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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jul 24 2014 : 3:43:47 PM
Good evening. I have been working on this post for 3 I type a little and then save it. I am so tired when I sit down here that I can't think for Green beans are ripe for picking and canning now. :) I am working on an old metal shed that DH brought in here. I painted it and I am putting old privacy fence boards on it to make it look rustic. Hopefully will finish it soon. But I have to depend on roadkill for my DH bought me a new camera for my birthday last week and I have been spending way too much time playing with it. He also bought me a trail cam for the chicken yard. I want to know what got in there and killed our baby rabbits. Though the predator has not been back since we got the camera. :( We have a trap set for a ground hog. He has made a tunnel under our shed. We have watched them for years going in and out from under a neighbors shed. However, he has just set up residency under ours. He won't be there long if I have anything to do with it. :)
GG- Can you make Fig Newton cookies from the figs. My favorite cookie. I have not had any since I became gluten free 2 years ago. I am no longer on FB. I miss it at times but then when I remind myself of the drama, I decide against it again. And NO, there is no point to a farm without plants and animals :) But I am so guilty of having both on a little city lot. :) And we just moved in Pigeons again! I used to have bee hives when I lived on the farm and have thought about getting a hive again. It is so costly, however I may just do it again. They don't require attention on a daily basis and are very fun to watch. Okay... answer to your survey question.... If he is friends with a ex, absolutely delete the ex. However if it is your ex and everything is under control. Nah, you are a sensible woman. It is just fine. :) Sorry if someone thinks this is a one sided answer. But I answered it like a TRUE friend would. :)
Bunny- Love the new dresses. You have so much creativity. I love it! One of these jobs will be "the right one" I am sure.
Janie- Wonderful that you are not labeled diabetic now! I am still trying to get my sewing room together. However beginning to feel that it may just be a winter project as I am so busy outside now.
Marianne- We never sold our home in Columbus when we moved to Illinois. So when we decided to come back to Ohio, we moved right back "home". :) So, it was easy setting up the house. Everything already had it's place. :) I am praying that everything works out on your plans for MIL soon.
Holly- Hopefully you are back online with a working computer. UGGG! You just gotta keep up. If you wait a few days here it is hard to sit down and respond without writing a book! :) I had never heard of "Uncommon Goods". I checked out their website. Such neat stuff. Holly, did you see I said we have pigeons once again. :) We are pretty excited about it. We have to start building a new coop for them.

Patty #1840
A rind is a terrible thing to waste. Compost.
When they had all had enough to eat, he said to his disciples, “Gather the pieces that are left over. Let nothing be wasted.” -Jesus in John 6:12 NIV Bible |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Jul 24 2014 : 4:17:39 PM
Well, we are back from our maiden voyage. It was so relaxing and quiet. We camped in a state park that was so woodsy, there was nothing to take a picture of. It was not by any water, only had electric, and water to haul. There were only about 5 campers out of 72 sites, no partying going on. We were so comfortable in our bed, we finally caught up on our sleep, slept for hours each night. We thought for sure we would have to get a new mattress in the RV, but no. It was so hot one day, then it cooled from 90 degrees down to the 30s. One day we had air on, the next heat. We will be going in a couple of weeks to empty the holding tanks and flush out the pipes before we leave for our trip. 3 more months, and we are on our way to follow the sun. Patty and GG, glad you both are done moving, now to get organized. Bunny, Hope you get the church job, that sounds like a better deal for you. Janie, that is great news not to be labeled a diabetic. I was on insulin for 1 1/2 years due to all the steroids I was on, brought my sugar up so high, it took that long to get it out of my system. I hated to have to have injections daily. Mar, Hope it dries up there so you can get the gravel in. Good that your horse is gaining weight now. No more trama for him. Hope you get everything settled for MIL soon. Winter will be here before we know it. Is she ready to move? Marie, Sounds like a big mess that Lowell had there. At least he tried, even if he had his tail between his legs. Bob is afraid to try any kind of cooking at all. He was the baby in the family, and it shows. He never had to do anything at all, and still does not try to do too much around here. I am the Jack of all trades in this household. Holly, Hope all of your computer problems are now resolved. We miss you when you do not post. Have a great evening,
Jan Farmgirl Sister #3340
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Jul 24 2014 : 4:56:19 PM
Patty, what a great picture!! LOve the bicycle planter. So cheerful. So happy to hear you are making a pigeon coop. I remember how you were very busy with them before. Is that a zucchini plant I see in your photo? Mine are very healthy and keeping us with lots of squash to share. And I agree with your Facebook Ex opinion.
