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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Aug 07 2014 : 8:53:17 PM
It has been good day. I thought I would tell y'all about it.
Every two weeks there is an additional session for learning about healthy eating. We go in the kitchen and make a snack. Today it was kale chips and I brought some dinosaur kale from my neighbour's garden. We get punches on a card for meeting goals and consistently maintaining healthy habits. After 10 punches we get a $10 gift card to I'm in a group at the mental health clinic called Wellness Journey. We meet once a week for the regular session at which we set goals. Target or Cub. I walked there and back this morning. I feel really strong. I believe that I will walk to the clinic more often. It is 10 blocks from my house.
Jan - I get distracted by technology also. I cannot persuade my computer to print pictures on this nice photo paper I have. There is also something effed up with MicroSoft Word which shouldn't be happening. Seems as if it takes as long to get things done on the computer because you have to check out two different websites and spend a half hour trying to find the right key word to get you the instruction you need and then it still doesn't work. Sound familiar?
Ginny - I would have loved to see you dancing like no one was looking. Wait, no one was looking so it is all good. Government aid is so difficult to get because some politicians do not want to see someone get free stuff. I hate it when people say that the unemployed just sit around and watch TV. Being poor is hard work. You can see how much they pry into your personal life and finances to see if you qualify for anything. Lowell gets Medical Assistance because he makes under $1000 a month. We are not married because we get a better deal from the government as single individuals. It sounds as if you have done all the paperwork. It may be just a matter of time. I'll be buying a copy of Altered Couture for myself this weekend. Sent me your address and I will buy one for you too.
Marianne - I have taken Craftsy classes. They are very thorough and have excellent video and audio. I like them because I can watch them when I want to and review the parts I need to. I would recommend buying the classes when they have a sale. Some are pretty expensive. Gee! I don't even know when school starts. Better give that a look.
Cindy - I believe it is a good idea to start looking for a job elsewhere. Get your resume polished up and make a list of companies you want to work for. Be advised that wherever you apply, these employers will call your current employer for a reference. Be careful to let a potential employer know not to talk to them if you can. Smile at your boss and co-workers now and when you walk out the door for the last time. Remember, the best revenge is living well.
Patty - I will take your hand and guide you through this art fair anytime. I know it well.
Gypsy - I may be blunt and I am also diplomatic. I do not tell those truths to people's faces. If I don't want to be around someone, I just cut them out of my circle of contacts. I put up a good front of sweet naivety and underneath all that, I am quite the schemer. Sorry to disappoint. Lowell is playing his stratocaster now, sans amp, practicing a song. Sometimes he just plays whatever is in his mind and it becomes a new song. You and I a lucky to have live music to listen to.
I have nowhere to go and nothing to do tomorrow. I will probably do some ironing and mending. I'll see what I can get done.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - Aug 07 2014 : 11:02:41 PM
I just tried to post and lost it. Guess I'm tired. My frog is back to croaking after being silent for the past week. It rained all day today so I guess that made him happy. should make my plants happy. It's just past midnight which means this is Friday. So tomorrow is Saturday. That makes me happy. So saddened and disturbed by what I see going on at work.Would love to dance like nobody's watching but it's hard to get away to such a place. I won't dance if anyone is watching. I fell in love with this guy (he wasn't in love with me) in college and he would go to the dances (I would too, and I'd dance for fun) and he'd watch the girls and decide how they would be in bed based on how they danced. I didn't go to any dances after that. It left me cold. HE left me cold. I like guys who have warm personalities but all the available men in this town are members of motorcycle gangs and have criminal records. But maybe I do need to get out and dance. Just to feel some joy. And forget about work. Cindy
"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
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True Blue Farmgirl
520 Posts
520 Posts |
Posted - Aug 08 2014 : 03:54:36 AM
The house is quiet and DH is still in bed. He usually thinks he has to get up with me. He feels bad (guilty) if he stays in bed later and I am up alone. I LOVE this time of the morning. I love this alone time. I wish I could sneak out of there every morning without waking him. I like my coffee and computer time alone. I enjoy sitting at my kitchen window and watching the birds. He feels sorry for me when he doesn't get up at the same time. lol. If I tell him different, he will get his feelings hurt and think I don't love him. MEN!!! My DS and his girlfriend are here from SC. He is Jake's twin. They are only here for a few days. I am glad they sleep later too. :) As soon as the daylight breaks I will be out there picking beans. Hopefully I can recruit help and have them knocked out in a few hours. I am running out of room and need to find my shelf space in my pantry downstairs. DH and I built a pigeon coop with an aviary on it this week. They seem to be happy in it. Someone brought us an unwanted "Lionhead" rabbit. He is cute as can be , however we didn't need him. He is unwanted here as well. Don't know why DH is such a chump and agreed to take him. DH must think he is wanted,
Cindy- You are right, No matter that it is just plain wrong, It is illegal. Hope that boss gets her act together. She not only needs to change her attitude but she owes you an apology.
