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True Blue Farmgirl

2428 Posts

Gladstone Mi.
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Posted - Sep 22 2014 :  7:50:16 PM  Show Profile
Hi ladies, I have been so busy going through stuff. It is kind of making me a bit depressed with having to part with so much, but I keep telling myself that it is just STUFF!!!! It has been very cold here lately, got down to 30 degrees this morning and been in the 50s. It is supposed to warm up some for the rest of the week.
My daughter was over tonight showing me how to scan pictures onto a flash drive. I think I got that figured out, finally. She has no patience with me and goes so fast, I can't see what she did. We could not wait for her to leave!!! Now I have a headache!!! LOL!!!
Patty, I went through that with my son. We ended up paying for the rehearsal dinner, plus all the drinks, and when the wedding was done, there were 2 kegs of beer left that her family took home with them. The wedding pictures have none with me and hubby in them. They have the ushers, but not the mother of the groom? It hurts, but what can you do? I hope you get things worked out for all of you.
Holly, How wonderful that you were able to go to girl scout camp. Sounds like so much fun. I need to find some activities when we get down south.
Marie, You sure have been finding some good deals in the dumpsters lately. It is surprising what some people throw away. We just brought another car load to Goodwill. We are not taking too much clothes with us, time to buy some new things once we get to Florida. Now I need to finish going through my shoes.
Darlene, That was good news to find out that they only found scar tissue. It must be a bit scary ever time you go for a mammogram though. My sister had breast cancer 10 years ago, and she still insists that she has it yet, that it never goes away, she is taking meds to block it from spreading. She seems to dwell on it a bit too much.
Time to get some zzzzs, Have a great evening,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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True Blue Farmgirl

2914 Posts


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Posted - Sep 22 2014 :  7:52:18 PM  Show Profile
Patty--wish I could offer advice but I'm about as helpful as a screen door on a submarine when it comes to MIL issues. Since my "kids" are all animals, it never comes up. But your son needs to realize it's not just "her" day--a wedding is not a "day" at all but a coming together to make a life. A healthy dose of humor goes a lot further to creating a life together than the drama of a "bridezilla" planning the perfect wedding. Just my opinion.
Holly--I've heard of Chaga. How much a pound do they go for? I know a guy here who claims he knows where hallucinogenic mushrooms grow. I found a morel (just one) in my backyard one year. I recently learned of the location of a hidden valley at a nearby state park where all kinds of unusual flora grows. I want to hike it when I'm feeling better.
Darlene--I can't imagine how scary it must be for kids when their schools are on lockdown and/or closed because some wacko is loose and dangerous. I hope they find that guy soon. When I was young, we had a neighbor who pointed a loaded rifle at me, my brother, and my friend. We weren't even on his property. The sheriff paid him a visit and he left town not long after that.
Marie--I will bring up the business about this group leader with my therapist. I don't know anyone who is actually involved at an administrative level with this organization. The only way to contact them is in person or by phone. I don't like driving in downtown St. Louis and there's no way I could explain the situation over the phone. All I know is that I no longer feel safe attending this particular group.
I'm feeling better since I've been taking the antibiotics. I'm almost breathing normally again. I picked up the latest issue of "Yoga Journal" this evening and there is an article about yoga and body image. Personally, I find that yoga helps me feel more compassionate towards my body but I know there are people who see it as a competition to have the "perfect" yoga body and develop eating disorders and exercise disorders. I went through that back in 1984 and it wasn't fun. Thirty years ago. I'm glad I learned early that being skinny doesn't mean you'll be happy.

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

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Posted - Sep 22 2014 :  8:18:16 PM  Show Profile

This is the link to sign the petition against the latest Monsanto chemicals. Please sign it and forward it to as many people as you can. They need 100 thousand signatures by October 22.

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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

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Posted - Sep 22 2014 :  8:23:40 PM  Show Profile
Actually it's Dow chemical, but same thing. This is the chemical used in Agent Orange and it has been APPROVED by the FDA but president Obama has the power to disapprove it. This is like something out of a horror movie.

