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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jan 03 2013 : 07:27:14 AM
Well we really don't need them after we are done with babies, do we? But I sure relate, Thelma. I found out through this last medical episode that your ovaries shrink down so tiny sometimes the doctors can't find them. Yet they can become cancerous. I had an ovary the size of a pin head and a tumor size between a large plum and a small orange. these body parts we no longer need are often the ones that kill us, so maybe a plan would be to have the stuff we no longer need removed so we don't have to worry about it. Marianne I envy you. nothing heavy bouncing around. Enjoyed your turkey story. We used to have guineas out here and we have several large pyracantha that grow bright red berries just out of their reach and we would watch the guineas out there jumping up and down for hours trying to get all those berries. jump up get a berry jump up get a berry over and over til they got tired or the berries were gone. another cold day here, they are predicting snow for tomorrow. if we get it will be only a light dusting and enough ice to cause chaos.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
3602 Posts
Nora Springs
3602 Posts |
Posted - Jan 03 2013 : 07:45:40 AM
Oh, Thelma. I just roll them up and tuck them in my socks. Easy peasy.
Farmgirl sister #3926
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but the belief that something is more important than fear." Ambrose Red Moon |
True Blue Farmgirl
395 Posts
395 Posts |
Posted - Jan 03 2013 : 07:46:58 AM
Gypsy, I had a hysteroctomy (sp?) when I was 27. Lost the working parts but kept the overies. About 10 years ago I had some major surgery and the doctors said they would never go in just to remove the overies but since they would be working right next to them they should come out to prevent overian cancer. Doesn't this make you wonder who is in charge -the medical world or the insurance companies? Any way the O"s are gone and at my age so are the hot flashes. Who says getting older doesn't have its perks (perks that don't need bras) giggle Marianne - We have 2 wild female turkeys that come to our bird feeders every morning and again in late afternoon. They never bother the feeders - just clean up under them. They are fun to watch. I wish I could have seen them trying to peck those Christmas ornaments! Nothing is dumber than a turkey!
ROLL THEM UP AND PUT THEM IN MY SOCKS! If I did that where would I store my double chins! |
Edited by - Thelma on Jan 03 2013 07:52:57 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jan 03 2013 : 11:01:29 AM
why don't we change the name of this thread to "Chronologically Gifted Wild and Crazy Funny Girls" No one can be depressed on this site very long.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
502 Posts

502 Posts |
Posted - Jan 03 2013 : 6:07:58 PM
Hello everyone. I am enjoying the turkey stories, specially Marianne's story about the tete-e-tete between the turkey and the palamino.
I enjoyed my day today. I had lunch with a dear friend who is new mother and I got to do some baby holding! Then I went bird watching and saw osprey fishing in our desert lakes...I saw two of them catch fish in the water and then fly through the sky with fish in their feet. One went right over my head and I was glad that the bird held on to it's prey! It was really neat. I came home and filled all the bird feeders around my house (my backyard is a certified backyard wildlife habitat and I have lots of different kinds of feeders). As soon as I put out the bird food, all sorts of birds appeared in my garden, as if they'd just been waiting for me.
Tonight I have a glazed ham in the oven and I am looking forward to several days of soup and sandwiches. I really enjoyed the holidays, but a few quiet days at home before going back to work will be very welcome.
Pam Farmgirl #1075 |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jan 03 2013 : 7:56:45 PM
Good evening everyone,
On Tuesday I went to my Tai Chi class in the evening so I was unable to post anything. Wednesday night I was packing and too overwhelmed to even turn on the computer. Tonight I am in Forth Worth, Texas. I flew down to meet the new boys. On Monday we will fly back to Vermont.
I am less than impressed with the amount of traffic here. I followed the social worker from the rental car center to the foster home and then here to the hotel. she asked if I had seen the hotel as we passed it on the way to the foster home. I said no, I didn't see anything but you tail lights. She told me not to even try getting on the highway tomorrow morning before nine because the traffic would be too much for me.
I did get a GPS from the rental car company and tomorrow when I am rested I will try to figure out how it works.
When I left home this morning it was -14 degrees. I do not like it that cold but rationalize that the extreme cold kills the nasties like chiggers and poisonous spiders and poisonous snakes so they will not move north. It was very pretty out.