Holly- Autocorrect made a text on my phone appear as I was saying something filthy. Something that I would NEVER say and something that should not be in "APPLE" vocabulary. It was a text to DH so I sent it He was shocked. The five things to say to someone in passing is probably something that I will never forget now. It is one of those things that stick in your mind forever. It is an excellent practice and I agree with Marianne. It is something we should practice for anyone to hear. Holly, you should eat those $%^ing Burdock flowers. They are edible and nutritious.
Marianne- I too, hate going to a new Dr. We loved our Dr. here in Ohio. When we left and went to Illinois, I found a Dr out there and did not like him one bit. He had a snobby attitude and acted as though my Ohio Dr had poor judgment concerning my care. I talked DH into keeping our Dr in Ohio and coming back to see her every 3 months. He did, and I am so thankful. We both continue to see her now that we are back in Ohio. Those transitions are tough. I glad your visit went well.
Ginny- I am so sorry you have to go through this. When my deceased husband was suffering through cancer we had no income. His SSD started in Dec though we would not get the first check until the wed. nearest the birthday date. The schedule day for the first check was Jan 28th. He passed Jan 25th. The check direct deposited into our account and SS snatched it right back out of there within a couple of days. The check was for Dec when he was could they do that!!!
Darlene-Believe me, I so want a break from canning, But I have to get them done when it is time. I tried to give some away yesterday but people want them picked and hand delivered. They would rather not pick their own. So back to the basement to can green beans today. Jan- you will love your tablet. However, it does take some getting use too. I still go back to my laptop for some things. Especially for these post. I use my post it notes the type my post and then C&P it to the MJF forum.
Marie- Since you have nothing to do today and you are free, head on over here and help snap green beans. With your help, I can get them done in no time. :)
Well, I have taken too long. He is up! I will put him to work right away helping pick beans <wink>.


Patty #1840
A rind is a terrible thing to waste. Compost.
When they had all had enough to eat, he said to his disciples, “Gather the pieces that are left over. Let nothing be wasted.” -Jesus in John 6:12 NIV Bible |
True Blue Farmgirl
526 Posts
526 Posts |
Posted - Aug 08 2014 : 06:42:07 AM
I'm back & only a morning later! The boss and I are not working, lol.
Love the pigeon pen Patty. Make something like that for that cute little Lionhead rabbit, put lots of hay in it come winter for warmth and it should be fine! Wish I lived closer, I'd take him/her in a heartbeat as I love buns! I'd also be over right away to help with beans! I love picking them, snapping them and eating them, but I hate to can so I'm trying to get David to learn. Our beans got planted late so we don't have any yet, they are about a foot high. The beet greens, parsnip seeds, and green peppers the chickens ate so there is no hope for them. I love the bird photos too! And I hope my pantry will look like your canning photo by October! It will be mostly tomato's I think.
Cindy - DANCE!! Even if it's in the bathroom woman! It sure made me feel better! After the last 9 months, I need JOY! Like Holly says, find a moment, there are plenty of them! I'm sorry about your boss. I would certainly look for a new job and go over her head, she's a real bully and needs to be put down a notch or two.
