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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jan 10 2013 : 7:10:12 PM
Hi All,
Holly, congrats on the additions to your family. The first two days at home sound magical.
Thelma...I have never found a purse that I like and it's an ongoing struggle. Things get lost in the bottom, only to turn up weeks later. I think that my purse is heavy enough to qualify as a weapon.
It's going to be cold here in Phoenix this weekend, 4 nights with sub-freezing temps. I know this is nothing compared to the places where many of you live, but our plants and landscapes are not adapted for these cold temperatures. I spent the day picking our lemons and oranges and ran to Goodwill to buy sheets to use to cover plants. I now have a counter full of lemons that I plan to juice and freeze for later use. I've got the ingredients for a tasty beef stew and a crusty loaf of bread, so I plan to lay low until the chill passes. It's not just the plants who think that sub-freezing temps are cold. When I lived in Colorado, I wouldn't even need a coat at these temperatures. But after several years in the Valley of the Sun, I adjusted to the heat and cold is really now relative.
Good Night everyone.
Pam Farmgirl #1075 |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jan 11 2013 : 3:54:30 PM
Good evening everyone,
Today was overcast and chilly. Temperatures seemed to be in the twenties. Now the temperature has raised and we are receiving rain which is freezing on the roads. The schools have canceled all afterschool activities and late buses. Just as well because I was able to eat supper with the family instead of taking Taliesin to basketball practice for 6 until 7:30. Not enough time to come home and too much time to just hang out. Basketball practice is rarely the same time each night. The athletic director takes turns for who will be up late on a school night and who will get practice at 4:30P. The middle school teams practice right after school.
We went out for a walk in the fields of snow. The boys agree that the snow makes it harder to walk. C and G are settling in. Some behaviors are increasing and some are lessening. I am sure it will all work out over time.
I had my yearly physical today and as I tell the children I will live another year. My aches and pains are just from growing older.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
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Posted - Jan 12 2013 : 01:28:34 AM
Oh, boy. Tonight is our cold night for awhile. It is supposed to dip into the single digits. Very cold to Pam, business as usual to Thelma, something to get through for me! It is all relative!
Everything is very crunchy outside and this next week there will be no melting until perhaps Friday. But, we should see a bit of sunshine, which has been sorely missed for some time.
Bunny, I hope you find some free time this weekend to sit at your machine and creat beauty. That 21 page paper sounds like drudgery to me. I would want to just throw up my hands and give up at such a project. I always hated papers. Good luck.
Darlys, ironing has always been a constant in my life, too. Like you said, "work" shirts and now that a suit is no longer, necessary, Dockers type pants. I kind of enjoy it. I am good at it. And I hope you have found the joy of a Rowenta iron.
Ginnie, how is the planning of the fundraiser going? I remember you mentioning this young man before. It is wonderful that you are doing so much to help him. I hope it is a huge success. Two weeks to go!
Holly, it sounds as though a big dose of the good ol outdoors is very helpful in making your three youngest very happy. I really like the idea of the rotating basketball practice schedule. Seems fair, but it must be a planning nightmare for you. The ninety minute duration is a tough one. Like you said, not enough to drive home. Thank goodness for the library, huh? And Kudos to you for having your yearly exam.
Speaking of the library. I just got to look through the "Christmas" issue of MJF. I love those burlap wreaths. Something to remember for next year.
I had quite the visit from the turkeys yesterday. Looked out and there were six by the pool, right outside the windows where the dogs were snoozing. That make me laugh. Then, I looked out front and another half dozen were heading across my flower garden to the tree with the ornaments in it. One brave, or perhaps athletic, gal made it up into the tree to peck at one of them, much to the fascination of the others still on the ground. They got loud enough for me to hear them inside the house at that point. It sounded like, "I see London, I see France ..." Who knew turkeys were so much like grade school children? Once the brave little turkey was back on the ground, the entire group moved on to the area outside the barn where I drop hay as I carry it out to the paddock for the horses. I appreciate their clean up efforts on my behalf. Who wants to look at hay degrading in the snow all winter long? I cubed up some old bread and threw it out for them this afternoon. They seem to EVENTUALLY find it whenever I do that. I do try to put it in the areas I often see them poking about.
