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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jul 30 2014 : 07:05:31 AM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 15 2019 5:48:37 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
520 Posts
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Posted - Jul 30 2014 : 08:12:23 AM
Good morning! I am here GG. I am busy canning green beans, a few tomatoes and zucchini. After Cindy mentioned making zucchini spaghetti I just had to try. My mom made some and canned it several weeks ago and she uncapped some this week to see how it worked as there are no directions for canning zucchini. She said it was as delicious as if she had just cut and cooked it. So into the canner it goes for winter "veggetti".
I have some running around to do when the canning is done. Pick up a few groceries, mail a couple of packages and pick up a few things from the hardware store. Then it is back here to do more canning. :/ I should be able to get loads done the next few days. DH went to Illinois to help my dad with a few things on the farm. He has to break up a couple concrete slabs left from the old corn cribs. I am glad it is a cool summer, rather then him have to do it in 100+ temps. He has been working the last few days building a grape arbor for our grape vines. Before long he will not have to mow at all. We will have the place covered with produce. :) It will require only a weed eater. Well, off to work I go! Have a great day!
Patty #1840
A rind is a terrible thing to waste. Compost.
When they had all had enough to eat, he said to his disciples, “Gather the pieces that are left over. Let nothing be wasted.” -Jesus in John 6:12 NIV Bible |
Edited by - thebyrdhaus on Jul 30 2014 08:13:00 AM |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jul 30 2014 : 6:00:43 PM
Good evening everyone,
Today was a lovely day. I think the temperatures must have been in the high seventies with a nice breeze. The sky had beautifullly large fluffy white clouds most of the day. Towards supper the clouds darkened and passed. We should have some nice stars tonight. The moon is just a sliver.
This past weekend I had some of that zucchini spaghetti one of the young women in my herb class brought with her for the pot luck. It was fun. My zucchini is about three inches long and there is only one of them so far.
We had steak and salad for supper. I guess we grew all of it now that I think about it.
A friend of my herb teacher died and she asked me if I would store his used clothing for the clothing swap this fall. I agreed and thought I might glean some thing to send to Bunny but it had all been picked through already by his friends. I will keep looking for choice items to send.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Jul 30 2014 : 6:15:25 PM
G, I hate being awakened also. A good sleep is a difficult accomplishment for me. Dh had a sore shoulder last week and was telling me how he had to change positions often because he was so uncomfortable. Really? Never heard of such a thing...sigh. I got some great weeding done after the rain we had last week.
Patty, your canning abilities are amazing. And your energy is something I envy!
Bunny, I guess you will hear when you will hear about the jobs. Everything takes so long! Dd's boyfriend just accepted a new job that he was approached for when we were staying with them. That seems so long ago, two months have passed. So start to finish his job interview, application, etc. took almost ten weeks. Crazy, huh.
dh got his old smile back today. The partial looks wonderful, fits well and everyone is happy! In seven and a half months he can be fitted for a permanent partial denture. This one is temporary.
My zucchini is producing really well. Lots of crooknecks, patty pans are starting to come in and the tomatoes are loaded, but ripening a bit more slowly than I would like!
The hydrangeas are still in bloom. The red ones bloomed after the blue ones. One bush had blooms the size of a volleyball. so pretty.
Mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
526 Posts
526 Posts |
Posted - Jul 30 2014 : 8:00:20 PM
Hello Ladies!
I got my cast off but my wrist isn't working right and I can only type with one hand and one finger. The wrist is burning! I think I may have done something to it while it was in a cast. Hope not but it hurts today as much as the day it came off, 2 weeks ago. Not getting much done this way, would rather have the cast on!
THANK YOU SO MUCH HOLLY! I have loved all the cards & photo's and look forward to them each week! Seriously!! Keeps me a little sane! Congratulate Cheri, that job is impressive! Also, glad I finally get to see the elusive Holly! It sounds like your hands are full but having a great summer with the kids!
David is just now learning to walk again and it will be slow because of the infection in his spine. He got off IV antibiotics the day after my cast came off but he's still taking two orally. Because it ate away his spine, he's having a hard time learning to walk but he will get there.
We now have 22 chickens out back, one rooster, and my two bunnies are now free ranging it in the yard/woods. I hope they survive and we can catch them by winter.
Well, the wrist is burning so I'll drop by again soon, I hope!
