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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Jul 07 2014 :  7:09:19 PM  Show Profile
I also googled making rose beads. Lots of websites tell you how.


Farmgirl number 3738
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True Blue Farmgirl

2428 Posts

Gladstone Mi.
2428 Posts

Posted - Jul 08 2014 :  6:05:32 PM  Show Profile
Hi ladies, It was 82 degrees yesterday, and today 57. It is so hard on the old body when the weather changes so drastically like that. We had 3 1/2 inches of rain Sunday, then got another 1/2 inch last night, looks like more rain now. It seems that every other day is like a fall day. Crazy.
Patty, I have tried all kinds of things to set the color in printed fabric, did a lot of experimenting, but could not find anything to set it. Most of the time now I use iron on transfer paper and print and iron it onto the fabric.
I just got off the phone talking with a very good friend of mine that lives in Indiana, been there for the last 22 years. We will be stopping in to see her on the way to Florida in October. She is going to look for craft shows in the area that I may be able to get into to sell my knit wear. I need to do some research and find places to sell on the way down there.
We were planning on going camping next weekend, but when I went to make reservations, they are booked up until the end of August. We may take a ride to another campground and check it out. If we like it, then we will make reservations there. Tomorrow we have an appointment to get new tires put on the motorhome. The ones on there are weather checked and we do not want to take any chances going down the road. We will be checking out all the bells and whistles so we know what is what. I am not used to luxury camping (glamping) with something this nice. I will still have a fire to cook on though!!!
Have a great evening,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

2259 Posts

Posted - Jul 08 2014 :  9:22:29 PM  Show Profile
Hello everyone,
We are back in town after two days in the country. The tax man lowered my appraisal on both buildings, only a little on one and a lot on the other. So my total bill will be about one thousand less. So I'm happy.

B got the bird bath running and filled with water so the birds were really giving us a show. Lots of hummingbirds this year, too, as well as butterflies. He did not want to leave. We are moving in one week. He is happy. He's a "putterer". He loves to just putter around fixing little things. So much patience where I have none.

Bunny, I feel so bad for you. I sure hope this will be the year for everything to come together for you. You know the mountains in North Carolina are beautiful, too.

It's so late and I am so tired. I'll catch up tomorrow.

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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Jul 09 2014 :  07:08:51 AM  Show Profile
I have my interview for the job at the college on Thursday at noon. Afterwards I have to do a little test on Microsoft Excel. I hate tests! Hopefully it won't be something really hard. I still have to pull out the book for some stuff. But at least I have an interview. Fingers crossed!
My son is being a good sport about staying in North Carolina. He is such a sweetheart. I think he is just looking forward to having things a little more relaxed. He has been under big thumbs of drill instructors and sargents since January. Time for him to get to work.

I'm working at the school today. Hoping for a pain free day!


Farmgirl number 3738
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Jul 09 2014 :  5:26:31 PM  Show Profile
I'll be thinking of you tomorrow at noon, Bunny. Or is it next Thursday?

Jan, I guess you are used to the ups and downs of your weather by now. I know you are looking forward to getting away from it soon!

G, you'll survive the country. Glad you got some relief on your tax bill. B would be having a great time here with dh. Lots of projects!

We had another plumber out for an estimate today. The appointment was for 8am, which I had messed up in my mind with the one on Friday, which is 2pm. Quite a difference! Especially when the plumber shows up before 7:30 for an 8 am appointment. Thank goodness for dh. He handled it and I stayed and finished my coffee.

I made it up to him by driving him in to return the movies and get a blizzard. He is easy to please!

I am so enjoying my beautiful roses. The hydrangeas are beyond anything I would have imagined. It is so nice to look outside and see the blooms. i really like it here. Sigh.

I got my haircut yesterday. Another hurdle of moving ... finding a new hair stylist. I am very happy. It was more expensive than the Spokane area, but the stylist offers a three-week-"freshen" at no charge. My hair grows SO fast and I have SO much of it that I usually have to get my hair cut in the summer every four weeks. So, in the long run a three week free mini-cut will save me a bunch because I will make six weeks on a haircut. Like I have never been able to before!

I am so happy to be able to request books from the library and not have to wait for months for them. That is such a treat. Dh is very happy with the magazine selection. We have always gotten our tax dollars' worth out of our local library!

