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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Aug 26 2014 : 08:33:29 AM
Good mOrning Ladies. I kind of got a late start this morning. I was up early working in the kitchen, had breakfast, started a load of laundry, then all of the sudden pooped out. So DH was going to help some friends do some mulching today so I went back to bed for a good couple hour nap. I think I am just emotionally, mental and physically drained from the weekend. I feel much better since I got up the second time.
GG- The food dilemma in our house is that I am on a gluten free diet and DH is not. I buy organic and gluten free groceries which can be costly. I have found a gluten free cookie that is delicious. However they are costly. So please DH, don't eat my entire box of gluten free cookies, after you have finished off your package of Oreos! I feel like I have to hide my groceries. He has no problem eating a Quarter Pounder w/ cheese on a BUN, but will leave his cereal sit in the box and eat the last of my gluten free organic cereal. Just not right. Last night I grilled hamburgers on the grill with cheese, roasted hatch peppers, onions and tomatoes. I put his "cheese food" slices on his burgers and they didn't even melt. Don't buy them if you don't want to eat them. But don't expect to eat my natural cheese all up if you are going to buy that garbage. I think he learned a valuable lesson last night. lol BTW, I love your view. JEALOUS!!!
Mar- Don't tell GG, but though I love slaving away in the kitchen I would much rather be outside in manure this time of year. :)
Cindy- I have been following the happenings across the river closely. That is awfully close to you. I was trying to tell DH how close it was to me when I lived right off of Broadway on McClure there in Alton. Right up from the Town Club. Pretty close to Funny, we were almost neighbors. However, It is a terrible situation. I go through every time I am home as there are a couple of good thrift stores there. My nephew lives in there, though the area has really changed in the past 20 years.
Bunny- I am working on a dress for my little "punker" granddaughter. I so wish I had your imagination.
Holly- Speaking of Kosher, I think I have Kosher eggs! I saw a sign for them so I looked it up. My understanding is they are eggs laid by chickens that are not involved with roosters. Once I get this verified I may start advertising Kosher eggs too! :)
Have a great day ladies. The dryer bell just went off!
Patty #1840
A rind is a terrible thing to waste. Compost.
When they had all had enough to eat, he said to his disciples, “Gather the pieces that are left over. Let nothing be wasted.” -Jesus in John 6:12 NIV Bible |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Aug 26 2014 : 08:40:44 AM
What a gorgeous view. It looks Mediterranean. I don't think I trained dh. I think I broke him. At a certain point, you just have to give up thinking you are going to get a decent meal out of me. Once, twice a month. Maybe. I make beans, pasta dishes, scallopini, ribs. Stuff that I can do the work during the day because by evening the pain takes over and I'm done. He is not a complainer about leftovers which is very important to surviving my being his wife. Ehhh! It works.
Cindy, I am sorry for the unrest in your area. I admire his family for just asking for a day of peace. Who wants such turmoil when you just want to hold your child's memory close for a bit.
Holly, I agree that linear thinking and a scientific mind does not leave a lot of room for wild imagination. But, there is such a fine line between imagination and problem solving. Shades of gray, no? A little bit of both would be perfection.
The manure spreader is home and fixed. Dh got one that needed some work and saved us a thousand bucks. Yay. And today he gets his permanent crown that will secure his partial that will complete his front teeth the house that Jack built? He says he won't look like Gomer Pyle's ignorant cousin anymore...
mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
213 Posts
213 Posts |
Posted - Aug 26 2014 : 11:00:41 AM
I was just sitting here, depressed, and checking my email; I was looking for an email from my brother…( that in a minute), and I saw an email notifying me of a posting from one of my farmgirls…I thought I would check in and see what was happening with you all…you know, while I had the opportunity. I was reading some back posts and saw one from G.G. about her mom; I just started bawling. My mom was in the nursing home and she was that very person that G. G. described; not really knowing anyone (her mind was in and out, sometimes she knew me and sometimes not), having a diaper on, being fed, the whole nine yards. The last time I had stopped to say “hey” to you all was back in June when she had passed. Now the frustration really begins! She had no burial plan or life insurance in place as she had been borrowing against it for many years and not paying it back and then finally cashed it out (all $1500 of it) when she went into the nursing home. She bought a $700 chair for her non private room and some other things to go with her; I applied the last toward some of her bills.
