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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - May 26 2014 : 8:04:32 PM
Just learned we have our immigration interviews on June 18. I hope B can pass, lol. He is extremely well spoken but it takes a while for him to get the words out and the flow going. And it takes a while for him to react when he is asked something. I have had to learn patience. I have to repeat myself at least three times, sometimes five. It's frustrating when he is driving and by the time he finally decides what "very next exit" means, he has passed it. I still don't know what his disorder is but I know he has one. Please let it not be early Alzheimer's. Yet who else in the world would have the patience to get on the roof and check every. Single. Screw. Twice.
Holly, I understand what you are going through. I stayed with my brother every day for 21 days in the nursing home in 2012. It's physically and emotionally draining. But you will be glad you stayed.
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - May 27 2014 : 08:30:35 AM
GG, he may have a bit of ADD. It partially a processing issue. You say something to a normal person and the information has a straight path to the part of the brain that needs to respond. With ADD, that path doesn't exist. So the brain has to reroute the path and it takes longer. I do it all the time. I make this face like I don't like what they said, but I'm actually frantically trying to process it so I can answer back.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - May 27 2014 : 10:10:42 AM
Bunny that makes perfect sense. That must be it. Hope you are sewing away.
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - May 27 2014 : 4:41:49 PM
GG, I wish. I haven't had time to sew in weeks. Too much homework! I have a craft show this weekend though. It will be interesting to see how it goes. This isn't really the town for it, but it helps me put a display together without the stress of a big show. I'm looking at it as a good experience and some exposure.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

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Posted - May 27 2014 : 5:58:11 PM
Good evening everyone,
I am home. Db is going to live for a while longer. His head is healing. They will put a port in by his collar bone tomorrow so he can have dialysis until they can find an organ donor. The problem there is someone has to die so he can live. The nurse said when his head is stabilized and he is acclimated to the dialysis he can go home with help. There is still hope that the kidney he has will make a recovery. HIs body needs to stop making clots in his leg. The vascular surgeon says that if they vacuumed out the clot another would come in its place.
G when you talk to the B make sure there is no other noise around. He may not be able to sort out the sounds and know which one to pay attention too. Get him to look at you. If there is too much noise around me I can not always hear what is being said . Well, I can hear the sounds but I can not understand the words. When you give him directions be specific. Take the next right in 1/2 mile. I do not know if giving him directions that do not require judgement will help but it is worth a try.
Bunny still counting the days until school is over. Then there will be a routine that you can fit your sewing into. I hope the fair goes well for you this weekend.
I hope everyone else is doing well. I am too tired to look back at the other page of posts to respond. I am very glad you are all here.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
526 Posts
526 Posts |
Posted - May 28 2014 : 12:55:37 PM
Which boy of Holly's is in trouble??? Guess I need to get back on here. I got three BEAUTIFUL cards from Holly and am tickled pink by them all but I haven't been on because I am so busy or so exhausted and depressed. Today it's depressed but mostly it's busy, busy, busy. Too much to do, no one to help. Have to go make dinner now but will get back on tonight and see what's going on. Think of you all often, just don't get on here.
Ginny Farmgirl #2343
"The business of life is the acquisition of memories. In the end, that's all there is." Mr. Carson, Downton Abby
"Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally won out over it." Elwood P. Dowd (Jimmy Stewart) in the Movie Harvey
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - May 29 2014 : 08:59:29 AM
It is not a son but a brother.
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - May 29 2014 : 10:14:00 AM
Holly, I hope your brother is feeling better and will be able to go home soon. Praying for a donor and a full recovery. Glad you were able to be by his side for awhile. Oggie, I hope you are able to take time for yourself, even if it to go out and sit with a cup of tea. Hope things settle down for you soon. Bunny, good luck with your sale this weekend. Hope you sell lots, and get a lot of exposure. Word of mouth is the best advertising. Is it an outdoor sale? GG, How are things going your way? Are you done with all of your dance classes now? Soon you will be moving back to the country? Marie, How are things going with you? How is the garden doing? Janie, Prayers going out for you to get through all of this. You have been through so much. You are a strong gal. Mel, How are you? Bet it is hot there now. Did you get a lot of that rain? Do you have a garden? I only have my flower garden this year, will be putting in some herbs for drying, and more hanging flowers. Mar, Bet you are drowned in empty boxes by now. How is the move going so far? Is your daughter there to help you? Judith, Miss hearing from you. This is a busy time for most getting their gardens and animals going for the summer. I know I missed some of you. Hope things are going well for all of you and you are enjoying the spring and summer weather. Have a great day,
Jan Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - May 29 2014 : 7:55:31 PM
Good evening all,
Another attempt to post from this iPhone. We are still at the country house working on the roof. I am ready for civilization again Such a long list of things to do but I need my computer and Internet. It is hard to really read the posts on the tiny screen.
