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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Sep 17 2014 : 5:21:16 PM
Good evening everyone,
Today was a very lovely day here in the Green Mountains. Temperatures were in the high sixties. The sky was a lovely fall blue.
Remember I was talking about building a green house. I was going to make the stone piers. After not finding time to make them I hired them out. We used pre made cement pillars that have a six inch deep disk on the bottom and then a pier that rises up 5 feet. We will trade the labor for pig and hamburg. They are working on making the tops of the piers somewhat level. He had them set and then he put one of the 6" X 6" beam across the length and one end was two feet off the ground when it was level so they were resetting the posts on that end. The ground is on a slope which accounts for the discrepancy. We will see how they do. I think it is more frustrating than they originally thought. I find it amusing.
We do not feed our bees in the winter probably because they are sort of dormant. The bees cluster in the hive to keep warm. They only fly out on warm days to poop. They eat the honey they have stored from the summer in the hive body. I guess where you live the bees are probably more active because it is not as cold but there is not a ready outside source of food for them because all of the flowers are dead. It is good you investigated the bee situation before you got in too deep.
Bunny you outfits are very nice. I like the colors and design of the blazer. I am not much of a dress person so the fashion of them are lost on me. I hope you can figure out some way to advertise early and often so you can start the winter holiday sales soon.
Cindy I hear you about the political activity and the need to speak out. I was very active in the eighties and early nineties and then I got children and have eased out. I now try to educate the children to be aware of the need for their involvement in politics whether they like what is going on or not.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Sep 17 2014 : 6:50:12 PM
Jan, we watched a show on the travel channel about RV s from 20k to over 700k. They were unbelievable! They said there were over 800 thousand people who are full time RVers, that is their only home. So you will have lots of company. I've heard they have clubs, caravans, meet ups and lots of social activities so you won't be lonely for company. My ex and I had an RV for a while and we found all the campgrounds so friendly. People friendly and dog friendly.
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Sep 17 2014 : 7:56:19 PM
Holly and Cindy, I am with you. When you have kids, it is difficult to have the time to devote to the political comings and goings, but you still have to educate your children as to their importance. I tried to make my kids understand that often you get to vote with your dollar, too. Like supporting those small merchants that may not have the variety, but when you need something quick, it sure is nice to not have to drive further.
Bunny, love the fall line up. Snuggly sweaters are the best and yours is beautiful.
G, I still think Seattle would be a lovely place for home base for you two....
Janet, I had two mature lavendar plants here when we moved in and I added three new ones. I think they are well established and they should be growing next year. How does the saying go? The first year the garden sleeps, the second year it creeps, the third year it leaps.
So, I got to spend two nights at my daughter's house. It was great fun. We did some shopping and found great bargains...neither one of us had a lot of disposable money to spend at the moment. Her boyfriend had gifted her a $100 at a massage chain. Both she and I got massages - a first for both of us - were able to leave a good tip and got a pumpkin cake candle to bring home! It was very nice. My massage therapist was perfect for me. She never hurt me. I was a bit nervous because I have dead areas with all the scar tissue and I don't like to be pressed near the rod in my back. Plus, it is difficult for me to lie on my stomach because my back doesn't arch at all. Anyway, it worked out great for me. Dd got some nut who wants to be a chiropractor - no disrespect to that profession - just this guy. OOPS, gotta go... to be continued. Mar
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - Sep 17 2014 : 8:38:01 PM
A while back, I mentioned that I was having reservations about attending the support group that I've been going to for years. I tried going to a different one, but it was very dull and lacking in meaning. So I went back to my old one. Then the leader sent me a racist e-mail (which he apparently thought was funny) but I didn't. and I told him so. He sent a very sarcastic reply like I was the one with the problem. Here's the weird part: the second reply he sent me is now no longer on my computer. The original message, my response, his first response, and my second response, are all there but the acerbic one is missing. I've searched everywhere. It's gone. Could he have gone to my server and somehow retrieved that message? It's creepy. Actually, this guy is creepy. He has no life. He uses the support group as a substitute for intimacy in his life. I don't want to go back. He's sick. I've always suspected it, but now I know it. He looks up people who come to the group and checks their background for criminal records. I know he does cause he said so. I feel yucky just thinking about it now. They say when one door closes, another opens. I'm closing the door to that support group. He talks about other people who have led support groups and had to be removed cause they became too disturbed to continue. Well...all he needs to do is look in the mirror. There's a place in the Bible where Jesus asks a man:"Do you want to be well?" To me, that's the most important question. I want to be well. I hope this doesn't upset anyone. But I know when to leave an unhealthy situation. And the group has become unhealthy. I don't know what new door will open but I'll trust that a door will. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart , and lean not on your own understanding". Cindy
"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Sep 18 2014 : 08:45:48 AM
Cindy, you are wise to listen to that inner voice. I've always lived to regret the times when I didn't.