My brothers think she had thousands of dollars, (they, obviously did not know her very well) which they believe I stole (they, apparently didn’t know me, either)… which, of course must be the reason why I’ve basically been forced to sleep in my granddaughter’s bed at my daughter’s house, as I am currently without a home of my own. Well, actually I do have a place…one of those portable cabins placed on my daughter’s property, but I can’t afford to pay professionals to make it habitable, so I’m paying for something I can’t live in because those who said they would help me have been dragging their feet. Oh, wait, the plumber is a professional and I saved for six months to pay him, but he too is dragging his feet on getting the work done.
All her thousands must have bought my new truck too, oh wait, the car that was totaled back in January was paid for by the Doc f in return for my long standing aid to his office and I bought my 2000 pick up with the money I received from the car.
No, wait, wait, wait! It must be that I spent all the thousands on the high end hand-me-down clothes from my daughter and the tennis shoes my DIL bought me. That must be it! (Sorry for my sarcasm and I digress, lol)
Through many phone calls, with my oldest brother following right behind me in those calls (I’m sure he called because was making sure his dishonest sister couldn’t pull the wool over his eyes, because there had to thousands stashed somewhere…) that there was enough of a balance at the nursing home to not only cover her cremation, but to significantly reduce the amount my brothers had to come up with to get her in the ground.
I have to tell you (so you have all the information) that my parents purchased their plots when my younger brother was killed; then when my father died I had to force her to buy a dual headstone. That meant that we (I) would only have to figure out how to pay for her cremation, getting her in the ground, and the etching of the final date for her. Simple, right? Not so fast… The cremation cost just over $1100 and the cemetery wants $1608.50 to put her in the ground and etch the final date; that makes me just under $500 short. That’s what I know now…but back when this happened, I didn’t know exactly how much I would have to work with all together. I knew that there would be at least $1000, but the woman at the nursing home “couldn’t” give me and exact dollar amount.
I kept calling this woman, leaving her messages that she did not return for two months. When she did call me back she tried to tell me that mother’s account was at a zero balance. “oh, no, no, no! You have made an error and you’d better check it again. I KNOW it’s not zero.” She did and got back to me with a dollar amount that brought to within my range, minus nearly $500. Now she tells me that I have to tell her who to make the check to and it had to be done soon or the money will be returned to the state…(it didn’t come from the state of OK…?) Now it can’t be sent to any of the siblings, because of the will of the non-existing estate; it has to be sent to the cemetery or to the executer (who has never returned my calls). So I contacted my oldest brother by email about it; he said to send it to the other brother (the cemetery is where the second one lives); I said it wasn’t allowed; he said he would contact the other brother and that’s the last I’ve heard.
I called the cemetery to find out if anything had already been done (any balance from this money would have to go to the executor to be split…oh boy!) and there a\has only been a contract made, but no monies applied. I asked if I could have the nursing home send this money and have it applied; he said he didn’t know and would call me back…waiting, waiting, waiting. GRRRRRR!
I have done everything I could to get their share down to less than $250 each and they can’t even have the decency to say thank you or to even respond to my calls and emails. They continue to do nothing, as they have done all these years; I guess I should expect nothing less from these two who have done absolutely nothing for this family since they became “adults.”
This about sums everything up…thanks every one for putting up with my giant ranting vent.
If there is a will, there's a way; find your way!
