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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Jul 18 2014 :  7:52:48 PM  Show Profile
Jan, have a wonderful trip!!


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

2259 Posts

Posted - Jul 18 2014 :  8:22:49 PM  Show Profile
Well tonight it was my turn to lose my post. I will try again tomorrow.

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True Blue Farmgirl

520 Posts

Columbus Oh
520 Posts

Posted - Jul 19 2014 :  07:19:12 AM  Show Profile
Good morning. Raining here in Ohio. We may get a break mid day and I can get outside for a bit. We traded off my truck for a Chevy Equinox. Already missing the truck :/ We have to run over to the dealership to pick up something that goes in the back behind the seats. Not sure what it is, maybe I will understand it after I see it. Would not have even know it were missing if they had not told us.
We are making the 7 hour trip to Illinois tomorrow. We will finish emptying the house and saying our goodbyes to the neighborhood on Monday. We will sign papers to close on Tues. Woot Woot! We get to close 9 days early! Good riddance! I will be so glad to have this over. Talk about stress! lol. Moving back to Illinois was a costly mistake. However, I don't plan on this being my final move. I so want to go south! Ok, I admit some days I want to stay where I am forever. Like when I am walking in my garden or through the chicken pen. Seriously, I think those things make me my happiest. I could spend all day out there and sometimes I hate when the sun falls and we have to come inside. We light the firepit and stay out there as long as we can.
We have a retired Pro Baseball player coming to visit us next week. :) He is truly one of DH best friends. They grew up together in the Cincinnati Oh area and remain such good friends. Son number 4 (Jake's twin) will be here in a couple of weeks to visit. Then looking forward to the trip to Connecticut to visit our granddaughters. We are so darn busy. Can't wait to catch a breath!

Jan- Have a wonderful time camping! Good to get everything ironed out with that RV before the long trip.

Holly- 400 miles is far, however I won't do it 6 months a year when my folks are in Florida. Only when they are in Illinois.
Anyone who has raised a teen has raised a rebellious one at one time or another. Some create more stress than I do however promise that you will look back at this one day and think "It wasn't as bad as it all seemed". Mothers have alot of growing pains with their children. And then along come grandchildren. A vicious cycle of wonderful stress.
Cindy- Things are busy here in Ohio and we don't see it slowing down in the near I like busy, but I like a little shorter "To Do List" too! Glad to hear you are back to work and doing well. :) I have never heard of peach tomato. Is it an heirloom tomato? You must save seeds and share them with us all. <wink>. I have Woad seed if anyone is interested in some. You use the leaves to make a natural blue dye.

Bunny- I can imagine how hard it is to go back to the school after not being chosen for the position.. But, I always believe that God has plans for you and this must not have been in his plans. Maybe you were just not quite ready for this position and what ever position you find will be just the right one. Don't let it discourage you. You are smart and talented and I have faith it will all work out.

Marianne- I so wish I could knit. I saw some multicolored socks on Pinterest. The idea was to knit multicolored socks out of yard scraps and then you never need to match them. Just grab 2 socks and wear them. I just want to knit I met another farmgal from another thread that is pretty local. SHe knits! She has promised to teach me sometime. :)
I am glad you are getting settled in. It sounds like your "at home" now. Praying that you can get the ball rolling a little faster and get MIL into a place she can call home sooner.

Marie- Picking a few green beans now. By the time I get back from our little 3 day trip the vines will be overloaded with nice green beans. :) Not jealous now. :)

GG- I hope you are done unpacking and getting some rest. Moving can cause anyones nerves to get on edge. lol. I know! Moving is alot of stress on our bodies and our nerves.

Well, off I go to get busy. DH left for a bit and I would hate it if he gets back and I am still sitting It would look as if I had accomplished nothing, and we know that is not true. It takes alot of time to respond in these threads. :) However I love the visits we all have together!

Patty #1840

A rind is a terrible thing to waste. Compost.

