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True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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Posted - Apr 25 2014 : 3:54:33 PM
Yea! All my homework is caught up! I get to sew for the next two days. It also looks like I have a new pet sitting customer for overnight stays. I hate overnight stays but love the money. Looks like a total of 3 nights and then at the end of the month another 3 nights. I can't complain. I get paid while I'm sleeping. May is going to be a busy month with all my doctor appointments, pet sitting and of course tons of homework.
Today is blue skies but with lots of wind. I hate the wind.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

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Posted - Apr 25 2014 : 4:18:39 PM
Good evening everryone,
The day ended up being quite lovely. We were out in our t shirts working and playing. C and I put up two fence posts for the chicken pen. We had logging done last winter and these are the ends of the logs that were too long to fit on the logging truck. Some of the logs are quite stout. I am putting the heavy logs around the outside of the chicken pen so I can put heavy cow fencing on it to keep the cow and bull calves from knocking down the fence and breaking into the chicken pen. It is a little extreme but I hope to not have to replace it anytime soon.
I remember a while ago Mar you mentioned tractors. We have a Kubota. Ours is 50 hp because we wanted something big enough to run a baler if we ever bought one. When we were going to buy a tractor we looked into buying one that is American made. We found that only the really huge tractors that are used on open land to run large machinery are made in the US. So, that left the field wide open. lol Think about what machinery you might want to run and decide. I wish we had a back hoe for ours. We have an auger and that saves so much on our backs when we have to put up fencing.
I am glad you found a house. Is it what you wanted or did you settle. What did you compromise on with dh. I hope there is space for your gardens.
It is good to pick up those side jobs pet sitting Bunny. No complaints about pocket cash. Glad your homework is done. I am trying to help dsT do his back homework. It has been 40 years or so since I did slopes and y intercepts. That is what is on the slate for tonight.
Sweet dreams everyone,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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Posted - Apr 25 2014 : 4:24:47 PM
Holly, slopes and y intercepts are so last year for me. I barely got a C in the class.
It sounds like your work is never done. You make me tired just thinking about it.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
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Posted - Apr 25 2014 : 4:25:17 PM
GG--I ordered the ashwagandha root from MountainRose Herbs. I also got some yummy chocolate-mint tea and some cocoa butter. I tried making beauty bars with cocoa butter, beeswax, olive oil, almond oil, and...dark chocolate! They came out so oily that I have to keep them in the fridge. But they smell good. Mary Jane has a recipe for bug-off bars in one of her books--need to make some of those before it gets too hot. The Mississippi River valley is bad for mosquitoes. It's a beautiful day here. Need to take Jaxon for his walk--he keeps circling me and whining. He's a sweet boy. Cindy
"Vast floods can't quench love, no matter what love did/ Rivers can't drown love, no matter where love's hid"--Sinead O'Connor "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Apr 25 2014 : 5:14:23 PM
Holly, Kubota has always been the tractor we have lusted for. We have had a Ford and a New Holland. My dad always swore by Deere, but his pride and joy was a White. Dh bought a Jinma because it was such a simple engine he could do anything to it. But, right now we just have the four-wheeler. So, I think we will just be fine with that.
I will have plenty of space for gardens and didn't compromise on much of anything. I really just want to be in, but I will try to keep my whining to a minimum.
We had started looking for houses after the holidays and made our first offer in February. So, the process of finding this house was longer than we have ever gone through before. Remember I told you about our three-day trips to buy a house when we did all those company relocations? We sort of expected it to be like that. I mean, we moved like that eight times. Why would it be different now? Well, because our needs have changed so much and we are shopping in a very active market. Thank goodness it is over.
The kids (dd and boyfriend) went out for drinks and dinner tonight. Dh and I are here with the girls -- Gracie and Sammie. Feels like we are watching the grandkids, except a lot easier. Dh and I can catch up on some of the tv shows we enjoy, but haven't watched. Good for everyone.
Told MIL about the house and our plans for her. Dh was a bit disheartened that her enthusiasm doesn't match his. She is scared. Change is difficult. And this is her first move in more than 60 years. But, it is overdue.
