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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Aug 22 2014 :  9:52:37 PM  Show Profile

I made a very nice dish from the garden tonight. I picked one of the cabbages and braised it in butter and vegetable broth with thyme. I added some spring onions, green pepper and tofurkey. When it was done cooking, I put fresh parsley and radishes. I seasoned it with caraway seeds, salt and white pepper. I put a little lemon juice in the pot while it was cooking to cut the bitterness. I spooned it over cooked brown rice. Lowell liked it even.

Cindy - I am going the try that pudding recipe. I wonder how it would taste with cinnamon bread or biscuits.

Gypsy - As of now, Lowell and I get all our news and information from the radio. The pictures are so much better. We get our entertainment from DVDs, Netflix and (now) Hulu Plus. Lowell became addicted to Revenge and had to watch two or more episodes a night.

Holly - I remember a story from my youth about a kid barfing on a parent. A young boy was honored by serving his first time as an altar boy at an Easter mass. His father was so proud. As many of you may know, Easter mass is full of bells, whistles and incense. The kid passed out under the influence. His dad raced up to the altar, picked him up and threw him over his shoulder to take him outside for some fresh air. As the father was walking swiftly down the aisle, the kid barfed all over the back of his white suit jacket.

More pictures:

Glamper on Nicollet Avenue

The home of the bacon-topped chocolate donut and it's only 3 blocks away from home.

Mitzi shamelessly rolling in the park.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Aug 22 2014 :  10:05:24 PM  Show Profile
Marie, great pics. I especially love the one of Mitzi so joyful. Your cabbage supper sounds absolutely yummy. Gosh I love this thread.

MaR I hope it was organic shi##.

Good night all. Love you gals.

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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Aug 23 2014 :  09:24:50 AM  Show Profile
Ok, seriously all this food talk is putting pounds on me just reading about it. Oh, by the way Patty, tell me how you make bruschetta chicken. Sounds wonderful!

Sorry sisters but I love my TV. I have a DVR and just record my shows and then binge watch one or two nights a week. A few of my shows aren't available on netflix or hulu. The only way to watch them other than regular tv is to pay for them on iTunes.
But my older son and I share netflix and hulu. He pays for one and I pay for the other.

I realized yesterday I'm all done with the website design homework. I thought I had one more week. All I have to do is proof my final project before turning it in next week. I'm so relieved. Plus, I would have to fail miserably to not get an A.

I signed up for a new online selling site. It is called It is based in Australia but a bunch of Etsy sellers went there after Etsy changed their policies about allowing manufacturers. They don't get the traffic as yet and I have to pay a monthly fee, but I'm going to give it a try as well as keeping Etsy.

Holly, I can just picture the cow goosing you. Glad no one was around. Or rather too bad no one got a picture!

GG it would be great to have another farm girl here on the pacific coast. I might just have to get in my truck and make a trip to see everyone. I still need to visit Mar. She is only an hour and a half away. I'm such a home body though.

Marie, love the pictures. Mitzi looks very happy to have nice grass to spazz out in.

I get to sew today!! Well, actually after I do some typing homework. But I have the fabrics for my son's quilt almost cut out. I'll have quite a bit of it done today. Hopefully I can finish up either tomorrow or next weekend. I have to work three days at the college this week. The lady I am interning for took two days off and even though I still went in, I finished the work too fast and so had to leave early. But next week is my last week of school!! Yea!

Enjoy the weekend!


Farmgirl number 3738
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Not all who wander are lost.../
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Aug 23 2014 :  5:21:21 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

I went to herb class today. In the morning we talked about intentional actions and behavior. Like talk in the positive about what you wan to happen and not what might happen that would be negative. We talked about everything that happens being a gift and that we need to look for the gift. For example, during WWII there was a family that was helping the Jews escape the Nazi's. They were eventually all caught and sent to the concentration camp. They were glad for the lice and fleas in their beds at night because it kept the guards out of their beds. Even in cancer some people find the gift. We spoke about unconditional love and being able to love someone but not liking that person's behavior or putting yourself in a position that you have to deal with that person's behavior.
We spoke about positive thoughts and words, saying outloud what you want your ears to hear.

We spoke about practicing gratitude by responding to any situation with a thank you and no judgement

Practice authenticity. which does not mean telling someone she looks awful in a dress because that would cause hurt but talking with truth and positiveness.

practice completion - tell your story three times and then let it go

Practice Love - the opposite of love is not hate but fear.

forgive those who have hurt you even if they have died. It is good for you and them. Do not criticize, condemn or complain. Wehn you do you put yourself on the same level of that which you criticize, condemn or complain.