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Sep 18 2014 : 5:25:38 PM
Good evening everyone,
Tomorrow night we are supposed to get the cold front that is stalled over Canada. We may get a frost then. The squash indicate that we have had a little one already. A few leaves are wilted.
In my herb class the teacher has two patches of lavender. One is tucked up close to the house so it is protected from the harshest cold and the other is shielded by rocks and apparently they mulch it for the coldest times. Otherwise it is an annual.
Cindy it is good you could recognize when the support group was no longer supportive. Something will come up that will move you to the next step whatever that might be. Good luck.
We have been repairing pig fence yesterday and today. I thought when I put all those tires around the outside that we were goof for the season. I guess the pigs are getting bored and are now chewing and digging at the wire fencing. Now where the fencing was soldered to make it have squares the pigs have ripped the solders off and spread the wires to go for a jaunt. I have zip tied pallets to the inside over the holes they have been working on and put on some tires on the inside tied to the tires on the outside.
G I think you and the B will figure out what you want to do with your residence. and if what you decide is not right then you can try again.
Jan I am excited for you and your dh. No more shoveling that long walkway. or worrying about slipping. Maybe with less stress from the cold your health with be better.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Sep 18 2014 : 5:32:45 PM
Continued from yesterday... Dd massage started with the therapist shaking her legs 39 times. Not 38 or 40... Seemed like a random number. And as her massage progressed it was Pfister by, "Does this hurt? How about here?" And she had the feeling that he wasn't going to quit until he found a sore spot. Being young, she didn't have any except around her neck or shoulders. On the way home, she said she felt like she had been battered and I was like a wet noodle. It was a fun experience. I see why it is so beneficial. It would be lovely to enjoy them often.
Gg, following your gut, listening to that little voice, all this little clues that we ignore... Why don't we learn this lesson sooner in life?
Mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
520 Posts
520 Posts |
Posted - Sep 18 2014 : 6:27:20 PM
Good evening. I have attempted to try to post several times but could not hold my eyes open or was interrupted. Am going to make that attempt tonight, however it may be a short post. We managed to get my bedroom painted and a couple more pieces of furniture. I did get the insulation in the new shed and we went with some OSB for about $7 a sheet. I will put some cheap wallpaper or something on it. Maybe just put coffee filters or brown paper bags on it for a cover like I did my walls at the other house. I went to clay class on Wed. and managed to get several pieces made. My yarn bowl has quite a bit more drying to do. It may be able to go on the greenware table to be fired next week. This week I made some ornaments, necklace pendants, and a couple of garden pieces. It is a very enjoyable class. Today , with Theresa's help, we cut up cabbage and started a crock of kraut. Wow, she is fast too! It did not take us long to get it done. A neighbor gave me 50 lbs of cabbage, 100 lbs of potatoes, a few peppers and peaches. We picked some more green beans for Theresa to take home with her. And there are plenty more out there. I have found a wonderful friend here on MJF! I am so blessed that she lives close. :) We had a scare this week and thought we were going to lose our 18 yr old cat. He pulled through and seems to be doing well. But he sure made me lose a couple of night's sleep, and caused me to spend a couple of weepy days. Well, tomorrow I am going to work on a new garden bed and clean out the chicken coop. Maybe get my dining room clean!!!
