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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Sep 30 2014 : 5:00:35 PM
I am another one that never tried "weed". I do not even know what it looks like. My family thinks I am so out of date for not knowing what it is. I never wanted to know, and made sure to steer clear of anyone involved with it. Cindy, that is weird that there was nothing in the paper about the accident. I am worried also, hoping all is well. GG, I love salmon, but Bob does not like fish, so every once in awhile when he wants something that I am not in the mood for, I will fix myself some salmon. I hate having to make 2 different meals though, so do not do that too often. Bob does not cook at all. He will not cook at all. Have a great evening,
Jan Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
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True Blue Farmgirl
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Sep 30 2014 : 7:13:08 PM
Thanks, Mel. I'm glad she wil be all right and hope the BIL will fully recover as well.
Holly, you asked about the sand at the beach, it is hard sand and there are miles of it. It's very wide and driving on it is permitted. There is also great fishing. We went to Rockport and Port Aransas, which is near Corpus Christi, Texas, but the beach goes all the way down to South Padre Island and Mexico. It is not the pretty white sand like Florida beaches, however. We took the ferry over to the island and there was a big school of dolphins putting on quite a show for us. We got out of our car and watched them all the way over to our landing. It was a nice little surprise. B is deciding he likes Texas better now that he knows he can be at the ocean in five hours. Also, he's going to Canada in a few weeks where he is sure to freeze his butt off, so I expect he will like Texas even better when he gets back.
Holly, are you learning anything in your herbal class about Artemesia, or wormwood? I have a hillside of it. It somehow has survived the years of drought and neglect and has naturalized.
Jan, let's face it: You and I are just "square" LOL.
Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 30 2014 7:20:02 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Sep 30 2014 : 10:52:21 PM
Me again. Mar, did you find out anything else about Downton Abbey? I'm wondering when their next season starts. We are doing the same thing you are, but with us it's The Good Wife. We are renting the back series and I think we are almost through the first season. Some of the characters I am not sure of, part of it I can not hear. It may be the speaker on my tv is blurring the sounds. But we find the story lines and the characters very intriguing. I'm still trying to figure out how big of a scoundrel the husband really is.
Bunny, I don't know if I ever congratulated you on finishing your school. That was quite a job but you stayed with it and pulled it off. I'm proud of you and admire you so much for working so hard. That was not easy but you did it.
True Blue Farmgirl
3448 Posts
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Posted - Sep 30 2014 : 11:21:17 PM
Popping in to say I'm square too. Never tried it. I did however tell my oncologist and neurosurgeon that they needed to give me Jose Quervo or a joint to get my pain under control! They thought it was funny but I was dead serious! I don't drink so Jose Q wouldn't work! LOL! They are considering legalizing it for medical use here. Who knows if it will pass. I'd be afraid to try it. I'm so allergic to everything. I ended up in the ER with an allergic reaction to a face cream a few years back.
I love the beach but haven't been there in years. I always feel healthy when I am there.
I love this time of year. The leaves are really falling fast. We have maple trees that are beautiful but do the leaves keep piling up everywhere!
They still haven't caught the cop killer yet. They say they have sightings of him though. Scary situation.
I love the Good Wife. Her hubby is a sleeze ball! Have any of you watched Utopia? Some of those people are a hot mess. Where do they get them? I guess it takes all kinds!
Well I guess I'll throw the dogs blankets in the dryer and get some sleep I hope!
Stay well friends.
Be Blessed and Be a Blessing, Darlene Sister 1922
God first, everything else after!
When Satan's knocking at your door, just say "Jesus will you get that for me?"
When it gets to hard to stand, Kneel!
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

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Posted - Oct 01 2014 : 07:06:49 AM
I have consumed a fair amount of second-hand weed smoke and do not care for it. When I was in the University of Minnesota marching band, we went to Winnipeg and I was on the party bus. A clarinet player named Hog (I never knew his real name) brought some brownies he had made himself. How generous! I took one and bit into it. It was dry and over chocolatey. I gave him a guarded compliment. Then I heard him say what he put in it and I gave the rest of the brownie to someone else. I had a terrible headache for the rest of the trip. Hog and I made out in the backseat later.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Oct 01 2014 : 08:15:22 AM
So, Marie, you are dead serious when you say "try every thing once ......" How funny!