I hope everyone is looking forward to a lovely weekend. Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
912 Posts
fernandina beach
912 Posts |
Posted - Jan 12 2013 : 05:38:20 AM
I am just going to spend a quiet day today and I am not going to do much. I spent so much time the last 3 days with that cell phone of mine. I get angry at the ATT so I think I will go with another company. DH has a Verizon phone which seems to not cause him much trouble.
Holly the boys really seem to be having a good time with the snow and the walks. I know things will only be getting better and better with them. Knowing they have a forever home, sisters and brothers and a very loving mom will be a joy to them.
Marianne, I do iron and sometimes I kind of enjoy the rhythm of it. My least enjoyable chore is the kitchen and bathroom floors. Even though I have a really good floor steam cleaner it still bugs me. I must have learned to dislike it from my mother who also didn't like to clean those floors. Of course, almost every time she would do the floor, we kids would need a drink of water. The floor being damp she would tell us to get the drink from the bathroom. We would tell her that it wasn't the same water.
Ginny, how great of you to be helping this young man. I hope all goes well.
Darlys you are such a delightful light in our lives. You put a big smile on my face and a laugh in my heart.
Pam be sure to ask Darlys for her special lemonade recipe. Oops! Maybe she keeps it a secret. With all those lemons and oranges I think I will go have a cup of tea with lemon in it.
Have a good weekend.
Make everyday a celebration of the heart. |
True Blue Farmgirl
467 Posts
467 Posts |
Posted - Jan 12 2013 : 06:56:21 AM
Oh my goodness!! Time sure passes quickly doesn't it? I keep up with the reading here, but just don't add my 2 cents worth. I absolutely love hearing about Holly's two new additions and how the rest of her family is handling them. I love keeping up with Bunny and her marvelous creativity with those skirts. And all the rest of you too. I've been just sitting around feeling sorry for myself and my poor arm. I am healing but still no feeling in my right hand. Try going through life wearing a glove all the time. It's tough but nothing I can do about it. I will be trying to clean up my greenhouse, getting it ready for spring planting. I will be using mostly my own seeds that I saved from last year. I have a marigold growing in one of my salad troughs in the greenhouse. A stray seed. I'll let it grow just because I love marigolds. Jenny is helping me plan out our garden for this year. The chickens have had the run of the whole garden since October and have been turning everything over and fertilizing everything. They are not going to be happy being locked up in their palace this spring when we start planting. I've heard I can let them back out in the garden after everything is growing well so they can go after the bugs, but since they've eaten everything but the tree, I don't think so. We will be planting corn instead of green beans. We still have over 36 jars of green beans canned and in the pantry.  Going to try carrots, broccoli, cauliflower & cabbage this spring. I still grow a salad mix in my greenhouse all year long. Love those fresh greens. Of course we'll have tomatoes, bell peppers, cucumbers and squashes. I traded some peppermint stripe zinnias for some short growth cukes that grow well in 10 gallon pots. Can't wait to try them. Well, I've rambled on too long and I do need to get out in the greenhouse while Jenny is still willing to help. Later sisters!
Hugs and Squishies!!
Farmgirl Sister #3983
Take care of the land and it will take care of you. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Jan 12 2013 : 10:08:37 AM
Kathy, so good to hear from you. Sorry your arm isn't working quite right yet. Hopefully it will heal up proper. I'm jealous of your garden plans. I'm going to try my straw bale garden again this doing the right way this time. I didn't condition the bales like I was suppose to.
Marianne, I'm not too happy about the cold myself. We are only down to about 17 degrees at night. No single digits. Haven't tried to start the truck up early yet to see if it makes that horrible sound yet. I added antifreeze and I'm hoping that was the problem. I am seriously dreading the research paper. I have to have my subject picked out by the end of next week.
Well, today is a marathon homework day. I'm hoping to get enough done so I can play tomorrow.
Later everyone.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Fabric website:
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
410 Posts
410 Posts |
Posted - Jan 12 2013 : 3:25:01 PM
Honey Bunny - if you can swing it ... how about writing your research paper on patterns, fabrics, and applique, etc. That should set any male prof back a bit from enjoying his torture.
Gypsy, Thelma, Marianne, et al ... I have never lifted a pistol (or any other gun) in my entire life. I'm very afraid of them. But there are times that I have threatened to blast the balls off a lippy grandson. When grandma swears a bit - they really take notice and generally shape up.
Shame, Nancy - for hinting that my lemonade is anything but ladylike.
Kathy - always good to see you have energy to spend jotting a bit about what's happening with you.