Sister #3282 |
Edited by - Cooknnana on Aug 26 2014 11:13:24 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
213 Posts
213 Posts |
Posted - Aug 26 2014 : 11:24:26 AM
UPDATE: I heard back from the cemetery; I'm so shocked. Because the contract was made in my brother's name...they can't receive money from someone who is not on the contract...AAAAARRRRRGGGGHHHH!!!!
If there is a will, there's a way; find your way!
Sister #3282 |
True Blue Farmgirl
907 Posts

Canal Winchester
907 Posts |
Posted - Aug 26 2014 : 12:27:23 PM
Cooknnana, BREATHE!!!! Breathe deeply!!! Family can do that to ya! Warm hugs coming your way.
Finished the toy box for my grandson. Here is a couple of shots of it.
Gotta run! Back to the sewing room to work on some Christmas gifts! |
True Blue Farmgirl
520 Posts
520 Posts |
Posted - Aug 26 2014 : 1:47:47 PM
Gamaw!! I love it. You did an excellent job!
Patty #1840
A rind is a terrible thing to waste. Compost.
When they had all had enough to eat, he said to his disciples, “Gather the pieces that are left over. Let nothing be wasted.” -Jesus in John 6:12 NIV Bible |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Aug 26 2014 : 3:46:46 PM
Kathryn so sorry you are having such a rough time. Hope everything works out for you. Theresa, CUTE toy box. Love it. Bunny, the wild things here that would eat your kitties probably wouldn't come up to the house. There are coyotes and foxes for sure. Last night we were sitting out under the stars and heard something in the rocks, so we got the flashlight and there were two baby skunks playing they were so cute, I had to google them to be sure they were skunks, they had the skunk tail but the bodies were black and white spotted. We think that must be what is living in the attic and the walls. B thinks the roof is totally sealed but they may have tunneled into the earth and gotten into the walls that way. Part of the house is not on a slab. When it cools off there is so much to do outside.
The only reason it is green here now is because we finally got some good rain. Usually it is brown this time of year, so don't pack your bags yet,lol. Still, the view is nice all the time. We can see the sunrise on the deck side and see the sunset on the porch side.
Today was just too hot to do anything so it is 5:30 pm here and I'm still in my pjs. I made gluten free pancakes with turkey bacon about noon and we are about to go cook cod, bake potatoes and, yes, peas. For supper. B said he would cook the cod. Holly you are right, I started out doing a lot of the stuff when he was working long hours but he's retired now, too, so he should be doing half the kitchen work. Patty, you are exactly dead on target with your comments about the food situation. Mar I wonder why it is that pain gets worse at night, but I know it to be true. I think you are so brave to just keep on keeping on. You will say, well, what else can you do? I would Bitc*a lot.
Edited by - doll58maker on Aug 26 2014 3:59:30 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Aug 26 2014 : 3:50:56 PM
Bunny I'm anxious to see the man quilt. Bet that's what you are doing right now.
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Aug 26 2014 : 4:00:37 PM
They were even cuter than this.
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Aug 26 2014 : 4:33:49 PM
Oh good lord, That is the cutest thing. I do know that once they find a place to give birth, they return to do it again... What fun to find them, huh?
So we have bats, about the size of butterflies in the peaks of the eight sided gazebo. Eight sides, lots of peaks. I have been putting moth balls in cheesecloth and dh is hanging them where the bats are sleeping. So far, we are chasing them around the gazebo, but I think I have enough moth balls now that we are gaining on them! They have started to use the bat house. Yay. I just want them to stop pooping in the bat gazebo... Dh asked me if I wanted to climb up the ladder to see them up close. I am petrified of mice and I don't really like birds, (sorry Patty) so I declined. Not fond of ladders either. Just saying.
Kathryn, hope everything settles down soon.
Patty, a mid morning nap can save the day. So glad it was the shot in the arm you needed. mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Aug 26 2014 : 4:50:53 PM
Mar, you know bat guano is the best fertilizer there is.    
