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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - May 07 2014 : 3:07:23 PM
GG, So glad to hear from you. We were getting worried. Please take some time to breath in between. Hope your brother's affairs get done soon for you so you do not have to handle that too long. We just got back from the vet's. Olivia was, for some reason, squealing in pain today, though maybe she had an abcessed tooth, she would not eat or drink. Took her in and they could not find anything wrong with her. She did eat a chicken breast for supper, and now seems to be doing okay. We lost our last dog to bad teeth just before we got Olivia. She will be going in next week for her shots and tests, then she will be all set for when we travel, except for going to the beauty shop for her nails and hair. I will post more later,
Jan Farmgirl Sister #3340
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
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Posted - May 07 2014 : 3:43:39 PM
gg, How fast was your heart going when you got pulled over? Flashing red lights always raises the heartrate, that's for sure. Hope you get some rest before you hit the friendly skies.
Jan, I can't feel my stainless steel rod except where it pokes out at the ends if I try to bend. I have pins and all sorts of things to hold it in place. I can feel the rod under the skin, but I am not aware of it like you are with your shoulder. You must be more in tune with your body that I am. Or, I have had it longer than I have not had it and I just don't know what it feels like without it anymore...
I am glad that Olivia's teeth are good. I use a product on our Chihuahua's teeth to fight that bacteria that can be so dangerous for small dogs. It works really well. She is almost eleven years old and doesn't have the tartar build up. She still has nasty breath before I do it. It is supposed to be that you only need it twice a week. Well, it wasn't keeping her teeth completely clean, so I called the company. They told me to use it every day, even twice a day. I try to use it everyday. Twice a day? I do have other things to do. I mean, I love this dog, but it is the nasty breath that reminds me and I don't usually get that close to her twice a day. Bunny, you have done the "will she or won't she" with your mom before. You know that you just aren't gonna know until it is the day when she either goes or doesn't. I think she gets a bit of a thrill yanking you around about it. But, what are ya gonna do? People are who they are and we just can't change our families.
Today, dd and boyfriend are both working long hours so dh and I are babysitting yellow dog. I just took her around the entire complex and found that the center area where people let their dogs off leash was empty. So she and I high-tailed it back (her tail was higher than mine) to the porch and grabbed the Chuck-It. And then, we returned to the deserted field and ... chucked it. A Labrador is indeed a retriever. She is just hard-wired to do this. nothing brings her more joy than bringing something back to her master (or me, if that's all that's around). She came back happy and panting. And I, well, I came back feeling like a great human. You know how dogs can do that for you.
I stopped in at the Pier One that dd works at last weekend. I met some of the cast of characters with whom she works. All good people with their own struggles, you know how it is. She always introduces me as, "Mummy." She never calls me that unless she sees me in public, like in this instance. All her friends who I have come to know, know me as Mummy. It is almost an alter ego at this point.
Hope everyone is doing well. Mar |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - May 07 2014 : 5:13:52 PM
Good evening everyone,
We had a lovely day here in the Green Mountains. The skies were clear and the sun was warm. We were out in our t shirts all afternoon.
The cows are so happy to have green grass coming up. I am relieved that we did not run out of hay. I think there is even enough left over for the garden. The mud out back is drying up so I only sink to the tops of my sneakers instead of losing them completely in the mud.
I have put the GPS collar on the cow so I know where she is on the land and if she has wandered off to visit the neighbors who are not very friendly about her wanderings. I can find her quickly with it on. I do not have to walk with purpose from field to field to determine whether she has gone visiting.
I dug all of the burdock out of the strawberry patch this afternoon. Remember the raised bed I made two years ago? I can keep it weeded but the ground around it sometimes has tall burdock growing so the seeds sow themselves.
We had hamburgers on the grill and sauteed burdock root with onions and garlic for supper. It was the first time we had burdock and the children and C thought it was tasty. It was labor intensive to dig it up and then wash and cut the roots. It has inulin in it which stabilizes blood sugars. It also works slowly over time to balance your body systems. A person can eat the roots at the end of the first year or the beginning of the second year. They are biessnials. The end of the second year the roots are too tough.
GG I hope you have a great time in Hawaii. I hope that whatever was troubling your ds has resolved itself so you can have a relaxing visit. Keep the pool boys happy even if now you are a married woman.