I am gonna take a peek at those google videos about rose petal is just too tempting!
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jul 09 2014 :  6:03:10 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

I had looked at the rose petal bead websites. They do not seem too hard to make. I am soaking rose petals in extra virgin Olive oil to make rose oil as well. I thought I could use the rose oil to scent other oils to make a nice smelling salve. I am new to this so it is all experimental.

I planted a couple of more beds in the garden today and did some weeding. It was pleasant.

I went to look at the blueberry bushes today to see if we are going to have any kind of a crop this year. The wild berries seem to be full of green berries and the cultivated ones are iffey but those berries are four times as big. Last year the season was spectacular.

I am glad everyone is doing well and healing.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

2428 Posts

Gladstone Mi.
2428 Posts

Posted - Jul 09 2014 :  6:28:07 PM  Show Profile
Mar, that is great that you a very content where you are now. How are the neighbors? We have someone new just moving in across the street from us. Have not met them yet, they just started moving in last night.
Bunny, sending good vibes for your interview tomorrow. Hope you get the job.
GG, Wish I lived closer to help you move. By the way, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! I cannot send you a card since I do not know your last name, or have your address.
Holly, Sounds like you will be getting a lot out of your gardens this year. That is a good thing.
We got new tires on the motorhome today. Next week we will take it in for a tune up and oil change, then we will be ready to hit the road in the fall. Tomorrow we are going go look at campgrounds about 75 miles from here and see if we can get a site for next weekend. If we do, we will go for 5 days. Should be fun. The campground we wanted to go to is booked up until the end of August.
Have a great evening,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

2259 Posts

Posted - Jul 09 2014 :  8:03:54 PM  Show Profile
Hello everybody

Bunny, try not to stress over the job interview. I know that is easier said than done. Go in with confidence as though you already have the job. Watch your body language. I talked with B about his body language when he went in for the immigration interview and he exuded confidence. It worked beautifully. Normally if he feels nervous or intimidated he slumps forward and drops his head. But he went in, pulled his chair forward ever so slightly, smiled and looked the officer right in the eye and sat with his arms open and relaxed with no fiddling his fingers, (a dead giveaway to me when he is feeling uncomfortable).

I looked up the rose beads too. Was sure surprised about how you make them. So interesting.

Mar I am so happy that you love your new home. You went through a lot to get it and I'm so happy that it worked out right for you.

Thanks for the happy birthday wishes. It was a good day. B had beautiful roses delivered to the apartment for me in a beautiful vase. He took me out to dinner at my favorite restaurant and my mom actually called me. I realize that she is appreciating my older brother and me a lot more now that she has lost a child. My son and grandson sent me a video clip of them singing happy birthday and my daughter said she would come on Saturday and spend time with me. B's sister sent me an ecard and she and one of her daughters wished me a happy birthday on Facebook. No one could possibly ask for more. The waitress offered to take a pic of us at dinner so if it will upload, I'll post it


Edited by - doll58maker on Jul 09 2014 8:11:48 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

2259 Posts

Posted - Jul 09 2014 :  8:12:53 PM  Show Profile


Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 15 2019 4:59:47 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Jul 09 2014 :  8:43:03 PM  Show Profile
Mar, so nice to read about your loving your new home. No neighbor emergencies and closer to DD. Sounds like you are settling in well. I too love hydrangeas. I use to dry them and use them in dry flower arrangements.

GG, so sorry I missed your birthday. I'm just terrible about birthdays. I think when my family stopped celebrating mine, I just stopped celebrating anyone's.

Jan, 5 days on a nice RV outing! Sounds great! I hope you find a wonderful place for your maiden trip.

I am nervous about my interview. Not only that, but it is at noon. So I'm bringing everyone on the committee Snickers Bars. I do believe they will remember me fondly when they discuss who to hire.
I got another email from Altered Couture today. They accepted one of my submissions I just sent for the Winter issue. Funny thing was, it was the plain black and grey sweater dress. I was wondering if it would be chosen because it was so simple.. but of course that is the one they picked. I still don't have my red jacket back yet. So now they have three items that may possibly be used in issues after November. If I don't hear about the red jacket by say the beginning of October, I will know it is coming back. I may not see the camo outfits for another year. I sure hope they pick one or both of them. I thought my one with the velvet skirting was really nice.

Nite everyone!


