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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Apr 28 2014 :  5:18:35 PM  Show Profile

I had assumed that the measurements were that small when I saw them and I thought WTF, I can't wear any of these. The 3D measures will make more sense because that's how sewing patterns are sized. I will look at your shop again.

Marie, Sister #5142

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

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Posted - Apr 28 2014 :  5:35:56 PM  Show Profile
You meant Bunny. I'm so out of it I just recently learned what WTF meant.


Edited by - doll58maker on Apr 28 2014 5:38:12 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

2428 Posts

Gladstone Mi.
2428 Posts

Posted - Apr 28 2014 :  6:30:10 PM  Show Profile
We have really been in a gloomy spell lately, and supposed to be rainy for the next week. April showers bring May flowers!!! At least it is not snow. All of our snow is finally gone. It has bees way too windy to rake yet, our yard is so full of leaves. Soon it will be grilling time. I usually start grilling by the second week in April.
Gypsy, that would be great to find water on your land. I am sure that would put the value of your property up quite a bit.
Bunny, I hope by changing the measurements you will get more sales.
Marie, Hope your knee heals fast. That is no fun at all to fall right on the kneecap.
I am trying to get way ahead of my knitting so that while we are travelling, I will not be knitting much. I think I would get car sick if I tried to knit in the car. I can knit when we stop for the night.
I went in and got a different cable box for my internet and it took me all day to get my computers to work. I could not get online at all, so had to call the 800 number, and they had to activate the box from their end. Works great now.
We are still looking for a motorhome, they are just coming out of storage now. I am sure we will find one soon.
Have a great evening,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
3966 Posts

Posted - Apr 28 2014 :  6:37:23 PM  Show Profile
Sorry, sometimes I mix you gals up. My favorite acronym is KMA.

Marie, Sister #5142

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
3331 Posts

Posted - Apr 28 2014 :  6:42:08 PM  Show Profile
I like that after Tuesday, even the calendar says WTF.
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True Blue Farmgirl

3602 Posts

Nora Springs IA
3602 Posts

Posted - Apr 28 2014 :  7:43:45 PM  Show Profile
Oh, pooh! I just deleted a nice long post explaining our choice of retirement to Iron Mtn. for Janet.

And, I nice long response to Marie.

Now, I am just crabby!

I'll try again tomorrow!

Farmgirl sister #3926

"Courage is not the absence of fear, but the belief that something is more important than fear." Ambrose Red Moon
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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Apr 28 2014 :  7:54:24 PM  Show Profile
Judith, my post disappeared too. For some reason iPads and MJF don't get along.

I'm more of a WTH person. You guys crack me up.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Apr 29 2014 :  07:52:44 AM  Show Profile
My husband has a bunch of trouble with getting things to work on his iPad, too. But, he is a big Apple fan. (As long as there is an IBM clone nearby when such failures occur!)

Bunny, I think your new measuring way may help some buyers make certain they are looking at the right size. But, I think the way you explained it before was clear, too. Are you ready for the warmth that is coming our way this week?

Dd and Dh went to the boarding stable to see the horses yesterday. Somehow, dd face-planted in the mud without getting muddy. But, her boots took a beating. The horses are fat and happy! I got to catch a nap with my two favorite canines while they were gone.

Today, I think we get to visit the Adidas campus today, which includes the company store and their 50% off deals! Dd and her boyfriend have been there before and raved about the deals available. Dd's employer is sponsoring the event. Maybe I will find some super comfy shoes that will make me run faster and jump higher.

I'll check in with all you gals later and I am hoping the posting gremlins are gone.
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True Blue Farmgirl

3602 Posts

Nora Springs IA
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Posted - Apr 29 2014 :  08:17:14 AM  Show Profile
Okay. New day. I'll try this again.

Janet- We are kinda zeroing in on retiring to Iron Mtn./Kingsford because it has a hospital, grocery store and other necessary amenities. The priority for DH is trout streams close by; and, there are many just over the Wisc. border. (We checked them out) We always said we would go north rather than south. (Neither of us tolerate the heat/humidity well) We have vacationed in the north since we married: Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Canada. We fell in love with the Upper Peninsula and the great lakes areas. I just love to watch the freighters come and go. (Must have lived their in another life) I tell DH if we don't fix up our place to sell soon though we may as well forget it..we aren't getting younger. And, another reason I would retire there is: I told him if he ever leaves me I am going with him.

