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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Aug 19 2014 :  8:34:52 PM  Show Profile
So cute, Patty. They are each special, for sure. I remember the flower names now. I hope you get to see them often.

I don't see my grands very often and B has none.

My mom is getting a huge cataract removed tomorrow morning. She waited too long. Her knee is swelling and she doesn't know why. She said it hurts all the time. Doc says arthritis but she does not believe it. Her left hand is useless from the last fall. Yet she needs a cane or walker to get around. Somehow she does it. Her scoliosis is so bad she looks straight at the ground when she walks, and is all twisted up. Yet she goes on. Still drives. Still lives alone. The neighbors bring her food. I hope for everybody's sake that she goes to sleep one night and does not wake up. Her mind is pretty well gone. Her kidneys are failing. Nobody wants to be that person in the nursing home who doesn't know her own name and has to be fed and diapered, yet will not die. She is determined to not be that person but if she does not die soon she will be that person. I told her I will not move to Houston to take care of her but she can come live with me when she is ready. She does not want to leave her house. It is so filthy but she can not see any of it. I just got off the phone with her so this is fresh on my mind. Thanks for letting me vent. No need to comment, just thanks for listening.

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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

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The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Aug 20 2014 :  01:51:44 AM  Show Profile
It is so difficult to watch these changes, GG. So much is beyond your control without initiating a big fight. Good luck and vent when needed.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Canal Winchester OH
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Posted - Aug 20 2014 :  03:35:19 AM  Show Profile
Patty, Such sweet babies! Wish they lived closer so you could see them more!

GG, Prayers your way!
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Aug 20 2014 :  4:30:50 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Today was quite warm all day. We spent the whole day outside. We went picking red clover blossoms to dry for tea.

My brother is buying himself an RV. He will go this weekend to pick it up. He is more than excited. Thank you all for your kind thoughts. The liver is an amazing organ. If we could find an O+ person who is above normal in height. My brother is 6'6" tall so a small person would have a small piece and a bigger person would have a bigger piece so it would take him less time to generate a whole liver from a bigger piece. make sense?

We had an antenna that sat on the top of the digital converter box until the littles swung it around and broke the circular piece off the top. When it worked we were able to receive three or four stations. Each of the stations had two or more substations. For example, VPT had the main station and a duplicate of it. Then there was the world station and one with old geography shows on it. We did not pay for that access.

Patty I have always liked the flower names. C had an aunt named Liatris (leah tris) I always liked that name maybe if your daughter has another daughter you could petition for that name. :)
Sometimes when our domestic turkeys are old enough to call they attract the wild turkeys to the yard. They call back and forth.

We had fritatas for supper. It is the first time I have ever made them. I thought of Mar on two accounts. I did not leave the house and burn them and I put in zucchini. The recipe in Joy of cooking actually was for zucchini fritatas. Although I used shredded zucchini instead of sliced since I already had it in the fridge. We had rice as well. Even the picky eaters liked it. For lunch we had macaroni and cheese with shredded zucchini.

I will hope for what is best for your mother, GG. I think waking up dead after a good night's sleep would be the best way to leave this world. How can she still drive?

I did have a little scare today. The cow wears a GPS collar so I can keep track of where she is in the fields on the property. Sometimes in the spring she goes down the hill but she has not done this dirty deed for a couple of months. I checked the GPS monitor and it said her direction indicated she was up in the 16 acre field. That was good so I did not check for a while. When I checked again it said she was 5.6 miles west of the house. I knew this could not be possible in the short while I had not followed her meanderings but none the less I became agitated and we went looking for her in the car. When we reached the bottom of the hill the GPS monitor came to its senses and indicated she was right where she was supposed to be. The little boys were relieved that she was not so far away and that mama had calmed down. I was relieved that they had not made a grand escape to parts unknown and far away. lol

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Aug 20 2014 :  6:54:52 PM  Show Profile
Holy cow, Holly,

We can not keep up with anything around here. We lose our glasses, our keys, our hats, our purses, you name it, we can't keep up with it. But losing a cow?--now that takes the cake.

