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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

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Posted - Jun 07 2014 :  6:21:05 PM  Show Profile
Jan it sounds like you are getting your RV fixed up so nice and comfy! We are at my daughter's working on the travel trailer. B says there are obvious places where the water could be getting in and it's not rocket science to figure it out.

Holly I am glad at least your brother is in good spirits even if he isn't considerate of your need to get some sleep because you don't lie about all day like he does. I'm glad he is doing better.

Marie it sounds like L is very ADD which is the conclusion I have come to about B. My daughter who has a masters degree in special ed says I can forget about ever being any where on time. He has no concept of time. It isn't his fault. But it sure is aggravating.

So once again this weekend I'm using just the iPhone. Never did get to the store to replace ve chattery and it won't hold a charge.


Edited by - doll58maker on Jun 07 2014 6:22:22 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Jun 07 2014 :  6:46:58 PM  Show Profile
Holly, what is bolting?

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Jun 07 2014 :  9:39:54 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone.
Jan, I follow many tiny living blogs and downsizing is a popular subject. Get rid of stuff and then get rid of more stuff. It is hard to do. Keep it up.

Holly, just reading your posts make me hurt. I hope DD is practicing her massage knowledge on you.

Marie, I'm starting to wonder if Lowell's personality is making it harder to get his band together.

Gypsy, are you going to sell the trailer? Being late makes me crazy.

I have all my finals done except for a math test next week. I'll be studying the next two days. I did get to sew today. I'm working on a few items for the magazine. I made a sweater dress upcycle and almost have a jacket made from an old quilt done. I just have some appliqué and a lining to do. Then I have another item I'm thinking of made from a camo t-shirt and a brown velvet skirt. (I have a vision). I'm going to practice on one shirt and make sure it works.

Hope everyone has a nice weekend.


Farmgirl number 3738
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Jun 08 2014 :  12:08:07 PM  Show Profile
Hi everyone.

Best news first. The horses are home! Dh and I have been working every day and dd came out on Wednesday last week to help. Yesterday dd and boyfriend were here from early morning and the four of us got the rest of the the electric tape strung and lit it all up. This morning there were no places it was shorting out, but dh has already fixed them.

So, late yesterday afternoon dd and dh went to pick up the horses- only about 7 or 8 miles away - I could here the mare screaming when they pulled in. They were kind of worked up. Today, they seem pretty calm, but alert. They are getting used to the new place, new noises and checking out to see if there are other animals around. There are, but the horses can't see them.

Our new house is just outside city limits, we are about three miles from a Safeway grocery store and other strip mall stores. There is a local grocer about a mile away. We are not very rural by our standards. Most people around here have at least 5 acres. So, to us, the neighbors seem very close. It is good to not be so isolated as we are getting older.

I had a bit of a misadventure on Friday. We went to see the horses. We have been concerned that the palomino was losing too much weight. We had expected some weight loss at first due to stress, but they were settled in at this facility for six weeks, seemed very calm and then we were noticing the weight loss. Also noticed that the grain we had supplied was not fed as much as we had asked. We asked the owner if we could buy two bales of hay from him. It is a good idea to mix the hay the horses are used to with their new hay so they can get used to the new hay a bit at a time. No colic. The owner said he didn't have enough to spare two bales. This was two weeks ago. It put me on alert because frankly, two bales of hay is nothing. This guy has about 16 horses on his facility that he says he is feeding 20 pounds of hay to each of them daily. So that is three bales daily if you are feeding light because you are running out, four bales a day if you are feeding heavily. So there should have been at least 75 bales of hay hanging around that place ... not an easy amount of hay to hide in a corner of the barn that everyone has access to...

