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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jan 16 2013 : 3:09:41 PM
Great to see some of you gals back here posting. Inquiring minds want to know, so keep it up! I was an employer most of my career and I got letters from employees many times thanking me for providing them a good place to work. I have heard from people 10 years or more after they left. Of course that would be the ones who left for a good reason. Not the few who were let go. I went to a lot of training to learn how to be a good manager but unfortunatfely so many do not and they abuse their power. Two times in the past year I have witnessed young people being mistreated in the work place, once by their own manager and once by angry customer. In both cases I intervened and talked with the employees and told them not every body was like that we have an obligation to young people coming into the workplace to mentor them, not mistreat them. I always thought if an employee failed it was my failure as well
There is one exercise we do in the qigong class which is to take the stance, bend knees and hold. When you first start you think it will be easy but they say at first most can only hold for 5 minutes but with practice you can work up to 45 minutes and your thighs will be firm and toned. Just this one thing. I do think of the exercise as being isometric in that regard My dogs throw a fit barking when I try to practice the one walk I'm learning. They get very upset. The trick is definitely to learn to go slow. A challenge to me.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
912 Posts
fernandina beach
912 Posts |
Posted - Jan 16 2013 : 3:53:55 PM
Gypsy, I am enjoying reading about you qigong class that you are taking. I can imagine your dogs barking and wondering what is "wrong" with you.
Holly how nice that you are writing to Kathryn's mother. Your two boys sound like my daughter when she was about seven and did not want to eat things. However, after she had a taste she most often would really like the food. It's sure sounds like they are enjoying their new home.
Today the neighbor two doors away from us came over to complain about something and ended up almost punching my DH in the face. He said our mole detractors were making too much noise. The detractors can barely be heard so I don't know what his real gripe was. Anyway he was cussing and really scared me. We ended up calling the police and making a complaint. This is the family whose 2 older sons I have not seen for over a year. They are home-schooled but still they never come outside. I see the younger 2 once in a while. This man has had several jobs in the 3 years he and his family have lived here. Now I feel a bit apprehensive going past their house on the way to the forest where we walk the dog. I am going to go on the opposite side of the street and then cross over.
I cooked alot today. I made carrot/beet salad, a veggie soup, some squash and fish. I don't mind cooking and of course I love eating.
So nice that we are all jumping in to post. I like reading what everyone is up to.
Penny, I am sorry that your job has become so bad for you. I know it will not be long before you are employed again. Good thing you got out of there.
Yesterday morning on our news the cast was laughing at the weather reporters from California who were crying about how cold it was. Some of them had parkas and earmuffs on and were complaining about the 50 degree weather. It sas really funny.
Love you, sisters,
Make everyday a celebration of the heart. |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Jan 16 2013 : 4:53:51 PM
Yay, Gypsy, Your posse really delivers!! Janie, Kathryn, Penny! We haven't heard from you gals for some time and it is such a pleasure to catch up.
Penny, let me add my support to your job disappointment. I hope you find something more gratifying. So happy for Dh, congrats on his retirement. Now you can catch up on some crocheting, too.
Janie so nice to hear you have been keeping up with us. Thanks for posting! So, did you miss your stove or not really so much? You preserve so many unusual things. I think you are so adventurous that way. I am so boring with just preserving jam.
Kathryn, You sound as busy as ever. Keep warm! Bet you are still keeping the Doc on task and up-to-date. What would he do without you?
Nancy, it is SO uncomfortable when you have issues with your neighbors. I hope you can shake your feelings of discomfort about walking past their house quickly. You sure did do some cooking today!
Tai Chi sounds very cool. I can see the physical benefits obviously, especially the improvement in balance. I took a dance class called NIA (which stood for something ...) and the leader was very adament about "look, pick a spot and place your foot there" and she also emphasized getting up from the floor as slowly as possible and returning to the floor as slowly as possible. Which is really much harder than just flopping down and jumping up. I enjoyed it so much, but my "dance buddy" quit and it was a bit of a drive to make it worthwhile to always go by myself.
Gypsy, you take the same stance on being a manager dh does. He has always maintained that promoting an employee successfully reflects well on the manager. At one of his "good by" parties prior to one of our many moves, an employee of his came up to me with his wife and they both had tears in their eyes as they told me how my husband had changed their lives by recognizing the man's talents. The gentleman had an unusual problem with body odor that did not respond to OTC products. Dh had to meet with him a few times because of employee complaints, so Dh knew how hard the man tried to overcome the problem. Anyway, Dh worked with the man and encouraged him in his interest in computers WAY back in the late 80s. It really worked out. The man was a genius with computers and wrote a program that was implemented in chocolate plants across the US. I was really proud of my guy. The work atmosphere these days is so bad. I just don't know how this generation is gonna make it. It is almost as if we need unions again. Not for safety issues like "The Jungle," but, abusive employment standards and expecting each employee to do more as the co. cuts more and more positions. Customer service is non-existent. And you just can't blame the employees for not giving a darn sometimes. They just aren't paid enough to try to solve your problem. (Stepping off the soap box.)
