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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Jun 29 2014 :  8:05:48 PM  Show Profile
I too miss our old friends here. I always hope maybe they are at least lurking.

Jan, you over did it but it sounds like it was a profitable day at least. Too bad about the rain.

Holly, I know we are all rooting for dsT and getting on the team.

Gypsy, I love the idea of your trailer for a little guest house. Building a cover over it is a great idea. A little deck, some climbing roses up the railings....perfect.


Farmgirl number 3738
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Jun 30 2014 :  5:10:38 PM  Show Profile
Patty, what a great poem. So much truth in it. I felt the need to relive the laughter after losing my parents. It helped a lot.

Bunny, I can see why your client was happy and is starting to collect flannel shirts. That will make up very nicely in flannel, too. Your quilt and niece both look quite lovely. I hope your fingers have recovered from typing!

Jan, People will arrive very early for a deal, won't they! I have seen tag sale ads that say "prices doubled for early birds!" I am glad to hear you were successful. It is an exhausting process.

GG, I think a covered wagon with attached deck will be quite quaint! Especially glammed up.

dh and I went to look at park model manufactured homes for MIL. I think that might be the way we will go. We would apply for a hardship permit to have the home on our acreage for the rest of her life. She is 87 and I don't think it would be a stretch of anyone's imagination to say that she needs to be cared for to a certain extent. I think I mentioned that we saw a marked decrease in mobility in the sixty days since our last visit with her. When someone starts changing (losing their abilities) that quickly, it is time to make the move. No more delaying. And I think I told you all that she seems to agree that it is time to make the move, too. She has fought us so hard for so long, that when she agreed we almost didn't know how to respond. (You mean the argument is over?)

Holly, I know how relieved you feel when you get your hay in. It is so early for that task to be done. congratulations. Why does it seem that these deadline type mix up always happen to "us". I hope dsT gets to play on the team. Those kinds of letdowns are very devastating to teens. ddK knows how to coin a phrase... The male needs to walk his walk? I may have it wrong, but I loved the gist of it!

I got to visit on the phone with one of the ladies that lived next to us in the Napa Valley way back in the '90s. She and her partner have been together as long as dh and I. We have remained friends throughout all our moves - and theirs. They now live in New Hampshire. I was sorry to hear that they are going through a rough patch as happens in everyone's relationships. It was fun reminiscing and we were both surprised when we realized that my daughter is the age I was when we all became neighbors. Time flies!
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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Jun 30 2014 :  5:19:16 PM  Show Profile
Mar, a park model sound great for MIL. You should probably make sure it is all on one level. I wouldn't want her to try to head upstairs to the loft and not make it down safely. Nice thing about a park model is you could sell it when you don't need it anymore or even move it to the back 40 and rent it out. Plus with your landscaping skills, I bet it would look wonderful!

I got almost all my homework done today! Just have typing class and another class with some discussions required. I'll do an hour of typing every day to hopefully get the typing homework done. I'm tired but not doing too bad for doing 2 classes of homework in one day.


Farmgirl number 3738
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True Blue Farmgirl

520 Posts

Columbus Oh
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Posted - Jun 30 2014 :  7:29:36 PM  Show Profile
Good evening. I am exhausted. I didn't do much, however the heat zaps it out of a person. I planted a few more plants in the garden. I found some $9.99 planters on clearance for $1.99 with hens and chickens in them. I wanted to make hypertufa planters to put them in, so worked on that this evening. I saw some on pinterest that looked like hands so I put some of the hypertufa in some rubber cloves, "posed" them in a bowl and placed stones in the palms to create the planter. Hopefully when they dry I can get the rubber glove off without damage. I also made some planter bowls and some balls.

Bunny, I made a dress very similar to the one you posted a pic of. However, It still hangs upstairs because I am having a hard time getting it "level". When I have time I will have to finish it and work on a formula (length and width) for the rags.

I am beat, this is about all I can do tonight. It is difficult keeping my eyes open. I hope everyone had a wonderful day and a better tomorrow. Goodnight.