Focus on what is desired.

If you want to change circumstances change the thoughts and words you use to reflect what you want.

I do not understand all of these to explain them well. I understood when my teacher was talking about them and I was taking notes. I think I have to listen again and again to be able to incorporate it into my life. Step by step I guess to change and healing.

She talks about her angels talking to her and telling her that those spirits that choose a body are considered by the angels to be very strong and admirable. Are you all familiar with the thought concept that We all become spirits when we die and then our spirits can choose to be reborn into a new body. The spirit can choose when to return and under what circumstances to return. During the return body the spirit has jobs to do to learn and heal. I am learning about this as well.

Some pretty heavy stuff. I think some of the concepts are universal to any positive change belief system.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

2259 Posts

Posted - Aug 23 2014 :  8:07:45 PM  Show Profile
I just read your post to B, Holly. I had to interrupt his nightly [b***h-up to read it. I said if he csn only tell his stories three times, he's got to start completely over with some new stuff, because I've heard every one at least five times already.

He does believe he has a spirit guide and he says he has seen mine.

Forgiveness is a very powerful thing. It is huge. I thought the opposite of love was indifference. I knew it was not hate.

I do believe that we are spiritual beings having a human experience and not the other way around. Not sure if I'll volunteer to come back, lol.


Edited by - doll58maker on Aug 23 2014 8:09:48 PM
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
3331 Posts

Posted - Aug 24 2014 :  02:37:37 AM  Show Profile
Not sure how this fits in with the conversation, but I hope you will get what I mean. Since we are putting in water lines, dh has been digging to find how the current water lines run. It has not been apparent how the lines straight line from the well to the upright, but rather a round about course instead. Since we are going to have to trench, the "call before you dig" folks have been out with their magical beepers locating the electrical, gas and phone lines. They can't "magically" sense where the water lines exist, but one of the men offered to use his divining rods to locate it for dh. Dh was pretty impressed that he located it where we already knew it was, especially since it was not an apparent area to expect it. The gentleman also identified where he believed it ran between the shop and the upright spigot. Dh does not believe in any kind of psychic abilities and divining falls into this category. So we were talking about how he would have to rethink his beliefs if this man was right...
This morning dh headed out to dig where the man had declared there would be the pipeline. It wasn't there. So all psychics, spiritual readers, etc are hogwash. I hate when he is so completely closed to these ideas and thinks all these people are shysters. sigh.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Aug 24 2014 :  11:00:29 AM  Show Profile
Mar, here is all I know about that:

My grandfather was a diviner. He used the bible and a key. When anyone in the area wanted to drill a well they would have him come over and do his thing I guess if it hadn't worked, word would have gotten around and people would have stopped calling upon him for this service.

A while back, B and I decided to try our hand at this with the coat hanger method, which you can look up on utube. We walked all over the place. We were holding the rods correctly and as we would walk over certain areas, they would begin to move. In certain areas, they would spin around like crazy. In other areas they would move slightly, while in some places they did nothing.

I believe there is a scientific explanation, not a hoodoo or voodoo one. Something to do with metal's reaction to water, maybe. There is info to google on this subject for the "prove it to me" guys. You and DH might want to try this yourselves. Just be sure the neighbors aren't watching.


Edited by - doll58maker on Aug 24 2014 11:01:34 AM
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Aug 24 2014 :  11:46:38 AM  Show Profile
That would be an interesting afternoon. Right now, I can't deal with his black and white view of these things...

American Canyon is where we raised our children. It is difficult to see the photos, although a 6.1 earthquake isn't that bad. I haven't been able to talk to the few people we know who still live there. But, since there are only three reported injuries, I feel they are fine. But, it looks like there is a mess to clean up. Such a shame to see some of the beautiful downtown buildings ruined.

I haven't bought any produce from the Farm Stand that has the sh*& cannon. I am afraid to ask if they consider their produce organic and then ask if they feed the cattle antibiotic laden grain... I don't want to bust anyone's bubble.

Hope everyone has a lovely Sunday.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Aug 24 2014 :  12:16:48 PM  Show Profile
It's a fact that guys are so much easier to live with when they are not around 24/7. I get so tired of having to feed mine.

I need to find some news somewhere to see about the earthquake. Didn't know it had hit. I know that's got to be emotionally difficult when you have a personal connection to the place. It's bad enough when you know nothing about the place or the people.

