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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Aug 04 2014 : 5:11:11 PM
Good evening everyone,
Oh,Mar I am so sorry that you no longer have your tractor. For some reason I thought you had purchased a small one around the time you moved in.
A lovely day here in the Green Mountains. The day started out looking a lot like rain, but it cleared up around noon. I continued to work on the fence line. I put in two more fence posts only four more to go. I am trying to make a fence liine that the cows can not go through and the chickens can not get out. So, it will have heavy fencing on the outside and chicken fencing on the inside. Then I need to figure out the doorway. It will all come together. someday.
Mar another big job marked off the to do list. I hope you and dd had time to visit. She must have been exhausted by the time the job was done.
Has anyone ever been to their high school reunion after so many years. I am thinking of going to mine for grins. I have not been back since I graduated and there are only a few people I would like to see. I look at the list and I do not even remember some of the names listed. oh, well.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Aug 04 2014 : 6:47:39 PM
We just got back from Monday night concert down at the park. There were more people down there tonight than there was for the 4th. It was a local band, one of the very few around anymore, and they are pretty popular. The last one for the season. I hope we find things like this down south when we are there. Holly, you should go into the fencing business!!!! Seems like a full time job for you. It is my 45th class reunion this year and they are having 2 doings, but I will not attend. Most of the people I graduated were high class snobs. Most of my friends have died, so sad at a young age. Mar, I bet you are so glad to get all the gravel done. One big job out of the way. Hope you will be able to slow down soon and enjoy your little farm. Hope everyone is well and enjoying these last summer days. Have a great evening,
Jan Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - Aug 04 2014 : 8:49:59 PM
Received a surprise package today from Patty--lovely bars of soap and some fabric doo-dads. Thank you! It was hot today so I stayed inside. Due to the meds. I'm on, I can't be out in the hot sun. Burn too easily and if I move around too much, I get heat exhaustion. The cicadas have returned and are playing their music in the evening. Holly--I bought the kefir in a bottle. I like the way it tastes (I get the plain, unflavored variety) and I can know exactly what pro-biotics are in it. What are you making with the comfrey? I've made a face mask with finely ground comfrey and heavy cream.I saw a lady selling a jewel weed salve at the farmer's market but I didn't get any, only had enough money for food. Mar-good to have that job out of the way. My parents need new rock in their driveway, but since they rarely drive, they don't realize how washed out the driveway is. Full of little gullies. Jan--sometimes those local in-the-park concerts are the best. I read something recently that the states with the most deer-driver accidents are Pennsylvania, Michigan, Illinois and Ohio. Do you have a lot of deer where you live? Any moose? (I've never seen a real live moose). There are lots of deer around here. I need to call it a day. think it's supposed to be hot again tomorrow. Cindy
"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Aug 04 2014 : 10:08:18 PM
Hello everyone,
I did not see anyone after I graduated from high school until I got my first email account in 1999. Then I found a website for everyone who had attended that school, and when I joined that, several people contacted me. As a result of that, I have reconnected with many old classmates. Have been to only one reunion and it was so weird that several people came up to me who knew me that I had absolutely no memory of. It was a small school, too.
What you will find is most of those kids were just as insecure as you were and they have turned into nice people just like you have. I didn't know if anyone would remember me, and if they did, would they be friendly. So pleasantly surprised. There is a reunion every five years but I've only made it to one.
Jan, I imagine it is bittersweet to be wrapping up your life there and starting all over again. Sad to say goodbye to those big pots and pans and other things that remind you of so many family gatherings and good times. But it must be very exciting to have a grand new adventure to look forward to.
Holly, I just can't imagine how you do all that you do. Raising kids and building fence and still finding time for the herbs. Cindy I did not know that meds could affect how your skin reacts to the sun. Had no idea. Maybe that's part of my problem.
Darlene, I'm glad you are back.
Ginny, do you mean you have 40 acres of raspberries ? They are a rare treat here.
Mar, are you resting up today from all that gravel work? I hope those horses appreciate all that effort to give them a good life. After being sent off to boarding school and being half starved, I'll bet they do know. I wonder what does go on in our animals' minds when they are moved.
Thinking about Marie tonight. B ordered a big a** amplifier and wow does it make a difference! I just went to Austin on Saturday and of course it wasn't in yet or I could have picked it up, but first thing this morning they call and tell him it came in. So all the way back to Austin we go. He was so excited. But it sure makes a huge difference. Good thing there are no close neighbors. He has forgotten all about cable TV for now.