When we first put our horses at this facility in April, there was grass to graze. The grass has been exhausted. When we would visit them when they had grass to eat (until about two weeks ago) they would saunter over to us to see if we had carrots or something. The last week when we visited them, they galloped to us. And they haven't been handled daily. They were losing their manners. Crowding us... On Friday, the owner let us know that he had moved them to a new paddock that had some grazing available. I appreciated that. There wasn't a lot of grass, but horses will find what is there. When they saw us they came galloping up to us and were very pushy. They were hungry obviously. Even the mare looks light and she has such a short back that it is very difficult for her to not look fat. In my hurry to let them have the goodies (kale, lettuce and carrot cuttings from salad makings) I didn't pay enough attention. The crinkling of the plastic bag excited or scared the mare and she swung her head. She caught be completely unaware. Hit me square in the face/bridge of my nose and threw me several feet. I have never been hit that hard. I just flew back. dh said it looked like the movies when someone is shot. I almost lost consciousness, but the thought "big animal/get up" made it to my brain and I got up. I don't know how I didn't have a broken nose. dh checked (way too many times for my liking) and was also surprised. It was about half an hour before the bleeding stopped. My lips were split, but no broken teeth. Thank goodness I didn't have my tongue between my teeth. Anyway, a valuable lesson was learned. Although I recognized that the horses behavior had changed, I hadn't changed mine. Remedial training for them and more caution on my part is needed. (And more food. Who isn't less tense when they aren't hungry?)

dd was distraught over the accident. Her first question was whether the horse had been aggressive. Not at all. It just such a large animal that a swing of its huge head took me off my feet and sent me flying. It was an accident pure and simple and frankly one I should have been able to prevent. I feel a lot better today. I am most yellowish/green about the eyes and nose...

Holly, it does seem like a double edged sword that your brother's kidneys are working better. Will he just stay in the hospital until a liver becomes available? Two dry nights in a row is quite exciting. Congratulations.

Jan, how exciting to be setting up house in your motorhome. have fun!

Bunny, Carry on. What is the latest with your mom? Camo is a big trend right now! I think you better make that vision come true.

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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Jun 08 2014 :  2:08:48 PM  Show Profile
Mar, sounds like getting your babies home was just in time. Other people never take as good a care of our animals as we do. I'm glad you are alright! Nothing like being knocked on your kester by a big horse head. She was excited to see you! Hopefully they will adapt to their new home now that their family is around to care for them properly.

I have a big math text on Tuesday. There is so much to remember. I'm so afraid I won't remember all the terms and formulas. I will be glad when this class is over. Turns out with me changing my major, I didn't need it after all.
Still nothing on the job at the college. I do know that it is on the president's desk to be signed off on. Then they will post the job for two weeks. There is someone else in the same department that wants to apply. Plus, it sounds like they want to fill the job as soon as possible. I don't know how I will work 5 days a week, 9 hour days ( I would get off at noon on Fridays), and get all my homework done and.... sew. If they decide to hire the other lady, then her job will come up. Maybe that will give me time to settle in and apply for that job. Time will tell. I hate the drama of waiting to see what happens.

Nothing to report with mom. Wishy washy as usual. If boyfriend's son moves out, she is thinking about moving down there full time. Otherwise, she will stay here. I just hate that she is so lazy. Lays in bed all day reading or playing games on her tablet. No house cleaning or cooking. Drives me nuts. I think she was happier in California anyway. The son just needs to get a job and move out. He is working on it though.

Time to study... later all.


Farmgirl number 3738
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True Blue Farmgirl

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2259 Posts

Posted - Jun 08 2014 :  7:03:45 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone. Gosh, Mar, that's terrible!! I'm glad you were not hurt worse than you were. Big animals scare me. Those poor horses were not being properly cared for.

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 15 2019 4:24:20 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

