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True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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Posted - Apr 14 2014 : 10:20:19 AM
Marie, I plan on talking to my doctor. I have a list of all my troubling symptoms. Hopefully she can see a common thread. I know this will take time. You are right about the credit card debt in divorces. I was left with all the debt in my first marriage because I had used a credit card in my husbands name with me as a added user. I also got stuck with all of our other debt because I didn't specially state the companies we owed and the amounts that he was to take responsibility for. Had I been specific, he would have been in contempt when he stopped paying on the debts. Instead I got stuck with everything. I learned a valuable lesson.
Marie, I'm afraid I have baggage of my own when it comes to marriage and relationships. I just hate to see so much disrespect between partners. I have big trust issues I'm afraid. I have left it to the universe as far as meeting someone. I know there are good men out there. If it is meant to be, it will happen for me.
Homework day..I'm still behind with my math homework. Thankfully nothing is turned in until my midterm. I did get my other classes caught up. I just won't be able to sew until Saturday. I'm missing it big time. I need my creative outlet for sanity sake.
My youngest leaves for infantry training for 30 days and then most likely off to Florida for the next 9 months. This will be the hardest on him and his girlfriend. I really like her and hope they can keep it together.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Apr 14 2014 : 2:17:57 PM
Hello friends, just a quick note today. It has been raining, which we need, but made for a dreary |
Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 15 2019 2:54:45 PM |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

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Posted - Apr 14 2014 : 5:21:15 PM
Good evening everyone,
Today was a lovely day here in the Greens. The morning was clear and bright. The afternoon overcast and windy but still warm. The snow is clearing from the fields. DsC, dsG and I were active civil engineers trying to get the water to drain from the upper field across the road through the field and on its way. We made little trenches to move the water across. It is one of my favorite springtime rituals.
I am glad Marie, that you are going to be able to have a garden. I still need to get my seeds. I am looking at the raised beds that are now clear of snow thinking that I could plant seeds now that the ground is thawed enough to work.. Not that they will grow any time soon but, the lettuce, spinach, beets and snow peas could be planted.
How come we can have weeks of sunny weather and no one gets depressed but one day of overcast skies and people lose hope? I think about that on drizzly days
The boys spent almost all day outside. The house is so much quieter. DsG complained after lunch when I sent him out side. I din't care it was a beautiful day and everyone should be outside. He spent the rest outside without a problem.
We had chicken divan for supper. I baked and boned chicken, microwaved the broccoli, made a cheese sauce to cover it and liberally applied bread crumbs. It was tasty if I do say so myself.
Only four more days until the weekend so Bunny can sew.
What is Mel up too? and Janiee? Mar laughing it up with dd?
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Apr 14 2014 : 6:40:15 PM
We had a snowstorm here today, was a blizzard when I got up. We ended up with a few inches on the ground. Now it is all white again, no grass growing under our feet!!! LOL!!! It is only 17 degrees right now. We are supposed to get up to 8 inches of snow on Wednesday. My son stopped in tonight and asked if I would work for him tomorrow. I don't know what he is going to do when I move!!!! Oh well, it makes the week go by faster, but then before I know it, Friday is here and time to work again!!! Bunny, Soon you will be able to spend time sewing up a storm again. Hope your classes get easier as you go. Marie, I hope you are able to keep up the garden. It is so much satisfaction knowing that what you are eating is home grown. I will not be planting a vegetable garden this year, we plan on getting in some travelling when we finally get our motorhome. We found a motorhome that we took interest in a while ago, finally got a response via email about it, but now instead of being 130 miles from here, it is now 1482 miles away, so we are trying to see if we can meet somewhere to take a look at it closer. Now I am waiting for another response. Oh well, we now have snow on the ground again, so no place to park in for a bit. We are not allowed to have them on the street here, or anywhere it could block vision. Holly, I hope you are done with the snow there. Our ground is still frozen and will be for a long time yet. Probably another month or so. Well, off to bed soon. Have a great evening,
Jan Farmgirl Sister #3340
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

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Posted - Apr 15 2014 : 11:29:37 AM
Good afternoon everyone,
It is raining and has been since the night. It always happens when we are to have an astronomical phenomenon. Something about a red moon that will not happen again for some years. It usually rains during the Pleides meteor shower each August. See what I meant buy last nghts post we can have days of sun and then the first rainy day I can complain. lol
DdK is off getting a weave put in her hair. She has gone to a new woman to get it done. They told me three hours for the conditioning and the weave. She should be home soon unless they have gotten to gabbing.
