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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Apr 09 2014 :  09:33:09 AM  Show Profile
Good morning everyone. I'm home. I had a terrible nights sleep. I guess I miss those wonderful beds at the hotels.
My mom was on time to pick me up at the airport. But instead of her listening to my stories about my trip, I got to listen to everything she had done while I was gone. Sigh....
I only teared up twice. Once when I saw him for the first time and when they dropped me off at the airport. I think I held it together pretty well. It was a wonderful visit and I feel pretty good. I'm not feeling depressed at all. He gets to have his cell phone for the next phase of training so that helps. We can at least text back and fourth.
My X took me to his house so he could drop some things off. It was terrible. Think the hoarders reality shows on TV. It is mostly his roommate. I know that because of what all the crap is. It hurt to see what my son had to deal with living there. I totally understand why he joined the military now. My X is talking about trying to purchase a mobile home in a park later this year. I really hope he does it. If he can do it and afford it by himself, I know my other son would move in and then I could move down there too. Then at least I would have a starting point. But he is making my younger son's car payment (which will end now that son as income coming in). I'm sure he has mega credit card debt. He was always really bad with money and his car is falling apart. So it will be a surprise if he does buy something. Sometimes my older son thinks his dad likes to have something to complain about.
So it's back to school. My mom is leaving on Friday and says she will probably be back in June. She will leave again in July for Utah and may stay for a few months there with my sister. They are two peas in a pod.

Janie, did you get your cuffs yet? I'm so glad your brother turned up. I don't know how he can travel with a broken neck! But thankful he contacted everyone and will be home soon.

Gypsy, I'm so glad you had the talk with B about the cooking issue. Men don't want to financially support a woman but they feel that woman should care for them. I find most of the men my age don't want to be financially responsible for a wife anymore but want all the benefits. Hope he gets it and makes an effort to make some changes.

Mar.... so sorry about the whole moving process for you. I'm really glad you get to hang with your daughter though. I think you will have fun. Amazing how husbands just don't get it. They go off and do their thing and never realize all the work that is left behind and taken care of for them. Now he knows. I bet you don't move again anytime soon. Tell him if he doesn't want to deal with rain, he can come live in The Dalles. It's the pits here. When people learn I live in Oregon they think it's so green and pretty. I tell them ..." yeah, you drive along the Columbia River and it's all green and beautiful.. when that stops, you're in The Dalles".

Marie, I'm sorry Lowell is being such a selfish twit. Maybe you need to start utilizing the computers at the library if they have them. I'm afraid I just don't understand why you can stay with someone who treats you so badly. I would have been gone years ago.

Holly, you were right not to give T money. I think a big talk with C and T are in order. If he is doing something bad, he needs to understand how it will effect his sports and life in general. If he can't be honest... then steps may be taken.
I bet it is getting really muddy around your place. The pigs must be having a ball.

Mel, Sons are fun huh. My oldest gave me some major grey hairs. But he is pretty awesome and after getting into some trouble at 14, totally turned his life around.

Here are some pictures from my trip:

These are my two sons. Ash is 31 (sunglasses) and Jesse is 22

This is a picture of my X in the baseball cap and tan shirt with my son and his girlfriend in the middle standing.

This one is my favorite of my son being a Marine!

Spring is here! Hope things start to calm down for everyone. Easter is almost here... time for renewal.


Farmgirl number 3738
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Apr 09 2014 :  1:12:52 PM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 15 2019 2:48:12 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Apr 09 2014 :  5:58:09 PM  Show Profile
So tonight I am having a meltdown and a headache and b gave me lots of hugs and fixed his own supper. He is super sweet and cooperative. I'm dreading going back to Houston but it has to be done. B will stay here and dogsit. I'll be gone two nights. My sister has not called my mom a single time since the funeral. But she pretended to me that she has been in constant touch with her. I just don't get it.

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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Apr 09 2014 :  6:06:37 PM  Show Profile
Gypsy, glad B is stepping up. So sorry about your mom. I sure hope she has some local support. I don't know what I would do if one of my boys died. I'm glad you are able to keep it together better than everyone else. Having to deal with all this isn't fun, but if have a feeling your brother knew what he was doing when he put you in charge. I'll be sending you good thoughts.


Farmgirl number 3738
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Apr 09 2014 :  6:08:16 PM  Show Profile
Gypsy, glad B is stepping up. So sorry about your mom. I sure hope she has some local support. I don't know what I would do if one of my boys died. I'm glad you are able to keep it together better than everyone else. Having to deal with all this isn't fun, but if have a feeling your brother knew what he was doing when he put you in charge. I'll be sending you good thoughts.