When they had all had enough to eat, he said to his disciples, “Gather the pieces that are left over. Let nothing be wasted.”
-Jesus in John 6:12 NIV Bible
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
2305 Posts

Posted - Jul 19 2014 :  6:08:49 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

It was a lovely day here. I thought it was going to rain but has not yet.

We went to a wedding this afternoon. Everyone was very happy. Both the bride and groom have been married before. They have a yours mine and ours in the children category. I took pictures and harassed people to smile. The dancing is still going on and we can hear the music from here. We live a mile from the party. They have until 10 to be loud.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

2914 Posts


2914 Posts

Posted - Jul 19 2014 :  10:07:33 PM  Show Profile
Patty--the tomatoes are Wapsipinicon Peach tomatoes. I had them once when I belonged to a CSA. I finally found them in the Baker Creek catalog. The catalog says: "The taste is complex, with its spicy, sweet and very fruity flavor." All I know is, they melt in your mouth. I've never tasted a tomato quite like it. I'll try saving some seeds this year, as I haven't done it before.
Jan--have a wonderful, safe trip.
Holly--I don't much much about the situation with DsT but I do know that those trips to a foreign country at that age can change a person's life. For the better, of course. It's good for a teen to see how people in a poor country live. They learn not to take so much for granted and it gives them a whole new outlook.
I got a letter from work today and they've decided to give me the discount I had earned on my insurance after all. It's part of a wellness initiative program they started this year. My application didn't get turned in on time cause someone let it sit on their desk for too long. I had a feeling that if i sat back and gave this person enough time, they'd admit the truth. The letter doesn't say why they changed their mind.
I just bought the new issue of MJF tonight and looked through it. I love the picture on the cover. We have lots of peach orchards around here, and while they're not my favorite fruit, I had grilled peaches once and they were so good, they were decadent. I also got another magazine called Capper's Farmer and it has some good articles and lots of reflections of the good ol' days.
Hope everyone has a pleasant Sunday.

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

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True Blue Farmgirl

520 Posts

Columbus Oh
520 Posts

Posted - Jul 20 2014 :  11:28:57 AM  Show Profile
Beautiful drive back to Illinois . We didn't get out as soon as we wanted but we are only about an hour from my folks house. Looking forward to getting the house completely empty and sign the papers! I hope everyone is having a beautiful Sunday as well !

Patty #1840

A rind is a terrible thing to waste. Compost.

When they had all had enough to eat, he said to his disciples, “Gather the pieces that are left over. Let nothing be wasted.”
-Jesus in John 6:12 NIV Bible
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True Blue Farmgirl

520 Posts

Columbus Oh
520 Posts

Posted - Jul 20 2014 :  11:34:52 AM  Show Profile
Originally posted by thebyrdhaus

Beautiful drive back to Illinois . We didn't get out as soon as we wanted but we are only about an hour from my folks house. Looking forward to getting the house completely empty and sign the papers! I hope everyone is having a beautiful Sunday as well !

This picture was posted upside but the post clearly places it sideways. After several attempts to post right side up. I give up.

Patty #1840

A rind is a terrible thing to waste. Compost.

When they had all had enough to eat, he said to his disciples, “Gather the pieces that are left over. Let nothing be wasted.”
-Jesus in John 6:12 NIV Bible

Patty #1840

A rind is a terrible thing to waste. Compost.

When they had all had enough to eat, he said to his disciples, “Gather the pieces that are left over. Let nothing be wasted.”
-Jesus in John 6:12 NIV Bible
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

2259 Posts

Posted - Jul 20 2014 :  1:18:31 PM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 15 2019 5:28:09 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

2259 Posts

Posted - Jul 20 2014 :  1:23:48 PM  Show Profile
Patty, the clouds in the blue sky are so pretty.
Bunny I hope you are having a good day sewing away.
I'm so anxious to get my room set up. I think my muse is finally back.
Cindy those tomatoes sound yummy. I love peaches. I just bought a box of them for my daughter and a box for us. I notice B doesn't eat them. I didn't know anybody did not like peaches. A fresh ripe peach right off the tree is the most delicious thing.


