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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jul 03 2014 : 8:45:18 PM
Jan You must be sleeping by now. You made me tired! LOL!
Holly, Lucky you to have someone deliver. We used to buy it, haul it, stack it and wow was that a workout!
GG I have all raised beds that are divided into 12" squares. We used wood on top and divided the boxes into what looks like a grid. I also did companion gardening. Everything is beautiful and producing abundantly. Google and you will find sites for both. Certain vegtables can be planted 1 or more to a square. The sites will tell you. No chemicals at all. I wish I knew how to post pictures to show you. I have a weed here and there and that's it. This is the easiest garden ever. I also plant marigolds here and there throughout. Great for eliminating many bugs. Wow, a nice BD present. a lot of churches in the area finish quilts for people. I have so many blocks from the swaps on here that need to be put together. Once I got cancer I stopped doing anything with them. To sick. Just was looking at them $am this morning. You're not the only one that can't sleep!
Mar What will you do for MIL now?
It was so blasted hot and humid today! I was melting! Don't I wish! We had terrible thunderstorms tonite and the weather is supposed to be bad tomorrow too so we will picnic, at our son's, on Saturday instead.
Just thought I would pass this on in case you may be able to benefit from this. I make prayer pillows for several chemo centers and donate them from my church. One day I was in a furniture store and the owner was pulling fabric swatches off the racks. He said they were discontinued and the new fabrics would be coming in. I asked what he was going to do with them and he said, "why do you want them?" I said I did because I could make the pillows. He gave me all he had. Another store called me and I just picked up more. The fabrics are beautiful. Put on your thinking caps. What could you use these free fabrics for?
Happy and safe 4th everyone.
Be Blessed and Be a Blessing, Darlene Sister 1922
God first, everything else after!
When Satan's knocking at your door, just say "Jesus will you get that for me?"
When it gets to hard to stand, Kneel!
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
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Posted - Jul 03 2014 : 9:16:43 PM
Darlene, you could make iPad cases or purses.
Gypsy, I hope you and B can find an RV you like. Sounds like a nice way to have an adventure.
Jan, you made me tired reading about all you did.
I worked at the college the last two days for my internship. I'm in so much pain. My mom has decided I don't have fibromyalgia. She says it's all emotional because I don't want to be here, and that it is also allergies. I guess she knows more than the doctors. I'm tired of being told it is essentially in my head. I had this when I was in a very happy place. I was still in pain. I know I can push through being at work. It's coming home and having homework still to do I'm worried about. I should hear next week about interviews.
Not much else going on. Just trying not to move around too much. Too much pain.
Nite all.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jul 03 2014 : 10:25:23 PM
Darlene they would also make really cool patchwork vests. I have a book on this but can't think of the name of it right now. iPad covers and organizers are also a great idea.
Bunny try to rest as much as you can. Even if it's just a few minutes at a time. Fibro is a much misunderstood disorder. I think you must have a lot of inflammation in your body. I still believe there must be a way to feel better if somebody could just get you on the right foods and supplements protocol.
True Blue Farmgirl
520 Posts
520 Posts |
Posted - Jul 04 2014 : 03:51:34 AM
Good Morning. I tried to post last night while sitting around the firepit and totally lost the post. Harder to post from my cell phone. I didn't feel like I got much accomplished yesterday but I will try to get something done today. Since all the kids but Jake are Military we won't see any of them over this holiday. We are planning 3 trips to Illinois as it is this month, so not going to make a trip to be with my family. I think Jake and his girlfriend have plans, though they may drop in. DH and I will just have to put up with each other. :) He pulled some meat out of the freezer to grill. I will probably do some laundry and pull some weeds from the flowerbeds. Maybe sneak to the sewing room. Yesterday I baked a couple of cakes. A gluten-free one for us and one for the neighbors. Gluten free cakes do not rise like a regular cake so they are never as attractive.

Marie... A holder for a 2 liter bottle I would think would be pretty easy. :)
Holly... I attached the drawer dividers with small brads using a brad gun and my air compressor. I don't know how I ever lived without one of them. It has been my go-to-tool for building the chicken coop, building the quail pen, building nesting boxes for the rabbits as well has putting trim up in the house.
