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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - May 01 2014 :  12:06:02 PM  Show Profile
Marie, LOL, you don't have to do anything! Breath! for heavens sake. It's all good.

Sorry about Lowell, he might have been having an anxiety attack. Sounds like he really needs a mental health professional.

And what do you mean they shut off the heat on April 15th. What happens if you get a late snow! You're in Minneapolis for heavens sake!

I get to have a colonoscopy in June. Yipeee! NOT! The downside of finally having insurance. They want to peek and probe everything. My mammogram is next week.
The doctors office called and said the blood test for lyme was negative, same with any other autoimmune disease. But they did refer me to a rheumatologist. Time will tell.

Short homework day today. I don't feel much like sewing though. I did some yesterday. I'm kind of getting depressed without any sales. If I was back in California, I could do craft fairs. Here it is so much more work and they are far away. By the time I haul everything out of the basement and set up, I'm done for. At least in California, I would have help.
I was singing "country roads" the other day and started to cry. It is so how I feel! I want to go home!


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Not all who wander are lost.../
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - May 01 2014 :  12:11:28 PM  Show Profile
Thank you Bunny.


Marie, Sister #5142

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - May 01 2014 :  1:56:57 PM  Show Profile
Good afternoon everyone,

Congratulations, Marie! Just sit and enjoy the accolades. You are clever, creative and kind.

Judith I hope you son has a good surgeon. Years ago in the early 80's. I worked in Philadelphia and met Neil Young and his wife and son. His wife was an amazing dancer. She had an aneurism and had the surgery. Sending you hugs and strength.

Today started out overcast and rainy with cold temperatures. Now it is quite warm and sunny. I am so glad. Manure is so much easier to move when it is warm and sunny. lol

I had a colonoscopy when I turned 50. it was so anti climactic for me. People told me I would have to stay by the toilet all day. It was maybe a half hour bad and then farts. The drugs allow you to sleep or stay awake. I slept. Any chance for a nap.

Tonight ddK, dsL a friend and I are going to see Martha Redbone. C will stay home and do her homework.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

873 Posts

Dallas Texas
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Posted - May 01 2014 :  2:57:57 PM  Show Profile
Marie....Congratulations on FGOTM!! Just sit back and certainly have demonstrated your worthiness of the title! :)

Holly....WOW Neil Young! That is Crosby, Stills, Nash and 'Young'...Right? What type of work were you doing? Are you originally from Philly? Excuse my dumbness if you have already told us much for all the brilliance I have sucked up from all of you! LOL!!

Hey Bunny....if I was close...I'd help you with the craft fairs. Buck up kiddo....all comes to those who wait....even if the waiting seems unbearable at times!! :) Honest!!!!

The colonoscopy is not all that bad.. The worst is the drinking of all that stuff.....mine was mainly Gatorade (which I vehemently dislike) keeping that down was a chore. Yuck. But I was out cold before I even left the prep cubicle and when I awoke I was right back where I started. If I didn't know better I'd think I hadn't even left he room. I wish the same for you! :)

Judith....hope everything works out well for your boy! My kid is 43 and I would be devastated if he was so diagnosed. I'm sure all will be fine and he will get through all this like a champ!

Jan....has your son thought about what he will do when you start traveling and find a more hospitable weather zone? Texas is not a bad choice for a home base.

Thanx much to everyone for the delightful comments on my afghan. I am not yet sure what I am going to do with it. The pattern is called Lacy Blocks (Judith). I have this same afghan that my MIL made for me many years ago also is at the foot of my bed always. I fell in love with the pattern and just so happened to be looking through some books I have with afghans and this pattern appeared.......needless to say I was thrilled. So I decided to make it. I want to do a black one also.

Have a great day, y'all!!!!!!! :)

My best to all,
Sassy City Girl with Farmgirl Fantasies!

Edited by - Kirksmom71 on May 01 2014 3:10:49 PM
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
3331 Posts

Posted - May 01 2014 :  3:15:57 PM  Show Profile
Mel, that Afghan would be stunning in black. I love the white, but black would be unexpected.

