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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jan 07 2013 : 09:52:32 AM
Bunny, I forgot to tell you how much I love your latest creation. Good luck with your classes. I am glad those days are behind me, but I squeezed all the knowledge I could use out of those darn profs. and I loved every minute of attending classes. Now I get to pick and choose what I want to study. Right now I am digging through every Iowa History book I can get my hands on. |
Edited by - Thelma on Jan 07 2013 09:59:02 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
361 Posts
361 Posts |
Posted - Jan 07 2013 : 09:59:53 AM
Thelma, i carry a flashlight and a pocketknife. both small. they have both come in handy, more than once. i also have my pocket calendar, and depending on where i am going, a book(KIndle) or a project. i love bags, all kinds of bags.
Some dreams are worth the risk it takes to make them real.
Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footsteps on the moon. |
True Blue Farmgirl
395 Posts
395 Posts |
Posted - Jan 07 2013 : 10:06:55 AM
The flashlight I was carrying could have been considered a lethal weapon in a court of law! Besides my hand bag I have my project bag, my camera bag. and my book bag. Maybe I need some mental help of some kind???????????????????? |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jan 07 2013 : 2:11:02 PM
Yes. Therapy. That is physical therapy for what you are doing to your body lugging all that crap around
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Jan 07 2013 : 3:17:15 PM
Gypsy, I am with you. I have a lightweight "purse" that I can wear crossbody or my shoulder or through my belt loops. I actually need to replace it with a slightly bigger one because my phone is larger now! I usually buy microfiber not leather because they are so much lighter. I just can't handle the weight. So, I have nothing fun or interesting in my purse. Usually my DL, insurance card, one credit card, and my debit card. Sometimes a lipgloss, narcotics and my phone. Whatelse does a girl need?
So, Holly you must be home. And SO busy. How did Cheri do while you were gone? Were you greeted with lots of hugs?
It was predicted that we would get 2 to 4 inches today. It looks like maybe 10. And now the temperature has hit 36 degrees. So we have a mess in the making. Which will freeze overnight. Oh, dear. Thank goodness for Yak Trax. They keep me vertical!
Speaking of boobs. My dd called this afternoon. She was at Victoria's Secret annual sale and had been remeasured and was upset that she went from 34C to 34D. She said the saleswoman said, "No it isn't band, it's all cup." when she measured dd. I told her that I had never heard those words in my life! I sure don't understand being upset about that change in body measurements! I guess we always want what we don't have.
Thelma, although I don't carry it in my purse, I do have a MagLite flashlight that could be a lot like yours, being that it could be used as a billy club, if needed. Four D size batteries make it quite hefty.
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jan 07 2013 : 3:30:13 PM
Marianne don't you need a gun to carry with those narcotics?
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
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Posted - Jan 07 2013 : 4:13:22 PM
Naaahh, who'd think I was carrying? I'm just a lil ol lady! mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jan 07 2013 : 4:35:16 PM
I dunno......I'm just a lil ol lady too but I'm always the one they single out at airport security. Just sayin..... Down here in Texas we believe in packin heat.....but really in my whole life I've only had to pull a gun on three people
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jan 07 2013 : 4:47:08 PM
Well, four really now that I'm thinking about it. But the last one got fair warning. A very suspicious character came up to my house one day just because I left both gates open because I was goin right back to town and those gates are a pain. I never lock my doors and I was takin a little nap when somebody tooted their horn. I went outside thinking it was a neighbor. Well this character started getting out of his truck and said, you don't have a dog do you? I honked the horn to see if you had a dog. I said No but I have a loaded gun and when I get back here with it you better be gone. Turned around and went in got the gun (I wasn't kidding) and about a minute later when I got back to the door his truck was haulin down the steep driveway in reverse so fast it's a wonder he did not go over the side. I have no trespassing signs and beware of the dog signs everywhere. I am not that far from the border and things do happen. Lots of drug deals go down right near my place.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Jan 07 2013 : 6:56:57 PM
Gypsy, good for you. Plenty of Texan in you. When I was a single mom living in the forest, I had a pistol grip shotgun. It was my "deterrent". No body messes with the sound of a shotgun.