Farmgirl number 3738
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True Blue Farmgirl

2428 Posts

Gladstone Mi.
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Posted - Apr 09 2014 :  7:01:41 PM  Show Profile
Bunny, glad you had a great time and made it home safe and sound. Just the kind of break you needed from school. How nice to be able to have the house to yourself for most of the summer. I am sure you will enjoy that. Handsome sons you have there.
Marie, I feel for you. It sure sounds like you have a one sided relationship. It takes 2 people to make a marriage. It is hard to keep going when it is one sided. I wish you luck, if that is what you want.
GG, I hope things settle down for you with your mom. Hopefully time will help her get back to somewhat normal. Sounds like it is hitting her pretty hard. Glad B is helping out and things are working for you both.
Mar, Maybe once you are with your daughter, you will have more time to look at places. You will be closer than where you are now. Hopefully you will find a place and be settled in soon.
Janiee, I am so glad that your brother was located and know now what is going on. Sounds like he just needs some time alone for a few days. Hope things go well for him and he heals fast.
Mel, I know what you mean about writing the descriptions for listing things. To me that is so tiring. One good thing with Etsy is that your items stay on there for 4 months, so you do not have to keep relisting if they do not sell. Better if they do sell though.
Marlyn, I am sure you are busy with the farm this time of the year. Hope you are starting to warm up some now.
Our snow is really going down. It is supposed to rain tonight, so if it does, that should knock our snowbanks way down.
Holly, I am sure you will be getting busier soon with the warmer weather approaching. Have you been getting maple syrup yet? It is going full force here right now. I have a nephew that is tapping his trees. Right now he is getting 5-10 gallons of sap a day. I think he said he has 15 trees.
Today was a bit cooler than yesterday, in the 40s. It did get down to 14 this morning before the sun came up. It was windy today, so that kept it cooler today. We took a walk by the lake to see it is open yet. The shore has a tiny stream now, so the geese have a place to nest now. We got a little too close and all the geese took off, but there were 2 white swans that were swimming there. So nice to see the birds coming back.
Have a great evening,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Apr 09 2014 :  7:13:05 PM  Show Profile
od evening everyone,

DdK has her final in massage class tomorrow night and her out line for the final is on my computer because it is already acclimated to the printer. So, formatting and printing the final copies has taken a good share of my evening adult time. She is working hard on it. I was surprised how focused she is on getting it right. I am sure she will do a fine job. She is very nervous.

DsT had his share of sorrows today. Two girls on the bus called him "thing" and "that" he was very sad. He believes they are being racist and that white girls should not ever call young black men "thing" or "that". He was so angry. He could not hear anything. I am going to email someone at school because he needs to deal with it and not let it slide.

Hugs to all of you. I hear you and will write more tomorrow.

Sweet dreams.

farmgirl #2499

Edited by - Tall Holly on Apr 10 2014 4:07:45 PM
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
3331 Posts

Posted - Apr 09 2014 :  8:19:45 PM  Show Profile
bunny, what good looking sons you have. A uniform sure makes a boy look like a man, doesn't it? You must be so proud and it sounds like you enjoyed yourself very much. Thanks for posting the photos. But, where was Willie?

GG, stress hangover ... that is what i call it when I feel like you are feeling. Sometimes the dreading of the trip was worse than the actual trip -- ok, not really, the actual trips to my folks' house were awful -- just trying to make you feel better and I just couldn't pull off such a whopper of a lie. I hope the two nights go by quickly and that you feel more at ease about your mom's state of mind. And I hope you can have it out with your sis, cuz you know it is coming...might as well get it over with.

Marie, hope your relationship has swung back towards the better side. The ebbs and flows can be very trying.

Jan, how special it must be to see swans. I have never seen them in their natural habitat.

Holly, the name calling stinks. DdK sounds like she is going to do quite well on her exam. How great is it to see her so focused and determined to do it the right way! Congratulations, I know you are proud.

Everything is ready to go tomorrow. We will get up, shower, load the horses and the dog and take off down the road. Dh is withholding morning coffee until Ritzville to get me motivated to sit my arse in the car! We had the walk through today and the realtor, who I couldn't stand, thanked me four times for putting the deal back together and leaving the house, etc so clean.