Marie, you are a kind person who deserves to hear how much we appreciate having you in our lives. Enjoy bring May's FGOTM!

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True Blue Farmgirl

3602 Posts

Nora Springs IA
3602 Posts

Posted - May 01 2014 :  4:48:19 PM  Show Profile
Ah, Marie!! You crack me up! I can just see you jumping all over with the FGOTM news! I congratulated you on another site; but, I will say it again! Mar made a great choice! And, it couldn't come at a better time for you! Just sit back (like that will happen) and enjoy your month!

I hope the play goes well..of course it will! I miss the days of being backstage mom and gma! Lowell must miss your undivided attention.
I'm wondering too if they actually turn the heat OFF or down? That sounds inhumane.

Mel, thank you for mentioning the name of the pattern for the afghan.
Did you read my mind?

Thank you all for the good wishes for my son! This is the 4th time he's had Bell's palsy. This time it's not going away as quickly, so he is scared. He said he felt a twitch by his eye last night and that is a good sign. At least he felt something. Today he had a test to check if his arteries are clear. Prep for surgery. It sounds like they are clear. We are calming down a little. Guess I panicked because we recently lost DH's youngest sis, and my closest birth sister to aneurysms. But, I put my big girl panties on. So, I am good now.

You're in for the fun ride now, Bunny. I turned 65 last Oct. and went though all those tests. It's good to get updated!

Holly, yep, I want to know too! What type of work were you doing then? Well, I figure my son is as bright a star as Sharon Stone and Neil Young..So, he'll come out just fine. Keep looking up, right?

Farmgirl sister #3926

"Courage is not the absence of fear, but the belief that something is more important than fear." Ambrose Red Moon
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True Blue Farmgirl

2914 Posts


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Posted - May 01 2014 :  9:34:52 PM  Show Profile
Congratulations, Marie! You have a whole month to be queen for the day(???) Sometimes I don't make much sense.
Judith--praying that all goes well. I don't have kids but I know how my mom worries about us kids and the grandkids--it's a tremendous amount of stress and I pray for peace of mind for you and I pray that God is with you and your son.
Mel-The afghan really is beautiful--I do some embroidery but I could never get the hang of knitting or crochet. I like to create small things and afghans and sweaters are just too big.
I had a blood test last Friday and my dr. says I'm deficient in vitamin D. She wrote a prescription for vitamin D--I take it once a week for twelve weeks, then I can start buying an OTC version. I never knew that doctors wrote prescriptions for vitamins. The pharmacist also told me that lack of vitamin D can affect your mood--that would explain a lot. I have lots of seedling tomatoes, eggplants, and a few peppers still inside--it was chilly today, doesn't feel like the first of May. I think I'll wait about another week and then start acclimating them to the outdoors. My peas are doing well and my second sowing of beets are coming up. I think the first sowing was too soon and it was too cold--none of them came up. I have some sage and cilantro and rosemary in my herb garden. Going to plant some basil and fenugreek (which I've never grown before). I don't have a working lawn mower so a guy is coming tomorrow to mow my yard and clean out the gutters. I have a gum tree in my yard and I like the tree but I hate the gumballs. They clog up the gutters and can cause you to trip when you step on one.
I've called Jaxon "Boxer" twice in the last two days.I've had him a little over a year. He's different than Boxer was but as time goes on, he's becoming a little more like Boxer. I don't know if it's because he's maturing or maybe it's just the way I treat him. I love dogs and he knows it.
Need to get to bed. G'night, all!

"Vast floods can't quench love, no matter what love did/ Rivers can't drown love, no matter where love's hid"--Sinead O'Connor
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - May 02 2014 :  08:47:55 AM  Show Profile
Judith, I'm so glad there is some good news for your son. He will be back in shape in no time I bet!

Cindy, I just got the same vitamins. Plus I read that vit. d helps blood pressure too. Mine is over the moon. I have a new prescription to pick up today. I saw the Dr. yesterday. My blood pressure was 190/130. I guess I'm a stroke waiting to happen.