Mar you are so good with yellow dog. She will miss you when you move to the new house. What were some of the characteristics of this property that made you say this is it? We have a convection oven but only use it when we are in a pinch for time. I do not know what the stove is unless it is one of the black surfaced items.
We do not rake our leaves. We let the wind blow them around then they decompose. We are in no way suburban and have no one to look at our efforts besides us if we tried. We are just trying to get the trash that has blown around the yard from the garbage man picked up.
Marie you are far more patient than I am to rip out mittens. Maybe the woman who knits them has another one to match.
Bunny I hope you did well on your math midterm. I am glad you still have your creativity in fashioning dresses and have not hit a wall. Release from stress through creating is one of my best outlets. Maybe you could have a mother's day sale? is it too late?
Sweet dreams
Holly farmgirl #2499
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - May 07 2014 : 10:05:44 PM
Holly, I admire your knowledge about edibles. I would poison someone if I gave that a shot.I need a nicely packaged seed to be sure of what I have growing! The Burdock does sound labor intensive. The new property we bought was "just right"...not too far from the city, but not too close to the neighbors. The house wasn't too big (i'm done having to dust bath tubs because no one uses them because there are too many bathrooms!) or too small. The property wasn't too treed nor was it treeless. It just felt right. And it was closer to Portland than we thought we were going to find. The market is very tight right now. The house we are buying was on the market 48 hours and had five offers. I am looking forward to being in it in less than two Weeks! Mar |
Edited by - rough start farmgirl on May 08 2014 12:51:27 PM |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - May 08 2014 : 2:04:21 PM
Good afternoon everyone,
DdK has told me we are going grocery shopping tonight so I will do a short note now.
Another lovely day here on the hill farm.
I went to Wisdom of the Herbs school and that is how Iknow a little about eating the wild foods. One step at a time. I need to get myself together and do my learning the latin names lesson. For now I can do the jerusalem artichokes and the burdock.
My big accomplishment for today was getting the laundry folded and the dishes done. DdK took the little sto their last swimming lesson.
I think about downsizing when the children are gone.
Time to go.
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - May 08 2014 : 3:11:23 PM
Ladies, I just lost another post. When I hit post it does. But
Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 15 2019 3:51:29 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - May 08 2014 : 5:51:38 PM
Good evening everyone. GG Sorry about the internet gremlins. You must be on a ipad. It happens to me all the time. I learned that if you hold your finger on your post, you can copy the whole thing. that way if it gets eaten, you can paste it back.
I'm getting so overwhelmed with my homework. One of my classes I have to work with two other people. They are young and work long hours and more than one job. We have 8 projects we need to do for next week. That's just one class. Sometimes I just feel like crying. I won't get to sew this week. I have dresses ready, but I'm so tired by the end of all the homework, I don't have enough energy to do the photos and all the computer work to get them in my store. Yeah. I'm doing a bit of complaining. My mother has spent the last two days in bed. Yesterday she did go to the store. Today she went for an MRI. (she has a pain). The MRI took about an hour from the time she left to back home again. Then back to bed. I don't get it. Her car is packed to the top with her stuff. I offered to help her unload but she wants to do it herself.
Ok, enough of that! I"m just hurting in pain and don't know how to get everything done before I'm too tired or in too much pain to think straight.
I got an local contact via facebook inviting me to participate in a local barn sale. It is only one day so I'm going to give it a try. I don't expect to sell much, but at least I'll get out there. Never know what can happen. Plus, I can take credit cards. I just have to figure out how to set up a booth. I don't really have anything. It is in an old barn and the flyer says I can hammer nails in the walls. So I may just use them to hand my dresses. I have four dress forms I can use and a fold up table. I may ask a friend for help. She hopefully will help me carry everything up from the basement. I can set up the day before, so that will help too.
The weather is a little gloomy today. Some rain and lots of clouds. Maybe that is why I hurt so much today.
Holly, I love that you provide so much of your food from your own place. I think if you downsize, you will be bored.
Mar, yea! Two more weeks and you have your home again. I'm glad you get to spend time with Yellow dog. It will be so nice to be so close to your daughter too!