Have a lovely evening, Marianne
We have been foggy lately. The air temp is warmer than the ground temperature. Kind of backwards from the normal fog conditions.
Holly, I think it is great that you are trying to even up the food comments. Seems like a compliment should come at least as often as a complaint! Good luck, seems like the message has been received. BTW, I think you have a valid reason to be disappointed in your father's wife. It is kind of you to send the letters. I know you are happy that you do it. |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Jan 16 2013 : 5:54:58 PM
Well, how in the world did I get my sign off in the middle of my post? A wandering cursor, I suppose...
Sorry, Ladies! Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Jan 16 2013 : 9:45:16 PM
Marianne, the sad thing about abusive employers and managers is they seem to be the baby boomers. Our generation started such a selfish trend...the "me" generation. I don't think the majority of the baby boomers did a very good job at child raising either. Not that there aren't good kids, but I see so much disrespect from both generations.
Nancy, scary neighbors are the worst! I will be saying a prayer for you that it gets better.
Holly, sounds like you new boys are adjusting well. It will take time as I'm sure you know. You have done this before. They will learn to trust you and figure out how the wind blows. As fas as school goes, it's hard to describe what I'm learning. Mostly accounting theory. Some finance ratios and formulas and my economics class....well, it's mostly production costs compared to production units and sooo much more. It would probably be boring and it's a bit hard to explain. Sad thing is, most of it won't be used by any job I will probably qualify for. It would be more helpful for me as a business owner. But then I hope to be again some day. I did take a philosophy class on virtues that was very interesting and not what I expected.
I have a whole week off of school and 4 days off of work. I might just get some play time in. I bought a bunch of vintage tablecloths for more skirts. They are really plain and I plan on doing more painting on the fabric. I got 5 tablecloths at the Salvation Army for under 4 dollars.
Gypsy, your classes sound interesting. I might see if there is something around here. Yoga about did me in so I'm hoping to find something else I can do.
Well, off to bed. Later everyone.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
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Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Jan 16 2013 : 9:58:57 PM
Bunny I think tai chi is good for everybody. I am starting at the beginning because I'm still not at the 8 week recovery point. It is not physically challenging Today I did the easy yoga and then an hour of beginner water aerobics and it made me feel so much better. We don't realize how much stress we are carrying around until we feel the absence of it. I like this YMCA better than any fancy health club I have ever belonged to. It is the best thing for depression too.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jan 17 2013 : 4:23:00 PM
Good evening everyone, ,
Today the temperature started out at 24 degrees this morning. By lunch time it was ZERO. Tonight we are supposed to be looking up at the old egg.
C and G are learning to bring up eggs without breaking them. All of the children have gone through this learning curve. I hope it is not a long one, this time of year there are not as many eggs as the summer.
I do not like to have nasty neighbors. Lucky for me our neighbors do not live too close. Nancy it would make me nervous to have an aggressive neighbor. I hope the older children are ok. Maybe they are visiting a relative. You could call social services and report that you have not seen them for a while and wonder what might have happened to them. They will do it anonymously, at least around here they do.
When I was in college I took a class called Adapted Aquatics. We taught classes for people who had different abilities. Anyway, the pool air was kept at 96 degrees and the water was appropriately warm I loved swimming in that pool. Gypsy you sound like you are doing a lot for yourself now. I hope you are fit as a fiddle come spring planting season.
The seed catalogs are all arriving and I am getting excited to plant and probably order too many seeds. I usually do. Now, should I order from the catalogs or from the local seed company. the prices probably work out to be comparable.
Sweet dreams everyone,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
912 Posts
fernandina beach
912 Posts |
Posted - Jan 18 2013 : 05:37:09 AM
Busy day for me today so I am just popping in to say hi.
Bunny where is that Salvation Army store with the tablecloths? I want to go to that one. The one I go to is okay but I love buying old linen and using it to make things with.
Have a great day and weekend my lovelies.
Make everyday a celebration of the heart. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Jan 18 2013 : 08:46:25 AM
Sorry Nancy, I bought all the good ones up. I was surprised to find them. I look for all cotton if I can. I want to be able to paint on them and have them fray up good when I was them. I'm making skirts out of them with appliqués that I paint and then wash the heck out of it for a shabby chic look.