Janie, I forgot to congratulate you on losing the Diabetic label. That is great news. I think organizing sewing rooms is a cool weather project, too.
Jan, what a great surprise to find that your mattress is so comfortable. It must have been nice to have the campsite to yourselves practically. And you got to try out both the a/c and heating systems! Who would have thought that was gonna happen in July? So you are at less than one hundred days until the commencement of your travels!
Holly, still hoping you will be able to pop back online any time now with all your computer woes solved.
Bunny, I think people have a prejudice against working for organized religion. My aunt used to work for a church and it was not "our religion." As a kid, I thought that was so weird. And I also thought that everyone who worked at a church did it for free. But, my aunt loved the job. Met lots of people and had a caring work place to go to everyday where she was treated as an individual. She left that job to go work for the State. BIG difference.
We worked on the permit paperwork today. For MIL's move. I won't be sharing a lot about it here. But, I keep you all posted on her move!
The rain has stopped and the next seven or so days look like they are going to be in the 80s. Perfect manual labor weather! Come on over to visit, Dd and Boyfriend! Hee hee. Several tons of gravel will be delivered here in about a week.
gg, It seems so daunting to have such a list of projects. B is very industrious to tackle them. Are you hoping to return the guest house to a guest house and eventually have his sister out to visit? Would B consider hiring someone to move some of the projects along more quickly? My dh is so resistant to someone else doing the work in his home. He is way too much of a perfectionist. It is difficult for him to accept help even. mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jul 25 2014 : 06:35:10 AM
Good morning, I'm on my phone this morning, sitting on the porch in my rocker with my one cup of coffee. Vietnamese coffee, they call it-- extra strong, then cut with a big scoop of eagle brand for the cream and sugar. It's my only caffeine and my only sugar for the day.
Bunny, that job with the church sounds like it would be so much better for you. Make some money, not such long hours, leaving time for homework and sewing--sounds like this is the one we've been waiting for. Then you will know why the others did not work out. That's what they say about men so it must apply to jobs too. I speak with all the wisdom I've gained from Pinterest!! LOL.
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jul 25 2014 : 5:31:47 PM
Good evening everyone,
Today was a lovely day here on the hill farm. Temperatures were in the low eighties a nice breeze and low humidity.
DdK went to Boston yesterday to celebrate her 18th birthday with friends. Her birthday was at the beginning of the week. We thought she was staying until Saturday but she called and her friends are not going to be around so she is on her way home now. C went to get her after work. She was sitting in the parking lot listening to the Red Sox game. She listened for too long and had to call AAA to come and jump the truck. lol She just called and AAA sent the truck to Hanover Street in Lebanon instead of Lebanon St in Hanover, so they are just leaving now to come home. C and dd have had a great time bonding in the truck.
Is your property sitting on ledge like ours is? Mar? we have wet fields most of the year. Is your tractor big enough to move the gravel or will it be the old wheelbarrow routine?I have never heard the word denturist. It that a west coast phenomenon?
The rooms in our house all have different color walls. Mostly blues, yellows and greens. Red bases can cause people to be agitated so I tend to stay away from them. Dd however has a deep burgundy. If you were going to paint all the walls all the same color we have white with a touch of black in it. It takes the brightness off the white but does not darken the room. But,now that I think of it you said you had already bought paint when you were in town.