I made a wonderful connection yesterday though. I'm house sitting for the next 4 nights for a new customer. She is head of an HR department here in town and said she knows many other HR heads. So when I'm done with school, she may be able to help me.

Got to go, sounds like a cat is barfing big time.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - May 02 2014 :  12:33:51 PM  Show Profile
This is where I used to work. I started the year after college and stayed for three years.

farmgirl #2499

Edited by - Tall Holly on May 02 2014 12:34:35 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

873 Posts

Dallas Texas
873 Posts

Posted - May 03 2014 :  12:43:02 PM  Show Profile
WOW Holly, what they do there is so amazing and you certainly are worthy of much admiration for the caring person you are...your kiddos do not know how lucky they are!! :) But then again luck has nothing to do with it. You and they were united for a are all blessed to have each other!

I have taken Vitamin D for years....many people are deficient and have no idea! have got to take better care of yourself....I too have a problem with high blood pressure and have been in the emergency room a couple times with it in the 240 range. I thought the nurse was going to have a stroke!! LOL But that was when I was not taking my meds right. I have now had it under control for a while and feel so much better! Happy Doc!!!! :) You know your boys need you to be there for them!!!!!!!!!!!!

My best to all,
Sassy City Girl with Farmgirl Fantasies!

Edited by - Kirksmom71 on May 03 2014 12:44:30 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - May 03 2014 :  2:44:35 PM  Show Profile
Mel, I got some new medication yesterday that seems to be doing the trick. No side effects.
I sewed today. I feel like I'm back in the swing of it. I can feel myself dealing with depression and I just had to force myself to go down there and just start. I got 3 dresses made and two finished. They just needed a little something extra. I feel better.

My mom is coming home next week. The honeymoon is over. He took too many sleeping pills the other night and fell in the middle of the night trying to go to the bathroom. So she had to help him. The next morning he wanted to drive them to breakfast. He is a terrible driver anyway, but she said she wanted to drive and he got upset. He told her it was time for her to go back home. He has been seeing his old girlfriend and I think that cinched it.

She is still going to Utah in July. I'll have the house back to myself after that.

Nap time, later all...


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - May 03 2014 :  5:56:16 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Bunny I sure hope the medication works to lower your blood pressure. It would be very nice if you finally started feeling better on a regular basis. Congrats on finishing the dresses.

I can not remember who asked where I bought the witch hazel bush. Every spring the Winooski valley conservation district has a plant sale. I bought it from them. We order in March and they deliver in April.

I went to my friend's 50th birthday party today. Her sister is five years older than she is and her friend is somewhere in between. When they turned 50 Leola got depends and denture cream and aging spot cream for them. She was worried about what her party would bring to her. She had a good time and was only embarrassed a little. I visited with people I see not so often so it was fine.

DdK and dsT are off to Maine for the night so dsT could play in his AAU basketball tournament. They made it. She was very nervous. We figured it was a next step in their learning how to travel and make decisions with out us there. So, dsT's team won the first game. Apparently he made a fabulous dunk shot. DdK was very impressed.

We had two young men here today cleaning out that pig stall that was too hard for dsT to do last week. Their mother had told them six inches deep in an 8' X 8' stall. it was 15 inches deep in a 10' X 15' stall. They were not impressed with their mother's ability to judge size. They did the job and did well. Now we can start putting the cow in there, fix the baby bird stall back up with chicken wire and order our meat birds. The older of the boys who is 20 went home and asked if he could have a beer. Said he was going to drink it. and go to bed. He stripped to his shorts on the front lawn. The younger boy(15) posted on his facebook page that he had a sh**ty day. lol

Mel we were impressed with your bp numbers. I am glad they are lower now and you are not at risk of having your brain blow up.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