Mar, guess what the B is doing right now? Yep, trying to get those little tabs to stick. He has new names for them. You know, like "these #%^*ers won't stick to the }#%^!!ing wall! ". I'll be surprised if we pick up any channels way out here in the boonies but he just had to try.

Stay tuned.

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Aug 20 2014 :  7:00:07 PM  Show Profile
Oh, mom called. She got through the surgery and said it was no big deal. She has to wear some sort of goggles to keep all light out of her eyes for a month. My sister took her and brought her home and left her. By herself. Holly I do not know how she drives. She only goes a few blocks-- church, grocery store and walmart. Well, the neighbor told me how she drives--like a bat out of hell.

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Aug 20 2014 :  7:32:45 PM  Show Profile
When my grandfather was in his 80's he drove. The cops cleared the roads for him. No one could tell him to stop driving because he was a doctor and he would pull rank.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Shawnee Oklahoma
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Posted - Aug 21 2014 :  07:26:33 AM  Show Profile
just checking in gals. am doing ok. will try to catch up with everyone during next week. very busy at work and my house is a mess. trying to help brother deal with other brother's loss. they lived together for 10 years and they were best friends so it is hard on him. all of us who have had losses understand that. been having a lot of headaches lately - don't know what is going on with that. hope everyone is doing ok and will try to post more later. good to have you with us theresa! you will see that we all get on this thread when we can.
hugs to all

farmgirl #390
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True Blue Farmgirl

873 Posts

Dallas Texas
873 Posts

Posted - Aug 21 2014 :  09:55:33 AM  Show Profile
Hi there glad to see you here!! Have been thinking of you and wondering how things were going for you. So sorry to hear that your brother is struggling so. Good he has you to help him grieve. Come by soon!! :)

My best to all,
Sassy City Girl with Farmgirl Fantasies!
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Aug 21 2014 :  10:52:02 AM  Show Profile
Hi, Janiee, thanks for checking in. Glad you are hanging in there and so sorry for all you have been going through but I know you are a source of support for your brother now. Bless you my friend.

Mar, the antenna did not work. I think we should have tried one of the outside ones because we are a long way from anywhere, but, oh, well, we will just take it back to hone depot. You did put us on to the fact that there are good antennas out there now compared to the old ones. We might find an outdoor one that will work.

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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Aug 21 2014 :  4:57:20 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone.

Today was overcast and sort of rainy all day. A neighbor took the littles to pick blueberries and go swimming. they left at 11 and returned at 3. I had time to myself! it was very nice. I did have an hour long conference call to deal with but other than that I did what I wanted.

C was telling me that her friend S has two small sons. One of them throws up when he cries. Last night at supper he was upset for some reason and began to cry. She didn't think any thing about it and picked him up and held him close. He barfed down the back of her shirt and it went into the top of her pants. Her husband looked at her and sincerely said, that was the bravest thing I have ever seen. lol

Janiee I am so glad you popped in to let us know you are ok. You certainly have experienced your share of loss in the last few years but that does not make it any easier the next time. I hope your brother treats you well and recognizes how important you are.

I am glad your mom survived the surgery, GG. I hope it makes her life a little easier. Do you have a metal roof on your house. That makes inside antennas problematic. We have to keep ours near the window to get it to work.

I am trying to print onto fabric. The printer prints but the colors are not anywhere near brilliant. I guess I will do more research to see if there is anything else I can do.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Aug 21 2014 :  5:27:15 PM  Show Profile
Holly, printing on fabric typically makes the colors a little more dim. What are you going to do with the fabric. The reason I ask is because the ink will not stay if you are going to wash it. You need to either treat the fabric or buy special fabric sheets that can handle the ink and allow it to stay. The treated fabric is very expensive by the way. Close to $4.00 per 8.5 x 11 sheet. The product I use to use to treat larger pieces was called "bubblejet". There may be others on the market now.

GG I'm glad your mom came through surgery ok. Too bad your sister just dropped her off. I know you will check on her to make sure she is still doing ok.