I say we all sit on one hand and write -- in solidarity with Kathy. Dang! that's hard to do!
Loved your turkey story, Marianne! You are such a wonderful constant here that I feel we are actually neighbors. BTW, it's been in the 30s here for the past couple of nights. And it looks like it will continue for a few more. We've been covering the lemon tree.
Hey Holly, lovin' the new "character" additions to your stories. I'd give the young 'un that has to wear pink snow pants some permanent-ink colored markers and let him have his way gussying them up into a super-hero outfit.
We picked up my car today - and it turns out the headlamp is part of an expensive front assembly and the whole assembly had to be replaced because it was damaged. DS researched the cost on the internet and said that we could replace the bulb ourselves if we had a garage lift and knew how to take off and replace the whole front bumper. However, that wouldn't have fixed the problem. Seems that although the bulb cracked, the water damage was also extensive inside the headlight assembly. Oh phooey! I don't understand that much about it or even care! I'm just glad to have it back - fixed (with discount)!
What's for supper? The 49ers start playing the Green Bay Packers at 5:00 (PST) and I think I'm going to break down and order a pizza. I could make a good one - but then I'd have to go to the grocery store to get toppings, etc.
So glad Downton Abbey is back with Season III. Shirley MacClaine is a marvelous addition to the cast.
I think I'll just finish the laundry and maybe make some cookies and lemon bars. Or maybe take a nap.
Sister #3284 - on her Tippie Toes - oxox, Darlys
Chocolate Kisses ...
That is the best ... to laugh with someone because you both think the same things are funny. |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jan 12 2013 : 4:37:11 PM
Good evening everyone,
There are three sided cages that are narrow and long that can be put between rows in the garden with the chickens in them. they are called chicken tractors. I think if you google the name you will find information. You can move them everyday to where you want the chickens to scratch.
Now, Darlys, dear a good aim of a squirt gun with a little trigger pull in the right direction is a true embarrassment to the young males or rude older ones.
I do like to watch the wild turkeys in the fields. We do not have too many around here because of the dogs. There are large flocks in the fields when we drive around. I think people must feed them corn to gather such flocks. I have seen some sitting in trees near bird feeders. I like to here about the turkeys at Marianne's.
I had not thought of permanent magic markers on the pink snow pants. I will consider it when I am feeling benevolent and I think they might not write on everything in sight.
I taught C and G how to roll snowballs to make a snow man today. The middle ball was big enough that it was too heavy for me to lift alone. C and G are not strong enough yet to help. So, ds (18) lifted it for me. Then we went sledding. the track was fast. It is not steep but it is long and fast enough for littles. We were out for two hours. C and G are asleep now. C almost fell asleep while we were reading. They sure did laugh when we were sledding. It was good to hear.
The temperatures rose enough to make the snow stick together. Yesterday it was too cold and dry to make a snow ball. Ds (18) likes me this week. He has been pleasant and helpful all week. It is such a relief not to live with a constant black cloud. Yesterday he came home and the temperature gauge was on H. Today he put in new antifreeze in his radiator. He put in a whole bottle without having drained any out. I am glad he did not blow his engine. Today he is hyperfocusing on putting in a new radio. He still needs to get it inspected. The sticker was up last month. Should I hope on not hope that the police stop him for an expired inspection?
I do not iron. I do not own any clothes anymore that would need ironing. There used to be an evaluation program called the Edmark for people with learning differences. If you could iron then you would earn four points. That was a lot of points. We did not learn or teach ironing. I think shoe tying is more important.
We had pot roast with mushroom gravy, homemade rolls and broccoli for dinner. The rolls were particularly fluffy tonight.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jan 13 2013 : 4:39:09 PM
Good evening everyone,
I thought I would stop on to read what everyone has been doing all day and no one has been here. I hope everyone has had a restful and joy filled Sunday.
I did house chores most of the day because I wanted to have them done.
today was in the high thirties and overcast. This must be the January thaw. The radio said that there would be a sap run this weekend. That would mean the days are above freezing and the nights below. If we tapped now and then did not have a sap run for another week or more then we would need to retap because the trees start to heal and the holes do not work. We are not going to tap this weekend we will just wait.
The boys found eggs in the barn this morning all by themselves. I hope they did not scare the hens but then again the hens will get over it if they did. they were so happy. C had to have a fried egg for lunch and then his burrito. He ate the whole egg and said it was good.