Patty #1840

A rind is a terrible thing to waste. Compost.

When they had all had enough to eat, he said to his disciples, “Gather the pieces that are left over. Let nothing be wasted.”
-Jesus in John 6:12 NIV Bible
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True Blue Farmgirl

3448 Posts

Kunkletown Pa
3448 Posts

Posted - Jun 30 2014 :  8:42:26 PM  Show Profile  Send HealingTouch a Yahoo! Message
Popping in for a chat.

The dress is really nice. The quilt as well. It amazes me how you transform your clothing!

We used to have guineas and they are like watch dogs. You sure know when someone's around. LOL! Did you raise and bale all the hay yourself? I bet that herb class is fun. Would be interested if they had one in my area.

Sounds like you got your brother a very nice headstone. It must be really hard on your mother and with her own problems you have now become the mother to her. At a certain stage that is what usually happens, the roles reverse. It's nice that your hubby treats you well.

Yard sales are alot of work. Glad you did ok.

I never have luck with lavender. Settled in to your new surroundings? Horses must be loving being home. Good idea for MIL. Close enough to keep her safe but not in each others face. Gives her some independence until she needs more assistance.

My garden has been going bonkers. I did square foot gardening in raised beds and we've been eating, kale, swiss chard, broccoli, arugala and lettuces. Tomatoes are loaded, 55 plants, squashes and everything else are almost ready. I suppose it will all come at once! Froze some blueberries and strawberries. I have 2 iron tubs outside that need to be cleaned and filled with water for my lounging pleasure.( My pool) LOL! Got my hair cut a couple days ago and hate it! Why do the hairdressers do what they want instead of what you ask for? They get a scissor in their hand and get crazy! Meeting 2 friends for lunch tomorrow and then going to see Jersey Boys. We have to tell our 1 friend to meet us 1/2 hr earlier and she'll still be late!

Have a great and safe 4TH!

Be Blessed and Be a Blessing,
Sister 1922

God first, everything else after!

When Satan's knocking at your door, just say "Jesus will you get that for me?"

When it gets to hard to stand, Kneel!

Edited by - HealingTouch on Jun 30 2014 8:50:44 PM
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jul 01 2014 :  07:03:59 AM  Show Profile

I am feeling so out of connection with all of you. The internet has not been reliable or in any way quick, never mind fast.

I gave blood yesterday and then did house chores the rest of the day.

I have heard from Nancy. She is busy. I told her we missed her. She has been flying to visit her MIL regularly. Thelma wrote and said she is having trouble finding the site so if one of you with a more reliable machine could look her up through the directory and send the site I would appreciate it.

hugs to you all

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Jul 01 2014 :  09:25:41 AM  Show Profile
Patty, your gloves filled look creepy.

Holly, sorry you are having problems with your internet. At least we know you are trying.

Just a little homework today. One of my teachers doesn't seem to know how to work her class site and can't open up week 2 so we can do our work. Very annoying. I'm usually the one that has to tell them to update their sites with current dates. Otherwise we can't submit assignments because the site says the deadline is closed.

My mom has spent the last week in bed. Every day it's a new excuse. Headache, dizzy, even got that she had a concussion. She is very creative.I told her she should talk to someone about depression but she is in total denial. She got very upset the other day about a dr visit. Somehow she got part of her patient record. It said she was a smoker, but she hasn't smoked for over 40 years. It had an unfinished sentence that said she has a history of abuse, but it didn't finish and she was upset that they felt she had abused medicine. Which she has, but won't admit it. So she changed Dr's. I'm sure he will get her records and learn all about her. Hopefully his office will do a better job of being discrete regarding her history.