I wish I could go to Portland more often and check out the ones there. It just isn't safe driving this time of year.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Fabric website:
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
410 Posts
410 Posts |
Posted - Jan 18 2013 : 11:16:24 AM
Just sitting here, having had my toast and Lavender Tea with Lavender Honey. Now I am facing the day with renewed energy. It is in the mid-40s here headed for the low-60s. I won't mind the errands I have to run today. The sun is shining ... and the lemon tree is loaded with happy pops of bright yellow. I will miss the lemon tree the most when we move to Oakhurst in June.
Speaking of Oakhurst - we are going to be there again this weekend. It is supposed to be nice there, too. Today I need to pull together a few more boxes of stuff we won't be needing here during the next few months. Books, summer clothes, fancy dishes (flutes, wine glasses,trays, etc.), odds and ends, another load of fabric and notions ... and we will take a couple of dining room chairs this trip. Little by little...
I am boring myself! I need to focus on you all. You are so much more interesting than I am.
Bunny, I admire your energy and creative ability -- I'm in a lull. Seems I can go full power on projects for a while and then I just poop out or get distracted.
Penny, I am sorry that what started out as such a wonderful job wound up being a deplorable situation. I'll predict that you will find something where your your ability and your work ethic will be valued(if you haven't already!).
Holly, I got my first seed catalog the other day. I can flip those pages and sink into state of dreaming. It really is dreaming as I have so much going on this summer that I will probably not get a garden going. Sounds like the new brothers are settling into family life and are becoming aware that they have new parents that aren't going anywhere and that they can relax with knowing that they are staying with you and Cheri - for good. They may not realize just yet - just how fortunate they are to have you two to love them, care for them and raise them. But eventually they will. I would have loved to grow up in your family.
Kathryn, good to hear from you ... others, too - but since I'm typing right into this box, I dare not flip back to pull forth names.
Marianne, you are always so supportive of everyone. Are you thinking about your gardens, too? I began wondering if you have lavender? You are so talented and your eye for architectural detail extends into the beautiful landscaping of your gardens. Your "digging in the dirt" has a motivational influence on me. I just wish I had your capacity for creating the blossoming theater of fragrance and beauty.
Gypsy, you are sounding very upbeat and healthy, sweetheart. Life sometimes gives us rain, then rainbows, then pots of gold at the end of those rainbows. We also get to listen to the chatter and songs of birds and chirping of crickets and croaking of frogs .... Life can be very, very good. You have been so caring to so many even though you've faced down your own trials and tribulations ... now that health has been restored and niggly issues done with - you can enjoy the full richness of everything that excites you.
Nancy, what an awful person your neighbor is. What makes people behave so badly? You and Leon, protect yourselves. Should this threat be reported to the police? Or, is this guy just offensive and blustery and couldn't be considered a serious threat? I am trying to imagine ... but I've never been threatened - at least not that I can recall. I'm so sorry you have this issue. We'll talk. It's Friday ... we are both busy today ... but if you don't get a break ... Monday. Love your card and the bookmark!
Off for now, no matter what, be joyful and laugh a lot today.
Sister #3284 - on her Tippie Toes - oxox, Darlys
Chocolate Kisses ...
That is the best ... to laugh with someone because you both think the same things are funny. |
True Blue Farmgirl
213 Posts
213 Posts |
Posted - Jan 18 2013 : 1:27:02 PM
Hi all; just sitting here, taking a mental time out, and watching all the cars and trucks going by. It never ceases to amaze me at how much traffic there is in this little town. It is, of course, quite the hub, with 2 major highways accessible from here, but still. the office is situated almost to the corner of the only traffic light in town and I'm telling you, it sure does back up here. i'm actually quite surprised there have not been an accident every few minutes, but there hasn't been. They zip through here like its the speedway, or something. Even the big rigs; I hear them squealing to a stop when the light turns, like they are surprised that the light turned red, or something...Crazy.
In case you were all wondering; there is a small lull before the next patient arrives and I didn't sleep very well last night, so I'm a bit of a daydreamer this afternoon.
Darlys, I get those creative blah times too. In, fact, I'm going through one right now, myself. I was going gangbusters from October through December, but I completely wore myself out. I worked ate the office 10-11 hours and then go home to "make" something. Now, I'm just exhausted and can't seem to do anything at all.
Nancy, I am having neighbor problems, as well. Not quite like yours...yet, but it could get there when I talk to them about the kids playing in my yard and leaving their stuff behind. They also like to play on my deck, which is not very safe; they dig in my flower pots and play with other items there, as well. They leave all kinds of things behind; the other day I found a wad of playdough by my back door. Its quite aggravating, plus, if the deck should collapse or the kids fall on the exposed nails...heap big trouble I can't afford, you know?