School was stressful. Lots of homework. Each teacher said we would have about 6 to 8 hours of homework a week. So two complete days in class from 10am to 6pm one day and till 9pm the second day. 4 classes with 6 hours of homework each and 10 hours working. I will have no life sewing in the future for sure. I'll be glad when this is over.
Later all, the books are calling.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
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Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Jan 07 2013 : 7:39:03 PM
Bunny, hope your classes get easier for you and you won't have as much bookwork to do. Maybe then you could take a Saturday or Sunday to sew. Wouldn't that be nice!!!!! Hang in there. Gypsy, I guess it is good that you have a gun, epecially living by yourself close to the border. How frightening!!!!! Thelma, my purse is heavy too. I really could knock someone out if I swung it at them. I really don't know what I have in there that makes it so heavy, but it is. No flashlight though!!! No room!! LOL!!!! Marianne, I hope you do not get too much of a storm. No fun when it is a mix of snow and rain. We have not had any snow since just after Christmas. Been loving the milder weather, knowing we will get our cold spell below zero soon enough. Holly, hope you made it home safe and sound and had a good homecoming. Now you need time for everyone to get acquainted and used to each other. What are the boys' names? Have a great evening, Jan
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jan 08 2013 : 04:31:42 AM
Our storm wasn't too bad. It is about 33 right now, so some melting, but not terrible.
Holly, I bet the three young boys were begging for a "sleep over" in their rooms. It is so nice that the new boys have each other during this change. You are in my thoughts, I know it is a nervous time for you.
Gypsy, I don't blame you for living with a weapon close to you since you have that sort of activity in the area. I wouldn't fool around with strangers either. Dh says everyone recognizes the sound of a shotgun racking ... and respects it. In the country, I think you are just used to a loaded shotgun being around. Plus, there are times that you hit an animal on the road and you can't just leave them to suffer. One time dh didn't have a gun with him. It really bothered him that the animal had to suffer until he returned. He was upset for a while.
Bunny, you know you have to keep your eye on the prize. And it is so close now, do you have two quarters to finish your degree? The beginning of the term seems ungodly long and especially when you have the instructors "scaring" you with all the hours of homework. It would be a drag to have the one instructor you don't care for for two classes, especially back to back. I don't envy you. I enjoy learning, but I have no desire to go back to dealing with the egos of these professors who often have no real life experience. They are so overpaid and once they get tenure, some of them really just sit back and rest on their laurels. (Stepping off the soapbox.)
No big plans for the day. I feel like watching qvc, though. For some reason, I am in the mood to buy a new "purse." Thanks, Thelma!
Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
361 Posts
361 Posts |
Posted - Jan 08 2013 : 09:40:35 AM
i have one of those big mag Lites by the back door. you never know when you might need it. we are out in the woods too. so far Kymo sounds off if any one comes near our place. He scared the poor UPS guy so bad one time i thought he was going to fall off the deck.:-) he put the package down,and backed off the deck back to his truck. Kymo carried on until the truck was long gone.
Some dreams are worth the risk it takes to make them real.
Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footsteps on the moon. |
True Blue Farmgirl
395 Posts
395 Posts |
Posted - Jan 08 2013 : 4:10:42 PM
Purses - I don't usually carry a big one but with all my trips to Mayo Clinic I needed extra stuff. I like a small to medium bag and then leave little containers of necessities in both vehicles. I guess I took them out so things didn't freeze this time of year. I'm still amazed by the flashlight though.