Farmgirl number 3738
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

2259 Posts

Posted - Jul 01 2014 :  09:43:35 AM  Show Profile
Good morning all. Bunny, you always worry about your school stuff and then you end up just fine after all, so all that stress for nothing.

speaking of our moms, we are just at that point in life where we have to deal with them. My mom also is losing ground quickly, from one visit to the next she is worse, a little more bent over, weaker, more confused, memory issues, on and on. At what point are we able to do something? Do we have to wait until they decide? then it might be too late. I don't know what to do with my mom. She begged me for "just one more year" in her own home. I wonder if the Home Health Care agencies go to help people like her, or if that's just on doctor's orders through insurance? anybody know? Mom ought to have someone come in twice a week to help her bathe and wash her hair and trim her nails. And see that she is eating properly. I don't see her eat anything but junk now. And very little food at all. She has always been fanatical about healthy food just like I am. She drives to church, the grocery, and Wal mart, all just blocks from her house. Still, I think it is dangerous. Her neighbor told me she drives way too fast. I thought old people creeped along.

We are going today to look at the van conversion RVs (like Roadtreck). It would make it so much easier to go to Canada and to Florida when we want to get out of the heat/cold. And we could take off for the beach at moments notice. And take the dogs with us. We are looking at used ones.

Everyone have a good day. Holly, I hope your land line issues get resolved soon. That must be really annoying.


Edited by - doll58maker on Jul 12 2014 3:16:31 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Jul 01 2014 :  10:04:03 AM  Show Profile
Gypsy, my best solution for my mom is to move back to California so she can sell her house and move with my sister in Utah. My sister is very capable of caring for her having been a CNA for years. Plus, they get along. I just need the job experience and enough money to move. This job at the local college will do that for me. I will be able to put away about $1000.00 a month and still have money to give her for rent and pay my own bills.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Not all who wander are lost.../
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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Jul 01 2014 :  10:04:40 AM  Show Profile
Gypsy, my best solution for my mom is to move back to California so she can sell her house and move with my sister in Utah. My sister is very capable of caring for her having been a CNA for years. Plus, they get along. I just need the job experience and enough money to move. This job at the local college will do that for me. I will be able to put away about $1000.00 a month and still have money to give her for rent and pay my own bills.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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True Blue Farmgirl

2428 Posts

Gladstone Mi.
2428 Posts

Posted - Jul 01 2014 :  8:04:54 PM  Show Profile
GG, I hope you find an RV that you like and are able to go when you want. Maybe we can meet in Florida? That is so sad that your sister would use you and your brother like that. No compassion at all!!!
Bunny, When will you find out about that job?
Holly, It will be nice when your internet decides to work and you will be back on again.
Patty, How did the hands turn out? Very interesting.
Darlene, your garden sounds so nice. It is a good feeling when you can eat what you grew yourself. How did you like Jersey Boys? Bob and I have been wanting to go see it.
It was hot and humid today, got up to 75, which is not bad, but when the dew point is up, it is hard to breath. We have heavy air up here in Michigan.
We are hoping to go camping in a couple of weeks for a few days to try out our motorhome and check out all the bells and whistles. We have been donating so much to Goodwill, mostly clothes. Our house is growing and a lot roomier now. Looks so much better after getting rid of so much. Still have a lot more to go though.
Off to bed. Have a great evening,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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True Blue Farmgirl

3448 Posts

Kunkletown Pa
3448 Posts

Posted - Jul 01 2014 :  8:53:48 PM  Show Profile  Send HealingTouch a Yahoo! Message
Jersey Boys was really good but alot of cursing. Not unusual in today's world! All the songs brought back memories of our teenage years. You'l be surprised at some things too.

Call your mother's doctor. Are you her POA? Explain her situation. It takes a doctor's order to get the agencies into her house. They will assess her and if she needs placement at some point they will advise the doc of her condition. If she is unsafe driving he can pull her license and you won't be the bad guy. You can call your state's Agency on Aging to find out what they have available. With HIPPA laws only those designated by your mother can get access to anything about her. Good Luck and I hope this helps.

Sounds like major manipulation techniques by your mother. Playing the victim must have been very effective for her in the past.

Be Blessed and Be a Blessing,
Sister 1922

God first, everything else after!