Our fair town has about 865 people in it. We are twenty minutes either north or south to downtowns for stores and restaurants. The grocery stores are a little further. Our town's main drag has a church, a convenience store and the town hall. The elementary school is at the edge of the town center.
I am glad the bed in the RV is comfortable and that you caught up on your sleep. Seems like you made a great choice when picking this model to purchase.
Bunny I will think on a favorite shirt. I mostly wear t shirts and sweatshirts. Not much of a fashion statement. Makes dd crazy.
Pigeons. I have thought about them off and on. I saw some in the paper and as tempting as they were I could not bring myself to take on another someone to care for. So, I let them pass. I hope yours remember the way home.
I am not on Facebook and never have been. It seems like there is no sense of privacy at all. I do miss some of the women who used to post on a big family board I was on that went defunct and they all made Facebook pages.
I am glad the B is into fixing and puttering. Imagine what your life would be like if he had to be entertained all the time because he did not take any initiative. I would go stark raving mad if that were me. Good for the both of you.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Jul 25 2014 : 6:48:47 PM
I worked today for 10 hours. It was sidewalk sales downtown, so had to be there at 8 and closed after 6. It was quite busy, now I am tired. Need to get to bed so I can work again in the morning. Son has to be somewhere, so I will be working for him again. It will be sidewalk sales tomorrow, but not as busy as today, and I will not put too much out on the walks. Will post more tomorrow, have a great evening,
Jan Farmgirl Sister #3340
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
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Posted - Jul 25 2014 : 8:36:58 PM
Hello, the rain has stopped and the humidity hasn't materialized. So dh was wrong. Tee hee. He was kvetching about how horrible the humidity was going to be. I don't know when he went " soft "! We have lived in some really humid are of the country. It just doesn't get that humid here.
I'm watching Shark Tank while dh sleeps thru it. Since the weather was so pleasant, I enjoyed playing outside this afternoon. Hope everyone has great fun this weekend. Mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Jul 26 2014 : 2:25:36 PM
Tried to do my computer homework today. It was actually a midterm. I'm so over my head and I'm stuck. I'm not sure if I will get help because it is essentially a test. I submitted a help to the class discussion board and time will tell if I can get an answer. My mom has a computer friend that may be able to help me. If not... I'm probably not going to be able to pass this class.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jul 26 2014 : 5:29:41 PM
Good evening everyone,
I went to my foraging class today. In the morning a woman named Fearn Lickfield came and spoke about flower essences and how to make them. It was an interesting presentation. In the afternoon we went to a homestead at which the husband an wife are trying to live sustainably and to grow all of their eating needs. It is a work in progress. They have a goal to grow what they need as well as what their animals eat. The wife talked about working in the gardens and the land all day and it seems the husband does too. I was wondering how they paid their taxes.
Bunny ......breathe..... your homework will all come together. If you are not understanding what is going on in the class I imagine that many of the other students do not get it either. You are one of the brightest in the program.
Jan I think your son is going to be very hard up when you hit the road. You seem to have a good handle on what needs to be done to move the merchandise.
Maybe the chocolate man has gotten soft and is afraid he will melt. lol I was thinking that now you need to find all new medical practitioners and electricians and plumbers. I guess you have experience from all of your previous moves but it can't be fun at all. I hope the stress is lessening for you.