Edited by - doll58maker on Jul 20 2014 1:26:52 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
3966 Posts

Posted - Jul 20 2014 :  2:28:33 PM  Show Profile

Lowell is making carob chip cookies. He got the recipe off the internet and immediately started wanting the change the ingredients. I told him that cooking is chemistry and there is a balance of chemical reactions and flavor he has to considered. The recipe calls for maple syrup and granulated sugar. He combined the ingredient totals and put in all rice syrup because he has this thing about sugar. He insisted on using rice flour instead of all purpose. The batter was so wet and sticky and he wouldn't put any more flour in it to make it manageable. when he made them for the pan, the cookies were the size of saucers. We'll just see how this turns out and report on it later.

Patty - The Equinox looks to be a good car for a more laid back lifestyle. If you still need a truck, just get an old beater. Who is the retired baseball player? Just curious - you really don't have to tell me if you don't want to. I like the picture of you and Cindy. It is nice to see faces.

Cindy - I am so glad you got the insurance discount and who cares why they changed their minds. Hang on to that letter just in case. I will look them up and see if I can find the seeds for my garden next year.


Lowell didn't turn the timer on. The air is smelling of sweet pastry and lemon. The cookies in the pan spread out and made one big cookie bar. It is still soft in the center. I'm taking control of the timer and the oven will be checked in 5 minutes.

Holly - I believe that the program in Ecuador would be excellent for DsT. He will return with a whole new outlook on the world and his own life. This will be more valuable to him now than the high school learning will be. I believe he needs an attitude adjustment. Do this for him if he really wants it for himself.


The large cookie bar has burned to the bottom of the pan because of all the rice syrup in it. It did not rise because he didn't use butter or regular flour. He is now chipping it out of the pan and he will toss it all. Live and learn. I will make it the correct way someday and see how it does.

Gypsy - I once moved to the building next door and it was still a pain in the tush. The problem was with all the stuff I had "collected" to use for crafts or just in case. So much went into the trash. I would love to move to a place where I could have just one room for all my crafts. Enjoy your studio when you have it fixed up. Have B eat the peaches with champagne. That is decadent.

Bunny - I am so sorry you didn't get the job. I have been through this myself and it broke my heart. I may or may not look for a job again. If I do, it will be on my terms and they will have to beg me to take it. (Well maybe not that but I sure would like to see an employer down on their knees.) Maybe you could put your teaching experience somewhere on your resume next time if that is appropriate. I know it takes courage to go back to the school now. Keep your head up and thank everyone who expresses regret. Bide your time. The candidate they have hired may not work out so you may be considered again. That happened to me once.

Jan - We had it cold here this week also. I had to wear a sweater and close the windows. If we were to meet in a central location, I would vote for St Louis, Missouri. I will need to pay down my credit card first but I could get there rather easily. I do not know if one of use lives close by to provide us accommodations. Let's all think about it for next summer maybe.

Marianne - Is your DH making mountains out of these mole hills? <snicker>

My garden is coming along very well. I have nice pictures of it but the minidisk drive still doesn't work after the Geek told me he had fixed it. My camera is out of juice so I can't use that right now either. GRRRR!

So my kitchen is a mess, the kat litter box needs to be cleaned out and I am hot and sweaty. At least Lowell is gone to rehearsal so I can have the Chip 'N Dales over to help me out. He! He!

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.

Edited by - churunga on Jul 20 2014 2:30:24 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

2259 Posts

Posted - Jul 20 2014 :  5:02:18 PM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 15 2019 5:30:29 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Jul 20 2014 :  5:05:41 PM  Show Profile
Hello everyone. Patty, MJF seems to have an issue with posting pictures right side up. We get it. I just turned my laptop sideways. Glad you are almost done with the whole process.

