weather is beautiful and it is supposed to rain tomorrow. I just had lunch and I think I am going to head back outside. It is too nice to be inside right now with the change of seasons gaining on us.
My sister just emailed me on Friday to tell me that the land from my parent's estate had sold and she was finally ready to close the Trust and disperse the inheritance. On October 13th, it will have been ten years since my father died... mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

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Posted - Sep 28 2014 : 4:43:44 PM
Patty, praying for a speedy recovery. Hope things are improving. Please keep us posted. I finished scanning all of the pictures, except my kids, which I want to put in order by their ages, then scan them. I am looking forward to getting that job out of the way!!!! Bunny, bet it feels good not to have school work now. Hope you are able to get lots of sewing time in. Mar, hope you get to the tomatoes before they rot!!!! I know what you mean, wanting to be out in this great weather. I have been stuck indoors, hope it stays nice for awhile longer so I can enjoy some of it soon. I have so much to do indoors getting ready to leave. GG, Hope all is well with you. Holly, Hope your weather stays nice there for a long while yet. It is not even 8 here, and it is already dark. I do not like going to bed in the dark, and getting up in the dark. Have a great evening,
Jan Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Sep 28 2014 : 5:20:34 PM
Hello everyone,
We went to the beach, but because we live where crime has suddenly increased so much they have warned everyone to exercise caution, I thought better not to say anything until after the fact. We had a great time. The weather was cloudy but no rain until late yesterday.
Patty, I am so terribly sorry about the accident. . My heart goes out to you and your sister and family. Do Try to keep us posted when you can. I am worried and I know everyone else here is, too. I sure hope they are recovering and comfortable by now. I am afraid of motorcycles. Today on the way home we saw a couple on their motorcycle have a close call in front of us. A car came tearing around us and almost hit them trying to get around us before the oncoming car. They were wearing helmets but nothing to protect their bodies. It's scary on the freeways.
Mar, congrats on getting the long family ordeal behind you. I hope your sister does right by you. I am closing my brothers estate in October and he died at the end of March. He left his house and his vehicle to my sister and I legally should have held it until the estate was closed but I had the lawyer go ahead and do the paperwork to give them immediate possession. I was rewarded by a very large unpaid toll violation on the truck while still in my brothers name, and having yo pay the utilities for her every month on the house. And other little nasties.
The headstone turned out really beautiful. We saw it and took pictures for family who can't drive out to see it.
Jan, good for you staying on task and getting the stuff gone out of your life so you can move on. I know it can't be easy.
Marie I clicked on the link you posted for the Lowell Inn (did I get that right)? I agree with Mar, those prices are amazing. Here you would have to add at least a ten dollar bill to everything on that menu.
Well, I need to unpack and get settled back in here after being gone several days.
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

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Posted - Sep 28 2014 : 5:37:47 PM
Good evening everyone,
Patty I sure hope and send prayers to the entire Universe for the healing of your sister and her dh. Is this the sister whose house burned several years ago? Safe driving.
I told the people in my herb class about my online friend who had canned two hundred quarts of beans. They were all very impressed and very envious.
I was reading the last page of posts and noticed again the adage screen door on a submarine and had another good chuckle.
I take no offense to Catholics celebrating Jewish holidays. I am not Catholic my partner is. Of the 42 people at Rosh Hashanah only two were Jewish. The rest come to celebrate. We had friends who used to come every year who were raised in a conservative Christian Sect in Colorado. The met as toddlers and eventually married and moved away from the church. The children considered themselves cultural Jews. There are good parts of most religions. We should celebrate those parts. For some of our friends our eating holidays are the closest they come to an organized religion. I do think the time of atonement between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur where you should make up to a person you have wronged seven times over gives long pause to think about our actions over the year.
Ten years is a long time to wait. You are very patient, not that there is much you could have done. Maybe your sister will be kinder now that she is not under the pressure of administering the trust.
