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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - May 16 2014 :  5:53:20 PM  Show Profile
Sweet dreams everyone,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gladstone Mi.
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Posted - May 16 2014 :  6:29:06 PM  Show Profile
Worked today, it was so slow, nobody seems to want to go out in this weather. We were 26 degrees this morning, and only been getting into the 30s. We had snow flurries, but it did not stick to the ground. Some places got up to 2 inches on the ground. I am afraid with all of this cold that it will change extremely and have a very hot summer. I could be wrong, but that is what usually happens when we linger in the cold for so long.
Monday Bob and I are going out of town to look at rvs and an rv center to see if they have any used ones. It is 120 miles away, so we will make a day of it. We both need some time away. Talk about cabin fever!!!
Holly, you deserve a slow day. You make up for it most days.
Have a great evening,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - May 16 2014 :  6:52:11 PM  Show Profile
Jan, I hope you find something wonderful!! Good luck.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - May 17 2014 :  4:33:20 PM  Show Profile
Jan, best of luck on your search. It sounds as though your search will be a great adventure! I hope you have fun.
Holly, it is indeed nice to hear you had a slower than normal day. I hope you are having moments of joy.
gg, love the abundant plants! Gorgeous.
We have been doing a lot of sit tests. (we are sofa shopping) We sign papers on Tuesday. Own the place on Thursday. Move in on Friday. Or something like that...

I've missed checking in with you all. Glad you are still here!
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
2305 Posts

Posted - May 17 2014 :  5:20:24 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Today started out stormy and dark. By nine o'clock the rain had stopped the the clouds passed over. it was sunny the rest of the day. When I was in the sun it was very warm. It felt like the 70's. In the shade there was a nip in the air.

I bought pig food today. Can and I were unloading it and carrying it down to the shelf in their stall. Remember I told you the stall had 4 inches of ice in it. It is all melted now and the sand is very wet and mucky. On the last bag C got her boot stuck in the muck and fell on her keester. When she go up she left an imprint in the mud that looked like she had taken an iron to the mud in the shape of her bum. She was fine when she stood up. She washed out her jeans in the stream and pranced to the house in her skivvies. We had a good laugh about it.

Apparently this morning at 4:30 the emergency management people called our road crew boss to tell him that a big wind was coming up route 12 and their may be a small tornado. The emergency management people sounded the siren. We did not hear it. I bet the people who live in town were not happy to have the siren sounded so early and not know why. We did not hear the wind either. Excitement and we missed it.

When I last bought a new couch the selling points for me were that I could sit on the couch and put my head back and still connect with the back cushion on the couch. The second point was that I could lay down on the couch with my legs out so I could take a nap and not be crowded. I hope you find a right couch for you. You will be living with it for the next dozen years or so. A couch is something you can get your cost per use down on before it wears out.

Jan, I hope you find a nice RV and the driving is pleasurable. Are you comfortable driving such a long time in the car?

Bunny, we mailed two boxes of men's shirts to you this morning. I hope you can use them.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

2259 Posts

Posted - May 17 2014 :  5:42:21 PM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 15 2019 4:03:42 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

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Posted - May 17 2014 :  5:43:05 PM  Show Profile
Changing. See what I mean?

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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - May 17 2014 :  6:30:10 PM  Show Profile
Gypsy, I hate it when that happens. I never review my posts for that reason. At least it looks like you are enjoying yourself with your family.

Holly, thank you! I can't wait. I'll let you know when they get here.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Not all who wander are lost.../
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
3331 Posts

Posted - May 17 2014 :  7:11:26 PM  Show Profile
So we all agree, it's easier to edit than preview! Sort of how it is easier to ask forgiveness than permission!

Love how it looks on that sweet boy, g.