When Satan's knocking at your door, just say "Jesus will you get that for me?"

When it gets to hard to stand, Kneel!

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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

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Posted - Jul 01 2014 :  8:58:11 PM  Show Profile
We also are wondering about "Jersey Boys". I want to see it but B thinks because it's a musical he won't like it. I am interested in hearing from anyone who has seen it

Jan we thought the roadtrecks were grossly overpriced and the couple who were running the place would not get off their fat asses to help us at all. We walked around on the lot for a while until I got a headache from the heat. We saw one we really liked and it looked like the one you got. It's a perfect size. Right now we are just "tire kickers". I guess.

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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

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Posted - Jul 01 2014 :  9:08:31 PM  Show Profile
Darlene, you slipped in there and posted while I was writing. Thanks so much for the tips regarding my mom. My older brother has her POA and he's not going to do anything. But I will tell him what you have said and maybe he will agree to do something. at least he will have the information. Thank you so much. He is not well and he has a sick wife so it probably should be moved into my name.

I think we will go see the movie. I know I would like it and I'll bet B will like it too. Did I tell you that we went to see Malificent and he actually liked it. Then I took mom to see it when I was there. I liked it but there was a time when I would have thought it too simple for me. Now here I am watching it twice and not getting bored.

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True Blue Farmgirl

3448 Posts

Kunkletown Pa
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Posted - Jul 01 2014 :  9:21:23 PM  Show Profile  Send HealingTouch a Yahoo! Message
You will like Jersey Boys. It shows some interesting things about Frankie and The Four Seasons that we never would have known.
Yes, get the POA in your name also. It can be in more than one persons name. Explain to your brother that in case he is unable and vice versa you have each other's back. As you know, family matters get touchy! LOL!

Be Blessed and Be a Blessing,
Sister 1922

God first, everything else after!

When Satan's knocking at your door, just say "Jesus will you get that for me?"

When it gets to hard to stand, Kneel!

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True Blue Farmgirl

520 Posts

Columbus Oh
520 Posts

Posted - Jul 02 2014 :  05:16:01 AM  Show Profile
Good Morning! I am still in my PJ's. Some days I don't get out of them, however it does not mean I am lazy. I have paint, stain, and tears in them to prove I have a list of things to do today. Run a few errands, put some donations out for the National Kindney Services thrift store, clean the kitchen, vaccum, work on my quilt for a little while and maybe make some soaps.

Bunny...My hands do look creepy. I only have a right hand left. Was too anxious and attempted to peel the glove off of the left hand and it broke. If these do not work, I will do a pair in plain ole cement. I poured some cement into oatmeal boxes and set a solar light pole in the center to house my solar pathway lights. I love them. They turned out great. A bag of quickcrete is cheap for as many projects as you can do. :) I also made some M&M's for my sisters garden.She is a collector of M&M's.

Darlene...Thanks for sharing your review of The Jersey Boys. I have been wanting to see it. It is on my list. lol. So many times we are so busy I have to wait until Amazon has it to rent and watch them at home. We do go to the movies about once every 2 months. We usually don't think about it until evening and then I am so tired I just wanna go to DH loves going to the movies and would go alot more frequent and watch anything. If he could just get my butt to go!

Jan...I am not sure I could do what you are I hold on tightly to my stuff. We keep saying we are going to downsize. We moved to Illinois and didn't move everything with us, left some here. Came back to Ohio with more stuff and am trying to pack it all back into this Doesn't work well. Our garage and shed are still not empty at the house in Illinois. We keep saying we will do it right before we close on the sale. No since in hurrying. :)

GG- Gosh, the stress in your family doesn't appear to have an ending soon. :( Glad you have B by you side. There is always one in a family like your sis. We all have them. I think the only thing my deceased M-I-L ate the last couple of years she lived in her own home was chips and Mountain Dew. She had Alzheimers and I am not sure if she forgot how to cook or if she only craved those things. The elderly are head strong and set in their ways. Even though you try to help them, sometimes they won't allow it. Now there is such a thing as elderly neglect and it hurts to struggle with them over their care.