Patty, I'm wondering what you did today--more canning?
Bunny, I went in Barnes and noble today and saw your article on making the roses out of the collars. I didn't buy the magazine because your article was the only thing in the whole magazine this time that was interesting or unique. I'm proud to be the owner of one of those roses.
Good night all. Made B do all the driving but I'm still exhausted. GG
Edited by - doll58maker on Aug 04 2014 10:29:10 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Aug 05 2014 : 09:49:01 AM
Gypsy, I agree the magazine has the strangest clothes. Did you see my slip dress? Nothing I would ever wear, but they liked it. I really need to find another publication that will do a better job of promoting sales.
I never went to any of my class reunions. I lived in a town with lots of money. I was one of the poor kids though. I never fit in. I have a few people I know on Facebook. But I was pretty much an outcast. There were so many cliques and secret clubs.
Jan, I hope all this downsizing will be worth it for you. It will be a very different life for sure. When I lived in Calif. by Yosemite, I had a few customers that traveled to national parks every year and worked for extra money. They had a circuit they did each year and used South Dakota as their permanent residence address for tax reasons. You might consider that part time for extra money. It takes a while. Sometimes you have to volunteer for a while before they pay you.
Mar, glad your gravel project is done. Hope you can find a solution for MIL. Planning departments are going to have to adjust with the times. This is going to be the norm soon. Many young people and retires like me (someday) are looking at downsizing because we can't afford traditional housing anymore. They need to step up and figure it out so it works.
Not much going on today. Homework as usual. No news on the job front. I emailed the church and she said they haven't made any decision yet. I don't know if that means they rejected my application or if they haven't had a chance to meet and discuss it. I guess if a new ad appears, I'll have my answer.
Later all, have a great week.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Aug 05 2014 : 11:14:56 AM
I apologize for not being around lately. I have been busy with housework, doctor appointments and the Uptown Art Fair. I have been told that this is one of the top 10 art fairs in the country. Many of the artists say that it is very difficult to get selected. It is located in South Minneapolis at the junction of two very important streets. It is 8 blocks on both sides of 350 artists In several different categories. I have some pictures:

Starry Night is one of my favorite local artists. I have one of her necklaces.

Love this stuff. He said that a friend of his calls these Creeples because they look so creepy.

Check this out.
I volunteered all four days. I walked a great deal and saw some old friends.
Bunny - I agree. Some of those clothes are very strange. I buy the magazine and tear out your pages for my Mary Jane's scrapbook and other pages if I like it and want to make it. I see that magazine as an art magazine. So many of us over 50 are not being hired despite our long years of experience and maturity. It is a shame.
Gypsy - OMG! I feel for you. I hope it is easier to escape the sound/noise than it is for me. At least it will distract him from FOX for a while.
Holly - I went to two reunions. At the 10th, everyone was acting as they did in high school. It was disgusting. I was being hit on by guys who never gave me a second glance in school. At my 20th, people were calmer because they had kids and some of them were nice to see. I had some memory problems because of the ECT treatments I had. I told everyone that I had had a head injury. Some I could remember with no problems and others I could not. I told them to tell me their name and anything we did together in high school to help me remember. Many thought I was joking so I just walked away from them. One guy said that he was my boyfriend in high school. I said that I do remember that I never had a boyfriend in high school. He then told me his name and I suddenly remembered all the stupid stuff he did in class in high school. I haven't gone back for several reasons: (1) my parents no longer live in that town (2) I would have to go to South Dakota (3) The place doesn't have accommodations (4) I still hate them all. So there you go.
Marianne - The city council in Minneapolis just approved "granny flats" in the city. These are little cottages or basement apartments and such on the property. Many young people are using these for housing also. I may move into one if Lowell predeceases me.
