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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - May 22 2014 : 6:45:41 PM
Oh, my Holly! I am so sorry to hear of your brother's issues. I will check around with friends and relatives. I hate to hear he is in so much pain. I know my son is not O even though he is tall. I will pray for him too. And, you too...such a worry.
Farmgirl sister #3926
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but the belief that something is more important than fear." Ambrose Red Moon |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - May 22 2014 : 7:05:50 PM
Holly, so sorry to hear about your brother. I do not know anyone with type O blood, sorry. Hope he gets better with no side effects. How worried you must be. Judith, too bad they had to postpone ds surgery. It makes it hard when they prolong things, but better safe than sorry. That motorhome is a few years old, but in very good condition and only 36,000 miles on it. It should last us a long time. We have 5 months before we leave here, so it will give us time to get used to it and make it our home. I have a lot of stuff to get rid of, that's for sure!!!
Jan Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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Posted - May 22 2014 : 7:15:44 PM
Jan, love your new home!! I bet you can't wait. Happy trails to you!!
Judith, sorry your son and family are sick. Waiting is the hard part. June 9th isn't that far away. Get some rest and relax. It will turn out great.
Holly, that is terrible about your brother. So many things to deal with plus being in terrible pain. I sure hope they can help him soon. Glad his son is there to keep an eye on him. I'm afraid I don't know anyone to fit the criteria for a new liver.
I did homework all day today. I'm getting sick of doing PowerPoint presentations! I'm so behind in my math class. I did get all my classes worked out. I will be able to graduate the end of summer now. We tweaked my degree from Administrative Assistant to Administrative Assistant Professional. So I don't have to take the typing class that isn't online. However, had I done this last quarter, I wouldn't have had to take the math class!!! Bummer. But it will all work out and boy will I be smart!
Yesterday I went to the doctor for my checkup. My cholesterol is way too high. So I have new pills to take. My blood pressure medicine wasn't working good enough so now I take one in the morning and one at night. We got along a little better this time.
My mom is driving me nuts again as usual. It is so sad to be old and ridged and closed minded. She makes everything so much harder on herself.
Anyway, Later for now!! Time for Vegging in front of the boob tube.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
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Posted - May 22 2014 : 8:28:20 PM
bunny, I am glad you are able to access good medical care. And that you are following the doc's instructions. Do you feel better having your bp under better control? Congrats on working out a program so that you can graduate this summer.
Holly, I am so sorry to hear of your brother's suffering. It must be difficult to try to manage several major health issues at once. I wish I could help with a donor. I bet you put your washing machine to work! Staber is a brand I am not familiar with.
Judith, your ds's surgical plans sound sensible. I hope you can get some rest before the ninth. I know you mentioned scrubbing their apt. that sounds like a big undertaking, but that's what moms do. A clean environment for recovery is very important. You will be in my thoughts.
Jan, I think your new home looks very new! That sounds like very low mileage to me. I bet you are very excited. Bon Voyage and Happy Trails! (Pretty soon, anyway!)
dd and dh are in a Hilton in Spokane with our car and a truck and trailer LOADED. I will go to the new house tomorrow at ten with Gracie and Sammie and they will pull in...when they pull in. They were both asleep at 7:15 this evening, so they may get an early start! i hope so.
I am very excited to start this new chapter. We started the selling portion of this move a year ago. First, cleaning and fixing up the place. Then putting it on the market in July. Getting the offer in February. Closing in April. Found the new house in April and finally closing and moving in in May.