Ginny Farmgirl #2343
"The business of life is the acquisition of memories. In the end, that's all there is." Mr. Carson, Downton Abby
"Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally won out over it." Elwood P. Dowd (Jimmy Stewart) in the Movie Harvey
True Blue Farmgirl
526 Posts
526 Posts |
Posted - Jul 30 2014 : 8:34:26 PM
Pictures might be easier. 3 Cups yesterday by shed, 40+ acres to go

Raised beds


17 new chickens

Ginny Farmgirl #2343
"The business of life is the acquisition of memories. In the end, that's all there is." Mr. Carson, Downton Abby
"Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally won out over it." Elwood P. Dowd (Jimmy Stewart) in the Movie Harvey
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jul 30 2014 : 8:48:09 PM
Aha! It's "awaken"! I knew I could count on ya, Mar. Last week you used a phrase that I had to look up :).
Bunny hunny, I worry when you don't check in.
Ginny, it's always such a delight to hear from you. You are such a trooper! Best wishes and hugs to you and David. And, wow, those are great photos. Looks like you are finding your moments of joy as Holly would say. Good job! I'm glad you got more chickens.
Patty that is a cool little apparatus to turn veggies into spaghetti. I agree with Mar, your energy amazes me. You and Jan. I have to admit that about 3 to 4 hours does it for me. After that I take lots of breaks. It's easier when it isn't so hot.
The time posted here seems to be two hours earlier than my time. It is 10:51 pm here and I've been up since about 5 this morning.
Saw in the paper today that a former friend here died last week. I had not kept up with her in the last few years but heard she had cancer. She was a vibrant beautiful woman three years younger than me. I've felt sad since I saw it in the paper this afternoon. GG
Edited by - doll58maker on Jul 30 2014 8:56:06 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
520 Posts
520 Posts |
Posted - Jul 31 2014 : 05:44:27 AM
Good morning. I was up until after midnight canning beans. Waiting for the dew to leave now. I don't pick beans when it is wet because it causes "rust" spots on them. I need to run a few errands that I did not get done yesterday. Hopefully it won't take me long. I am going to can beans and clean bedrooms. Have a load of sheets started in the wash now. I also want to paint some furniture in the living room before DH gets back into town. I would like to find a smaller entertainment center for our living room. I thought I would look on craigslist. Those people are crazy. $200 or more for chintzy pressed wood. I think I will probably just have to wait until I find "roadkill" that someone has thrown out. I just hate When I want something changed I want to do it now. We ordered a new refrigerator. Ours went out over a year ago and we have been using our oldest sons old refrigerator that he stored in our garage, when he left for Korea. It is small and makes a horrible noise. So we agreed when we sold the house we would get a new one. MY GOSH! the price of an ICEBOX has sure gone up since I last bought a new one. And we have to wait almost a week to have it delivered. We bought it from Home Depot. We get gas perks from Giant Eagle (grocery store/gas station). So I bought Home Depot cards from Giant Eagle to buy the refrigerator. They have a special for double the fuel perks for purchases so we earned $150 in gas. Contractors who buy at Home Depot always buy with gift cards they have purchased from Giant Eagle.
GG- My heart goes out to you. I am sorry that you lost a friend. Sad but true, it seems these days I go to so many more funerals. My age I am sure and I still have so many elders in the family. I lost my uncle yesterday to cancer. He quit fighting the battle a couple of months ago and painfully lasted a lot longer than anyone expected. My mother had a heart cath on Monday. They have already put stints in her stints. She had her first heart attack at 50. The dr said the artery with the stints in stints is 100% blocked. Her body re-routed and made a new artery for the blood to flow. The only thing they can do now is exercises to make the artery bigger and stronger. She is an amazing woman and works all the time. When I was out there a last week she was so out of breath walking across the yard. But she does not stop. I have talked to her on the phone the last couple of days and she sounds weaker, but she was still canning corn.
Ginny- Your garden looks beautiful. My dad has 3 rabbits that he turned loose to free range several years ago. He caught them up in live traps this spring so he could have a couple of litters of bunnies. He will turn the girls free again before he leaves for Florida. He won't turn the buck free. He believes that wild bucks will kill him.