Bunny- Love the man quilt and the new fashions! You are such an inspiration. Where is your stepdad Bunny. I missed out on so much the couple of years I was MIA.
Jan- My folks place is north east of you. Probably a little over an hour away. They live 7 miles east of Wildwood, where 75 splits.
Holly- Our bees never seemed to be much trouble either, but we too always had winters where they were dormant. I too like to barter Holly. I barter eggs to get my hair cut. I barter green beans
GG- Your Thanksgiving dinner sounds I have to fix a wedding cake this weekend. Practice run for my son's wedding next month. The neighbors will be happy to eat the layers.:)
Cindy- I hope you are feeling much better now. I would for sure distance yourself from any place that makes you feel uncomfortable.
Marianne- You must be keeping busy too!
Well, off to bed. Have a good night.
Patty #1840
A rind is a terrible thing to waste. Compost.
When they had all had enough to eat, he said to his disciples, “Gather the pieces that are left over. Let nothing be wasted.” -Jesus in John 6:12 NIV Bible |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Sep 19 2014 : 08:59:12 AM
Good morning everyone. It is raining cats and dogs here this morning. A good day to spend in the craft room. It's almost done but there is too much stuff. The laundry room has to stay, the mechanical room has to stay, I added a chair with my good reading light in one corner, my desk (always overflowing) in another corner, so all the craft stuff and the workspace has to share the remaining space. No wonder I was always so disorganized. I need some more pegboard and a couple of folding tables to actually do work projects on. I might actually be able to set up a project by end of day today. I need three projects going so I don't get bored with one.
The bees do go dormant here too, he said when it drops below 55 but the trouble is, it can be 55 one day and 75 the next. He may have been giving us worst case scenario. If we could borrow or rent bee suits I'd be wiling to finish the class but I'm not willing to invest another $500 and then if we want to do it, there is the expense of the two hives and the bees and at least a season of intense work and attention next spring and summer. There is additional work in the hot hot summers, ensuring a water supply and watching for pests. I think it might be a lot more labor intensive here than other parts of the country. We thought it would enhance the value of the property to have the hives and the agriculture tax exemption if they just sat on the property and did their own thing.
Have a great day everyone.
Holly you used to take a lot of pictures. You have a real artistic flare for that. Hope you're still doing it.
Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 15 2019 7:56:43 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Sep 19 2014 : 1:46:47 PM
I just knew it would happen! Someone bought the gray sweater top. I'm happy for the sale, bummed because I wanted the sweater for myself. Serves me right for making something so Awesome!!
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Sep 19 2014 : 3:30:04 PM
Mar, the trouble is that you can't always be sure what message that little voice is trying to convey. Sometimes it's so vague. I guess that's when you just " wait and see"? Or there is this vague feeling that something is not quite right but you can't put your finger on exactly what it is.
Years ago when they first started chat rooms, there was a message down at the bottom of the page that noted who entered and left the room. Remember that?
Bunny, congrats on selling the sweater. That's your cue to make another one, maybe? I went to your store and you have had a lot of sales and so many positive comments. And what a nice inventory! The slip dress is a work of art.
We've had about 4 inches of rain. My favorite husband is searching out the leaks. One by one he is getting them fixed. Note to self: Never again will I build a house on anything but a flat, level lot. Never again will I remodel. Tear down and start over.
It's not really cold yet but it's cool so I'm making the first pot of chili tonight.
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Sep 19 2014 : 4:15:50 PM
GG, I will look for more sweaters for sure! I listed it this morning and it sold a few hours later.
I just paid to be featured on another blog. It was only $25.00. This is just what I needed! I think the universe it trying to help me. I have been praying to the creator whoever or whatever it might be. I think it is interesting that I sold the sweater and then got the email about the advertising. It is a blog called mombloggersclub. I haven't gotten anything from them in years. It is the perfect audience for my dresses! Fingers crossed!!