You could have made a plaster keister, holly! I bet that was a quick, chilly run back to the house. Sounds like you had a great day, weather wise.
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - May 18 2014 :  3:34:52 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

I edit but I do not preview. Then again I do not have one of those fancy phones like some of you. I figure once it is on the site it will not go into lala land if the machine shuts down. I also think you all are very forgiving of the spelling and spacing errors that permeate the post.

Today was sunshine all day long. Temperatures were chilly. C and I bought seedlings today for the garden. tomatoes, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, walla walla onions, leeks and parsley root. Then there are the seeds for the plants that will just start in the garden.

An hydraulic line has a hole in it on our tractor going to the bucket so I can not bring over the manure to finish off the beds so I can plant all of the nice vegetables. But, then again we will probably have another frost so I should not plant most of them anyway.

We planted the four blueberry bushes I bought at the grocery store. I hope they produce this year. The company must force the plants to blossom because they are covered. The bushes I have in the ground already do not even have leaves showing yet.

You have a handsome grandson, GG. I bet he will be cute as a bug's ear doing his dances.

C will receive an A in her class for this session on communicating change. She was spun up about it and the group project but it all worked out.

We had london broil and stinging nettle for supper. We have never done stinging nettle before. I picked it with my leather gloves and then boiled it just covered with water for 15 minutes. Then I drained it. We poured melted butter with garlic over it. I liked it. C said it tasted like collard greens.

Sweet dreams everyone,

farmgirl #2499

Edited by - Tall Holly on May 18 2014 3:40:48 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - May 19 2014 :  2:01:39 PM  Show Profile
Holly, your boxes came today. Great stuff! Thank you. I haven't forgotten you, I just haven't had time to search for the right top for you.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - May 19 2014 :  5:04:07 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

I am glad the boxes arrived. so quick. I never think that you have forgotten me, Bunny.

Today was cold and windy. I was outside for a little while lining up tires along the edge of the pig pen. I am getting to be a whimp that I did not want to stay outside all day in the cold.

We blew up a balloon and have started covering it with papier mache to make Uranus. It will be 19 inches across. That is relative measurements when Mars is 1 inch.

We had quiche and rice for supper.

Tomorrow is the big day, Mar. I hope it all goes well.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
3331 Posts

Posted - May 19 2014 :  5:26:35 PM  Show Profile
Holly, Thank you for remembering my big day tomorrow. And I am with you as far as sometimes thinking, "I must be getting older, I just don't feel like being in the cold all day anymore." I guess we just grin and be happy with how much we are still doing, right?

Bunny, everyone on here knows that you will not forget to create a beautiful something for Holly. In fact, I remember that you have already sent her a lovely table runner. ddK was quite taken with it.

Holly, I wasn't good at papier mache. Ever. It never dries fast enough to suit me. And I will impatiently just move on to the next phase and add wet paint to the mix.

Today we picked up the new washer and dryer. They will hang out in the horse trailer (yes, the horse trailer is clean again) until later this weekend. Tomorrow we go sign papers and hand over that gynormus check. Actually, the check is regular sized. It is just the number of numbers on it that seems so large. And then Thursday I will meet someone at the house to get the keys.

dh and dd will return to Spokane on Thursday to retrieve all our belongings. And the unpacking and nesting will begin. I am very excited and also dreading all the work ahead. I will miss seeing my daughter everyday. I have loved being able to be mom for a bit, again.

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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - May 19 2014 :  6:02:56 PM  Show Profile
Mar, I always felt the unpacking was much easier than the packing. I usually had the house back in order in few days. After all, you need that stuff! Sorry you have to be away from DD. But at least you are a lot closer than before. You will still be able to have girls day out shopping with her every once in a while.

I found out today I won't be able to graduate until after fall quarter. I'm always so upset at the lack of effort college advisers put into their work. My adviser only does students for the administrative assistant classes. So you would think if she had a student that was only taking classes online, she would know when one of them isn't. My typing class she scheduled me for this next quarter isn't offered online. It was this quarter! So now I have to take something I don't want to have enough credits to get all my financial aide. I was so stressed this afternoon trying to figure it out.