Marie - Unless you want to keep the magazine with Bunnies clothes, just send me yours when you are done. I'll send you my address though if you don't have it. It's nice to have music being played around you. I almost married a musician back in Mpls. I just learned recently he has given up music and it makes me sad. He was really good at it. That was back in 1974. Need to find out how to make Kale chips. I have a ton of Kale I planted for the bunnies mainly and since they are free ranging, I'm not feeding them.
Janet - I am amazed and admire you for being able to sell all your stuff down to an RV. I have so many family heirlooms I don't know that I could just live in an RV although I have thought about it. But I'd need storage someplace to keep things to see once in a while. I keep thinking I am a less is more kind of girl, but I'm so sentimental I couldn't get rid of this stuff.
Darlene, you are awesome to make all those quilts and pillows for Chemo patients! I don't sew much so I respect those that do. I have a mint Singer 15-91 I think it is, can't get rid of it, don't use it though, but it's so pretty! The world needs more people like you!
The thought of a new Dr. would be overwhelming. We've had Dave (Dr. Rioux) for 28 years! DD was his 30th patient ever he once told us! Now I have to worry about that when he retires, not that he's doing so soon. Just took DH to him yesterday. We give him a dozen eggs, he gives us free health care. Love this man!
Have a great weekend ladies!
P.S. I just noticed Patty's Bible verse which reminded me of a book I recently read called The Four Blood Moons by Rev. John Hagee. If you haven't read it I recommend it. He looks at the sky, "God's Billboard" s he calls it, lines it up with Holy holidays of the Jewish people and the Shemittah years (I don't think I spelled that right), and it's astonishing to see it and our current events as well as historical events. Just thought I'd put it out there.
Till next time!
Ginny Farmgirl #2343
"The business of life is the acquisition of memories. In the end, that's all there is." Mr. Carson, Downton Abby
"Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally won out over it." Elwood P. Dowd (Jimmy Stewart) in the Movie Harvey
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Aug 08 2014 : 08:07:17 AM
Good morning everyone.
Cindy, I just had a class where we talked about human relations and professionalism. Sounds like your boss is a bit lacking in both areas. Most of the class had border stories of terrible bosses and co-workers. I agree, time for a new job. But it isn't easy. Especially at our age.
Mar, I so get the new doctor stuff. I just got medical insurance after 8 years thanks to Obamacare. First off she wanted all the tests. Remember my experience with the colonoscopy? DONT do it! It's terrible! Ok, only if you think you must. But that stuff they make you drink is horrible. And you have to do it twice.
Debbie, I agree with the dancing! I sew with my favorite impulsive playing on Pandora. When a good song comes on I dance around my sewing room. Thankfully, no one ever sees me but the cats.
Marie, you do so many cool things. Love the heathy eating challenges. Although I might pass on the kale chips. The art show sounds wonderful. I wish I could find a good one around here and afford a little trailer to sell out of....some day.
Jan, after a while you will wonder how you did without your tablet. I love mine. But like Patty said, sometimes the laptop is better. I even have a wireless keyboard and mouse for my laptop.
Patty, love all your adorable pictures!! Too many beans!
Ginny, don't give up with SSI or SSD, my half sister has applying for three years and is totally dysfunctional and can't walk well due to two broken ankles that weren't repaired well. She is finally getting it. Along with a large check for all the back pay. So keep it up and don't stop. It might pay off in the end.
Well, today is another major homework day. I better get to it.
Holly, don't work too hard. I know those four legged critters keep figuring out how to run free, and the two legged ones can run you ragged.
GG hope your craft room is ready soon. You'll be creating wonderful things in no time. I hope you continue with the wire jewelry!