I have to go. Tonight is National Night Out and there is a party at the end of our block. I want to make some cold soba salad for it.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Aug 05 2014 : 2:40:58 PM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 15 2019 6:00:53 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Aug 05 2014 : 4:53:36 PM
Cindy, there are more deer than people in this area of the U.P. There are moose, but not too many close by. I have not seen any around here, but every once in awhile there are sightings. Also black bear are in abundance. I live in town, so we do not see too many critters, once in awhile a deer or bear end up raising havoc around town. Marie, looks like a great art fair. Glad you have good weather to be there. Bunny, yes, it is going to be a different lifestyle for us, downsizing to almost nothing is a bit tricky. I love going into the motorhome, it is so cozy in there, Bob and I both love it. Hope to go next week for a couple of days to clean out the water and get that all ready to roll. Then I can finish packing it up. GG, we are both excited to start a new adventure in our lives. We need to do this while we can. Everyone we talk to thinks it is wonderful that we are going to take this challenge and go for it. Less than 12 weeks now!!! Holly, Hope you had some time to relax today. We have been having 40s at night and 60s to low 70s during the day. Just pleasant. Sunday we had a thunderstorm come through and we ended up having 1 1/2 inches of rain in 30 minutes. Our yard was like a lake for a little while until it could soak in. We needed that though, it is pretty dry around here. Have a great evening,
Jan Farmgirl Sister #3340
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Aug 05 2014 : 6:17:29 PM
Good evening everyone,
I thought about just sitting around today but I needed to get my procrastination under control so the boys and I worked on the fence some more. I had some old fencing that had fallen down and the grass had grown through it that I pulled up with the tractor and a logging chain. I tried to pull it up by hand and failed miserably. I am not sure whether it is reclaimable or not but that is for another day.. We put up one roll of chicken fencing and have more to do. I want to work on putting the cow fencing on the outside tomorrow. Zip ties are a marvel to use to put up fencing.
The thermometer read only 70 degrees at the hottest time but the sweat sure did soak my shirt and hair. The heat does subside at night so we can sleep without the fan. I do not like white noise.
I would have been in heaven walking around 350 artists for four days. I love to look at what others have created and chat them up.
I am going to make salve from the oil soaked herbs. Lucky for me they can soak while I do other things and I can get to them when I have time.
I do not get done everything I want to with having the children. Sometimes I just need to breathe through the need to get more done. I make lists and do what I can. I try not to beat myself up over the couldas. I am getting pretty good at feeling ok with what I can get done.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Aug 05 2014 : 8:45:56 PM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 15 2019 6:04:06 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
3448 Posts
3448 Posts |
Posted - Aug 05 2014 : 10:43:03 PM
Holly Good grief, you accomplish a lot so just be at peace and remember, there's always tomorrow! You know Rome wasn't built in one day! LOL! Breathe in, breathe out and then go eat some chocolate! LOL! How are the veggies doing?
Jan You are so lucky to be able to do what you're doing. I would love to go too! Downsizing would be the hardest but I bet it;s freeing.
Marie I love to see what other people make. So many beautiful things and talented people.
GG Oh how sad for that poor little one and his family. So sorry. Your mother and aunt too. Seems like a downward spiral after your brothers death. Prayers for all of you. Sounds like you are enjoying the country. You know, I grew up poor too but we really didn't realize it. It wasn't like today where the difference is profound. Everyone worked hard and took care of each other. If there was a need you just helped. I use my crockpots so much, I would be lost without them. Actually I had a Rival oblong crock pot that I had from the stone ages and it recently broke. It was like a 9x13 size and I used it almost daily. I went into shock and almost needed therapy! Saw one on ebay but wasn't willing to pay $100. Tempted but not sure I could trust if it worked. Everything now is teflon lined and I don't do teflon.
Cut out many pillows for the chemo kids. Just need to sew and stuff them. Took them 15 quilts and the adults 12 pillows last week. I took 6 quilts and 6 prayer pillows to an adult chemo center today. I can hardly look at them sitting in those chemo chairs. To many memories!
Sleep well!
Be Blessed and Be a Blessing, Darlene Sister 1922
God first, everything else after!
When Satan's knocking at your door, just say "Jesus will you get that for me?"
When it gets to hard to stand, Kneel!