Gypsy, have a nice time in Hawaii. We will miss you. Send us a line if you can. I know we will all be wishing we were able to fit into a suitcase and go with.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

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Posted - May 08 2014 : 6:29:25 PM
Hang a clothesline from the wall to a post and hang your dresses there. I believe that you could sell a great many small items such as your cuffs and brooches.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - May 08 2014 : 7:56:16 PM
We are in the middle of a thunder storm, so I will not be on here too long. We have only had 1 1/2 days of sun, then back to the rain, but it is supposed to be nice this weekend. I hope so, we want to finish up the yard. Olivia is okay, we cannot find anything wrong with her. Am thinking that she may have had gas, or an upset tummy. She scared the heck out of us with her screeching. She definitely was in a lot of pain, but not now. Bunny, Sometimes taking a bit of a break from work helps to clear your head and be able to think and concentrate better. I can imagine that it would get overwhelming now and then. Bet you will be glad when you are all done. I think you would be able to sell some small items, something that does not take you too long to make up. When is the sale? Marie, How are things going there? Did you get thunderstorms today too? GG, That is so maddening to lose a whole post. Hope things are going well for you. Holly, I think by the time most of the children are on their own, you will want to slow down some. You are a very hard worker, that is for sure. Getting nasty out with the thunder, so I am getting off here. Have a great evening,
Jan Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - May 08 2014 : 11:05:34 PM
Marie, I like the clothesline idea. I plan on bring some smaller things. But they do take as long as the dresses sometimes. I only have until the end of the month. With all the homework I'm doing, it will be difficult to add much more.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - May 09 2014 : 07:36:28 AM
. |
Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 15 2019 3:52:37 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - May 09 2014 : 08:58:13 AM
Gypsy, iPad's don't get viruses. My suggestion is to hold the on and off button for 10 seconds. It will turn off. Wait a another 20 seconds and turn it back on. That is a reset. Mine has had issues and doing that can clear out whatever is not working.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - May 09 2014 : 4:52:45 PM
Good evening everyone,
I type on my laptop. I type the posts into my email and then copy and paste. Then if the site does not comply with the post this message at least I have a copy to repost. I get so frustrated when I type directly onto the rectangle and the post disappears.
C is taking an online class now. In this class as in all of the others they are supposed to do a group project. Each member of the class has a piece and then it is all put together and someone makes it one voice. There is a man, H, who consistently is late with his piece and then he makes everyone late behind him but the due date is still the same date. It frustrates her to no end that H and a couple of others feel so entitled or are so disorganized that it makes them behind. She likes to be done a day early so she can think for a moment. This particular teacher also does not like the way C writes. C has always received good grades in her writing classes so she is particularly frustrated by this teacher's attitude and no suggestions.
We also had two days of glorious sunshine and today is overcast and cold. I took my tractor down to pull a neighbor out of the mud hole he had dumped his car into. He said he dug for 45 minutes trying to get out. It took me less than 3 to pull him out once I arrived. I ditched the road a little and put some fill in the mud holes. It still needs a lot of work to drain the water.
I think the clothes line idea is a good one. If there are beams you could take some clothes line and tie loops along it and hang it vertically from the beam and put the hangers in the loops.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
3602 Posts
Nora Springs
3602 Posts |
Posted - May 10 2014 : 11:06:17 AM
Happy Saturday, Friends! It's a cold, rainy one here..but I can only hope the sun will come out later today. Marie- as a former backstage mom and gma I can only wonder how your play came out? Holly- I was the one wondering where you got the witch hazel bush. I did go on-line last year and saw a place out east to order from. I may have to do that. There a couple of other native varieties I would like to plant in our woods as they are dying out in this area. I love hearing about your quiet walks. Bunny- I hope your meds are still working well. High bp is no fun! All farmgirls- Well, we are back from the trip to Iowa City with son. It ended up with 5 of us going. DH & I, son & his wife and DS oldest dd. It was a good but exhausting trip. DS will have surgery on 5/23 to clamp the artery so their will be no more blood flow to the aneurysm. They will remove a piece of skull about the size of my small fist and save it to replace later. He will be in the hosp about 3 days. I plan to stay there (because I just have to for him and for me) and to support DIL. He will have to wear a helmet for awhile. Then in 3-4 wks they will replace skull piece. Can you believe they actually have You-tube videos of this surgery. I felt much better after watching it last night. DS is handling this pretty well (he says what else can he do?). I just will keep praying. It's all in God's hands. Thank you all for your support. It really is a wonderful thing to have this site when you pretty much have no one (physically) to talk to other than family who are just as upset. Hugs to you all.