Some good news though. I have a class this summer where I have to do something like an internship. I asked the administrative assistant at the local college if I could do it with her. Thankfully she said yes. Plus, she got up and closed her door. She told me another administrative assistant is retiring this year and my name was mentioned as a possible replacement. That would be so wonderful! I could save up lots of money for California and get enough experience, I could apply for a job at a college in California. I did find a job where I want to live at the local college, it only required one year experience and an AA. I'm bummed I'm not ready but have hope for the future.

Anyway, that's all for now on me.

Holly,I use to do papier mache with my cub scouts. It was one of our favorite projects.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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True Blue Farmgirl

2428 Posts

Gladstone Mi.
2428 Posts

Posted - May 19 2014 :  7:24:28 PM  Show Profile
Well, we went out of town to look at motorhomes, 3 hours away, lots of road construction to go through, then we had to find the rv place. We got there, and they said they did not have any in our price range. They were all way more than we could afford, so we are back to square one. We are confident that we will find just what we are looking for soon. It was a good day to get away, in the 60s there, which felt good. It is still cold here and raining again. Supposed to warm up after tomorrow.
Bunny, That is good news, and bad news, but things do tend to work out in the end. Hopefully you will get hired and be able to save money and move soon.
Holly, I am one that can not stand being cold all day either. You are still getting things done, that is the main thing.
Mar, Soon you will look back at all this and be back into a routine that you will like. I do not envy you with all the unpacking though.
Marie, where are you? How is the garden coming along? When is school out there? Here they get out on June 9th.
GG, Hope you are enjoying your visit and the great weather there.
Well, time for bed. Have a great evening,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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True Blue Farmgirl

2428 Posts

Gladstone Mi.
2428 Posts

Posted - May 20 2014 :  6:45:06 PM  Show Profile
A quiet day around here today, everyone must be busy. I can't believe it is Memorial Day weekend coming up already!!!!! We are still wearing jackets here, in the 40s and low 50s, but it is better than snow!!!! We had rain again this morning, it turned sunny around supper time. More rain tomorrow morning. Seems there is no end. Our leaves have not come out yet, but all around us they are. Nice to see green grass though. Need to mow soon.
Hope all had a good day. Have a great evening,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
3966 Posts

Posted - May 20 2014 :  8:19:01 PM  Show Profile

When Lowell and I took Mitzi out at 9:00, Elliot and his friend Eric were out in front playing their guitars. When we got back Rob, a professional musician who lives in the building, was out too. I got Lowell his guitar and Rob got his. Now there are four guys playing guitars and singing in the front lawn. It is such a perfect night for this -- just the right temperature. I hope Lowell signs Eric up for the band. He is really good.

My garden is almost planted. I still have some green leaf lettuce and cucumbers to plant, a few herbs and some flowers. When I was digging in the herb bed, I found some kind of tank less than 3" below the soil surface. Half it's diameter is about 24". I don't know what it is but I stopped planting there just in case it is something I shouldn't mess with. I've called maintenance but they will probably take forever to look at it.

The last day of school here is June 3. I haven't checked to see if they need anyone for summer school. I'd have to take two buses to get to the site so I may just pass. I should call around for some volunteer stuff. I just have too much to do right here right now.

I am so glad Lowell is playing with these guys.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - May 21 2014 :  3:51:45 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

We have a land line that provides us internet and phone access here at the house. We have had a lot of white noise and buzzing on the line. When it happens there is minimal access to the internet if any. I have been in that situation for a few days.

Mar please send me your new address. Tomorrow, tomorrow collect the keys tomorrow to the new homestead. Would you like me to send you at some time in the near future a box of daffodil bulbs. I have hundreds growing in clumps from the old house that was here. I also have some white narcissus that also have grown in clumps. I do not know the rules for sending live plants to your fine state so my offer may be moot.