Sweet dreams everyone,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Jul 26 2014 : 6:31:00 PM
Holly, my son is going to have to be on his own when we move. I had my own store for 20 years, so have had a lot of sales experience. I do make people feel comfortable and they sometimes get too comfy and can talk your arm off, but I learned many years ago that you almost have to be a psychologist to be in business. You hear a lot of stranger's life stories. I do enjoy it though. Your foraging class sounds so interesting. I hope some day to learn that too. Bunny, you will get through this, hang in there and everything will fall into place. Mar, That is good that you do not get the humidity that you used to. Hope you get the gravel done soon and be done with that tedious job. I worked today, and it was steady until almost 3 before there was a lull in the store and I could take a breather. I think DS likes it when I work, sales are pretty good most of the time. I need to find some craft shows in the fall for when we leave here, I am hoping to find some on the way down south. I have enough stuff made for 10 shows!!! LOL!!!! Our neighbors came over and we sat outside and chatted for a couple of hours tonight. It was good to sit out and enjoy some company. It is very seldom that it is not windy out, it was pleasant. It is supposed to rain tomorrow, I hope not, I want to hang bedding out to dry. Have a great evening,
Jan Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jul 27 2014 : 2:11:55 PM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 15 2019 5:38:30 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jul 27 2014 : 2:33:53 PM
Bunny, make Holly a jacket. Fitting isn't so much of an issue as it can be loose, just make the sleeves long and she can roll them up if need be. She can throw it over her jeans and tshirt and be stylish when she goes to the store.
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Jul 27 2014 : 4:37:27 PM
I have been trying to write here for quite some time. Something in the house, with friends, with doctors, with Mitzi, with Lowell always comes up. We are having Lowell's daughter over for dinner and a movie.
The movie is Lawrence of Arabia and the dinner has most of the ingredients from the garden. I have made kale chips and want to do parsley chips also but not tonight. We have our own chard and broccoli. I also made some falafel balls. I did all the prep work so I am done. Lowell is out right now shopping for something, I don't know what. This should be very yummy.
Gypsy - So sorry about your internet access problems. Here in Minnesota, lawmakers have been very conscientious about getting high-speed internet to the rural areas. Our weather is coolish today but not uncomfortably so. We have some wind and had a little rain this morning. Next week is the biggest art fair of the year in the city. I am volunteering for it and the weather will be pleasant. It was so hot last year that I was drinking a lot of water and only peed once all day. I only have Facebook to "like" something and get a discount. It's all stuff I really do not want to know. How lucky you are to have a man who is handy around the house. Lowell is only handy with his guitars. I do all the gardening and maintenance, what little there is in the apartment. Most of the cleaning too. I know someone else's grass always looks greener but I do like to look.
Jan - Glad your adventure went well. I rather like being outside in a tent with very few if anyone around. There is a park here that you have to hike in a couple miles to the campsites. That is a nice quiet place. Lowell never wants to do this so I guess I'm done with these type of adventures. <sigh>
Holly - There is nothing worse than computer problems in our time. They have become as necessary as cars for most people. I am glad I know a few tricks to keep them on the straight and narrow. My little brother is a computer geek and is always willing to help out. Our apartment has light olive coloured walls. It is a very soothing colour. I would love to take a foraging class to know what NOT to eat. A couple years ago some people canoeing in the Boundary Waters died eating a type of water lily plant. My rule is if I don't know what it is, I don't eat it.
Bunny - I agree that a jacket would be a good project to make for Holly. Make it warm for those cold Vermont winters. I also agree that the job at the church may be a better fit for your situation. Hang in there with the classes. It will be over soon.
Marianne - I know what it is like to be losing teeth. I finally got a permanent crown on one of my very front teeth but now I am paranoid that the $1100 piece of dental work will break. I cut apples in half before I eat them. I need another $1100 crown but this one won't need a root canal appetizer. I need to call Medicare to see what they will pay. I really dislike dental work. Argh! Don't know what to say about the MIL. I believe that you will get it figured out eventually.
Well, I have bored Hayley with my garden. Dinner is ready and the movie has started. I need to participate.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Jul 27 2014 : 5:22:20 PM
Hi all! G, I hate having to deal with things like internet service. Thank goodness Mr Chocolate will do that. Bunny, I hope you hear about the church job pronto. I also think the jacket idea for Holly is a winner. Jan, it sounds like it was a tiring, but profitable day! I spent a great deal of time drawing plans of our latest MIL plan. Please keep your fingers crossed for us. We are running out of ideas and have already run out of options. We took a walk yesterday that was early great. Thought we would explore a different direction today, but so far, we have both been working hard on this MIL project. Tomorrow is one of my closest friends from high school's birthday. I sent her a gift that I hope she will enjoy. It is tough when you aren't familiar with someone's home or even style of dress at this point in our lives. Oh well. It's the thought, right? Mar
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jul 27 2014 : 6:24:08 PM
Did anyone else see the humor in the name Fe(a)rn Lickfield for a person in that particular "field" of work? Do you suppose she made that up?