Holly, my son says "wake up dead" too. I have known a few people that has happened to. A dear friend of mine went to sleep for a nap and never woke up. I hope I"m so lucky. Glad you got a little break today.

Almost done with school! I can't wait. I will be working on my etsy site and my pictures. I'm thinking of adding another shopping site called Zibbit. I am going to do my pictures a little different and see if it makes a difference. I hope to learn a new technique for making the background disappear so only the dress shows. I am going to barter for Photopshop lessons from a lady at the college. She wants to learn to sew.

GG sorry the antenna didn't work. It is a struggle to get what you want at a decent price. I think the cable companies are on notice that people are getting tired of them. It will be interesting to see how the industry changes to adapt.

I applied for another job the other day. It is a job with the state of Oregon in the Environmental department. They deal with permits and policies for environmental issues like using grey water or toxic waste disposal. I'm actually really hoping they call me. It sounds so interesting. I heard the people are really great to work with too. Their office is up at the community college.

Not much else to report. Going to Bunco tonight. Homework tomorrow and then off for dog sitting in the boonies again for 10 days. I still have to come home each morning to do homework and work at the school.

Later all!


Farmgirl number 3738
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Not all who wander are lost.../
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True Blue Farmgirl

520 Posts

Columbus Oh
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Posted - Aug 21 2014 :  5:54:28 PM  Show Profile
Good evening. I hope everyone is well. We have to spend the weekend sitting with my MIL . DH is taking duty first and spending all day tomorrow. And will head home early Sat morning. He has obligations on Sat. I will go down early Sat morning. I will be bored stiff! However duty calls. :)Our washer went out so we had to order a new one. It will be delivered tomorrow. I wanted to make sure that I would be here for delivery. I can't stress how anxious I am. :) We ordered a all-in-one unit. Washer and dryer. It is made by LG, comparable to a front loader in size and comparable in price to a pair of front loaders. I know if ones goes out, they both do... however we only had to pay for 1 extended warranty for 1 unit this way, not 2. :) It will take up so much less room in my little laundry room.
I have been busy canning, and hatching out baby chicks. We had one born with it's head turned upside down. Sad it was. We tried to Popsicle stick it into place for a few days and had to hand feed it. We finally decided we had done all we could and it was not going to get better. That is the hardest part of hatching out babies.
We had our first local farmgal meeting today and felt it really went well. Lots of enthusiasm!

GG_ I hope your mother's surgery will allow her to keep her independence a little longer. When we were in Illinois we were so far from the TV stations that the antenna did not work either. :( I can get my news channels on Hulu plus and on different Roku channels, but they are atleast a day behind and never local news.

Holly- It is always nice to get a little break. My daughter never gets a break from her chillins as she homeschools them, and since she is military she is away from family to help. When we were out there we took the girls to the motel one night to hang out with us and swim so she could get a little break. LOL, but it was almost too quiet for her to enjoy.

Bunny- That sounds like a wonderful job!!!! I so hope you get it. We could probably all learn some things from you having that job!

Janiee_- Prayers to you and your brother both. I lost both of my brothers at 40 years old. I know the pain you are both going through.

Off to clean my laundry room. DH hauled the old washer and dryer out. Can't believe the dust and lint that accumulates under those things!

Patty #1840

A rind is a terrible thing to waste. Compost.

When they had all had enough to eat, he said to his disciples, “Gather the pieces that are left over. Let nothing be wasted.”
-Jesus in John 6:12 NIV Bible
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Aug 21 2014 :  6:08:51 PM  Show Profile
I'm always amazed at the wealth of knowledge there is among this group.

Patty, I bought some plaster of Paris to try to make my own chalk paint. Any insider tips from you about making or using this? I'm wanting to use some old kitchen cabinets as bookcases. Without the doors. Wishing I wouldn't have to sand all the old varnish off.