2428 Posts

Gladstone Mi.
2428 Posts

Posted - May 03 2014 :  6:40:22 PM  Show Profile
Holly, I bet you are happy to finally get the stall cleaned out. I am sure it is starting to be a busy time for you getting ready for planting soon and adding to your animals, more work, more feeding.
Mar, Bet you are getting excited to move into your new place.
Mel, I too am glad you got your BP under control. Sometimes that takes a lot of different meds to get the right one that works for you.
Bunny, Glad you are getting back to sewing some. Maybe with your mom home for a little while, you will not be alone and get out of your depressed stage.
Gypsy, Hope things are going well for you. Miss you on here.
Marie, How are things going for you?
It rained all day yesterday, and most of today, but late this afternoon, the sun finally came out. It has been weeks. Finally got into the 40s today, although it was very windy. It is supposed to be nice tomorrow and in the 40s, so am hoping we can get outdoors and start getting the yard cleaned up. I still cannot wear my capris yet. I wear them when we start getting 50 degree weather. Usually that is the end of March or early April. We are very late this year. It is improving though. I can't wait to start grilling out.
Have a great evening,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
3966 Posts

Posted - May 03 2014 :  6:59:17 PM  Show Profile

I am doing very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very well.

Lowell is out of town visiting his dad. I ordered up some Chip and Dales for me and some Chip and Danes for Mitzi. I am pigging out on diet pop and junk food. I have the computer all to myself. Woo Hoo!!!!!

Got to go! The boys have arrived!

Marie, Sister #5142

Try everything once and the fun things twice.

Edited by - churunga on May 03 2014 9:28:27 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - May 04 2014 :  08:45:23 AM  Show Profile
Marie. Whoooo hoooo for a girls night in! Sounds like you will have a wonderful time.

Jan, my mom only makes the depression worse. She makes me miss my kids in California more. Spring is always a wonderful time where I lived. All the wild flowers on the side of the roads, the baby animals and everything is green.

I house sat for my two little blind Dachshunds. They were very sweet. One is totally blind, the other only in one eye. They live out in the boonies. No cell service and no internet. I brought my drawing pad, some embroidery and thankfully she had cable tv. I had AT&T . If I had version, I would have had cell service. Sometimes I think we need two phones from each company. It was actually very beautiful where I was. The view out her living room window was amazing last night. She has a big lilac bush in the yard that smells heavenly! Three more nights.

Today is study day for my big math test on Tuesday. I'm not looking forward to it. He is a stickler for form. You can't just do the problem. He wants you to write the formula first and do everything in a certain order and explain why. I'm screwed. I'm hoping I can at least get a C.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - May 04 2014 :  11:25:54 AM  Show Profile

Yes, I had a good night. I stayed up late on the computer and slept in this morning.

I decided to take myself and Mitzi to a restaurant for breakfast. I found a spot outside on the south side. I tied her to a table and ordered my food. She was all tangled up when I got back so I untangled her and sat down to wait for my food and read the paper. I even ordered a bowl of fresh cucumbers for Mitzi. I got my food and a whole pot of hibiscus tea and sat there, read the paper and just enjoying the day. All is right with the world and I am content, when all of a sudden, Mitzi takes off after a dog pulling the table and turning it over spilling my breakfast and breaking the dishes. GGGGGGGGRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!! I helped the restaurant clean up and gave them a little extra money.

Mitzi has lost all her privileges for the day. She will get no scratches, be walked on a short leash and the couch is off limits. She has banished herself into her corner in the bedroom.

Marie, Sister #5142

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
2305 Posts

Posted - May 04 2014 :  12:20:44 PM  Show Profile
Good afternoon everyone,

Today has been rainy and cold. I wear my flannel lined jeans until the snow is off Mount Hunger. The snow does not seem to be off yet. I have broken the rule a couple of times on those lovely spring days we had a couple of weeks ago. Then I went right back into them. I do not wear capris. I think this may be a result of being so tall and not being able to buy pants long enough and having to settle.

Cindy I looked at your blog. Years ago I tried to keep one and when I was unable to post regularly I gave it up. I think you are great to persist in trying to maintain a blog.

The children are running their match box cars over my screen. It is making me crazy.