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Aug 08 2014 : 08:09:16 AM
Ok autocorrect went crazy with my post. I really need to do a better job checking before I save it. Sorry. I hope you can wade through the interesting word choices.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - Aug 08 2014 : 2:50:05 PM
I pulled an all-nighter. I put on a CD of 80's music and danced till I was tired (it didn't take long!). Stayed up all night thinking. I saw my therapist today and told him that there was a culture of lying at work. It's just how corporate America is these days. And the hospital is run like a corporation. Maybe the merger will improve things (I can hope). I hear the new CEO is a nice guy. My therapist told me the reason it bothers me so much is because I have integrity. I don't think my boss likes herself very much. She's too stressed trying to stay at the top of the food chain. She denies that she said anything. Does no good to fight it. Bunny--I don't know how you have time to post on here AND sew AND get your homework done. I'd be wore out. I've thought of going back to school but I just can't see how I would ever have the time. Don't know how you manage it but you go, girl. Marianne--I had to get a new dr. this year so I could get a free Nautilus membership. Now my new dr. is leaving cause her husband got a transfer. So now I'll have another new dr. Insurance assumes that drs. are interchangeable and are all equally talented. Of course they're not. My parents' dr. recently retired and they got new insurance cards with a new dr.'s name and now that dr. is leaving---it's just crazy. Insurance is crazy. Patty--LOVE the pretty birdies! I'd offer to take Mr. Bunny but I'm allergic to rabbits and guinea pigs. I've had both and became allergic about six months after getting the rabbit. Didn't realize it was the rabbit causing my allergies till five years later when i gave the rabbit away. Within three months my allergies were gone. The last time I cuddled a guinea pig, I got a rash and wheezed for two hours. Ginny--there are recipes for kale chips in a back issue of MJF. they're not hard to make. And it's so much more economical to make them than buy them, they sell for about seven dollars for a tiny bag here. Hope everyone else is doing well. My brain is getting so foggy that I can't keep track very well. That's what i get for staying up all night. Glad tomorrow is a saturday and I don't have to work. I can sleep in. Cindy
"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
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True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Aug 08 2014 : 4:39:00 PM
Cindy, I have not been able to sew for a while now. I did get a quilt finished for my son last weekend. But only one day of sewing. This week I'm doing the same but only because a friend wants me to go to her family reunion with her. Other than that, I have no life. I don't have a job and no kids at home. So other than fibromyalgia kicking me every once in a while. I do have time to sit at the computer and get this homework done. And I just now did it! Yea!.I get to play this weekend. I have to design a website for my final project along with all the other homework she gives us. I spent 6 hours just today on the website. Next week, I get to add the other pages to go along with my home page. Don't look for a link anytime soon. I'll stick with the professionals.
Cindy, I'm so sorry you are dealing with all the crap at work. But try to hang in there. It really is harsh out here without a job. I can't seem to get even an interview. I owned my own business for 12 years and it doesn't count for anything. It's like I have no experience at all after years of working for myself.
Ok, I'm done complaining. ... hope everyone has a great weekend!
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Aug 08 2014 : 7:42:49 PM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 15 2019 6:07:59 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Aug 08 2014 : 10:03:08 PM
Oh, I meant to say, Bunny and Cindy, getting a job is not about your qualifications, it's about your age but you'd never in a million years get anyone to admit that. I never could work for anyone else. I always had to do my own thing and ultimately made more money that way.
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Aug 08 2014 : 10:05:44 PM
GG, I like how you get around the censors by just eliminating the space between a^# and amp. Very clever!! I have not heard about dd's boyfriend's mother aka our ex-neighbor for anyone who has lost track. I imagine she is still crazy. Last I heard, she was whining about the fact that we did not make a special trip to say good bye to her. Some how she misses the moving truck??? Didn't know we were leaving? I made the effort to take the gentleman who bought our house down to meet her. Told her the exact date we were closing on the house. Ummm, where is the confusion? I'm done.
Patty, love the birdie who is peeking around the feeder! He looks mischievous.
Heading into Portland tomorrow for lunch with dd and boyfriend, then the guys are seeing a movie. DD and I will hang out together with the pups.
Bunny, don't say you don't have a life. You see and touch many people daily. Through school, pet sitting, job hunting, your designing, and this all important forum. No more of that kind of talk.
Ginny, your doctor sounds like an old fashioned country doctor. Great guy.
Cindy, I can't remember the last time I pulled an all nighter... college??? Hope you are resting well tonight.
Mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Aug 09 2014 : 08:08:37 AM
Mar, I didn't mean it in a sad pitiful way. I meant I have no distractions to keep me from getting everything done. Other than the fact I'm living with my mother and not where I want to be in Calif. Things are pretty decent for me. I just need to see some income and I will feel this major life upheaval will have made sense.