Ginny I'm glad you popped on for a moment and that you are holding up under the stress. Surely life will get easier for you. Holly I'm glad your brother is improving somewhat. At least going in the right direction.
We have gotten about 4 inches of rain this week and had already gotten three so every day the countryside looked greener and prettier. Maybe I will get my phone camera tomorrow. And try to get some shots of the flowers.
Janet we are not doing a lot of dancing right now. Our instructor has gone to Spain on vacation and we needed a break anyway. With so many other things going on it was very hard to get in the practice.
Will wish everyone a good night and sign off for tonight.
Edited by - doll58maker on May 29 2014 7:58:14 PM |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - May 30 2014 : 6:04:27 PM
Good evening everyone,
Today was a lovely day. It was supposed to rain all day and did not. The sun was out and it was warm and a little muggy. The humidity created a prime environment for the black flies to come out in force. DsC looks a bit like chopped meat from all of his bug bites. He does not seem to notice when they are making a feast of his skin. The others are not bothered so much.
I forgot to tell all of you the story of milking last week. I have two buckets I milk into. The first is the house milk and the second is the extra that we sour and feed to the pigs. I was milking into the second bucket that was half full with the day before's extra milk. I noticed a black strip in it and wondered how I had managed to drop a hunk of manure into it without noticing. so I reached in t o lift it out. EEEEEWWWWW It was a dead mouse!!!! So, I eeekkkked loudly and dropped it back in the milk and finished milking. C took the milk to the pigs and poured it over the grain. The big white female bit that dead mouse to lift it up, flipped back her head and swallowed it like the tasty nugget that it was.
GG what are you going to do when you move to the country house in July if you are going stir crazy already? You must need to get better internet access out there if the B works from home. I hope this sense of isolation resolves itself. I am glad that the roof is being secured so you will not have to pay for all of the repairs to the inside of the house from water damage from the roof. Do people in your area have a way to store the water when it comes down in droves like it seems to be now or is it just feast or famine? I bet the flowers are lovely.
Jan are you going to have yard sales to downsize?
Marie anything up in the garden yet?
Yesterday, I was piling up the manure pile and sprang a leak in one of the hydraulic lines ot the bucket. I did not have the right wrench to take it off so a neighbor came and helped me. It is nice to have friends. It is fixed now so tomorrow I can move some of the compost into the garden and start planting seeds. I have the starts in already. The spinach which I started from seed a while ago is up and should start being picked. I told C we should make and freeze some lasagna for the winter.
Mel hot enough for you? How is your Etsy site?
Judith what is your climate now... I know that Jan is a couple of weeks behind me and Marie seems to be about the same as me but is affected by the heat from the city. Ginny is a week behind me up in Maine.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - May 30 2014 : 6:17:37 PM
. |
Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 15 2019 4:14:06 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - May 30 2014 : 6:51:31 PM
Holly, I don't think I would be able to eat any of the pig that ate the mouse....that drank the milk....that came from the cow...OK I'm done. Lol. Got carried away.
Gypsy, now that you have B to help around the country house, what about fixing it up to sell and find something you can live with a little closer to town.
I set up for my craft fair tomorrow. I couldn't find the place. Drove back and forth on the road quite a few times. Just as I decided to give up, I saw the coordinator in her truck with her stuff so I was able to follow her. No cell service out there. I was able to sign my iPad onto the owners wifi so I will be able to take debit and credit cards. It is a very small craft fair up a steep gravel road. I think people will be disappointed. Most of the stuff is just reprinted furniture in the shabby chic style. I'm the only on with something different. Time will tell. It starts at 8am. I have never had a craft fair start that early. I hope it isn't a waste of time.