Farmgirl sister #3926
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but the belief that something is more important than fear." Ambrose Red Moon |
Edited by - forgetmenot on May 10 2014 11:07:16 AM |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - May 10 2014 : 11:49:40 AM
Judith, This site is a godsend for many of us. Especially on those nights when sleep escapes you and you have to share your thoughts. Know that we have all turned to one another in similar, although not "exactly" brain surgery, instances. I am glad you will be there during the surgery. Waiting for a phone call just won't do, will it? Your son's attitude is very pragmatic and I completely agree with him, What was the other choice? We are lucky to have skilled surgeons that will forge forward and put an end to the potential problem. Keep us up to date. And in the meantime, you better rest up for the 23rd!
I am at dd's townhouse by myself ... well, Gracie would disagree with that statement... Dh just left to pick up dd and boyfriend from downtown Portland. They and Sammie, aka Yellow Dog, participated in the Humane Society of Portland's Doggie Dash. They said it was fun and then they have been strolling through the Saturday Market. It was nice to be able to do something for them (providing curbside service for a crowded event) after all they have done for dh and I.
I spent the morning fixing salad and making vegetable soup. It is a bit chilly today and after being out all morning, I hope it is something they will enjoy. Dd has lost five pounds so I am trying to support her. It isn't easy to have a mother who has difficulty keeping weight on when you have taken after your father who has very sturdy thighs.
I spent some time with dh yesterday looking at the photos of our home-to-be on the internet. Saw a few things I had missed when I was there. Also researched how to care for the wood floor (du Chateau-a brand I have never heard of before). It looked very tough, but it does require waxing. ugh.
And I thought I had gotten away from tile flooring, but the kitchen has big (14") tile. Details! Dh is trying to convince me that this tile isn't as hard as the tile we had in Spokane. Cuz, I'm an idiot and I'll believe him.
Well, hope you are all well, mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - May 10 2014 : 3:31:54 PM
We have had 2 beautiful days here, finally!!!!! Today it is in the 60s. A bit breezy, so we could not rake leaves, so we took a ride out in the country, just to get away for awhile. it was pleasant. Tomorrow my son wants to take us out for dinner somewhere. Hope you all have a wonderful fun filled Mother's Day!!!!!!
Jan Farmgirl Sister #3340
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - May 10 2014 : 4:05:21 PM
Good evening everyone,
Our day started out overcast, cold and pouring down rain. It started to clear off around 11 AM. This afternoon was hot and clear. Temperatures must have been in the sixties. I changed out of my flannel lined Carharts to my unlined ones. I thought for a short time that I should put on shorts.
The lettuce is up and I am trying to weed out the first year burdock plants.
Judith I go for walks but I think that if the boys are with me then they are not quiet, at all. lol They worry about a bear or a moose coming along and chasing them. I tell them that the wild things have run for the hills when they heard us coming.
Jan have a nice dinner out. How long an RV are you looking for. I told my brother about one that was 32 feet long and he said that is too small for him.
Mar I think I am glad I have your problem and not your dd or my dd's weight issues. Although my dd is so very strong and her doctor has finally acknowledged that the weight charts are not a reasonable goal for her. I bet your dd and her bf will miss you when you and dh move out. You are a very considerate visiting mother. We have tile floors in the kitchen now and they are hard. It broke a plastic plate in the first week we had them. Now everyone is a bit paranoid about dropping anything. You are lucky to have wood floors. Hire in the waxer and go visit someone when that day comes.
Sweet dreams everyone,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - May 10 2014 : 4:52:02 PM
Holly, We do not want a big motorhome, we are looking at class C ones and would like to find a small one that is around 24-28 feet. We do not want to have to pay so much per mile for gas, plus some of them are like driving busses. Too big in the cities.
Jan Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
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Posted - May 10 2014 : 5:13:46 PM
Jan, that is a good size for a motor home. Some parks have maximums and only have a few spaces for over 32 feet. My friends had one that was 36 feet and it was hard to find places to go.
I need at least 24 feet and at least one slide out. I need room for my sewing.
I finished my last dress today and three brooches. I'll spend tomorrow doing my math homework. The fourth person in our class group finally contacted us. She was having personal issues that got in the way. So next week won't be as bad.
I have an appointment with a rheumatologist next month. I feel like I have been hit by a truck today. Too bad I couldn't go today. I'm glad I got some work done though.
Jan, have a wonderful dinner out.
Holly, I'm surprised after all this time the boys are afraid of forest creatures.
Mar, you are right on about this site. I'm always bummed when no one has posted for a while.