Mar- Our tomatoes are ripening slow too. I have only canned 1 qt. :( I am afraid I won't have many to can. A lot of them have blossom end rot. It has been such a wet and cool year. Hopefully, with all the rain we have had we won't have the snow this year. I still have alot of tomatoes from last year, so hopefully I will have enough to last.
Holly- I love the zucchini spaghetti! And it is so much healthier for us. I keep reminding DH that the zucchini is so much better than the pasta for his diabetes. The zucchini that was too big for my little apparatus, I sliced and canned for "lasagna".
Wow, time passes when I am chatting with you gals. :) I had best get busy with my day.
Patty #1840
A rind is a terrible thing to waste. Compost.
When they had all had enough to eat, he said to his disciples, “Gather the pieces that are left over. Let nothing be wasted.” -Jesus in John 6:12 NIV Bible |
Edited by - thebyrdhaus on Jul 31 2014 06:26:12 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Jul 31 2014 : 06:47:36 AM
I love reading about everyone's gardens. I didn't bother this year. Too much to eat ourselves and not enough to can.
Not much going on here. Just school work and working for my class at the college. I have lunch with one of the ladies in the department I applied for. She said they hope to do interviews maybe next week. She said they really needed someone good with Excel and no life drama. I said I'm perfect. Kids are gone, no husband or boyfriend. I'm pretty boring as far as drama. We all had a nice laugh. But I got the message across. I also made sure she knew the church job if I got it, is flexible regarding hours.
Probably won't do much sewing this week. I'm really trying to concentrate on my web design class. I also have to type a certain words per minute to pass my typing class. I made the one minute timings for a C. I have to type 85 words per minute for an A. (No errors). It isn't going to happen. I'm still trying to qualify for my 3 and 5 minute times. They are a little less. I can type anywhere from 50wpm to 100 wpm. The higher end is what got me in trouble. I can't do it consistently without a bunch of errors.
I have been feeling pretty good. Weather is hot but not too bad.
Ginny, I'm wondering if you don't have some nerve issues with your wrist. That would cause the burning. I hope you can get back to the doctor soon. Glad DH is doing better.
GG, Sorry B was sick. I agree being woke from a sound sleep is the pitts. My son would call me late at night just as I was falling asleep. Then I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep until 2 or 3 am. Drove me nuts. I have tried to post a few times and it gets eaten by the computer gremlins. I'll be more persistent next time.
Later all! Off to school.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jul 31 2014 : 08:15:31 AM
You ladies are all such an inspiration to me. I can not keep up with most of you. I weed whacked more around the house this morning and just loaded the back of the jeep with the lumber B painstakingly removed from the room he is working on. Nearly all of it is reusable. Anybody else would have just ripped it out and torn most of it up. He even saved some of the nails. He is very upset that they do not have proper recycling here. So I have set up three garbage cans for glass, plastic, and aluminum. I have a trash compactor which takes all the dry paper and boxes and compresses them. So he is finally happy we are doing our share. We compost all our non meat scraps too.
He said yesterday he felt so happy. That is really nice to hear.
So, off to drive the lumber down to the garage and unload it. Our house is long and narrow and the garage is actually below the house so it's easier to load stuff in the car and drive it down there rather than make a million trips down the stairs. It's weird I know. Then porch sittin for a bit. Then it will be scorching hot so I'll work some in the house and rest a lot. That's my day.
Bunny, you are a smart lady and you are doing things right. I know when you land a job it will be the right one for you. Then you will be glad things worked out the way they did.
Edited by - doll58maker on Jul 31 2014 08:18:00 AM |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jul 31 2014 : 12:09:38 PM
Good afternoon everyone.
I just lost my post. I am not even sure what I did to make it disappear and then the top said it had autosaved and I can not find where it did that. It was not in the draft folder. More than a little annoyed.
We had about two minutes of hail and then a 45 minute rain shower. The sun is trying to come out now; The weather guessers say the next five days will be rain. We could use the rain but I am sure I will be tired of it before day two is done.
We have had broccoli and lettuce out of the garden . The beans are still in flower. I think the cabbage might be big enough to pick and have on the grill. I like to quarter it and take out the vein. I put water on it and shake it out then put butter between the quarters and cover it with aluminum foil and slow cook it on the grill. I like it better than boiled. I think I have two zucchini's on the plants. We are chomping at the bits for the zucchini because we like zucchini fries. I cut them like french fries dip them in eggs and then roll them in parmesan cheese and a little flour and fry them up. They are a favorite. I will have to look at the hardware store for one of those noodle cutters. I think making a long string could occupy a boy for a while.