Today at herb school we talked about root cellars and how to store the harvest. We also finished our bow drills for making fire. I did make a fire. It was not too hard once I had everything carved the right way. Unfortunately I lost the piece called the drill somewhere between the hill we were working on and the car. I will have to make a new one. We went for a walk and saw high bush cranberries. We saw willow which can be used for a pain killer. We learned that birch bark can be taken and put on your forehead if you have a head ache.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
rough start farmgirl
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Posted - Sep 28 2014 : 7:37:18 PM
GG, I agree that it is best to not announce those sort of travel plans. I hope it was a great trip.
Holly, I keep forgetting to mention that your pain reliever balm sounds MUCH better than being hit with the branch! Are you sure it isn't just that you feel better because you stopped beating yourself with a branch?! ;-) I haven't been patient about the Trust. And my sister has not been stressed. It is a complete power trip. She hasn't told me who has purchased the land -- we were born and raised in this area and the home that was sold was the house my grandfather built. Most likely I know the purchaser. And the house and its parcel sold fourteen months ago and she has not seen fit to disperse the proceeds. She said she wouldn't until The Final Accounting. I think St. Peter may be involved in The Final Accounting. But, it will be a relief to have the closure. And to no longer have my tax return tied to The Estate. Sorry for the overuse of capitals...
So, in a time of atonement should be used towards finding peace with my sister. I don't feel I have wronged her, but I have had to keep my distance the last few years because I disagreed with so much of what she was doing...
My neighbor in Spokane, not The Neighbor, but a normal neighbor who lived in a great old farm house had a wonderful root cellar. She used it very well. Are you putting one in, Holly?
I know I am late in coming to the Downton Abbey party and I know many of you watch it faithfully. So, clue me in, when is it on? How many seasons have there been? I watched the special on NetFlix about Highclere Castle. It was very interesting.
mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Sep 28 2014 : 10:24:26 PM
Mar, I've just now gotten cable after being without TV for several months so I don't know if it's on now but it was on PBS on Sunday night. Seems it was a short season tho. I think netflix or amazon prime has every season prior to this.
Wish Patty would check in. Sure hoping for the best there.
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Sep 29 2014 : 5:18:17 PM
It's raining and that means that -- for the time being -- I am all caught up on tomatoes! I gave a load away to our neighbors yesterday, but I still made another batch of sauce today. Even made some pumpkin bread. It made for an unusual odor profile. I am one of those people who doesn't like the smells of cooking. It sounds crazy, but there are a bunch of people like me. Thanksgiving is my personal hell. Add that to my list of oddities.
Hope everyone is having a great day. And I hope Patty is doing ok with her family's injuries. mar
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

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Posted - Sep 29 2014 : 5:30:46 PM
Good evening everyone,
Today was lightly overcast and wonderfully warm. I spent most of the day cutting down trees and blocking them for fire wood. The men who have a hunting camp on the back side of the property said they would cut it for us but hey it is now the end of September and it still has not been done. I made the mistake of saying we had this year's wood in and were working on being a year ahead. I guess they do not understand the concept of a year a head. Maybe they only understand getting it in when it is freezing cold and the snow is flying.
I have not put in a root cellar. I would like too. It is on the bucket list but I want the green house up first. Where I want to put the root cellar is in the side of a hill behind the house. The hill is covered with trees I am not ready to part with yet. They are oak and we do not have many oak around here as it is. I should really consult someone who knows what they are doing. I could put an old chest freezer in the ground and cover it with hay but I do not want to dig it up out of the snow each time I want to get at the vegetables. I would probably not eat them at all if I had to do that.
I am glad you had a nice time at the beach. It is hard sand you could drive on or soft sand that you sink into. Did you find shells?
Power trips are nasty. My older brother does power trips when ever we see each other. I was trying to be diplomatic about your sister. I thought I remembered that there were difficulties with her but sometimes my memory is faulty and I did not want to offend you by making rude comments about her.
Sending compassionate thoughts to Patty and her sister and her dh. I hope the bones set well.
DsT has his friend Z over. yes it is a school night. DsT says that Z will be staying for a while. He says that Z's dad kicked him out of the house. DsT was not sure why at the time he told me Z was coming to stay. Z's dad is an alcoholic but the boys do their share of weed so maybe there was that issue. We'll see how we do. Z is a nice young man. I have such mixed feelings about the weed issue. I do not want any of the children putting substances into their bodies that could harm them but there is always the adolescent rebellion thing and I would rather have it be weed than alcohol.
