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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - May 11 2014 : 5:22:47 PM
I love the sunflowers, Mel. So pretty |
Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 15 2019 3:57:20 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - May 11 2014 : 5:59:18 PM
Gypsy, how fun to see your daughter do so well. I don't think I would have waited that long for a seat! Glad you made the best of it.
Not much going on today. I did get a call from my sons. The youngest is at Camp Pendleton until Tuesday and then off to North Caroline for helicopter mechanic school. His girlfriend and her dad drove down to see him today. He will be in North Carolina for about 5 months. If he can chose working on black-hawks or Hueys, he can come back to Camp Pendleton for the next phase of his training. I miss him and like his girlfriend a lot. If I lived down there, we would be friends for sure.
Later all, have a wonderful day!!
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

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Posted - May 11 2014 : 6:01:06 PM
Good evening everyone,
We had a glorious day here on the hill farm. DsE came for the day. He brought a card. He remembered to sign it this year. The sun shone most of the day. Around lunch time the clouds moved across and I had to put on my sweatshirt for a short while. The rest of the day must have been in the sixties. C was up in Burlington at DsT's AAU basketball tournament. It was yesterday and today. They played five games in all. They lost to the same team twice. That team was an all star team that is hand picked from the best of all the teams. So, DsT's team is the best area team in the state. He was so very happy. C likes to go to sports games. I am glad she does. I like to go to watch the children but not to watch the game.
So, we moved hay from the other barn to this one. We keep up to 30 bales over here to do chores with. We store all of the other hay in the other barn so if it burns up we do not lose the house as well as the hay. Remember we live in the barn with the stalls downstairs so we do not need to go outside to do chores in the winter.
We moved tires people have given us over to the pig pen. I am going to put them around the bottom of the fence to make it harder for the pigs to escape. I am making many people happy by taking their tires from them so they do not have to pay to have them accepted at the dump.
Then in the afternoon I worked on putting the auger on the back of the tractor back together.
DsE played with the little boys outside in the afternoon so I did not need to play with them or attend them so closely. Except when DsE and I went inside for a short while DsC and DsG cast their fishing lines up over the electrical wire to see their weights bob in the sky. They had been told to cast only down near the swing set not up near the house. So, of course they had to cast near the house. BOYS! these two always have to do one more.
Gypsy I think you should forgo telling dd that you made alternate plans. If she finds out just apologize. I am glad you could fi your ds's problem. Mama's are still good for something even when their baby boys are all grown up. I think you have it right in not torturing yourself with the golf. You at least tried. I think going for a nice walk or a nice read is a great alternative. I do not even have the eye hand coordination to hit the ball never mind to make it go someplace. There was a story in the newspaper about an 82 yo man who hit his first hole in one. Two years ago he had eye surgery so he could see. He said, he can barely see the green so he just concentrates on hitting the ball and forgets about everything else. He was so happy. He said, he was lucky that it was early in the morning and the club house had no one in it so he did not need to buy drinks for anyone but his playing partner..
WE had rain yesterday morning. I hope that it was enough to pour life into the strawberry plants and apple trees that I planted a little bit ago.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
Edited by - Tall Holly on May 12 2014 6:06:54 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - May 11 2014 : 6:03:35 PM
Just got back a little while ago, son took us out for dinner, dd joined us also, so that was nice. The restaurant we were going to go to was not open at that time, so we ended up going to another one, but has very good food. Son made 2 apple pies and brought them over, so we had pie for dessert when we got home. Very good. Now, if I could just get hubby to learn how to cook. My son in Texas is doing very well. He is now going to meetings, and church. He is happy now. Judith, prayers going out for a speedy recovery. It is so miraculous what modern medicine can do now. It does help that he has a good attitude too. It helps with the healing. Good that you will be there for him. both for you, and him. GG, I have a great trip, and don't forget to take pictures for us to see. Is B going with you? Bunny, stress can really raise havoc on the old body. I hope your homework gets easier as you go. Always hard when working in a group. at least one has to hold things up. Hope you do well at the show. Is that next month? Mel, you have sunflowers this time of the year there? We only have them here in late fall. One of my favorites. Mar, You will be in seventh heaven once you get into your new home. Just think, you can start landscaping right away. When is MIL going to move there? Cindy, How are things going for you? Our weather is finally spring here, but still have rain. It rained this morning, gloomy all day, now rain forecasted for most of the week. Been in the 40s and low 50s most of the time. Getting better. Nice to see green grass now, but the trees are just starting to bud. Will be awhile before there are leaves on them. I am watching Alaska, The Great Frontier, one of my favorite shows. Hope you all had a great Mother's Day. Have a great evening,
Jan Farmgirl Sister #3340
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - May 12 2014 : 04:34:56 AM
Good morning everyone
Today looks to be another lovely day. The sun is bright already.