Holly- I tried to send Thelma the link, but she as no way of contacting her on MJF. It will take someone with her email to do it. Hopefully, your internet with straighten out soon! :)

Here's hoping everyone has a great day! Stay cool and don't overwork. :)

Patty #1840

A rind is a terrible thing to waste. Compost.

When they had all had enough to eat, he said to his disciples, “Gather the pieces that are left over. Let nothing be wasted.”
-Jesus in John 6:12 NIV Bible
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
3966 Posts

Posted - Jul 02 2014 :  08:16:32 AM  Show Profile

The weather is cold here this week. The temp right now is not even 60. I am wearing a sweater. I'm not complaining. I like cool summers in which I do not have to take several cold shower everyday just to survive the heat. The garden likes it too.

I finally got Kitty Kat to let me take a picture of him.

His owner has disappeared. Matthew and Grace, who are taking care of her dog, cannot contact her. I told them that I would keep Kitty Kat if she doesn't show up or cannot take care of him.

Patty - I like the small sculpture you have made. I may contact you about making me a small item. It is nothing fancy, just a holder for my 2 liter pop bottle rain gauge.

Gypsy - No parent should have to witness the death of a child. Your mom does indeed sound as if she is depressed and will have health problems related to or caused by it. Getting any lucid, stubborn parent going is tough for a grown child. Too many memories of one's own childhood. I have spoken often of my parents' plans for the time when they are unable to care for themselves. They have a plan to have a live in nurse stay with them at their place in rural Wisconsin and seem to have everything in order. Too bad your sister has to be so stinky. My sister (Audra Rose on MJF), brothers and I are still very close and agree on many things. There will be no possession grab when my parents pass. If two or more of us want something, we have already decided to flip a coin or roll dice to see who gets it. The money and investments are already in a trust for us. It's my mom's doing. She's always thinking ahead.

Bunny - I know your mom is being a pain and I know you are busy. But have you considered maybe just sitting with her for a half hour a day hand sewing or doing other hand needlework and just listening to her talk? You don't have to say much back, just "Uh huh", "I see", "Really", etc. The worst thing for anyone with depression is to leave them alone. I have been there. Just let her talk. Ask a few clarifying or leading questions to keep her talking. Everyone needs attention. Maybe this is what she wants. Love the dress and quilt.

Holly - Time to put a WiFi tower on your land. That will fix it.

Have to go. Will write more later before I start punching goblins.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.

Edited by - churunga on Jul 02 2014 08:17:48 AM
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jul 02 2014 :  5:57:28 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

It has been very hot here. I am not complaining because the alternative is nothing to wish for. However, I have not felt like doing anything outside. I get the house chores done.

Darlene your garden must dwarf mine and people think it is bg.. 50 tomato plants is awesome. I have fantasized about putting in enough plants to be able to make sauce but have not achieved that goal yet.

G taking care from afar is hard. I hope you can find a reliable home health person to come in a couple of times a week. Is there someone from her church who could help her out? I am glad that she is being kind to you and seems to have stopped arguing the nastiness. Forgiveness is a wonderful trait.

Patty you are clever. We redid our kitchen and the drawers are big. Each time I open them I think of the drawer dividers that you made. How did you attach them to the sides of the drawer so they did not shift?

Mar I am glad the plans for MIL are moving forward in a way that you can manage. I hope dh is being helpful.

Marie I am glad your garden is doing well. My zucchini have a few leaves but no flowers left. I think of your fine city as being at the same lattitude as we are but maybe you have a lake effect we do not.

Mel always glad when you pop in.

Jan one step at a time to your goal of a lighter life.

Cindy how is your writing coming?

I hope whomever I have missed is doing well and enjoying the summer.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

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Posted - Jul 02 2014 :  7:11:19 PM  Show Profile
Holly, search Keyhole Gardening when you have time. The amount of produce from a small space is astounding, and once it is set up properly it seems they are pretty much carefree. The keyhole concept in part is that in the center, there is a perforated tube of some sort that you put all your compost able scraps in and it makes compost over time, providing the nutrients needed.