Farmgirl number 3738
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

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Posted - Jul 09 2014 :  9:10:39 PM  Show Profile
Bunny, I can not keep up with the birthdays and I don't expect anyone else to. I missed yours. We all have kids and family and lots of things to keep up with, so happy birthday wishes on this forum are more than enough. We all know we care about each other every day of the year. That is what matters.

Jan, I can't wait for you to hit the road for real, because I know you will have lots of experiences to share with us. We all have fond memories of going to Hawaii with Darlys. That was big fun, wasn't it?


Edited by - doll58maker on Jul 09 2014 9:13:57 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

520 Posts

Columbus Oh
520 Posts

Posted - Jul 10 2014 :  03:03:04 AM  Show Profile
Good Morning. Short and sweet this AM. Heading to Illinois for a couple of days. Will be visiting Soulard's Market tomorrow morning. I am pretty excited about that. It has been awhile since seeing some of the vendors. My nephew was here visiting yesterday from Illinois and told me that he will be home this weekend and that he would help me load up some items from the house. Hopefully if I can get this load, then we will only have 1 remaining load and can get it when we go out to close on the house. I will visit with family and friends and head home sometime on Sat.
Yesterday I worked on building a fly trap. It is pretty large. About 2 foot tall and 18" wide. It is a box with screen wire on all 4 sides and the top. The bottom has a cone shaped wire with a hole in the center. It sits off the ground 2" on 2x4 corners. I baited it with dog poop in a old rusty bowl underneath. Within 2 min. I had several flies already trapped. Within the hour, I had hundreds. It works amazingly. I am anxious to see how many I have in a few days. Hopefully it will cut flies down in the chicken yard. :)

We found a stray cat with kittens hidden in the chicken yard a couple of days ago. We rounded up 3 kittens yesterday and took them from the mother. Jake took them home with him. DH had to clean matted eyes up on 2 of them. One poor kitten could not even get her eyes open and was stumbling around there. One appeared to have a sticker or thorn stuck above one eye. I think there is 1 or 2 kittens left. But they ran back under some pallets, and we were unable to get them. You kinda hate to take them from momma, but they appear old enough to wean and we don't want more strays out there having babies. Hopefully we got them before they could become too wild like their momma and we can find homes for them.

Well, off I go to shower and to start my road trip. Probably will not be back on here for several days. Take care.

Patty #1840

A rind is a terrible thing to waste. Compost.

When they had all had enough to eat, he said to his disciples, “Gather the pieces that are left over. Let nothing be wasted.”
-Jesus in John 6:12 NIV Bible
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
3966 Posts

Posted - Jul 10 2014 :  07:18:03 AM  Show Profile

I have a cat on my lap who is distracting me. Oh good! Now it is on the desk covering the screen. He's such a sweetie. I almost hope that his owner won't get her sh*t together and we can keep him. I called her yesterday and she didn't remember who I was even after I told her I was taking care of her cat. Some people's kids!!!

I have many green beans. I have enough lettuce to make a green salad every night. The zucchini are multiplying exponentially and peppers and tomatoes will be abundant. I am so proud of my garden.

Patty - I like the fly catcher. You just going to let the flies die in the cage now? Those are good looking kittens of decidedly mixed parentage. If you get them early enough, they should be fine. The ones who ran away probably have the stronger personalities and will probably never be domesticated. Love the picture of you from 1979. I remember having hair like that.

Gypsy - I don't keep track of birthdays either except for my sister's (Audra Rose). Her birthday was on the 6th of this month and I have a present for her. I believe that B is at his best when he can find things to do and take his time doing them correctly. I believe he missed his calling as a handyman. You two make such an attractive couple. Please! Please introduce me to his brother! Lowell really likes the picture of you and B. He doesn't believe that you are in your 70's (?).

Bunny - Ooooooowwwww! Bribery! I like your style! I agree with Gypsy -- go in with confidence. I've taken those tests before. If you know your stuff, you will be fine. I like the black and grey sweater dress because it is simple and elegant. Some of the fashions in Altered Couture are just too fussy. They need to be edited.

Marianne - Glad you like your new place. Glad you have a husband who can pitch in when necessary. Does he have a brother? Lowell leaves everything to me and has trained himself to be dependent. The horses look pretty happy too.

Mitzi and I have been eating green beans right out of the garden. Lowell and I gather chard and steam it up for dinner. I have a darker tan than I have had for years from tending the garden. The weather has not been oppressive and the ground is nice and soft from the rains. I have been gathering recipes which include zucchini to prepare for the bounty.

