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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jun 11 2014 : 5:48:16 PM
Good evening everyone,
It finally rained this afternoon for several hours. I was hoping for a steady patter all night but now it seems to have stopped. I hope it has soaked the ground down to the seeds. The beans are up and some of the carrots. I think I saw a couple of squash and cucumbers as well.
I am glad your mom enjoyed the cards and pictures, Kathryn. I guess it was important to her that you be around when she died. So, she waited. I hope her passing was an easy one. Your little cabin sounds like it could be a good time. Who ever said check Criag's list for supplies was right. We put out that we needed a bicycle for one of the little boys and the next day had two offers in the right used condition for a little boy who jumps off as the bike is still coasting across the lawn and crashes into a rock. One step at a time for the cabin. It is nice the Doc still thinks well of you to want to keep you at his office having been gone for several months. Glad to hear from you.
Jan where you live is beautiful. I love the water. It must be like living near the ocean except for the lack of the salty smell in the air. TOO BAD it is so darn cold for so long.
Bunny, breathing through the aftermath of exams. You passed and that is what is important. 9 whole days to be creative. I hope the muse is in your basement.
Janiee hugs to you. I remember this is a very busy time of year for you.
I hope I never have to deal with bedbugs. I worry when I stay at a hotel in the city that I might bring them home. So, far so good. We used to get a spray that was good for 90 days for the fleas. It killed the little nippers as the eggs hatched. I was the one who recognized that we were infested first they loved my sweet tender flesh and blood.
Breathing yet, Marie? I think school might be out for you,
I took the little boys out to the beaver pond for a walk today. I do not know where the beavers were if they are still living out there. I tried to look for some new chewings but did not see any. The littles are big enough now that they could walk across the beaver dam without falling in. DsC walked across on of the trees they had knocked down and took off his mud boots. One fell in the water and started to float away. So, he squatted down and jumped in. I think he was surprised the water was chest deep. I was surprised he jumped in without taking off his sweatshirt. When we arrived back home he rolled in the sand pile. He came into lunch and announced he had done. I had him strip on the porch to keep the sand out.
I must have always over fed our horses when we had them. I used to give the three of them a bale in the morning and one in the night. They were 40 pound bales. I did not want them to be hungry. I never understood the correct science to their feeding and the cold. One teacher told us a horse could shiver off 20 pounds in a night if they were not warm enough. A man we bought hay from had a customer who wanted every bale to have 15 flakes of hay in it. She billed her boarders by how many flakes each horse ate. He told her to find another supplier because to create every bale with the same number of flakes required that his hay field be a very consistent density of hay or he needed to adjust the packer on his baler for when the hay growth was thicker or thinner.
Sweet dreams everyone,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Jun 11 2014 : 6:02:55 PM
Holly I'm glad you got your rain. We always have either too much or too little.
Jan I loved the pictures! Now I can understand why you would want to live there. I was picturing the North Pole.
Janiee it is always good to hear from you. Kathryn I'm so glad you checked in. So sorry for the loss of your mother. I'm on my phone so will post and finish it later.
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Jun 11 2014 : 6:07:23 PM
Mar I hope you are feeling better and the bruising is going away. Bunny congrats on the sale and keep that ESP going! Marie, we don't have fleas or bedbugs but we do have scorpions and I see there is something for them too but a bit pricy.
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jun 11 2014 : 6:08:06 PM
Tried to post a pic but it won't work and won't let me delete. |
Edited by - doll58maker on Jun 11 2014 6:38:14 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Jun 11 2014 : 9:11:56 PM
I have been busy the last three days with doctor appointments. I saw a physical therapist on Monday, my endrocrinologist on Tuesday and a nutricianist today. The physical therapist gave me some exercises to help strengthen my arthritic knees. The endrodrinologist adjusted my insulin dosage. The nutricianist recommended a probiotic for my gut and I am going to keep a food journal and she and her colleagues will analyze it and offer recommendations. I have this flatulence problem that I think I can trace to diary products.
Jan - I have been up in that area only further north in Houghton. I know how beautiful it is. I remember sitting naked in a Finnish sauna with my then sweetheart and a bunch of his friends. One could step right out into the lake after getting all hot and steamy. What a paradise.
Kathryn - That video of your son coming home to surprise his daughter was soooooooooo great. Thank you for sharing. I believe that cabin will be an amazing place to live in and fix up the way you want it. I have fantasized about doing something like this myself. I saw my mom last week. She will be 73 this years and she is so small and thin that I was careful when I hugged her. It was so difficult for me to see her in the hospital bed after she had the heart attack six years ago. I just wanted to hold and rock her just as she did for me. I never saw my mother sick in bed when I was young. I cannot imagine the pain I will feel when she dies.