Darlene I will have to look up Utopia. Had not heard of it.
Have a good day everyone. It looks like a beautiful but warm day here.
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
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Posted - Oct 01 2014 : 09:30:43 AM
So I guess I'm the druggie of the group. Probably should tell you all the things I tried. Nothing scary like heroin. More organic like mushrooms and cacti. Ok, fine, I did take acid once. It was a terrible experience.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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Posted - Oct 01 2014 : 09:59:22 AM
I meant, probably shouldn't....
By the way, my stepdad woke up. Gave us a scare. He is fine for now. Mom is being a b$&:h. I went to my rheumatologist appointment yesterday. He was great at documenting how bad I have been feeling lately to help me with applying for disability in the future. He said it is important that I take classes for pain management. He also sent a letter to my new doctor regarding my symptoms and how I have been feeling. I'm going to be diligent about documentation. That is the key.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
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873 Posts |
Posted - Oct 01 2014 : 11:09:37 AM
Speaking of 'WEED'.....actually always been 'GRASS' to me! I have a thing about words...once set in my wee bitty brain.....there it shall remain without change! LOL
Bunny not so alone!!
Acid not so much! Lester(hubby) had a cousin who dropped acid and he thought he was invincible and took a dive off of something and was killed....that was more than enough incentive to give me pause! 
Anyway, here's my the late sixties, hubby and I went to a party at the house of a friend of a friend that he worked with. We entered the house and quickly proceeded to the basement where the party seemed to be, there was a bar and a pool table. We remained in the basement for a very long time and then hubby needed to use the I stayed there and he went upstairs. He was gone for a while.....when he returned, he told me that the smoke was so thick upstairs you could practically cut it with a knife and the bathroom was full of guys and gals. Now I am not a unisex bathroom kinda by the time I had the urge it was definitely time to go!! We proceeded to go upstairs to leave and I was astounded at what I saw......there must have been 20/25 people all over the living room zoned out or passed out!! It was amazing, funny, creepy....air was unbreathable! I was so happy to be out of there! Up to this point I had never tried nor encountered any 'grass'.
But not to mislead you, I did try it later that year. I was a cigarette smoker at the time so smoking wasn't new but it was nothing like that. And I wasn't enamored with my reaction.....smell not so pleasant and I got a headache. Guess I just wasn't 'into' it enough to enjoy it....besides I am a control freak, so the idea of not being in total control due to the brain fog was not appealing to me! Hubby's view much, much different than mine! He was a free spirit! :)
I was much more open to Black Beauties(Speed). Uppers in those days.....only a few times to make staying awake for more than 24 hours possible. We had no reason to stay awake for days but what the heck wasn't everyone? LOL But that passed quickly. Never needed downers to counteract the effects. The days of 'Valley of the Dolls'! I was a temporary and responsible druggy....not really. It was more of a controlled experiment. And that's my story and I'm stickin' to it!!!
GG.....I used to live in Harlingen and we went to South Padre kid and his family came to visit us once from Florida. The kids were totally in awe of the unlike Miami Beach, with which they were familiar with. I miss SP. Haven't been back since they had to rebuild the causeway bridge due to the hurricane. I too miss the beach.
Jan and Darlene......square is just fine! You didn't miss anything and MJ smoke in your lungs can't be any better for your lungs than cigarette smoke. |
Edited by - Kirksmom71 on Oct 01 2014 11:39:13 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
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Posted - Oct 01 2014 : 2:11:42 PM
Mel, you crack me up! Sounds like you had some fun at least. I was into "seeing things that weren't there". Mushrooms were terrible tasting but made for an interesting day at the river.
Well, I have finished the two dresses. Here they are.

I think they turned out pretty good. The polka dot fabrics were funky polyester. I might try to avoid it in the future. Not hard to work with but creepy. The rest of the dresses are made from four button down the front shirts she sent.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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Posted - Oct 01 2014 : 3:02:03 PM
Here are some of my latest creations. Only the grey sweater is on my store. The rest will be soon.
The last one is my favorite. Very bright and cheery.