I thought Escanaba was beautiful! Of course, we were there on a gorgeous, sunny day. I believe we did see the big park you mentioned! Lots of people of all ages were enjoying it. And, we saw the lighthouse. Next was farmers market. Small, but I came home with lots of goodies. And, the vendors were so friendly. We took a survey a couple of years through our Extension Office. And, the main requests for market were a covered location, seating (benches to rest at) and restrooms. So, since our market is in a parking lot, they put up a couple of tent awnings and picnic tables and porta potties. It's a start. I like the idea of using existing structures. So, if I lived there, I would probably go for the Ford location also. Believe me, I thought of you all the while we were in your area. You wouldn't believe it from me jabbering here...but, I am very shy about meeting new people in person. DH has to almost force me into it, and shames me into getting together with family. Don't know what that's I love people.

Marie- I am so sorry you hurt your knee. A fall is always so traumatic anyway. DH blames me for his weight gain (by the way, from your pic, you look just fine. However, I guess we have to feel it ourselves) Anyway, the cheese thing reminds me. I used to cut up the cheese into slices to make it more convenient for crackers. He says if its cut its too convenient and he eats it all right away. Now, he buys it himself and cuts just what he eats at that time. He brings it into the house, and he's in charge. (Ha! He still blames me- I pick my battles) I hope you do not compare your build to Lowell's. You have a woman's build and shape. Lowell's build is totally different than yours. I shake my finger at your Lowell if he is encouraging that thinking. naughty. Take care of yourself. I love going through my yarn. I will do that for you today.

Farmgirl sister #3926

"Courage is not the absence of fear, but the belief that something is more important than fear." Ambrose Red Moon
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

2259 Posts

Posted - Apr 29 2014 :  08:31:52 AM  Show Profile
So odd. I just wrote a post and I must have posted at the same time as Judith and mine is not there. Oh, well. It wasn't very interesting.

Have a good day everyone.


Edited by - doll58maker on Apr 29 2014 08:33:07 AM
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True Blue Farmgirl

873 Posts

Dallas Texas
873 Posts

Posted - Apr 29 2014 :  3:49:34 PM  Show Profile
Greetings y'all......hope you are having as beautiful a day as we are here in North Texas!!It is a shame to even have to be inside for any reason! 70 degrees....slight breeze.....NO humidity is key here!! :)

Bunny....Like your lovely cuffs and neat corsages! Hope they do good for you. glad the snow is gone for your area.

I have to chuckle every time one of us loses a's soooo frustrating and yet we come back for more!! I have repeatedly leaned on the wrong place on my keyboard and poof there went my terrificly intelligent, informative, insightful prose!!! ROTFLMAO!!!

I have finally finished my afghan!

My best to all,
Sassy City Girl with Farmgirl Fantasies!
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
3331 Posts

Posted - Apr 29 2014 :  4:49:56 PM  Show Profile
Mel, That is a beautiful afghan. Is it for you? Or are you planning on parting with it? That would be tough for me...

Marie, how is the knee doing?

And apparently the gremlins are still at work playing with our posts! Try again, GG.

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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Apr 29 2014 :  5:11:30 PM  Show Profile

My knee is fine. My back was sore for a while. I took a hot bath and I was fine. I just hate falling.

Mar - That is an amazing afghan. I give so many of mine away. I made a beautiful one for my nephew when he was little. He drug it everywhere and chewed on it. He called it LiLi. It kept getting smaller and his mom kept fixing it but soon it was just a six inch square and had to be retired. I love that.

I had my last crochet class today. One of the girls, JiJi, is amazing. She was crocheting single crochet around a granny square with very large hook and fabric yarn. I told her to increase the number of stitches every so often so that it would lay flat. But she had another idea. When the piece started to look like a bowl, she said she was making a basket. So I showed her how to make the handle and told her how to attach it. In a couple years, she will be making whatever she wants without using a pattern. She will be taking the class with me next year.