By the end of the month there will be 4 empty units in this building. That's a lot for a building this size. I love living here. Many buildings in this area do not have a backyard and/or allow gardening. Except for the lack of maintenance, this is an excellent place to live.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Jul 10 2014 :  4:25:11 PM  Show Profile
Well the interview is over. I got about 4 hours sleep last night!
I think I did really well in the interview. I think they were only interviewing me and two other people. I think the other two were other college employees. That could be either good or bad. The budgets are really tight and the general feeling is if they hire from within, the empty position might not get refilled. The test wasn't bad. But with all the stress and no sleep, I don't know if I caught all the corrections. I had to add three names and info to a spreadsheet. I had to format the date correctly and center my entries. I know I won't have to wait too long to find out. They want to fill the position quickly. The person that had it before retired so all the work is piling up.

I got home a while ago and had to take a nap. I need to get use to getting up early again.

Marie, your garden sounds wonderful. I'm sorry Lowell is so needy but the grass isn't always greener you know!


Farmgirl number 3738
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jul 10 2014 :  5:45:12 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Marie I am so glad that your garden is being so productive. I am waiting for my green beans to blossom. I picked plantain from the yard today and we put it into the stir fry. It was just a green and made the dish pretty. I am sure it has good for you vitamins.

Gypsy good for you grieving your taxes and being successful. C is on that committee in our town. Better her than me. While the B is pottering you can be crafting. Just make lists then when you think you have nothing to do and are bored look at the list. You and the B sure are a handsome couple.

Jan camping for 5 days sounds wonderful. I hope the weather is clear and warm during the days.

Patty your fly trap is amazing. and the bait too good. I will talk to the boys about stealing your idea. I bet the chickens would like the dead flies. I catch the japanese beetles from the roses in a jar of vegetable oil and then feed them to the chickens. They act like it is a gourmet treat. Good luck in Illinois. Here there is a clinic that spays and neuters cats and does wild ones as well $25 for the females and $18 for the males. There is some sort of grant program they participate in to make the cost so low.. People live trap the cats and have them snipped and given their shots and then release them if they are too wild to pet. Some of the cats come from apartment complexes where the owners have moved and abandoned their pets.

Mar I am glad you are happy in your new home. A big weight off your shoulders. I am glad the chocolate man is easy to please. Is he taking time off from his consulting work?

Bunny I am glad the interview is over. I am no good at presenting myself. I bet you did a great job at showing your skills. Did they ask about your long term plans? congratulations on having another dress selected for the magazine.

Now where are Darlene, Cindy, and Mel. I know I am missing someone.

C has found a thank you on Front Porch Forum from a farmer in the next town over whose sheep wandered away and it took them 18 hours to find them and return them home. Makes our pig escapade look like a walk in the park.

I interviewed a therapist for dsG today. She is young but did not seem to be intimidated. She wrote the whole time but I think I may have talked too fast at times. I hope she works out well. It is hard to find a therapist for a child around here.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

2259 Posts

Posted - Jul 10 2014 :  7:16:36 PM  Show Profile
Patty, I wish I could have the calico kitten. I had one once a long time ago but that DH poisoned her. Accidentally he said. I could not imagine how it could have been an accident. It took me so long to wise up to him that now I have to work against being overly suspicious.

That fly trap is genius--I'm going to try to remember that one.

Yes Marie, yesterday was birthday 71 for me and in sept the B will be 70. The lights were dim and flattering in that photo. He is healthier than I am but I have a better skin care program :)))). We both exercise, take vitamins, and eat very healthy. Martha and Jane are older than I am, you know. And what's Lowell doing peeking in here, anyway. Doesn't he know this is The Women's Room! d

Holly, what a wonderful mom you are to take such good care of those children. I hope the therapist works out. providing a safe loving environment will go a long way towards healing. That and time for the bad memories to fade and be replaced with good ones. Hopefully as they all grow older they will learn that the people who failed to love and protect them were fighting their own demons and they will learn to forgive them and learn to love themselves.

Hey, Bunny--hope you are breathing a sigh of relief that however the interview turns out is how it is supposed to turn out. We just do our best every day and keep on keeping on. When are you going to post a pic of your dress, in fact, all your latest creations.