You are awsome to be able to handle yourselves around guns. I have always been scared of them thanks to some pranking by older male cousins. When my boys were in 4H they raised rabbits for the county fair. One night some dogs got into the rabbit hutches. Now the gun was in the closet, the amo was in hubby's dresser, and the fireing pin was locked in the safe. Thoses dogs could have really enjoyed their meal if we weren't screaming at them to stop and get. How I ever raised a son who is now a police officer who is a marksman and teachers others how to handle their weapons is beyond me.
time to take the chicken out of the oven and get the potatoes ready. Have a great evening everyone. TAA TAA til tomorrow |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Jan 08 2013 : 8:45:56 PM
Just finished 7 hours of homework. Tomorrow I add one more class to the list. In one of my classes I have to write a 21page research paper. Before I could stop myself I blurted out " that's a lot of BS ing". Of course everyone laughed. Even the teacher which was good as we don't always get along. He said he will spend extra time looking for the BS in my paper. I'm always the comic relief.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
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Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Jan 08 2013 : 9:03:44 PM
Bunny I nominate you as an honorary Texan. We are known for BS. Famous actually and that's no bull.
Holly is busy tonight I bet busy is an understatement so may I do the honors for her Sweet dreams everybody.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jan 09 2013 : 11:45:45 AM
Good afternoon everyone,
The boys and I arrived home on Monday night. I thought I would not leave the Dallas/Fort Worth area alive. I am so glad to be home. It was dark when we arrived. The boys got out of the car and started jumping around in the snow. They carried their bags up into the house and asked to go back outside. They came in covered from the top of their hats down to their toes. It was pretty funny. They were so excited.
Yesterday they played outside a while. Ross really likes playing with Gabe who is 6 and vice versa. The older boy, Christian, likes to play by himself right now. Gabe fell asleep in his dessert last night. Both slept through the night and both had dry pants.
I bought them snow boots and mittens yesterday. We have snow pants, hats and coats I have been collecting. One of the snow pants are pink and that did not go over very well with the seven year old. He stomped off in a little hissy. I told him to go hide under his bed and have a fit, which is one of his behaviors. He looked at me and came back put them on and went outside. they discovered icicles today and all three had a great time playing with them The boys do need to learn to keep on their mittens so their hands do not freeze. It is really nice that Ross has someone to play with. It has taken the pressure off of me. He is happy and that is what is important.
So far so good.
To answer Thelma's query these boys are numbers ten and eleven. There are four not living at home. Ten of the children are boys. Kethry has never wanted a sister. The teenagers have been kind and compassionate so far. Kethry in her sixteen year old way slides her head form side to side and says that white boy is going to learn not to whine it is out of control. I laughed.
The social worker went over what discipline methods we are not to use. The biggest is physical force which we do not do. I asked what others we might need to know about, she said, in Texas they tell parents that the children may not kneel on bags of rice at all never mind three hours at a time nor should they be required to hold Bibles over their heads while kneeling. I had never thought of that one myself.
Cheri was exhausted by the time I got home. She says I do not know how you do all that you do at home and take care of the children. She went to bed very early last night. Kethry told a friend she and Cheri ran into that her mama works hard all the time and with her gone there was too much to do. I felt missed when I was told.
When I walked in the door Ross said Hi Mama. I leaned down and he ran and jumped into my arms. Talie gave me a hug hello. Kethry was hiding from the excitement and greeted me later.
I do not carry a purse I use a fanny pack and it can get stuffed with receipts. Kethry says I should carry a purse. She carries a gold lamee purse that is as big as a small suitcase. I do carry a pocket knife in my pocket. I left it at home for the trip. You know the TSA people will confiscate pocket knives. When I was going through security I dutifully emptied my pockets except one. I stepped into the scanner and the woman says what do you have in this pocket. I said, my dirty snot rag, see. Then she said she would gently pat my pocket.
I do have my project bags as well and my camera comes without a bag.
Last night was my Tai chi night and Talie had a basket ball game and Kethry went to the varsity game. I picked her up after class. Cheri puts the boys to bed at night so she has time with them after working away all day.
So, early I will say, Sweet dreams everyone.