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Apr 25 2014 : 5:19:26 PM
Oh! I love slopes and y-intercepts! Mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Apr 25 2014 : 6:22:06 PM
Judith, too bad you did not let me know that you were going to be in my town. I hope you were able to go around the lake and see our huge park that we have. The farmers market is small, the want to build a new one for $750,000. A lot of the town people are upset about it. The big Ford garage here is closing, they are moving out on the highway, so some want it to go in there. I think it would be a great place for a farmers market, and there is a lot of parking, and heated, so they could have it year round. We woke up to just a dusting of snow on the ground this morning. One goo thing this time of the year, it melts quickly. It rained most of today and tonight. Supposed to be only in the 30s this weekend. Judith, Why did you pick Iron Mountain to move to when you retire? Just curious. Mar, Congratulations on finding a home!!!! I know once you are settled, it will feel like home sweet home in no time. Holly, You are a very hard worker. You do benefit, though, when you have your own food on the table. Glad you are not getting this weather that we are having. It should be gone before it gets your way. Bunny, hope you get lots done this weekend. I know how much you love being creative. Cindy, Glad to have you join us on here. You seem to be very knowledgeable about herbs and their uses. There are so many of them for so many different uses. I worked today, and will again tomorrow. It was so slow today. Good thing I can knit while I work. Have a great evening,
Jan Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Apr 26 2014 : 07:40:14 AM
Cindy, thanks for the herbal information. You have a lot of knowledge to share with us. My daughter makes skin care products and soaps and she always says she will teach me how, but she never has time.
I was asking what kind of tractors and thanks for the info. I see kubota around here but have never heard of the Jinma. We would need something that could drill through rock, if possible. The house sits on a limestone hill.
Yesterday we went to the Hamilton Pool preserve. I'll try to post pics. It is a grotto out in the middle of ordinary typical land for this area, yet there it is out in the middle of a field. Fed by natural springs. .jpg) .jpg) .jpg)
Edited by - doll58maker on Apr 26 2014 07:42:47 AM |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Apr 26 2014 : 09:09:51 AM
Cindy, we are all so interested in natural healing that you have to keep downloading some of your knowledge! GG, stay away from Jinma if dh isn't a mechanic. They aren't the highest quality, just easy to get parts for and my dh is a tinker-er whose father was an auto mechanic. That grotto is magnificent. I bet it was really neat to see. Jan, a slow day at work just drags by doesn't? Bunny, is that your sewing machine I hear???
My goodness, without having to search the realty sites, I hardly know what to do with myself in the morning! I think the search for the right washer and dryer can begin today. Dh and I might hit up a farmer's market, too. In Spokane the Farmer's Markets haven't even started, so it seems like a great treat. I also need to find a sofa and some chairs, maybe a side table or two... So, I have a lot of looking to do.
Have a great day! mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Apr 26 2014 : 11:59:12 AM
Mar, I love the pottery barn look and it would be perfect for that house. I often wish I could throw everything out and get all new stuff. But now that there are dogs and hubby I wouldn't get what I want anyway. I am struggling with the amount of compromise necessary to maintain harmony.
I love farmers markets. Have fun.
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Apr 26 2014 : 5:09:26 PM
The way the owners have the house decorated looks very nice. I feel like my old furniture is gonna look junky....ooh well, how else will I know i'm home!
We started the search for the perfect washer and dryer. Dh is very big on researching and consumers reports. I know what features I want. So if he tells me what brand I should buy, everything will work out fine. Not the most exciting purchase.
Dh its heading to Seattle tomorrow to meet up with a friend and go to a meeting with a famous chocolate company from San Francisco that he used to work for. Dd is working. I'll be home with dd's boyfriend. I got vegetables to make soup. Everyone says it sounds good. It'll keep me busy. I am looking forward to a day that I don't have to keep up with everyone else.
Holly, I keep forgetting to mention how much I enjoyed knowing the marshmallow trick worked for you. The chocolate man loved hearing about it. And today at the market, when we passed the marshmallows, he said, "Got some pigs to move?"
Hope you are all enjoying yourselves. Mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - Apr 26 2014 : 5:10:35 PM
GG--I would love to visit that grotto. What part of Texas are you from? My brother lives in Frisco. I've been to Texas a number of times but only to the Dallas area. I've heard the hill country is beautiful. Cindy
"Vast floods can't quench love, no matter what love did/ Rivers can't drown love, no matter where love's hid"--Sinead O'Connor "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Apr 26 2014 : 5:24:55 PM
Cindy I am in Austin. That is Hamilton Pool. I went out there when I was a kid and it was just out in the middle of a field and you had to know where it was. Now it's part of the Texas parks and wildlife conservatory and so crowded you have to wait for a parking space.