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - Sep 19 2014 : 4:32:04 PM
Well...I checked into it and there IS software you can get that will retrieve nasty e-mails that you've sent. This guy is pathetic. He took back the original racist joke that he sent me because he was afraid I'd show it to the people who oversee the support groups. What a coward. And I DESPISE a coward. A coward is the lowest of the low, in my opinion. I've been getting bad vibes from this guy for a long time---that "little voice" was right, as it almost always is. He'll get what he deserves...all in good time. Karma. Bunny--I'm glad you sold the sweater. And it really was AWESOME. I'm still looking into buying something from you when I get my settlement. I went to the CU today and discussed my financial situation with them. they were understanding. I hope I'll get the settlement within a month...but I don't know how long these things take. GG--I"m glad that Scotland didn't secede. Seems like it would create more problems than it would solve. As for it being rigged--I tend to shrug off conspiracy theories but having been the victim of a conspiracy, I know that things like that happen. The weather is nice here. I had the day off (my Labor Day holiday) but I stayed in bed most of the day cause I have bronchitis. Again. I'm taking an antibiotic for it. Tomorrow is a local festival celebrating the river through art, music, and conservation. I'm volunteering at a couple of booths. One of my friends is performing on the stage with her group. I feel hot, like I have a fever. It's only 74 degrees in the house so I shouldn't be this warm. I just put on a t-shirt to replace the sweatshirt that I'd been wearing. I hope I feel better tomorrow. The weather is supposed to be nice. Cindy
"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Sep 20 2014 : 01:05:03 AM
Holly, How did your piers for the green house turn out? Did the young men get them to be somewhat level?
Cindy, Ihope you feel well enough to fully enjoy the festival. Bronchitis is no fun. It really makes you feel exhausted when you have to work so hard to breathe.
Dh and I got our flu shots yesterday. My arm and shoulder are really achy. The pharmacist who delivered the shot was very apologetic because she hit my bone when she stuck the needle in my arm. Twice. I was thinking, "Man, this shot hurts like heck," the first time she plunged the needle in. She said, "I'm sorry. I hit your bone, I'll have to try again." And then, hit the darn bone again. She said she should have used a shorter needle on me. That sounds like it would have been a good idea. It was unpleasant and I think it added to my soreness now.
GG, I do remember the way your screen name would appear when you entered a chat room. That was handy, wasn't it. The bee project seems like it was a big time stealer. Did you get a project set up?
I got to pick up last month's MJF magazine from the library, too.
Bunny, I think the sweater is a new product line for you! Good timing, too. Hit the gas, girl, you have another hit!
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Sep 20 2014 : 5:18:48 PM
It's hard to believe it's already time for flu shots again. DH will not get a shot. I always do. Last year it made me a little sick, plus I still got the flu but a very mild case. I remember some people died from it last year. Mar, that had to have really hurt--it sure makes a difference if they know what they are doing or not. Some years I hardly feel it and other years it really hurts and gets sore.
No, I haven't started a project yet--still shuffling things around. I am lining up the ufos though. I need to make a beret and finish a doll first. Then repair some big stuff that is taking up space. I've got my journals all together and for the warmup I want to do one journal page every day. Really need to practice, practice, practice more than anything else. I'm liking the room, though, which is a big plus.
The rains are leaving and next week is to be dry and warm so we are going to try to go to the beach for a couple of days. We are needing to take advantage of the nice weather to get a final mowing and weed eating done for this season. If we can get everything mowed and trimmed, we don't have to do it again until end of April. I have to have all my roads resurfaced soon, the asphalt is in ruins. The gravel roads are still good but weed infested. B is digging out around one corner of the house and redirecting the drainage. He says it was never done properly and that's why we are getting water in the stairwell where it is below grade. So we are extremely busy right now and will be until end of November.