I get to see my daughter tomorrow! Bunny, your description of The Dalles made me laugh.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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2259 Posts

Posted - Apr 09 2014 :  9:47:24 PM  Show Profile
So, Marie, I'm always glad to improve someone's vocabulary --b**ch-up is a good word and it just helps to know there is a name for it, right? Lucky for L that you can blow off steam here and not take it out on him. Bunny, we want sympathy more than advice. Once we get over being upset, we are married to the greatest guys in the world, right?

So, Bunny, I think your ex is kinda pretty, in a weird sort of way. My mom is a hoarder so I know what that's like. I could never deal with that situation as well as you have, but your sons are lucky to have two parents who love them, that's the bright side of the whole thing.

Jan, I'm glad you and DH are getting to enjoy the beautiful wildlife after suffering through the dreadful winter. Once there were two beautiful swans in a lake where I lived, near the woods, and they one day were gone and word was that some teenagers had shot them. I was so sickened by that, I've never forgotten about it

Janiee, I think it's a good idea to get out of Dodge for a while, especially during this time.
Holly, your son is having to deal with too many problems. Whoever did the name calling should be expelled from school. That is unexceptable behavior. He isn't mature enough to realize the ones who did the name calling are the ones with the problem, not him. They are trying to put their low self esteem issues off on him. People who like themselves dont act like that.

Mar, you must be stressed to the max but you still manage to give me my only laugh of the day. The trips are not fun, that's for sure. I am the only one there is to do it. My older brother is too sick, my sister is too crazy and mom is too old. I told her my brother did not leave her any money because she lets the mooches take it away from her but he left me enough to take care of her, so she said before sis and sis's daughter got all her money she was planning to buy a new car. Said she needs a new car. Right, mom, that's just what you need. Sometimes she puts Maxine to shame.

Mar, have fun with Dd, don't forget to wave goodbye to dear neighbor, maybe you have a special wave just for her, and don't forget to have fun in the next chapter.
Mel, don't get too busy with the new etsy shop to check in, love your posts.

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Apr 10 2014 :  07:24:52 AM  Show Profile
Yeah, Gypsy, we are married to the greatest guys in the world. Rrrrrrriiiiiiigggggghhhhhhttttt!?

Actually, it could (and has) be worse.

Marie, Sister #5142

Try everything once and the fun things twice.

Edited by - churunga on Apr 10 2014 07:25:37 AM
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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Apr 10 2014 :  09:04:26 AM  Show Profile
Gypsy, I saw too many children caught in the middle of terrible divorces and didn't want to have that for mine. It was hard but I made up my mind to stay friends for their sakes. It at times it was a major effort. The day after our divorce was final, he filed bankruptcy and left me with all of our debt. It took me years to pay it off.

Mar, happy trails. We hope to hear from you soon!


Farmgirl number 3738
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Apr 10 2014 :  5:01:25 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

GG I am glad that your brother had forethought to provide for your mother in a way that she will be less likely to be taken advantage of. Although I bet you will still have to watch closely because where there is a will there is a way. LIke stealing her social security because she has another source of income.

I know someone who is M to F transgendered. She had her operation in Canada because of their socialized medicine she paid less than it would have been here. Her divorce was nasty. Her X wife refused to deal amicably. I do not know where the wife is now. She has a good relationship with her sons now. You are wonderful to have made the effort to be kind when you were hurting so much. I did not know that you could be saddled with an Xes debt after a divorce was finalized. Maybe her paying for your ticket now is a way to make up for being so irresponsible then. Oh, I am such a middle child. Always trying to make peace. Any more sales?

Mar I hope you are laughing with your daughter. Selling the house and moving must be such a weight off your shoulders. You should send the Neighbor some flowers as a kiss good bye. Although guess you really are not rid of her are you? just the day to day dealings of her animals.
I hope dh bought you a very nice cup of coffee. I think it is not you he was bribing but himself to get on the road. Did the horses load easily?

I saw the woman at DsT's school today whom I emailed about the nastiness that went on on the bus, when I picked him up early for not feeling well. She said T finally spoke to her. She also said that this young woman has another complaint against her disrespectful behavior. So, the gossip mill will tell us what the punishment is because the confidentiality of the school will not tell us.

We are not doing syrup this year. C did not get it together. We are supposed to have temperatures in the 70's this weekend and sometime next week so our season may be incredibly short. I will trade turkey for syrup this year again.

I saw my first V of geese flying north on Monday. I do not know of any water that was open then. Maybe some of the faster moving streams were open. It is so nice to hear them to know someone believes spring is on its way.

We are waiting for the evening grosbeaks to arrive at the feeders. They are always a sure sign that spring is on the way.