2914 Posts


2914 Posts

Posted - Jun 08 2014 :  9:42:36 PM  Show Profile
I haven't been posting lately cause I was attending a writer's conference in nearby St. Louis. Have a few days ever changed the direction of your life? I'd been feeling so depressed with my dead-end, low-paying job and now I feel like I've found my purpose in life. I received a lot of positive feedback on my writing--I made new friends and had a great time. The author leading the fiction workshop said my novel had a very strong beginning and that I should stick with it. Everyone liked the imagery I used to describe the beauty of the river and the bluffs around here. (The story is fiction but it takes place in a part of the country that's like where I live). I came home after the conference and dug out some of my flash fiction (short short stories, usually less than a thousand words) and I found on-line a literary journal that has FREE submissions. I read some of their journals and now I'm going to submit one of my short stories to them. Now I have hope for the future. I've wanted to be a writer ever since I was in second grade--I'm not getting any younger so I'm going to pursue my dreams NOW. Life is too short to spend it feeling miserable.
Bunny--I'd like to see pictures of the camo/velvet when it's finished. Sounds intriguing.
Holly--my spinach has bolted too. I have been finding sugar snap pea pods on my pea vines. The beans and tomatoes are doing well, the beets seem to have finally taken off...I admire you for digging holes by hand. I'm a wimp and use my dad's post-hole digger. My brother finally got my parent's front yard mowed and I went over there today and did some weed-whacking.
Mar--it's painful to get hit in the face by a horse! I would have been a big baby and cried. I love horses but they can be dangerous--I like to look at them but I don't like to ride them. Just feel safer on the ground.
I have to go back to my regular job tomorrow but I feel a lot happier. I met so many interesting people and I spent too much money at the shops and the restaurants in the Delmar Loop area. I bought a book of poetry by Wendell Berry. He's a poet/farmer and writes beautiful poems. I hope everyone has a wonderful week coming up. I plan to.

"Vast floods can't quench love, no matter what love did/ Rivers can't drown love, no matter where love's hid"--Sinead O'Connor
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Jun 08 2014 :  10:08:11 PM  Show Profile
Cindy --- WOO HOO!!!!!!!

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Jun 09 2014 :  09:54:31 AM  Show Profile
Cindy, isn't great when you find inspiration for what you love. Everything I read about being a writer says you need to write every day. Even if it is garbage...just keep writing. There are lots of websites for new-bee writers to get feedback. I'll try to find the few I have been on and send you the links. There use to be one you could submit work to and people voted. As it goes up the levels it can eventually get in from of writing agents and editors.
Here's sending you positive thoughts for success!! Don't let anything get in the way!


Farmgirl number 3738
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Jun 09 2014 :  5:59:17 PM  Show Profile
Finding a place that feeds your needs makes going to a job a lot easier. I know a lot of people who planned on having careers and ended up with jobs. That is the way it is going for a lot of the younger generation, too. So our outlets for our talents and interests become more important when our jobs aren't what we hoped for.

So glad you found your outlet, Cindy. A few days can indeed make a difference in one's life.

Still can't wear glasses yet. The bridge of my nose is too tender. The horsies are pretty happy with the new place. They have called and located all the neighbor horses, so now everyone has quieted down.

hope everyone is well.
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True Blue Farmgirl

2428 Posts

Gladstone Mi.
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Posted - Jun 09 2014 :  6:27:24 PM  Show Profile
Cindy, so happy for you to be able to finally do what you have been wanting to do for a long time. Some day, maybe you will be published and become a best seller and more motivations to keep writing. Good for you!!!
Mar, I can just feel your pain. I do hope it heals up fast. So glad you got your horses home and they are now happy. Sounds like you are settling in quite well now. Good time for that, with nice weather to enjoy also.
It got down to 32 degrees this morning, and is supposed to again tonight. It was cool all day. Yesterday, I helped mow the lawn, then made bbq chicken on the grill. My son came over and joined us for supper. Today I did a load of laundry, and made a beef roast with potatoes, carrots and celery for supper. I was too tired to take any more pictures. I have so much stuff, I don't even know where to begin. I am hoping to have my first rummage sale maybe next weekend. We will see what the weather is supposed to be like. We need to sell our little camper so we can get the motorhome moved over. Right now, it is in the middle of our yard, so I don't have much room for a sale. We cannot put it out on the street, there is a city ordinance that no campers or RVs of any type can park on the street or boulevards. They must be in your yard away from the alley or street so there is no blocked sights to the streets.
GG, It may take B awhile to get things done, but it sounds like he is doing it the right way. How nice that he is handy to do those things for you. I hope he gets the roof sealed up well on your little trailer. It seems that once they start leaking, it is so hard to fix them up completely.
Have a great evening,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Jun 10 2014 :  11:38:08 AM  Show Profile
I'm going insane. I thought I heard my phone go chaching last night about 3:30 am. I was pretty happy to hear it and decided to wait until morning to see what was purchased. But when I checked... there was no sale. I must have dreamed it. I was so bummed. Now if my dreams could just be premonitions I would be fine! I have dreamed it before but knew it was a dream. This time it seemed so real. Maybe I need to turn my cell phone down at night so I know it is a dream.