Bunny... I so feel your pain. My boss told me to take it easy one day. I responded "I should have taken it easy 20 yrs ago, kind of late now." however when I go to the Dr now, sometimes I don't think they take the pain as serious as I do. I want to feel like I am 20 again. They diagnosed me with Fibro and tennis elbow the last time I had a ruptured cervical disc before they found out I had the ruptured disc. Even did elbow surgery, when it did not get better they finally decided it could be my spine. Don't let them rest until you feel better.
GG... I hope you find an RV that you absolutely love. We went "crossover" shopping yesterday. Looking to trade my pickup truck in and we walked through 2 huge lots and were inside the sales floor twice before we finally found someone to help. There was a day with the salesmen would flock after you. We found a couple that we liked but decided to wait until we get our house emptied in Illinois. We will need the truck for sure.
Darlene...We have done square foot gardening with raised beds for about 5 years. I love it. I pull weeds as I walk by to feed the chickens or rabbits. So few weeds and a beautiful garden. I put garden dirt in mine from the local top soil company and it has compost in it. We added 5 new beds this year. Anytime I see that someone has thrown an old water bed out, I am on it. Thoses heavy 2x12 frames are wonderful!

Jan... you make us all tired by everything you accomplished yesterday. I can't did up that much energy these days. :( We sat by the firepit as well last night. It was cool enough here that I needed a jacket. Fireworks were going off all over. It was the Official "Red, White and Boom". I am an old fuddy duddy. I hate fireworks. Besides they make my dogs nervous.
Well, off to start my day. I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.
Patty #1840
A rind is a terrible thing to waste. Compost.
When they had all had enough to eat, he said to his disciples, “Gather the pieces that are left over. Let nothing be wasted.” -Jesus in John 6:12 NIV Bible |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jul 04 2014 : 07:25:30 AM
Patty, what kind of a brad gun do you have? Size, brand? I have a nice air compressor. I'd like to do the drawer dividers too, and we are going to get maybe 3 or 4 chickens. So I'd like to try one of the chicken tractors I've seen on Pinterest. We figure a year of working will completely transform the place. It needs a redo inside and out. B wants to build a treehouse. I have raised beds but not square foot. Mine get full of weeds. We are going to revive them. B has never done vegetable gardening but he has done lots of landscaping. He's looking forward to working outside. The apartment makes him feel cooped up. It makes me feel freedom from chores.
We have to drive to the country house today because Monday is the last day I can protest my taxes. The little town is practically boarded up and dying but they keep raising the taxes.
I also hate fireworks. It scares my little dogs and it is a fire hazard. It pollutes the air. But I love the huge displays at Disney where it all goes over the water. Big difference when it's done by professionals. When I was a kid my uncle would always show up with big fireworks for the adults and big kids and sparklers for my little brother and me. I don't know if they still have sparklers. GG
Edited by - doll58maker on Jul 04 2014 07:30:05 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
520 Posts
520 Posts |
Posted - Jul 04 2014 : 08:49:29 AM
GG- I have a Ryobi brad gun and I think it can shoot up to about 3" brads. We also have a big nail gun for 2" boards that we got from a pawn shop. I use my brad gun alot! We put weed blocker fabric under our new beds. Was a brilliant idea. Wished I would have thought about it Every year we are going to had another layer onto these beds so I won't have to bend over so far. So next year when we had another layer, I will put weed blocker between the layers.My mother stacked 2 and 3 tractor tires on each other and plants her tomatoes in them. It is wonderful, she doesn't have to bend over at all! They just cascade over the sides like wave petunias. I envy her. She started with her rhubarb in them, but the rhubarb could not survive the heat that the tires generate. Well off to clean the kitchen. We are painting the cowboy at the restaurant we frequent again today. Do you remember when we painted the cowboy before?
Patty #1840
A rind is a terrible thing to waste. Compost.