I very rarely can afford actual "fabric", so I frequently use sheets, tablecloths, napkins, curtains, and even clothing from the thrift store for my sewing and craft projects; its great.
Oops, patient has arrived, gotta run. Later, girls.
Love and hugs to all,
If there is a will, there's a way; find your way!
Sister #3282 |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Jan 18 2013 : 2:05:27 PM
Darlys, you have missed your calling if you haven't spent your life writing prose for greeting cards or other such keepsakes. You paint a picture with your words, I will forever remember I am creating a blossoming theater of fragrance and beauty, when I have a few gardening aches. Thank you!!
Nancy, thanks for the hello. I never find great linens at our Goodwill, either ...
Bunny, can't wait for the posting of your latest creation. Oh and I wanted to tell you that I am using my tea pack as a needle keeper for my project. It is perfect!!! I also was thinking that they would be such a nice addition to someone who was giving a gift card ... I guess you would have to change the size a bit...I just love mine.
Holly, I read once, when it was very important in my life, that it takes six years for a child to feel as though he belongs in a family or to form a familial bond with someone. It seemed like such a long time to me at the beginning of the journey, but like all us older gals say, it went so fast. The bonds are so strong, they have to be tested time and time, again. You know this better than I do! Just wanted to let you know, I think I understand the uphill battle you guys face. And I admire you for doing it again. Now, I'm gonna make you jealous! Today, I have seen one lone deer race by, a lone coyote slink by (and then run like heck after two well-placed rounds hit the ground behind him), five female mule deer cruising through until the dogs noticed them and then they picked up the pace a bit, but no turkeys. I think the turkeys are drawing the coyote, so we would like the coyote to move on ... but, obviously, we won't kill him. Last year there was a pack of coyotes running this area. They were chasing dogs, full-size dogs. When they develop the pack mentality, it is scary. Don't know what exactly happened with that ... don't want to know.
Gypsy, you do sound so physically motivated that I got myself back to my Pilates Reformer. I have been a bit lax since Christmas. So, I worked out and took some extra time in stretching. On the Reformer, you lie on your back on a "sled" that moves up and down, head to toe-wise. Your knees are bent and your feet rest on a bar that you push against to make the sled move. As in Tai Chi, Yoga, etc. slow is better than fast. It is about breathing and controlling. Well, I must have really stretched my Achilles, which would also put some pressure on the ball of my foot, which would also involve the big toe area where some women get bunions. I have them...prefer to call them "funyuns" so as to not take them too seriously... usually cause me no pain and until recently, I didn't have any issues with shoes even. But, yesterday after a bit, boy oh boy, did my right foot kill me!! So much better today.
marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
467 Posts
467 Posts |
Posted - Jan 18 2013 : 2:58:19 PM
What a great week I've had. It's cold - but I have lots of fire wood. It wasn't cold enough, so when it rained, no snow (Jenny's not too happy about that though), and the slow, steady, constant rain soaked the ground without leaving too many puddles.
My arm has healed well on the skin side, but the inside may take a long time to see improvement. My fingers still don't have a lot of feeling, but I'm learning to cope.
The light in the chicken palace is doing it's job and we've been getting more eggs. The girls have even been friendlier, even pecking crumbled waffles right out of my hands.
We've been able to eat fresh baby greens thanks to my greenhouse - which also keeps several plants alive that typically die off when it gets cold.
My stove died earlier this week - been cooking on camp stove & BBQ mostly. I thought it would be next week before the new part came in for dh to fix, but it came today! I've never been so happy to bake a casserole!!
I've been working on my garden plan. Jenny wants to plant sunflowers in amongst the corn. And of course, we won't be planting green beans, seeing as we had such a great harvest of them last year.
While I'm on the subject of plants, I need some expert advise. I keep 2 types of Sage - one broad leaf & one small leaf. Both taste the same, but the larger one dries better. However, both are now on a shelf in my greenhouse - on the sunny side, and both are being covered with what appears to be a white fuzzy coat. It wipes off when I wash the leaves and it doesn't change the flavor. It just looks weird. Thoughts, everybody? It's not 'traveling' to any other plants. I've had these plants for several years. Outside in full sun in summer - greenhouse in winter.
Well, dinner is ready, so must fly. I'll be watching. Later sisters.
Hugs and Squishies!!