Anyway, that's what I have been doing the last few days.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Oct 01 2014 : 6:11:13 PM
Bunny. those are very cool! I really like what you did with the polyester.. Seems like that came along in the 70's, didn't it? I remember how nice it was to not have to iron everything. Thats why we liked it. back then it was shameful to show up with wrinkles in your shirt. By the time I was 12 I had to do all my own laundry and that included starching and ironing everything. We would starch it with that slick, snotty Niagra starch, hang it on the line to dry, then bring it in stiff as a board and sprinkle it, roll it up tight, and pack everything into a laundry bag. Then we had to iron before it got soured. When I left home at age 16, I think I had a bag of rolled up damp clothing to iron with me. I just hated that job. We also had pant stretchers for all the jeans, so the boys could go to school with a sharp crease in their jeans every day. Now nobody cares. If you showed up with wrinkled, unstarched clothes and unpressed jeans you were considered "trashy". another word from the past, eh?
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

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Posted - Oct 01 2014 : 6:32:52 PM
Good evening everyone,
I am glad to hear that Patty's sister is out of surgery and into a cast. Patty has had too many motor vehicle accidents in her family. I hope her sister and bil heal well. I hope if this is the sister whose house burned several years ago that the children are all ok while mom and dad are in the hospital.
GG we have very soft sand up here on the coast. I remember one beach where the sand was firm but people did not drive on it because their cars would spin in and get stuck. I think fall is not the time the B should be visiting the far north if he does not like the cold. We have not learned about artemisia or wormwood. We are learning about plants that grow around here. I googled artemisia and it came up on Wikipedia that it grows in temperate climates. You have won the prize for that contest, I think we are only temperate for twenty days of the year. LOL on a good note you could market and sell the wormwood on line in pretty little bags for people who want to get rid of fleas or miss the experience all together. I think I remember twenty years ago or so growing wormwood for the anti flea effect. It must have died over a winter and I have not replanted it.
Mar I told ddK about yellow dog's eye brows. She said he must have looked adorable. I will show her the picture if she comes down the hallway tonight.
I am glad to hear everyone checking in whom we have not heard from in a while. I like to read all of the comments.
DsT's friend Z is here because according to him he was at home and he made supper and emptied the dishwasher and his brother said at supper that Z would also do the dishes and Z said no I have already done these other jobs it is your turn. Dad said Z you will do the dishes then everyone lost it. Dad threatened violence and Z threatened back and Dad said leave for a month. Now Z went home tonight to pick up some clothes and Dad said stay home I can't sleep when you are gone. Z said, not tonight. Dad said come home tomorrow night. Z said I'll think about it. DsT is nicer when he has Z visit so we are not in a hurry to get rid of him. I am sure the conversation was not as calmly spoken as I have written. Dad is an alcoholic so there is that to consider. On Dad's side he does hold it together and do what ever he can for the boys. The mom is not in the picture she is an in and out of jail druggie who makes false promises and dashes hope.
We walked out to the beaver dam and ponds this afternoon. The boys had a good time walking across the dams and climbing on one of the houses. I believe the beavers are no longer in the area. We heard ducks.
Bunny the dresses are very nice. I like the first two. I would wear them if I wore dresses, which I do not except in too hot weather when I do not want to wear underwear.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Oct 01 2014 : 6:48:23 PM
GG I remember all that too! My 2nd sister never would iron her clothes. She would show up in school wearing my older sister's clothes. Flipped her out many times!LOL! The other one was always rewashing her clothes because they were sour! Those were the days!
Bunny Awesome outfits. I still don't know how you come up with the ideas. Try to ignore your mother. She's not going to change so don't let her bring you down. Look at what youv'e accomplished. Doesn't your school give you help locating a job in your degree?
Mel You go girl! I wish I would have been more of a free spirit. I also wish I had gone to Woodstock!LOL!
Marie Well the brownies sure had an effect on you in the back of the bus! Some people made brownies at a hospital I worked at. They all got sick and fired. Never found out who it was.
Jan What other craft things are you putting on the forum?
Hi to everyone and have a peaceful evening.
Be Blessed and Be a Blessing, Darlene Sister 1922
God first, everything else after!
When Satan's knocking at your door, just say "Jesus will you get that for me?"
When it gets to hard to stand, Kneel!