When they had all had enough to eat, he said to his disciples, “Gather the pieces that are left over. Let nothing be wasted.” -Jesus in John 6:12 NIV Bible |
Edited by - thebyrdhaus on Jul 04 2014 08:50:10 AM |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jul 04 2014 : 1:50:54 PM
Good afternoon everyone,
I opted out of going down to the town 4th celebration. C took the three little boys who were very excited to go and jump in the bouncy house and play kick ball. C has a friend who has a food booth so she will spend time with her. I may go down later to see the fireworks and see if I can take some pictures.
I sewed some this morning. I am trying to make grain bag grocery bags. The people at the town dump save the grain bags for me so it is only time that I need to put into them. I must have hundreds of grain bags cluttering up my sewing room.
Patty how has Jake recovered from his motorcycle accident hitting the mattress in the road? It has been several years now. Does he have any residual issues? I will have to look into a brad gun. I have a battery powered drill but I think a brad gun would be faster and I would not have to worry about the wood splitting.
I am going to look up square foot gardening. I do use the pallet method of raised beds so I do not need to bend over. I need to get more. They are great for the tomatoes because the decomposing hay in the bottom makes heat that the tomatoes like. I put arches of black PVC pipe over the beds with the broccoli to keep off the cabbage worms. I have not done the cabbages because I ran out of old PVC pipe and have not scouted out any more. It would be nice not to have to worry about those worms.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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Posted - Jul 04 2014 : 7:12:07 PM
Felt so much better this morning. Worked on my homework and then headed down to the sewing room to process a dress for shipping and sewed a dress for myself for this winter. At least I think I'm going to keep it. I haven't tried it on yet. It looks like something you would wear while working in an English garden with your Wellies. I'll take a picture soon.
Hope everyone is having a nice 4th.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Jul 04 2014 : 7:51:57 PM
Sounds like most of us had a quiet holiday. We went out for Thai food and went to a movie. Tomorrow we are going to go to the country house. We just wanted to goof off today. While walking the dogs we saw a tall round table at one of the property dumpsters. It is nice and heavy so it would not blow off the porch. A heavy metal base and beat up round top, but perfect to tile or Mosaic. So we went back over in the jeep and picked it up. It was B's first dumpster dive. But he said if I wanted it he would get it for me. I love this man.
Hey, Bunny, I see you found the pin I put on the board for you. It spoke your name. Looking forward to seeing the picture of your latest creation. I certainly think you should make something for yourself once in a while.
Here we are in the middle of the city but someone is setting off firecrackers and my dogs are upset. I hear B trying to console them in his best british accent so I need to go help out. He's trying to play his keyboard.
Hope everyone had a good day.
Edited by - doll58maker on Jul 04 2014 7:55:10 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - Jul 05 2014 : 12:12:25 AM
I hope everyone had a good holiday. My dog was inside most of the day. The noise doesn't seem to bother him but I worry about bottle rockets from the neighbors landing in his pen. My parents' yard looks much better--the boys mowed and my brother cut off the low-hanging tree limbs. Now there's a large brush pile in the backyard. should make a great fire when it dries out. Bunny--I wish I knew how to sew. Your creations are beautiful. I tried to sew when I was young and the needle from the machine got caught in my finger. I was afraid of sewing machines after that. GG--sounds like you found a good table. I definitely believe in reusing and recycling. I'm making a solar oven from things I found in the basement--all I had to buy was black spray paint and aluminum foil. I'm going to put it all together today and see how it works. Patty-your raised beds look good. I made a garden this year using bags of topsoil--cut out the top of the bag, punched some holes through the plastic for drainage, added some fertilizer and then planted. After things started growing, I put mulch over the bags so you can't see the plastic. Things are growing great and no weeds. I wish my camera was working so i could post pictures. Holly--grain bags have so many uses. I made an apron from a vintage seed bag. The antique stores here charge a lot for old grain bags. I have some vintage material--can't think of the name of it, but it's used to make tea towels--I've kept it for embroidery projects. My brain is kind of tired at this hour of the morning so I can't think very well. We had lots of food tonight--barbequed pork steaks, barbequed chicken, and cheesy potatoes (really good). My SIL said her sister made them from frozen hash browns, added cheese soup (canned), then sprinkled cheese on top and I think Cornflake crumbs. They were good. I've got my days and nights mixed up from being off work. At least I'm getting some rest. My knee is better but I can still hear it popping and grinding when I flex it or go up/down steps. I want to go back to work but they won't let me till the physical therapists say my treatment is over. Then I have to go back to occupational health for their approval. In the meantime I just went for two weeks without making any money cause the sick leave doesn't kick in till after two weeks of being off work. When I got my paycheck on Thursday, I had made about $23.00 after they took out for deductions (insurance, retirement, medical spending account, etc.).Sometimes I swear that hospital is out to get me. I've been praying for some sign or clarity of purpose in all this being off work. I guess God knows what He's doing. Maybe he knew I needed a break. Cindy
"Vast floods can't quench love, no matter what love did/ Rivers can't drown love, no matter where love's hid"--Sinead O'Connor "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
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True Blue Farmgirl
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jul 06 2014 : 07:27:39 AM
We had a quiet 4th of July. Lowell didn't have to work. I convinced him to go to breakfast in the neighborhood. We went to French Meadow Bakery which has a large porch area just perfect for dogs. No tipping over tables here and Mitzi didn't raise a fuss about the other dogs around her. There were some unexpected diners at the restaurant.