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - Apr 26 2014 : 7:58:05 PM
I have a cousin who once lived in Austin. I know a woman who visited Austin and took a canoe ride on the night of a full moon--she arrived just in time to see all the bats emerging from under the bridge (can't remember its name) just as the moon was rising and the city was lit up in the background. She said it was so beautiful, it was surreal. I tried a new facial mask tonight. It's in the summer edition of Herb Quarterly. You grind enough coffee beans on the expresso setting to create one fourth cup of powdery beans. You add one fourth cup cocoa powder and one half cup whole milk. Mix it up well and spread over your face. The coffee beans and milk contain acids that exfoliate your skin and the cocoa powder soothes. Leave it on for fifteen minutes then rinse off. This recipe makes enough for several masks so refrigerate what's left over. My skin feels tighter and smoother. And it smells great. I'm very new to all this herb stuff--I'm just so sick of medications that have horrible side effects and I want to know what I'm putting in my body and on my body. God put the plants here for us to discover their uses. I absolutely hate the pharmaceutical commercials on TV and I won't use anything that I see advertised. Guess it's good that I hardly ever watch TV. Cindy
"Vast floods can't quench love, no matter what love did/ Rivers can't drown love, no matter where love's hid"--Sinead O'Connor "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Apr 27 2014 : 2:56:03 PM
Well, it finally happened. I tripped over a cord during a band practice and fell on one of my arthritic knees. This happened after Lowell [bleep]ed at me about not sending out the song list to a prospective guitar player. I am so sore right now. I get upset when Lowell does not get all the contact information from a person he wants to audition. I just do not know what is wrong with him. I do not want to take this over but I see that I might have to. He just has no management skills.
Thank you for the comments on the picture. I am not happy with how I look. I weigh over 200 pounds. Lowell, at his heaviest, only weighs 130 pounds. Lowell has told me that I need to cut out cheese so that is now out of my diet. I am trying to get more excercise but I have to be careful with how much heavy activity I do so I do not get a dangerously low blood sugar. It will take some experimenting and data gathering on myself.
Bunny - I have spent holidays alone and I will not let that happen to anyone else if I can help it. If you lived here, I would have you along with us for certain. Love the cuffs. I would love to see pictures of the brooches.
Gypsy - Man, doesn't that flirty women get it? Maybe she just likes to het on attached men. She needs help. Lowell and I have several hats and we love to wear them. What a beautiful natural pool for swimming. I like weimming in the rivers around here. They tend to be cleaner. The lakes are always crowded with "beautiful" people.
Holly - Free is a good price even if it is only on toilet paper.
Janet - So sad that you are estranged from your grandson.
Marianne - Congratulations on getting the new house. I sometimes do not know when I'm having an insulin reaction. Lowell alway seems to know. Sometimes, by the time he alerts me, the chemical changes have happen in my brain and I start to go into fight or flight mode. When this happens while sleeping, my dream will leak into reality and I will have hallucinations. I can become angry and am surprised by how strong I become. I can hurt myself and not even feel it because of the increased adrelin in my system. I can just fall asleep and go lower but then my liver releases glucose which get me up and ready to take care of it. I get very clumsy and slur my words so I could be mistaken as drunk.
Cindy - Wow! Good information about herbs. I myself know something about the healing powers of herbs and foods. I am certain I can learn something from you.
Judith - Thanks for the comment on the picture. Lowell loves to wear his suit, which I picked out for him, and I never buy anything new and trendy.
Oh man, am I sore. I will have to find somewhere else to go during band practice.
Marie, Sister #5142
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
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Posted - Apr 27 2014 : 3:47:26 PM
Marie, I know how you feel about the weight issue. I have been working on it for a long time with not much success. I have started walking in the morning. I feel pretty crappy the rest of the day so don't do anything energetic. But at least I did it. I sat on my bed this morning trying to get myself up. I'm afraid I'm with you on the cheese. It is one of my biggest weaknesses.
I finally took pictures of my brooches. I'm putting them on my website a little at a time. I also did a collage of some of my creations so I can do custom. Customers will send me the clothing they want upcycled and I just charge labor. Again, there is a lady on Etsy doing this (her pictures are much better!!) but she has had over 4000 sales since 2008. I just have to keep trying everything. Slow sales are getting me down. Hopefully the brooches will help.
I will work on the cuffs next weekend if I get all my work done.
I also spent the afternoon changing things on my listings. Keywords, adding some links. It is hard to learn all the stuff to put me front.
Anyway, I'm tired of looking at my computer.
Later all.....
Gypsy, the swimming spot looks wonderful. I use to have a few cool places to go in the mountains when I was younger. They are now over run with families. No more skinny dipping!!