I have to go get supper started. B requested his favorite: fish, potatoes and peas. I've had quinoa salad and ginger beer so I probably won't eat anything. We are really apart on what we like to eat.
Have a good evening everyone. I did not sleep last night so am looking forward to sleeping tonight.
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Sep 20 2014 : 6:15:07 PM
I hope all of you are having a good weekend so far. I got my new battery for my laptop, so now I am all set to go gung ho on here, I have so much stuff to put on Ebay and barters on MJF. I ended up packing and unpacking the motorhome 3 times now, I am not doing it again. I am having such a hard time downsizing to so little stuff. I had way too much stuff in there that took up so much weight, now I go things pretty well set, just need cooking utensils and some more clothes, then we will be ready to roll. Only 5 more weeks to go. I have so much to get rid of, gotta get ready for one more sale. I got all my pictures sorted out somewhat, now I need to scan them onto the computer and then onto a flash drive. GG, you and B have been so busy getting your place fixed up. You will be happy when it is all done. I take it the grass stops growing there in the winter just like it does up north? Except you do not get the deep freeze. We have had 30s at night, and 50s during the day, jacket weather. Then, today it got up to 75 degrees and very humid. I was not sure if I was going to make it, it was so hard breathing the heavy air. Starting to cool down now, then we will be back to jackets very shortly again. It is hard on my body with these drastic changes in the weather. I will be glad to have a different climate, especially in the winter!!!!! Mar, sorry you had such a hard time getting your flu shot. Some of those nurses just don't learn how to give injections right. I usually get a shot every year, but with no insurance now, I have to wait for another 1 1/2 years before I get Medicare, so no meds until then. I was lucky enough to find my concentrator for air, which I need at night. I am sure I will need it going through the mountains also. Having my own concentrator saves me $989.00 a month!!!!! Bunny, I agree about the sweater. Hope you get more made and a sell out on all of them!!!! Patty, how wonderful that you have a farmgirl living so close to you and became good friends. That is great that you and Theresa can work together to get things done a lot faster. Your clay class sounds like fun. I am hoping for some good craft classes at the rv park we will be at. They have all kinds of things going on all the time, I guess. Can't wait to see your yarn bowl when it is done. Well, need to give Olivia a bath, then get ready for bed. Have a wonderful evening,
Jan Farmgirl Sister #3340
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Sep 21 2014 : 7:00:00 PM
Good evening everyone,
I spent the weekend at Girl Scout camp in Southern New Hampshire. It is the camp I went to as a child. I go to this adult event every year. It was cold, cold, cold Friday night. I was not cold sleeping except the parts that stuck out of my sleeping bag. Last night was warm and I slept well.
During the day on Saturday I went to a workshop on Iris folding for stationary. It was fun. We had a good time sharing the paper and chatting about anything. Everyone's design came out a little different and they were all pretty. In the afternoon I led a workshop on making luminaries from very thin sheet metal that used to be used for printing. We folded the metal into a 4" X 4" box with a peaked roof. The women pounded designs into the metal with nails. They had a good time. We used blocks of wood for the base of the lantern. Most printers use the computer now so the tin is not available as easily as it was in the past.
Today I was supposed to go sailing but it was raining in the morning so I left camp a little early and went to the local mall. It is much bigger than anything around here. But most of the stores were really all the same. Pretty clothes.
I do still take pictures and as soon as I figure out how this computer posts the pictures I will do that.
I am glad everyone is chugging along. It is late but I just wanted to post something so you would not think I had gone on a cruise and left you behind.
Sweet dreams
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Sep 21 2014 : 8:00:26 PM
I have been away for a while. Just too busy and too tired.
I have been doing more cleaning in the house. I have also blanched and frozen some vegetables. I still have an acorn squash to cut up and freeze for soup. I have been altering a nightie to fit me for the winter. I have a bunch of paperwork to do for our county assistance. I suppose I had better get my materials ready for my crochet classes. I found some good how to videos which I might play for the students.