Gypsy, I have been sewing as much as possible. I took pictures of my new dresses and have been posting them on my etsy store a little at a time. Don't be too hard on B and the peaches. I can't stand apricots. We had a tree of them when I was little and ate way too many one day. Never could even deal with the smell of them after that. I'm glad you are feeling better about your country house. I would really do anything to live in the country again. It will grow on you. Especially when you have someone to enjoy it with. Just think of all the wonderful things you can do to transform it.

Marie, Oh the stories of Lowell and his mad schemes. I'm kind of glad the cookies didn't turn out. He would most likely be insufferable if they did. At least now he might listen to you next time.

I'm ok about the job. Reality is it would have really taxed me physically and mentally. I would have had a full class homework schedule and a full time job and no time to sew. The real reason I wanted it was for the money anyway. I realized today that when I'm sewing, I have hope for the future. It makes me feel good and uplifts me when I'm down. When I do homework, I just exist. It doesn't mean anything to me. I just go through the motions. When I'm working, all I can do is think of coming home and either sleeping (because I feel so crappy) or how much I would rather be sewing. I just have to keep going. I did get my copy of the August issue of Altered Couture. It doesn't come out until August first. It looks good. I wonder when I will get my dress back so I can put it on my website for sale.

I'm making a quilt for my youngest son. His room is so dismal looking. The walls are cinder blocks. All the room has is a metal bunk bed, two desks and two low cabinets. That's it. And this is home for the next 4.5 years.

I got the quilt all cut out today. I slept wrong and my shoulder is in a lot of pain. I hope it will get better soon. It is wearing me out.

Here are a few of my new dresses.

Holly, I have to confess I made the middle one thinking of you. But when I finished it up, I realized it was an Xlarge and most likely too big. I really thought this one would work. The shoulder measurements and sleeve measurements are right, but the bust is too big. If you like it, I would be happy to send it for you to try. I did make it with you in mind. But I'm also willing to keep trying. I just need a top that is the right measurements. The top is on a size 12 dressform.

Anyway, it is overcast and windy today. Not hot thankfully though. I'm done for the day due to my shoulder. I have been putting heat on it. I'm sure it will be back to normal soon.

Hope everyone is having a wonderful Sunday.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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True Blue Farmgirl

820 Posts

Shawnee Oklahoma
820 Posts

Posted - Jul 21 2014 :  12:35:59 PM  Show Profile
hello gals! just a quick pop in. am doing ok. went to the doctor for checkup and everything doing good. in fact, he has now decided that i am not a diabetic and has removed that label from everything at his office. yahoo!! still working on rearranging my sewing room. i can only do so much and then i tend to get "mommy" thumb and have to go get a shot in my wrist - painful but effective. plus where i live, i can only put so much trash out once a week and it has to be in black bags and fit in the trash can (cannot put it on the street). kind of limits you.
older white cat is still living outside -she did that last summer and then comes in in the winter. dogs are ok. my only remaining brother and i talk every day and we are getting closer. i really miss my other brother and getting to know him.
i am cleaning out my house getting ready for retirement. was planning on 2017 but only to pay off my house. why worry about my house if i am going to sell it and move? so have moved up my retirement date to 2015 december (hopefully)
oh well, better get back to work....bunny - loving the sewing!
farmgirl #319
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
3331 Posts

Posted - Jul 22 2014 :  07:38:58 AM  Show Profile
Hi there all! I have missed so much. Bunny, I'm sorry about the job, but I think you summed it up pretty well... Enjoy your time. Your designing has refined and grown over the last two years. I think you just get better and better. More and more on trend. I live your latest creations. Especially " The Holly " and the peach colored one.