Ginny your pictures are gorgeous.. The red raspberries are not plentiful here this year. Have you tried a comfrey poultice on your wrist? I am glad that David is making progress towards being mobile. It must make his outlook on life a bit happier.
G I understand the B saving the wood and nails. A board can come in handy in a nother project and it keeps the nails off the ground. I am glad he is happy now. How is the porch? Have you seen the stars from there yet this year?
I am glad the chocolate man is back to his old handsome self. Why is the wait so long for a long term tooth? Weeding is never done. Did you used to live anywhere near where the fires are in Central WAshington? You garden sound very productive for the short time you have lived in your new house. How do you find the time to do all you do and deal with the chaos of the public works system in trying to deal with the MIL's bungalow? I have thought about making a fritata for supper like you do but have not gotten it together. I guess because I would have to look in a recipe book to see how it is done.
Patty do you do a boiling water bath for your beans and other canning? I guess when you get the rhythm you can move right along. We have a frigerator that is just a refrigerator without a freezer on it. We have plenty of room. How did your experiment with having a basket for leftovers go so you would not waste food go?
I am going to post this so I do not lose it.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jul 31 2014 : 5:11:07 PM
Holly, I have been getting zucchini fries as an appetizer at restaurants and did not know how they made them, so now I will make them as you described.
I don't know why we are losing so many posts. Now I have to post first and then edit the mistakes because preview makes it disappear.
I did find high speed internet and hope to get it installed next week. They don't guarantee the speed, so it may only be fast at 3 in the morning when nobody is using it. B is bound and determined to watch fox news so he is ordering cable TV. I get so mad at those crooks that I refused to buy it. So he is trying to figure out how to order it. I argue with them about every dime but he just pays whatever they say.
Holly, you never forget anything. Yes, B does love those stars.
Remember my ongoing war against the #%^* raccoons here? Well, the dogs have been hearing something in the walls for the past two nights. Tonight, we heard it. Sounds just like all the other times when the raccoons have had babies in the attic. But B is convinced there is NO WAY they are getting in through the roof! Well, here we go again. This time it's his challenge, not mine. It's almost funny how those rascals can outsmart the smartest human.
Edited by - doll58maker on Jul 31 2014 5:24:40 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Jul 31 2014 : 5:58:28 PM
I have been up to my ears getting things ready for another yard sale. My walls are starting to look bare, just the way my DD likes them. She will be amazed next time she comes over. I hurt so bad, I could just cry. I am thinking of having a nice glass of wine to relax, and hopefully it will knock me out for sleeping. I have to work tomorrow, then come home and eat and start setting up til about 10 or so, then out at 6 A.M. Saturday to finish setting up for our sale. I still have a lot more to get rid of after this sale. There seems to be no end. At least when we leave, there is no way I can accumulate a lot of stuff, there are no walls or floor space in the RV, everything will have to be put away after each use. It should stay neat and tidy, I hope!! LOL!!! I am too tired to address each of you, but know that I read all that you wrote, and am thinking of all of you. Ginny, it was so good to hear from you!!! Heal up real soon. Summer is getting away from us. It is a cooler summer for us here, but it does feel good. Our water temp. in Lake Michigan is only 41 degrees right now!!! No way will I be going swimming here any time soon!!! LOL!!!! Have a great evening, and thank you all for being my friend!!!! Hugs to you all!!!
Jan Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Jul 31 2014 : 6:32:18 PM
I forgot to mention, I also did laundry today, and made a turkey dinner. I wanted to sell my big roaster, so I needed to roast the last turkey we had in the freezer. I cannot use those big pans anymore, I will not be making 20# turkeys, they just will not fit in the oven!!!