I am sitting here laughing and laughing at the wonderful boob stories. I was a AAA size until age 45 or so and then they started to grow. I complained to my doctor that I was starting to bounce when I ran and did not like it one little bit. I was looking forward to two tiny bags of marbles. She told me she had a patient who had always had small breasts until she hit menopause and then they grew to d cups. My doctor asked the endocrinologist why this might be so. He said no reason but they would grow if she smoked marijuana. So, my doctor asked this little older woman who was the wife of a local preacher if she smoked. The woman said in a kindly way, no she didn't but maybe she should start. Lucky for me now that I am menopausal and not just the peri part they are going back down. I hate bras I am long from my shoulder to the boob line and the elastic always cut across my boobs. I found one type that was good and then the company went out of business. So, I just stopped wearing one all together. If I need to hide the nipples I just put on an undershirt. I am back to where I was in junior high school.
Sweet dreams everyone,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jan 03 2013 : 8:17:43 PM
Thelma started this, you know. boob resolutions
Holly I'm sorry I am so far away, I would love to see you. Good luck with everything, hope the trip goes smoothly. It is scary driving a rental car in a strange city. Not used to heavy traffic on top of that makes it that much more stressful. You can do it. good night everybody.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
3602 Posts
Nora Springs
3602 Posts |
Posted - Jan 03 2013 : 9:45:43 PM
Holly, I hope your trip goes well. Best wishes!
Thelma, you just left me speechless...and that's hard to do. You are a hoot!
Farmgirl sister #3926
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but the belief that something is more important than fear." Ambrose Red Moon |
True Blue Farmgirl
502 Posts

502 Posts |
Posted - Jan 04 2013 : 07:23:05 AM
Holly, sending good thoughts for today. Hope that all goes well.
Pam Farmgirl #1075 |
True Blue Farmgirl
526 Posts
526 Posts |
Posted - Jan 04 2013 : 11:09:54 AM
Gypsy - it does snow on the coast and on the islands. I live 8 miles from the coast near the Canadian border. We also spend a great deal of time at the beach house, which is on the coast. It was David's parents home when they were alive.
Humans need the vitamin D from the sun which effects our moods. I take 5000mg of vit. D a day and when I first started, within the first month I noticed the difference. One of the nutritionists at the Cooperative Exention told me this a few years ago. So give it a try. Anyone in North America needs it, but particularly northern folks. It's because of how the earth sits on it's axis.
Pam it sounds like you and DH had a wonderful New Year! I've never been to a masqarade party. I love masks & made a few a year ago for the Blackfly Ball here in town but it's not a ball like one would think.
Judith - LOL about your boobs! And then of course all the other comments! Ladies, your making me blush, LOL!
Bra's - I was told you should always buy one with three clasps, and either wire under or some other support under them in front. This from someone who sold them at Sears for years. Also, adjust your straps so the bra stays even across your bra line or it's to small. Having said all of this, I HATE BRA's! Growing up in the late 60's 70's I was one who couldn't be bothered but then I had little to be bothered about! So I'm glad to hear so many others get home and take them off first thing too! Maybe this will help: I love Bali personally. And the ones with petals hide your nipples which my daughter pointed out to me.
Holly - That's what I did until I gained weight, just wore undershirts or chamila (?). I am so happy to hear you are in Ft. Worth! Good luck! I hope it all goes smoothly and you and the boys are on a plane to VT. soon!
It's cold here too! - 5 last night. Yesterday morning I had to bring the chickens water in as the entire inside was frozen. So David made a wter warmer last night and it works well, their water was warm and liquid this morning!
I am busy moving rooms around. Would like it all done by Monday. In the process I'm cleaning out a ton of stuff, which feels good!
Happy New Year everyone!
Ginny Farmgirl #2343
"I always have a wonderful time, wherever I am, whomever I'm with." "Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally won out over it." Both by Elwood P. Dowd (Jimmy Stewart) in the Movie Harvey
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jan 04 2013 : 6:31:33 PM
Good evening everyone,
I am still alive. I had to go up to Sherman, Texas today to sign the adoption papers. It was an hour and a half up. the meeting was at four o'clock it went well. HOWEVER, on the way back to the hotel it got darker adn darker. If I did not have a GPS I would still be wandering the overpopulated countryside of north Texas. I missed turns five times. I cut people off with my slow lane changing. I know this because other drivers blew their horns. I think if I never have to come back here again, it will be too soon.