I'm so tired of school. I haven't sewn in weeks. This summer will be more classes and they look pretty homework intensive. One is a web design class, then a keyboarding for speed class and a human resources class. Then two days a week I do my internship. I'll be luck if I have the weekends for sewing. But if I get this job that is coming up at the college, I'll be working 5 days a week. But at least I will have my weekends for sewing.
Ginny, so glad to hear from you! Hang in there. Have a cup of tea on me. Hope you can find some time to de-stress.
Jan, any trips in the RV yet?
Marie, you have been awfully quite lately. Hope all is well and you are just working in your garden.
Phone is ringing...number one son. Later all.....
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - May 30 2014 : 7:26:37 PM
I am so tired tonight, so this will be short. Holly, we are going to have at least 3 rummage sales before we leave. I think we will have on in about 3 or 4 weeks. I have so much stuff to get rid of before October 25th, when we leave. Bunny, we will not be able to go out with our motorhome for a couple of weeks yet. We have to wait until we get our checks. All of our money went for the purchase, now we need to get license and insurance on it before we can go. That gives me time to get our stuff in it that we can keep. GG, I bet it looks so pretty there with everything turning green. Our leaves are just starting to open up on the trees, except the oak trees, they take forever. The lilacs are not out yet. Well, off to bed. Have a great evening,
Jan Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - May 30 2014 : 9:35:15 PM
Sounds like we are all tired tonight. Bunny I hope you are pleasantly surprised with the craft fair tomorrow. You have a stressful schedule these days for sure.
I tried to post a pic from my morning walk but it is too slow to load tonight.
Holly you asked about the rain water--mostly it is feast or famine but slowly people are putting in rain catchment systems. I plan to do that this year. My roof catches a lot of rainwater. I had a pond dug a few years ago but it will not hold water because it is so sandy. The very bottom is black clay and it holds some but not like it should. There is a second well but I've not activated it. Water is becoming a precious resource. The recent rains will save a lot of oak trees and fill the lakes. My brother lost 25 large oak trees on his three acre property due to drought. So sad. But it's always been that way in Texas. I think both janiee and Mel live in this great state but I haven't heard where all the rains hit.
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - May 30 2014 : 9:55:31 PM
I apologize for not being able to post here lately. Lowell has been hogging the laptop, which is usually reserved for me, because the desktop is down. It needs the operating system restored which is a complicated and expensive proposition. I cannot believe how selfish he is.
Anyway, everything is growning in my garden. The tomatoe plants have to be split up. The peas are all nicely placed in a row. All the lettuces are up and growing. The zuccini, brocoli, swiss chard and basils are very nice. We have had temperatures in the 80's. There has been some rain. I still water twice a day. I believe that this garden will produce a good crop. I still have more to plant: cucumbers, water melons, holly hocks, spring onions and a few more herbs. I am rubbing my hands together in anticipation.
Jan - Let me know when you plan to come to the City of Lakes. We will show you a good time. You can just park in our neighbourhood and enjoy many restaurants and cultural activities within walking distance.
Gypsy - I believe you should be giddy to be carded. No one cards me anymore. Lowell said that you are very photogenic. Rock your youthful looks sister! 
Holly - Pigs are amazing. They will eat anything.
There is a 24 year old woman a living with an older (my age) lady in another apartment building down the street. Apparently, she has some problems. The older woman called the police because she had been drinking and talking about suicide. Lowell wanted to see why the police were in the neighbourhood and after they left we sat with the older woman for a while. There was a half bottle of vodka on the step and I asked if she was going to get rid of it. She said that she had made a "pinkie promise" with the young woman to not throw it out. I told her that she didn't have to. I would. She agreed that it was for the best and she would not be breaking her promise. I told her that if the young woman got mad at her to tell her that I did it. I told Lowell that this was a stroke of luck because I could use the vodka to make some herbal extracts and I wouldn't have to buy it to experiment with. He was incensed that I wanted to use it and he forbade me to bring it in the house. He told me to pour it out and recycle the bottle. I wasn't going to but he made such a stink. But . . . I only pretended to pour it out and recycle. I just set it by the recycling bin and when I came back from Mitzi's walk the next morning, I picked it up and placed it in my spice cupboard which he never looks at. I am pretty tricksey.