I went over to the lower barn today to check out the pig stall situation and pick up the larger feed buckets. The ice is still three inches thick in their room. I hope the warm weather and brisk winds will dry it up some soon.

I had the artificial inseminator here for Coco this afternoon. I know I had him here at the end of last month but she had the signs of being fertile again. Finally, she had a lot of mucus so maybe she will take this time.

I did discover something awful today with one of the chickens. We took in a flock of birds last fall from a guy down the road. He marked them with leg rings that look like part of a coil of a spring. She was limping so I picked her up and one end of the spring coil had gone through her leg and was wrapped around. We cut it off her leg and pulled it out. I sure hope she heals. I had no idea those things were sharp. Our rings are a solid ring.

Hugs to all of you living with stress. I hope it eases soon.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Apr 11 2014 :  08:35:51 AM  Show Profile
Holly, I think most families don't deal with transgendered divorces well. My x's roommate's x is very religious and have a terrible relationship. However, saying that and knowing the roommate, I can understand. My x's roommate is probably one of the most unhappy people I know and tries to drag everyone else down too.
I hope the school handles the bullying properly. Especially her parents.

My homework is a little more intense this quarter. It always takes a few weeks to get on track.

My mom is still here. She was suppose to leave at 7 this morning. It's 8:30 and she doesn't even have the car packed yet.
I had to listen to her and my sister talk on the phone about how long it would take for me to be gone. My mom wants to move to Utah with my sister. I'm getting a lot of pressure to be on my way. I have school until the end of summer and without a job, I have no where else to go. Even if I try to apply for disability, it could take years. My oldest can't find anything he can afford where he lives, my X is terrible with money and even though I could live with him if he moved....he most likely won't make the effort. I'm in a hard place and don't know what to do.
Sales are still very slow and with school work, I don't have the energy to sew or work on my marketing. I still feel if I was in California, I would feel better. Aside from being tired in the middle of the day, I had very little fibro issues while I was there. It all came back as soon as I got home here.


Farmgirl number 3738
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Apr 11 2014 :  6:14:28 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

I do not have advice for you Bunny, except to put it out to the Universe what it is you want to happen. You did it before with your shop. Now do it with your move. From what you have said, your mom does not really know what she wants because before she wanted to move with her boyfriend. now to Utah. Keep your chin up.

We had a beautiful day here. The snow is melting. There are spots of ground showing through. The cows are grazing old browse and are happy about it. They are not wandering around looking bored now. They can go from place to place eating the old grass. Tomorrow may be in the 60's.

Today the boys were out in their t shirts hitting rocks with sticks. They had a great time. I told them no hitting towards the house or the cars. haha who do you think will do the first oops Mama I'm sorry?

Some of the family have bubbly noses. Although the older ones no longer bubble out just snuff and spit. I hate snuffing. DsR was up several times last night telling us how sick he was. Today, other than having to blow his nose he was not slowed down at all. The teens are all into the drama of feeling unwell. It is good they are a healthy lot.

Hugs to all of you and I hope what ever nasties are happening in your lives settle soon.

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

3602 Posts

Nora Springs IA
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Posted - Apr 12 2014 :  08:43:22 AM  Show Profile
Happy Birthday, Janet!

Farmgirl sister #3926

"Courage is not the absence of fear, but the belief that something is more important than fear." Ambrose Red Moon
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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Apr 12 2014 :  08:48:01 AM  Show Profile
Holly, you are right. I need to trust that it will all work out the way it needs to. I just have some panic days where I can't see the light anymore.
I love your stories about the boys playing outside. I wonder if they realize how lucky they are to grow up in such a wonderful place.

I did get a sale yesterday. She bought two dresses. I was really needing that little pick me up.

My mom will be gone until June and then off again in July to stay with my sister until October. So at least I don't have her stressing me out.

I have a class this summer that is essentially an internship. I'm thinking about applying as a volunteer at the local hospital for office work and interning there. It will be really good experience. So many medical facilities only want experienced applicants. The town I want to move back to has a big hospital that runs all the local clinics too.

The weather here is perfect. High 60's to low 70's. Nice to hear some of you are seeing signs of spring.

Marie, hope you are feeling better.

Jan, any RV's out yet?

Gypsy, I have been thinking about you and your mom. I hope you two are holding up better.

Mar, I know you are enjoying time with DD. I haven't checked the weather, but I hope it is holding the rain back for DH.

I still have homework to catch up on. But I'm almost there. I better get to it.