GG , so glad to hear that you are enjoying your country home thru Fresh eyes. Just having the pressure of it being entirely on you removed should make it more relaxing. A shared load, so to speak.
Jan, we will be singing "On The Road Again" from now on www hear from you! Hope it is fantastic!!
Patty, congratulations on the completion of your move. I know what you mean about a long To Do list. Best wishes for many wonderful memories in your new home.
Holly, I need to catch up on DST plan... Foreign country visit? Exciting and scary. Sounds like the wedding was very cool.
So, dh lost another tooth. This is number three in for weeks. He was eating a sandwich when his front tooth snapped off at the root. He turned green. No pain. Thankfully. This was a tooth that had been injured many years ago as a child and had been capped as a young adult. It broke off at the root Friday afternoon. Naturally. Doesn't every emergency happen on Friday in the afternoon? Since there was no pain, he was able to wait until Monday to have it extracted. That's when the pain started. He is doing fairly well. I guess we can't blame the dentist's crown work this time. I guys his teeth are just all failing at once. Tomorrow, we go in to have a "flipper" made so he can walk around without looking toothless. And then we can add insulation to the attic. Non sequitur, anyone?
We are on to Plan C with mil. Fourth trip to the County offices and both Plans A and B are dead in the water.
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
3331 Posts

Posted - Jul 22 2014 :  07:41:35 AM  Show Profile
Originally posted by rough start farmgirl

Hi there all! I have missed so much. Bunny, I'm sorry about the job, but I think you summed it up pretty well... Enjoy your time sewing. Your designing has refined and grown over the last two years. I think you just get better and better. More and more on trend. I love your latest creations. Especially " The Holly " and the peach colored one.

GG , so glad to hear that you are enjoying your country home thru Fresh eyes. Just having the pressure of it being entirely on you removed should make it more relaxing. A shared load, so to speak.
Jan, we will be singing "On The Road Again" from now on when we hear from you! Hope it is fantastic!!
Patty, congratulations on the completion of your move. I know what you mean about a long To Do list. Best wishes for many wonderful memories in your new home.
Holly, I need to catch up on DST plan... Foreign country visit? Exciting and scary. Sounds like the wedding was very cool.
So, dh lost another tooth. This is number three in for weeks. He was eating a sandwich when his front tooth snapped off at the root. He turned green. No pain. Thankfully. This was a tooth that had been injured many years ago as a child and had been capped as a young adult. It broke off at the root Friday afternoon. Naturally. Doesn't every emergency happen on Friday in the afternoon? Since there was no pain, he was able to wait until Monday to have it extracted. That's when the pain started. He is doing fairly well. I guess we can't blame the dentist's crown work this time. I guys his teeth are just all failing at once. Tomorrow, we go in to have a "flipper" made so he can walk around without looking toothless. And then we can add insulation to the attic. Non sequitur, anyone?
We are on to Plan C with mil. Fourth trip to the County offices and both Plans A and B are dead in the water.

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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
3331 Posts

Posted - Jul 22 2014 :  07:47:57 AM  Show Profile
I'm not even going to try to correct whatever I did back there. Just ignore it.
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
2305 Posts

Posted - Jul 22 2014 :  4:00:43 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

The mother board on my computer had a melt down a couple of days ago. I am on a borrowed one now. I do not know how it melted because I had it on a surge protector and we did not have an electrical storm so I do not know what happened. The man who looked at it retrieved the hard drive so I have not lost any of the information.

I am going to post this now so if it disappears into the ether I will have posted.

Sweet dreams

farmgirl #2499
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
2305 Posts

Posted - Jul 22 2014 :  4:19:12 PM  Show Profile
Good evening again,

Bummer about the Chocolate man's teeth. I would be so frustrated and disheartened if my teeth started to break and fall out. I hope the new bridges work out well for him. I am sorry the permitting offices are so rigid where you live. We have no zoning in our town. Sometimes that is bad but most of the time I prefer it. I hope something works out so she does not have to live in your house with you.
You sound more than a little stressed. hugs for you

Bunny I am no good at choosing my own clothing. I like bright and cheery and if you think the body will be too big then I would like to wait. I think you have done a great job on all of your creations this time. We receive a catalog called, Uncommon Goods. Maybe they would carry your cuffs and pins. But then you would be creating for someone else and not for your own enjoyment. catch 22. hey?