Edited by - doll58maker on Aug 26 2014 4:51:33 PM |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Aug 26 2014 : 5:10:06 PM
I could have a tablespoonful of it a day...maybe. Should I add that to the manure spreader??? Mar |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Aug 26 2014 : 5:11:19 PM
Does B ever call you a smart arse?
;-) |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Aug 26 2014 : 7:15:54 PM
Yep. It's a tough job but somebody's gotta do it. Manure jokes are too good to pass up.
Edited by - doll58maker on Aug 26 2014 9:46:17 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Aug 27 2014 : 10:13:15 AM
From Pinterest. Who hasn't dreamed of this? .jpg)
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Aug 27 2014 : 3:37:07 PM
GG, Thanks for the Calgon Take Me Away moment!
Theresa, I forgot to mention how great the toybox turned out. Love the color choices. How great for him to have his own place to keep all the important stuff.
Chocolate man trenched a waterline today for new water uprights. It will be nice to not have to worry about frozen hoses. But, gee this man makes me crazy. And we are having a very crazy making time these last two days. And he thinks he is being patient and reasonable. And really he is crackers. So, that said, I am tired and achy. Mostly from keeping a civil tongue in my mouth.
Mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
520 Posts
520 Posts |
Posted - Aug 27 2014 : 3:56:10 PM
Good evening. Kathyrn- Hang in there. It will all work out but it is so sad that families have to go through that. I know exactly what you mean. People believe that everyone dies rich for some reason. Crazy notion. When my husband passed away of cancer he left me with enough money to bury him and a whole lot of bills and a huge house payment. The half of his retirement would not even make the house payment. But talk to his family and friends, they will tell you he was rich and now I am too.BS
GG- The skunk is adorable. We had a pet one as a kid. he was descented. He was not real friendly like the raccoons. He just wandered around in his own world most of the time. He would play with the dog and he was cute.
I made a wooden box out of some metal shelving. I posted it on "Repurposing...what have you done lately?" You can see it here....
Well the girls should be pulling in any time, so off I go. Have a good evening.
Patty #1840
A rind is a terrible thing to waste. Compost.
When they had all had enough to eat, he said to his disciples, “Gather the pieces that are left over. Let nothing be wasted.” -Jesus in John 6:12 NIV Bible |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Aug 27 2014 : 4:35:25 PM
Good evening everyone,
I have asked my resident Jew, C, about Kosher eggs. She said that all eggs are kosher. HOWEVER, if you have a meat meal you would want fertilized eggs and if you have a dairy meal you want unfertilized eggs. Go for it, Patty.
I am sorry that you are having such a time with your brothers, Kathryn. I do not know how it would work in who is responsible for the bills but you could drop the ball in his court and let him figure out how to pay for it. You could take a post hole digger and plant the ashes your self. Sorry not being much help. I am glad to read your vent.
Bats, are so fun to watch. We put the garden light on and sit in the picture window and watch them dive for the bugs. Cheap entertainment. We have had a disease around here that killed thousands of bats. We are just happy to see a few. Just tell the chocolate man to take pictures of the bats so you can show us. It will save you a trip up the ladder.
I think that skunks can not climb up the inside of walls. Did I misunderstand. Is it bats you think you may be hosting? I think that bats would be preferable to skunk any day of the week as roommates.
Today was in the eighties all day. The sky was a glorious blue. The clouds are moving in and rain is expected overnight.
DdK and I were moving grain down into the pig room. In the corner of the open area we have a spring that is boxed in with well tiles. The tiles are about four feet across. On the top is a cover that has a 12 inch or so circular opening in the top for us to pull the water bucket up through. We do not have pump because we do not want it to freeze in the winter. Anyway. I was watering the pigs tonight. I haul the bucket up on a rope and turn and dump it into the black rubber bucket. The pigs were very thirsty. First some came from the front and were drinking and then two came around behind me to crown into the water bucket. One pig pinned my legs between herself and the cement tiles. I was tipping over and grabbed the opening in the top tile and was hanging there calling for DdK to come and rescue me. Mom What are you doing she asked in a loud laughing voice? Help me get out of here. Well, move your legs and stand up. she commands. I would if I could I yelped. She pushed and shoved the pigs away. I was relieved. Each pig is well more than 250 pounds at this time. I am glad I was not alone I could have hung there a while. lol
I really like the toy boxes. It is bright and cheery. Theresa.