I am glad that Lowell had a good time playing guitars with the guys Were you close enough to hear the music?

I made sweet and sour dandelion buds. The recipe called for 1 1/2 cups of dandelion buds. I thought no problem and I took out a 4 cup measure with me. They are very tedious to pick and take the sepals off. I still have a 1/2 cup more to pick to meet the recipe requirements. I am always too ambitious.

I was going to have the cellar hole drained so I could start putting in the footings for the posts to put the logs on. I am making a green house to look like a log cabin with a glass front. Anyway the hole has hundreds of pollywogs swimming around in it. I need to find out how long it takes wood frogs young to mature and leave the incubation fluid.

I went to the doctor today because my heel has been hurting for a month. She asked me to take ibuprofin for five days and see if that takes down any inflammation. I do not have a cracked heel bone. I have had no swelling or bruising. If it is not better I will have to go to a podiatrist.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

2259 Posts

Posted - May 21 2014 :  4:09:03 PM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 15 2019 4:05:05 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gladstone Mi.
2428 Posts

Posted - May 21 2014 :  6:56:45 PM  Show Profile
Marie, I bet it feels good to get in some gardening. Do you have a big space? Hopefully Lowell will get his band going. Bet it was good music to listen to, live, at that!!!
Holly, Hope your heel gets better soon. Sounds painful. Your greenhouse sounds interesting. You will have to send a picture when you are all done with it. I would think that frogs would mature fast.
GG, Glad you had a great time. Rest up, we will be here to hear all about your trip when you are all rested up. I am sure B missed you big time.
Mar, good luck with all that you have to do now. You will be happy once you get settled.
Bunny, Hope school is getting better for you with less homework.
We have an appointment to see a motorhome tomorrow 100 miles away. We just went through there on Monday, before this one was put on the market. We are praying that it is just what we are looking for. The pictures look like it is in good condition. If we get it, we will be doing a lot of road trips this summer to get used to it. Keeping our fingers crossed.
Have a great evening,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - May 21 2014 :  8:16:49 PM  Show Profile
Jan, mine looked beautiful on the outside, but we found later it had dry rot inside the walls. Not covered under warranty. Just sayin.. There are people who will inspect these used RVs for you. Your hubby probably knows what to look for but I didn't.

I've got a headache from all the flying, or else I'm catching the cold my cute little grand boy had the last couple days I was there, but I got my hugs and kisses anyway.

Later, friends. I've still got to read all your posts and see what mischief you've been up to while I was gone.

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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - May 21 2014 :  9:29:28 PM  Show Profile
Marie, A live concert at your doorstep. So cool. Hope the band comes together to Lowell's satisfaction.

Holly, I would be so happy to get bulbs! I may have had a few thoughts of all those tulips that are in bloom back in Spokane... What a lovely gesture! I had a sore heel for awhile like you are describing. Felt bruised, but there was no discoloration and I had no memory of injuring it. It did go away eventually, but I can't remember how long I put up with it. Hope the ibuprofen does the trick.

Jan, I have my fingers crossed. The search is only fun for the first few, right?

g, glad you are home and actually got some rest on the flight.

dd and dh are in Spokane. Tomorrow they will load up and Friday they will drive (drumroll, please) HOME! I am at dd's apartment with animal duty.

I am very anxious to get into the house.Thanks for all the well wishes. I have about 36 more hours until I will be surrounded by boxes.

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True Blue Farmgirl

2428 Posts

Gladstone Mi.
2428 Posts

Posted - May 22 2014 :  4:23:21 PM  Show Profile
GG, I hope you do not have a cold. Hope you are getting some much needed rest.
Mar, Soon you will be surrounded by boxes. It is a holiday weekend, I am thinking your DD will be off work and helping you?
Well, we looked at the motorhome and are getting it!!!! We will probably go back there on Saturday to pick it up. The owner has to empty their stuff out of it and flush the water for us, since it was winterized with anti freeze. We like it. We have been looking for one for over a year. I think we are going to call it AT LAST!!!!! LOL!!!!