I hope everyone we haven't heard from lately is well. mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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True Blue Farmgirl
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2914 Posts |
Posted - May 22 2014 : 9:45:51 PM
Holly--will be keeping your brother in my prayers. Sounds scary but doctors can work miracles these days. Mar--what a relief to finally have a home! I don't know if I could have waited that long, have always had a place to live as soon as I went looking for it. OK, I settled for some pretty dingy apartments before I got my house. But I'm single so it was alright. Jan--the motorhome looks wonderful! If I had the extra cash, I'd get me a little teardrop trailer. I have a tent but i like to camp when it's cool and the tent can get cold at night, then I get bronchitis. A trailer would be warmer and also offer more protection from the rain. I can dream... GG--so glad your trip went well! All that foliage really looks inviting. Marie--your garden sounds nice. I've got almost all of mine in, still waiting for it to rain so I can transplant some tomatoes and peppers. My beans are doing good, they're both varieties that I've never tried so should be interesting. I finally put some mulch down so that should help keep things from getting too dry. Judith--yes, it's best for your son to postpone surgery till the bronchitis clears up. I had pneumonia about two months ago I know that respiratory infections can be very debilitating. Bunny--congrats on the internship. Hope it leads to something permanent. I got a notice from the HR person at work who let my application for the wellness initiative program sit on her desk for three months, causing me to be ineligible for the program. She sent me a form that I have to fill out each year and put that it was due...May 10, 2013. So I made a copy of it and I'm going to write a letter to the COO and point out the mistake made earlier in my ER report, and tell the COO, nicely, that PEOPLE MAKE MISTAKES but I shouldn't be penalized for a mistake made by someone else. And she won't admit it. Don't know if it'll do any good but I'll feel better. How can these people correct their mistakes unless they're pointed out? I think the COO would be interested in knowing just have many mistakes the hospital has made on my record just this year alone. I'm planning to "March Against Monsanto" on Saturday at Monsanto's corporate headquarters in St. Louis. Don't know how many will show up, maybe two hundred or so. Hopefully we'll get on TV. I feel so disgusted with Monsanto for their role in the suicides of 250,000 small farmers in India in recent years. People come before profits. People, planet, profits--that's how it should be prioritized. Since I live in Monsanto country, I'm kind of hyper-aware of all the bad things they've done in pursuing profits above all else. My brothers in St. Louis and in Indiana will be at my parents' house for the holiday weekend so i hope my brothers can get the yard mowed. My parents have a one acre yard but my dad will be 84 in June and he's never had, and will never get, a riding mower. He gets tired easily so the yard is starting to look like a jungle. I don't have time to do it, what with trying to maintain my own yard. Plus I take medication that makes me susceptible to heatstroke so i have to limit my time outdoors to when it's coolest. Good night, and God bless. Cindy
"Vast floods can't quench love, no matter what love did/ Rivers can't drown love, no matter where love's hid"--Sinead O'Connor "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - May 23 2014 : 06:18:12 AM
hello gals, sorry i have been missing. 55 days ago one of my brothers broke his neck and survived and we have been trying to help him out while he recovered. early wednesday morning he was killed while trying to cross a street and we are all in shock. please keep my what is left of my family in your prayers and i will get back on this at a latter date. thank you in advance for all of your support janiee farmgirl #390 |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Nora Springs
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Posted - May 23 2014 : 2:31:02 PM
Oh, Janie, I am so sorry for your loss. I cannot imagine what you and your family are going through. I will keep you and your family in my prayers.
Farmgirl sister #3926
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but the belief that something is more important than fear." Ambrose Red Moon |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - May 23 2014 : 5:33:04 PM
Janie, so sorry to hear that. I know how worried you were when your brother broke his neck. My prayers go out to you and your family. Also send you a big hug. Do take care and we will be waiting for you when you are ready to post. Bunny, good news on not having to go to school longer. That must be a big relief. Mar, congrats on your new home!!! I am so happy for you. Soon you will be all settled in. We go to pick up our motorhome tomorrow morning. Another 100 mile trip one way, that is 4 times this week. I have to drive the car home. I do not like being on the highways on a holiday weekend. Especially during all the graduations going on around here too. I will be glad to get back home and clean our new home. We are not leaving until October, so we have a lot of time to do what we want to it. We will be doing some road trips here and there to get used to traveling in it. Can't wait. Have a great evening,
Jan Farmgirl Sister #3340
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - May 23 2014 : 6:28:51 PM
Good evening everyone,
I think 36000 miles is pretty low mileage for an RV. Driving on a holiday weekend is a pain but it will be over before you can get worked up enough about it to worry.
mar's junk should be at her house by now. oops sorry Mar's quality goods should be there. lol I hope dd and dh are recovering from the trip.