DsG has glasses. He looks so smart . It will take him some time to get used to them. HOpefully his eye will begin to work as well as the other one so he will not need to wear them forever.
Cindy I am so sad for Michael and for his family.
I am typing this note and go back to place it and three of you have posted in the interim.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Aug 27 2014 : 4:53:23 PM
It was me thinking the skunks were climbing up inside the walls. We didn't see them last night.
Money makes people do terrible things. I think correctly stated, that should read, "the love of money". And when someone dies, for some reason everyone feels entitled.
Mar, sounds like you need a shopping day with DD.
We don't take the kosher thing that far. Thank goodness for that. I had no idea it was that complicated. At least he's never said anything to me other than no pork or shell fish, etc. nothing about combinations. I'll ask him tonight about that. He was telling me how many alcoholics and affairs there were within the church. He's been done with that church for a long time but still talks about it. I love pork but haven't eaten any after what he said about it.
Holly, good grief, you are having too many near disasters with those future pork chops. Between them and the cows, you are sure having to work for your supper.
Ginny, if you are looking in, sure would like to know how you are doing.
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Aug 27 2014 : 4:56:51 PM
You ladies have been quite the chatty bunch. Being stuck out in the boonies without internet and I'm getting behind! I have five more nights and then I'm home. School is almost done. Now I just have to find a way to earn more money. My leftover financial aid was a big help but now it's all done with.
Holly, I am so glad your daughter came to save you! I'm sure you will be looking forward to the day those pigs turn into bacon and pork roasts!
GG I agree on the bats in the walls. I have lived in quite a few houses where there were resident bats. I would hate to cook for B. I'm afraid if he was my guy, he would be fending for himself quite a bit. By the the skunks too. But have been on the hurting end of a few and I'll pass on making one a pet.
Kathryn, families can sure be a pain. So sorry you are having such a hard time. Hopefully this too will pass. At least we are here for you to vent to. Big hugs!!
Theresa, love the toy box! Nice job! I'm sure the little guy will be thrilled and have a big time filling them up.
Mar, be thankful. Choco-man has things to do. I always said the Bain of a retired woman is a retired man. Keep him busy and try to have your own things to keep you too busy to help.
Off to the boonies... Later all!
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Aug 27 2014 : 5:39:21 PM
Show me a retired woman, Bunny...
Holly, I would have ended up somehow throwing myself down the well. If that had happened to you would Lassie have known whom to tell? I guess a nudge doesn't move a pig. I try to push the horses sometimes and I swear it's like watching a boat sail by. No change in course. That's the mare. The gelding would trip over himself trying to get out of your way and then injure himself so you would have something to fret over for days.
So MIL periodically takes a nutrisystem delivery system for a month at a time. It resets her "numbers" weight, blood sugar and blood pressure. Anyway, I order it for on the internet. And this time she decided to save me the trouble and called and ordered it herself. What a mess. So, now for the second month's delivery she wanted to make some changes in the menu. She called and had "the girl" send her a list of her choices. Which she proceeded to mark her choices on and of course, chose from the wrong menus. So, I called her and explained that she had made some choices that weren't available to her. It got so involved that I ended up just choosing for her after we got through the fact that she wasn't getting pancakes for breakfast. So, to cover my bases, I threw out to her yesterday that Nutrisystem said that they had to make some substitutions to her plan. I think I'm covered.