I haven't gotten a flu shot for a few years now. I am in a risk group but I don't like the way I feel after getting the injection. I react badly to the vaccine and have to take it easy for a day or two. It is almost as bad as getting the flu anyway. Besides, I have heard that the government puts chemicals in the vaccine to control us and make us more compliant. Uh oh! Conspiracy! 
Gypsy - I would line up all my UFOs but I would need a warehouse and it would scare me. I'm glad that Scotland stayed a part of the UK. It would have been a huge mess to sort everything out.
Cindy - You will inform the clinic administration of that fellow's lack of tack. I believe it is a good idea to at least let your therapist know. Those of us with mental illness are vulnerable and we need to stand up for ourselves. I hope you can find a better group.
Bunny - Those sweaters were very lovely. I can imagine a whole line of them in colors for the particular season or holiday. I have noticed some design companies which make clothes that "look" like they are repurposed but they are actually ready-to-wear and mass produced. I call them "restyle posers". Some of the designs are nice but just the thought that someone else could have an outfit just like mine doesn't sit well with me. I have a box of clothes to send to you. I'll probably do it this week.
Patty - You have inspired me. Next year I want to plant way more beans to can and pickle. I know I would eat them. I believe it would look so nice to have a cupboard full of canned vegetables.
Holly - Your piggies really want to run. Maybe you should train them to hunt for truffles. They were selling at the coop for $50 a pound this spring.
Well that's about all that is fit to say. I got a name brand shirt and sweater from a pile of stuff set out by a dumpster. It was obvious that someone had been evicted. I just love those kind of dives.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Sep 21 2014 : 8:40:25 PM
I had such a clever post and I lost the whole thing. Do not update to iOS 8. You will be sorry. Now my iPad won't talk to my iPhone. A mess.
True Blue Farmgirl
520 Posts
520 Posts |
Posted - Sep 22 2014 : 06:11:35 AM
OH NO GG! I UPDATED!!! I haven't tried talking to my Ipad yet. :( I just updated yesterday afternoon. I have a big "To Do List" for this week. I am heading to SC on Wed after my clay class to help with some late preparations for my son's wedding. I will be down there through the weekend. I hate making the drive alone. But then if I take someone, other than DH, I usually get aggravated at some point along the way. (I enjoy trips with DH, he has proven to be my best travel companion) So I might as well enjoy the trip alone and listen to an audio book while I am on my way. Ok, catch my breath Yesterday I stayed in all day. It was a beautiful breezy day but I had a case of peaches that I had to can. I still have more to do but ran out of clearjel. Has anyone else used clear jel? I always canned pie filling with cornstarch in the past, however the new guidelines say to never use cornstarch. So I have been using the clearjel and the taste is no different but the appearance is. Clearjel makes such a prettier pie filling. I have to run to the Amish store today to buy more. It is the only place locally to purchase it. Loads to do before I take off for SC, I should probably get up and get it done. Have a wonderful day.
Patty #1840
A rind is a terrible thing to waste. Compost.
When they had all had enough to eat, he said to his disciples, “Gather the pieces that are left over. Let nothing be wasted.” -Jesus in John 6:12 NIV Bible |
Edited by - thebyrdhaus on Oct 28 2014 05:28:12 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Sep 22 2014 : 11:37:47 AM
Well, Patty , the biggest thing I see here is your son's lack of ability to step up to the plate for his side of the family. It's his wedding too. Already you are being put in "The "MIL" position. Unfair. Not a good sign of things to come. I'd not be paying for anything, unless a meeting could take place and an amicable agreement is reached that is fair to everyone. Good luck on that one.
I'm mowing this morning. Just came in for a break. I did not sleep well. Finally ended up on the couch where I could have a fan and some soft music which helps me sleep. Then when b got up first(a rarity) he could not be quiet. So I am a bear today. Mowing is the best place for me to vent my frustration.
