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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jun 01 2014 :  4:51:41 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Mel, I have done the same. I can remember two incidences when I waa working and thought I had made a funny to someone and then the boss told me I was hurtful. I try to be careful now but it does stymie intellectual expression.

Jan are you going to tow a car? That would give a little more storage room. I do not envy you having to downsize. I would have to have a year's worth of yard sales and then bring in dumpsters by the dozen.

We set up two more beds for the garden today. I laid down grain bags and then dumped manure on top. I hope the grain bags are thick enough to keep the weeds from growing. I will put the squash in those beds.

it was a lovely day here on the hill farm. Temperatures must have been in the seventies. I was not bothered by the black flies but some of the members of my family were tormented. DsC has huge red welts behind his ears and on his back where his shirt rode up. He and DsG went swimming in the pond for a short while. They wear their life jackets while the water is still so cold.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gladstone Mi.
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Posted - Jun 01 2014 :  6:26:22 PM  Show Profile
We are renting. We knew we were going to be leaving so when we sold our building, we decided to rent so we would not have to try to sell our place before we moved. We will not be towing a car behind us, so we will need to be close to stores down in Florida for the winter, then we can boondock at Walmarts, etc. while travelling in the spring and summer.
Bunny, so glad you had a good sale. Now you have some exposure too, so maybe you will get some sales that way too.
Have a great evening,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
3331 Posts

Posted - Jun 01 2014 :  10:24:32 PM  Show Profile
Hi everyone I've missed you, but things are starting to come together in the new place so I hope to keep up with you all again
Ginny, I'm so sorry to hear you are hurting so much. I hope your cast time goes quickly.
Holly. I hate to even think about mice. Your milk story gave me shivers.
Bunny. So glad you had some good sales.
Marie. Keep up the good work out thinking Lowell.
Jan. It is garage sale season. You will have a lot of people interested in seeing what you are selling.
I'm posting on my phone so forgive me for being brief.

Edited by - rough start farmgirl on Jun 01 2014 10:27:03 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Jun 02 2014 :  08:46:58 AM  Show Profile
Mar, I was just thinking yesterday, you must be busy unpacking. We miss you too!
First things to unpack. The coffee pot and the computer!

Holly, I love to read all that you are doing on your farm. You are so resourceful.

Homework today. I'm on the home stretch for homework. I worked on my final for one class last night. I have two more this week and my math final next week. Not looking forward to that. I haven't done much homework last week. I need to get back to it this week. I don't want to mess up my good grade.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Not all who wander are lost.../
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jun 02 2014 :  2:45:27 PM  Show Profile
Hello ladies,

I am on my actual computer today so I hope this will post. I wrote a post last night but hit preview by mistake and it went to outer space. That was on my iPad

I have read most of the posts to catch up with how everybody is doing, but don't have much time today. I'm glad Bunny you are seeing light at the end of the tunnel, and you, too, Mar. Moving is the most punishing job there is. I know you will be glad to be done with it. We are anxious to hear all about the new house.

I'm doing paperwork today that has backed up since early May and it is a lot of stuff to wade through. Still some bills coming in for my brother, and still some accounts to close.

So I will just say hello today and thank you all for being there. Even when I'm too tired or discouraged to post it is good to come here and feel that sense of connection that this site gives me.

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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jun 02 2014 :  4:03:16 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Another beautiful day here in the Green Mountains. The sky was clear and temperatures were in the high seventies. there was a light breeze and humidity was not an issue.

DsG and DsC are hoping to have a piece of the garden to themselves. They have been busily digging up burdock and then when they were tired they cut off the leaves. When we get some diesel for the tractor we will put down some grain bags to stop the weeds from growing kup and put manure on top. I think they want to grow pumpkins, watermelon and green beans.

The black flies were nasty to DsC today but no one else. He has more and more red bumps.

I spoke to my brother today. He finally returned my call. He was having dialysis. He sounded good for the position he is in. He said there are two women investigating all of his medical records to see if they can figure out why he is creating clots in his leg. it would be great if they could solve that issue. Then his life with donated organs would be less precarious. The kidney our sister gave him twelve years ago was in great shape until this episode.