I hope dsG comes to like his new glasses and that they do the job in strengthening his eye. How is ddK coming with her longterm goals? Is she still juggling several young men at once? Popping over to check out Patty's shelving box.... mar
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Aug 27 2014 : 7:59:50 PM
Mar, that reminds me of a saying a friend had about camping vacations for women. No vacation, just a different sink.
I'm in the boonies and found one spot in the house with a cell signal. So I turned my hotspot internet on and Waaaa. Laaaa. I'm connected. I know, I'm bad. Should just read a book. I will later. Just had to have my fix before bed.
Nite all.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
3448 Posts
3448 Posts |
Posted - Aug 27 2014 : 9:40:52 PM
Just lost my post and to tired to rewrite it! Hi to everyone and I'll get on here tomorrow and chat awhile. Losing these posts is like losing socks. Where the heck do they go ?
Be Blessed and Be a Blessing, Darlene Sister 1922
God first, everything else after!
When Satan's knocking at your door, just say "Jesus will you get that for me?"
When it gets to hard to stand, Kneel!
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Aug 28 2014 : 4:49:31 PM
Good evening everyone,
Today started out cool and very overcast. We never did get the rain that was expected overnight. There was a stiff breeze most of the day which dried the clothes lickety split.
I brush hogged the upper part of one of the fields around the blueberry plants. DdK likes to brush hog the fields because she can listen to her music and ignore the world, but, I did not want her to mow down my just starting to grow and produce blueberries.
Ddk has one boyfriend right now The ex felon that lived up north who had more emotional walls than she felt equipped to deal with seems to be out of the romantic picture. This new young man grew up in foster care and was adopted so I think she feels a connection with him. He is in the army reserve and has a job as well. The only draw back I can see right now is that at the ripe old age of 23 he already has two children by two different women he must support. At least I think he sends money. One of the children lives near him and he seems to have joint custody or at least he spends a fair amount of time with her. The other a boy lives away from the Boston area. She is not actively eager to spend every weekend with him. Since she has just aged out of her pediatrician we are looking for a grown up doctor for her. She would like a woman of color for her doctor. There are very few in this area. Maybe one. So, we are trying to get her in to see her. In the past she has done the birth control pill routine. She was not impressed. She gained weight and her abdomen was uncomfortable. So, she needs something else. soon.......
Bummer about the nurtisystem plan for the dear MIL. I hope it is straightened out. I bet she does not even remember making the order never mind what she ordered so I think you are safe.
Why are mares so different in personality than geldings? When we had the twins the mare was independent from day three and the colt was a mama's boy. YOu are right it was not a nudge but If I had said she kicked them in the keester until each moved I might have PETA after me. :) The Hit Man comes on the last Saturday of October for the pigs and two bull calves. I am looking forward to that day, well that afternoon when the responsibility for their care is done.
Internet service is odd. Better in one small space than in a whole house. Glad you figured it out Bunny. Tickled pink I bet.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Aug 28 2014 : 6:25:06 PM
I'm so jealous of the blueberries, Holly. I love them so much, smothered with cream with just a little sugar and vanilla. I bought two small cartons today. I'll eat mine fresh and b will put his in a smoothie I'm sure. They sure were expensive.
We went to the Social Security office today and I filled out the papers for my name change. And b applied for his SS card. While looking online for what B's options will be, I ran across some info I did not know. Somehow when my first husband died even though we hadn't been married for years, I qualify for his SS benefits. They confirmed this today. Law is if I marry after age 60, I can still collect ex husbands benefits.
Did I say we have signed up for beekeeping classes--so excited about that. There is a new law in this state that if you keep bees you qualify for agriculture exemption.
My room is coming along. I think I will be in it in about a week. Just found a great site on whitewashing rough cedar. Did not know it could be done. Not doing it now because working on that room is holding up all the other work we need to do. But It sure sounds like a good way to lighten up the room. Patty have you ever done that? BTW, that's a great link and your rustic shed turned out great!
Gathered Up: Over 50 Farmgirls  |