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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Aug 24 2014 :  4:04:28 PM  Show Profile

Today I went out to breakfast with Lowell and his daughter Hayley. She wanted Lowell to pick up a rug for her from Pottery Barn which she couldn't fit in her car. We got up late. She was already at the restaurant. I was ready in about 10 minutes. Lowell took longer. We had a good breakfast nonetheless. While I was waiting for them to load up the car, I looked around the store. They have a sale on baskets and I found a nice woven basket which will replace our cracked, falling apart plastic one. I bought one and sat by the door with it to wait for him. When he came in, he asked if I had bought it. I said, "Let's just go" and walked swiftly through the door. He got all panicked because he thought I had stolen it. Aren't I evil?! We all had a good laugh.

Holly - The very much enjoyed the piece you wrote about intentional living. It sounds very much similar to Buddhist thinking. They teach that one should try not to lie or curse. One should try to be compassionate and forgiving. The Eightfold Path is the means to enlightenment and includes right view, right intention, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness and right concentration. When I first got into Buddhism, I was working as a third party debt collector. It was a job in which you basically browbeat people into paying their debts. According to right livelihood, one should not be employed in work which hurts people. I was never one to yell at people and make them angry or cry so I changed my tactics and told people I was there to help them. I felt better about my job and people were actually beginning to work with me. But then, I wasn't getting results so I was fired.

Marianne - My great-grandmother from the old country was considered a witch because she knew how to find the good well water. I don't know how she did it, that knowledge has been lost. All of us have some sort of psychic ability.

I have to take Mitzi out for a walk before it starts raining again. There is a tornado warning for this area. The sky is funny -- bright and shiny even though it is raining.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Aug 24 2014 :  4:05:35 PM  Show Profile
Originally water witching or divining was done with a willow branch. It was thought that it had something to do with the water content of the branch. You used a forked one. Up and down motion told you how deep you had to go for the water. Where I use to live there was this poser Indian guy that would come to your house in his lion cloth and divine for water with Indian chants. I passed on that and just used the well drilling company. They witched it with a coat hanger and were right on. Probably because they had dug all the wells in the area and already knew where the water was.

I worked on my sons quilt today. I should have it done next weekend to send off to the quilter. I'm not going to do it. It's just too big to quilt with my machine.

My mom is going to Utah for two weeks to see my nieces new baby. I was hoping for a longer visit but I'll take what I can get.

Not much going on. Just house sitting and sewing.

Holly, I wish I could remember to do all the things you put in your post. I try but then go back to my old ways.
I concentrate on my picture of home. It's so hard not to worry about being stuck here with my mother. I just keep thinking of the home I want. Hopefully I'll get there so e day.

Later all...


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Aug 24 2014 :  4:44:26 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

I understand that a diviner can tell you where there is water and how deep and how much a minute it is running. I asked one once to find a leak in an outside pipe for me. He could not do that because he can only find water. He can not tell leaks in pipes. There is a dowser's conference every year in St Johnsbury area of Vermont. There is a National Dowser's group. They can find lost objects, minerals, gems as well as water. Maybe the man who dowsed your place found water but not the water the chocolate man wanted. Maybe the chocolate man did not dig in the right line. He will deal. Tell him to dig a trench until he finds the line. That should keep him occupied for a while. lol

The thoughts I last posted may indeed be Buddhist in nature. My teacher may indeed be a follower. I did not think to ask her that specific a question.

It is hard to remember and follow everything at once when it is new or unfamiliar. I think going one step at a time.

I read a book once that said the things you do on the first day of your dh's retirement are the things he will expect you to do everyday. Good luck in changing the behaviors especially if he is busy remodeling and such. He may think it is your role or you may have just filled in the gap not thinking and now resent your role. Maybe you could make a schedule for making meals so you trade off? I have no answers for you I guess. I will listen to you vent, however.