Look for moments of joy.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Jun 03 2014 :  01:03:33 AM  Show Profile
Holly, I sure hope these ladies have some luck in finding a new course of action for your brother. Isn't it funny how bugs will really hone in on one individual and leave others alone. I have found (or rather I have been found by) a new kind of insect. I developed welts with a pronounced bite site in the middle after weeding in the yard. The welts appeared across my midsection, the area under my arm and these persistent buggers even found my tiny left breast. The anti itch cream was nowhere to be found, so I bought more. Came home slathered it on expecting relief and just ended up angering these welts. So today I used good ol' cortisone cream -- because, yes after purchasing more anti-itch cream, dh came home and found the two tubes we already had. The welts developed trails between the welts, almost like a roadmap between welts... The itching has subsided. The welts have flattened, but I look almost bruised at this point. So, today when dh and I headed out to work on fencing so we can get our babies home (Missing Sunny and Tahoe something terrible!) I doused myself in Cutters. Dh declared that bugs don't like him (he is mostly correct in this statement) but, he did come in with two welts... I only gained one.

Anyway, I can sympathize with DsC, Holly.

I love my new house. It is the perfect size. And now for a bit of gossip about the previous owners. They were a couple in their mid 60s. His mother died in February. So, before they put this house up for sale, they bought another house. 4700 square feet, fireplace in the bedroom, $875K. Good Lord, why would you want that size house at that point in your life? Actually, why would you want that size house for two people at any point in your life?

Finding that out did make me think they could have hired someone to clean this place a bit before they left me such a mess. Let me sum it up ... I vacuumed the refrigerator. 'Nuff said.

I want to second g's comment on thanking you all for being here on the days I am too tired to post.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jun 03 2014 :  08:43:12 AM  Show Profile
Mar, sounds like chigger bites. They are horrible, invisible, and itch for days.
I don't know if insect repellent will keep them off or not. I've heard apple cider vinegar will take the itching away. The little suckers bury into the skin and we used to paint over the bite with clear fingernail polish to try to kill them.

Mar, as long as the problems with the house are solvable with soap and water and elbow grease
And you still love the house then I'd say you won this one. How about the neighbors? Any interesting ones?


Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 15 2019 4:18:24 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gladstone Mi.
2428 Posts

Posted - Jun 03 2014 :  09:39:18 AM  Show Profile
GG, that is good that you had a talk and all is well. Sometimes you need to do that and not let things bottle up until there is an explosion. It just seems that whenever there is a death in the family, there is at least one that starts trouble and turns greedy. It can get hurtful. That happened in my family and when my grandmother died and there was so much greed and stories going on, some of us sisters and brothers did not talk to one another for almost 4 years. I hope things get done and you will not have to put up with her soon. Money sure can be an evil demon for some.
Holly, I feel for dsC and the bug bites. He must have more sugar in his system than the others. That will attract bugs more. It has only been in the 50s and 60s here, we had thunderstorms Sunday and Monday, supposed to rain some this afternoon, then we will be cooler, but sunny. It is very windy out right now.
Have a great day,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jun 03 2014 :  1:43:08 PM  Show Profile
Good afternoon everyone,

It is a very hot day here in the Greens. The car thermometer read 83 F. I can hardly believe it. It is only June 3rd. What will it be in July?

I have only had one chigger bite and that was enough. We did the suffocate them with clear nail polish routine.

I am glad you are happy with your new house, Mar. Maybe the old owners want to move from room to room as one gets dirty so they do not need to clean so often. I dream about downsizing and realize it will be decades before it is a reality.

G what do you not like about the country property? Maybe you could put settling your brother's estate on hold. It does not need ot be done right away except the bills. Do not confront your dear sister just let it settle for a while. Just a passive aggressive thought on my part.

I took DsR to the dentist. He had a good checkup.

The clouds are moving in and the wind is picking up . We are supposed to have rain the next few days. I hope it takes off some of the heat.

I will think on what extra sugar C could be getting that the others are not. Maybe he metabolizes it differently. I bought him cortisone cream today. I have used hemmoroidal cream before and that works well.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jun 03 2014 :  5:48:44 PM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 15 2019 4:20:50 PM
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
3331 Posts

Posted - Jun 03 2014 :  5:48:56 PM  Show Profile
g, I am familiar with chiggers. They love me, too. I use the fingernail polish trick. Everyone says we don't have chiggers here. I don't know what the heck got me.

We have meet two sets of neighbors. So far , everyone seems very nice. Not nearly as "interesting" as my last neighbor. I have been putting in my fair share of elbow grease and the place is feeling like our own. Does that mean I am only comfortable when I am surrounded by my own dirt? I can live with that.
I hope everyone gets over the weather set backs. Heat this early does make you wonder how hot the rest of the summer will be.

gg, I am thrilled to hear that Paradise Lost has been regained and that ends my literary allusions.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Jun 03 2014 :  6:34:59 PM  Show Profile
My poor youngest son's girlfriend just broke up with him. He is in North Carolina right now in Helicopter Mechanic school for the Marines. She was having a hard time being away from him. In a few weeks, he will get his permanent base station assignment. We are hoping for Mirimar, CA. But he could just as easily stay in North Carolina or be sent to Hawaii. Either way, the relationship is probably not going to survive. We all really liked her too. He is pretty sad. But he said he was going to go talk to another buddy for support. They all deal with it sometime or another.