I spent several hours with the boys today. We were going to go to a place called Putt Putt. It was cold and the Putt Putt was outside. Inside was a huge arcade of video games. LOUD and FLASHING LIGHTS. I told the boys I could not stay in there it was making me crazy. They were very good about leaving. We did go to the bookstore and then to McD.'s. They behaved nicely. Tomorrow I will pick them up again for a while.
Cheri said to tell all of you that when she went for her first bra her grandmother took her to Goldie's in Cleveland. They measured her chest and then she had to bend over so they could measure her boobs. At 11 she was not impressed. Now she wears uniboobs.
I am glad I have access to all of you while I am away from home. It makes me feel like I am connected to a circle of caring.
I believe this board is posted with Idaho time regardless of the time you post in your time zone.
I had briefly entertained driving 2 1/2 hours to meet you Gypsy but I have decided I am not driving in this traffic unless I must.
Sweet dreams everyone,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
559 Posts
559 Posts |
Posted - Jan 04 2013 : 9:36:27 PM
HI, All. I'm still here, and trying not to spill my wine while I read about the Bra Blues. I haven't laughed so hard in a long time. You ladies are a hoot.
Things are going well for me now. I've gotten over most of what has been going on here. My son is back home and it seems that he's just fine. Just overtired and dehydrated.
I've been invited to join a women's drumming circle and I'm going for the first time tomorrow. It should be fun.
I loved seeing the snow pictures. We don't get much snow here, so it's nice to see the photos.
Take care, Y'all and have a great New Year.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I cannot master those things that I have not tried.
check out my artfire: |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jan 05 2013 : 3:55:41 PM
phyllis so glad your ds is doing well. That must have been such a scare.
Holly, I don't blame you for wanting to hang up the keys to the rental car. I remember when we moved from NY to Kansas. I made so many slow and lightning fast lane changes and never got honked at!! Kansans are very polite behind the wheel. My girlfriend from CA was with me and said, "You'd have been beaten to a pulp by now in LA." (And probably worse in NYC)
I am glad your visit with the boys is going well. I can't imagine how much you want to just grab them and head home. I will have you and your family in my thoughts. I know it will be a joyful, frantic time. You and Cheri are probably working very hard to make all the family members feel included in the process of expanding. It is quite an undertaking, but obviously you two can do it.
I can't imagine what I would do if my boobs started growing now. Honestly, what a cruel joke that would be. I know I am lucky to never had to deal with bounce, or consequently much sag. But, there were times that I could have gone for a more womanly shape.
Our lone turkey was strutting around a bit this morning. She took off across our big open paddock. It didn't seem like a really good idea for a lone turkey. But, I think she returned later with two other gals! Ol' Mollie was very excited to see them, so I let her out to "chase" them. She succeeded in getting close enough to make them take flight, but now she is limping worse, so I guess it was a really bad idea on my part. I hope she will be better by morning. Otherwise, the guilt might kill me.
We finally got some much needed sunshine this morning. It didn't last all day, but it sure made everyone's spirits lift. It has been a very dark winter here.
I'll be looking forward to everyone's posts! Marianne |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jan 05 2013 : 4:56:47 PM
Good evening everyone,
I have heard about the Harville Hendrix book and have seen advertising for workshops given by people who have been trained in his program. There are often these workshops at Omega in Rhinebeck, NY. we get the catalog that is how I know.
Drumming circles can be fun and exhilarating. I hope you have a good time Phyllis.
Today I took the boys to the History and Science museum in Fort Worth. they had a great time. They were well behaved. We touched everything. Most of the exhibits are hands on. We went to the planetarium show. It was about the solar system mostly the planets. Then we went to an IMAX movie on the ocean. We sat way up top. I have learned that sitting close causes me to be motion sick. In the beginning of the movie they flew over Dallas and Fort Worth and made the screen look like we were falling forward. Intellectually I knew the seats were not tilting but I held on and pushed back to stay in my seat anyway. The boys enjoyed the movie. I made the mistake of saying there were going to be sharks and there were not any. OH, well. Tomorrow, I pick up the boys and they spend the day and night with me so we will be together to leave for the airport in the morning. Wish me luck. With out a regular routine and added excitement it could get loud.