Farmgirl Sister #3983
Take care of the land and it will take care of you. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jan 18 2013 : 3:29:39 PM
Gosh, It's great to hear from all you gals. Working backwards as far as I can, Kathy, It is good to hear you sounding chipper again. Gardening is good for the soul, isn't it. My only guess on the sage would be if it is too damp that might be sort of like a mold, but i dont know. Try looking at it under a magnifier glass if you've got one around. My experience with most herbs like that is they like a lot of sun and not a lot of water. Now, Girls, Nancy and Bunny, and you too, Marianne, stop fighting over the thrift stuff. Don't make me come in there! Darlys, I totally agree with Marianne, you are the goddess of the forum when it comes to writing. It always lifts my spirits to hear from you and your words are always so wonderful. Glad you like frogs, I sure do. Holly it is nice to hear the little guys are doing so well. How's Ross? I know from experience that there are big hurdles to overcome with these children but the rewards are oh so wonderful. Such is life. Marianne, hopefully you will adjust and be able to work around the foot issues, it is no good to fix one part of the body and damage another. And I am envious of your serious wildlife entertainment. Penny, keep us in the loop here, you never know when your sisters might need to jump in and give you some advice.
Jainee and Kathryn, so good to hear from you both. Kathryn you sound like your spirits are up in spite of a few struggles. The struggles never really go away so we just have to keep putting one foot in front of the other and keep going. Giving up is never an option. If you try hard enough, every once in a while, you get a miracle.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Edited by - doll58maker on Jan 18 2013 3:34:10 PM |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jan 19 2013 : 4:44:50 PM
Good evening everyone,
The temperatures were well, they must have been in the twenties because it did not seem cold at all when we went out to sled at lunch time. The snow compacted nicely to form a fast run. Well, it would have been fast if we could have stayed in the same track each time we went down. Steering is not our forte when the sled is full. Three of us in the plastic sled. But, everyone laughed. We are going to try the toboggan but we need to wax the bottom because it did not move at all when we tried to use it today. There was some frozen chicken poo on the bottom to increase the friction.
I think Ross is doing ok for Ross. He is a high spirited child to begin with. He really likes having G to play with. He said so today. He does have his tantrums and his manipulative ways but, I am not so sure if they have increased with the arrival of C and G. He does go for longer periods of time without his tantrums. He seems to melt down about 4 PM. each day. We are trying to figure out what is the cause. exhaustion? low blood sugar? being overwhelmed? He has never been one to be easily consoled. He accepts it on his own terms. C and G do give him a run for his money. They do not gang up on him.
I have always figured that the children needed to live with us for as long as they had not lived with us. Six years seems like a good number compared to birth years. I hope once the boys get settled that their acting out does not increase. We have a lot of I heard you but I am going to do what I wanted to do anyway. Compliance is not our strength unless there is a goody or a nasty in the offing. I would really like to not have to continue with nasties. They wear me out. How to make a child want good attention over bad attention when they are used to trying to get any attention at all.
I am jealous of the wildlife in your backyard. The most I am seeing now are chick a dees and nuthatches. The cow did manage to jump her pregnant self over the flower garden fence into the rosa rugosa today. I do not know why she did that. I do know that she helped herself to the chicken grain that was waiting in the bed of the pick up truck to go into the barn just before. I banged the rail of the fence off so she could get out.
There is a Good will up north. I do not go there very often. I find some golden bargains at the yard sales in the summer. there are three that are particularly fruitful. The Bethany Church has been doing one for years. I usually find linen napkins and toys there. the Kiwanis has one I scored some nice wool for rugs all cut up as well as balls, coffee cups and a nice chair. I also scored a five gallon crock to make fermented veggies in. The Planting Hope one is getting better each year. this year I found four plates and four salad plates that are bone colored china with gold line around the edge. This one has good games as well. Planting Hope is a group that has created a library and learning center in Nicaragua. They also have internships that people can go and work in the library teaching. they have classes for children whose parents work the coffee plantations. I like to find coffee cups in the free boxes. We use them instead of glasses. I do not get upset when the cup is broken.
Gypsy when do the flowers start to grow in your neck of the woods. If you were going to put in a garden when would you start? soon? the summers are so hot isn't your growing season regulated by extreme heat instead of frost?
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jan 19 2013 : 5:24:34 PM
Holly, you are right for the most part. We get our last freeze mid to late March so usually the warm weather crops don't go in til after that. We could plant onions and cold weather things now, but maybe cover up a couple of times when it freezes. Depends on what you are planting. Tomatoes like heat so they do well all the way to thanksgiving but we don't plant them til the soil is good and warm or they wont do anything but sit there. Same with okra. A lot of the other things like cucumbers, squash, beans, etc. are fine through June or early July. By mid July everything is pretty well done in. The weather here is very fickle there is no way to know. The lettuces have to go in early because they can't take the heat nor the freezes but they like the cool weather. My garden is all raised beds because up on the hill there wasn't enough dirt. The summer heat is brutal. Before we did the remodel in 2005, the garden was at the back of the house away from the fierce west sun and it did a lot better. I haven't made any attempt to create shading, which would help a lot, too. The days already are getting noticeably longer. Oh Holly, also you asked about the flowers. They start in March, then get better in April, all the way through May if we are lucky and get rain and not too much heat. Usually it starts to heat up in June and then July August and sometimes Sept it is brutal.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jan 20 2013 : 7:57:09 PM
Good evening everyone,
We receive a wildflower catalog from Texas. It has beautiful flowers in it. I think about ordering from it but I have too much else to do than tend another section of garden. We have many beautiful wildflowers here.