I have a son in St Louis. He is doing direct in home care for work now. He should be good at it he has compassion.
Janiee, I am so sorry that your brother was killed. You must be spinning. long strong hugs for you.
Marie you garden looks great. You are clever to reuse futons for climbing walls. Ladders work well too.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - May 23 2014 : 7:20:12 PM
Janie--that is so sad about your brother. Sending hugs. You take care, Cindy
"Vast floods can't quench love, no matter what love did/ Rivers can't drown love, no matter where love's hid"--Sinead O'Connor "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

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Posted - May 24 2014 : 4:23:17 PM
Good evening everyone,
I went to Foraging school today. It is called Wisdom of the Herbs School. We learned how to read Newcomb's wildflower guide. It really works to look up a plant if you know what you are doing in it. We walked around and the teacher showed us plants you can eat pieces of. We cooked dandelion flower fritters, some people stir fried dandelion leaves and roots. and some people made pesto from the dandelion leaves. One group steamed the Japanese Jewel weed. It was all very tasty. I thought the pesto was too spicy so I would not add as much ginger and garlic as the group added. Apparently you can make a coffee substitute by drying the dandelion roots but we did not finish that project.
Tonight at home we planted tomato plants an broccolli plants in the raised beds. I hope we do not have a frost now.
The weather today was rainy and hot and sunny. The clouds blew across the mountains and while the rain was torrential it passed quickly.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - May 24 2014 : 6:47:12 PM
We made it home with the motorhome, Bob did a great job of driving her home. I drove the car home, and actually kept up with him going 68mph. Now, this is an accomplishment for me, since I only drive once a week to go out for breakfast with my sister in town. Last year I drove on the highway at 55, first time in 18 years!!!!! My daughter laughs at me. I tell her that I have a chauffer and do not need to drive!!!! Been 26 years since I put gas in the car!!! LOL!!! Now with our new home on wheels, I just may drive it once in awhile, but we will probably be going about 35mph!!! Mar, Did you get to sleep in your new home last night? We need some pictures. GG, How are things going for you? Hope you are rested up and feeling better. You are the next one to move. Cindy, good to hear from you. Janie, Remember, we are all here for you when you need us, just a click away. Marie, How is the band going? Hope Lowell gets all the right people to start playing somewhere soon. Does he plan on doing that as a night job, or just for fun. I am glad you are able to get your garden going. Hope you have a good growing season. Bunny, Have you had any time to sew lately? When are you done with this term? Do you get a break before summer classes start? Holly, glad you are finally getting nice planting weather. We finally hit 60 degrees yesterday, and today. It is supposed to be nice here tomorrow, then rain Monday and Tuesday. My son is coming over tomorrow for a cookout. I will be cooking bbq beef ribs. I think I will grill my veggies on the grill too, or get the fire pit going, if it is not too windy. We have a whole truck load of wood to burn in our pit, so hopefully we will have lots of fires outside this summer. Glad you are getting some of your planting in, hopefully no frost in the near future. We do not plant here until Father's Day weekend before we are out of danger for frost. Makes for a short growing season. Have a great evening,
Jan Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - May 24 2014 : 9:25:10 PM
Hello friends. Just popping on here to let you know I'm still around. Just having phone issues and no time to get to the ATT store. Was in Austin only one night then we came to the country house where there is no Internet. So this little phone is all I have. But I'll catch up with you a all in a few days. Holly and Janiee I am so sorry for your sorrow with your brothers. Still grieving the loss of my own brother I can relate all too well. Holly I am sending prayers out to the universe for your brother. Please let us know how he is doing.
True Blue Farmgirl
873 Posts
873 Posts |
Posted - May 25 2014 : 10:46:24 AM
Being an only child with no siblings, I cannot presume to know how it feels to lose a brother but my heart goes out to all of you that have. I do know how my youngest suffered when my oldest son died. They were very close and more than just brothers! And my SIL grieved so when my hubby passed on. My prayers and farmgirl hugs to all!