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
410 Posts
410 Posts |
Posted - Jan 09 2013 : 4:45:17 PM
Been reading faithfully -- but not able to write much. My plate has just been a bit too full. We got home from Oakhurst Sunday night. On New Year's Eve we went to our friends' house and (did I tell everyone this already?) we discovered we had a headlight out. Well, what with the rain and all we decided to come home while we still had (mostly) daylight on Sunday. I had made an appointment with the dealer to get a new headlight installed on Monday morning. It turned out some water had gotten into the assembly and cracked the bulb. Also turned out that it is a high-intensity bulb which is very-very expensive. Then they had to take the whole assembly (bumper and all) off to replace the bulb. Oh, yes ... and I needed a brake job ... $$$ by the time all was said and done. I sweet talked my dealer guy until I thought he might go into sugar shock ... and got the numbers down by about $700+. Still expensive though. But DH appreciated the discount.
Then I ran errands, groceries, bank, got my hair cut, etc until I was ready to cave in. Then DS made a good dinner and after I ate, I caved. Tuesday was a full day, too. Today I got a bit of ironing done. Wow! Is life exciting or what!
I'm going to have to say goodnight now - right after I say --- HURRAH FOR HOLLY! So VERY happy for you, Holly - and your whole family!
Honey Bunny ... you GO, GF. You can do anything - and do it beautifully!
Gypsy ... Love ya, babe
Nancy ... Talk soon
Marianne, Thelma, Janet ,,, everybody - I'm thinking of you
Sister #3284 - on her Tippie Toes - oxox, Darlys
Chocolate Kisses ...
That is the best ... to laugh with someone because you both think the same things are funny. |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Jan 09 2013 : 6:00:06 PM
Holly, I am delighted by your good news. Who would have thought the first 24 hours would have been so lovely. It is always so meaningful to hear about compliment said outside your presence, isn't it? Especially from a teenager. Love the white boy/whine observation. I can picture the head action in my mind. Some pretty unusual punishment methods you were warned away from. I'm with you, would not have thought of those by myself. I'm famous for throwing the breaker so our teenage son didn't have electricity since I "couldn't" take away a computer game his mother had sent him. (He was five when dh and I married and lived with us fulltime through high school except for eighth grade when he became aware of how stupid we were. That lasted three months until he wanted to come home.)
Got some organizing done today. Felt good. I let the horses have access to their stalls for too long and they messed them up pretty good. Got them cleaned out and I am waiting to hear if tonight is going to be cold enough that they will need to be able to come in tonight.
Hang in there, Bunny.
Later, ladies. marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jan 09 2013 : 7:28:41 PM
Hello everybody
Holly so glad everything is going well--so far, so good, huh? I imagine there will be challenges but you know what you are doing by now. I am starting a tai chi class this week, I have never done it. I am also starting something called QiGong and I don't know what that is. something to do with breathing. I have never heard of the rice/bible punishment--must be from some extreme religious cult--I remember there was one a few years back not far from where I lived.
Mar, you have a way with words. I never had the challenge of a step child but I can just imagine. Jan, how are you holding up with the cold weather, girl? It has been raining like crazy here and cold but not freezing so we are managing. There is a very curvy road between here and the Y where I am going to exercise and I have seen 3 vehicles overturned in the past week. Actually I saw 2 and my daughter saw 1 - I don't know what is wrong with a person who doesn't have sense enough to take a sharp curve slowly when it is wet. Darlys, you shameless hussy--taking advantage of the guy like that--but please teach me how to do do it? I'm about to need a brake job. Seems like a few gals missing - maybe taking a long holiday break?
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
912 Posts
fernandina beach
912 Posts |
Posted - Jan 10 2013 : 06:02:16 AM
Holly, another congratulations. Your house is so blessed being filled with all the noise and fun of those children. I have never heard of the kneeling/Bible punishment. Sounds pretty harsh to me. I am glad Ross is enjoying his new brothers. I know how good it is to be home at last.
Darlys, I could have fixed your light for $700. Just give me a hammer and you would not have to worry about a thing. Hope you are back to being rested. How sweet of Larry to take such good care of you.
Marianne you always say everything so beautifully. Wish I had a way with words. I can draw and do other art things but words never come so easy to me sometimes. I can see it all now....the horses talking to one another saying how they did not care how messy things got in the stalls, they would not have to clean up after themselves.