The bleeping bull calf has knocked over the trash can again and pushed it down the driveway. I really should build a fence for this time of year to keep him contained. He is not vicious, just a pain in the neck.
The little boys are riding their scooters back and forth on the porch in the rain. and why won't I let them strip naked on this blustery day. I am so mean.
I think our ground is warm enough now that any snow that falls will melt pretty quick. I hope it does not stick for days on end. Years ago we had mud season and the ruts were 6 or 8 inches deep. The road crew graded the road and that night we received a foot of spring snow. The cars on their way to work hit those deep wet patches of mud and sank to their axles. It would have been laughable if it were not so pitiful. All of the neighbors in their go to work clothes pacing beside their cars waiting for a big truck to come and pull them out.
I made bread today. Some days the boys school work goes quickly and we are done in 90 minutes or so. Today it took all morning and part of the afternoon. I am tired.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Apr 15 2014 : 6:16:40 PM
Hey there, farm friends. We are still at dd's. Having fun with them, but the search for a home is almost killing us. Thought we had found a great one and found that the bridge to it was washing out...eesh. It is a bridge that is entirely on the property so it would be the owner's responsibility to deal with this problem. How do we keep picking these troublesome homes. Oh, well. Not too interesting really.
I have been keeping up with your posts. But, sometimes it is hard to post. Marie, no one expects that you are perfect and Lowell is always annoying. We know we have to acknowledge that sometimes, the men in our lives put up with some nonsense from us. But, seriously, not very often. We are some astonishing wonderful females. And they are incredibly lucky.
Bunny, I think it is great that you are keeping notes on your ailment's symptoms. We all feel like we are medical mysteries at times. I hope you find a doctor that listens well. That has always been the most important to me. Recently, our new insurance denied a medication I have been taking for seven years. My doctor asked for me to stay on it and his request was also denied. He called me and said he was putting in my medical record that my insurance group sucked. Quote, unquote. He gets very frustrated when medication that is working is denied "because."
Oh, everyone is home.... take it easy...
mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Apr 15 2014 : 6:39:32 PM
Holly, I love the sleeping Jesus!! Funny how easily people get their panties in a knot. They should be glad he is taking up so much space on the bench. That way no homeless person can sleep there.
My youngest returned to Camp Pendleton. He posted a picture of himself in his uniform and coat. He looks so grown up. He said saying goodbye to girlfriend this morning was really hard. I feel for them. They are a good couple.
Homework is kicking my behind something terrible. I have never not been able to get all my work for a class done in 8hours except for this class.
The heater decided to stop working the other day. Thankfully it isn't terribly cold but I am! A man is coming on Thursday to look at it. Please pray it doesn't cost too much to fix. I'm hoping if it is too much, my mom's. Boyfriend will give her the money.
Janet, so sorry about the weather! It just doesn't want to give it up to spring just yet. Good luck with your RV hunting.
Holly, homemade bread sounds divine!
I'm house and pet sitting tonight. My charges are begging for my French fries. I give them the icky ones.
Later all!! Oh! And I'm not sure which issue of the magazine I'm going to be in. It could be May or August. I read the email wrong. It said "a future issue".
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

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Posted - Apr 15 2014 : 7:04:23 PM
I had an excellent crochet class today. I purchased a bunch of big a** crochet hooks and brought them and my balls of fabric "yarn". I had shown them how to do a granny square so today we did it with the fabric yarn and they were incredibly pleased. I will show them how to change colour next.
Bunny - The hardest part of the disability process is getting a diagnosis and having another doctor agree with it. It is very important to not have a job while the process is churning it's way through the system. If you can work in a workplace, even a terrible one, they will say you are not disabled. After you are accepted, you can make a gross wage of up to $1000 per month without penalty. Never go over that amount. If you do, they will believe that you are set with a permanent wage and will reduce your benefit. I have two pieces of luggage from relationships. One is that Dave would ask for money from me and I never knew what it paid. The second is not be trusted with the truth. Just last night, Lowell accused me of picking up his tax paperwork and putting it somewhere. He was the last one who had it. I saw him with it and then it was gone. He said I have a history of picking stuff up and putting it somewhere. I agreed but not in this case. The flailed around the apartment for a while all the time accusing me of, now, stealing it. I told him that he sounded just like his father. I got up walked over to where I would have put it and found it. Amazing!!!