He was still asleep this morning when I left to accompany Annette for the lease signing on her new apartment. She doesn't have a checking account so she paid me and I wrote the check. She is so glad to have her own place after living with her son for 27 years. She is going to have a house warming party. I told her when she made the invitations to give each guest a section of her new home to buy things for and tell them her ideas and preferences: kitchen - colors and fabrics, cookware choices; living room - colors, window size; bedroom - bed size; bathroom - scents and fabrics; message center - ideal cork board, etc. She will also have a slumber party. I would so like that. The last one I went to was when I was in sixth grade.
Lowell, Mitzi and I are going to visit my parents this weekend. Why we couldn't go last weekend which had three days, I have no idea. He is always shorting the visits to my parents. I may just have to start renting a car to go out to see them more often. My parents are okay about seeing Lowell and I but they really want to see Mitzi. I know that Mitzi wants to see Blue, the neighbor's dog, again.
I will be announcing the new Farm Girl of the Month soon. Stay tuned.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
Edited by - churunga on May 30 2014 9:57:34 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
526 Posts
526 Posts |
Posted - May 30 2014 : 10:21:34 PM
I am so sorry to hear about Holly's brother. At least you have spent time with him and hopefully said things you needed or wanted to say. I'll send out prayers and positive thoughts for a donor as well! Being home does help the spirits, just ask David. I will de-stress as the world says I have to now, as I just got home from the ER earlier tonight with a broken wrist and very large, bruised and painful thigh. Fell in driveway trying to help friend get a trash can onto his truck of my chicken manure for his garden. zI was on a stool trying to get into bed of truck. Will now catch up with my farmgirl friends! Should be an interesting month or two. If I didn't have bad luck, I'd have no luck. Or maybe we need to have the house/us exercised if that's the right word (exercist?). To much typing. Will catch up, but maybe not type when tomorrow comes. I'm so drugged and still in massive pain.
Ginny Farmgirl #2343
"The business of life is the acquisition of memories. In the end, that's all there is." Mr. Carson, Downton Abby
"Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally won out over it." Elwood P. Dowd (Jimmy Stewart) in the Movie Harvey
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - May 31 2014 : 06:54:19 AM
Marie, I am hoping to get to your fine city one day, would love to meet you and all the wonderful farmgirls here. Hubby knows I want to meet all of you eventually. Soon, my friend, soon. Ginny, sorry to hear you are now laid up with a broken wrist. You sure have had a streak of bad luck. It is time to turn things around and have at least one uneventful year without all of those health issues. Sending you a big hug, girl. Take care of yourself. GG, Are you putting in a garden this year? Even saving water in rain barrels helps with catching some of the rain. I can't imagine being so dry. We have good soil here and all the water soaks in and usually keeps things watered. We do have to do some watering when we do not get rain for awhile. Bunny, Good luck today, hope you get lots of sales, or even some orders to keep an income coming your way. Holly, It has been in the 60s and 70s here, feels so good to have spring finally. We have not had rain for a week now, so nice to see sunshine for so long. I love summertime. That mouse was probably a delicacy to that pig. A treat. Yuck!!!! I think I would have gotten sick. Out to do some yard work. Have a great day,
Jan Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - May 31 2014 : 08:00:31 AM
Marie they are not carding me because of age. anyone who buys alcohol even just beer has to put their drivers license in the card scanner and scan it. Maybe a state law here if you don't have to do it there. Another blatant invasion of privacy. I don't have to show identity to vote but I do to buy beer.
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - May 31 2014 : 2:04:59 PM
Oh, Ginny, I am so sorry !!! Please will the powers that be give this girl a break!! And I don't mean another bone!! Win the lotto or something!! In the meantime, dear Ginny, sit back and rest and heal in body mind and spirit.