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Aug 06 2014 : 04:48:00 AM
Darlene, I'm sure it must be difficult to be in the chemo center. But what a great thing you are doing. The pillows and blankets are sure to bring much comfort in such a time. Marie, cool stuff! Love that necklace and the creeples are so cool. I missed your posts. Glad you are back! Are you starting to get ready for the school year? That seems to start earlier each year now. I always feel sorry for the kids sitting in blasted hot classrooms. gg, fresh herbs make a huge difference in a recipe don't they? I think I would enjoy the slow, smooth melodies, but be a nervous twitch while the loud teeth rattlers were being performed. I am sorry to hear of the young man's passing. I how your mom doesn't suffer much more loss. I am just starting to get used to having bats around. They are sort of neat little creatures. Bunny, you are just getting too used to being featured in magazines! So proud to know the creator of such lovely items. Dh will be getting more crowns replaced. I guess when they go in at the same time, it is reasonable to expect them to all fail at the same time. Still, it good news for someone so dental phobic. Holly, I think you are going to have a pig-proofed fence this year! No more chasing them in the muddy time of year. What will you do with your "extra" time? Wink! Mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
520 Posts
520 Posts |
Posted - Aug 06 2014 : 09:32:42 AM
Good morning. I was up at the crack of dawn and out picking beans at the first break of daylight. I have 4 canners of beans done and am working on what few tomatoes we have. 85 qts of green beans canned thus far, and shared loads with the neighbors. I love these beans and will plant them again next year. I want to play with some polymer clay today and practice some knitting. A local farmgal (AtkinsT2) met with me yesterday and we did a little bit of shopping, lunch and she gave me my first knitting lesson. :) I only want to learn to make dishrags and socks. Nothing more! We had a good day. Took a nap in the recliner late afternoon for a couple of hours. I would have napped longer had the neighbor not called. I was glad he woke me up. GG_ The quiet can be so lonely. Enjoy the big a** amp! lol
Holly- We LOVE zip ties! I get them cheap at Harbor Freight. We use them on all our fencing and cages.
Jan- Is home beginning to feel like just a "place" now? Especially as it become more empty. You must have a few bittersweet feelings about giving up items that you have had for so many years.
I was from a small farming community with less than 100 graduates in my senior class. The high school consisted of 3 smaller elementary schools integrated. Those who attended the same elementary school , still seem to segregate at the reunions though everyone does mingle. The men all have farmer tans. Most are bald now. :) Some show up in bibbers. Everyone shares pictures of their children and grandchildren. Our reunion has the friendliest, down to earth people you could ask for. No snobs allowed!
Marie- I love the jewelry! What a pretty necklace. I don't typically go to art shows. Not that I would not love it! I don't venture to crowds much unless I have some one to guide me and hold my hand. I am kind of backwards like that.
Bunny- I am going to the book store tomorrow. I am going to have to check that magazine out! How proud you must be.
Cindy-Enjoy the soap and the 2nd Time Round Rags. I had those for you when I was out there and left them in my truck.
Darlene- I am not sure I could handle the chemo center. You are a very special person. It is been over 10 years since losing my husband to cancer, but the pain of what we went through as not lessened at all.
Marianne- The bats are neat little creatures. We sit by our fire pit at night and watch them. I used to be deathly afraid of them. One ran into my long hair as a child and scared me to death. But I am way over it and enjoy watching them now.
Did you all see the new hoodie Mary Jane is offering? I love it. I broke it to DH last night that I would be making a costly purchase. lol. I just wish there were no so many designs. I can't decide which personalized patch I want.
Patty #1840
A rind is a terrible thing to waste. Compost.
When they had all had enough to eat, he said to his disciples, “Gather the pieces that are left over. Let nothing be wasted.” -Jesus in John 6:12 NIV Bible |
Edited by - thebyrdhaus on Aug 06 2014 09:34:43 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - Aug 06 2014 : 4:00:08 PM
Today was stressful at work. My boss made a comment last week that I could "work somewhere else"--meaning find another job--I heard about it from two of my co-workers discussing it. Or rather, I overheard them. They both agreed that it was very unprofessional for her to say that. She wrote me up for something today and I got upset, so I ended up talking to her boss.Don't know yet what will come of it. I work in a room where I'm isolated from my other co-workers and they won't train me to work in the storeroom even though they've said they would.When I hurt my knee back in June, my boss made the comment, "We need to know how long the restrictions are in effect, in case you can't come back". Oh, really? Like I can't come back just because I hurt my knee? It's not like I broke it. She's prejudiced against me and I've had enough of it. Not only is it wrong, but it's illegal. I have a disability and I'm not given the same opportunities as other people because of it. It doesn't matter that I have a college degree; they think I'm too dumb to learn anything new. Yes, it takes me longer than most people to learn a new job, but once I learn it, I work very well. I told them my piece; I'll leave the rest up to Creator. I hope everyone else is doing well. It's so good to have a house to come home to with my dog and birds.Gotta luv them animals :) Cindy Cindy
"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Aug 06 2014 : 5:49:19 PM
Good evening everyone,
today was a lovely day. Just hot enough and a gentle breeze. The sky was so blue with not a cloud. I was out walking in the fields and a small hawk flew over. I really like to watch the hawks soar.