We have decided to go up north just for a couple of weeks instead of getting a house there since we cannot find what we are looking for. We will probably go sometime in Feb. I told DH that we could go up there for his mother's birthday Feb 4th. Even if we get up there later we can still celebrate her birthday and she wouldn't know that it had past. With her very poor memory she doesn't remember when it is. She is a really good MIL and never butted in on any of the kids lives. DH and his sisters and brothers are taking good care of her.
Have a wonderful day sweet ladies.
Make everyday a celebration of the heart. |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Jan 10 2013 : 06:27:14 AM
Nancy, Visiting you MIL for her birthday will be so special to her. How nice of you to acknowledge that you dh's siblings are doing a nice job of caring for her and it is really something to commend that you and your dh are working so hard to do your share. It is so difficult from such a distance. I hope you are comfortable for the two weeks you are there, home will feel marvelous when you return, huh!
Darlys, you weasel any amount off your bill that you can, you vixen, you. I bet Larry really appreciated your abilities!! Sounds like "when it rained, it poured" peeked in on you for a bit there. Glad you are caught up. You must be caught up if you were ironing. I mean, isn't that everyone's last chore?
DH is on his way home. He has been gone during our record snowfall for Jan.8th and then the record melt of Jan. 9. Surprise!. But, I am so proud of myself. Everyone is still alive. I have a checklist when I go out to the horses: four ears, four eyes, eight hooves, still no balls. (Sunny is gelded.) As long as all those get checked off, I'm fine. If there is a change in that last item, you'll see me on the news!
I am tired. I push myself too hard. And get in trouble for it when DH gets home. So, I can only complain to you gals. So don't tell on me. I don't want it to be a huge To Do List when he gets home, you know? He works so hard at making it so that it is as easy as possible for me while he is gone.
This trip he was in So California. He got to visit his mother for two days while he was there. And, Holy Cow, she has finally agreed to move up to be closer to us. She will be 86 next month. She did have a fall that seriously damaged her rotator cuff and followed that up with a good bout of the flu. It was enough to convince her that she's "there." "It's time." All those things. She is still independent. She just needs some help here and there. And we all - dh, MIL and I - agree she needs to keep doing everything she can for as long as she can. The ol' Use It or Lose It notion. So, that is a great relief for DH and I.
I was hoping to go visit DD next month, but I have been put on hold. She has a problem with a dog barking all night long in the unit directly across from them. Unfortunately, it is the Property Manager who lives there. You'd think he would be the least likely candidate to have a howling, barking canine at 3 a.m. It has been a problem since October for them. They are at their wit's end. They have tried to be kind, I think they need to take the gloves off.
Hope everyone has a lovely day. Mine will be, I have decided. Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
526 Posts
526 Posts |
Posted - Jan 10 2013 : 12:53:24 PM
Thelma - Thanks for the LOL about your handbag and carryig a flashlight! I needed the chuckle.
Gypsy is so right about hurting your body with big bags! I don't even carry one. If I have to carry something it is nothing more than my wallet and even that is big enough for a pen, nail file, magnifying glass, and small measuring tape. But I can also fit my cell phone in it if I have to and I added a clip to it to hold my keys. But most of the time I have my cell phone, debit card, and keys and that's it. I quit carrying bags around years ago when my shoulder always hurt.
CONGRATULATIONS HOLLY AND CHERI!!!! I sure do hope that everything goes smoothly for you and your two new additions!! I love kids and always wished I could have had more but had a hard enough time having one and our house isn't big enough for more. So I will live through your stories :)
Gypsy and Holly - I will check out the book. I have been really busy switching rooms around, my office and our bedroom. Not quite finished, need to buy or make a different size bookcase for this office so right now we are just tripping over everything. I would like to paint the other room, it hasn't been done in years, but frankly, I'm tired just thinking about it so I probably won't.
Bunny - sounds like a full load this quarter, good luck, it will be worth it in the end. Cute skirt too! I finally figured out what a "Sieger" is (I think that's what you have, right? Actually I think I saw an ad in the new MJF for one and went "ah ah, that's what Bunny sews on".