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

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Posted - Apr 27 2014 : 5:42:50 PM
Good evening everyone,
I did figure out slopes and y intercepts. He goes back to school tomorrow so we will see if what we did over vacation makes any dent in his grades. Yesterday morning was a disappointing time for dsT. He was supposed to have his first baseball game yesterday. It was raining here but the game was an hour and a half away. He and a few other boys went to meet the bus. The bus showed up but not the coaches and not all of the team. We do not know who dropped the communication so some of the boys and their families got themselves to the bus and then back home.
I do not know the tractor make Jimna. I guess it is not an east coast machine. We used to have Belarus around here but not anymore.
It would be your auger that would drill down through the limestone. I do not know enough to advise you. Just ask the dealer if it is possible.
We have Staber washing machines. They are top loading with a barrel inside that goes around like a front loader. It uses little water. The chocolate man could probably fix it if it breaks. We do many loads of laundry each day and ours have held up well.
I went to Wisdom of the Herbs School yesterday and today. It is about eating well for healthy living. It is walking in the woods and meadows to find the edible plants. The teacher is Annie McCleary. The class is one weekend a month through November so we can see the plants as they grow and change.
OUCH on the knee. I hope it heals quickly, Marie.
I am glad we are not having snow now. The temperatures seem cold now because we are not dressing in our snow suits. It rained yesterday and was overcast today. I hope Jan you do not get car sick so you can knit in the RV otherwise your production rate will go way down.
The grotto is amazing. It is spring fed? Is it really cold?
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Apr 27 2014 : 8:19:53 PM
Cindy, your friend saw the bats fly from south congress bridge. It is a popular thing to go hang out there at dusk to watch the bats take flight. There is a big bat cave not far from my country house as well as others in Texas. I've only gone down to see them once because you have to drive across the river where you cannot see the road under the water, which freaks me out, and then at the cave the stench of bat guano was awful. I am very sensitive to odors. There isn't any odor at the bridge, I guess all their poop goes in the river. Holly yes the water is cold. We have a huge swimming pool here in south Austin too, which is fed from springs. And it is cold year round it's called Barton Springs. I have been told that there were live springs on my property 50 years ago and I'd like to dig around and see what I could find. Would double the value of my property if there was live water.
Marie we constantly have to hold back from taking things over from the clueless men. I keep telling B he somehow managed all these years without my help. Hope your knee heals soon but that kind of a fall can take months to recover from.
Bunny I really like your creations as usual.
My oven is beeping. Be back later.
Edited by - doll58maker on Apr 27 2014 9:36:15 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
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Posted - Apr 27 2014 : 9:59:58 PM
Gypsy, get a water witch. They will tell you if there is water there. A good one can even tell you how far down the water is.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Apr 28 2014 : 1:44:24 PM
Texas has a dowsing group There are also classes so you could do it yourself. Good luck in finding water. It is so plentiful around here that we take it for granted.
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Apr 28 2014 : 2:30:04 PM
I was referring to live springs, not digging a well. I have two wells on the property but they are several hundred feet deep. I'm talking about artesian wells which would be close to the surface. My neighbor has them. The water isn't pumped out of the ground. It just flows freely from these artesian springs. Sometimes they use what's called a divining rod. My grandfather did it somehow with a bible and a key, mom says. To get someone who could tell how far down the water is, would sure be great. I have a couple of ideas. There is what appears to be an outline of an old creek bed that is visible and I think between soil shifting to cover it, combined with the water table dropping, it could be only a few feet down. Hard to say.
It is a beautiful, still, warm day here today. I went for groceries, and stopped to get the mail and when I got out of the car, a gentle breeze suddenly hit me. I started to cry and did not know why. And then I just knew. It was my brothers spirit. He died one month ago today, the 28th.
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Apr 28 2014 : 2:32:29 PM
Holly that's a good link. I'm thinking also there might be a how to video on utube. They seem to have one on everything.
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Apr 28 2014 : 3:06:42 PM
Gypsy, the guy that did my property used a coat hanger of all things. I have also heard of using a willow branch. it has to have a y shape in it. I mentioned the well drillers because the guy that drilled my well, did the witching too.
Sorry for your sad feelings. Rejoice that he chose to make himself known to you.
I had a very short homework day so I worked on my Etsy site again. I have been having problems with how I list the measurements of my dresses. I followed another sellers lead and would measure across the front and only put that measurement. People thought my dresses would have a bust size of 20". So I changed them all and doubled the measurements. It will be interesting to see if it makes a difference in my sales.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
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