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gladstone Mi.
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Posted - Sep 23 2014 :  3:16:16 PM  Show Profile
I spent all day today sorting pictures and scanned over 200 onto a flash drive. That was just pictures from my mother's side. I have only done about 10% of them so far. What a job that is, but will be so nice when I am done. It is amazing what we can do with computers. I did not even stick my head out the door. I guess it was a nice day, but I was too busy to notice if it was sunny or not. I keep telling myself that once this is all done and we are on the road, I am officially retiring!!!!! I am so looking forward to spending my time in the pool!!!
Cindy, you are so right, being skinny does not make you happy. I am learning to take one day at a time at my own pace, it is helping me get more things done this way. For awhile, it seems I was just going around in circles and not knowing where to begin.
Today is the first day of Autumn, a new beginning of a new season. Time is just flying by. Hallmark channel is already advertising Christmas movies starting Oct. 31st!!!! Makes me feel cold!!! BRRRR!!!!!!
Have a great rest of the day,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Sep 23 2014 :  6:23:43 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

The day was deceptively warm. It was overcast and looked miserable outside. It was light sweatshirt temperatures. I pulled the vines from the garden. We have several blue Hubbard squash that are five pounds or so each. I did not get any butternut squash. I did get a few buttercup and ten acorn squash. I really like acorn squash and hoped to have more than two meals worth. I guess I need to plant more hills than I have. I have a patch of parsnips that I will leave until next spring. We have not picked the carrots yet. I am hoping for very long carrots.

Jan could you do a small storage unit for a year so you would not have to make all of the decisions immediately? I guess that is the weeny way out. If you do not use something in a year you should probably get rid of it without looking in the boxes. I hear you about impatient people and teaching. C tries to show me things but then ends op doing it herself because she can do it faster. It makes me crazy because I just want to know and to be independent. This computer is easier for me to figure out things on.

I had Tai Chi tonight. I like the people in the class. I am able to do the form now from start to finish. All of the pieces are not perfected yet but I have the basic choreography. I have only done yoga a few times. I went to Omega in Rinebeck, New York for a class once and there was a yoga class that was supposed to be for beginners in the morning. Beginners could go but the class was for anyone who wanted to practice so there were many people there who had years of practice. Everyone was nice burt I wanted a beginners class for beginners. I took a jazz dance class series years ago that was like that as well. There were about 40 people in the class but most of them were using the class as a warm up for the advanced level class. I did not finish that series.
There are many different yoga classes in Montpelier. I see them advertised in the papers.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Sep 23 2014 :  7:21:27 PM  Show Profile
Holly, I was also thinking Jan could consider storing some things or asking her sister to keep a few things for her. I think it would be so hard to give up everything. Not sure I could do it.

I would like to take Tai Chi again. I took one beginner class and really liked it. I've done a lot of yoga over the years but never did any of the advanced stuff. Now that the extreme heat has let up, I need to get with the exercise again. I'm doing the one minute bathroom routine, where every time you go to the bathroom, before you come out do a minutes worth of squats and another minute of push-ups from the counter, not the floor. I'm up to about 30 each, when I first started I could do maybe 8. My left knee really hurts so the squats aren't as deep as they should be but I can already tell some difference in my arms and legs. It does add up and takes no time out of your day. Something is better than nothing.

Tomorrow I go for my physical and then I'm going to see my brother's headstone. It was installed Thursday.

I mowed on the big mower yesterday and today I used the weedeaters around the house. All this rain is really making things grow.
We are about ready for a beach break.

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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Sep 23 2014 :  10:57:55 PM  Show Profile
Jan, I think you will be happy you got rid of all your extra stuff.
Marie, that does sound like a good dive. Name brand is always fun to find.
Holly, I'm so happy to hear you were able to attend the camp again this year. The luminarias sound really pretty.
Gg, the one minute potty-cizes sound pretty inventive. I should try doing lunges. My arms are muscular, but my behind could be higher.
Dd and I got to steal another day together. It was wonderful. Involving dogs, horses, make up, vegetables and a venti nonfat latte. During dinner we started Downton Abby. Four episodes later, we both said, " I want to watch more, but I'm too tired!" Hooked.
Thinking of you all, mar
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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Sep 24 2014 :  09:10:32 AM  Show Profile
Good morning everyone.

I like the suggestion for Jan about the storage unit however, I would not want the extra cost and I know I would probably never go back for the stuff. Storing your most precious things at sisters sounds good as long as sister is willing.

Holly, I have never been a fan of butternut squash. I too would love to do Tai Chi. There are classes here but without a regular income, I'm not willing to commit just yet.

Marie, my older half sister use to dumpster dive and would find the best stuff. She would take it to the antique stores in the area and they would usually buy what ever she found.