GG I loved working for myself and would do it again in a hot second. Just don't know what to do yet that will generate the income I need. I have thought about real estate but I'm not cut throat enough for around here. In calif it is even worse. Plus, I hate the part where you have to troll for clients.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Aug 09 2014 : 6:35:44 PM
It was a gorgeous day out today, got up to 80. A little humid, but not unbearable. We took Olivia down by the lake for a walk, did some shopping, I make burgers on the grill for supper, then had a fire in the fire pit tonight. The fair starts here on Monday, then that usually means that after the fair, the weather is downhill after that!!! Bunny, too bad about the job. Another one will come up. I am too tired to address all of you tonight, but know that I do read all that you post daily and I am thinking of all of you. Have a great evening,
Jan Farmgirl Sister #3340
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Aug 09 2014 : 7:04:40 PM
Good evening everyone,
I have a new computer, I hope I can figure everything out on it.
Ginny those mushrooms look delicious. I have seen golden mushrooms like that around here. I wish I knew enough about mushrooms to pick them. C is so paranoid that I will poison all of us with the wrong one. When I was an undergraduate my botany lab teacher said to all of us, come and show me the mushrooms before you eat them so I will not have to come to the Emergency room to identify them after you have eaten them. I do now some people around here who can identify mushrooms. May be when I have a little more time.
DdK does go on about her "bacterial germs" but she is very willing to help out. I think she just cracks the eggs into the bowl without washing the shells first. She has told me that she takes hand wash with her when she goes to Boston and wipes down the hand rails in the buses and subway before she touches them. She is not constantly paranoid she is just funny about it. She helped me repair the chicken fencing yesterday. She and the littles cut down the burdock and jewelweed from around the outside of the fence so I could get close enough to sew the netting together where it was ripped. I used deep sea fishing line and my big needle I use to sew knitted projects together.
The ruts from skidders can be deep. We have some still from logging years ago when we threw the logger off the property for overcutting his contract. That logger is now a involved with a crack whore. He left his wife and children for the nasty drugs.
Deidre McCalla has a song about becoming disabled and homeless and making choices about paying your mortgage or getting healthcare for your child. It is about people staring at the homeless person. I am glad you are not homeless Ginny. I hope that David gets well enough soon so you have more choices.
We have a small metal dish we can make fires in and it has a screen cover. Did that make any sense? The little boys and I made a small fire tonight and they cooked marshmallows. They were so excited to be doing it. One S'more a piece this late at night. We will have to do this more often so they can learn fire safety.
All of the meat chickens are outside now. They will grow much faster outside than in the barn stall. I took the turkeys from the tupperware bin in the house and put them down in the barn stall until they feather out.
I have plenty of space to dance where no one can see. I have plenty of space to sing where no one can hear too. I do like to sing to the cow when I milk. the children know which song it is that I sing when my patience is running thin and they had better stop doing what ever it is that I have asked them to stop when they hear Ode to Joy coming out of my mouth.
The cooking class sounds like a good time. Not too often and something of interest that is yummy. Doing now and asking forgiveness later or not asking as the case may be is a way to solve interactions with annoying people.
Today was the motorcycle parade in downtown Montpelier. Motorcycle rides come from all over and gather up the hill and ride down to the capital building and put a stuffed toy on the front steps. Some organization collects them and gives them to children who need them. I think at St Judes or someplace. There must have been 500 or more bikes of all sizes and wheel counts. One big guy had a big stuffed guerilla on his seat behind him. The parade takes more than 20 minutes to go through and is very noisy.
I really like the bird pictures. We do not feed the birds in the summer any more. The bear have started coming into people's yards and cleaning out their bird feeders so the Department of Fish and wildlife recommend that people stop feeding the birds in the spring.
Do the birds like being in their house in the dark? I put big windows in my coop. just wondering.
I am going to have to look to see how to cook the burdock flowers we certainly have enough of them.