I had one of a bird with a piece of egg in it's beak and it wouldn't download.
Lowell, Mitzi and I were going to go to the bass players house to pick up a microphone then take Mitzi to a park then go grocery shopping. Lowell and Mike the bass player stood around talking so long that I finally started up the van to get them to stop. By that time it was 5 PM and too late to go to a park. I sat outside with Matthew (the charmer), Grace (one of his harem), Avery and Ein by the fire. Yes, I was drinking.

Mitzi is still too frightened to go out the front door because of all the fire works in the neighborhood. We don't try to force her. I believe it may take a week before she is back to her old patterns.
Wow! I wish I could have power tools here. That brad gun sounds like a lot of fun.
We are going to see My Fair Lady at the Guthrie Theatre the afternoon. I'll check back later.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Jul 06 2014 : 08:51:22 AM
Marie, sounds like a relaxing time regardless of Lowell's long visit. Poor Mitzi. The fireworks were bad here too. Another place, another time, I could imagine it being war time. The sound seems to echo here. I locked the kitty door so everyone had to stay in. There were no complaints. My youngest son got his permanent post orders yesterday. He is staying in North Carolina for the next 4.5 years. We are all pretty sad about it. He doesn't get to come home for liberty. He is taking it as well as possible. But unless I can move to California and he can come home a few times a year, I won't see him for a long time. He makes friends really easily so I know he won't be lonely for long.
I sewed a dress yesterday. Nothing special. I'm having a problem with my motivation. I think the stress of hoping for this job is getting to me. I'm going to sew again today. I'll probably do some simple dresses to get me going again. That always helps.
Hope everyone is having a good weekend.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Jul 06 2014 : 1:00:18 PM
Bunny, I am sorry to hear that your son got orders so far away. I do hope you will see him more often than you think! Remember that you have done all you can to be awarded this job and let go. It is out of your hands. You haven't made a mistake that you are kicking yourself over, these are just circumstances out of your control. Sewing will, as usual, be your balm to soothe your soul.
Marie, your holiday does sound so nice. I am so sad for Mitzi. MIL's dog is still cowering, too (in San Diego.) Here it was like a war zone. Fireworks are legal here and boy oh boy are they popular. It all started at 8:30 and went until midnight. Directly across the street from us, the neighbors shot off major fireworks that were quite unnerving for the horses for two hours and 20 minutes. We couldn't even hear our tv over the noise. We had the horses locked into a small area so they couldn't run and injure themselves. We turned on all the exterior lights we have to dim the flashing for them. It was H@*%.
Cindy, I hope you are feeling better. It is so difficult to feel that you need to find a new purpose. Especially when you are dealing with being in pain. Keep posting. There are so many of us who have gone through all different types of setbacks (life!) there will be lots of ideas and hints to help you through. And we are all on your side, of course.
gg, B is no longer a Dumpster Diving Virgin? Congratulate him for me. You will turn that nice heavy table into a work of art! Good luck making your tax bill case.