I have been busy with my Etsy store. My views have been steadily climbing. I did get a sale yesterday. One sale a day is all I need.
My mom is going to be back on Sunday. Bummer... I was really getting use to being on my own again. She keeps bugging me about a job. But doesn't realize that there aren't any. I keep checking the paper and different websites. I need to get out of this town! It is dying. So many stores have closed up downtown. The next town over is so busy you can't get a parking place. The people here are depressing.

It started to rain today. I love the rain. Hope California gets some.

Mar, nice you are finally close to DD so you can have fun bonding days.

Off to the sewing room.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gladstone Mi.
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Posted - Sep 24 2014 :  3:25:54 PM  Show Profile
I do not plan on coming back here very often, if ever. My sister would end up giving everything to her kids, I would never see any of it again that way either. I have decided to get rid of everything that will not fit in the motorhome. The hundreds of knit hats, scarves, mittens, etc. I will bring to the Salvation Army so they can put them in their Christmas baskets. I think I have enough for every local child.
My sister emailed me today that she will be coming to town tomorrow from Chicago and will come over to pick up the family pictures. What? I just started going through them, and they are not leaving with her. I told her that I am making a flash drive for her of them, but she wants the pictures, which are going to my son. These are pictures that were my mom and dad's. My mom dies in 1979, my dad was throwing them all in the garbage when I rescued all that I could. Nobody wanted them until now, when they know I will be leaving here. I saw this sister last year after 14 years, only because she mistakenly came into my son's store when I was working. She had no idea it was my son's store, otherwise she would not have come in. She has been to town numerous times and stopped at some of my other sisters and brother's house, but never mine. I do not want anything to do with any of them anymore. Out of 10 children, 5 live here and I have not seen all but the one I go out for breakfast with in 4 years, when I had a family get together at my house. No phone calls, nothing. My sister that I go out for breakfast with, sees and hears from these people all the time. She tells me nothing for over a month after. I am just sick of it. 4 more times going with her, then I am done with them all. She is the only one that has my phone number, we will see if she calls me at all. I was at Mayo clinic in Minnesota 12 times, and not one of my family called, not even when I had surgeries there. Bob was always by himself. He is my best friend, so glad I have him.
I needed to vent, sorry!!!!

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Sep 24 2014 :  4:58:42 PM  Show Profile
Jan, so sorry about your family. I feel for you as I feel pretty much the same. I am the black sheep of my family on one side and the one that has it together on the other. I don't fit in on either side. You will make a new family in your travels. I bet you meet lots of wonderful people and will feel right at home with them.

Got all my bookkeeping caught up for the year. My Etsy sales were really good at the beginning of this year and then everything went kaput. I'm hoping with the increasing views my sales will go up too. I did have a profit so I'm happy with that.

My mom called from Utah to tell me about a job she found for me. It is only 20 hours but looks like a good job for a large national company. I applied and we will see. Not holding my breath of course. But it would be a good company to work for because they have centers in California. I could possibly transfer. It is a dialysis center. The job is receptionist and secretary.

It is raining here but warm. I don't have much energy to do much today. Have lots of plans for tomorrows creativity session in the sewing room though!

Later all!


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Sep 24 2014 :  4:59:46 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

I met this young woman a couple of years ago. She was knitting all of the hats and then people started helping her. She is now in college.

Sometimes families of origin are so nasty to each other. Some of my sons do not like to talk to some of the others and it is very hurtful to me. I hope that as they grow older they will see the good in each other. I am sorry Jan that your siblings are so self centered. I have an older brother who should have the t shirt that says Only Child with siblings.

Today was a lovely warm day. The sky was a clear blue. We had a frost last week and the red maples have started to turn the bright red to light up the hills, They are brilliant against the green of the conifers. My digital camera does not due the colors justice.

I like the idea of the bathroom exercises. I will try to remember them.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
3331 Posts

Posted - Sep 24 2014 :  7:39:57 PM  Show Profile
Families certainly do disappoint... Bunny, I think you have the same weather as we do. I keep thinking it should be cooler than it is. Holly, I miss the gorgeous colors of the northeast. Enjoy them for me! I've seen Emily before in one of the knitting magazines. She is a great inspiration. Jan, I am glad you have your Bob. And wonderful plans to look forward to!