Holly - It is still too cold to plant outdoors and we might have snow tonight. As for the little boys, sometimes they will just have to learn the lesson all on their own. Let them strip and then hide their clothes. I love the homeless Jesus statue.
Marianne - Wow! That house sounds like a white elephant. It is good to be picky. Keep looking. You've got time.
The bass player in the band quit and the guitar player is not responding to messages. But, a really good keyboard player has joined and a new bass player will be auditioning on Sunday.
Marie, Sister #5142
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Apr 15 2014 : 7:24:53 PM
I worked today for my son, now I am tired. I don't work mid week very often, but he needed to get some business taken care of and get his taxes out. We got a few inches of snow yesterday, today we had snow showers on and off all day. The snow we did get yesterday is still on the ground, since it was cold all day, got down to 3 degrees this morning!!!! We are in for another blizzard tomorrow into Thursday, supposed to get 5 to 9 inches of more snow!!!!! Usually I am grilling outdoors by now. I am tired, so going to bed. Will catch up with you all tomorrow. Have a great evening,
Jan Farmgirl Sister #3340
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

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Posted - Apr 16 2014 : 05:42:53 AM
Good morning everyone,
DdK has taken the littles to the Flynn Theater for the student matinee series to see Seussical. It is a children's version and usually these shows are only an hour long but it should be very entertaining for them. The house is quiet. I could not find the news paper to read with my breakfast so I am thrilling you with my presence.
I was at Tai Chi last night and people were bracing for the snow. I told them I had a friend in the upper peninsula of Michigan who had 10 inches of snow the night before and we usually received her weather a day or so later. Jan, the people were not impressed. They too are sick of all the snow. I chuckled quietly at their gasps.
Mar if the house is wonderful and it is the supporting soil around the base of the bridge it might be time for the chocolate man to learn some new skills. Could it be so expensive to back fill the supports? Maybe you could get a break on the price of the house for the costs of the repairs? Just a thought. Privacy is a wonderful thing. Not forgetting the Neighbor yet are you?
Usually I do let the little boys figure it out for themselves if it will not be too dangerous. Freezing their hineys coud be one of them, but being boys it would not be their hineys.
Have a good day. Time to get on with my child free time.
Holly farmgirl #2499
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Apr 16 2014 : 3:17:36 PM
The house was ok, dd pointed out (in her usual no-nonsense, what-are-you-thinking?-way) that dh and I were trying to shoehorn ourselves into this property. It was ok, not ideal. The washout was substantial, not a do-it-yourself type fix, more along the lines of an engineer and heavy equipment. Frankly, if it was the ideal house, we would factor the bridge problem in and probably just replace it with a "real" bridge. We are all about doing something once.
Bunny, I bet you got a thrill out of seeing your son looking so grown up. Your boys are very handsome. Now that I am in the "city" of Portland, I bet I will find the magazine! By the way, did you hear about the police dog that was shot? We woke up to helicopters this morning and they got the guy very, very, (can I say it again), very, (as in the same street, entrance to my dd's rental community) close to here. Guy was toting an assault rifle. He is in custody, a policeman was shot, but ok and the dog has passed. So, major crimes that this fool committed.
This is the quietest apartment/townhouse rental place I have ever been in. It is very nice. It is called The Frank Estate. The Frank family started Macy's. This was their summer home. It has a quartermile race track where they allow the dogs off leash and the Estate house is the main office. You can go hangout there and tour it. It is very beautiful. Fun to have the history to look at and all the beautiful grounds. Lots of open space. They are fortunate to live here.
Holly, you have been having a lot of quiet time lately. Well, a lot for you... I bet the show was terrific. How could it not be, based on Seuss?
Miss you guys, feel like I have been out of touch. Mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Apr 16 2014 : 3:35:20 PM
Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 15 2019 2:57:02 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Apr 16 2014 : 4:26:00 PM
Mar, I almost never listen or read the news. Just too much bad or scary news. I'm glad they caught the guy. So sad about the dog. Sounds like DD's apartment is exceptional. I remember apartments being so noisy.
Gypsy, give yourself time. One step at a time. He knew you were one tough Texas lady and could handle this. At least you are not on your own. Having B around should make things a little easier than if you had to go home alone after all the drama.