Jan is right Mel the sunflowers are bright and cheery.
I hope you all have a great day.
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
873 Posts
873 Posts |
Posted - May 12 2014 : 08:47:24 AM
| good to hear that your son in Texas is doing well.....what a great Mother's Day gift! :) sorry that you have to depend on strangers to get a grade! Sometimes others don't have the same work ethic or organization, but you may just get a surprise and they will all come through! Happy that you heard from your sons....nice your son got liberty and was able to see his girl1 It's nice you really like her.
Holly....your boys are quite mischievous! But they seem to be flourishing due to your love and support. It's nice that dsE came to visit and remembered to sign the card! LOL neat see your daughter on stage!
I don't want to disappoint y'all but the sunflowers did not grow here! They came from a florist! But none the less they are beautiful and so much enjoyed! :)
Hope everyone had a great Mother's day/Sunday!!!
I was so disappointed....I didn't even get to see my son or hear his voice! If I had not sent a text, just saying 'Thanx'....I would not have heard from him. I understand that he has a very heavy work load and he works at home and had spent 36 hours straight hooked in with no sleep but he took a break and went out on Saturday night for a few would have been really nice, if early, if he could have at least called me for 5 minutes! I am unhappy.....but more hurt than anything else! Sorry for all the whining but I don't have anyone else to moan to!! Thanx for listening! I just need a good cry!!!!! :(
My best to all, Mel Sassy City Girl with Farmgirl Fantasies! |
Edited by - Kirksmom71 on May 12 2014 08:56:27 AM |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - May 12 2014 : 5:56:12 PM
Good evening everyone,
Another gorgeous day here in the Green Mountains. I believe that temperatures were in the 70's. The little boys are starting their tans and so am I. DsC is a red head with very fair skin. It is all I can do to keep his shirt on him. I do not want him to look like a strawberry. I looked at him when he came downstairs this morning and thought He showered last night why are his feet and knees so dirty? Well. I did not look at them when he stepped out of the shower last night. Silly me.
I hear you Mel, some sons and maybe daughters do not think. Mine often do not and I wonder what I did wrong in raising them but I did nothing wrong in that remember department. They just do not think. Hugs to you.
I am tying tires onto the bottom of the pig fence to make it heavier so the pigs do not escape. Do you think I am wishful thinking. I hope not.
Jan I am glad you had a good supper out with your family. Maybe you could talk to dh about him cooking on the nights you work. Maybe he does know but did not think he should because he does not want ot butt into your areas of expertise. giving him the benefit of the doubt.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - May 12 2014 : 6:14:45 PM
Mel, I have had times when my oldest son did the same thing. You wonder what you did, but it is just them being thoughtless. Sorry you had to go through that and have a sad day because of it. Hope you feel better now. Holly, DH will not even try to cook. He was the baby in the family and never had to do a thing around the house. He will only cook for himself when I am not there, but he admits he does not like his cooking. Maybe when we are on the road, he will want to learn. I try to make something on Thursday that will give us left overs to just reheat on Fridays. Makes it a bit easier, otherwise we go out for a fish fry, or fast food. I do not like to go out to eat much. I am not one for fried foods. It rained again today, and was only in the 40s. They are calling for SNOW on Thursday night into Friday. Ugh!!!! It is May, right? Have a great evening,
Jan Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
873 Posts
873 Posts |
Posted - May 12 2014 : 7:08:41 PM
All's better in my world!! Son called....we talked for an hour! I feel bad for moaning....he was so apologetic...he knows he did bad! :) Kids!! It was just that it was the first time ever he didn't at least call....well it is sooooooooo over!! LOL :)
My best to all, Mel Sassy City Girl with Farmgirl Fantasies! |
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - May 12 2014 : 9:03:11 PM
Mel--so glad you heard from your son. Sometimes kids just don't think. GG--is your daughter a professional actress? Some of the kids I hung around with in high school went on to pursue careers in theater and music. I love live theater, just don't make the effort to see it very often. I'll go if someone asks me but I don't like to go by myself. Holly--I think the tires will work well depending on how big they are. Also depending on how big the pigs are. It must be neat to live in a barn--how old is the barn? What was it's original use? I put some tops of large plastic soda bottles over the tomatoes I planted yesterday. It's supposed to cool off the next few days, get down to 49 degrees. I read that tomatoes don't like it below about 55. It just started raining here. I can hear it outside. I brought my peppers and eggplants in so they don't get too cold. Was very humid today so the cooler weather is welcome. I've started blogging again,posted some "recipes"for natural beauty products. I made some greens last night using a recipe from the new book I got. They're delicious. Lots coming up this month--there is the "March Against Monsanto"on the 24th. and a river clean up the following Saturday. There will be a party for volunteers aboard a barge--sounds cool. I've never been on a barge before. The river is really low right now so there is a need to pick up all the trash that has accumulated on the islands. It's weird how barges like to get as close to the river's edge as possible, but the channels are deepest there. If they went down the middle of the river they'd get stuck on a sandbar. The old riverboat captains knew where all the sandbars are but now they use modern technology to determine the river's depth. One of the Sisters at the hospital passed away. She wasn't that old.She was funny--someone once told me that before she became a nun, she hung around with a motorcycle gang. That would explain the way she zoomed around in her electric wheelchair. and she really did ZOOM. Cindy
"Vast floods can't quench love, no matter what love did/ Rivers can't drown love, no matter where love's hid"--Sinead O'Connor "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - May 12 2014 : 9:54:48 PM
Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 15 2019 4:00:00 PM |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - May 13 2014 : 05:06:37 AM
Good morning everyone,
I had to write DsT a release note for school. So, I checked in to see what has been happening.