So, dh is starting to deal with putting MIL's house on the market. We found out that although we are handling the sale and all details of the move, neighbors and some family members are approaching mom for favors and belongings. Families certainly do disappoint... Today, we found that MIL's neighbor brought her a contract from a friend who is a Realtor. The contract had a sale price, a large commission (larger than the Realtors we are working with have agreed to) and is signed by a Realtor who has never met or talked to mom. And he has never been in her home. Mom is 87. We are furious. But, mom does still have her wits about her and has repeated, "My son is handling all this," so many times she sounds like a recording. A cousin has decided she wants to buy the house. Mom wants to give her a good deal. As in, "I have to pay taxes on anything over 250K, so I would just sell it to her for that." (The market appraisals are coming in at quite the "good deal.") It is a good thing she isn't fighting us about letting us take control of all the details. Of course, dh does have Power of Attorney for everything. But, still, it is nice to not have her upset about it.

Holy Cow, Dd and I watched two more episodes on Downton Abbey. And then I finished the first season this afternoon. Binge watching!

The tomatoes are in full season. Tomorrow I think I will be making some sauce.

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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

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The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Sep 25 2014 :  12:35:23 PM  Show Profile
So, it is tomorrow... and the tomatoes are washed and spread across the kitchen counters...guess who doesn't feel like making sauce. ;-)

So, first I went to the dollar store and got a skimmer for the horse trough so I can skim the pine needles out of it. And catch the goldfish when we empty it periodically to clean it. And then I went to the grocery store for the parsley and onions that I didn't already have for the sauce. Of course, I have garlic. I always have garlic.

Yesterday when I went to bring the horses in for dinner, I couldn't find them. Which felt crummy. I double checked to make sure I hadn't put them in a different paddock. (No, I wasn't crazy. They weren't in a different paddock.) I scanned the fence line for breaks...none that I could see from this end of the paddock. So I grabbed to lead ropes and halters and headed out. I whistled and then stood terrified as I heard the hooves going over branches and through bushes. Sunny came out through the brush wide eyed and head high. And seemingly gratefully walked into the dry paddock. I closed the gate, dropped one of the leads and headed out for Tahoe. At least I knew where she was. I thought. It was close to dark and I was heading into deep brush and tall trees. And I am not the most sure-footed being on this planet. I kept calling her and stopping to listen. I could see where Sunny had torn through on his way back in, so I took that path. Finally after stopping three times to call and listen, she turned her head towards me and I could see her blaze. I was flooded with relief. Put the halter on her and turned towards the barn. The path wasn't nearly so obvious going that way... And if you step on a branch and it makes a loud crack with a flight animal behind you, you risk being run over. Tahoe is a baby and looks to us for comfort - it is kind of weird. So, even though I had made the scary noise, she ran up on me for comfort. She didn't step on me or anything, but it is just a lot of breath down your neck when you are already a bit spooked by being so deep into the woods. Also, Tahoe is younger than Sunny. Has always been more curious (hence the depth of her exploration of the woods) and much more athletic. So, as I stepped over the fallen logs/trees, she leaped. Again, she never got so close as to step on me or anything, but it just seemed to be very close quarters to be next to a jumping equine.

So, of course, everyone was fine and dandy. No harm, no foul and our family got the answer to a debate that dh and dd have been having this summer. We want to clear some paths for riding on the lower part of our property - this area that the horses were exploring. One said the horses would not go into the forested area because of the thick vines/thorny berries. The other said just let the horses have access to the area and they will graze it down a bit and cut the best trails through the property. So, who do you think was right?

Oh and the entire property is fenced along the perimeter so even if the horses kept going they would eventually run into a fence.

Ah...the tomatoes are still there.
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

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The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Sep 25 2014 :  5:30:39 PM  Show Profile
What has happened to everyone?

OK, so here it is. The tomato update. They are skinned and seeded (unseeded?) Well then, would it also be "unskinned?" Sorry, my mind wandered. And they are in the refrigerator. I'll cook them tomorrow. I wasn't up for chopping all the herbs and onions today. I am SURE I will want to do this tomorrow.

So, unless someone else posts soon, I guess we will just keep talking about my tomatoes.
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

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The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Sep 25 2014 :  5:46:19 PM  Show Profile
So dd and I have always thought that Sammie, aka Yellow Dog, needed a more defined eyebrow... What do you think of her after her makeover last week while I was visiting?
I'm dangerous with extra time on my hands.
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Sep 25 2014 :  5:52:35 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Gee, Mar I did not know I had to seed the tomatoes too. I did skin them and then boiled them down. It did look very seedy but I thought it was the type of tomato that I used. Oh, well. I guess I will end up using the couple of quarts of sauce that I made in chili then all the seeds won't be noticeable.