Gypsy, I think fixing up the country house and selling it next year is a good idea. Maybe you can find a place better suited for your retreats that isn't so far away from everything. I still think it is a good idea. I bet the two of you would make wonderful hosts.

I have never dealt with chiggers. Living in California, we just don't have them there.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Not all who wander are lost.../
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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Jun 04 2014 :  4:13:08 PM  Show Profile
I got an email from the editor of Altered Couture magazine asking me for submissions for the winter issue. I must be doing something right. But I have to have something done by June 20!! No stress here!
I'm making a jacket from one of the quilts I bought this weekend. I'll do some fin appliqué and a little funky embroidery on it. I need to do an upcycled sweater or something winter like.

Where is everybody!!


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Jun 04 2014 :  6:13:03 PM  Show Profile
Right here, cheering you on, Bunny. What a great honor. Take it as an extreme pat on the back from the pros. You are being noticed. This is something to remember when you have the sales slumps. things are gonna take off from here, girlfriend. I am so happy for you and proud of you. So thrilled to have "known ya when!"

Hope your son is licking his wounds about his breakup. So hard to watch them go through it even though everyone does.

Holly, hope you heard good news from your brother.

Jan, hope you are enjoying the sunshine that was promised by the weather guessers. When will you take your maiden voyage on your land yacht?

Marie, you must be very busy! Keep us posted, kick Lowell off that computer!

dd came over today to dig fencepost holes and put up fencing setback attachments on existing fencing. We have things straight in our heads about how we are going to fence and manage the large animals on such small acreage. We are hoping to get them home within about ten days. Sunny has lost weight - he could afford to lose some, but he is thinner than we like our babies. Tahoe is still fat and sassy. She eats so much faster that she gets the majority of the hay that is thrown to them. Can't wait to get them home! We go see them and take Sunny grain and Tahoe gets carrots! Doesn't that just sound so unfair? Typical male/female calorie inequality!

This weekend dd and boyfriend will be our low-paid labor...aka FREE! That will make the stringing of the electric tape a lot easier.

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jun 04 2014 :  7:51:13 PM  Show Profile
Good job, Bunny! So happy for you. Mar, I'm glad you will soon bring your two big babies home. I know they have missed you as much as you've missed them. Sounds like now dd will be close enough to get to see them more often too. Glad the long house ordeal is finally behind you. Mine is just beginning, I guess.

I'm not wanting to leave the city now even though the traffic is horrific and crime is getting worse. I thought I was ok with it but I am so not. Today I got my mani-pedi and I chose sparkly green. I wore a long skirt and a big hat and some great big silver loop earrings. In the country it will be nothing but jeans and tshirt. Every time we go out there it is nothing but work. B says ok we will fix it up and sell it. The money from it will give us many better options. It was a good idea for someone twenty years younger. We need to play from here on out.

Sleep well my friends. Love you gals.

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Jun 04 2014 :  10:03:48 PM  Show Profile
Mar, I think it is sad you cleaned when you left your old house and you are having to clean the new house. What is wrong with people now days.
Sorry you had to deal with such a mess. I bet your horse babies will be so glad to have their new home. With dd closer and a new house, such fun. Oh, and when is MIL moving in? I sure hope you are ready for that. Should make life interesting.

Gypsy, at least you have the city when you want it. I hope you can get the country house fixed up and sold in good time. Sounds like you are totally a city girl. I'm afraid I'm a mountain girl. I miss the mountains and forest so bad. I don't mind the city now and then though. I love San Francisco.

Nothing going on tonight. Watched Sherlock. I love that show. They only have 3 shows a season. Not fair! I had to wait for over a year from season 2 to season 3. I have a final to finish tomorrow and math to study for my final on Tuesday. Then I need to really get creative and get some sewing done! Maybe being under the gun will help me come up with something interesting.

Night all!!