Today the weather was odd. The wind blew in great gusts all day long. the clouds came and went very fast. the temperature dropped four degrees in ten minutes at one point and we had an amazing snow storm. Then it passed and the sun came out and the snow dripped off the roof of the house. Up and down the temperature went.
C and G went out to play in the afternoon. C loves to catch the chickens and put them in the tall chicken house. Then he took the cow grain and gave some to them. The chickens pick the corn out of it but do not tend to eat the molasses covered pieces. I thought oh my, the bleeping cows are going to smell the grain and climb up into the chicken house to eat the grain then turn around and break the window because the house is to narrow to hold her bulk. So, I scooped the grain up with my mittens and threw it out the door into the snow. the bleeping cow did not go into the chicken house today and I hope she does not tomorrow either. Close the door? Well, someone left it open and the wind blew it off its hinges a couple of days ago and I have not put it back on yet. lol
The weather this week is supposed to be so we can grab zero looking up or looking down at it. Friday it is supposed to get warm.... 20.
Talie is at the Crystal Ball tonight with his gf. Early today he said we needed to meet her at 7:45 for the 8:00 door. then he said she said he needed to me there at 7:30. she lives about ten minutes from the venue we live twenty. As we are driving in Talie says well, gf tells me times and then she arrives 15 minutes later. We sat there from 7:30 to 8 waiting and he calls her on the cell phone she was not yet dressed then she was dressed. Then she was waiting for her friend to arrive. At 8 I left him at the lobby and drove home. I told him it might be fashionable to have your bf waiting for you but it was not fashionable to have your bf's mother waiting. I hate to wait especially when it is avoidable. I will know next time to not be early. He called and wanted his pickup time moved to 11:30 from 11 but we told him no. He can sleep in but, we can not even if tomorrow is a holiday. I guess he is having a good time. He is personable and a good dancer.
I hope everyone is having a good weekend. Where is everyone?
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
912 Posts
fernandina beach
912 Posts |
Posted - Jan 21 2013 : 05:10:21 AM
Holly I am with you about the waiting for people who are late when they don't need to be. I had a friend once who was always making me wait when we had a set meeting for lunch. Usually she was 15 minutes late. One day I waited 30 minutes and then I left. She called me and asked where I was and why I didn't wait for her. I told her my waiting time limit is usually 15 minutes but for her I waited 30 minutes and then left. I guess she didn't like that as she kind of drifted away after that.
Did Talie have a good time? How is the egg collection going with C and G? I think it is a really good chore for the kids to do, bringing in the eggs.
Our peach tree is filled with beautiful blossoms and it really looks nice against the winter grass and trees. It is like a breath of fresh air looking out and seeing it.
January is just speeding along and I am getting things accomplished. Now if I would only stop gathering projects to make and do and concentrate on finishing the ones that are staring me in the face.
Have a wonderful holiday today.
Make everyday a celebration of the heart. |
True Blue Farmgirl
467 Posts
467 Posts |
Posted - Jan 21 2013 : 07:02:41 AM
Today, Jenny & I started doing our usual Monday morning cleaning chores, but with today being a holiday, and dear hubby underfoot, making it so much harder to do stuff. I'm taking a 15 minute break to catch up here.
Dh didn't want the us to vacuum in the family room because he was on his computer out there. He was again under foot when we were trying to sweep and mop kitchen. How was he supposed to get crackers and cheese wiz - his idea of breakfast??
Now, while we should be cleaning chicken palace, he wants t o go out to the 7-11 for super big gulps!! I don't mind, but we'll only have just so much sunshine today and Jenny wanted to hang out her jeans to dry before the storm comes in this afternoon. And the sheets and towels. Guess this is what's going to happen after he retires.
Rest time is over. Jenny just ran out the back door with a basket full of jeans and towels. I'd better join her. Maybe we can sneak in a little coop cleaning while we're out there before dh 'drags' us out for soda!
Later sisters.
Hugs and Squishies!!
Farmgirl Sister #3983
Take care of the land and it will take care of you. |
True Blue Farmgirl
316 Posts
316 Posts |
Posted - Jan 21 2013 : 07:02:52 AM
Lalalala....well, good morning, gfs!!! Brrr, tis a cold morning in the beautiful Ozarks...not much going on here...same ole, same ole...wish I had adventures to share! Just working, then more work on my days off! I do love checking in from time to time to see what the rest of the farmsisters are up to!