Have a great evening,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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True Blue Farmgirl

3602 Posts

Nora Springs IA
3602 Posts

Posted - May 22 2014 :  5:51:33 PM  Show Profile
Jan, Congratulations on your new home! It looks like new to me!
Mar, Moving day finally! Yay! I always felt good setting up a new home. GG- It sounds like you had a great trip! Seattle sounded like a great time. The picture of you with the tall plants in Hawaii was very nice! Your grandson is a handsome little guy.
Bunny- I just knew you would do well in your Math! Congrats! (you seem a little tough on yourself) Your internship sounds like a good deal doesn't it! And, your names already buzzing..sounds good!
Marie- I saw the pics of your garden on another thread. It looks great! I've only had time to look at my poor garden. At least a few of the perennials are coming up. That impromptu concert sounds great and brought back memories of living in Kansas City, MO. We used to have jam sessions with friends. I remember Eric Clapton showing up at one before a concert. Musicians will play with anyone anytime.
Holly, I planted to northern hardy blueberry bushes last summer..even got a handful of berries between the two. They made it through the winter. Yay!
Mel-I enjoyed your Mother's Day flowers too. Glad you finally got that call from your son. More than once my son has not called. This year was no exception. I think he had more on his mind. He did remember the next day though.
Speaking of my son, you ladies have been so sweet and encouraging... we just found out his surgery is postponed from tomorrow to June 9. He has managed to get bronchitis; and, his wife has upper respiratory infection. They are on meds. Anesthesiologist wants him to complete med regime before surgery so as not to increase complication of infection to surgical area. Makes sense to me. So, now my body has crashed, but it gives me more time to scrub down their apt for rehab.
Have a great holiday weekend.

Farmgirl sister #3926

"Courage is not the absence of fear, but the belief that something is more important than fear." Ambrose Red Moon
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - May 22 2014 :  6:04:19 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Congratulations Jan, finally a ride out of the cold. I hope that it is in great shape and lasts you for as many years as you want it.

Mar, when the leaves die back I will dig the bulbs. It must be such a relief for the end of this chapter to be in sight.

G glad you made it home safe and sound. We use melatonin drops with dsR sometimes. They are a wonder. It is nice to hear that your vacation was a good time.

Marie only a few more weeks of school then you can have time to craft and dig in the garden.

It was overcast and then rainy today. I had to scoop in my laundry off the line before it was soaked. I had not washing machines for three days this week because the second one broke. The first one has been waiting on ball bearings for several weeks and it will be several weeks more We have Staber washers and they are great for the amount of laundry I do each day. My repairman said the company is going out of business so I need to look for a different washer. not happy on that prospect.

My brother who is 22 months younger than me is in the hospital. He had a kidney transplant 11 years ago. Now he needs a liver transplant because his has enlarged so much from the cysts that it in not very functional. So, last night his son called an ambulance to take him to the hospital because he thought he had an appendicitis. A transplanted kidney is put in near the appendix. He does not have an appendicitis it is something to do with his kidney. But the doctors are not so worried about his kidney they are more worried about the clots in his right leg.

Three weeks ago he took himself to the ER because he had a nasty headache. He had a bleed in the dura of his brain. The bleed stopped so they sent him home but they wanted to take him off the blood thinner so the risk of a brain bleed would be reduced. So, they put a piece of mesh in him at the top of his leg veins to keep any leg clots from moving up into his body.

He says his leg really hurts so it must be excruciating because he has a very high tolerance for pain. He says they might have to take off his leg if they do not figure it out. I hope they figure it out.

If anyone knows of someone over 6 feet tall who has O positive blood and is under 50 years old and wants to donate a piece of a liver it won't kill them but it could save DbJ's life.

Bunny you sewing or pet sitting. I hope what ever it is you are having a good time.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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