Darlene, I had a bunch of those fabric swatches, too. I tried to make a bunch of pillows, too, but I hadn't thought of using them as you have. Good for you.
Marie, My Fair Lady is one of my favorite musicals!! Enjoy.
Holly, we got our hay in yesterday. What a great sense of accomplishment. We saw a sign in a field near our house and called. We had to go get it Saturday -- naturally, when dd and boyfriend are out of town! -- because the fields were selling out! It was so conveniently located, had fine grass and lots of clover. The horses will love it. We loved that they were 50# bales and not the 70 pound ones that we were trying buck in Spokane. It is a big check off the To Do List. I love your grain bag use. I love the one you sent me. When you sit down to do it, how many do you knock out at a time? They stay washable for so long. Maybe I am just hard on my totes, but I am always having to wipe mine out!
Bunny, did I miss your birthday? Again? Are we all just giving up on the birthday greeting idea or am I just the only one failing miserably at keeping track?
Mar |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Jul 06 2014 : 1:03:07 PM
Oh and Jan, are you crazy? You are working TOO hard. I hope you got a bit of a break, you sure deserve it. Don't you hate breaking up meats for the freezer? That is one of my least favorite tasks. Love the savings. Hate the chore. Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Jul 06 2014 : 4:03:01 PM
Mar, yeah, I had a birthday. No worries. It isn't much of a big deal anymore. Both my kids wished me happy birthday. I went to breakfast with a friend and my mom took me to a nice dinner.
I really don't understand why people are so insensitive about fireworks. So many dogs and cats go missing, not to mention big animals like your houses dealing with that stress. I miss living in the mountains. No fireworks allowed. It was wonderful. Just another thing to miss about the mountains.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jul 06 2014 : 5:38:08 PM
Good evening everyone,
Mar it is a nice big check off the to do list. Our bales are 40 pounds or so each. We requested them smaller so we do not kill ourselves putting them in. DsT said putting in hay is not convenient. I told him you have to make hay when the sunshines and it is better to be a little inconvenienced now than to not have any because you waited until it was. convenient. Some years there have not been second and third cuttings because of the excessive rain or the lack of it.
We liv far enough away from the fireworks that it is not as bothersome. Joey who is some sort of hound mix and came to us as an older dog is terrified of loud popping noises so I am glad we do not even have close neighbors to upset him. He is not as sensitive as our old dead dog Bud. Bud was a big Plotts HOund and he used to try to crawl under the bed. Sometimes he was successful and then could not get back out until we would lift up the frame.
Yesterday, the pigs got out. There were two sections of the fence that I had yet to tie tires too because I wanted to put in new posts. The section between the tires was only about 6 feet long. We ran around and drove around looking for them. Finally C found them down by the road about 1/2 mile from their pen. She started to steer them back up the hilll through the woods. She had not ever been that way before. I went through the woods looking for her with the little boys. She and the pigs got themselves in a ravine and we did not find them. She spent 3 hours finding her way back to where she started. Then the pigs laid down for a nap. She went out to the road and had a neighbor drive her home so she could get help. Walking pigs when you know where you are going is not easy task. We finally had five people walkign them up the hill through the woods and we made it in about 40 minutes. C was exhausted. The pigs were exhausted. The pigs slept in today. C is sore today. She did well for an office sit on your butt all day kind of person. She is a weekend yard warrior. When I was looking for the pigs C tied more tires onto their escape route and closed it up.
Today I put sand in the big cow stall. Any time we have to muck out the stall a little sand goes with it so over time it is a big step down into the stall. In the summer I raise it back up with sand. It took most of the day only because I took breaks. It is not particularly hard because I use the bucket on the tractor to bring the sand from the pile to the barn and only have to pitch it into the stall from the bucket.
Here we can sometimes get burlap grain bags from Green Mountain coffee roasters. I used to get them by the pallet load and use them as mulch in the garden then the supply system changed. I know the fabric you are talking about Cindy for the embroidery. I have used it.
I found directions on line to print pictures on fabric with an ink jet printer. You iron the material onto freezer paper cut to size and print away. I have not tried it yet because I have not found freezer paper, but then I have only looked in one store.