I made sure I was back at the hotel tonight before dark.
Marianne you are right the jealousy can rear its ugly head. We will do our best. The older children understand about needing a home and we have a good one. but, none the less they will have their issues. Ross is looking forward to the boys coming but, he has not really had to share me like he will soon. He is having a hard time with me being away as it is.
It will all settle out over time.
It is hard for me to imagine so many people living so close together for such a long distance. Is it healthy? I am spoiled living in Vermont. I guess Massachusetts is similar to Texas in the crowding but there are geological formations that prevent the growth from looking endless. It seems that soon North Texas will be woven with freeways and people will live under them.
Mollie had a good time chasing the turkeys. remember quality of life is important for old dogs. Was it a female or a young male. The males have that long feather coming out of their chests that is called a beard. I would think the males would be solitary this time of year and the females in flocks. We have large flocks in the corn fields now. Well, I do not know whether my last statements about males and females are true or not.
Sweet dreams everyone.
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jan 05 2013 : 8:00:44 PM
What is a drumming circle? I might be missing something. Can't have that. I want to try everthing (legal) before they drag me kicking and screaming to the grave. Tomorrow I go back to My daughter's place and Monday I have to babysit my granddaughter, then Tuesday is the day I hit the gym. I have not been hungry so I haven't gained any weight but gosh where did the muscle tone go so fast. Holly, I am not crazy about Texas and I live here. Out in West Texas you can go for miles without seeing another car. It is flat and so dreary. I don't think I have been above Dallas ever. I've been to Paris France but not to Paris Texas.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Jan 05 2013 : 8:06:20 PM
Holly, how exciting for you to finally meet the boys and spend time with them. Soon you will be home and they will be settled in with the rest of you. I am sure Ross will soon enjoy having playmates around. Hope everything works out well for you and the rest of the family. I am sure it will. I worked yesterday and today for my son. He went to an auction today, so I am sure he will have alot more goodies for me to drool over. I work every Friday for him, and every time I am in the store, there is always something new to see. I am too tired tonight to address each of you individually, but know that you are all in my thoughts. Have a great evening,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
912 Posts
fernandina beach
912 Posts |
Posted - Jan 06 2013 : 2:15:39 PM
Hello, hello, hello. About time I got back on here. I have missed so much and don't know where to start.
Holly, I am so happy and excited for you with the addition of those 2 boys. You are having such a wonderful time with them and just think you will soon be home to VT where you are certainly being missed. I hope you will post some pictures of the newest members of the family.
I did read about the boobs drooping and mine sure do. I remember reading when I was young that if I always wore my bra daily I would not droop. The girls who did not wear a bra would get something called Cooper's droop. So I wore my bra faithfully all these years and what do you know? They droop anyway. I have never been small busted like my daughter so I never had the pleasure of going braless like she does. Oh, well.
What is a drumming circle? I, too, have not heard of one.
Marianne, I hope Mollie will be okay. My dog, Snuggles loves to chase the turkeys and some other things like squirrels. She never catches anything though. Some of the squirrels sit at the upper part of the trees and look down while she stands at the base barking like crazy.
The only things I have been doing while unable to get on my computer is sew and write some letters. I have 3 pen pals and 2 of them do not use the computer to write their letters. I am not used to writing very long letters by hand so I am not too good at getting back to them with mine. I do have a journal that I am writing in that I will exchange with one of the pen pals. We have both been writing in a journal to exchange. It will be interesting to read hers.
It is raining today and I think of the cold weather some of you are having. When I go up north soon I will be having to get used to it. My nose is already red and cold just thinking about it.
I am going to go back and read the last few pages so I can catch up with what is going on. I love you all and am so glad I have you as friends.
Make everyday a celebration of the heart.
Make everyday a celebration of the heart. |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Jan 06 2013 : 4:15:03 PM
Nancy I am so glad you are back online! How is the move going? At what point are you? I guess it isn't a true move, just a relocation for awhile? I think squirrels are just the most taunting animals. They sit up in the trees twitching their tails and squawking at the dogs, don't they?