Bunny - I too will now have time to sew. I usually do it on Sunday while the almost band is rehearsing in the living room. It is quiet in the bedroom with the door shut. Mitzi comes with me because she doesn't like all that noise. I actually managed to get three items mended last Sunday. Only 57 more to go! LOL
Holly - The bedbugs I had came from another apartment. They loved to bite me and never touched Lowell or Lotus my cat. I treated the bedroom three months in a row with the Cedarcide. After hearing what two of my other neighbors had to go through to chemically treat their place, I decided to do it myself. I was so glad it was successful. I kept having dreams about a bedbug as large as the bed which lived in the box spring and would stick its proboscis up through the mattress to suck my blood. EEEEEEKKKKKKKKK!
Gypsy - Yes, the Cedarcide is expensive but it works extremely well. I highly recommend it.
A gentle rain is falling and the fresh wet smell is coming in the window next to me. All my plants in the garden are growing nicely. I will have an excellent harvest this year. There are rabbits about but they do not come in to chew on my plants. I believe that it is because there are three dogs in the building who pee in the yard regularly.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Jun 11 2014 : 10:19:59 PM
How nice to have so many of us posting. Janie, I'm so sorry this is such a tough time of year for you. We love hearing from you. Have you made any changes to your house? Any sewing room projects? Jan, loved the photos. I think lighthouses are the coolest. I have never been in one, have you? Your area is gorgeous with all the water. Oh and the high risers! That wasn't a very tall building but it sure looked out of place. Holly you are a miracle worker if you manage to keep sand " out ". The bruising is much better. I could wear my glasses some today. I located some missing framed photos today. Still haven't found half of the kitchen knives, my kitchen shears, and who knows what else! Mar |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jun 12 2014 : 04:26:04 AM
Good morning everyone,
It has rained a good share of the night so the seeds will pop up soon. I am happy I do not need to water, I am not very good at watering.
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jun 12 2014 : 07:38:21 AM
Today it will be in the high 90's here. B has been complaining about the heat in the high 80's. He wears no sunscreen and does not burn. He has the farmer's tan now and his arms are almost black. Starting to see why he was named Nigel. I slather myself in sunscreen and still turn red and splotchy.
Mar, I don't know why, but every time I have moved, a few things have disappeared forever. And a few things reappear in the most unlikely of places only after I have bought a replacement.
Have a great day, everyone.
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jun 12 2014 : 07:41:11 AM
Today it's working. Last night it would not. This is my pasture after that lovely rain.
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jun 12 2014 : 07:44:21 AM
I'll try this again. A pic or two of Chihuly's glass in Seattle. .jpg) .jpg) .jpg)
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jun 12 2014 : 07:46:57 AM
I'm on a roll! Here is a shot of the ceiling in one of the rooms. .jpg)
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jun 12 2014 : 5:38:12 PM
Good evening everyone,
Gypsy the photos are spectacular. Please explain to me about the glass. Your field is beautiful. Ours are mostly yellows right now. The dandelions have passed and the buttercups are out.
It rained softly all day long. The garden should be good and soaked by morning. When the sun hits the ground and warms it up the seeds should sprout quickly.
Mar I am glad the swelling in your face has gone down. When do you begin on the MIL dwelling?
Sweet dreams everyone
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Jun 12 2014 : 6:17:14 PM
It was cool and windy here, felt more like an autumn day, cloudy, but no rain, even though it was supposed to. Cleared up and got even more windy. I shampooed the carpet in the rv, so this weekend I can start filling it up. I work tomorrow, hope it is busy. We are hope to go on a mini vacation next month sometime. We need to find out where all the road construction and detours are. GG, Great pictures!!!! All that beautiful glass!!!!! How did they attach it to the ceiling like that? Holly, I am glad you got rain so you do not need to water for awhile. I am sure that will help those seeds to start growing. Mar, there are a lot of old light houses in the upper peninsula here that are no longer being used and you can tour through some of them. I have been in a few of them, but never did go to ours yet. Need to do that before we move. I just got out of the shower, now gonna look through some of my magazines, then off to bed. I could not sleep last night, and ended up awake until after 3 this morning. I hope I can fall asleep right away tonight, and stay asleep. Have a great evening,
Jan Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jun 12 2014 : 8:43:16 PM
Holly I don't know if you can read this or not but you can google Dale Chihuly for more info. He is the most amazing glass artist alive today in my opinion. He only has one eye. I was so glad they allowed photography.