I had my doctors appointment today. It was interesting. She came in all gangbusters with a bit of attitude. She glanced at my list and tried to tell me it could all be due to depression. We had a little "discussion" about my feelings on that. She left so I could put on a gown and she came back with much a different attitude. I think she actually read my list and realized there were more than just depression issues. So I'm starting with blood tests. She is testing me for Lyme and Epstein Barr. My blood pressure was through the roof. It usually is. So I'll be starting medication for that. No peek and Poke.. nothing to see there. I had a hysterectomy so got lucky there. But I do get a mammogram... yea for me.....
I go back in a month. It will be interesting to find out if the tests show anything. She said she was willing to send me to a specialist if nothing shows up.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

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Posted - Apr 16 2014 : 4:27:00 PM
Good evening everyone,
I would be wiggy living close to an armed chase like that. I am glad you are safe. In the last few years there has been an effort to get all of the police dogs bullet proof vests. A little girl started the program because a dog she knew had been killed and she was very sad.
{{{{{{GG}}}}}}}} When it rains it pours. I bet your sister is not happy to have some of her gravy siphoned off. You knew it was coming. Doesn't make it easier at all. You are like me when I get spun up I do not eat either. My comfort foods in times of stress are milk and/or scrambled eggs, easy on the stomach and takes no effort to chew.
I would like to know how Thelma is. I sent a card a while back for her and Dar's anniversary but heard nothing back. I wonder if she is in the hospital or something. If she were in the hospital we could send Marie over to inquire about her. Any one have the nerve to call and find out if she is still breathing? If she is really ill I would send her cards each week.
Mar, since I know nothing about the geography of the area in which you are looking could you get a piece of property on the ocean? Your dd is right about not squeezing in some place. You do not want to have to feed hay in the summer, that would be dismal. If the area is really wet does the vegetation die back like a winter or could you use a pasture all year?
Today started off cold and snowy. The afternoon was sunny with clear skies. The temperatures did not rise more than the teens but the snow melted away so no lingering accumulation. the cows were not pleased with the colder temperatures.
The children enjoyed the Seussical show. DdK was spun when she got home. There was a young boy sitting behind her with and adult. A black person came on stage and the boy said something to the effect of , That's a black person their nasty. Why would there be a n***** on stage. Dd turned around and said, you are going to allow that disrespectful language? The woman said to the child you can not talk like that we have black people in our school. Dd said, really you are going to let him stay. Dd said the woman looked horrified but did nothing. Dd was so angry.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Apr 16 2014 : 5:04:16 PM
Bunny your post snuck in there after I posted and went away.
I am glad the doctor is willing to listen to you and consider the possibilities. I hope something solvable comes of it.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Apr 16 2014 : 8:31:29 PM
Holly I think we would have heard from Thelma. I fear the worst. She had a serious problem with her liver I think. Not sure any more, but she was not well.
I put that book for K in the mail yesterday.
Sis and I have been talking today and maybe a break through, maybe not. She is full of years of anger at our parents. Who isn't ?
True Blue Farmgirl
873 Posts
873 Posts |
Posted - Apr 17 2014 : 3:24:59 PM
Holly....thanx for inquiring about my whereabouts! LOL :)........interesting that you should mention Thelma....I was just wondering what happened to Thelma, Nancy and Darlys! miss all of their delightful personalities!
Gypsy, I so hope you are wrong about Thelma but have a feeling that you are on the right track concerning her. It is good to hear that you and sis are on some sort of truce like path.....hope you can maintain? :) What the heck did your parents do to you kids? I feel quite blessed that all the I had a step-pop and a step-mom the relationships with ALL my parents was pretty fine. I had a few teenage angst moments with my mom, all and all they were good years. happy that you are having a wonderful time with dd. You know that home is just out there waiting for you! how's the situation with the MIL going? Has she decided not to listen to those with no constructive advice?! :)
Marie....thought the large needles and fabric yarn was a terrific doubt it went over well....HURRAH!!! :) Is Lowell the problem with band members leaving or all of them just flaky or uncommitted? What happened with the girl singer and the kid who brings his dad? I love your self awareness....the world would be a better place if other folks had some!
Bunny....glad you finally got to the doc! Hope she does right by you and figures out what you have or don't have (just as important). Sorry to hear you have sooo much homework time to put in on that one class! Not fair....should be creating! :)
Janie....thanx so much for the nice comments you left at my shop! How is your brother doing?
Jan.....hope you are getting some rest and son is not working you to a frazzle.....and NO MORE snow! You really, really deserve some Spring! :) to finish (I hope tonight) my afghan.