Farmgirl number 3738
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jun 10 2014 :  1:25:45 PM  Show Profile
Good afternoon everyone,

Sunday I had no internet access. Last night I had to go get DsT just as I was sitting down to type. Tonight is Tai Chi so I am trying to post now.

I am glad you are healing... My new doctor, because my old one retired asked when I was complaining that my shoulders fell asleep at night asked if I ever remembered hurting my shoulders. I said, I live on a farm and have children, I am sure at many times or other I have hurt myself. I thought it was a silly question. Mar, I think you are in that same category of have you ever........ You will only remember getting knocked down by your face in the context of moving not in the context of having a horse who is impulsive. Live and learn.

Bolting means that the spinach is getting tall and has flowers on the top so its productive life is almost over. We can plant again.

The rain has passed us by again. The day is quite lovely and there is a nice breeze to keep the bugs away. It would be nice if we had several hours of a nice steady rain.

Good luck on the test, Bunny.

WOW Cindy it is great that you have found a supportive community to make you feel good about your writing.

Time to take up crocheting G, while the B is fixing you can be creating. It is ok for him to be anal retentive it means the same job will not need to be repeated in the near future.

A little bit at a time and you will downsize, Jan. I guess if there were treasures you did not know if you wanted to part with may be one of your offspring could store it for a year while you think.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

2428 Posts

Gladstone Mi.
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Posted - Jun 10 2014 :  3:05:33 PM  Show Profile
Today I made homemade spaghetti sauce and a nice lettuce salad for supper. It was nice today, got up to 66 degrees. 66 degrees here probably feels cool to some, but here it seems like 75. It is supposed to cool off now for the next week. It was 37 degrees this morning.
We took Olivia to the park for a walk, but she pooped out so fast, so we did not get too far. We need to walk without her to get in some mileage. I took pictures of our lake for all of you to see. The first one is the south of us, the second is east, and the third one is north. We are surrounded on 3 sides of town by water. That is why it stays cool here, unless we get a west wind, which is not very often.That is our oar dock in the background.

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gladstone Mi.
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Posted - Jun 10 2014 :  3:13:20 PM  Show Profile
This is the marina area, our lighthouse in the water, and the one on land. The one in the water is not man powered anymore, and the land one is now a museum.
The last one is our only high rise building, 18 stories, it is a low income housing unit. It is the tallest building north of Milwaukee, can you believe that?

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gladstone Mi.
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Posted - Jun 10 2014 :  3:16:32 PM  Show Profile
I am going to bore you with pictures today. LOL!!!
The lilacs are just starting to open, about 3 weeks late.
That's all folks!!!!!!
Have a great evening,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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True Blue Farmgirl

213 Posts

Chandler OK
213 Posts

Posted - Jun 10 2014 :  8:39:43 PM  Show Profile
Hello Farmgirls,
It’s been a long time since I've been on; a lot has happened since I was last able to talk to you all.

Let’s see, the transmission burned up in my car (Doc got me another), I had my little house sold out from under my feet, my son was deployed to Iraq, (I went To L.A. to stay with his wife and little girls while he was gone), the night before I was to fly out to L. A. I was rear-ended and the new car that Doc got me was totaled, I didn’t have regular access to the internet and my computer has been messing up.

Then my mother passed away yesterday morning. Holly, I really wanted to thank you for all the wonderful cards you sent her; she really looked forward to every single one. It made her day every time she received one; she saved them all.