DdK has autocorrect on her phone. Her spelling leaves something to be desired although it is getting better. She has a friend named Charlotte and it autocorrrects to Chocolate. It took us a few moments to figure out that translation. lol
Today was a not too much done day. Two of the boys had therapy and the rest was making sure the cows were not straying too far. Coco has a GPS on her collar so I can know where she has wandered and taken Hershey and Harlem but I still need to know where she is when the yardage from the house on the hand held tracker gets high.
So,funny Mar. The pigs must be over 300 pounds by now they could do some major damage if they wandered into the neighbors garden. Those tires might not be biodegradable but they are recycled so the landfill will be a little less full. C said this morning that she thought the pigs were past the fragile piglet stage and would probably make it to slaughter day. I said unless they die from hardening of the arteries or high cholesterol they are so fat.
G I hope that your mother is peaceful in her passing. I know that you and she do not agree on many things but you have made her feel important when you have seen her recently. When I was at herb class last weekend our teacher had helped a dear friend of hers die with dignity. She gave us a list of the five things you should say to someone who is about to pass. I love you Thank you Forgive me I forgive you Good bye
Cindy It must s**** to work in a place that does not appreciate you. On a lark look for someplace else that would interest you. Can't hurt.
Last fall I traded manure for a bat house. I have seen them flying at night. I hope that some settle in my bat house. We have had a disease called White nose fungus that has infested some of the populations in the caves and decimated the populations. I hope the ones I see around here are healthy.
My grandmother used to sing Danny Boy. Not as sweetly as the B but I do have fond memories. I bet he can bring tears to anyone's eyes. Make up a pseudonym and tell the people who need to know what it is and post with it. He does not need to post his given name. I think about moments of joy and am glad I recognized that life is not always happy but moments can be. I think expecting to be happy all the time could be a tremendous responsibility.
I hope the chocolate man is not in pain from his teeth.
The garden is growing. I was cutting a path through the burdock today to get to the meat bird pen. It is time they moved out of the barn. I got the $%^ing burdock flowers in my hair. Tomorrow I will wear my hat.
Darlene you are so very caring to make so many blankets and pillows. Each recipient knows that someone cared.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Aug 07 2014 : 04:18:40 AM
The five things to say to someone who is dying. Simple, beautiful, true. I wonder how close to death one has to be though, seems that it would be wonderful for anyone to hear... Cindy, it feels terrible to be talked about at work, unappreciated and certainly not understood. I hope that atmosphere changes and you can find something more suitable. I know it must be torture to go everyday. I'm so sorry.
Holly, interesting note about bats: they defecate right before they sleep. So if you can find a pile of guano, you know one is sleeping right above it. Later today, Chocolate man and I visit our new doctor the first time. I hate seeing a new doctor. I'm posting from my phone and it is a bit difficult to see everyone's posts, so please forgive me for not addressing everyone. Marianne |
Edited by - rough start farmgirl on Aug 07 2014 04:20:44 AM |
Denise Ann
True Blue Farmgirl
831 Posts

831 Posts |
Posted - Aug 07 2014 : 04:20:22 AM
Marie, I was at the art fair on Sunday. First time there, and enjoyed walking around and admiring the art. Many interesting things to look at. Unfortunately I couldn't afford most of it, but had a great time "window" shopping. Had a nice walk in the warm weather and spent time with a great friend, so it was a great day!! Take care Denise Ann |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Aug 07 2014 : 4:05:20 PM
Good evening everyone,
You are right about saying those five things to anyone. My herb teacher and her good friend who just died said the sorrys and forgivenesses several years ago when he knew he was on his last road. So, they could say things to each other then without having the sorrys hanging over them.
I do not like breaking in a new doctor at all. mIne retired three years ago now and the last two visits I had with her we discussed what kind of doctor they were looking to bring into the pracitice.. My doctor's replacement is very nice and not too young. She has a sense of humor as well and is not easily intimidated. They have another new doctor in the practice whom I like very much. I hope she stays. She has a good sense of humor as well. I hope your new doctor has a good sense of humor and is competent in the areas you need him to be.