It has been hot here but not a lot of humidity. I have done many tedious house chores but not requiring much creativity.

I think the hill side of red birds of paradise sound gorgeous.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Jul 22 2014 :  7:07:07 PM  Show Profile
Holly, don't feel bad, I'm terrible at picking clothes out for others. I'll keep trying. I'm learning not to trust the labels in clothing anymore. The thrift stores don't check to see I'df a large is a men's large, women's large or a children's large. I brought home a really cute Summer top to upcycle. It said large but when I actually measured it, it was more like an small.

Sorry about your computer woes. I hope you can get everything fixed soon. Technology doesn't seem to be having a food time at your house.

Holly, do me a really big favor. When your computer is back up and running. Take a picture of your absolute favorite piece of clothing. The one top you can't wait to wear after the wash is done. I'm totally shooting in the dark and could use some more input as to your style.

My homework this week is a nightmare. I really wanted to cry but my mom was lurking so I held it in. My we design class is so far over my head. Yes, I'm getting an A so far, but it is an A with tears.

I'm house sitting for the next three nights. I brought my own pillow this time. I ever sleep well and I have to work at the school the next two days. Should be fun. I'm also going to apply for another job. It is at a local church. Administrative assistant and treasurer. It is park time but more money an hour.

Mar, so sorry about DH's teeth. No fun at all! I hope you can find a decent solution for mil. Planning departments are notorious for being a pain.

Later all!!


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Jul 22 2014 :  7:09:46 PM  Show Profile
Holly reminded me of your bird of paradise, g. That sounds so pretty. Flowers are so enjoyable when they are natural. It seems like a gift when they appear almost on their own.

Fingers crossed that you are back to full speed computer-wise, Holly. Since we move in here, I haven't found a computer niche. So, like now, I sometimes post from my phone. Which many of you know is not fool proof.

Chocolate Man gets a mold taken of his mouth for his flipper, aka temporary partial denture. He thinks it will be no big deal, but as a mom that day thru two kids and the sets of braces, he doesn't know what he is in for. As I remember, both kids had terrible gag reactions from feeling like the material was slipping down their throats. I'll keep that to myself. So far, he is only dentist phobic. He doesn't need to develop a phobia towards this guy, too.

I think Sunny is starting to gain weight. Yay.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Jul 22 2014 :  7:11:43 PM  Show Profile
Boy, autocorrect had a field day with my post. Sorry about that. So much for looking educated!


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jul 23 2014 :  5:29:26 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

I did the boring chores today, dishes and folding laundry. Then I chauffeured boys to therapy. We had a great thunder and lightning storm this afternoon. It poured buckets for about an hour. We could use a good sustained rain for a night.

I agree with you about the gluck the orthodontist uses for impressions. I have the same reaction as your children did. The gluck does come in several decorator flavors so maybe this tooth wizard will have mint chocolate for the chocolate man's impressions. lol

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
3331 Posts

Posted - Jul 23 2014 :  9:02:25 PM  Show Profile
The denturist did a great job... Did you know that is what they are called? Me neither! He is a nice young (30s) man. Seems good at his job... Fingers crossed. Dh did really good with the impressions. When he was taking the lower impression, there was saliva just running out of his mouth and down his chin. Poor guy.
And now that I know this young man is professionally called a denturist what do I do about really wanting to use Holly's term instead? And really, who wouldn't prefer to be called a tooth wizard?

We had two days of record breaking rain. So that will delay our work weekend with the kids. We were planning to get the rest of the gravel delivered and place it this weekend. But the ground is too saturated to bring a huge dump truck across the field.