The barn was built in 1932. It originally was the summer barn for the Ladd Farm. They kept their heifers up here on the hill. They put loose hay in the loft. There is still a pulley system in the ridge of the barn. I do not remember if I told you all that when we first moved here the front of the house had a 22' cathedral ceiling. So, for winter holiday we went out and cut a tree of the land to decorate. We dragged it back to the house with the tractor and tied it to the rope from the pulley system. I stood in the loft door and jumped off hoping to raise it enough to pull it in the loft door, all 125 pounds of me back then. Hahahahahaha I swung back and forth on that rope and the tree did not budge. We eventually tied it to the back of the tractor and pulled it up. We did not do that originally because the rope was on the inside of the pulley and we did not want to twist the pulley. When we moved into the barn only the first third of the loft was a two story house. After we had so many children we needed more bedrooms and C wanted an office to we put in an 11 room addition. This in itself was an hyperbole for what we needed.
Glad your son came to his senses and called.
Have a safe trip, G. I hope the family of origin does not blow up while you are gone.
Have a good day.
Holly farmgirl #2499
Edited by - Tall Holly on May 13 2014 05:07:58 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - May 13 2014 : 08:57:18 AM
Mel, I'm glad your son called. They just don't get it sometimes.
Gypsy, have a wonderful relaxing trip.
Holly, your home sounds enormous! It must be quite a chore to keep it up.
House sat for my other customer with the two corgis. Her cat came back. We thought she had been killed. She is such a sweetie. She climbed up in my lap, draped her paw around my neck and drooled all over my shirt. She is very lovey and slept by my head all night. Her purr sounds like a Volkswagen. Very loud and kinda strange for a cat.
Lots of homework today, later all....
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - May 13 2014 : 8:36:29 PM
Ok. I LOVE Seattle!!!! I got one of those deals on Hotwire where they don't tell you the name of the hotel until after you book it. First I was just going to stay at a hotel near the airport but decided to get brave and try this. It turned out to be the MarQueen hotel in the queen ann district. A wonderful old hotel with no elevator The rooms are like apartments with cool little kitchen and all. Best of all-- it's not raining!! I have done time tomorrow before I have to be back at the airport. Such fun. Everyone is so friendly I'm actually enjoying being alone. Food is here. Finish this later. I'm going to try to post some pics of this place. M not creative enough to write you guys into the story like Darlys did but I'll try to at least show some pics.
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - May 14 2014 : 09:33:12 AM
Mel, i'm so glad to hear that your mothers day turned out right. A day late is just fine!
Holly, your house sounds like a magical place. Lots of space. Creative minds. Lots of energy. Now how is our Marie? Been missing her usual check ins. Bunny, group projects suck. The instructor always knows which students are the slackers, though. Our hot weather is about to move on... G,, safe travels.
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - May 14 2014 : 3:02:55 PM
I spent all day yesterday sitting on the computer. I didn't actually DO anything there - just goofing around. What a **bleeping** waste of time. No wonder I get nothing done.