Holly, sounds like your life has gotten busier....and Kathy, I am so glad you are getting some improvement with your shoulder. Oh, Nancy, the orange trees blossoming, when I lived in Florida...I loved that! Sounds like all is right with our world!
Love y'all,
Auntie M Farmgirl # 4062 That which does not kill me, only serves to make me stronger!...unknown to me. |
True Blue Farmgirl
467 Posts
467 Posts |
Posted - Jan 21 2013 : 07:04:59 AM
Oh, and I hate waiting for people too. We taught our daughters that it is the greatest form of disrespect to make others wait for you and there is really no excuse for it. Hubby spent 20 years in the Air Force and 15 minutes early I means on time!!
Hugs and Squishies!!
Farmgirl Sister #3983
Take care of the land and it will take care of you. |
True Blue Farmgirl
213 Posts
213 Posts |
Posted - Jan 21 2013 : 10:02:17 AM
Good morning GF's! I'm a bit slap-happy this morning. My youngest GD, age 3, spent the night with me Saturday, so I didn't get much sleep. I am normally a pretty light sleeper, but when she's with me I sleep even worse. It get quite cool in my house at night these days, so every time she moved I was awake checking to make sure she was still covered up...Then there's the "play"; fun, but for me, exhausting. If I could just bottle half her energy and sell it to the public, I would be the next multi-billionaire or something. She is way more cuddly when it's just her, though, so that more than makes up for the sleeplessness.
Sunday, a couple hours after the little one was picked up I had to call them back. I heard this noise like water running somewhere, so I began to follow the sound, trying to find the source. I followed it to the kitchen and I thought, "surely, after my discussion with the neighbor about their kids messing with things in my yard and on my deck, that they were not over here playing with my hose..." As I was about to go outside to check I suddenly realized that my pant legs were wet and sticking to my legs. I looked down to see steam coming out from inside the cupboard under the sink. I opened the doors and got misted in the face with extremely hot water coming from the little hot water heater under there. "Oh Great!" thought I and immediately called my son-in-law. "Help! Help! Help! The sky is falling! Oh, wait, I guess that would be this sink is falling, wouldn't it?" Surprisingly enough, he came right over with daughter and Granddaughter in tow. Luckily, I guess, it was only the pressure valve stuck open, but it makes me wonder if this is just a prelude to a, who's to say. I suppose, though, that is one way to get my floor cleaned, huh? The problem with these things is that they never seem to happen at a more convenient that an oxymoron? A convenient time for a disaster, uh yeah.
Kathy, I am so glad your arm is doing better; it's so hard to have the want to, but not the ability to do what you want, so I'm praying for more and a deeper recovery. I am so jealous of your greenhouse, GF; That is so cool that you can have fresh veggies all winter. Bummer about your stove, though it is good that you've someone handy that can fix it; it certainly is a lot cheaper that way. I hope the part comes in earlier than you expect.
Holly, I so remember my "sliding" days growing up in MA and visiting my Great Grandmother in Vermont. I never quite got the hang of steering, either, but it was fun just the same; even when we crashed a tree now and then. We never got seriously injured, so it made for more laughing until we were breathless. Breathless...breathless is what you are when you've finally made back to the top, so you can do it all over again.
I hate waiting, myself. I don't usually mind when it can't be helped, but I get really aggravated when it's just someone not being mindful of others.
Oh Nancy, the peach trees are blossoming already? I've never had peach trees; apples, nectarines, plums. lemons, and oranges, but never peaches. I bet they're beautiful. do they smell nice too? I spent a summer in CO when I was eighteen and I picked cherries and apricots for some extra cash and they smelled heavenly when in bloom. So did the trees I've had too, of course. I used to pick apple and orange blossoms to put them in bowls of water around my house; it made the house smell so fresh and clean.
I, too, have many projects in various stages of completeness. I see something that looks interesting and I have to start it, forgetting all about the others. I really need to just force myself to get these others done BEFORE I start another, but I'm having a hard time getting my brain to cooperate with me. lol
Gypsy Girl, it is so admirable that you are doing so well, exercising and everything, wow, I'm impressed. I still do my yoga...occasionally, and I have a membership to the gym right next to the office; when the "pharmacist" is here, she and I go over and get on the treadmill and do small amounts of weight training. She's a former P.E. teacher and she's trying to build up my strength, God love her.
Now that it is afternoon...for a holiday, it sure got busy, in here, and that I have written my usual novel, I'll say bye-bye for now.
Love and Hugs All,
If there is a will, there's a way; find your way!