Time for tea and chocolate.

Marie, Sister #5142

Try everything once and the fun things twice.

Edited by - churunga on Apr 29 2014 5:12:21 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

2259 Posts

Posted - Apr 29 2014 :  5:13:41 PM  Show Profile
Can't write right now. Too busy rolling on the floor laughing my *** off at Mel's comment.
Mel, that afghan is soooooo fabulous. Surely you won't part with that.


Edited by - doll58maker on Apr 29 2014 5:15:48 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Apr 29 2014 :  5:18:40 PM  Show Profile
Mel, what a beautiful afghan!

Marie, glad you are feeling better. My behind still hurts from falling down the stairs.

I was good and finished my homework early. I have been working more on my Etsy store. I'm trying to work smarter not harder.

I get to house sit for two blind little dogs this weekend. Should be interesting.

Off to have dinner with a friend. She and her husband just bought a new house.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Apr 30 2014 :  5:55:14 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

It rained off and on all day. Temperatures were in the low 50's although it felt like 30. How easily I can be spoiled.

Mel the afghan is awesome. You have far more patience than I do. I can only imagine how intelligent and insightful you have become from hanging around the lot of us. lol

New sneakers? Mar.

Marie 3 D art can be quite lovely. I bet Jiji is glad you stroked her talent.

I planted two black walnut trees, one pear tree, two blueberry bushes and one witch hazel today. now before you get all excited about how much work I did. I used the auger on the back of the tractor to create the holes. Not too much work for me and the littles.

Sweet dreams everyone.

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

2428 Posts

Gladstone Mi.
2428 Posts

Posted - Apr 30 2014 :  6:11:21 PM  Show Profile
Mel, your afghan is beautiful!!! I can see that it would take awhile to finish. Just lovely.
Judith, thank you for explaining why you want to retire in the U.P. We do have beautiful land here, but living here all of my life, I just cannot handle the harsh winters anymore. I have bad lungs and supposed to live in a milder climate.
Holly, that is quite a mixture of trees. I bet they will be nice to have once they start to produce.
We had rain every day for weeks here. It has only been in the 30s and low 40s. Not far from here had over 4 inches of snow yesterday!!!! Our lake is almost all open now, it is so pretty and blue. Makes for good fishing in the ice cold water.
Have a great evening,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
3331 Posts

Posted - Apr 30 2014 :  6:33:54 PM  Show Profile
Holly, we had a huge black walnut tree growing up. My parents called it an English walnut tree. The shells were so hard. My mom always made me pick them up because she would twist her ankle stepping on them. I guess that's how I learned to watch where I step. Never knew witch hazel was a tree...

Jan, i'm sure you will miss the beauty of the area when you leave. But, how nice that you canc look forward to feeling better.

No new sneaks for me. Dh found a cap. Dd got a new workout bra and a tee shirt.

I painted my nails teal. They are gasping for breath, but they are pretty! Tomorrow we Are going to the new house to look at items the owners want to sell. They have aDeere lawn tractor and a table saw that dh is coveting. I know how nice it would be for them to be able to just leave some of these things in place.

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True Blue Farmgirl

3602 Posts

Nora Springs IA
3602 Posts

Posted - Apr 30 2014 :  9:07:08 PM  Show Profile
Mel, Your afghan is just beautiful and so delicate. I just want to scrunch it in my fingers!

Oh, I know its cold up there, Jan! We had snow overnight here, and 34 this morning. Its colder in the house. (ran out of LP) We will try to bundle up in long johns and blankets until the warmer weekend.

Where did you find your witch hazel tree, Holly? I would love to plant one.

Bunny, your corsages are so pretty!

I am in a daze today ladies. We went to an appt with our son today for an MRA. (He is 42)He came down with Bell's Palsy on 4/16.. Dr. had given him 1 week of steroids. No improvement. The result of the MRA is that is has an brain aneurysm. It has nothing to do with the palsy. They just found it while taking test. But we will take him to Iowa City for surgery on May 8. He is my firstborn and only son. Needless to say, this mom is a basket-case. I am saying lots of prayers and hoping this was a message from above for him to take care of this now! Well, I have been raving again. Time to turn in.