True Blue Farmgirl
520 Posts
520 Posts |
Posted - Sep 22 2014 : 12:01:49 PM
GG- The thing is, my son has not entered into any of these conversations. They are held over the phone between her and I . He has never had a wedding before and just sits on the sidelines as it is "her" wedding. and her folks are paying for it.... . So he just does what he thinks is expected. Therefore....a trip for me is needed so I can talk to both of I have to sleep with a fan on... I am use to the humming.
Patty #1840
A rind is a terrible thing to waste. Compost.
When they had all had enough to eat, he said to his disciples, “Gather the pieces that are left over. Let nothing be wasted.” -Jesus in John 6:12 NIV Bible |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Sep 22 2014 : 12:45:26 PM
well, still, it's not her wedding, it's their wedding. If she is going to leave him out of the plans for this, And show his family no consideration, just imagine what the rest of the relationship will look like. Ask Mar about her son's wife. Listen to that little voice, it will eventually be a shout. Your son SHOULD be entering into these conversations.
Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 22 2014 12:46:31 PM |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Sep 22 2014 : 4:44:03 PM
Good evening everyone,
If I knew where to find truffles I would certainly try to find them. I know they grow in France but had not thought I could hunt them in Vermont. There is a fungus called Chaga that grows on Birch trees that is a high anti oxident and good for reducing tumors. I have been looking for them. A man in my foraging class just looks up and sees them. I would really like to find some wild ginseng. There has to be some growing here somewhere. See how optimistic I am about finding them. They have to be here somewhere.
Good luck in SC, Patty. I have no experience in the wedding department. I would think your son would have voiced an opinion but then again maybe he said, do what you want, honey. You are looking at it from a MIL standpoint and he the groom. I guess he and his beloved do not understand about reciprocity.
I hate white noise. I am glad that it is cool enough now that we do not need the fan. When I take the littles to their therapies I go somewhere else because the white noise machines they use for privacy makes my skin crawl.
We did school work today.
We had turkey and mashed potatoes for supper. I am trying to empty out the freezers because this year's meat will be going in soon so I need the room.
Jan you are far stronger than I am. I think I might have gotten some of those rubbermaid containers of yours and bungie strapped them to the roof to avoid having to make the decision about what to get rid of. The first and second going through would not have been hard for me but this level of getting rid of would be torture. I hope breathing will be easier for you down south. Will your sister come visit you?
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
3448 Posts
3448 Posts |
Posted - Sep 22 2014 : 7:03:14 PM
Hi everyone, I have tried to post on this site and others and they fly off to who knows where! Frustrating. I am sorry if I don't address everyone but by the time I finally try to post again I can't always remember who said what! LOL!
The weather is turning cooler and I love it. Fall is my favorite season. Boots and sweaters, pumpkins and apple cider. Works for me!
They still have not caught the guy that killed a state trooper and critically wounded another. They have had schools closed and roads blocked just above my area. What is happening in this world. My 8 year old GD called and said, "Nanny, why would he do such a bad thing like that?" Her school has been closed. These poor little kids are afraid in their schools. God help us!
Had my 3 year post cancer mammo last Monday. 3h and 3 mammos, 2 ultrasounds and 2 doctors reading all films the concensus was scar tissue. Need another in 6 months to make sure nothing will change. Saw my surgeon today and she said it was scar tissue too. My good friend just found out today that she needs chemo for her breast cancer. My point is to encourage you all to get your mammos so you don't have to do all of the above. The sooner you are diagnosed, the less treatment needed. If you have no insurance you can still get a mammo and treatment if needed.
Turkey and mashed potatoes sound good. I have a turkey so I think I'll make one this week. Then turkey soup and either barbecue or pot pie. I think I need a pumpkin pie too! LOL!
I'm afraid to lose this so I'll post and hopefully be back and be able to post often.
Sweet Dreams!
Be Blessed and Be a Blessing, Darlene Sister 1922
God first, everything else after!
When Satan's knocking at your door, just say "Jesus will you get that for me?"
When it gets to hard to stand, Kneel!
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