Holly, my hubby was what is referred to as a 'universal blood donor'. That's O-neg. He was called on to donate a few times. Once it was for a 17 year old young man with leukemia....don't know what happened in the long term.....I am confident that your bro will find a suitable, willing donor. :)
GG.....your grandson is adorable! So glad you wee able to get to spend time with the family in Hawaii. the it's tough waiting for October to arrive! Will you be taking short jaunts around the area for some experience before you drive off into the sunset? Have you owned a motorhome before? My SIL and BIL just recently purchased what they call (I think) a Class B motorhome. They used to camp all the time when their kids were at home but sold their unit when they built a new house and the kids grew up and my MIL went to live with them........but now they say they are retired and it's time for them to travel and enjoy themselves. you are unpacking like a crazy one this fine day......I wish I could help! I love setting up new home spaces! Reinvention for old's invigorating.....ENJOY!! It's an new adventure to partake of!!
Marie.....your garden is garden here but I received a little sunflower packet from a swap and planted them....3 seeds germinated and I managed to kill one of the plants so I still have two so far! I have killed off more plants in my life time than days in a year!! :) But that hasn't stopped me much to the dismay of Mother Nature!! :)
My best to all, Mel Sassy City Girl with Farmgirl Fantasies! |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

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Posted - May 25 2014 : 2:47:48 PM
Good afternoon everyone,
I am sitting in the recovery ICU with my brother. He had the bleed under his dura removed this morning. He is not conscious. I think they have him sedated because of all the tubes. Now to deal with the blood clots in his leg and the issue with his kidney. My other sibs say they were told it was an infection and then the nurse said it was the clots impairing the venal flow from the kidney. I will ask again when someone shows up who might have information.
I did not go to foraging class today because I needed to get down here. The map quest said it was a little more than 3 hours. It took me more than 4. I am glad it was not a business day, the traffic would have been worse.
Sorry that you do not have a green thumb Mel. It is a blessing and a curse for me. Any plant that someone gives me grows. Even when I did not want any house plants to care for some one gave me amaryllis bulbs and they are still alive even when I ignored them. I have a hard time letting them die.
I hope the country house is soothing for you, G. Ir would be nice to find those springs. Is the vegetation different in any spot than another? Does the soil quality change anywhere? Those would be signs of water.
Judith you are kind to look around for someone who meets the criteria. I would like his son to donate but my brother wants him to save his parts for his other son who may need them sometime in the distant future.
Driving after a long absence is an adventure. DdK usually drives me around when I am home. I was nervous driving down here especially when I missed the exit and had to get new directions. How splendid that you have not had to pump gas in so long.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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Posted - May 25 2014 : 3:15:38 PM
Holly, I'll send healing thoughts to your brother. I hope they can find what he needs to repair the damage.
I have been getting everything ready for my craft fair next weekend. I have everything pretty much ready. I just have to pack the truck and take the dresses off hangers and pack them. I wanted to wait until the last minute so they won't be too wrinkled. I spend a bunch of money yesterday in Portland. I got a portable rack to hand clothes on and some fabric for a baby quilt for my niece.
I did get an order Friday night but she cancelled it this morning. I'm trying not to be too bummed about it. People change their minds for different reasons. She is lucky I didn't get it in the mail on Saturday. I was in Portland all day otherwise it would have been on it's way to her already.
Tired, time for a nap.
Prayers to everyone having a hard time right now.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - May 25 2014 : 7:10:12 PM
Good evening everyone. It is raining here and the roof is leaking in three places. B has found the sources. One is flashing and the other two are loose screws. It has to stop raining before we can fix them.
Holly I'm sorry you are having to go through this. Sending you big hugs. I don't have any idea what my blood type is. Seems like something I should know. Bunny I hope your sale goes well and you can have some time to not be worried about sales. Jan, congratulations on finding the perfect travel home. What are you going to name her? I'm going to post before I lose this.
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - May 25 2014 : 7:22:37 PM
. |
Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 15 2019 4:07:44 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

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Posted - May 26 2014 : 05:41:43 AM
What a wonderful picture!!!! A great memory to have. Hope you can get the leaks fixed soon and no more problems. It seems once there is a leak, it is hard to find where the source is. He we have a metal roof, no problems at all, but our old building had a lot of them, ice would buildup and cause leaks on the flat roof area. No fun. We are going to get rain today, it is gloomy out right now, but we had 5 days without rain. It was heavenly!!!!!! Got the motorhome all cleaned out, now to figure out what to put in it. I am waiting until my daughter comes over to look at it first. She would have something to say about what I do to it. I am trying to find a perfect name, not sure yet. Then I will get a sign made. We are loving it!!!! Our goal of 21 years finally starting to come to be. More later, Have a great day today!!!!!