Jan Farmgirl Sister #3340
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Aug 01 2014 : 2:42:48 PM
Jan, I'm thinking of you. I now you are pushing yourself really hard right now. Enjoy that wine! Hope it helped you get some good rest. I wish you good luck at your sale. Ka-ching! Put that money away for your fun times. And then rest. Ginny, so good to hear from you. Stay strong, friend. Holly, you will never let that star lit porch scenario be forgotten! Some things should be brought up time and again. We're just keeping tabs, g. We don't want the romance to die. This is our big gravel weekend. Four truck loads of gravel were delivered this morning. Dd and boyfriend will be here by nine tomorrow morning and then the shovels shall fly! I moved about two cubic yards this morning. It seemed to be a tablespoon at a time, but I did get it moved. Over the bare ground, we placed a fabric called Geo tek. It let's water thru but keeps the gravel from mixing with the dirt and mud. So we had to cut this rolled HEAVY fabric to size for the paddock. It is sixteen feet wide and it was supposed to be 75 feet long. We carefully measure and cut three rolls exactly 65 feet long. Of course, it was my fault. Actually, it really was my fault but I was accompanied by two other people (dh and dd) who have an associate, two bachelors and two master's degrees between them when I did it. BTW, I'm the dumb one in our family. Or at least the least educated one. So then we corrected that, got all the material tacked down, cut around the trees, and framed with 2 x 6s to keep the gravel in. Then we got all the gravel dumped on top of the fabric. And at some point lost an entire box of roofing nails. Apparently, my husband and I don't agree on the appropriate way to keep track of nails. When he asked for some roofing nails, I brought him the box. He thought I should have brought him a handful of nails. I thought that made them harder to keep track of... Who loses an entire box of nails in a horse paddock? We have looked everywhere. And have concluded they must be somewhere under the Geo tek fabric. They will not pose a hazard because they are under the fabric which will now be buried under six inches of gravel. But, seriously... I'm done. Love you gals. Patty, your pantry must be gorgeous with all your preserved food. Mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Aug 01 2014 : 3:27:53 PM
Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 15 2019 5:54:14 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Aug 01 2014 : 4:51:11 PM
So, I'm realizing my stomach hurts too, but in an odd way. Like when I exercise too hard. Then I thought--hands hurt, stomach hurts--pulling weeds 2 hours every morning, some of it that big Johnson grass with the stubborn roots won't let go no matter how hard you pull-- duh. I think I know why I'm hurting. Never thought about pulling weeds being good for abs, but there you are.
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Aug 01 2014 : 7:16:18 PM
I did not get my wine last night, but I am now drinking some. I am sure it will knock me out. I worked all day, then ate supper, and out the door to set up for our yard sale. I do see why I generally do not have sale, too much work. What we do not sell will go to my son, since he sells more than just antiques in his store. I hurt so bad too, using muscles you normally do not use? Sounds like everyone is busy as can be this summer. I sure am looking forward to spending most of my time in a pool. Bring on the pool boys, here I come!!!!! LOL!!!! GG, Hope the stars are shining bright for you and B tonight! Wink!!! Mar, Let DH, DD and boyfriend do the gravel. Take it easy and supervise, or make a meal and get out of doing the work. They can handle it. Holly, you are always a busy bee. We had pancakes yesterday with your maple syrup. DH loves it as much as I do. The best syrup there is!!! Bunny, hope you are taking some time to get in some sewing. I need to look for the new magazine with your clothing in it. Patty, I love your bean arbor. I love green beans, either fresh or frozen, but not canned. I love to eat them right off the vine. I did not make a garden this year, because I knew we were going to be busy getting ready to move, but I sure do miss it. I miss the fresh tomatoes, peas, and green beans. We are hoping to eventually find a piece of land somewhere to park for the summer and then maybe have a garden again. Well, I am going to finish this wine and go to bed. Have to get up and out by 6. People start showing up at 7:30, not supposed to start until 9!!!! Hugs to all, Have a great evening,
Jan Farmgirl Sister #3340
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Aug 02 2014 : 4:25:34 PM
Good evening everyone,
I have no clue how to get the B to not watch Fox news. If he does get cable then you can hook your internet service to it. We can not get cable here because there are not 10 houses with in a mile. Maybe you will have that sort of luck as well. We do not have TV right now because "not Me" swung the antenna around by the antenna circle on top and it ripped off the base. Now mean old Mama won"t go out and buy a new one while the weather is nice out doors. I had an online friend in So. California who had opossums in her attic. She said they were nasty to get rid of. It is good you feel no dying need to micromanage that job. You can sit with a glass of wine and film the entire production for future laughs. Glad you have found the source for your pain.