Mar, I hope you get Mil's living situation resolved soon. I know that will be a huge relief for you and chocolate man, too. I was hoping you would have at least one neighbor goofy enough to tell us stories about but not enough to drive you crazy or at least not have a son. Just kidding:)).


Edited by - doll58maker on Jul 12 2014 3:27:23 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jul 10 2014 :  7:36:52 PM  Show Profile
Forgot to say I went to a sewing class today. I've been sewing for over 50 years but they keep coming up with clever new techniques. Some of the class was teaching us to use all the fancy tools and gadgets they like to sell. Today was about sewing the yoke, collars and cuffs on a shirt. Much simpler than the way I've always done it. Because I bought the quilting machine from them, I'm entitled to a year of free sewing classes. The next one will actually be on quilting a quilt. They have one or two classes a month.

This is our last week in the apartment. I will probably drive in a few times a month to do the things I like to do.
Good night everyone.

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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Jul 11 2014 :  12:56:15 PM  Show Profile
I am less stressed today than yesterday. I still have to wait to hear if I get the job. I figure they have to do a background check and whatever else before they can decide for sure if they want me. That is IF they decided on me. I hope I'll hear something on Monday. Trying to stay busy today so I don't think about it.

GG Sorry you are back in the country. But it will only be until the two of you feel it is ready to sell. I think B will enjoy the process as it will keep him busy doing something productive and worthwhile. You too do look very happy and are a hansom couple. So happy for you!
I don't have much in the way of new dresses sewn up. I hope to do some sewing this weekend. If I get this job, it will be the last sewing I do probably until the end of August. Weekends will be for homework. At least it is not forever.

Patty, eweeeewww on the fly trap. But I can see where it does work. The kittens are so sweet! Good think I don't live in my own home. I would be a mega crazy cat lady.

BTW, Marie, I hate green beans.I know it's almost unAmerican! You guys are doing good in my book. Beets, lima beans and green beans. No Way! My mom lives on canned beets. It makes me sick just to look at them.

More homework is calling... later everyone.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Not all who wander are lost.../
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True Blue Farmgirl

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2914 Posts

Posted - Jul 11 2014 :  4:27:43 PM  Show Profile
Today was special. I met Patty (the Byrdhaus) and her SIL and we went to Soulard Market in St. Louis. It's the first time I've met another farmgirl in person. They got some good buys on some cases of produce and I brought a bag and filled it up with eggplant, cabbage, zucchini, eggs, a bone for Jaxon--by the time I got out of there it must have weighed about twenty pounds. But I'll use all of it. The weather has been ideal--not too hot, not too humid--strange weather for July. Usually we're melting at this point. Coming back from St. Louis we saw a car flipped over on its top. Can't figure out how it ended up that way but no one appeared to be hurt. I finished up my physical therapy and am scheduled to go back to work Monday. I feel ready. And I need the paychecks.
Bunny--just remember to breathe. Everything will work out for the best.
GG--that's a nice photo. You both seem happy. I'm glad you had a happy birthday.
Jan--bet you can't wait to go glamping in your new RV. I've been looking at teardrop trailers on-line and there is a dealer in a town about thirty miles from here. I can't afford one right now but I can dream...
Marie--I've been getting some green beans from my garden, I have almost enough now to make a garden is small. But I like it:)
Holly--have you ever read "The Good, Good Pig"?It's about a couple's pet pig and his many adventures. Sometimes he would go a-wandering but all the neighbors knew he was a pet and they'd feed him. My favorite literary pig is Wilbur from Charlotte's Web. I admit to eating bacon but I always feel slightly guilty when I eat it. I saw rabbit and ox-tails at the farmer's market today and I almost thought to buy some rabbit but I just couldn't. Though if I was hunting and shot a rabbit, I could eat it. I guess I'm just weird about meat.
I have two more days of freedom before I return to work. It's amazing how much my stress level has gone down since I've been off. I hope I can maintain this feeling.

"Vast floods can't quench love, no matter what love did/ Rivers can't drown love, no matter where love's hid"--Sinead O'Connor
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jul 11 2014 :  6:44:00 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

A lovely day here in the Green Mountains. Temperatures were in the high seventies and the humidity was low. The sky was a bright blue with occasional puffy white clouds.