They are funny about eating. the foster mother said they eat everything but C is picky. Now they have a choice and they do eat everything but do not like everything so we do not make them eat it. C does not seem to like sweet food like bananas. G loves bananas and meat but does not like broccoli without cheese sauce and chocolate. it seems they are not used to home made food and the looks through them sometimes. I made mac and cheese. Both said they did not like it but tried it and thought it good enough. Learning. It just takes time to learn.
They have both started to call me Mom or mama. I do not press it. Afterall mom is not necessarily a nice word or a word of comfort. Cheri is called Eema so that is different enough that many children do not associate it with any bad thoughts. Some of the neighbor children call her that because they think it is her name.
We had pizza for supper.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
912 Posts
fernandina beach
912 Posts |
Posted - Jan 14 2013 : 04:25:14 AM
Holly, seems like everything is going well. The boys sound like typical kids with their likes and dislikes. I am glad that they are willing to try new things and that they like the mac and cheese after eating some.
I think they are knowing that you are the one they will stay with and you are their mom. How comforting for them to have such a wonderful home with a caring family.
I am really busy today. Have lots of things around the house to catch up with. With our sping like weather this week I have energy to do the jobs I dislike. Cleaning floors and bathrooms. Ugh! Oh well, if I get to it I will have time to do some sewing or art work.
Have a great day.
Hugs, Nancy
Make everyday a celebration of the heart. |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Jan 14 2013 : 2:22:41 PM
Wow, Holly, you are right. It has been quiet. Nancy, I usually find distasteful jobs less distressing on nice days, too.
Holly, I think it is universal that children want someone to call "mom." That was my experience with our son. I never used the term "stepson" and after about 18 months of "slipping" and calling me "mom" here and there, if was fulltime. Surprisingly, it followed his annual visit with his "real mom." After that visit, he never called me anything else. In fact, I was surprised to hear my husband's exwife refer to me as "your mom" to "her" son. Wow, that's a confusing story. Sorry.
Things build slowly like comfort and trust, but when you look back, it can be surprising how fast it happened! Holly, you probably know this better than I do. I hope you continue to have more good times than bad. I kind of assume you are in for a bit of a rough patch fairly soon, don't you. Maybe I am just a pessimist. I think I am a bit of a realist.
Today, we heard from my dh's college roommate. They still love to laugh about their political views and the good ol' days and how in the world did they become the old guys! It was fun to listen to the laughs. Last week, I talked with a friend from high school. So nice. We had children on the same day which just made us even closer. I was sad to hear that her mother who had a corneal transplant and regained the ability to drive after being legally blind for years was diagnosed with liver cancer. I also received a call from a former neighbor. We used to walk our dogs together everyday. She just lost her father. It hurt to hear her so devastated. So, to hear just laughing on dh's end of the call with his friend was so welcome!
This morning we had a parade of mule deer. They are different from the whitetail deer we usually see. Their ears are large and their tales are dark-tipped. Two boys and three gals. A pretty big group. The dogs were oblivious. But, they did not miss the coyote that was slinking around the pool yesterday afternoon. And that guy took off fast once the labradors raised the alarm. Unfortunately, he returned about 30 minutes later. I am watching for him today. I don't like them so close to the house.
Kathy, it was nice to hear from you. Sure wish your hand was back to normal. Did Jenny get all your planting done for you? And how are the chickens feeling about being corralled into a smaller venue?
Jan, how was your day at the store? Is business brisk?
Marianne |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jan 14 2013 : 4:39:14 PM
Good evening everyone,
Yes, Marianne, I do believe the behaviors will get worse before we settle out on an even keel. I guess we are in the honeymoon phase. Soon that will stop. We are all finding our way and learning the rules of the house and how far we can push each other before an explosion.
Today C and G played outside for two hours this morning. Ross drifted in and out of their play. He is not used to playing with children around his age and needs to practice sometimes in small bits of time. Today C and G collected eggs. They were so proud. C dropped an egg on the floor of the kitchen. Oh, well. Both of them have scratches on their faces from trying to carry the hens. The boys are learning about living animals and gentleness. Luckily hens do not hold grudges. The two roosters have not yet attacked to protect their ladies or the boys are oblivious to having been attacked. They have not said anything about the chickens flying at them.
We are in the January thaw. it was in the high thirties all day. There are bare patches of ground already. Supposed to be colder by the end of the week.