Tell the chocolate man that the only people who can't change their minds are dead.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

520 Posts

Columbus Oh
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Posted - Aug 24 2014 :  7:18:32 PM  Show Profile
Good evening. Got home this evening from caring for my failing MIL. Not easy. She so wants to keep her independence. It is not going to happen. There are 3 stages in the retirement community that she lives. She is in level 1, which is an apartment, no assistance, she drives and can come and go as she wants. I think it is time to go to stage 2 level. She gets confused taking her meds and does need help. She has been fighting a bacterial infection and does not seem to be winning this battle at all. She needs prayers.
As soon as I got home I worked on the pigeon coop, putting a ledge inside for the birds to get on before they fly out of the coop and for them to get on when they return. It was the only thing left to do, but I procrastinated until we decided to let them out of the coop. So this evening we opened the coop and let them out. They hung out with the chickens for awhile, and then flew from shed roof, to garage roof, to chicken coop roof and back again. The finally flew up on a wire, one went in but the others refused. We had to use the water hose on them to get them down. It was so dark by then we just had to catch them in a net and put them back into the coop. Everyone is in bed now, snuggled, safe and sound.
I pulled weeds, picked green beans, dug up a bucket of onions and picked rhubarb. I will be busy tomorrow! Needless to say it has been a stressful, busy weekend and terribly HOT! I am exhausted and heading to bed!
Everyone have a good night. :)

Patty #1840

A rind is a terrible thing to waste. Compost.

When they had all had enough to eat, he said to his disciples, “Gather the pieces that are left over. Let nothing be wasted.”
-Jesus in John 6:12 NIV Bible
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Aug 24 2014 :  8:53:44 PM  Show Profile
Patty, I like the pics you posted. You are the bird woman of Ohio, I guess. It sure is tough for the moms and MILs when they reach this point but the only thing separating us from them is just a few short years.

Holly, here is the food dilemma at my house. B does not demand anything and will "fend for himself" any time. It's not that. He likes things that I do not eat. I like things he does not eat. He was part of a religious group that was Kosher for over twenty years and he still keeps kosher. That means no pork, no shell fish, no bottom feeders, or any fish without scales. He doesn't really see the benefit of paying for organic but I do. Add to that his native Scotland where they eat heavy over cooked stuff, lots of lamb and veal. Lamb is hard to find and very expensive here. He only eats turkey bacon or turkey sausage. All expensive. He uses artificial seasonings like Mrs. Dash which I hate. He makes a lamb stew and a Cornish game hen stew. All heavy stuff. He won't eat any kind of beans except green beans. He loves scones, cookies, muffins, whole wheat bread but he will not eat pancakes. I like gluten free pancakes but the only bread I can eat is small amounts of sourdough. And, in addition to that, he eats a lot of food, often. I eat small amounts of food but I want it fresh, lightly cooked, not spiced up, and I eat a lot of fresh salads and fresh fruits. He wants all the fruits mixed up in smoothies. He eats salad last, not first, and often eats no salad at all. As much as he eats, it would cost a fortune to buy all organic and he puts fruit in the shopping cart like apples that I will not eat if they are not organic. I hate to pay four dollars for beautiful organic blueberries and see them dumped into a blender with other non organic junk.

So, we are such polar opposites, the menu comes down to chicken (he only likes dark meat) fish, mostly cod or salmon, potatoes, peas and that's about it. I baked a delicious brisket and he ate it but didn't really want it again. He thinks beef isn't good for you. I think his diet is horrible but I don't want to cook two meals. Oh, any kind of pop or carbonated drink is absolutely out. But what can I say? He's 70 and looks 50.

We both like ice cream and look forward to it nightly.

But if food differences is the worst problem we have, we are darn lucky. Mostly, it is just that I want to retire from cooking. He is never disagreeable and never complains about anything. So I eat what he likes some of the time and he eats what I like some of the time. I'm lucky I do not crave all the sweets he eats. He goes through a dozen scones or cookies pretty much daily.

Now isn't that more than you ever wanted you know about the food issues at the G**dsir house?

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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

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The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Aug 24 2014 :  9:39:48 PM  Show Profile
Love the last post, Holly. He is too scientific sometimes.

Tomorrow we get to pull the horse trailer a few hours down the road to purchase a used manure spreader. Sounds glamorous, no? Please don't everyone envy my life...

The chocolate man has kept himself very busy digging holes here, there and seemingly everywhere. I will be getting two new frost free water faucets outside once he connects it all up. He really knows how to have a good time. One good thing about Chocolate Man is he never expects me to fix him a proper dinner. I make things that can be reheated at the appropriate time and he reheats!
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Aug 25 2014 :  07:51:49 AM  Show Profile
Mar, you're right. Tonight when I'm slaving away in the kitchen, I'll just be glad I'm working with food not manure,LOL. The guys have to stay busy, and it's good when it's busy work that we get to benefit from.

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Aug 25 2014 :  4:26:51 PM  Show Profile
Gosh, I hope my goofy sense of humor hasn't offended anyone. We have MIAs again. Where's Cindy and the others?