My best to all, Mel Sassy City Girl with Farmgirl Fantasies! |
Edited by - Kirksmom71 on Apr 17 2014 3:46:43 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Apr 17 2014 : 4:22:38 PM
Holly, Thank you so much for the surprise birthday package!!! I received it today. I just love the syrup from Vermont. The handmade note cards you made a beautiful. You take such wonderful photos. Thank you again. Mel, We got a few inches of snow again today. We have had 3 snow storms in 6 days where the plows had to remove the snow from the streets. It stopped snowing about 1 today, then the sun did come out later. I am hoping that is it for the year. Now we have to wait to see the lawn again, hopefully not for too long. Gypsy, hope your sister realizes that you are in charge of your brother's affairs, and that she will finally accept it. I am also glad you have B to help comfort you. Bunny, I hope you finally have an answer to your medical problems. Hope you get some relief now. I hurt so much here in the cold climate, and when I go down south I do not hurt at all. I do need to move where it is warmer. Mar, Glad they caught that guy and he can no longer harm anyone. Sounds like your DD has a great apartment there. You will find a place soon, I hope. Marie, I hope they can come up with a whole band soon and get in some quality practice time. Do they plan on playing places for money? What a great idea to teach crocheting with fabric. It was probably a little easier for their little fingers to use a bigger hook and fabric. Back to work again tomorrow. I am tired. Have a great evening,
Jan Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Apr 17 2014 : 6:18:24 PM
The heater guy came by today. It was the thermostat that was broken. I'll have to come up with the money since my mom doesn't have it. There goes my savings account again. It will cost about $500.00 with the thermostat and the service charge for him to come out. However.... he didn't realize it, but he showed me how to rig it. I do pay attention. I have heat until he fixes it.
 I bet he didn't know I had some little clips like this hanging around.
Off to Bunco tonight. Not looking forward to it. One of the ladies is quite elderly and always poops her pants. We all have to sit there and smell it all night. Apparently she must wear diapers and doesn't seem bothered by it. Fun for us!!
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Apr 17 2014 : 9:55:29 PM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 15 2019 2:58:49 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Apr 18 2014 : 7:25:40 PM
I took my first blood pressure pill last night and now something is terribly wrong with my knees. They hurt and don't work right anymore. I'm dreading talking to the dr about it. I don't want another confrontation. I talked to the pharmacist about possible side effects and other than one, she blew me off. I'm going to have to put my [bleep] hat on and stand up for myself. I shouldn't have to do that.
I didn't get my homework all done so no sewing again this weekend.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

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Posted - Apr 18 2014 : 7:33:14 PM
Good evening everyone,
Last night and every Tuesday or Thursday dsT has baseball practice from 6 - 7:30 and then AAU basket ball practice from 7 - 9. Note he does miss part of the second practice but what it does mean is that I get home very late each night. He has a good time. He batters himself and complains to me but not to his coaches and he keeps on playing. It seems to be the life of the athlete. Mama shrugs.
Today the littles and I were outside from 9:30 until 12:40. I took their bikes out of the bike house and let them ride. The road through the fields is finally without snow. DsC told me the blue bike did not work because he could only peddle it on the flat dirt and not through the puddles. I told him his legs were weak and he had to ride the bike to get strong. He sulked and pouted and told me he was not weak.
I moved two logs to the pig pen to fix the fence. I used the tractor. Tractors are wonderful. I worked a lot harder before I had one. DsJ and I tried to put the auger on the tractor and were successful until we had to attach the new PTO onto the auger and the sheer pin was too short. Dang, had to wait another day to work on that job. I really want to get the pigs out of this barn. It is too deep in their stall.
GG making progress with your sister? She must be kicking and screaming or scheming how to get around you. Canadian tax day is later than US tax day I guess. I do not envy him his task.
I saw my first pair of hawks for the season. It was nice to see them glide by. They both flew low like they were saying hello we are back. I wished I had my camera. Who knew going to build a sand castle would I would need my camera.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

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Posted - Apr 18 2014 : 7:43:42 PM
Look up the medication on the internet and get the real, non-judgmental skinny on it. I did that with one of my meds and learned that it caused weight gain and elevated blood glucose levels. Not at all good for a diabetic. I am afraid that we all have to be more proactive with our physicians. We are paying them to keep us well, after all.
Marie, Sister #5142
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
Edited by - churunga on Apr 21 2014 7:53:51 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Apr 18 2014 : 9:54:37 PM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 15 2019 2:59:39 PM |
Gathered Up: Over 50 Farmgirls  |