Anyway, Lowell broke the computer last night. This has happened before and I am tired of fixing it. I was watching a movie called Mr. Nobody (excellent and surprising - I recommend it) and was approaching the climax (the part you have been waiting for which explains everything) when he demanded my attention. He could not wait for 12 minutes until the movie ended. I told him that I would not be disturbed until the movie was over. He was trying to switch out the external speakers for the headphones and it froze up. He wanted to listen to some music on youtube and couldn't wait 12 g**d*** minutes. When he switches out the speakers, he tends to unplug other necessary things so I checked that first. The whole time I am on the floor messing with the cords and rebooting and whatever, he is standing over me which I hate, haTE, HATE. He wanted me to call Geek Squad and, because I didn't have time, I left him a note with the phone number and what to say to them. I also haven't spoken to him since about 9:0 0 last night. He said that I was being childish. Maybe I am. I know that I am so mad at him for breaking MY computer that I do not want to talk to him until this is fixed and he will have to do it this time. I am good on the laptop. He won't touch it.
Mel - Yeah, I can be one of those kids sometimes. My mom gave me such hell once when I didn't send her a Mother's Day card that I haven't forgotten since. When I was in college and had no money, I called home collect. My brother accepted the call and passed it to Mom. It was Mother's Day and we talked for a while. She said, "Well, I guess we shouldn't waste your money on this call." I told her that I had called collect and she said, "How dare you call your mother collect on Mother's Day!" I don't do that anymore. 
Gypsy - I loved Seattle when I was there for a day before hiking in the Cascades. It was a sunny day then too. I saw and ad saying that the art museum had some of the Chinese life sized terracotta figures on display. Transit was easy to take and I got to see that display. I went on the wharf and found a good seafood restaurant. I could go there again.
Serious consequences are being handed out to the children who like to talk back to and argue with the adults in the classroom. I let those that like to argue with me know that they will stop getting help until their attitude changes. I hope some of these kids get some help with reading this summer. There are three little boys who could do the work just fine if they could read better. <sigh>
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - May 14 2014 : 6:47:52 PM
Marie, I hope you got your computer fixed now. In our household, Bob is on the big computer, and I am on the laptop. He does not know much about downloading or anything, so he does not goof it up very often. Every once in awhile he locks it up when looking at sports stuff. He will not touch my laptop, so most of my stuff is on here. Soon you will be on summer vacation from school. Did you start your garden yet? Holly, You do have a huge house. Mine is so tiny and cluttered with stuff because I have nowhere to put it. GG, Hope you are having a good time and getting in some site seeing and relaxation. Cindy, I need to check out your blog. Sounds interesting. Mel, glad your son finally called and all is well now. It still hurts when they forget. Bunny, good that you at least get some dog sitting jobs. It all helps. Hope your mom is not driving you crazy. Mar, I bet you are getting real antsy now and ready for the big move. We saw some sun for awhile today, seems we only get a few hours once a week lately. More rain and cold on the way, with possible snow flurries tomorrow night into Friday. I hope they are wrong. Still jacket weather here, in the 40s. We do have the bedroom window open at night for the fresh air, it feels so good. Have a great evening,
Jan Farmgirl Sister #3340
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - May 14 2014 : 7:15:55 PM
Good evening everyone,
We had a lovely day here on the hill farm. The temperatures were in the seventies. There was a light breeze. The black flies are buzzing but not biting. The boys were complaining about them. I told them they were not biting today so stop complaining. They did. DsC is so fair skinned that I think he will have huge red welts on him before too long from the black fly bites. I will have to look into bug deterrent ointment for him.
The littles and I spent the morning trying to dig a hole to put up a pole to act as a fence post and as a pole to put the bat house on. I traded some manure last fall for a bat house. It is too heavy to carry up a ladder and then screw on the pole. So, I screwed it on the top of the pole and then ddK and I lifted the pole into the hole. it was very heavy. DdK is very strong. Of course I had picked the wettest spot to dig the hole for the new pole. The old pole was broken off. But, consequently the hole was filled to the top with water and as we filled it with the dirt it became like quicksand. the littles carried over rock to put in the hole and they disappeared into the hole as quick as we could toss them in. We were all a site spattered with mud. The pole is still standing so we are good.
I tell my friends that I have an online friend who lives in the upper penninsula of Michigan and that she is expecting snow this Thursday. None of them are impressed. We hope for rain and not snow this weekend, It is so hard to decide if it is safe to plant the tender seeds and transplants. I am holding off. Others may be rushing to cover their gardens.
Having alone time is important. I hope the traveling is easy, G. Sounds like your trip is off to a good start.