I am working on digging a hole big enough for the first footing for the posts for my new greenhouse. I should have worn shorts so I stopped a little early because I could not deal with being soaked in sweat. Two of the littles caught frogs in the trench of the green house and ran them down to the pond to let them go. I guess when I go back up to dig some more they will have to take a bucket to catch the pollywogs to release them in the pond. The water in the trench is evaporating so their living rooms is becoming very crowded.

There is a series of children's books about a pig named Maizy. She has all sorts of adventures and the pictures are bright and cheery. It is a beginning to read book.

I hope the boys bad memories fade as well. I hope they learn coping skills that allow them to make good decisions. They are getting better everyday.

GG I remember you were looking for an RV. My brother has been drooling over one in Texas that is 35 feet, less than 8000 miles and is a 1999. It is on Ebay. I am not sure how he is going to finagle this deal for himself.

Where has Judith gone? I am in the post card swap and she was very prompt in sending out hers and when I was going over the cards I have received there was hers and it jogged my mind that we have not heard from her in a while. I hope you are well Judith.

Cindy, I for one and jealous that you have met Patty. I bet you had a great time. she is one smart women when it comes to food deals and creative problem solving. I am glad you are feeling better. Enjoy your last few free days.

Bunny, I have had as many as 14 cats at a time. Unfortunately, we allow them to be indoor outdoor cats and they get eaten by the wild things if they are not alert all the time. I had a beautiful tri color once named Sundae.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jul 11 2014 :  7:13:00 PM  Show Profile
Cindy, I'm glad you had the time off to rest and heal both physically and mentally. It's good that you feel ready to go back now.

I am so delighted that Patty is back with us. Sounds like you gals had a fun and productive time. I'm weird about meat, too. B loves lamb, but I hate to think about what I'm eating when we have it. Also it is quite expensive. I do well with fish. And turkeys. I don't have much sympathy for them.

Bunny, beets?? Canned beets? YUK!

Holly, I only want a camper van, not a big thing to haul down the road. We have this 31 ft travel trailer that is pretty nice but we don't want to travel in it. The camper vans are really nice and I could drive it myself. Roadtreck is what I want. They are really too costly to be practical unless we could find a good used one but they are in such demand even the old ones cost too much.

I hope Janet and hubby are having a nice time with good weather.

We are about to watch War Horse from Netflix. Good night everyone.

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gladstone Mi.
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Posted - Jul 11 2014 :  8:04:34 PM  Show Profile
GG, we did not leave yet. We plan on going the 19th-23rd. We took a ride yesterday and looked at a couple of campgrounds, but I was not too impressed with either one, so we will not be going there. I worked today, and will again tomorrow, as my son has an auction to go to. Great picture of you and the B.
Cindy, Glad you are healing well and able to go back to work. I know it must have felt good to have time off from a stressful job. How wonderful that you and Patty got to meet each other and had a good time. I met a farmgirl a couple of years ago, she was having a yard sale and I had her address, so I talked hubby into going 55 miles to meet her. She was not real friendly, but was polite.
Bunny, Still rooting for you to get the job. I love beets, but they need to be cooked and warm. Pickled beets are okay, but not as good.
Holly, You work too hard. I love reading of all your adventures though.
Marie, I am glad your garden is doing well and you are eating from it now. I love green beans right from the garden, also love them cooked. I can eat peas right from the pod. So good.
Patty, that is a great trap that you made. You are so handy at making things with what you have around the house.
Have a great evening,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jul 11 2014 :  9:02:00 PM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 15 2019 5:05:13 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jul 11 2014 :  9:07:55 PM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 15 2019 5:17:43 PM
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
2305 Posts

Posted - Jul 12 2014 :  5:24:50 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

I have been envious of those mowers that turn around with out much space. If I were going to mow my lawn that is what I would like. But, why do I want to mow my lawn when the cows do a pretty good job of it.

Today I worked on the footings for the green house. I finished the one corner I started yesterday and started another today. DsR was too hot and the bugs were biting him so we went back to the house earlier than I wanted. I will work for a little while again tomorrow. Slowly and surely it will make progress.

I cut some burdock stems today. We were going to have them for supper but I could not peel them down far enough. I am supposed to take the top 1/4 to 1/3 of the stalk, take off all of the branches and then peel the stalk until I get to the white core. it is supposed to be like cardoons. Which is some European vegetable that is covered as it grows to keep it white. I ran out of patience. Maybe I will try another day.

Jan your son had better be counting his lucky stars to have you working for him. He is surely going to have to make some life alterring decisions when you move.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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