Holly, I think the lone turkey is a gal because she lacks the hanging thingy. How's that for proper nomenclature? As much as we all want to see your clan, I can understand your hesitancy to post too much information about the children. There are some very unlikable people who troll the internet for information about children and I don't think you can ever be too careful. In fact, I am paranoid enough to try to never mention when dh is gone, only when he gets back from a trip. You just never know. I am sure Ross is suffering some terrible mama-withdrawals and that he is the most likely to have the biggest adjustment issues, as you mentioned. Of course, he will be the better for the experience in the long run. You are going to be exhausted by the time you hit home. BTW, thank you for forwarding my birthday card from Bunny.
Bunny, your work has brightened my day every time I look at it!! Is tomorrow Back To School Day for you? Has your sewing vacation come to an end? Have your books arrived?
Kathy, hope the elbow and entire shoulder/arm is healing and you are really able to do a bit more.
We are having ANOTHER gray day. It snowed a bit and has stayed about 28 degrees. That is a comfortable temperature for the horses as long as there isn't a lot of moisture or wind. Mollie is still hobbling along. Thank you gals for reminding me about her joy in chasing and to not limit her quality of life.
Have a nice evening, Marianne |
Edited by - rough start farmgirl on Jan 06 2013 4:17:35 PM |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jan 06 2013 : 4:24:29 PM
Good evening everyone,
Today is the last full day in Texas. Tomorrow I will drive with the boys to drop off the rental car and the social worker will meet us on the road to the return rental area where I will give her the car seats and maybe the boys. I will return the car and take the bus tot he terminal. I am nervous about them meeting up part because cars go so fast.
Today we came to the hotel, played in the hot tub for a while and then the boys played with their carry on toys and watched TV. I read.
Nancy I am so glad you have figured out your connection issues. Is your dh thoroughly analyzing the house buying market in MA? are you looking into houses or apartments?
Jan I am glad you are well again enough to work at your son's store. It seems like an interesting endeavor for you one or two days a week.
We will be home in the evening tomorrow, and then to get everyone acquainted and settled. I will be glad to get back home and into the routine again. Maybe those left at home will appreciate all that I do there now that I have been gone for five days.
Sweet dreams to you all,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
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Posted - Jan 06 2013 : 4:53:08 PM
Holly, It sound like you have had quite an adventure. I do hope everyone at home learns to appreciate you more. I'm thinking Ross will have some brothers to play with an maybe they will entertain each other more. I can picture the 4 of you out and about having a fun time. Only now you will have 3 little boys to clean up instead of just one.
Nancy, glad to have you back! I'm afraid most of us are with you on the long letter writing. I was never good at it and I'm even more terrible at writing in a journal. I start and then it just falls by the wayside.
Marianne, I'm glad you are enjoying my birthday card. Yes, tomorrow is the first day back at school. WAaaaaaaa. I don't wanna go! I just finished another freeform skirt. I washed it and put it in the dryer to see how it would hold up. I'll know in a few minutes when it is out of the dryer. I'll post a picture when it is all done.
Gypsy, I have to say I don't think I could move to Texas. I know lots of Californians have. I just can't deal with the heat. I need mountains and pinetrees big time. I'm feeling out of place here in Oregon as it is. The Dalles is a pit compared to where I use to live.
Well, that's about it for me. Dreading school tomorrow. I could sew everyday forever! I just wish I could make money at it. I keep learning so many new things and get lots of ideas. I need to work at getting my homework done so I can have at least one day to play.
Saw the sun for a bit today. Weather report says tomorrow is suppose to be in the low 50's. I really hope so.
Later all!
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Fabric website:
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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True Blue Farmgirl
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559 Posts |
Posted - Jan 06 2013 : 7:37:36 PM
Gypsy and Nancy, the drumming circle that I have joined is all women. We have introductions followed by a short prayer. There's an altar where you put things that you want to be blessed. Then the drumming starts. It's all handmade drums, some with beaters, some are played by hand, and rattles. It's rhythmic and very soothing for the soul. There is singing afterwards, and sometimes refreshments. There are also short ceremonies for whatever anybody is celebrating, like a new baby in the family, or the giving of an indian name.
It's just a time for women to get together and celebrate life.
Janet, it must be exciting to work in a shop like that. I would get excited over the things that are brought in.