I would be highly annoyed well, I do get highly annoyed when I am doing something enjoyable and someone's poor planning becomes and emergency.. I think Lowell has bad computer Karma. Let me know how the back talkers are being dealt with. DsG is a great back talker. I have taken to not setting his timeout timer until his mouth stops running. That annoys the snot out of him. I am not sure how much progress we are making in the respect department. Maybe the episodes of disrespect are becoming farther apart.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

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Posted - May 15 2014 : 3:06:58 PM
Yup, it is snowing. It will not stick, but it is still disgusting! We are supposed to be cold for at least another week. We can't wait to get out of here. Do not move here unless you like winter year round!!!! Even Alaska has better weather than us!!! Had to take Olivia to the vet for her shots. She has an ear infection, so there are more meds to buy. It cost us $321.00!!! Have to bring her back for a recheck in 2 weeks, so there will be more cost. It cost more to take your animal to the dr. than it does for us here. Outrageous. Marie, did you get snow, or are you warmer yet? We have not hit 60 degrees here yet, and doesn't look like it will for awhile yet. Quiet on the over 50s forum today, everyone must be busy today. Will post more later,
Jan Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - May 15 2014 : 4:08:42 PM
. |
Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 15 2019 4:02:15 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - May 15 2014 : 4:09:04 PM
Nope, no snow here. It is chilly though. It will be warmer this weekend. I will be getting more plants and seeds from an urban gardening group. I have plants outside getting used to being outside but I might bring them in for the night. Eventhough it has been said that there is no danger of frost in the city, I want to be cautious.
I watered part of my garden with dish wanter today. I just scoop it out of the sink and pour it into a pail. I have heard that this is good for the garden. I know I could get a dishpan and I want to. I just know that SOMEONE here will ask all kinds of questions about it. I am just tired of defending myself. Best just to avoid the problem altogether.
Lowell is buying dinner for me tonight from one of our favorite places.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - May 15 2014 : 4:48:20 PM
Gypsy, you look so happy! Have fun!
Marie, using dishwater might be OK, but it depends on the dish soap you are using. You are essentially using what is called grey water. You should probably use something eco-friendly if you are going to use it in the garden.
Not much going on here. My fibro (or what ever it is) is acting up something bad. I have no good reason for it.
I am going to intern at the local community college this summer. Plus there is a rumor that someone is retiring and my name was mentioned as a possible replacement.
I got my grade for my math midterm... A! I'm amazed. Now if I can just keep it. Oh, and the grade for this weeks team project. B. I haven't gotten anything less than 100% in any project until now. I'm not happy! Of course all my work was correct. It was everyone else's that had errors. I guess if I want to keep my A I'm going to have to edit everyone else's work and fix it. Exactly what I didn't want to have to do. Especially since no one gets their work done until late on Sunday. I have another class for Monday and no time to fix everyone's work. If this team takes away my A in this class, I'm going to be really unhappy.
Ok, enough complaining. Off to Bunco.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

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Posted - May 15 2014 : 6:49:23 PM
Good evening everyone,
C says she feels your pain, Bunny as far as the group project goes. She has a group project for each of her classes. there are several people in her class who wait to the last minute or are late and do a half assed job. She is fit to be tied some nights. She is not looking forward to her next class that has a project that she has to work with these people who are too busy and don't give a rat's patootie.
Good for you on the A in your math class. Your hard work is showing.
It looked like it was going to rain all day today. Temperatures were in the high seventies. So, it was muggy as well. My big accomplishment for the day was folding laundry. DsR was more irritable than usual. He has a cold and refuses to blow his nose so he is coughing a lot.
Such nice tall plants in Hawai'i. I hope you found lovely flowers to make a lei or two. Swim in that blue ocean and walk on the warm sands for me.
I have heard of people repiping their houses so the grey water goes into their garden. Do you catch rain water as well?
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
Edited by - Tall Holly on May 15 2014 6:50:11 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - May 15 2014 : 7:26:31 PM
GG, that weather looks so nice and warm and inviting. How many leis did you make? Looks like you are enjoying it so far. Holly, Hope DsR gets over his cold fast. No fun when it is nice outdoors. Marie, I am glad you are able to do some gardening. I was not going to this year, but I am going to just do my herbs. Every year I plant lavender and lose it each year. It is too harsh here to grow, even bringing it inside. Do you have a big are there? We cannot plant here until Father's Day before we are out of danger of frost. Right now it is only 30 degrees. Been in the 30s all day with some snow. Well, off to bed. Gotta work tomorrow. Have a great evening,
Jan Farmgirl Sister #3340
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - May 16 2014 : 1:30:22 PM
Good afternoon everyone,
A slow day here on the hill farm. I moved some rose bushes. I did the laundry and the dishes. That's all.
It is overcast and very windy. The trees are swaying from the bottom to the tops.
I hope everyone is having moments of joy.
Holly farmgirl #2499
Gathered Up: Over 50 Farmgirls  |