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jul 27 2014 : 7:47:10 PM
Or am I just so desperate for entertainment?
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Jul 28 2014 : 05:08:05 AM
Thank you! I thought I was grasping at straws! Yes, her name seems amazingly apropos. I just I need some entertainment, too. It brought a smile to my face. Thanks for sharing, Holly. Thanks for mentioning it, g, and making me feel normal. Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
520 Posts
520 Posts |
Posted - Jul 28 2014 : 06:19:43 AM
Good morning! What a beautiful day here in Ohio. Though it is a chilly 61'. We have a long list of things to get done. Things are quite for the next week and then we get a visit from my son John and his g'friend from SC. Life just doesn't seem to slow down. My green bean crop is crazy wonderful this year. So lots of canning. DH is setting me post for a grape arbor. I have 6 vines ready to go in the ground. I have never raised grapes so will attempt this under the instruction of my mother. She has always had grapes and I have always been lucky enough to harvest them. :) We worked on rabbit hutches yesterday so we should be good for awhile. DH gave me a trail cam for my birthday last week. We agreed not to breed our girls until we sold the last litter of bunnies. I caught him moving them around on my new trail cam. BUSTED!! I knew that he was up to no So where we will put the new bunnies in about 9 weeks, I have no idea. Suppose we will be butchering. I also set about 6 dozen eggs in the incubator. What was I thinking!!! I went to whole foods to get some fish for the smoker and the butcher talked me into some Cobia. I have never heard of Cobia, let alone eaten it. He had to filet one as there was not enough to fill my order. When I came back from my other shopping to pick it up he asked if I wanted the head and carcass. He said it made wonderful stock. So me (not to be one that turns down something free) said I would try. I brought home that huge head and carcass and added some spices, carrots, celery and onions. I made some wonderful aromatic fish stock. Canned 8 qts. LOL, not what to do with it. I will have to research some chowder and soup recipes.
GG_ I thought the same thing when I read her name. Maybe she added the "E" so that it did not look so suspicious. :) Family Facebook is probably a good idea. :) My DH does not do the computer thing but his son is always wanting him to get a FB page. Would probably not be a good thing. An old friend posted pictures of him last year with her at a gathering he attended without me. I trust him, but not her. She posted it on FB and stuff hit the fan. People in his hometown do not really know me and I do not want them to assume that I am no longer with him and she is. Innocent on his part but I know her well enough to know it was not on her part. He asked her to take the picture off of FB and she refused. It is still on there. GG, I work in the paint dept of a big store. Black paint added to white was first done when oil was used a lot. Adding that touch of black to a white oil kept it from yellowing quite so bad. Also adding the touch of black helped them hide better. Your one coat paints already have a touch of black to them. The mix is usually 10/364ths black tint to a gallon of white paint to help hide flaws and tone down the sharp bright white. Most paint specialist know this. If not just remember 10/364ths black tint to a gallon of white paint.
Mar- Maybe you could build a small pole barn on your place and convert it to a home. Alot of families out where I come from build pole barns to live in, to keep their taxes lower. They also have those small buildings/sheds that you can convert into an efficiency for MIL. . Just a thought.
Jan- The countdown has begun and it is getting closer. You must have some mixed feelings about making such a life changing move. Bittersweet, I am sure. I for one and sooo excited for you. :)
Marie- I know exactly what you mean about being the one that is handy. My DH doesn't cook like your Lowell does. He is good for the HEAVY stuff. He can't build or plant a thing. But he can dig a hole and set some pretty heavy post in the ground. And he will snap green beans while he watches TV so I can "can" them. But I have to do all the organizing, planning, and putting it all together.