Temperatures were in the 80's today with very low humidity. A lovely day over all.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - Aug 09 2014 : 7:08:31 PM
Feel better now. Didn't have to work! I love weekends. A large branch from my oak tree fell sometime during the night and landed on my garden. I sawed about one-third of the way through the branch. I'll get the rest tomorrow. It's easier to saw while it's still fresh. That oak tree is going to have to come down. this is the third large branch in two years that has broke off for no apparent reason. But I'll wait till fall to have it taken down. The branches will be lighter from no leaves and my garden won't be in the way. Bunny--I'm sorry you didn't get the job. But church secretaries have a difficult job. they hear so much gossip. If I was a church secretary I'd probably never go to church again. GG--you'll love your craftsroom when it's ready. You've got a good man there. Bunny--forgot to say. My cousin is living with her parents. She's jobless so she cooks for them and runs errands and does housework. They're able to get money from the state to pay her. She's doing everything a home health care worker would do. Hope everyone is having a good weekend. Cindy
"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
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True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - Aug 09 2014 : 7:15:14 PM
Holly--you must have posted as I was writing. I have a firepit with a wire screen. I wasn't using it so I drilled holes inthe bottom of it and now use it as a planter for my lettuce and spinach. I need to plant some for the fall. Maybe I'll do that tomorrow. Good-night, Cindy
"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
Visit my blog at |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Aug 10 2014 : 7:10:43 PM
Good evening everyone,
Today was a lovely day. Temperatures must have been in the high seventies and low humidity. There was a nice breeze.
DsT and his friend Z wanted $10 each so they could go to the movies with two young women tonight. I guess the young women paid for the movie and T and Z paid for the food. I asked DsT while Z was in his house changing his clothes, Why do these young women want to go out with you. He gets a big grin on his face and says because I am hot! So, Z comes out of his house and I ask him why these two young women want to go out with them and he gets a big old grin on his face and says, Because we're hot. DsT says see Mom I was right. We laughed. So, DsT and Z helped me put up the fence for the new laying hens. it is a double fence. Chicken wire to keep the birds in and cow wire to keep the cows out. I still need to put in the door and finish putting on the chicken wire. (we ran out) It looks like a fence now anyway.
We have been getting food for the pigs from the back of the grocery store. Yesterday, there was a big box of peppers. The pigs do not like peppers and the peppers were still firm so C cut them and roasted them and we froze them for the winter.
The littles and I had s'mores again tonight. They think it is the best thing we could be doing. and want to do it every night.
I went over the the valley here in town to take pictures of the super moon as it came up. If I ever figure out how to edit and post the pictures from this new machine I will post some.
I hope everyone is well and had an enjoyable weekend.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
520 Posts
520 Posts |
Posted - Aug 11 2014 : 05:52:36 AM
Good morning. It is a cloudy rainy day here. Not complaining. The rain is good. It also gives me some rest from the outdoors and forces me to give attention to my dirty home I am an outdoors person. I only do what I have to in the summer months to keep my house presentable. :) I have green beans to can today and zucchini to shred up and put in the freezer for zucchini bread. I want to do a little sewing within the next few days. And I am in a swap that I need to send off. We also have chicks hatching out in the incubator. What was I thinking when I set them. Obviously, I was not thinking at all. Our next few days will be busy as we are leaving later in the week for CT to see my daughter and her family. I have joined the ranks of GG and Marianne. We had to make an unexpected trip to Cincinnati yesterday. My MIL has had signs of Alzheimer for a couple of years now and not doing well. She is beginning to get confused with her meds and not taking them correctly. The bank personnel encouraged her to invest a large sum of money and the family discovered money missing from her bank account and when they ask MIL about it, she wasn't aware of even having the money as she is confused at times. Her nephew is an attorney and will be executor of her estate and had to intervene. DH had to call a family pow wow with his siblings to make sure everyone was aware of all going on with her. Hopefully the siblings that do not spend much time with her will become more involved. My DH calls her 2x a day, everyday. We see her once a week and we live 100 miles from her. The others are all local. There are 5 siblings. DH pretty much told each of them that they need to visit her each week and take her out for a bit. For Christmas one year we gave her a calendar with each weekend marked with a child or grandchild and it was their weekend to spend some time with her. She loved it and it only lasted one year. Some of them didn't agree on their weekends and was tired of the obligation. We loved it and even volunteered to cover other weekends if it was inconvenient for some. We still kept up the visits. DH is a good son. :) We would offer to let her live with us when the time comes but we are too far away from the remaining family. They would not like it, and we understand. But she often says she could live with me. :)
Holly- One of our favorite things to do is to sit around the firepit at night. We do it several times a week. I made it from some brick and a ring I purchased from Menards. I put it together in Illinois and we hauled it back here with us. I also use to sing as I milked our cows. I think it always calmed them down. They were very use to it. Cindy- We are getting a tree removed from our yard in a few weeks. We are fortunate not to have to pay for the removal as my DH helps the tree trimmers out sometimes when they need someone to feed their chipper. The only problem is with that we have to be "fitted" in. :( I am anxious to get it out so we can put a large shed there.