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gladstone Mi.
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Posted - Jun 05 2014 :  06:30:29 AM  Show Profile
I have been up to my ears in knitted and crocheted items that I have been going through and taking pictures to put some of it on etsy. I have 25 or more totes full of done up things. Yesterday I took 129 pictures. Lots more to finish and put back in the closet. I am trying to get it all priced and sorted and ready to travel. We are hoping to find some good craft shows on our journeys.
We got car insurance on our motorhome the other day, we though it was going to cost a small fortune. It was less than our car is. That was a relief. Next week we will go get the new plates and title taken care of. We are hope to take it out camping for a few days next month. Bob does have to get used to driving it.
Bunny, I am so happy for you. Getting all that exposure through the magazine should definitely get you a lot more exposure. Good for you!!!! Sounds like your hard work is starting to pay off.
GG, I agree with you,it is not a time to be having to work all the time to maintain a house. It is supposed to be the golden years and more relaxing time. Hope you can sell soon and get something that will make you both happy.
Mar, Soon you will have your horses back home with you. So glad you are happy with your new home. Too bad you had to clean all over again, but then you know now that all of the former owners dirt is gone. It is a lot of work to move as it is.
Holly, Sounds like you are going to have a bigger garden this year. Hope you reap lots of great food. Your weather sounds perfect for summer growing. Soon the boys will want to be swimming in the pond daily. I do love hearing about all your daily activities. I tell everyone about the Vermont maple syrup, and how it is the best. I saw a couple of shows on tv recently that said the same thing. I guess Vermont is known for their syrup?
Well, time to take more pictures. I want to start listing things next week.
Have a great day,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Jun 05 2014 :  07:34:54 AM  Show Profile

Yes, I am very busy. I will be done with school on Friday. Before then, I have all this stuff to make for the end of the year and such. Catch you all in a few days.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jun 05 2014 :  6:51:17 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

DdK and I went grocery shopping last night. She put all of her beauty supplies into my cart. It is amazing how many different washes she has. The child, no young woman, believes all of the hype about beauty and the faults of women as put out there by the media and she doesn't even watch commercial TV. She is excellent at putting on makeup but she refuses to believe that she is beautiful without it. Someday she will figure it out.

I took DsR to the pediatric dentist for his 6 month checkup and he was fine. One of the secretary's name is Glinda and she has a good witch by her station. lol

My brother is still alive. He is on dialysis now. As of this morning he had not heard if they had had a major break through in figuring out why his body creates clots. He is bored out of his mind. He says if he is not already he soon will be a milliion dollar man with all of his medical bills. I should note here that in our family when someone asks after someone else we often say he/she is still alive. just our way.

I have a friend who went blind in the early '80's. She has paid for work done on her house that was never done. You are not alone G. Why do men take advantage of people who trust them to do their jobs? I am glad your house is getting fixed up. I am very glad that B enjoys doing it. the price you pay him is well worth it. lol It is nice that you have someone now to talk over making all of the decisions and you no longer need to wade through the quagmire by yourself.

Mar Nice to have a plan and be able to follow it. Dd and her bf will be sore you Sunday after digging fence post holes for the weekend. I guess yellow dog will be happy to be out running for a while as well. I have been thinking that maybe your bites are from no-see-ums. They are nasty little black biting bugs that live in the grasses and come out when disturbed. they also fly around at night. They leave nasty bites that are many times bigger than their size. I took the auger for our tractor to the welder/machinist in our town to be unbent. He has done it before and will probably do it again but I have a cow fence I want to get up.

Jan I do not envy your organizational tasks. Selling your wares will be good spending money on the way. You are very resourceful.

Bunny congratulations on being courted by the magazine. Good for you and your creativity.

Sweet dreams everyone,

farmgirl #2499
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jun 06 2014 :  3:57:13 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

I hope the quiet on the board is a quiet in all your hearts.

Today grew to be a lovely day in the Greens. I thought the weather guessers were going to be right about the forecast of rain all day but once again they were guessing for someplace besides here. In the morning the weather was overcast and sprinkled enough not to put laundry on the line. The afternoon was bright and sunny.

DdK is on her way to Boston to a pre wedding dinner. I am not sure what it is, DdK said a friend of hers is getting married in two weeks and this is a dinner she invited everyone too. I do not know who everyone is and she did not know either just that she was one of them and she did not need to take a present.

I saw a hummingbird sitting on the telephone wire yesterday. I do not know what they are eating around here the only flowers are the trees and the dandelions.

DsC has had two dry beds this week. I have just started putting him to bed without a pull up on. Now that I can dry the sheets on the line I thought he could take the plunge.