Holly- A foraging class sounds like so much fun! And the visit to the homestead! We have an "Ohio Outdoor Woman Weekend twic a year here. You spend the weekend at a camp, sleep in dorms, meals provided and you can take various classes like foraging, dutch oven cooking, guns basics and advanced, hunting, archery, alpine climbing, outdoor journaling and drawing, outdoor photography, and many more. They have changed throughout the years. When it first started I went every scheduled event and then they put a limit on who could sign up as far as previous attendees. New attendees first and if there was room previous attendees could sign up. I gave up trying to get it. It would tie up my funds for entry only to have them returned. :(
.JPG) My bean arbor from my 2nd floor window.
Patty #1840
A rind is a terrible thing to waste. Compost.
When they had all had enough to eat, he said to his disciples, “Gather the pieces that are left over. Let nothing be wasted.” -Jesus in John 6:12 NIV Bible |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jul 28 2014 : 4:42:59 PM
Good evening everyone,
G I do not know the name of the color. I just go and look at the tabs and pick the lightest mix on that paint paper. It does not look like much on the paint chip but on the wall it is nice. I am glad that Patty knows all about this.
The legislature has been working on and the governor has stated emphatically that all parts of Vermont will have internet access by some by gone date. We live 12 miles from the capital and do have internet but it is pricier (sp?) than in the city. We are not accessible by cable because where we live there are not ten houses within a mile. Our telephone lines are old and I think that is some of the problem with highspeed access. C goes to work in the capital and comes home and can not stand the slowness of the connnection. I think it is a lot faster than it has been in the past. When we first got on line we had 14,400 gb for access.
In herb class we learn to key out the plant in the Newcomb's wild flower book. We are told that if we are not completely sure to find it in at least three other sources before we eat it. There are several plants around here that look alike. Some are very yummy and the other is very deadly. I guess the canoers did not know how to check out the right one. We sauteed milk weed flowers with garlic and oil. and portulaca leaves with garlic and oil. The portulaca is not the one in the flower catalogs it is the uncultivated one.
I do not know if Fearn is a chosen name or her given name. I have always found it interesting name for a practicing druid. Her husband's name is Ivan McBeth and he is from the British Isles. They are both lovely people. I did not know if I should write their names but they have a website with their names on it so I guess it is alright.
That is an awesome bean arbor. No wonder you are inundated with beans. We have Vermont Outdoor weekends here as well. I have never been. There is also doe camp just in the fall to teach women about hunting with a gun or a bow and how to be safe.
Today was overcast all day. it was not cold at all. We have had heavy rain yesterday, last night and today. the creeks and ponds are high. I hope it was enough to give the gardens a boost. I need to cut the brocolli and get it in the freezer.
C has taken dsT and his friend to the Red Sox game in Boston at Fenway park tonight. They are playing the bluejays. Milne travel has a package deal with bus service to take people to the game and return them home. T and his friend have been excited all summer for this.