I am glad to hear from everyone,
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

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Posted - Jul 06 2014 : 6:07:15 PM
Holly, I use freezer paper all the time to print on fabric. It works very well in my printer. You sure have been busy on the farm. Glad you , or should I say C, found the pigs and got them home safe and sound. Mar, I know I should slow down, but it is hard to do. I told Bob the other day that I am going to have to learn to do nothing, since There will not be much to do while travelling. Bunny, I am so sorry I missed your birthday also. For some reason, I was thinking it was in the fall. Sorry!!!! Cindy, glad you are healing nicely. Be careful not to do too much at once now, or bang it again. Marie, Glad you had a good 4th. We have been having fireworks here for the last 3 weeks. On the 4th, there were 3 different neighbors shooting off fireworks until 3 in the morning. Last night they were after midnight. It rained all day today and just stopped, so we will see how noisy it gets tonight. Our laws here just became more lenient, so anything goes now. That is just looking for trouble, as far as I am concerned. I am not a fireworks person either. Yesterday there was a local band that played down at the park, so we went down there for a few hours to listen to them. Took our chairs to sit, but there are not trees there, so we were in the sun for all that time. Now I am burnt again. My poor forehead. I keep forgetting to put on sunscreen. GG, that sounds like a great table that you found. You need to send pictures of before and after. Will you use it outdoors? Patty, I do not remember the horse. We need pictures of that also. You are one busy gal all the time. Your days must fly by. Have a great evening,
Jan Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
520 Posts
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Posted - Jul 06 2014 : 7:33:12 PM
Good evening. It is late, so will probably be short and sweet. :) We just came in. We sit around the fire pit most nights and wait for the chickens to go to bed so we can secure them. :)
Holly- Jake is doing fine. He is one lucky kid for sure. He doesn't complain, he has good use of his limbs. He was a long time recovering. Probably in about 20 years he will feel it, for sure.
Bunny- Anxious to see your "English garden" dress! I am always impressed with your creativity. I hate that your son is stationed so far away from you. We have one stationed in Korea, one in South Carolina and one in Connecticut right now. I have not seen my granddaughters for over a year. They grow fast. Got some pictures through a text message tonight and not sure that I would recognize them on the street. :(
Cindy- I have a friend that uses top soil bags for planting. She always has pole beans growing right up her front porch post. My mother has made huge feed bag bags using 2 bags to put a bag of soil down in and planted tomatoes in them and placed them strategically around the edges of flower beds and they look adorable!
Jan- I use the freezer paper to print on fabric too. But how do you set the print so you can wash it? I know if it gets wet it bleeds.
Marie- What a nice breakfast. I would have loved the company! Glad you were prepared to get the snapshots! Love sitting by the fire too!
Marianne- I HATE separating those good deals on family pack meats too! But always glad to get the bargins. Worse however is putting medication pills into the daily dosage containers!
Quick pic of the cowboy we painted.

Patty #1840
A rind is a terrible thing to waste. Compost.
When they had all had enough to eat, he said to his disciples, “Gather the pieces that are left over. Let nothing be wasted.” -Jesus in John 6:12 NIV Bible |
True Blue Farmgirl
3448 Posts
3448 Posts |
Posted - Jul 06 2014 : 7:50:29 PM
My long post just flew somewhere. That ticks me off! Can't do it again. Hello and goodnight at the same time
Be Blessed and Be a Blessing, Darlene Sister 1922
God first, everything else after!
When Satan's knocking at your door, just say "Jesus will you get that for me?"
When it gets to hard to stand, Kneel!
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jul 07 2014 : 1:58:52 PM
Good afternoon everyone,
It has rained off and on all day long. It is quite warm out but with the overcast sky the house has stayed nicely cool.
I have spent the day with the little boys. Today has been a not making good choices time. DsG has been at the forefront of the poor choice parade. He made better choices as the day progressed but the morning was very long for all of us.
I have been looking up how to make rose petal beads. Does anyone have experience in this craft. I have rosa rugosa in bloom now and thought it would be interesting to make some beads. I was worried about cutting off the flowers and not having rose hips but then I thought If I cut them off new rose buds would form so I breathed through the whole procedure. I have hundreds of flowers out there so I I will make a try of it.