It was 95 here today. We are getting a lot of smog, which I think is the smoke from Mexico. The farmers burn off their fields every year and the smoke blows to Texas where it bothers my sinuses for about three weeks before it finally clears out.

I baked a chicken tonight that I bought from the new Trader joe grocery here. It was organic and already brined. I baked it with potatoes, carrots and onions and we had sliced vine ripened tomatoes drizzled with red wine vinegar and olive oil. Now we are having a cup of tea and about to watch the movie, Lincoln. We both missed it when it was at the theaters so we got it on Netflix. Then later we will have blueberries and cream for our bedtime snack. Life is good. Moments of joy, Holly.

Good night all.

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Kunkletown Pa
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Posted - Jul 02 2014 :  8:24:15 PM  Show Profile  Send HealingTouch a Yahoo! Message
You will achieve it one day. Look at all the things you have going on. Your only one person. I didn't plan on that amount of tomatoes but kept adding different varieties. My main type are Romas. Good for sauce because they are meaty. I love yellow tomaoes and planted 2 kinds. With the square foot gardening there are little to no weeds. Perfect for an old lady with a horrible back. LOL!

I thought Lincoln was really good. Going to see Heaven is for Real soon. We have an old time theater that charges $3 for all movies. You may have to wait a few weeks for them to get it but who cares. Yesterday we paid $9 with a senior discount. I don't know how families can afford to go.

Did you paint those M&Ms? Cute!

Cute kitty. How do people just leave their animals? I could never volunteer at a shelter because the shelter would be empty and my house would be full!

Bad thunderstorms today. Expecting really bad storms on Friday. It is so hot and humid. I hate it. Heat is one thing but the humidity is another.

This night owl signing off!

Be Blessed and Be a Blessing,
Sister 1922

God first, everything else after!

When Satan's knocking at your door, just say "Jesus will you get that for me?"

When it gets to hard to stand, Kneel!

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True Blue Farmgirl

2914 Posts


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Posted - Jul 02 2014 :  8:27:07 PM  Show Profile
GG--you make me wish I was in Texas! The chicken sounds succulent and I can just taste the blueberries and cream...
Patty--your M&M stones look good enough to eat. I can't stay in my PJ's all day but I've been wearing my yoga clothes all day. I have to go to physical therapy so it just makes sense to wear them. My knee is better, but it still feels like it might lock up/give out at any time.
Holly--I was dreaming about New England this morning, even though I've never been there. I saw Thoreau, Emerson, and I dreamed of all these Morgan horses...but in my dream it was nice and cool, I guess cause the A/C was blowing on me.
Marie--Kitty Kat is handsome. Glad that you're taking care of him.
Speaking of mothers--my mom needs a break from looking after my dad but she won't give herself one. I hope with my brother and his family here she'll get a break. My nephews are both fourteen and can do a lot of work around the yard. I've told my mom about a support group for caregivers of loved ones with dementia/Alzheimer's but she makes excuses as to why she can't go. My parents just had their car worked on and I had to drive it to their house from the shop--it was almost out of gas and was still making that funny noise. I think they should get their money back. That car was at the shop for three days. And it had gas in it when my brother drove it to the shop. I hope the mood will be happier for the holiday. My mom always seems happier when the grandkids are there. Those boys are both taller than me. I think my parents should downsize but they have so much stuff. There are seven lawn mowers--some in parts--in the shed as well as two ancient bikes, plus an old gas grill and a basement full of brother said he'd trim some of the lower branches off the trees. the branches are almost touching the ground, making it hard to mow. Which my dad tries to do, but quickly gets tired, and says he can't afford to pay someone to mow for him. He easily can, he thinks he's mowed the yard several times this year but he's really mowed small sections of it. Yes, seniors can be stubborn. But I'm glad both my parents are still here. I'd just feel better if I knew they were in a place where they can get help if needed.
I try to help them but I have a hard time just taking care of myself.