We had pork chops with mushroom gravy, smashed potatoes and broccoli for supper.
Ds (18) is having some emotional issues around his car. He needs new fuel lines and is not happy at all. The people who sold him the car told him they would inspect it for free and it would pass. He knows that with leaky fuel lines it will not. Someone quoted him $900 to $3500 for new ones. It is a 1998 Honda Civic. He spoke to my brother who told him that was an outrageously high price. They talked about how J could fix it himself. On a good note for him. He tried to install a new radio into his rig and could not quite get it. So, he took it to the car radio shop and the man told him he almost had it and offered him a job in the spring. The man told him he is smart to have figured out what he had. He felt really good about that.
Marianne your dogs must be so much quieter than mine. You see a lot of wildlife. I am jealous. We have birds, that is all.
Sweet dreams everyone,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jan 14 2013 : 5:13:27 PM
Hello everybody--just popping in for a minute to say Hi--there is really no news around here. I have the usual January blahs. It is a dark and dreary month. Holly thank you for taking the time to send me a thank you card. I've always heard, "If you want something done, give it to a busy person". I really do appreciate your taking the time to post, considering how busy you must be. I feel very emotionally invested in your life. Your photography is really professional looking. I enjoy reading about your life there and get a mental picture of the things you describe. Your children are very fortunate. Eventually they will all realize that, if they haven't already. Kathy I also hope this will be your year to get your hand well and back to being able to do the things you enjoy. Nancy, I haven't kept up enough to know how your MIL is.
My Tai Chi class is a beginner level easy class. We will only learn one walk and about 5 moves. I have only had one class so dont have much to report. Need to practice that walk. The Qigong was almost the same class, taught by the same person. Except it had a meditation at the end.
Marianne we have white tail deer here. I think there are some mule deer further south. The coyotes have been out howling all night here as well. I had no trouble following your story about your step-son--great minds, etc. We still are missing quite a few sistas who haven't posted in a while.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Edited by - doll58maker on Jan 14 2013 5:17:10 PM |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Jan 15 2013 : 06:10:57 AM
Holly, What a great compliment for your 18 yo ds. And how exciting to have a potential job in the Spring. Hope he gets the fuel line fixed soon. Young men have a lot invested in their "rides." And I don't mean just $$. I think it is terrific that the three young boys are spending so much time outside. The thaw arrived at a good time for you. That sure will build big appetites and help with big deep breaths.
Tai Chi sounds really interesting. Are there lots of different types? Holly have you been studying it for long? And Gypsy, do you think it's a good fit for you? I am thinking it is mostly an isometric exercise ...?
Oh and Holly, how diplomatic of you to describe my dogs as "much quieter" than yours ... they are, as I said oblivious. They either sleep through or don't notice the wildlife outside. We cannot say the word "look" without a full blown ALERT being sounded. No matter whether they see something or not. They don't want to be left out of a reason for a good bark. Sometimes the younger, yellow Lab will rush to the door like she has heard something and give a bark. Poor Ol' Mollie heaves herself up, limp-trots over to the door barking like a fool while Sammie slinks back to claim Mollie's bed. The young are devious.
We are missing a lot of our faithful Over 50s. I guess that means, to keep the thread going, we will have to post even the most minute detail of our day... I changed the sheets today!
Have a great day. Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jan 15 2013 : 09:02:20 AM
Marianne. Have I told you lately that I love you. If not a professional writer you should be. You definitely have the skills to make every post delightfully entertaining and uplifting. I love people who go with the flow and speak from their hearts
Tai Chi is a practice to bring mind, body, and spirit together. The slow fluid motions are definitely isometric but to me at this age it is helping me with balance. That would be my take on it at this point. Physical balance as well as mental balance. If holly has been taking it for a while she will have deeper insights than I do.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
213 Posts
213 Posts |
Posted - Jan 15 2013 : 09:19:46 AM
Hey Gals, Just checking in to say, "Hey". Hey! The office is going to be a bit quiet this afternoon...maybe...there's nothing on the books, at least. Anyway, I'll try to post a longer ditty should it truly end up being quiet around here.
Love and Hugs, Kathryn
If there is a will, there's a way; find your way!