Bunny, back to school won't be so bad. I like your sewing, though. glad you could share.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I cannot master those things that I have not tried.
check out my artfire: |
True Blue Farmgirl
912 Posts
fernandina beach
912 Posts |
Posted - Jan 07 2013 : 05:44:59 AM
Phyllis, the drumming circle sounds so interesting. It must bring a lot of peace and contentment to participate in it. It sounds like it is really great. I hope your DS is doing okay. What an awful thing to have happen. My niece had a stroke at 26 years old. She is doing okay now. They found that she had a hole in her heart which was repaired.
Bunny, your creations are just so lovely. You are so talented. Just think with school starting you are just that closer to getting finished with it. I wish you well this semester. Do you have your books? What classes are you taking?
Marianne I agree with you that it is not good to post too much personal info. You are wise to let everyone know only when your DH gets home.
My DH has been retired for about 5 years. It was difficult at first getting used to having him around all the time. What is the big adjustment, I think, was his wanting to do everything with me. Now, I am used to it and we have fun together because I really like him even though he teases me alot. :) I decided that phooy on doing the housework all the time. We spend a lot of time together so I just let things roll off my back and laugh. Funny, since I stopped caring so much about the housework he seems to do a lot of vacuuming and cleaning up the kitchen.
We are only looking to rent and maybe buy a house in MA just to use for a couple of months. DH has been working with a realtor and by himself looking. We shall see what happens.
I am going to the eye doctor today so he can do a final check on my cataract surgery. The glare problem has pretty much gone away. I am glad I had the surgery. Wearing those glasses for so many years was hard. Now, though, I can see the bags and lines around my eyes so much better. Like Art Linkletter said," Getting old is not for sissies" and how right he was. Yikes, 71 years old is just around the corner.
Make everyday a celebration of the heart. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Jan 07 2013 : 08:42:17 AM
Nancy, I start school today. I have most of my books. The last one should arrive today. I rented them and saved so much money. I'm taking 4 classes this quarter. Economics, office technology, human relations in business and financial management. The last class isn't fun. It will be memorizing a bunch of financial formulas and ratios. I'm terrible at memorization. Plus the class is with my least favorite teacher and it is independent study. Which means no lectures just time in his office with who ever else signed up. He is a decent teacher, we just don't get along well. Last year I put him over the edge and he got so frustrated with me he made a strangling gesture at Kinda funny and then not. The rest of the class thought it was. Still, I have him for two classes in a row. Sigh.
Well, time to get ready. Cherime, good luck at work today. I'll be thinking about you and hoping for the best.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Fabric website:
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
395 Posts
395 Posts |
Posted - Jan 07 2013 : 09:48:37 AM
I really enjoyed catching up on everyone's posts from the past few days. Holly, I am so excited for you to be heading home with your newest family members in tow. How many children have you raised? You are one very special family. May god bless you and yours. Driving in a strange city is not for me. I refuse to drive in the Twin Cities. I didn't even drive up to see my granddaughter when she had back surgery. Hubby is going to the VA offices next week and we have hired a VA driver to shuttle us around. Now I do enjoy going there on the "party buses".
Ok I guess I opened a can of worms with my bra buying needs. Now I want to talk about hand bags. I have a closet full of bags and two boxes of bags packed up for good will. I have everything from expensive imports, to bargians, to junk store finds, and even make hand quilted ones. Why are women carrying bags instead of men? Last Friday we went out for lunch and I felt like I was carrying around a suitcase. When I went to the bathroom my bag got stuck between the waste basket and the door. I didn't want to sit it on the bathroom floor so I just let it remain there until I finished my business. I used to carry smallish ones, but this past year I decided I like the ones that make fashion statements. I dumped my bag this morning and removed a flashlight. A flashlight! Why in the world am I carring a flash light! I also found a library book that I thought I had returned! I challange you to dump your bags and post here what you are hauling around that you probably won't use while you are out. Me. I am still one the hunt for my perfect bag. Lily needs to go out so taa taa chickie poos. dump those bags! If anyone finds their bra in their handbag I will not believe you - giggle |
Edited by - Thelma on Jan 07 2013 10:03:19 AM |
Gathered Up: Over 50 Farmgirls  |