I went to move some of the chickens out of the barn to the outside pen. I first cut a path through the burdock and did not get any caught in my hair. Then I noticed that there were many breaches in the pen walls and only one in the house in the pen. So, I fixed the house and put out 50 birds. Then I stapled chicken wire over the doorway until I can get to put a new door on. I put in a big waterer and a big feeder so C does not need to open the fencing until I can get on a door. This weekend C will be home so we can work on the pen together. I carried the birds out 12 at a time except the last load that had 14 in a chicken crate. It is so much easier than carrying them out one or two at a time in my hands. DdK has decided in the last couple of years that while she can help me it is ok to piss and moan about "bacterial germs" while she does help so it is just easier to do it myself. She can do other helpful chores.
I keep meaning to look below the bat house to see if it is occupied and have not thought of it when I am near the house instead of all the way across the yard. lol
We had steak with sauteed onions and mushrooms and brocolli for supper. the steak was very tasty.
We had two hail storms today. They both only lasted about 4 minutes and then the rain poured down. It was exciting. The boys had a good time trying to catch the hail.
Sweet dreams.
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Aug 07 2014 : 5:47:49 PM
I'm dog sitting for the next few nights. There is a fire on the edge of town and the dogs live a few miles from it. I really don't think it will get there but I brought the dogs to my house for the night. Their owner was really worried so I'm glad I could ease her mind. That's what she pays me for. They are really good dogs but all the kitties are sequestered in the basement for the night.
Other than that, not much else going on. My son didn't like the quilt I made for him. I sent a picture. It is very colorful and he said they call him Rainbow because he came from the San Francisco area and has a transgendered dad. He said he was hoping for something a little more manly. So I'm going to make another one with US Marine corps fabric. I also found fabric of woodland animals, beer and hiking boots. Marine recruits are called "boots" while at basic training. It's not big deal for me. I have the perfect quilt pattern in mind and it won't take me more than two days to make it.
Anyway, later for now.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Aug 07 2014 : 5:53:47 PM
Liked the new doctor well enough. She a talker, though. And now I have follow ups... Mammogram, well woman exam, colonoscopy, fasting blood test, and (another) pain specialist. Holy Moses it is going to take forever to get through all these appointments. Tomorrow, I will get the fasting blood work out of the way. Dh decided to fast today to get the blood work done, as I mentioned before. I don't know how he does it. We didn't get home until 4pm. I'm already dreading not getting my morning coffee. He missed lunch, too. Not me! I plan on giving my blood work at 8:30am when they open. I am not gonna miss lunch! Gosh, the ordeal of new doctor and all it involves has me really tired. It was really nice having dh along for the ride, going through the same crud. Has anyone taken any Craftsy Classes online? I am looking at a sweater class. So, how does ddK normally avoid all bacterial germs? Sounds like a full time job. My dd doesn't like how chickens live in commercial farms. I don't blame her. They are awful. Somethings are just easier not to know. Hope everyone is well. Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
526 Posts
526 Posts |
Posted - Aug 07 2014 : 7:03:32 PM
Hello Ladies,
Went to Dr. and I tore the cartilage in my wrist. He gave me a steroid shot but it still hurts, a lot! If it doesn't work soon I will need an MRI and surgery although without insurance that won't happen. I would have to go to Bangor for that too. Maybe he can do another shot.
Spent my weekend picking raspberries and Chanterelle mushrooms. Imagine, walking in your mud boots and shorts, it's about 85 degrees, your sweaty, your carrying this great basket in your hand, iPhone in your pocket, climbing over 3-4 foot ruts made by the skitter, and you realize, I'm all alone! So there I was dancing to my tunes imagining they should do a music video like this one day, while on the middle of the ruts if that makes sense, and of course trees are fallen every where and it's actually very hard to walk, let alone dance, but there I was, lol! Holly can imagine it I'm sure having had trees fallen. It was very relaxing to be out in my woods! Now if only I could sell my mushrooms in Bar Harbor for $20.00 a pound! And yes Gypsy, we have 60 acres, and in between all the trees are raspberries so I assume 40 acres are them. David has made me two awesome raspberry pies. He's a natural in his wheel chair in the kitchen!
I am sorry to hear about your cousins son and your Mother and Aunt, GG. Happy to hear you and B are doing great! Even I remember the stars in the sky and sleeping on the porch, woman!