Sister #3282 |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Jan 15 2013 : 09:55:42 AM
Good morning everyone. I'm still here lurking most of the time. Not much to post about. Work, school, homework and vegging out to the tv. Two of my classes are so BORING... One is all touchy feely about human relations in business. Like most employers care how you feel. The other class is on technology in business and what she talks about in class is basic Microsoft office software stuff. (I have already taken the comprehensive classes) so I'm bored silly there. She doesn't do anything from the text at all except the tests. My economics homework scared me. It was to answer 3 questions from the book. It took me all of 10 minutes. I'm waiting for it to get harder. I guess I was worried for no reason about classes and homework. The first week was hard because everyone had an assignment due the second day and I had one day to do it all.
Today is a day off for me. But I'm going to use it to work a head in one of my classes. That way I'll have more time to play later.
The weather has been decent. The sun is trying to shine today. Temps are low 30's to night 20's. they don't change much from day to night. Just a few degrees. I do think I solved the problem of the terrible sound from my truck in the mornings. It didn't have enough antifreeze and I think the water in the water pump was freezing. By the way, that is REALLY bad. The minute the mechanic said water pump I knew what was wrong.
Not much else. Like you Marianne, I changed the sheets yesterday. Big fun. I have the help of at least 3 cats diving under the sheets while I'm trying to put them on. I just make the bed with large lumps in it.
Later all!
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Fabric website:
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
410 Posts
410 Posts |
Posted - Jan 15 2013 : 4:54:51 PM
I founded a women's group (of "over 40s") in Cupertino area many years ago. We met at my church and explored different topics each month. One exploration was Tai Chi as one of the women in our group was very advanced in the discipline. We all loved it. I may take it up again some day. My SIL is currently taking classes and has been for over a year. It has truly helped her to be more at peace with the untimely death of her daughter. My niece had been sickly for some time, was 27 years old, and just didn't wake up one morning. That was four years ago.
The buzz around the Bay Area is that we only have Atlanta to beat before our SF 49ers can head to the Super Bowl. They play next Sunday - and either SF or Atlanta will face off whoever in the Big Game. I am a huge 49er fan when they are winning. Not so much when they are, shall we say, "off their game." Guess I'm a fair weather fan. Gypsy says I'm fickle.
Okay - here's the scoop. I had eyelid surgery last Tuesday. I'm not even going to try to spell the official name of it. Begins with a "B" and sounds like a sneezing fit. It went perfectly and today I got the stitches out. The lids are still a little swollen. There is very little bruising and I should be about normal in a week or so. It's such minor (outpatient) surgery that I didn't want to make a big, or even a little, deal out of it. Nancy & Gypsy held my hands via long distance telepathy, phone and texting. DH and DS are still waiting on me. Oh, well ... I guess I can live with it a bit longer.
I have, however, been enjoying all the posts. You ladies are so entertaining! Holly, as I've said, is my favorite fictional character - without peer - and now her sagas are even MORE fascinating. I absolutely require an evening account of her day. Marianne, I have to say, has a charming way with penning the stories of her life in Washington. Gypsy is always the inspired educator and a divine, if mysterious, influence. Nancy builds tents over dining room tables and hides inside with us, giggling and playing with paperdolls. Thelma is tender - AND our tender of celebratory events and our inner lights. Bunny is a flag-bearer for determination and accomplishment as well as a creative force that moves mountains. (There's more, but I must pause.)
I would say we could be chronicling the Lives of the Truly Astonishing, Ageless and Decidedly Delightful Dames de Compagnie.
What have I done today besides wax poetic? Nothing. I have not changed the sheets, or ironed, or folded clothes. I did have a chicken salad sandwich for lunch. DS is making filet of sole for dinner tonight. Chili and cornbread tomorrow night. My major concern is that I have to dream up something for him to cook for dinners. He loves America's Test Kitchen.
Is anyone else loving season 3 of Downton Abbey? (I also enjoy Castle.)
It will be back to Oakhurst this weekend.
Sister #3284 - on her Tippie Toes - oxox, Darlys
Chocolate Kisses ...
That is the best ... to laugh with someone because you both think the same things are funny. |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Jan 15 2013 : 4:55:14 PM
Gypsy, thank you for such a kind compliment. Love ya back, kiddo. I just can't help typing as if I'm talking ...
Bunny, I would have had a full blown anxiety attack if I got through with my economics homework in ten minutes, too. I bet you sat back and wondered if you were the object of some collosal joke and there really were two more pages of problems due. I hope you can keep up that pace. What a lovely semester it would be! I think you are being very wise getting ahead in your work. You never know when an illness is gonna sideline you this time of year.