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

2914 Posts


2914 Posts

Posted - May 04 2014 :  7:53:26 PM  Show Profile
Holly--yes, I TRY to keep up with my blog but after that recent bout with pneumonia, I got way behind. I was sick for at least a month. Doing much better now.
Marie--poor Mitzi! I can just see her looking all guilty in the corner of the room. Jaxon did that after I caught him eating out of a bag of dog food--he ate about one fourth of the bag. At first I tried putting Jaxon in his kennel when I was out of the house, but that seemed mean, so now I put the dog food in the kennel and close the door so he can't get to it. That'll teach him!
I made a curry with coconut milk and turmeric and fixed some chicken breasts and some rice tonight. It was pretty good. I have some for my lunch tomorrow as well. We're having nice weather here. Everything is green. My neighbor told me to help myself to the lilac blossoms on her bush. They smell sweet, but I like flowers that are alive--and when you cut them, well, they die, and I don't like that. So I'll just enjoy the scent of lilacs outdoors.

"Vast floods can't quench love, no matter what love did/ Rivers can't drown love, no matter where love's hid"--Sinead O'Connor
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

Visit my blog at
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - May 05 2014 :  4:25:19 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

I really like the smell of lilacs. I do not have any because of allergies in other members of my family. In any case they are not blooming yet any where around here. Daffodils are budding here and blooming down in Montpelier. Trillium are in bud. I saw trout lily as well today. Tiger lilies are up about 6 inches.

We keep our dog food in a tall metal trash can. I keep the cat food in a short metal trash can with a piece of board on top of the lid under the bale so the dogs can not lift up the lid and eat it all. I have to feed a healthwise chicken food because one of my cats has a sensitive bladder and on anything else she pees blood. The dogs eat diet dog food. Our brittany spaniel who is named Beecher is fat although he has lost 17 pounds and is down to 68 pounds. the vet was so happy. He is 13 years old.

I took the little boys on a hike through the woods today to our friend's house. We were never lost but sometimes I did not know how far along the route we were. The boys were a little nervous towards the end. If we went down hill we would hit the road. If we went up hill to far then we would find the beaver pond and mountain. It was a nice walk. DsR lost a hat and one mitten along the way. oh, well.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - May 05 2014 :  4:53:50 PM  Show Profile
Gracie, the Chihuahua, wishes everyone a Happy Cinco de Mayo! Ole!

We have been pretty busy doing all the necessary paperwork and legwork for the house. One new thing for me to learn is how to use an induction top range and convection oven. I have had convection ovens before, but not an induction range. I believe my All Clad pots will work with the range... I guess you just use a magnet to tell if the pot will work or not. Again, I better read up on this stuff.

I received a gift package from Mary Jane and Meg! It had the Henrietta dishtowel and a cool notebook with upcycled maps separating the sections and the sueded cover had a bucket stamped on it. finally realized it is for my official Bucket List.

Marie, I think Mitzi and you must have looked like a scene from a movie! I bet you were not too happy with her.

Holly, those boys moved a lot of shtuff! I bet ddK is proud of making the trip and handling the plans. Good deal on the dunk. Bet he felt on top of the world at that moment. I completely understand your feelings about capris.

bunny and Mel, glad you are diligent about your bp. That ol' silent killer. Bunny, good luck on the test.

I am so ready to move into that house. We have a number of things we need to buy. We have purchased a used lawn tractor, trailer and bagger (already told you about that). I ordered my washer and dryer yesterday. We need a dresser for our bedroom, a sofa for the sunroom and a chair for dh. The house has a lot of built ins which I really like and I am pleased about the number of closets.

Hope you all are enjoying yourselves.

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gladstone Mi.
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Posted - May 05 2014 :  7:20:31 PM  Show Profile
We finally had some sun today, so we rushed out and started raking. We got about 1/4 of our huge yard raked before it got too windy. It is supposed to be nice tomorrow, 45, so we hope to get most of it done then. it sure did feel good to get out and get some fresh air. I was getting pretty irritable with all the gloom and doom that we have had. Now we just need to warm up.
Our plants are not coming up yet, nor do we have leaves on the trees yet, but will soon. There is still some ice on the lake washing up to shore.
Mar, I am sure you will be so happy to when you are all moved in. I do not envy you at all.
Holly, How nice to be able to take long walks like that, and hopefully not get lost. I am sure it is a nice break from homeschooling and farm work.
Have a great evening,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - May 06 2014 :  4:41:39 PM  Show Profile
Argg!! Took my math midterm today. I think I did ok. I at least understood all the problems and was able to come up with an answer.