Farmgirl sister #3926

"Courage is not the absence of fear, but the belief that something is more important than fear." Ambrose Red Moon

Edited by - forgetmenot on Apr 30 2014 9:08:19 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gladstone Mi.
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Posted - May 01 2014 :  07:11:54 AM  Show Profile
Judith, praying for your son and your whole family. Please keep us posted. We will be thinking of you and are here for you. HUGS!!!!!

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - May 01 2014 :  07:18:37 AM  Show Profile
Judith, stay tough. I'm glad they discovered what it was. Sending your family healing thoughts. I believe Sharon Stone had a brain aneurysm and has fully recovered. There is hope.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - May 01 2014 :  08:23:47 AM  Show Profile
Judith, Bells Palsy can completely go away, right? It is such crazy luck that it led you to find the aneurism. You will be in my thoughts. So sorry you have such worries.

We are having a bit of a heat wave. Welcome Summer!

And happy May Day everyone.
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
3966 Posts

Posted - May 01 2014 :  10:07:18 AM  Show Profile

While I was out last night, Lowell called the EMTs because he was having problems with his "symptoms". I had just finished with an all school play rehearsal and was on my way to Dungeons & Dragons. He called me later just after I got my dinner (and my hands were full) to ask me to come home. I didn't. I shot arrows at barbarians instead. When I was done I called him and he said he was doing better and had a guitar player over whom he was auditioning. (That guitar player left a stink in our place which I just cannot describe.) I went to bed but he stayed up. He came to bed feeling very poorly. His body was shaking. He was complaining so much that I couldn't sleep. When he said he wanted to go to the emergency room, I got up and got dressed. We went to the emergency room at midnight. I was so tired all I could do is cry and I couldn't explain why to the nurse. I calmed down and reached this meditative zone. I could hear the activity around me but I am certain I was sleeping. (Strange) The doctor came in at 3:00 AM and kicked me out. I went to the waiting room where the seats were more comfortable and continued my nap. Lowell came out later and we went home. I still has no definite explanation of his symptoms. I slept like a log and missed my mammogram this morning. (oh shucks) Okay, Ladies, this is it. I am NOT doing this again.

Mel - It's been raining here all week! The temps have been in the 40s. I really miss the temperatures in the 50s. We had a tiny bit of snow on Tuesday. GAH!

Holly - I'll take those walnut shells off your hands. They are great for putting inside pin cushions to sharpen pins and needles. I knew you used the auger. That is an auger's job -- making work easier for you.

Marianne - So your nails are wearing corsets. They look great but they can't breathe. Owwww! I want that table saw!

Judith - Here in the city, they cut the heat on April 15th and it is cold in here. Right now, I just want to lie naked on my couch in the summer heat and feel warm to my core. I hope your son can get whatever he needs to heal. Go ahead and rave. Rant also if you wish. That is what we are here for.

Tonight and tomorrow night are the dates of the grade school play "Wizard of Whittier". It is based on the Wizard of Oz and highlights some of the profiles of an International Baccalaureate curriculum. So the Scarecrow is a Thinker, the Tin Man shows Caring and the Lion shows Risk-Taking. I was just trying to keep the kids backstage who weren't on stage quiet, in their seats and listening for their cues. Not easy! I hope it goes okay. I'll try to take pictures.

Marie, Sister #5142

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gladstone Mi.
2428 Posts

Posted - May 01 2014 :  10:27:16 AM  Show Profile
Congratulations Marie!!! You are our new farmgirl of the month!!!! WAY TO GO!!!!!! Sorry you have to go through so much drama with Lowell. Warmer weather will arrive in time, I guess. We are still only in the 30s and rain every day.

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
3966 Posts

Posted - May 01 2014 :  10:33:54 AM  Show Profile
I am?! OMG! I am!


I've got to go somewhere and calm down. AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!

<runs screaming into the distance>

Marie, Sister #5142

Try everything once and the fun things twice.

Edited by - churunga on May 01 2014 10:42:02 AM
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