Also, good thinking not confessing the antifreeze being low in your truck. No need for the mechanic to know all your sins. There are times when you just have to save yourself a lecture. When dd was eleven we moved back to NY after having spent seven years in CA. She didn't really remember living in snow since she hadn't seen it since she was about three years old. The first good snow we had, she enthusiastically took out her new sled to join the other children sledding down the hill on which our houses were built. She came in a bit later in tears with what looked like a broken bone in her hand (it was). When I asked how she had landed on her hand while sledding, she confessed that she was "surfing" not sledding. We had been taking a lot of ribbing about being "warm-weather" Californians and I just knew the "surfing" aspect would be another nail in the coffin. So on the way to the ER, I admonished dd to NOT mention that she was surfing. No one needed to know she was standing on her sled attempting to hang ten down an ice-covered sidewalk rather than joining the other children on their bottoms riding down the thickly snow-covered gentle hill. Like I said, just save yourself the lecture, right?
Got some organizing done today! Gosh that just makes me feel good. Until I seriously think about how much I still need to organize. Sigh. Baby steps.
No wildlife sightings today. So sad. Time to see to dinner.
Have a lovely evening, All!
Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jan 15 2013 : 6:38:32 PM
Uh-Oh--no Holly tonight--but I see Catherine is back--at least for a second there. And, look, there's Darlys over there--you go girl! good to see you! Now it would be so nice to know how Penny is doing. And Annika And its been a few days since Ginny - and there's a whole bunch more - ok, you guys--no peeking in without stopping by to say hello!! Go get the posse!!
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
1266 Posts
1266 Posts |
Posted - Jan 16 2013 : 08:03:21 AM
Good Morning dear dear friends, oh how I've missed you...well they pushed me to my breaking point Monday...after he threaten me and said if I wanted to disagree with him or wanted to ask questions I could just go up front and clock out because here you only say yes sir, nothing else...well that was that and I finished what I was doing with my vendors because I felt they didn't deserve to be punished because I have a butt for a boss. Then I wrote an email to him explaining how I felt I was fired, and was feeling like I was working in a hostile enviroment...sent copy to Dist. Manager and HR... he called begging me to come back...told him I think about it...but I know nothing will I'm done...what was that like 6 or 8 times he treated me like I was a child or worse sometimes like I was worthless. I sure hope that things get better there for the people that still are there...I just couldn't and wouldn't be treated that way anymore...
DH started his retirement so we have a little more income coming in...DH was so upset by way I was treated I had to calm him down....But at least I have time to find another job...
I have so much reading to do to get caught off I go...
(((((Hugs All)))))Penny
Farmgirl Sister #3343
God gives Miracles to those who Believe, Courage to those with Faith, Hope to those who Dream, Love to those who Accept, & Forgiveness to those who Ask...
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Edited by - Acelady02 on Jan 16 2013 08:14:53 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
820 Posts
820 Posts |
Posted - Jan 16 2013 : 08:21:41 AM
hi gals! just stopping by to touch base and let you know that i am still reading everything even if i don't post. Not much news, finally got my stove fixed (from oct 8th) so am thinking about canning again. I really miss it. been thinking about meals in jars - been doing some research on it and oven canning for dry goods. Holly, so glad you made it thru dallas/fort worth ok - i hate driving thru that area of texas. have to tho to see my sister in oklahoma and friends up north of me. also glad to hear about your have such a loving heart and i just LOVE hearing from you. thank you for everything.. am praying for everyone and wish i could visit more! hugs janiee farmgirl #390 |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Jan 16 2013 : 08:48:11 AM
Penny, I'm so sorry you were treated so bad. I'm afraid it is the norm in most places. I try to find a discreet way to talk to other employees before taking jobs now. Amazing what you can learn that way. Even with what they don't say..... I hope you can find something else soon. At least you got some good experience.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
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Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
213 Posts
213 Posts |
Posted - Jan 16 2013 : 09:42:22 AM
Hello Gal Pals...I bet you never thought you'd hear from me again, huh?
All is well, more or less. A bit cold at the moment, but some places are much worse than we are. we are on a bit of a short warming trend, at least as far as the weekend anyway. Another cold snap by Monday...maybe, but you never know.