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jun 12 2014 : 8:49:16 PM
I think he has another display in Dallas. This one is in Seattle next to the space needle. I will try to post some from the outside gardens. .jpg) Janet I don't know how they attached the glass to the ceilings. .jpg)
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jun 12 2014 : 8:53:28 PM
. Here is one of the wall displays. I took as many as I could but my camera was not holding a charge and was acting up. Still they turned out pretty well because they were displayed with such excellent lighting.
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jun 12 2014 : 9:08:22 PM
Actually, they have a website at Much better pictures. There are utube demos, too. I'm thrilled to have been able to actually go there. It was on my bucket list.
True Blue Farmgirl
873 Posts
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True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jun 13 2014 : 11:49:49 AM
Mel I didn't realize it was not a permanent display. I'm not going to hog this thread for a while so you farm sisters better start posting!
Love you gals, G
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Jun 13 2014 : 12:29:03 PM
I'm so glad you got to see it, g. We are spoiled because it is everywhere and you stop being in awe of these masterpieces. We had quite a few pieces in Spokane, too. The museum is the best though. Everything is shown in its most perfect light. We are having a soft shower this morning. Out pastures are mostly tall grass with yellow and white blooms. I have never lived anywhere that had the red and orange like yours! So pretty. In Spokane we had some purple and in Kansas there were lots and lots of sunflowers. Mar
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jun 13 2014 : 5:04:46 PM
Good evening everyone,
It rained all day again today. I am not complaining.
The pictures are beautiful of the glass inside and out. I could read the little print on the sign. Thank you for posting it.
We are having lobster for supper. C made fried fish for the littles. Ddk, C and I will have the lobster. Too bad for the teen boys they are not home.
Mar will you have to cut your pastures for the horses to eat it? When our fields get too tall the cows will only eat the lawn where they have already cropped it short. So, DdK takes the brush hog out and cuts the fields, then the cows will go into them to eat. Weird, huh?
I picked some colt's foot leaves today to make cough syrup. I found a recipe of sorts on line that said, take a gazed ceramic crock, layer colt's foot leaves and raw sugar until the crock is full, then cover tightly with parchment paper. Dig a hole in the ground, place the crock in the hole and put a board on top. Cover the whole thing and let ferment for 8 weeks. there are some other things to do once it is done fermenting. It is supposed to be the best cough syrup available. If nothing else it will be an interesting science experiment.
Mel, how is your Etsy store doing?
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
Edited by - Tall Holly on Jun 13 2014 5:06:03 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
3448 Posts
3448 Posts |
Posted - Jun 13 2014 : 11:51:58 PM
Kathryn What a heartwarming reunion. Beautiful family! Thank God for his safe return. Thank your son for his service to our country! Sorry about your mother's passing. GG Beautiful glass art. I love glass, dishes, vases etc.
Mar We had horses our entire married life until our last one had to be put down in 2007. Powerful, beautiful creatures. Miss them everyday. Too much work for us now as we get older and have health issues. Hope your face is better.
Bunny Keep on sewing girl and one day you'll be on those runway shows! You relly are talented.
Hi to everyone else. I've been reading your posts and decided it was time to jump on here too. Went to bed and couldn't sleep so here I am. Post more as I get to know you all.
Be Blessed and Be a Blessing, Darlene Sister 1922
God first, everything else after!
When Satan's knocking at your door, just say "Jesus will you get that for me?"
When it gets to hard to stand, Kneel!
Edited by - HealingTouch on Jun 13 2014 11:56:53 PM |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jun 14 2014 : 06:12:26 AM
Good morning everyone,
The rain is tapering off and the sun is peaking through the clouds.
Darlene glad you decided to join us. Tell us what is happening in your life so we can get to know you.
I hope you each have moments of joy today.
Holly farmgirl #2499
Edited by - Tall Holly on Jun 14 2014 06:13:01 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
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Posted - Jun 14 2014 : 07:56:42 AM
Darlene, I have no desire to be on any tv show! Lol! I just want to find a home of my own with a big open space to have a sewing room and spend my time creating.
Holly, I got some rain too. Just enough to cool things down. I think it is the biggest thing I love about Oregon. I don't much like winter, but love that it is still raining every now and then in June.
Gypsy, I have only been to Seattle once many years ago but I loved it too!
Had a very productive day sewing yesterday. Plus had a sale! Now I just have to write up descriptions of each dress so I can send them off to the magazine. I have a baby quilt I need to make so that's next. Then hopefully I'll still have some time to make a few more dresses for my store.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jun 14 2014 : 09:26:52 AM
Bunny you have some awesome reviews. You are doing everything right. Great job!
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