I hope the yard sale went well today and you made a lot of money and got rid of so many things. Jan. One step at a time.
Mar, is your tractor not big enough to push some of that gravel? The box of nails should make a nice lump in the paddock. Will you cover the gravel with some dirt or sand? I think today would have been a good day for you to vacate the premises to a nice spa while the rest of the family wore themselves out. Delegation is a wonderful responsibility. You must be in pain. Two yard is a lot of gravel.
We put the last pole up reinforcing the pig pen fence today. Then we zip tied on more tires around it. We walked the back side of the fence to make sure what I had put up weeks ago was still in tacked ( is that a word?} and found several places where if there had not been tires on the outside the pigs would have escaped. When we had put up the fencing last year or the year before we had laid it in an L shape so two feet were on the ground so it would be harder for the pigs to lift it up to escape. The pigs had crunched up the bottom of the L to the bottom of the tires. So, we took more tires and tied them on the inside after straightening out the bottom of the fence. Each year the pigs are a little different and need a more secure fence. I have no interest in chasing them across the country side.
We spent several hours at the pond this afternoon. The littles caught frogs and found the larva cases of dragon flies and other bugs.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
Edited by - Tall Holly on Aug 02 2014 4:28:14 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
3448 Posts
3448 Posts |
Posted - Aug 02 2014 : 7:35:44 PM
Back from sabbatical! LOL!
Been helping a friend navigate the medical system. She was just diagnosed with breast cancer. Scared to pieces so I just keep encouraging and taking her where she needs to go. My team of doctors and caregivers are wonderful so she's in good hands.
Canned 7 qts and 27 pints of pickles yesterday with my husbands help and 2 muscle relaxers. LOL! Darn back spasms! Tomatoes all ripening at once too! Bad garden year for some things and over abundant for others.
Patty The bike and beans are fabulous!
Jan, Glad you had a relaxing trip. We used to have a 27 ft camper and I loved camping. Then my husband decided he didn't like pulling it anymore and sold it. That was years ago but I did enjoy it.
How are your lotions and salves coming along? I would love to do that. Will you make any soaps? Have you learned about mushrooms?
Good luck with the MIL issue. You're right not to post too much, lurkers all around! My husband does everything himself too. Doesn't trust anyone in our house and he does a better job anyway! They come in one day and a week later they rob you. It's awful. They are stealing the copper pipes out of homes when people aren't home! I'm always afraid if someone gets in they'll hurt my dog! We live in the country but it seems nowhere is safe.
GG The ladies name seemed strange to me too. LOL! Still does! B sounds like he's enjoying the country! I love claw feet tubs. I don't have any inside but I have 2 outside. Those are my spas! Since I don't have a pool anymore they are it. I painted 1 red and the other orange. I put brick all around them and picket fence too! Looks like the tubs in those Cialis? commercials. LOL! Works wonders on a hot humid day!
You are a hero in my book just going to school and getting through it! I know I wouldn't have been able to tackle those math classes! Once you're finished with classes, say adios and don't look back at that darn place! A good job will come along at the right time. Your outfits are awesome as usual.
Marie I didn't know medicare paid for dental. It doesn't pay for it here.
I better pst this before it flies away. Later Sistas!
Be Blessed and Be a Blessing, Darlene Sister 1922
God first, everything else after!
When Satan's knocking at your door, just say "Jesus will you get that for me?"
When it gets to hard to stand, Kneel!
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - Aug 02 2014 : 7:41:22 PM
Just a short post tonight. I worked out on the treadmill at Nautilus yesterday and today I'm tired. Even though i felt really good after the workout. I'm roasting some cherry tomatoes with olive oil and salt and pepper at low heat to carmelize them. they're good that way. Also got my first peach tomato of the season--they are the best tomatoes I've ever tasted. Holly--sounds so nice sitting by the pond watching the dragonflies. I saw a HUGE dragonfly several weeks ago--he was an iridescent blue and hovered by my car (I was in my car in the driveway) for about a minute then took off. Not sure where he came from as there are no ponds around here. I need to get back to doing my yoga. My hands have been aching as well and I think it's arthritis as it seems to be in the joints. I bought some kefir and kombucha at the natural foods store this evening so hopefully that'll give me some more energy. I've become more conscious of eating well since I see my parents not eating so well. It worries me. My mom has lost weight and muscle mass. She never exercises. Have a good night, Cindy
"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
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True Blue Farmgirl
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520 Posts |
Posted - Aug 02 2014 : 8:15:30 PM
Wow, I am beat. A short post as well. It is that busy time of year. However it always seems busy to me, time of year apparently does not matter. DH arrived home last night. Only to have to turn around and help them out at the race track today. He will be in late. I can't wait up for him. Was so hoping the races would get rained out so we could spend time together. It rained but not long enough for them to cancel. I canned green beans for 2 days and corn today. Back to green beans tomorrow. Whew, I love gardening and canning, but how about just a little teeny Have a good night. More tomorrow...maybe. :)

Patty #1840
A rind is a terrible thing to waste. Compost.