Sweet dreams everyone,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gladstone Mi.
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Posted - Jun 06 2014 :  6:25:51 PM  Show Profile
I am so tired tonight. I worked today,was not that busy, but I was busy the last 2 days going through all of my knit items, plus making supper, etc. I still have about 10 totes to go through, but I need a break for a day or 2. Tomorrow I plan on hooking up the television in the motorhome bedroom, and hooking up an analogue box to the one in the living room area. I am the handyman in this house.
We got just a touch of rain today, it dried up right away. Supposed to rain tonight and tomorrow, I am hoping it doesn't, I want to do things outdoors this weekend. There is a concert down at the park tomorrow that we are wanting to go see, if the weather is right. We have not been anywhere in the past few weeks.
Holly, that is good to have a dry bed. Hope it stays that way all the time now, wouldn't that be nice.
Marie, I hope you are able to get in some relaxing time now that school is out for the summer. Do you volunteer for summer school also?
Bunny, I hope your finals are done now. Do you get a break before summer session starts?
Our leaves are finally on the trees, and the lilacs are just starting to open up.
They are so late this year. Used to be mid May when the lilacs were out.
Time to get ready for bed. Have a great evening,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Jun 07 2014 :  07:44:57 AM  Show Profile

No relaxing for me yet. We pick up the computer today and I have to go along so there goes the morning. It's already 9:30 and Lowell is not ready. Then I have to take care of the problem with the phone. I'm going to call the phone company first and have them check the line. I might have someone come out to look at the linkages. This is an old building and has problems that are not beling addressed. Then I will call the telephone equipment manufacturer and see what they say.

Lowell had done the dishes last night but just left them in the drainer because his delivery meal had arrived. I went to a party at one of the teacher's home after school yesterday so I got home late. I really couldn't prepare my meal until I had washed all the dishes that he didn't. I am so grateful that he did what he could and felt useful. I was so tired and achy and I went to bed early. We saw an excellent movie last night called Dean Spanley. It is an English movie about a man who reveals under a particular type of hypnosis that he was a dog in his former life owned by someone else in the movie. I loved to hear the gentleman articulate the dogs feelings and view of life. I can recommend it.

The band will be over tomorrow. Lowell will be auditioning a guitar player and a multi-instrumentalist. Hopefully this will all work out and he can get this thing going in time to do some gigs at farmers' markets this summer.

Well he is ready to go. Later.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jun 07 2014 :  4:15:41 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

A very lovely day here on the hill farm. The sun shone all day and the breeze blew gently.

In the morning DsC and I worked on putting in fence posts for the cow pen. We did not have the auger so I dug the holes by hand. Lucky for me the places I picked to dig did not have big rocks in them. So, DsC and I put in five posts

My &*%$ brother called this morning to chat at 6AM. He was awake and bored. Considering the circumstances he is doing well. He was in good spirits. His kidney is producing urine which is good and bad. It now puts him lower on the transplant list because he is only eligible for a liver and not both a kidney and a liver.

I took DsC to clay class this afternoon. A neighbor who is a sculptor has clay class each Saturday now that it is summer. We talked about the early Venus amulets. We could make reliefs or sculptures. I made a relief of a woman who had clearly birthed many children. DsC made a relief of snakes and a boat.

We had spinach lasagne for supper. We picked the spinach from the garden. OUr first cutting. ONe of the plants had started to bolt already. We had a side of salad as well. Mostly spinach, lettuce and chives from the garden. The chives are very potent.

Sweet dreams everyone,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gladstone Mi.
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Posted - Jun 07 2014 :  5:49:49 PM  Show Profile
It was a cool and windy day today, so we did not go down to the park to hear the band down there. Now it is raining. It really is jacket weather today. I hooked up a different television in the livingroom area, I was too frustrated with what was in there. I need to get my dvd recorder and player in there yet, and our under counter radio, cd player.
I am only doing a bit at a time, taking a lot of measurements to see what will fit where. I have a lot of utnisil bins, but all are too big for the size drawers that are in there. We can't wait to leave now. Just learned how to roll up the awning.
Holly, that is a lot of work digging post holes by hand. You are such a hard worker. Does C do much of the gardening and animal tending?
Marie, Hope Lowell get his band together soon. Now is a great time to play outdoors, farmers market would be good exposure, I would think. I wish him luck and success.
Mar, How is the fence going? Hope you get to take your horses home soon. How far is the nearest town from your new home?
Bunny, Hope you are able to get to your sewing machine soon.
GG, Are you out in the country this weekend?
Off to get ready for bed, maybe have a glass of wine and chill out for awhile in my pjs. Have a wonderful evening,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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