Judith, glad for the good news about your Ds. Hopefully everything will go great.
Time for some Advil and a nap.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - May 10 2014 : 5:56:10 PM
Hello everyone, Jan, it is good to see you have maybe spent your last cold winter. Glad you are having some nice weather
Bunny I sure hope your doctor can figure out the pain and do something for you. I am impressed at how much you do considering the toll that pain must take on you.
Judith, I said in an earlier post that disappeared that I have a friend who had the surgery a few years ago and it was very successful. And she is just fine. Hers had ruptured and it was very touch and go but the doctor was skilled and that was a few years back, so they probably know a lot more now than they did then. You have every reason to be confident that this will all be fine.
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - May 10 2014 : 6:00:41 PM
I posted that so it wouldn't disappear. Bunny, I tried your suggestion on both my phone and IPad and seems like they are ok now. Yahoo is still messed up. It will not let me delete anything.
I am going to see a Mother's Day play tomorrow that my dd will be performing in, and we will hang out together afterwards
Mar I know this has been a trying time for you but at least you have gotten to spend a good amount of time with dd. How's the ex neighbor mommy dearest doing, or has the dd-boyfriend said? You know she must be so jealous.
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - May 10 2014 : 6:27:17 PM
Holly, after reading your post, I researched burdock and it seems to have some remarkable health benefits. I got burdock tea and had a cup of that last night. It wasn't too bad.
We went to the driving range today and I just finally quit and said I'm not doing it. He can find himself a golf buddy or go alone. There are too many other things I would rather do than stand out in the hot sun trying to do weird contortions just to whack a little ball around. I'm not in the mood these days to try to learn anything else. I leave Tuesday for a full week so there is so much to do to get ready. I happened to get an email reminding me I had 40 thousand Delta miles that were going to expire. I don't know what you can do with so few miles but just on a whim, I put in a one way ticket to Seattle, where I was supposed to fly to for my connecting flight to Kona. My DIL had gotten my ticket with her ff miles and she had my flight at an ungodly hour, meaning I would have to go to the airport in the middle of the night, make two or three connecting flights with 3 hour layovers, meaning I would be in transit about 20 hours. My heart sank when I saw what she had done but didn't know how to get out of it. Well, with these lovely surprise miles, I can leave late afternoon and go directly to Seattle the afternoon before, have a good nights sleep and catch the flight to Kona the next day. The dilemma now is if I should tell her or just keep mum. She will be upset with me that her miles will go to waste. I would far rather have bought a ticket and had a decent flight but she wanted to do this for me. They owed me a flight from a few years ago when I paid for a ticket for them. BTW, Holly, yes my sons problem has been fixed. I fixed it with my checkbook and a good lawyer. Now they really, really owe me.
Edited by - doll58maker on May 10 2014 6:31:39 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - May 10 2014 : 9:18:53 PM
GG--I know you'll love Hawaii. My brother and his family went there this past Christmas--using ffm that my SIL had been saving for years. The twins got to swim (they're both on the swim team at school) and they saw dolphins that came right up to them. They climbed a volcano and had a great time. Didn't want to come back. Well, maybe--the boys opened their gifts just before they left so I'm sure they wanted to return eventually. Judith--I'm sure everything will go well with the surgery. When my nephew was five he had some very delicate surgery on his brain stem. Those surgeons really know what they're doing. Mar--so exciting to have found the perfect homestead. I know I was excited when I bought this house. Hard to believe I've been here sixteen years. I heard some thunder a while ago so I hope it rains tonight. Was supposed to rain the other night but it went south. I want to transplant my tomato plants tomorrow. Cindy
"Vast floods can't quench love, no matter what love did/ Rivers can't drown love, no matter where love's hid"--Sinead O'Connor "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
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True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
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Posted - May 10 2014 : 9:43:45 PM
Gypsy, at least you tried the golf thing. My grandfather golfed almost every day. They would go on trips for golf tournaments. He would fold and she would sight see or hang out crocheting or reading. She always found something to do. Then everyone would go to dinner at night. They made it work.
Have a wonderful time in Hawaii!
I find if I really lay low most of the day I'm fine. It's when I try to do to much for too long. Plus weather and stress have a big play in how I feel. The weather has been on and off. Nice in the morning and stormy in the late afternoon. Plus having mom home, I'm sure it doesn't help.
Most of the time I feel ok.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
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