"Vast floods can't quench love, no matter what love did/ Rivers can't drown love, no matter where love's hid"--Sinead O'Connor
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

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The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Jul 03 2014 :  04:17:42 AM  Show Profile
Hi everyone! My goodness I missed a lot. So glad to catch up.

Cindy, I hope your knee gets better. A joint injury takes SO long to heal and it seems that the slightest tweak sets you right back where you started! Take it easy and keep up that PT!

Holly, I sure hope your land line issues straighten out soon. Bet you aren't the only one feels out of touch without its reliability. Raising enough tomatoes to make sauce would be the easy part. Making the sauce is the pain in the rear part!

Patty, you got such a high gloss on your sis's m and m's. They look fantastic. Sorry that you messed up that one hand. It is frustrating to wait for things to completely set up.

Bunny, same issues with teachers, huh. And mom! You seem ready for that CA change. I am hoping you get the news you are hoping for about the job really soon

Marie, what a sweet kitty. How does Mitzi like her? We had record heat here while you enjoyed that coolness. I know it will flip flop soon.

GG, you and Jan will be meeting up in your Caravan Cruisers before we know it! Wouldn't that be fun? So onward to another sales lot? I don't understand a salesperson not being more attentive in this economy. I hope you and B find a great rig that makes you want to do more than kick the tires. I think it is a marvelous way to spend that money. Perfection. Have you considered Meals on Wheels for your mom? The cost is nominal and you get the added assurance that five days a week someone has had their eyes on her. They bring a hot meal and one they put for the client to heat later. They also provide pet food so the seniors aren't tempted to share their meals with their pets. It is kind of a sneaky way to get some help in...

Clark County absolutely forbids Park size homes as a temporary hardship dwelling. On to other ideas for MIL. And Bunny, you are right about those lofts. We weren't even going to consider having one!

I ran into the same problem trying to email Thelma. That's why I resorted to snail mail!

My garden has really taken off. I also put in the three new lavendar plants. They do great here. We have hydrangeas. I have never had these plants before and I am ecstatic to look out and see their beautiful blooms. This weekend we went to a recycled arts fair. It was well attended. Very crowded. We took the chihuahua because it was a dog friendly event. She seemed to have a ball.She has become so much more social having gone through having so many people in and out of the house throughout the selling process. the items at the fair were pretty cool. A lot of repeats. So much garden art - metal. Pretty stuff, but some of it was tragic in how overpriced it was.

I hope everyone has plans for a wonderful Fourth.
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
2305 Posts

Posted - Jul 03 2014 :  4:15:13 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

We do not cut and bale our own hay. A former dairy farmer here in town still puts up hay. He delivers it in the kicker wagon. It is very convenient for us. I am so glad each time that we are not loading pick up trucks in the field, driving it home and stacking it in the barn.

Here we have two or more kinds of care that Home health offers. One kind is paid by the medicaid or medicare people. It is more health related and I think more limited in scope. We had private pay home care aides and personal care attendants. We quickly moved from a few hours a day to full time and then overnight as well. The aides enabled her to live out her life at home. We liked them and most of them were very responsible. We had two that were not a good fit. ONe of them was fired from the agency for lying and leaving her alone to wander down the road by herself.

Cindy do you think your mom is afraid to admit that caring for your dad is too much. She probably made the wedding vows and believes if she asks for help she is letting your dad down. Does you think that she has a bit of hope that if she does everything right he will get better or not get worse as fast. Do you think she is afraid to go to a support group because she will find out that her hope is not based in reality. She is a brave woman and I would not want to be in her shoes. I hope your brother steps up and does with out having to be asked while he is visiting.

What color are the hydrangeas? There is something to put in the soil that will make the blossoms blue and pink.