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True Blue Farmgirl

520 Posts

Columbus Oh
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Posted - Aug 21 2014 :  6:42:00 PM  Show Profile
No GG, no need to sand. However, I do use sand deglosser from Home depot. It is a liquid and you just wipe it on with a saturated cloth and let dry. About 10 min. Then paint and wax. I cheat and use varathane in a satin finish. It is a floor finish that dries in about 10 min. Expensive and I think only available in a gallon size. But it goes a long way. I love chalk paint. :)

Patty #1840

A rind is a terrible thing to waste. Compost.

When they had all had enough to eat, he said to his disciples, “Gather the pieces that are left over. Let nothing be wasted.”
-Jesus in John 6:12 NIV Bible
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Aug 21 2014 :  10:03:24 PM  Show Profile
Great stuff! Chalk paint looks like a lot of fun.

GG, sorry you didn't have any luck with the antenna. Still glad to hear my dh isn't the only tab-handicapped male in the US. Sounds like you sis is using little compassion or commonsense in dealing with your mom. But, it was nice that you didn't have to race there to take care of the surgery appointment.

Janie, I think maybe your extreme busy-ness and all the loss you have suffered may be contributing to your headaches. I hope you get some relief soon. but, I am so glad to hear from you and I hope you can post more often.

I got the latest Janet Evanovich book from the library today. She is one of my favorite authors and it feels like such a treat to have it!

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Aug 22 2014 :  1:56:05 PM  Show Profile
Mar, look at this.

Well, the tabs aren't showing.

I found a website that would look up my address and tell me what signals I could get. Rethinking we would try an outdoor antenna. Nada. At least 10 stations and we got weak signal for one we never heard of and no signal for all the others. It was all for nothing.
Now I have absolute proof we are in the boonies!!

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Aug 22 2014 :  1:58:21 PM  Show Profile
Thank you Patty. That is a big help. I'm anxious to try the chalk paint. Wonder how it does over laminate?

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Columbus Oh
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Posted - Aug 22 2014 :  2:11:23 PM  Show Profile
It does great over wood laminate. Not so great if it is the vinyl laminate AKA stickers over pressed wood.

Patty #1840

A rind is a terrible thing to waste. Compost.

When they had all had enough to eat, he said to his disciples, “Gather the pieces that are left over. Let nothing be wasted.”
-Jesus in John 6:12 NIV Bible
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Aug 22 2014 :  4:36:47 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

It rained all day today. Sprinkles mostly a little downpours.

I did nothing special all day long. I walked the cows from one field to another. The big male thought he would goose me and he did. I was lifted off the ground and then did a fancy side step to catch myself. I thought I was pretty graceful and proud that I did not do a face plant or land on my keester. He will be 20 month old milk fed beef at the end of October.

Ten stations are a lot of TV. I am not sure from your description how you will or are not able to access them.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Aug 22 2014 :  5:14:47 PM  Show Profile
Holly I'm glad the bull did not hurt you. We once years ago raised a cow with the intention of killing her or him for meat and somehow it knew, it was always ornery and then the meat was tough.

We did not drive to the city today. We will go on Monday and get a streaming device and whatever TV we can stream through the Internet is what we will watch. Seems we are just out of reach of all Austin and San Antonio stations. I don't know what b will do about news but at this point I don't care.
I watch very little tv and the noise annoys me. We do need to know what weather to expect and the horrors of what is going on in the rest of the world I'd rather not know because it just upsets me. I'm to old to change anything and my kids and grands don't agree with my views anyway. So what will be will be.

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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Aug 22 2014 :  5:55:42 PM  Show Profile
It is so nice to "tune in" to the Over 50s and get not one but two laugh out loud moments! Thanks for the photo, GG. And Thanks for the goosing story, Holly. I actually laughed out loud. And you know, some days laughing out loud is very important. I guess, it is important everyday...

There is a farmer's stand down the road from us. They have beautiful flower baskets for sale, pick your own tomatoes and lots of other vegetables. They water their fields with a huge sprinkler that shoots the water a very long way! The color of "water" gives away the fact that it has been enhanced with some sort of very fresh dh and I fondly call it the Sh$& Cannon.