Darlys, I think I caught an episode or two of that show at my daughter's once; she likes all those kind of shows, but I don't have the ability to see them at my house. It sounds like you really found something you like, which is good, because its getting more and more difficult to do that these days.
Penny! Oh my gosh! So many employers think they can get away with that kind of stuff, because jobs are so hard to come by, so they figure that people will put up with it rather than risk being without a job completely. The problem is, that that is exactly what people are doing. Its despicable and disgraceful and I'm furious on your behalf, girlfriend. I know you'll get another job; you're too good of an asset to not be hired else where. It's also great that you have a great man standing with you willing to defend you too; you are sooooo lucky.
I had been trying to at least keep up with reading what you were all up to, but I stopped getting notified of new postings, so because we were so busy at the office, it completely escaped me. Then I couldn't find where everyone went to...hahaha. Why the change, anyway?
As you may have guessed, I still do not have internet at home; sadly, I probably never will; at this point, anyway.
Hello, Holly. I appreciate the lovely card; it was so nice to receive. By the way, I think I'm going to create an album of all the pictures you've taken and attached to the cards you send to my mother. She gets so excited when she gets another; when I go see her, the first thing she says is, "I got a card from Holly today!" Its so funny; you're her new best friend and she saves every single one! lol
Glenda...there was this posse glamour girls at my door late last night, imagine my surprise, and they said you sent them...Is that true? I must admit, I felt a bit dowdy next to them; them in their evening gowns, feather boas and all their jooooowells and me in my double set of sweats and 3 pairs of socks and my crooked pigtails. Thanks, so much, girlfriend!
If there is a will, there's a way; find your way!
Sister #3282 |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jan 16 2013 : 2:14:17 PM
Good early evening everyone,
I have only been learning Tai Chi since September maybe early October. We have done 17 of the 35 poses. I think that is what the teacher said last night. When I am at class I can do what he says. when I come home I can remember parts of the movements. Patrick, the teacher, says that we should focus on the grounding if we can not remember anything else at all. The beginning part of the class is all review. the last quarter maybe is going over the new position and how to get there then putting it all together. I get it with the repetition and after the weeks go together and I practice then I understand what goes next. The class ahead of ours will have been going for a year come May. I think of isometrics as holding a muscle against itself. A person is supposed to move sloooowwwwwly . As a couple of the men in my class pointed out just last night that these positions would certainly be easier to move into at a faster pace. In our class we practice moving in a relaxed way. Yeah, right. some of the positions are not relaxing but one has to think about body position in order not to be tense. Sometimes Patrick says if it does not hurt you are not relaxed into the position enough. Tai chi is about using the other person's energy to defeat them. Although we do not do fighting at this level, if that is even a correct term. It is more about moving for health.
Marianne- I live clean sheets. especially those dried outside.
I for one, Bunny, would like to know what you are learning in your classes. I used to think school was a great place to be when life was stressful and out of hand. School requires certain predictable behaviors. Unlike other aspects of life that are unpredictable. So, I want to live the predictability through you.
Kathryn, I am glad to write to your mom. I am glad she receives joy from the notes and pictures. I write four letters on the same day while dd is at her therapy. So, if dd does not have therapy then I need to scramble to find the time to write the notes. I also send to my older brother, a dear older friend who lives not so far away but does like to receive letters and does not like to talk on the phone, my father's widow whom I had to talk my self into writing because after my mother died my father promised we would always have a place to come home to and not spend the holidays apart. Then he married her and that all went down the tubes. I did not resent that he married, none of us did. We did resent there was not a place in her house for us. Now she is 81, failing and lonely. My younger brother calls her each week maybe several times. He has a more generous personality than I do. He said she would like mail, so I send it. She said she will put the pictures on her wall like wall paper. And I send to Kathryn's mother.
The boys are finding great joy in collecting eggs. They love to sled and play outside. C only likes to follow the rules he likes. That is so typical of seven year olds. We have seen a lot of typical six and seven year old behaviors that are a bit exaggerated. The foster mom told me they ate everything but not here. I guess choices are a learning process. I told G this morning that when I gave him his egg in the hole that I wanted to hear how delicious it looked. Why do you say that, he asked. I told him it was because he has told me so many of the foods I make him are nasty without even trying. Bless his little heart he told me after the first bite that it was the best egg he had ever eaten.
Time to go deal with supper.
If I do not get back, sweet dreams.
Holly farmgirl #2499
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