And Mar moved? Where too if I may ask? Sounds like you're settled in already.
I so remember the Upton Art Fair from when I lived in S. Mpls. Marie and that was at least 36 years ago! A lot of fun. Have been wishing I could be in Mpls. but alas, we are dead broke.
Talk about poor and how quickly one can become that way! If it weren't for family and friends we'd be homeless after 9 months of David's illness. SSDI won't help us because we have life insurance polices we won't cash; unemployment wouldn't let us collect while he was in the hospital and now won't let him because he hasn't made any money in the last quarter; SSD we are still waiting on so they aren't any help, so I ask, what's a person to do in this Country? Rely on family and friends! Seriously, there is something very wrong with our social programs! I am so blessed to have the wonderful family and friends that we have! But someone else in a similar situation would have lost everything by now and that's not right. We've both worked since we were 14 and this is the first time we've looked for the Government to help us and they have failed miserably! Now, I'll get off my soapbox.
I'm the only one that can't see Bunny's clothes and articles in the magazine since we don't have a bookstore near us. If you can't buy it at the grocery store, you don't buy it. Good luck with your summer classes! I have done so much web design but am so tired of it. Besides, today they have such easy sites to make your own I'm surprised you need to take the class unless that is what you are going for.
Saturday I am taking a class on mushroom identification which should be great. Then on the 22nd I am taking a foraging class which I am so looking forward to! It's 3-4 hours for each. I've wanted to do both for many years and finally am.
Until next time, here's a picture of my Golden Chanterelle's Ladies.

Ginny Farmgirl #2343
"The business of life is the acquisition of memories. In the end, that's all there is." Mr. Carson, Downton Abby
"Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally won out over it." Elwood P. Dowd (Jimmy Stewart) in the Movie Harvey
True Blue Farmgirl
3448 Posts
3448 Posts |
Posted - Aug 07 2014 : 7:30:45 PM
Patty, You are a canning machine girl! It looks so beautiful when it's all lined up. I don't think you ever get over the cancer ordeal. It was the worst thing I've ever gone through. I don't like to post much about it because I don't want to scare anyone.
Holly You are a hoot. I laughed when you said the burdock got in your hair! They're a nightmare! My husbands GM used to cook burdock. Kids are a trip too! Does she eat the eggs and know where they come from? LOL! Sounds like you'll have some nice pork!
Mar Getting a new doc is always such fun. I just got my blood work today We changed docs so all our care would be through the same hospital network. All my cancer docs, neurosurgeon and family doc can check everything about me online now and I don't have to keep repeating the same thing over and over.
Cindy Sorry but there always has to be someone stirring the pot to cause some kind of havoc! Good luck dealing with them. It seems like people just can't be nice to others.
Bunny Even Marines are bullies! LOL! My motherly instincts make me want to react! I love the quilt you made me. It's always on my chair.
Later chickadees!
Be Blessed and Be a Blessing, Darlene Sister 1922
God first, everything else after!
When Satan's knocking at your door, just say "Jesus will you get that for me?"
When it gets to hard to stand, Kneel!
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Aug 07 2014 : 7:42:09 PM
Ginny, how do you get all that picking done with such a painful wrist? It sounds like it would have made a wonderful music video! Bunny, man! What a drag about the quilt. Can't blame him, lucky you are so quick with the sewing machine. You are a good mom. Darlene, we live north of Portland, still in Washington state! Mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
3448 Posts
3448 Posts |
Posted - Aug 07 2014 : 7:43:05 PM
Ginny You must have posted while I was. We did a swap a couple of years ago. Sorry about all your problems. You are lucky to have friends and family that help you!Can't you qualify for food stamps or insurance? I hope so. It doesn't seem right! Good luck.
Be Blessed and Be a Blessing, Darlene Sister 1922
God first, everything else after!
When Satan's knocking at your door, just say "Jesus will you get that for me?"
When it gets to hard to stand, Kneel!
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Aug 07 2014 : 7:48:02 PM
Been busy, doing what? I don't know. Seems like I am going around in circles. I just bought a tablet today, and spent most of the day figuring things out on it. I seem to be wasting too much time on things that do not matter. Will try to catch up with all of you tomorrow, gotta work, but only on Friday, YAY!!!! Have a great evening,
Jan Farmgirl Sister #3340
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