I agree that the salve would be much better than being hit by the branch. ROFL. I hope it works. I have other salves to finish up. Time just need some time.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
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Posted - Sep 29 2014 : 6:03:06 PM
Holly, the one thing I have to say about weed is this. People who use weed do not start fights. They don't get up and commit violent crimes. They just sit and veg... I'm with you. Better than alcohol. Clear headed is always the first choice, especially for young people. But, choose your fights.
Your memory is fantastic. You have reminded me of so many things the others have mentioned. You amaze me. mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Sep 29 2014 : 6:15:33 PM
I got all the pictures put on flash drives and cds now, all except Bob's Pictures, which will only take me a few hours. I scanned over 1164 pictures!!!! Now I am goo goo eyed and have a headache. Holly, it was cold, windy and rainy here today. Only got in the 40s. It is 39 degrees right now. We cannot complain too much, we usually have the heat on by now, so far we did not have to turn on the heat, but our windows did get closed today. My daughter was over tonight for her weekly visit. She is upset because we are leaving very soon. She did not believe we would go through with this, even after we got our motorhome. It finally sunk in to her, now she wants to come and visit. He He!!!! GG, so glad you were able to get away to the beach for a few days. Hope it was relaxing for you. Mar, bet you are tired of smelling those tomatoes, much less cooking them!!!! Patty, hope things are settling down some and your family is recouping well. Tomorrow I need to finish going through my craft stuff, then pricing stuff for our last rummage sale next week. Been so busy. Have a great evening,
Jan Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
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Posted - Sep 29 2014 : 6:18:50 PM
Things are about to get real at my house. My stepdad who has been at the VA hospital for years is unresponsive as of this morning. This is what we have been afraid of for so long. When he goes, my mom won't have enough money to pay the mortgage. She has tried to get a reverse mortgage and also tried a refinance. But no luck. Not enough equity in the house and too many financial obligations for the refinance. I'm so stressed right now. I did talk to my kids and they said they would help me with the $200.00 my mom said she needs from me. We will have to pare a few things down but we can make it with that extra money. I really need to sell these damn dresses! One sale a day will support me. I did get a sale today. I have been sewing lots of winter stuff. I'm doing my part! I need the universe, God, the source, who or whatever to do its part!
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
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True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

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True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Sep 30 2014 : 12:05:52 PM
I must be the only person on the planet who has not tried "weed". I figured if there was only one in a million whose brain would be fried, it would be me. Alcohol makes me sick and I don't like beer even though occasionally I do order a drink and leave half. At the beach this past week I remembered the drink "salty dog" , so I ordered one. Not as good as I remembered.
While at the hotel using their wifi I got an official email from Apple saying I needed to verify my email and password. So I did. Then they wanted to verify my credit card info and my SS. That was the tipoff. So I went to the apple site and there was the letter word for word. Reported as a scam. So I have spent hours changing all my id and passwords. I'm moving to a new email anyway having had the current one since 1999. It's past time. Also I'm joining DH in putting such complicated passwords that I have to have a notebook to write them down. He's restraining himself from saying "I told you so".
Beautiful fall weather here but quite warm still. We are supposed to get another little cool front this weekend.
Mar those tomatoes would never make it to sauce. I love fresh tomatoes so much I eat them for breakfast.
Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 30 2014 1:45:09 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Sep 30 2014 : 12:17:37 PM
GG, you really aren't missing anything. I haven't tried it for so many years. I hear it is very different now than when I was younger. I didn't like how it made me feel after a while.
I'm making two custom dresses from two ghastly polyester pantsuits. They are going to look very cute though. I'm rising to the occasion.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Sep 30 2014 : 4:28:18 PM
Bunny, I hope you will post pics of those outfits. BTW, that's exactly what B said about the weed.
A beautiful day here. Cool weather and rain due here by Thursday. I'm about to fix dinner. Salmon, potatoes and broccoli.
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - Sep 30 2014 : 4:44:06 PM
I'm worried. I haven't heard anything more about Patty's sister and BIL. There hasn't been anything in the paper about the accident. Anyone else heard from her? Cindy
"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
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