Edited by - HealingTouch on Oct 01 2014 6:55:48 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Oct 01 2014 : 6:52:03 PM
I finally got through all the stuff in this house, now I have totes all over ready for a moving sale. I am so tired and ache all over. Just got out of a nice hot shower, that felt good. I think I can slow down some tomorrow, I am hoping. We still have the sheds to go through. Ugg!!!! It has been cold and gloomy, no rain, but it is supposed to for the next 5 days now, snow just north of us!!!! The leaves are falling pretty steady now, I am hoping I will not have to rake before we leave. I am ready for a long vacation!!! LOL!!!! GG, I remember all that ironing very well. With 12 of us in the family and mom and dad out drinking every night, I ended up having to do most of the sock darning and ironing until wee hours of the morning. I only liked to iron when it was raining out. We had to iron my dad's handkerchiefs, and we had 7 girls, so lots and lots of petticoats!!!!! Glad those days are long gone. Holly, glad you are enjoying your company for awhile. Maybe that will keep both boys out of mischief. Bunny, your outfits get better and better. Love them. Well, time for bed. Have a great evening,
Jan Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Oct 01 2014 : 7:04:36 PM
Jan how do you figure out what to price your stuff at? Don't everybody laugh and call me a hoarder but I have beautiful dresses, suits and lingerie from the 80's. Also some formal dresses, including a full length sequin gown. And shoes. OMG the shoes!
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Oct 01 2014 : 7:13:12 PM
Mel, I loved your story. We do get on some interesting subjects, don't we! I can't remember if it was weed or grass,lol.
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Oct 01 2014 : 8:25:58 PM
I have heard it called weed, grass, mary jane, ganja and s**t. And, by the way, I didn't need the bite of brownie to help me make out. I was pretty hot to trot back then.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Oct 01 2014 : 8:50:25 PM
GG, I got a good laugh with your shoes comment.
Holly, I'm glad Z is able to stay with you for a while. Sometimes it is nice for kids like that to have a safe place to cool off. Both for him and Dad. At least his dad seems to want him around. Alcohol sure makes a mess of things.
Marie, you sound like you and I would have gotten along well in our younger days.
Jan, I think we are all amazed at all your hard work. Persistence pays off. You will be so glad when all this is done and you are freewheeling it down to Florida. We are all rooting for you!
I'm so glad Patty's sister is going to be ok. Holly is right, too many accidents.
My mom comes home tomorrow. Not looking forward to it. Thank God for the basement sewing room.
Time for bed. Nite all.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Oct 02 2014 : 04:25:19 AM
Another quick post. It is going to take me forever to read everyone's post when I have time to settle down. I am back from SC and heading to Illinois today. Sis will have her 3rd surgery on her foot today. When my mother saw her,she thought it looked like the foot was turned completely around.The reason it appeared to be twisted completely around was because it was completely detached. She was in surgery over 8 hours the first day. They were planning on doing surgery on Monday and again on Wed. However it looked as though it might be successful when they went in on Monday and decided to wait until today. If everything looks good they will remove the drain tubes and we continue to pray for healing. She is still pretty much out and on a morphine pump. My BIL had a couple of bones protruding and neck and back issues, but will be going to a rehab soon. This is not the sister that had the house fire. When I come back from Illinois I will be leaving for South Carolina. I am almost all "tripped" out with the recent trip to CT, Sc, now to Illinois, and back to SC again. Everyone tack care and I will catch up soon.
Patty #1840
A rind is a terrible thing to waste. Compost.
When they had all had enough to eat, he said to his disciples, “Gather the pieces that are left over. Let nothing be wasted.” -Jesus in John 6:12 NIV Bible |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Oct 02 2014 : 09:11:28 AM
Bunny, congratulations on the sales!!!! Hope it keeps going like that for you. Patty, Sending prayers your way. You will need a break after all that travelling for sure. Remember to take care of yourself too. I am just taking a break from a very tedious job. I am recaulking the shower, had to remove all the old caulking first. It looked terrible and I did not want to leave it that way. I have never left a place without having it in better condition before I moved in. I treat the places I have lived in just like they were my own, and take care of them the best I can. That way whoever moves in, it will be move in ready for them. Next will be the nail holes. I want my $650.00 security deposit back!!! I will post more later, Have a great day!!!!
Jan Farmgirl Sister #3340
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