I hear you about walking the horses in the deepening dusk. No matter how careful or sure you are it is scary. I wonder why they decided to go for a stroll. The babies are back and safe. What would have happened if you had left them out all night?

Tonight Coco the cow and the boys, Hersey and Harlem did not come in when they were called. I had to go find them and coax them to follow me. It was dusk as well. Coco has a cataract on one eye so I was worried about her not being able to see well enough to come in. I should have taken some grain with me. I was worried about Hersey who was in the lead deciding to run a bit and knock me down. None of them has ever even attempted to run me down but Hersey must be more than 800 pounds of milk fed beef so he can really get going and something that heavy can not stop on a dime. I did run ahead so I could put the grain in their stalls before they arrived at the barn. If I put it in too early then the chickens eat out all of the corn pieces. Doesn't seem fair. I do not know if the cows notice when the chickens have eaten out all of the crushed corn.

The sky was a wonderful brilliant blue. Up until now the red maples have been changing. Today the sugar maples have started. I have noticed some of the smaller birch are yellow.

Is MIL up with you yet? It is good the chocolate man is retired so he can go south when he needs to to help his mum. I am glad she is with it enough to say, her son is handling it. She could really get rooked.

We are going to celebrate Rosh Hashana on Saturday. Tonight we ground up the horse radish from the garden. My nose is already dripping from the bit of a cold I have and using the food processor my sinuses were a faucet. the stuff is potent this year.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Sep 25 2014 :  5:56:31 PM  Show Profile
Geez Mar. You posted Sammie's picture while I was posting. I think Sammie and I must be related in the eyebrow category. Can't see mine either. DdK wants to corner me and pencil some in as well. I wonder if I should show her Sammie's picture. It might give her ideas and I might have to run fast to get away from her. She is mean with an eyebrow pencil. lol

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gladstone Mi.
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Posted - Sep 25 2014 :  6:33:50 PM  Show Profile
Well, I don't have any runaway animals to knock me down, or tomatoes to unseed, just tons of photos to scan. I scanned 336 pictures today. Tonight on my cell, our landlady called and wanted to set up a time to show the house to someone. We still have until November 1st!!!! It is only September yet!!!! I have a royal mess going through everything, boxes and totes all over, nowhere to walk. Bob is kind of upset about that. Plus I have to work tomorrow and Saturday, so cannot be here to even think about cleaning up the mess. What to do, What to do.
Mar, glad the horses are safe and sound and put away now. They just wanted to have an adventure and check out the rest of the property.
Holly, Also, glad your cows made it back home safe and sound. Poor things are getting swindled out of their cracked corn. Bet the chickens are happy though.
It has been quiet on here lately, hope everyone is alright. Maybe GG and B went to the beach?
Have a great evening,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Sep 26 2014 :  4:15:15 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Today was a lovely day here in the Green MOuntains. Clear blue fall skies with temperatures in the seventies. The bus loads of leaf peepers sure are getting a treat. The hills have lit up just since yesterday. The sugar maples have started and the birch as well.
Tonight the crescent moon is shining in the clear gray of dusk. The glow from the sun as it sets is a lovely light tangerine.

I went to the eye doctor this morning. My eyes have only changed a degree in clarity. However, they are getting older and the lens in each eye has a very slight cloudiness to it. The doc says beginnings of cataracts. I still have many years yet until the doom of surgery.

I made some salve today from some olive oil I have been infusing with first stinging nettle and then spearmint. I am hoping that it will be good for sore joints or muscles. The stinging nettle does help sore joints if you take a branch and wack several times on the joint that hurts. Apparently it hurts for a while from the stinging nettle and then the whole joint feels better. I am hoping that it will make the soreness feel better without the pain of the sting. The mint is said to be an analgesic. I hope it works. It smells good anyway.

Jan your dh has to learn patience unless he wants to come up with a brilliant solution to the sorting and tossing problem. It will be done soon. I guess the landlady is covering her a** in wanting the house rented as soon as you vacate.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

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Posted - Sep 26 2014 :  6:26:28 PM  Show Profile
Hello everyone I have read most of the posts but haven't had time to post. Just wanted to check in and say hi to everyone. Will catch up soon. We are having lovely weather.