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Aug 25 2014 :  5:06:06 PM  Show Profile
Have no fear! I'm still here. I've just been kind of quiet cause the stuff that's been happening in Ferguson--which is only about fifteen miles from where I live--has been weighing on my mind. I know someone who lived in Ferguson and Michael Brown would mow their yard for them. He wouldn't accept any payment. The funeral was today and his family called for a day of peace to remember him.
It's very hot and I have a rash that keeps itching. It seems like whenever I pick my tomatoes, it itches where the leaves of the plant have touched my arms. I've been getting a lot of the peach tomatoes. I cut them in half (they're about golf ball sized) and sprinkle a little salt on each half and eat them. I eat more fresh vegetables when it's hot like this.
Patty--great bird pictures. I used to have a pet white dove and he would sit outside on a perch and cock his head and look at the sky. He looked like a philosopher pondering the mysteries of the universe. I guess you would've had to see him.
Marie--cute picture of Mitzi. I wish I had one of those little glampers.
GG--I like hearing about food. I guess I'm weird, I like going to a grocery store better than a clothing store. I'm particular about clothes and most stores carry junk. I like to browse in a grocery store and find exotic ingredients.
Holly--I don't know much about Buddhism but i like yoga. Sometimes when I'm feeling upset I'll just stop and breathe and say "Nameste everyone!" so what if people think I'm weird.
I need to run, the boy who mows my yard broke his foot and someone is supposed to come by and look at my yard and give me an estimate. My grass is up to there.

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Aug 25 2014 :  5:09:29 PM  Show Profile
I'm here too. Just lurking. Nothing new in these woods. Homework took up most of my day. I'm getting ready to go our to my nightly charges.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Aug 25 2014 :  5:19:35 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

I do not envy you the dietary peculiarities. I know someone who has a partner who only eats white food. No vegetables or meat unless it is white.
Time to put in a greenhouse for your short winter and a cool house for your long summer to grow your own food. He can eat out of the freezer section of the store. :)

When I was a child my paternal grandmother came to visit from West Virginia. We had lamb. It was pricey if I remember. She told my mother that they served lamb to the dogs in WVA. She was never flown up to visit us again. I think I have told that story on here already.

Kosher - no butter when you have meat. no cheese when you have meat. no meat with dairy. make a nice breakfast with some wonderful bacon and see if he can resist. I am being terrrible.

The day was wonderfully hot. I am soaking in the heat for the upcoming cold season.

We did school work all morning. it took forever to do a little bit. Tomorrow had better be better.

I made a chocolate zucchini cake this morning and 4 loaves of bread.

Being too scientific can ruin a person's imagination.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Aug 25 2014 :  5:49:33 PM  Show Profile
Cindy I'm glad you haven't left. Did not realize you were so close to that tragedy.

There are lots of people who post the different threads who never post here. I wonder why. But I don't post on their threads when I occasionally wander around to see what everybody else is talking about. Some are just too straight laced for me. I try to never take myself or anyone else too seriously.

Holly I'm going to steal your comment about scientific vs imagination. Love it. I choose imagination. Mar's chocolate man has the mind of an engineer. One of my husbands was an engineer. By the time he got through rigging up the watering system here I had no idea what to do, whereas before I just drug the hose where I wanted it and turned it on.

I like talking about food too. Mar, what do you cook for your chocolate man and how did you train him to heat up his own supper? Lots of women would pay for that information. By the way, did you ever get over to the cheese factory?

I took a pic from my kitchen door with my IPad. I'll see if it will post.


Edited by - doll58maker on Aug 25 2014 5:58:24 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Aug 25 2014 :  6:01:55 PM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 15 2019 7:00:46 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Aug 25 2014 :  6:05:23 PM  Show Profile
They seem blurry. It's hard to hold the IPad steady. I think the phone is better. Anyway, the red bird plants are about done for the summer. Tons of seed pods this year.

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Aug 25 2014 :  6:37:17 PM  Show Profile
Me again. Cindy, the tomato vine/leaves sting my hands and arms,too. Where ever it touches my skin. I sure like the sound of those peach tomatoes--any homegrown tomato beats the store bought ones. Once they go into cold storage they are ruined.

Good night all.

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Aug 26 2014 :  07:39:05 AM  Show Profile
GG, what a beautiful view. If it didn't get so darned hot, it would be wonderful. I would worry about wild things getting my kitties though.


Farmgirl number 3738
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