Good night!
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

2259 Posts

Posted - Jul 23 2014 :  9:04:21 PM  Show Profile
Hello everyone,

It is HOT here!

We went in to the next town over for groceries and paint supplies. It took most of the day. We bought a lot of food, since there is only one decent place to eat in our tiny town of under three thousand. Not even a traffic light. I don't know, bunny, this might be too country even for you.

B is knocking out a wall that was put up about ten years ago to divide the space in what was originally the garage. Now I've decided it would work better as one big space. So he's taking it out for me. Then we will paint the ceiling white to make it brighter and repaint the concrete floor a light brown, rather than the concrete gray it is now. Then finally I can move all my stuff in and set up workspace. That will clear out the guesthouse where it's all stored now. Hopefully we will find our groove and things will move along a little faster. There is so much work to be done. His daughter and his sister want to come visit. I'd love to have them but I don't have the energy for it.

After he finishes that room, his next project is to fix the Sheetrock ceilings where we had leaks, and build a wall unit of some sort to hold all the books we accumulate. We both have piles of books by our chairs and our night stands. Books everywhere.

Then we are repaint ing every room the same color. I don't really know what I was thinking to use so many different colors in one house. That must have been back in my gypsy/boho days. Then if we survive all that, we will enlarge the master bath and closet, and screen in the porch off that room.

Today I got a start on my herb garden. Pots of basil, thyme, and Greek oregano. I'll probably put them in bigger pots rather than in the ground considering the time of year. The oregano and thyme might overwinter, but the basil for sure will not. I have sage, mint, and chives but they were at the apartment and didn't do well, are scraggly. B found my old aquariums in one of the sheds and it turns out we both love aquariums, so we are going to set them back up. I have three. Not one to do anything halfway. The fish kept having babies and then some didn't get along with others, so I kept adding more aquariums. Did the same thing with canaries once. Animal husbandry has always intrigued me. I'm fighting against buying some goats. A breeder is going out of business and is selling her pregnant nannies for $125 each if you buy five. They are Pygmy goats.

Somehow this was not the direction I had planned but here I am. Nothing in this plan to allow me to travel and see the world. I would be happy 10 months out of the year if I could go someplace warm in January and someplace cool in August.

But there is no point to a farm without plants and animals, is there? I need to find someone to house sit those two months and this would all work. B wants to start keeping bees, I think I've already mentioned. He wants to turn it into a serious business. He needs to be working.

I can't preview without losing this so I post first, then edit.

Well, it looks ok. Mar, you posted while I was fiddling around. Glad your chocolate man is surviving the dentist. I went through that a few years back and it was no fun.

Too bad this is a public forum. I can not tell my Facebook tale on here. The lurkers are here. Facebook causes nothing but trouble. So I just talk about my farm.

When a relationship is over, do you think it is ok to remain Facebook friends or not? Just asking.......

Edited by - doll58maker on Jul 23 2014 9:14:40 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Jul 24 2014 :  06:54:31 AM  Show Profile
My mountain town was a population of 1900. 3000 sounds just fine. We drove 45 minutes to town as we called it. That is where the grocery store, hospital, hardware store etc was.

As far as Facebook, I would delete them. Let it go. If they say anything just say it was a Facebook glitch.

It sounds like B has found his calling. I think it a is wonderful he is so engaged in the house. Hopefully you can find a way to both get what you need. There has to be a way to find reliable house and animal sitters. Maybe talk to the large animal vet around there. They might know of someone willing to take care of the homestead while you do some traveling.

I'm applying for another job today. It is at a church down the street. It is still part time, but pays better than the college. They have had the ad in the paper for almost two weeks with no takers. I guess people are afraid of working for a church. It looks like a wonderful opportunity with lots of different elements, mostly accounting. It will be great experience and I will still be able to put money away.

Mar, we had the big rain here too. Along with thunder and lightning, it was wonderful! Loved it!

Later all.


Farmgirl number 3738
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