The weather has been so warm here all week and we are quickly getting rid of all the snow, YES! High 30's to mid 40's. But I noticed today at we might get more next Tuesday, probably as soon as this is melted! One of our chickens died this week. David found her alive, laying on the coop floor so he brought her into the garage, but she was dead by the next morning. I was under the weather from Monday night until this morning and stayed home from work. Either food posioning or a bit of the flu, not sure which. Had a flu shot a few months ago though.
I'm also putting together a fundraiser for a friend's son. It's a pot luck on the 26th. He had to have vascular surgery and had 8 stints put in his back. He is only 29, has no insurance and because of his legs can't work anymore. Basically he's been bed ridden for the last year. His life's passion is all things emergency related, he's a volunteer firefighter, teaches various emergency classes, etc... and now, he won't be able to the rest of his life. I feel so bad for him! I just hope we make enough to truly help him. One of the meds he was on cost $1800.00 for an 8 day supply!
No other news at this end! Have a great weekend if I don't get on here before then!
Ginny Farmgirl #2343
"I always have a wonderful time, wherever I am, whomever I'm with." "Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally won out over it." Both by Elwood P. Dowd (Jimmy Stewart) in the Movie Harvey
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jan 10 2013 : 4:49:56 PM
Good evening everyone,
Darlys I can not think why changing a light would be so much. Especially on a new car. it is the new car. I would think there would be some sort of warranty on an expensive car like the new one.
Ginny what would David do if you moved out of the shared bedroom? Do you want too?
Marianne will it be easier having your mil closer, for real? You have a generous spirit to continue to take care of a woman who can be so difficult.
Nancy enjoy Massachusetts. You could go out on the Cape and walk on the beaches. I find them calming this time of year.
Bunny thank you for the lovely birthday card, Now how do you get all of the words printed on it like it is a real postcard. stamps?
We have survived another day. G and C are quiet in their room. Ross is settling down now. He has been a real trooper. He has gone from being basically an only child to having to share everything even his night time routine. I think that is the most difficult for him. C is beginning to test whether we are really going to keep him. The little guy and his brother have been in five placements in the last two years and one was supposed to adopt them but the dad died and the mother could not handle life without him. So, he needs to become secure enough to understand that we are not going to send him away. G is more easy going. He certainly operates in fourth gear a good share of the day. We went out for a walk through the fields today. The walk was about a 1/4 mile each way. It took us 50 minutes. Pushing those sleds with someone on it takes a while. Laying in the snow and making snow angels take time. All of them laughed, Ross did not want to go at first but he said it was the best walk and we should do it everyday. The teenagers are doing well with the boys. J asked today if C was hard to understand because of his accent or immature speech. I told him both. It will get better when he walks more and his breathing is deeper.
Gypsy I would be interested to hear about your Tai Chi class after it gets going to see how it relates to the one I am taking. My teacher emphasizes that the motions should be relaxed and not use force but use the motion of the other person to move them past you.
Sweet dreams everyone,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
410 Posts
410 Posts |
Posted - Jan 10 2013 : 6:17:03 PM
Hey Holly, Just wanted to say ... it wasn't the new car with the headlight issue. It was my car, the 2005 ... and the high intensity headlight for the Lexus, alone, is $1850. Add labor, it's not an easy fix ... and a brake job ... well, this is the Bay Area and, truthfully - nothing is inexpensive. But I was flabbergasted at the cost of the headlight.
And I just know that your love is going to have a huge impact on those boys. I just know it.
Marianne, I have to iron with some regularity - shirts for DH to wear to work. Oh, well. It's my lot in life. I can't really leave it until last.
Ginny, I just know your fundraiser will be a fabulous success. BTW, you are amazing.
Dinnertime! Spaghetti and meatballs with a small salad tonight.
Sister #3284 - on her Tippie Toes - oxox, Darlys
Chocolate Kisses ...
That is the best ... to laugh with someone because you both think the same things are funny. |
Gathered Up: Over 50 Farmgirls  |