We are having turkey and salad for supper. I need to clean out the freezers more for this years harvest. We put the feathered out turkey poults in their outside pen this morning. I think they are happy and will grow well. They have chicken fencing around ;the sides and neoprene fencing over the top to keep the wild things from making a meal of them. I hope we have covered all of the holes.
I have been trying to teach the teens about privacy or lack there of on their cell phones and computers and their rights or lack there of in a job situation. They refuse to understand how accessible their information is and how much caution they need to take in what they put on their sites. I remember being so strongly arrogant and invincible as a teen. I just need to keep on trying and hope they do not get hurt before they learn.
DdK turns 18 in a few weeks. She is so looking forward to being 18. I am not sure what magic she thinks will happen on that day. We will have a party. She wanted a tattoo and now she wants some piercings. He nose and belly button. She wanted the skin about her lips done but I told her no because if she tries to take them out they will leave a scar and she has a tendency to scar big.
I hope you all are having a lovely day. sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
rough start farmgirl
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3331 Posts |
Posted - Jul 07 2014 : 6:02:36 PM
Patty, you did an excellent job painting that cowboy. Where doors he hang out? Holly, I have never tried rose petal breads but my daughter has a rosary made of them and she loves the fragrance. I don't believe I have the fine motor skills needed for that craft any longer. Arthritis has taken its toll. I think K will be glad it she avoids anything that may scar her face. The belly button piercing seems harmless. I really think people must regret the gauges in the ears. That is an ugly scar! I didn't accomplish a whole lot today, but oh well. Tomorrow is our 29th anniversary. So many people thought we wouldn't last. I wonder where those "friends" are now! Hope everyone had a nice day. Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
520 Posts
520 Posts |
Posted - Jul 07 2014 : 6:31:08 PM
It has been a busy day today. In 3 different Dr offices from 10am to 4pm. I am exhausted to say the least. Made chicken salad when I got home and ate it on top of lettuce. DH had leftover pasta. We had lunch at OSU Medical Center cafeteria between appointments. We both ate for $10 and that was with a drink. We decided it might be a great place to go for lunch even when we don't have Dr appointments. :) I might have to call ahead to inquire about their daily special.:) It started raining here today just as we pulled in the drive from my appointments. :( It rained miserably hard! Has rained every since. Has not been a productive day at all for me. :(
Does anyone make pork and beans from scratch? A friend of mine said his mother use to fix ham and beans one day and the next day fix pork and beans from the leftovers. I would love to know how that is done. I can beans so I have them ready to just throw ham into. It should be easy to make pork and beans from them.
Marianne- Happy Anniversary!!!! I hope you have a wonderful day together sharing memories and making more memories! The cowboy sits in front of a diner. They use to sit in front of Western Pancake Ranches in the area. We also painted one in front of a car lot several years ago. He needs painted as well. I know of 3 of them left in the area.
Holly...I have never made Rose beads, but it sounds interesting. I saved all the petals from the flowers of my deceased husbands funeral. I have had them hanging out in a big glass jar for the past 10.5 years. I wonder if I could do that with all those flower petals? Would have some sentimental value and I could possibly gift them to others to remember him.
I went through some old pictures and found a picture of me taken in about 1979. I was helping mom butcher chickens. Not exactly sure what I was doing with the chicken at this point. :/ Thought I would share it. Talk about a blast from the past. :) Does anyone else have pictures of themselves to share from the past? I would love to see some!

Patty #1840
A rind is a terrible thing to waste. Compost.
When they had all had enough to eat, he said to his disciples, “Gather the pieces that are left over. Let nothing be wasted.” -Jesus in John 6:12 NIV Bible |
Edited by - thebyrdhaus on Jul 08 2014 03:08:31 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Jul 07 2014 : 7:07:01 PM
Holly, readers digest has a book you can probably find at the library about homesteading and home crafts. I can't remember the name. But it has directions for making rose petal beads. I did it when I was a teenager. It's not easy but then, I was young and hated to read directions. Maybe you can find it.
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