When they had all had enough to eat, he said to his disciples, “Gather the pieces that are left over. Let nothing be wasted.” -Jesus in John 6:12 NIV Bible |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Aug 03 2014 : 06:06:56 AM
Oh my, Patty, that is a lot of canning. I wish I lived closer, I would be knocking at your door to help. I really miss my garden this year, especially this time of the year. Our yard sale was very good. We had perfect weather for it, and lots of people. I had all of my canning stuff for sale as a package, but no bites. My son is taking everything we have left to sell in his store. He has a big back room to have rummage sales in it, although, a lot of what we have left is good to put in the store section. We will still need to have one more sale at the end to sell our furniture and what ever will not fit in our RV. I need a break, like Patty. We have no spas around here!!! LOL!!! Darlene and Cindy, good to hear from you both. Always love to hear what is going on with each of you. Holly, Bet it felt good to spend time at the pond. I am sure the littles like to swim in the cool waters. I will try to post more later, we are on our way out the door to go have breakfast at steakhouse here. They just started Sunday buffet, so will go check it out. Have a great day, and don't work too hard,
Jan Farmgirl Sister #3340
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Aug 03 2014 : 6:36:54 PM
Good evening everyone,
Darlene I thought about you today as I walked by all of my green tomatoes. I was wondering how you are doing and lo and behold you post. A nice surprise. I laughed at the two muscle relaxers. I really like the cherry tomatoes slow cooked with salt. They were a big hit in our family last year. GG told me how to make them.. I am now waiting for the tomatoes to ripen.
I did look in our green bean patch and while it is not nearly as abundant as Patty's there are many large enough to pick. I know I said yesterday that we did not have any yet. I just needed to wade by the weeds.
Cindy do you make the kefir? I have had home made before and it is too fermented for my taste. Then a young woman in my herb class told me to not let it sit as long. It will still be nutritious but not so fizzy.
I am soaking the comfrey, roses and nettle in oil right now until I get to add the bees wax. I want to make a creamy salve. the containers we made in class are solid so you have to rub hard to get some on your finger. I want to collect some jewel weed to put in oil. I do not know if it is too late because it has flowered and the stalks are not as juicy. I think I have a jar with plantain as well. Today I set three fence posts. Does not sound like much but the first on was a post that was 15 inches across and forked part way up. It was really heavy. We had to use the tractor to lift it. I am using the left over white pine logs from logging we had done two winters ago. That is why the pieces are so large. If figure the cows will not be able to knock them over.
I have been cutting seed heads to feed the chickens this winter. I thought I might melt some of the lard we have from the pigs and mix in the seed heads, choke cherries and dead japanese beetles and let it harden to feed the birds this winter. I little bit of a science experiment. lol
Jan, I am glad the yard sale went well. Maybe you could list the canning supplies on Craig's list or Front porch forum and get rid of them that way. Just a thought.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Aug 04 2014 : 09:34:25 AM
I bet you would have a lot of interest in the canning supplies this time of year, Jan. Holly, your science experiments done great, especially the creamy scented ones. It is so nice to hear from both Darlene and Cindy. I have almost been on a sabbatical myself! I haven't gotten into a daily routine and our forum should thru the cracks some days. But I think of you half every day. The gravel arrived, has been moved, take, tamped and is being watered to help it stay in place. The horses will be in the "sacrificial paddock" tonight. Our tractor could have moved the gravel easily... It did not make the move with us. We still have our four wheeler and drag, and a riding lawnmower. We have entered into our suburban farmer portion of our lives. Hope everyone is happy and healthy. Mar |
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