I am trying to soak some herbs in oil so I can make some salves. Today I picked rosa rugosa blossoms and comfrey. I think if I can combine the oils it will make a nice smelling salve for sores. A science experiment that probably somebody else knows a lot more about.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

2259 Posts

Posted - Jul 03 2014 :  6:06:02 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone. Any plans for tomorrow? We haven't made any. B likes to go to the country house but I am so tired of driving. He does the typical husband thing and lets me decide. Tonight he did suggest we go out to happy hour. We just got back and it's looking like rain. So we cancelled the movie we had planned to see.

Mar, your suggestion of meals on wheels is a good one. I need to look into that. Also the other suggestions are good, I know mom wants to stay in her own home as long as she can, so we need to utilize the programs that will allow that. Would be so much easier for her and me both. The neighbors are looking out for her with yard care and repairs and taking food to her. But then she forgets to eat it.

I bought myself a present today. A babylock quilter. For all those quilt tops I could not quilt on my machine and didn't want to send out to be quilted. I just meant to take a look at it, but they were having a 4th of July sale and then he knocked more off the price because I said I was thinking of getting it for my birthday. It was so much fun to use and so much cheaper than the long arm machines. I'm actually pretty thrilled about it. Now I can't wait for B to get my room set up. It is the old garage, so it is the size of a two car garage. Finally at long last a real studio after so many failed attempts.

Holly, I am interested in how the herbal salves turn out. That sounds like it will be a nice fragrance and I know comfrey is supposed to be so healing.

Cindy, my mom did what your mom is doing. She took care of my father 24/7 during the last four years of his life and then she did the same for her own mother, even though there were other family members who could have pitched in. I hope your mom gets some help, or I should say, accepts some help. That is a real tough job.

Mar, I cannot grow hydrangea here. I think my soil is too alkaline. I think it is Epsom salts that turns them either pink or blue, isn't it? My grandmother grew them long ago. We grow lots of lavender in the hill country and it seems to like the rocky alkaline soil, which is much like the Mediterranean soil. But I know there are many varieties now. I tried it unsuccessfully in Florida.

Patty you always amazed me with all your DIY projects and I really like hearing about them. You are a wealth of knowledge about so many things, you fearless girl!

Darlene, I need to learn more about the square foot gardening. There used to be a TV show about it. I'm all for anything that keeps the dreadful weeds out. Do you do companion planting? Seems like that went along with it. I will never use chemicals again. My son told me for any place I knew I'd never want anything to grow to use salt. I did that by the gates and along the fence in a couple of places, and that sure works. But it is forever, I think.

Edited by - doll58maker on Jul 12 2014 3:20:14 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

2428 Posts

Gladstone Mi.
2428 Posts

Posted - Jul 03 2014 :  6:33:29 PM  Show Profile
This will be another short post tonight. I am so tired. I worked hard today, washed sleeping bags and hung them outdoors, put up lights and decorations outside, went shopping, got more potted flowers that were on sale, made potato salad, jello cake, Swedish meatballs, divided a 5# box of hot dogs for the freezer, divided 4# brats for the freezer, made hamburger patties and froze them, did dishes, a load of laundry, cut up fruit for tomorrow, crocheted 4 hats. I think I covered it all. Is it bed time yet?
Last night we were sitting here watching the news and all of a sudden, there was a big bang, like an explosion that hit the back side of the house. We thought the next door neighbors blew up their grill. We went running out, and found a huge dead branch that fell out of the tree next door and hit our house. It did not do any damage, but sure did scare us. There were 3 big branches that broke off. The one by the house was about 4 feet long by 4 inches in diameter.
We are staying home tomorrow, son is coming over. I am grilling steaks on the grill. We are only 2 blocks from the park, so we can see the fireworks right from the house here. I am hoping it is not too windy to have a fire in the fire pit. I have a bag of marshmallows to roast!!!!
It was a perfect day today, got up to 71 degrees with low humidity. It was cold this morning though, 39 degrees!!!! Supposed to be cold again tonight, but it make it very comfortable for sleeping.
Hope you all have a great 4th. Have a wonderful evening,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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