A friend of mine died last Thursday. We were not close but he always had a ready smile and a very quick dry wit. He has lived with one kind of cancer or another (totalof 4 knids)for the last 25 years or so. He wife and I did Girl Scout day camp together for many years. They kept the canvas in their basement and we would haul it out through the basement window each summer then toss it back in. They were married 45 years. The wife still loved him very much. She is very sad. I went to the Shiva service last night and returned home late so I could not type on here.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Jul 28 2014 : 6:54:36 PM
Just got back from the Monday night concert that they have down at the park. We walk because it is only about 3 blocks from our house, and there are so many cars down there to find a parking spot. It was a folk band of 2 men. They were very good. Glad we went. The weather was 60 degrees with hardly any wind. We have not had rain for awhile, everything is getting very dry. It is supposed to rain for the next few days, I hope it does, but not on Saturday, am having another yard sale to get rid of more stuff. Never a dull moment around here, always so busy. I may turn lazy when we go south. I plan on being in the pool a lot of the day. Remember last year I bought a new swim suit? It is still too cool here to go to the beach. I have yet to be able to wear the thing. It will be out of style before I even get to use it!! LOL!! Off to bed soon, another busy day tomorrow, and plus I am meeting a girl friend at the mall for lunch. We have been trying to get together forever!!! Have a great evening,
Jan Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - Jul 28 2014 : 8:38:54 PM
Patty--yikes, that's a lot of beans! I've been getting lots of the Chinese red noodle beans. I quick pickled some and will probably pickle some more. The nice thing about these beans is they're so long that six or seven strands contains a lot of beans. What do you plan to do if you get pigeons? I had some doves many years ago. I found a fancy pigeon shortly after I got the doves and I was going to keep him till I found the owner but he was sick, kept making a wheezing, clicking noise. I was afraid my birds would catch it so i turned him loose. Holly--the foraging class sounds neat. I have a book on wild medicinal plants and I've found some of the plants in the book growing on our prairie at a local park. Mar--hope you find a good option for your MIL. something will work out. Do you have the option of building a guest house on your property? There are tiny home plans that can be built for about ten thousand. Jan--hope it rains. That's just lousy that you haven't been able to use your swimsuit. Maybe if it rains, you can put it on and dance in the rain? Just being silly. I just made some split pea soup. Can't afford to go to the store till payday. That month off from work really did a job on my finances. At least the price of gas has gone down, for a while it was crazy--up one day, down the next, then back up. It was nice weather today, not too hot. I wish the nights weren't so cool, as none of my tomatoes has ripened yet. They don't like cool nights. I don't know anyone who's had luck with their tomatoes this year. They just stay green. Guess I need to find some recipes for green tomatoes. Cindy
"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
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True Blue Farmgirl
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2259 Posts |
Posted - Jul 28 2014 : 9:56:06 PM
Hello all, it's late and I'm hoping for a good rest night. I need more sleep. Mar, you asked about B getting some help-- we would so that except for two reasons1) there is no reliable help around here and 2) he is such a perfectionist that it takes him a really long time to finish something but when it is done, it is perfect. So a helper would get in his way. I help hold boards, sweep up and go fetch. That helps. He says he likes doing the handyman stuff. Lucky for me!
Patty, I agree with the others, that is a magnificent stand of green beans. Looks fabulous ! I don't know if I have mentioned I t Really loved the bike photo too. Cindy I'm glad you found time to post. It must be hard to work all day then come and get on the computer again. Bunny, how ya doing.
I'm too tired to finish this so until tomorrow ......... GG
Edited by - doll58maker on Jul 28 2014 10:01:44 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Jul 29 2014 : 12:14:21 PM
I don't know how I did it, but I finished my Midterm. Thankfully the instructor emailed me with the help I needed. I haven't heard from either the church or the college yet. I'm hoping for the end of the week at least. With both positions the hours are flexible. In a perfect world, I could be hired for both and have full time work. Not holding my breath though. I'm done being disappointing. If it is meant to be.. it will happen.
I was able to spend Sunday working on my son's quilt. It is very colorful. I hope he likes it. I took a picture with my phone but the colors are way too bright. It just doesn't do it justice. I do like everyone's idea of a jacket for Holly. Unfortunately my favorite thrift store closed due to Goodwill opening up a huge store here. Their prices are much higher and I didn't like the store the minute I walked in. So hunting for cost effective thrift store finds will be a little harder now. I still have Salvation Army though. They don't have as much selection though.
Patty, I love your bean arbor! Don't like beans though. HaHa
Well, just needed to take a little break from the homework. Better get back to it. Still have no clue what I'm doing. But I'm half way through.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jul 29 2014 : 2:46:30 PM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 15 2019 5:44:35 PM |
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