Mom is back. She is iffy as to going to Utah the end of June. We will see. She is so washy washy. I'm not holding my breath.

Jan, so glad you got to enjoy a nice day outside!

Marie, poor Mitzi. She's sorry I'm sure. Next time hook her to your chair, that way only you go flying!

Gypsy, where are youuuuu. You promised you wouldn't abandon us! I bet you are lurking.

Mar, so much to do! You will have that house in shape in no time. Does Mil have her own cottage or is she in the house with you?

Not much else going on. The weather is beautiful. Tonight is my last night with the two blind dogs. They have been so good! Tomorrow I spend the day shadowing the Admin. Assistant at the college. As usual I have way too much math homework for this week. I'm hoping I get to sew Saturday and Sunday. I have to finish up one dress so I can get them in my store.

Later all....


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - May 06 2014 :  5:32:30 PM  Show Profile

I had a good day. I took apart two handmade knit mittens from the school lost and found to save the yarn. There were 7 in all and all were singles. After taking these two apart, I believe that they were made by the same person. They were made flat, gathered at the top of the thumb and fingers then sew together along the pinkie side of the hand. I will start gathering some odd crochet things and teach the students how to unravel them after they learn a little more about putting things together.

I took Annette and her cat Nate to the vet along with my Mitzi. Nate needed papers saying that he has his cahones taken off. I paid for the exam and his vaccinations. Both animals are in good health. Annette thought Nate was heavier than he actually was. He only has to lose 3 pounds. Mitzi is in good shape too and only has to lose a couple pounds. Afterwards, I took everyone out for a treat.

Tomorrow, will be another good day.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gladstone Mi.
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Posted - May 06 2014 :  6:07:23 PM  Show Profile
Marie, glad you are having some good days. Hope they stay that way.
Bunny, Hopefully you mom will make up her mind what she is going to do, so you will know what to expect. Sorry that you are having such a hard time with the math class. I can imagine that having it online would be harder without some interaction with others to figure things out when they seem impossible.
Gypsy, we miss you. Maybe you are in Hawaii? Hope things are going well for you.
Today was another sunny day and we got to go out and rake some more before it got too windy. We got all of the top yard done, now we need to work on the hills and boulevards. I can only do so much at a time, my arm that I had my shoulder replacement begins to hurt from all the pulling on it. I can actually feel where the prosthetic is placed into my arm. Our bodies do not like foreign objects planted in them. My hips are not too bad, as long as I do not jerk them.
I grill steaks on the grill for supper, our first grilling for the season. They were so good. I do a lot of grilling outdoors in the summer. This summer I plan on cooking a lot of breakfasts outdoors also. They seem to taste so much better outdoors.
Have a great evening,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - May 07 2014 :  12:27:05 PM  Show Profile
Hello dear friends, I have been MIA for a few days. I did a post on my phone over the weekend but when I hit preview reply, it went to outer space and I never saw it again. Last week we were at the country house with no internet, just the iPhone. We came back to the apartment late Saturday night and I got up early Sunday and drove to Houston to my moms where also no internet. The hearing was Monday and the amount of work involved to settle my brothers affairs is almost overwhelming. I just got back home last night, and I leave again on Tuesday for Hawaii. Will be gone a week, then when I get back, I'll have another trip to Houston. So I will peek in when I can and post when I can. Today I am beyond tired. While I was in Houston I got pulled over for driving with an expired state inspection sticker. This is the first time I have ever forgotten that. So first thing this morning I had to get that done. Fortunately it was just a warning, no fine.

All of you are in my thoughts and prayers every day.

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