GG- I hope your craftroom is done soon....and you can play with that new machine. I would hate to have to wait on my DH. He is not gifted in that craft. However I am sure B is doing an excellent job and it will so be worth the wait.
Ginny- I have never noticed that type of mushroom in the woods I have tromp around in. We use to hunt Morals in the spring and "Hen of the Woods" in the fall. However there have been bobcats and cougars seen in the woods around my parents farm so I won't go into the woods often. When my mom goes ginseng digging, she carries a gun. I am too scared to romp around the woods now. People have seen the cats for several years however since trail cams have come along there have been a lot of sightings on trail cams.
Jan- Hurry and pack before the weather change. Get the heck out of MI!!! I do enjoy fall in up north. However the winters are way to long.
Bunny- I so agree with GG. The job searching is about our age. I don't understand why so many employers want youth. The work ethics of our generation is so much better than the younger kids. We don't have kids that we have to get to babysitters, or that we have to keep home from school sick. We don't have to go to kids ball games and other sporting. music or award events.
Well, off to get my chores done. I hope you all have a wonderful day and have a great Monday!
Patty #1840
A rind is a terrible thing to waste. Compost.
When they had all had enough to eat, he said to his disciples, “Gather the pieces that are left over. Let nothing be wasted.” -Jesus in John 6:12 NIV Bible |
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Aug 11 2014 : 09:44:29 AM
The weather is cool with a little wind and a misty rain. I am actually wearing a long sleeved shirt today.
Patty - I always only do what is necessary for a presentable house. I am a very apathetic housekeeper. I will do the dishes and laundry regularly. The floors are supposed to the taken care of by Lowell but he never gets to it. He have Mitzi a bath this weekend and the fur was just falling off her. Kitty Kat sheds too. We have dust buffalo under our furniture.
Holly - Kids these days! I guess DST and Z have healthy attitudes about it. It is good that you made them work for the money. I love being around young people. I am concerned about the people who overuse antibacterial soap. So many young children are now being so heavily shielded from germs that they do not develop essential immunities. At least DDK lives on a farm and can get the exposure to "bacterial germs" she needs. We have a fire bowl on legs in the back yard. The bicyclists who used to live here has fires often. Now that they are gone we have them less frequently and we tend to drink beer and not roast marshmallows. Lowell would freak if I had them in the house.
Bunny - I am sorry you didn't get the job. I wanted to say the same thing that others have but I didn't want you to get discouraged. The first problem with looking for a job is that all the applications on computer are screened by the computer for the "key words". I know that many of my applications have gone into the black folder of rejection that way. I yearn for a more personal approach to hiring.
Gypsy - I love the mornings also. Lowell likes to sleep in and doesn't leave the house until 11:00. I want to get out of bed at 6 AM and start my day but Lowell wants me to stay in bed and snuggle -- just snuggle. Once he does get going, I am unable to do anything while he is around. He places himself in exactly the place I need to be. When this happens, I just have to go to a different part of the apartment and wait for him to clear out so I can do what I have to. I know that even if we had a bigger space it would be the same.
Cindy - Many work places are toxic. I have worked in several. I am not certain of a solution for this. A worker cannot control the workplace. I believe that the best thing we can do is take care of ourselves. We can get away from the situation and make a healing place for yourself in your home. I make my home as opposite as possible from my workplace so that I can recuperate.