I have missed you encouragement and fun and I don’t know how often I’ll be able to talk to you gals, but I’ll will be on as often as I can.


If there is a will, there's a way; find your way!

Sister #3282
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Jun 10 2014 :  11:50:33 PM  Show Profile
Kathryn, glad to have you back. Sounds like you have had your share of bad fortune! Hope things get better soon! Don't be a stranger. So sorry about your mom. I will send prayers your way.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Jun 11 2014 :  06:12:43 AM  Show Profile
Kathryn, I am so sorry to hear that you lost your mom. I hope my reading between the lines is correct and your son is home from Iraq. Take care of yourself through these times and please post when you can.
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True Blue Farmgirl

213 Posts

Chandler OK
213 Posts

Posted - Jun 11 2014 :  07:14:09 AM  Show Profile
Thank you both, Bunny and Marianne. Yes Marianne, he got home safe; watch him surprising his daughter at school at

I got back last week; I left L.A. the first week of May and spent the rest of the month with my friend in CO. I saved what I could while gone and first thing last Tuesday, Doc took me car hunting. I found a nice extended cab pick-up, which will serve me well at my new digs.

I have started a rto contract on a 12x32(including a 4 foot porch)cabin, which has been placed out on my daughter's 5 acre property. I'm just waiting for the electricity and plumbing to be hooked up and I will move into it. No, there will be no walls (insulation and drywall, I mean, just the studs and vapor barrier)or flooring, but I'm staying in my daughter's house and it is really cramped and plus she has fleas, of which I am allergic. She has done everything imaginable to get rid of them, but they are still there and biting.

It may be another year before I've saved up enough money to do everything I'd like to do, but It'll be nice when all is said and done.



If there is a will, there's a way; find your way!

Sister #3282
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gladstone Mi.
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Posted - Jun 11 2014 :  07:53:18 AM  Show Profile
Kathryn, so sorry you have to go through all of these trying situations. Hope things improve for you very soon. Take one day at a time, and kick it in the butt!!! Sorry for your loss of your mother also. Prayers being sent for you and your family.
I am going out for breakfast with my sister in just a couple of minutes, so I will post more later. Have a great day,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Jun 11 2014 :  09:30:24 AM  Show Profile

To get rid of fleas go to ( They have a product made from natural cedar oil which is safe and effective. It can be used around children and pets and smells nice. I used it for bed bugs. It cleared them out and they never returned.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Jun 11 2014 :  09:46:10 AM  Show Profile
Kathryn, I hope it all comes together for you. Check out craigslist for cheap or sometimes free building supplies for your cabin. Who is Doc? Boyfriend?

Well, my coaching dream the other night apparently was a premonition. I actually got a sale this morning about the same time. This is the second time something I have dreamed has come through. My son says I need to dream about wining the lottery.

School is over for two weeks. I'm not happy with my math test. I don't think I did very well. I just couldn't remember how to do some of the calculations. I'm hoping for a C in the class.

Jan, I forgot to say, your pictures are wonderful! Loved them.

I get to sew for the next 9days. Next week I have a dr appointment with the rheumatologist and Friday a colonoscopy. I'm still waiting on the job at the college to be posted. I have my résumé and cover letter all done. I downloaded the college job application and have everything done except for the title and dates. Three people at the college said I could use them as references. One of them is actually the supervisor doing the hiring. If I don't get this job, it will be because the universe has other plans.

Off to the basement!!


Farmgirl number 3738
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Not all who wander are lost.../
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Jun 11 2014 :  09:47:47 AM  Show Profile
Stupid autocorrect. It was a chaching dream not a coaching dream.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Not all who wander are lost.../
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True Blue Farmgirl

820 Posts

Shawnee Oklahoma
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Posted - Jun 11 2014 :  10:21:48 AM  Show Profile
hello gals, sorry for being gone so long. just having a hard time with my brother's death and summer has started and so i am in the hot bookrooms and barcoding books and by the time i get home i go to sleep in my chair.

holly, thank you so much for the card. you have no idea of how much that means to me.

will try to post more later.

hugs all

farmgirl #390
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