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - May 31 2014 : 6:39:45 PM
My craft fair was decent. I had three sales totaling $277.00. I'm very happy with that. However, I did buy a vintage wedding dress for 25.00 and two old quilts to make into jackets for 20.00 each. I'll get my money back with what I make on one item most likely. I'm kind of excited about the wedding dress. It is plain but I like the fabric and already have some ideas for an upcycled wedding dress. I am totally pooped out though.
Ginny, we are going to have to put you in a bubble pretty soon to keep you healthy! Sending you heal thing thoughts to keep you safe!
Later all, nap time is calling my name!
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - May 31 2014 : 7:22:29 PM
Congrats, bunny. Sleep well.
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - May 31 2014 : 7:25:54 PM
Good evening everyone,
Today was another lovely day. It started out overcast and chilly. I thought my laundry would get wet on the line before it dried but it never rained so my luck held out.
We topped off some of the pallet raised beds that I made last year. C brought over bales of hay and we turned them on their sides and made a rectangle and filled it with manure. C planted green beans and carrots. I hope they do well I like to freeze them.
Decisions, decisions Jan what to keep and what to pitch. Are you going to stash stuff at your son's house if you can not decide whether something should go away long term? I am glad it is warming up where you live. The cold just seemed to hang on too long this year.
Gypsy I have not heard of the state recording who bought what booze. We do not do that here. Texas sure has some invasive procedures. What if you refused?
Bunny, glad you made some sales and that you did take home some of the profit even if you spent some of it. I bet your creative mind is whirling.
Ginny, I bet you had not nice words come out of your mouth when you fell. If you can get hold of some sage and cedar make a bundle and walk all around the outside of your house reciting some blessing words that are appropriate for you situation. Then go around each room of your house with the smudge and say something positive as well. I knew a woman who lit a red candle in each room and sang a blessing song she made up for her family.
Marie your garden sounds great. Can Annette's son do something about your computer? I am glad you have something to be excited about.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jun 01 2014 : 05:31:06 AM
Bunny I forgot to write last night that you are too funny with your parody of the house that Jack built. You are great with rhythm. I laughed out loud. The pig she is a character.
Have a good day with moments of joy.
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
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True Blue Farmgirl
873 Posts
873 Posts |
Posted - Jun 01 2014 : 10:01:40 AM
WAAAAAHOOOOOOO!!! Bunny! I am sooo glad to hear that you actually did make a profit from your craft show....sold items and were able to buy items.....not such a bad thing! And of course, your purchases allow you to make more money! That's a good thing. :)
OHHHHNOOOOOO! Ginny....OMG a broken wrist? That has to be painful in more ways than Gypsy need a in a short sudden stop! Maybe someone was praying for you to get a break from all the craziness and the BIG GUY wasn't hearing well that day and made an oops! Ok, Ok don't get up in was just a joke and besides I believe in HIS huge sense of humor.......why else would WE all be here?? LOL I am praying for your healing and a wooping big dose of peace!!!!!!!
Jan....I do not envy you attempting to downsize as a major lifestyle change! But yooooou can do it!! Did you say you you don't have the burden of selling a home?? Or am I just crazy? Well let me rephrase that......I am caaaaaaaarazy, but did I understand correctly?
Does anyone agree with me, that sometimes it's frustrating to write down words without the benefits of voice, tonal inflections??? You guys just can't appreciate how funny I am......just kiddin'....I am truly not that arrogant....well on second thought, maybe a little! :) I have pissed-off people and made lifetime enemies of people by something I wrote and truly thought it was innocent and caring and not even a joke and poof...there went the friendship and no amount of apologizing in the world could help!! Oh well....their loss!! Soooooo if I ever offend any of you.....I apologize now!!!! 
Holly.....that thar pig story grossed me out!!!!!!! Yuck! Your garden sounds like it's coming together! I need to get to the farmer's market to get my fresh veggies. My son and his girl joined a CSA and they get things from there twice a month but I just can't use that much stuff.
I don't know if I am dumb, dumber or dumbest......on second thought I am definitely the dumbest.........I live on the edge month by month but this time I ran over the edge! :)
My best to all, Mel Sassy City Girl with Farmgirl Fantasies! |
Edited by - Kirksmom71 on Jun 01 2014 10:16:13 AM |
Gathered Up: Over 50 Farmgirls  |