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gladstone Mi.
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Posted - Sep 26 2014 :  6:32:18 PM  Show Profile
I did not get much sleep last night, Olivia kept wanting to go out, Bob takes her, but I have to wake him up to do it. She has been going a lot lately, so we did not want to take any chances. Well, after 3 times out, just before 5 she wanted out again. Bob got up, got dressed, was just about ready to take her out when she started growling and barking by the bedroom window. I knew she saw something out there, so I got up and looked out the window. There was a skunk out there, digging up the yard looking for grubs. They would have gotten sprayed if I did not see that skunk out there. Now Bob is very leery about taking her out in the dark. Our whole yard is getting dug up, so that tells me there must be more than one skunk out there digging at night. They are getting ready to hibernate, I think. That is my animal story for today.
I worked today, my sister that came to town, my other sister that I have not seen in 4 years that lives right here, and her husband came into the store this afternoon. They actually went to my house to get the pictures I had. Bob sent them to me. Well, I had the pictures already on a CD, so gave that to my sister and she can copy for the rest of the family. The rest of the pictures they are TSOL!!!! She was satisfied with that, so got her off my back. Got home, and right away, the landlady was knocking on the door. She wanted to know when someone could look at the house. We told her to give us at least a couple more weeks, we still have until November 1st!!!! What is the hurry? They do not need the money, I would not think, she is a VP of a big bank here, and her husband owns his own construction company. I work again tomorrow, hopefully with less drama.
Holly, Sounds like you are having a nice Indian summer there. It has been pleasant here, but 40s at night and only up to 60 or so during the day. Autumn is in the air here. The leaves are starting to fall. I am not going to miss all the raking of leaves here.
Mar, How funny are those eyebrows!!!!! Hope you don't do that to your horses!!!!! No wonder why they hid on you!!!!
Hope everyone else is doing well. Have a great evening,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gladstone Mi.
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Posted - Sep 26 2014 :  6:33:55 PM  Show Profile
GG, you posted as I was writing. Good to hear from you and glad all is well with you. Miss your posts.

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Sep 26 2014 :  6:53:36 PM  Show Profile

I have been busy and tired. Everyone wants me to do stuff for them, without pay of course. I will have to start saying no.

Holly - I would be willing to test that salve to see if it works. I have such pain in my knees that I have to push myself up from the couch with my hands.

Jan - Just tell Bob that you are handling it and to leave you alone. Men! Harumpf! Too bad your family is so stinky. I am so lucky that everyone in my family gets along. I write actual letters to my sister and I know I can call my little brother anytime and cry if I want to. My mom still treats me as if I was a little girl. I guess she always will.

Marianne - Sammie looks so distinguished with the eyebrows. It is so scary losing animals. While I was out on Wednesday night, Lowell lost Mitzi after taking her for a walk. She had ran around to the front to talk with the neighbors then ran around to the back of the house while Lowell was running around the front to look for her. The neighbors told him that she had gone back home. So while he ran to the back yard, Mitzi ran to the front. Only Lowell could lose the dog in his own yard. I also understand why you don't want to deal with a kitchen full of tomatoes when you are tired.

Lowell wants to take Mitzi to the beauty shop tomorrow and then to Stillwater. It is a quaint town on the river with cute little shops and nice natural areas. But . . . he hasn't decided yet. He wants to go out to eat there. Stillwater has this really nice old mansion that is now a hotel with a fine restaurant. Check it out.

Hope he decides soon.

Tomorrow I want to make more soup. I have to cut up the rest of the acorn squash and put it in the freezer. Then I want to do some sewing. I am making a nightgown fit me by putting panels in the sides that will make it wider. I have some ironing to do and some quilt blocks to finish. Holly, did you get yours from me?

Anyway, time to take Mitzi out for her evening walk.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
3331 Posts

Posted - Sep 26 2014 :  6:53:55 PM  Show Profile
Jan, I never thought of putting eyebrows on the pony-poo's... It sounds like you had a very hectic day. Good job on the skunk save! And getting your sister off your back. Crud, let the people see your house with all the packing all over the place, what do you care? Maybe the landlord will cool her jets then!

Holly, it does sound picture perfect there today. I am so glad to think of you enjoying the beauty.

GG, thanks for checking in. Take advantage of your beautiful weather.

The tomato update is that the massive amount of tomatoes on my kitchen counter made two quarts of sauce. And now I have to start picking again! it is a good problem to have.

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