Sister #3282 |
True Blue Farmgirl
410 Posts
410 Posts |
Posted - Jan 21 2013 : 11:05:15 AM
I read somewhere that some people just have trouble processing "travel" time. It's generally people who try to be on time but just "lose" processing the time between between point a and point b. That was me until I started telling myself that my appointments started 1/2 hour before they actually did. I never did aspire to the fashionably late mindset but I also have to admit that my lateness would would generally run about 5 minutes. It was also true of my sister and cousins. As we married, the spouses formed what they called the "Larson Support Group." (Larson was my maternal grandmother's last name.) They joking said that whenever one of the "Larsons" were running late ... any spouse could call another for sympathy, support and understanding. There are seven husbands and two wives - I don't think anyone ever made a call without having a laughing fit. Larry has never called anyone.
It's a holiday and an historic day - but Larry not only had to work, he had to be there an hour and a half early because of a conference call (that had to originate in his office) with a lab in Ireland. I think I'll be taking a nap sometime today as I always get up with him and we make him a lunch together.
Weather here has been quite nice. Cold at night (in the low 30s) but the weekend (and going forward for a few days) we saw - and will see temps in the low/mid 60s. Lemons are loading the little lemon tree out front and our peach tree is budding, Nancy, but I haven't seen a blossom yet. I imagine it will pop soon. The camellias are blushing though, sunning themselves as they weight the branches and scatter petals along the drive. The pink ones are competing with the red to see which can win the bloomin' beauty contest.
Kathy, my DH will retire in June. Thank heavens we will be relocating to Oakhurst permanently then as he will have 2-1/2 acres and a big detached shop (with a full bathroom! Yay!), a finished basement and a 3 car garage - I believe they are called "man caves," to play in. He also is an avid reader and, even now, he spends more time with his Nook than I do with mine. He does get underfoot sometimes on the weekends here in Cupertino but I guess I'm glad in a offhand way. It means he still finds me, or what I do, interesting ... or thinks I'm needing his "help." It's his way of saying "I love you." And, like many children, I can find ways to distract him by giving him a task. Or he will distract me by suggesting we go to a. Lowe's (home improvement,etc), b. Fry's (techie's superstore, etc.) or c. a garden center. And, he will throw in the thought of having lunch out - since we will be out anyway.
Holly, Cows, chickens, eggs, children, chauffeuring, construction - or reconstruction - the profusion of other things that occupy you, and you still find time to share your adventures and misadventures with us. (By the way, isn't one of the animals steak now?) Thank you so much, GF, for the smorgasbord of your congeniality, humor and for sharing the days of your family and life. You seem tireless (ah, youth!) and you never cease to amaze me.
Marianne, you write so beautifully that your sweet compliment about my writing is all the more precious to me. I was a copywriter once upon a time - but I never thought of my writing as particularly poetic. I do know that words are powerful. You have, most certainly, brightened my day. And your kindnesses and your words are among the most powerful. BTW Count me among those enjoying your wildlife sightings, too.
Gypsy, seems like everywhere I look now, I'm seeing frogs. There is a blue & clear glass frog on one of my bookcases (I think it's supposed to be a paperweight), a small wooden one that, when a stick is run over it's back, makes a croaking sound, on an end table. And others .... Kisses, however, are reserved for my prince.
Sister #3284 - on her Tippie Toes - oxox, Darlys
Chocolate Kisses ...
That is the best ... to laugh with someone because you both think the same things are funny. |
True Blue Farmgirl
410 Posts
410 Posts |
Posted - Jan 21 2013 : 11:11:49 AM
Kathryn ... I must have been dawdling while posting as I didn't see yours until after I posted. As usual you entertain us even when disaster strikes. Glad your SIL was able to take care of the issue. You sound busy. Enjoy your day.
Sister #3284 - on her Tippie Toes - oxox, Darlys
Chocolate Kisses ...
That is the best ... to laugh with someone because you both think the same things are funny. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jan 21 2013 : 11:24:12 AM
Well, Darlys, you and your frogs. I am about to leave to go back to Wimberley and on my way there is a shop that has some very nice white shirts. I am going to get one to wear with my jeans, and my beautiful sparkly frog will have a nice place to sit as I make my way to Sedona in 10 days. I was going to wear him on my hat but I have a way of misplacing hats and I can not afford to lose this special frog. A frog that loves to dance and appreciates gypsies is especially wonderful. This is my only frog so I am hanging on to him real tight. Will do a real post tonight--I was just taking a quick look at email and I saw where bff darlys had posted so I peeked in to see if she was talking about frogs, and sure 'nuf she is.
Darlys, check your email later to see a picture of my frog. 
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Edited by - doll58maker on Jan 21 2013 11:26:49 AM |
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