Jan Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - May 26 2014 : 4:25:30 PM
What a Memorial Day to remember. We worked on the roof all day long and I can hardly move. Now there is supper to deal with. We were planning to go back to the city but B wanted to stay and get the roof fixed. There are so many loose screws. This is the kind of metal roof that you have to tighten the screws every few years and it looks like the two bedrooms had never been tightened. We have had 6.5 inches of rain in the past two weeks, 3.5 yesterday and last night so finally we were able to see exactly where the water is coming in. I've never been on the roof before and early the people I've sent up there haven't done what they were supposed to do
Hope you all are having a good day.
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
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Posted - May 26 2014 : 5:01:27 PM
Gypsy, I agree! Great picture! You both look happy. Hard not to be in Hawaii with family. Fixing the roof does not sound fun. Bet you learned quite a bit getting up there yourself. Too bad the work wasn't done properly.
Jan, I bet you have fun outfitting your new home. You will have to plan some short trips to work out the bugs on traveling and living in such a small space.
Holly, your foraging class sounds really cool. When I was in college back in the 70's, there was a class called edible plants. I never had time to take it. But always wanted to. Amazing what is growing out there that is edible and good for you. I have a friend that knows all about mushrooms and goes hunting for them every once in a while. She is a wonderful artist so knows what they all look like.
Not much going on for me. I house sat for my two little blind dogs last night and again tonight. I didn't sleep well and homework was hard to get through today. I just turned it in and realized I forgot to do something on it. I don't care at this point. I'm getting an A so far. So I will probably get a B on the project. I did take a nap but I'm still tired.
Hope you all had a productive weekend. Holly, I hope your brother is doing better.
Janie and Judith, you are both in my thoughts too. Hope you were able to have some rest this weekend.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
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2428 Posts |
Posted - May 26 2014 : 5:07:57 PM
GG, It is good that you found what was wrong. It gets maddening when people are paid to do a job and never do it right. Then you are the one who pays for it. Hope that takes care of all the leaks. Glad you have B to help. Sounds like he is handy. Now, time to relax and give your muscles a break. Glad you finally got some rain. We had a nice day today, it got up to 75 degrees, but then it got real windy and cooled some. It has been thundering, but no rain yet. We sat outside for awhile, in between doing laundry and cooking. We waited so long for this nice weather. They showed on the weather channel, and NBC news, Marquette, Michigan, which is 63 miles from here on Lake Superior. They had 83 degrees, and the lifeguards were patrolling the beach with people in swimsuits basking in the sun with ice floating on the lake. It looked so funny. Lake Superior in Upper Michigan does not get warmer than 38 degrees year round. Right now it is in the mid 30s, and people are actually swimming in it with the beaches open for the season. Too cold for me!!! Have a great evening,
Jan Farmgirl Sister #3340
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - May 26 2014 : 6:28:47 PM
Good evening everyone,
I am still with my brother. He is awake now and talking. He as a sense of humor so he must be better than he was two days ago. He does not remember yesterday or the day before so when he talks about yesterday he really means Friday. He finally signed a health care proxy. I am #2 . Our older brother who lives and hour from here is #1. I asked db several times if he wanted me to visit tomorrow morning and he avoided the question so I am staying tonight in a hotel to visit with him some more.
He is not out of the woods. They still have to figure out how to clear the clots out of his legs and how to get his kidney to function again. He is chomping at the bit to be out of there to go fishing in his boat. He understands how serious his condition is but he wants everything to be better, now.
C broke the washing machine this morning. So, she went out and bought a commercial machine instead of waiting for the repairman to come. It was getting old. I am amused that she could not wait.
I am so glad that you all are writing.. I am so glad to have a bit of the normalcy that you bring to my life.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
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