We have been having what I consider very lovely weather. It has been in the high 70s and low 80s. So comfy. It cools down at night into the fifties. My garden is happy. The lawn would like a good rain, but it is still green.


Edited by - rough start farmgirl on Aug 22 2014 5:59:25 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Columbus Oh
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Posted - Aug 22 2014 :  6:00:08 PM  Show Profile
GG, We have one of these trusty old things for weather or we get it off the internet.

I too hate the noise of the TV. I love it when the weather is nice enough that DH is outside. He has been sitting with his mother since early this morning and I will meet him down
there tomorrow and take my shift. My shift happens to be longer :/ . He likes TV so they watched TV all day and they can talk about old times and all the people they know from their hometown. I know no one from their hometown. :( And I don't watch TV. I will be bored stiff.

Holly- I would have liked to seen a video of the cow goose. I can only imagine it and I bet it was hilarious. However I am glad you were not injured.

Has anyone seen the magazine from the UK called "the simple things"? It can be purchased at Joann's. It has a recipe for a Summer pudding in it. You cook any berry in sugar and water. You cut disc from bread, soak it it the juice. Put one disc in the bottom of a 1/2 pint canning jar, add berries and juice, top with 3 more soaked bread disc. Cap it, put in the fridge over night. I can imagine it being delicious. I bet you could use fruit as well. I have some fresh strawberries and will try it tonight. Maybe later this week I will try it with some blackberries. We have a new store in our area called "Fresh Thyme Farmer's Market". Strawberries were $.77 a lb.

9pm and I am still canning tomatoes. Time to go empty the canner and start my last bunch. :)

Patty #1840

A rind is a terrible thing to waste. Compost.

When they had all had enough to eat, he said to his disciples, “Gather the pieces that are left over. Let nothing be wasted.”
-Jesus in John 6:12 NIV Bible

Edited by - thebyrdhaus on Aug 22 2014 6:12:56 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Aug 22 2014 :  7:15:43 PM  Show Profile
That's it--I'm moving-- I pay about 4$ a pkg for strawberries nowhere near a pound.
Mar I'm jealous of your weather. We are starting to think seriously about six months each in Vancouver and Seattle. At the rate we are going, this house won't be finished and marketable for a couple years.

I cooked veal tonight. Was ok. When you live in the country you have to make do with what you have. Recipe called for fresh spinach but I used frozen kale. Also had no fresh mushrooms. But the sauce was made with white wine reduced 50% then added chicken broth reduced 50% again then add parsley, grape tomatoes cut in half, lemons and butter. The kale goes on the plate then the veal on that and then topped with the sauce and the tomatoes, lemons and parsley made a pretty presentation. B wanted potatoes so we had mashed potatoes though I would have preferred rice. He always compliments my cooking which I appreciate.

Patty it's good you have a man who will take care of his mother. He's a good guy. Good thing you are geographically close enough to do that now.

I have a NOAA weather radio and I can get weather on my computer. But I like to see the storms coming in particularly during hurricane season. Then in the winter we watch the cold fronts come down from Canada. It's weird I know but weather is a big deal here.


Edited by - doll58maker on Aug 22 2014 7:31:08 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

520 Posts

Columbus Oh
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Posted - Aug 22 2014 :  8:26:09 PM  Show Profile
The summer pudding is done but I could not wait for it to chill down. I already ate one jar. :) It was delicious! Will make them again for sure. Tomatoes are done. I have Bruschetta Chicken Bake in the oven to take to Cincinnati tomorrow so MIL has something to eat. I also have a couple extra chicken breast in Italian dressing in the pressure cooker to take. GG she is 100 miles away, still a dreaded drive but not too bad. I will get about 5 hours of sleep by the time I get to bed. Already 11:30 here. :( Luckily I can nap all day after I get there. :)

Patty #1840

A rind is a terrible thing to waste. Compost.

When they had all had enough to eat, he said to his disciples, “Gather the pieces that are left over. Let nothing be wasted.”
-Jesus in John 6:12 NIV Bible

Edited by - thebyrdhaus on Aug 22 2014 8:27:18 PM
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