Ginny - I have the magazine for you. I tear my copy up that's why I bought you one. I just need your address. I don't require it, but if you feel as if you need to give me something for it, just send me a dozen eggs or something you have made.
Today is such a busy day. I have a wellness group to go to at 1:30 to 2:30. I need to bring a recipe and some vegetables from the garden that have been requested. Annette wants me to come to her place and help her with the property tax refund and pay her phone bill. I believe that she depends on me too much. At 6:30 I want to go to the Community Issues meeting. The meeting is attended by homeowners and they say things like "We don't want those people in our neighborhood." I and other renters ask them exactly who those people are. NIMBY is rampant here.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Aug 11 2014 : 4:59:24 PM
Good evening everyone,
Today was a lovely hot day. I walked out to where I am putting in a new chicken pen and by the time I had dragged my tools and the fencing to the area I was soaked in sweat. I only was able to do a little bit of work because I had other events to attend too. A little at a time.
I took DsT to the dentist and she wants to put a crown on one of his molars. Two of his teeth came in soft and malformed and I thought he had had a stainless steel crown on both of them. Maybe that on fell off or something. Better to take care of it now when we have insurance.
Today was C's first day at her new job. She is overwhelmed and happy that she is not in the old job. She still works for the state but just a different department. She has flex hours but they need to be consistent so people know when they can get ahold of her. She is one of the later arriving employees and she is getting there at 7:15 AM.
I figure my children will have eaten their peck of dirt in their lifetime. DdK used to sit in the puddles with her friend A when they were little, buck naked in the early spring. She also cleans the stalls for the cows. So, while she might protest about "bacterial germs" it is a limited protest. I despise cleaning the house. I do wash the dishes each morning and make sure all of the dirty laundry is done each day. Folding it is another story. I looked at the little boys tonight at supper and each of their faces were smeared with dirt. Their hands had been exposed to the soap and water before hand so I know the top layer had been washed down the drain.
Some of the bacteria that is killed by the hand wash is good bacteria. I do have a book called the fauna of your body. It has some pretty amazing creatures inhabiting our bodies.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Aug 12 2014 : 5:19:17 PM
Good evening everyone,
Today was hot, humid and overcast. It was not unpleasant. The weather guessers had said that we were to have rain today and so, it was hurry up and wait.
I worked on the gate opening and prepared it to hang the door. I started to put up the rest of the chicken fencing but I could not do it by myself so I have to wait for help.
This morning we had our s'mores over our little campfire on the porch. The boys sure do like to start the fire and roast the marshmallows. It told DdK that working with the boys is nothing like when I had her Girl Scout troop. The girls were aware of danger and safety and were far less impulsive than the boys. We will get there with the boys.
I took them down to the pond to go swimming this afternoon. They played on the kayaks and jumped off the dock.
I did a lot of walking today and I guess if I were wearing a step meter I would have made more than 10,000 steps.
The first game for fall baseball is on Sunday. DsT is so excited he can hardly stand himself. There are 6 teams in his age group so they will play at least 10 games.
Sweet dreams, I hope everyone is well.
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Aug 12 2014 : 5:45:07 PM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 15 2019 6:17:40 PM |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Aug 12 2014 : 6:31:24 PM
Hi, I have missed you all. As usual, everyone is busy! Holly it sounds like you are making good headway with your meat birds. How quickly do the boys wear themselves out at the pond? I've read that antibacterial soap also upsets septic systems. Bunny, glad you are moving forward in your job search. Can you take a photo of the photo of your contribution to the magazine? I haven't seen the magazine and I'm not gonna be at Joann's any time soon. Marie, NIMBY? I'm lost... Educate me! Email if necessary! I like to be around young people, too. When do you get back to school? Gg, insurance is a huge expense. I think it is a person's right to have adequate health care and education. I wish the US wasn't so far behind other industrialized nations. I picked out a new knitting project. It seems like the right time of year to start cozy items. Mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Aug 12 2014 : 6:35:42 PM
The US can't do free health care because people do not want to pay more taxes and Republicans do not want someone to get something for free.
Affordable Care Act is actually the "Affordable Health Insurance Act". Standards have not improved enough to prevent insurance companies from charging high deductibles and co-pays.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
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