Later all!!


Farmgirl number 3738
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Apr 12 2014 :  08:48:59 AM  Show Profile
Jan, happy birthday!!!!


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Dallas Texas
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Posted - Apr 12 2014 :  3:01:22 PM  Show Profile
Happy b-day Jan!!!!!!!!!!

I just wrote a whole long dissertation and then accidentally leaned on the blasted keyboard and lost it all.......and now I don't have the spirit to redo! Sorry. I will catch you all later!

My best to all,
Sassy City Girl with Farmgirl Fantasies!
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Apr 12 2014 :  5:35:43 PM  Show Profile
Jan,HAPPY BIRTHDAY! On the day before our last day in our home, I walked to the closet that I keep my "goodies" in to get your birthday goodie ready. Well, duh, I had packed all those items up at least two weeks ago. Of course, those aren't the only items I "looked" for and then realized it was in a box.

The search continues. The patience is getting short on my end... surprise!

Hope everyone is doing well.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Apr 12 2014 :  8:20:34 PM  Show Profile
Happy Birthday, Jan. I hope it was a wonderful day for you and many more to come. I can't wait for you to start traveling and tell us about your daily adventures. Thursday was my little granddaughters birthday.

Mar, i know moving is stressful under the best of circumstances. hope you and dh are hanging in there.

I got to Houston and got things taken care of there. I will go back in two or three weeks to the hearing to be officially appointed by the judge to finalize my brothers estate I will try to get a headstone for him ordered this next week and contact the VA. Pay his bills and keep calling mom every day she is going through the anger stage now and that combined with the grief in her eyes is almost more than I can bear. I spent two nights with her and she mostly just wanted to talk about him. she claims to have a sinus infection from allergies but I believe she has cried so long and hard that she gave herself a sinus infection. anyway she is on antibiotics now and seemed to be doing better when i left this morning. I tried to get her to come home with me but she would not.

My sweet man was so happy to see me. We went out to a nice dinner and then went browsing in Barnes and Noble. there was a young black woman proudly showing off her first novel. she was so sweet and excited she said it was her very first book signing, ever. so i paid/donated $20 for a book i knew i would not ever read but wanted to support her efforts. How she got it published, much less got into Barnes and Noble is beyond me. It was so poorly done that i won't even give it to anyone. Into the garbage it goes, I guess.

It is late and I am so tired. Wishing all of you a good deep sleep tonight.

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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Apr 13 2014 :  05:47:01 AM  Show Profile
Good morning everyone,

C and I took dsL and a friend to see Bobby McFerrin last night. It was a wonderful show. He has a beautiful voice that clearly has been trained to sing. HIs dad was the first AA baritone opera singer for the Metropolitan Opera.He sang behind the scenes for Sydney Poitier in Porgy and Bess. His mom taught voice as well. His band was very talented. All of the musicians were exceptional. His daughter Madison sang back up. We had a great time.

It is raining here and has for most of the night. There is more ground now than snow. It is amazing how long it took to cover the ground with the snow and how quickly it is disappearing. Maybe we will here from M'lyn soon if the maple season is tapering off she may have time to pop in and update us.

Happy Birthday, Jan.

C, ddK and dsG have gone to watch dsT's basketball games today. The house is quiet right now with the remaining two littles being babysat by the TV and the others doing showers and getting dressed.

Here there is no requirement to have a court hearing if the deceased has named an executor and has a will. It is clear you love your mom very much GG even if she makes you crazy with her proselitizing . You are a good woman.

What is the book about? Maybe ddK would like to read it. She is not a sophisticated reader and we are trying to encourage her reading for pleasure in anyway we can. If you sent her the book she would be tickled that someone thought enough of her to send her a gift.

Have a good day.

farmgirl #2499

Edited by - Tall Holly on Apr 13 2014 05:57:48 AM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Apr 13 2014 :  08:02:45 AM  Show Profile
Thanks, Holly for your kind words. Of course I love my mother, but she drives me right over the edge. I realized from the time I was about 12 that she is simple minded, narrow minded, and illogical. Now she is so tiny and fragile and helpless that it breaks my heart to see her suffer. Her God has forsaken her. The children she favored, my younger sister and her kids, have, and continue to steal her blind. She is angry with them, yet when I drove up to her house, one of them was there to borrow her law mower. They continue to mooch and steal and take advantage. Yes they will get as much of her social security check as they can. Sob stories such as " I don't get paid until Friday and don't have money for gas". That's a common one.

I will be glad to send this book to K. It seems to be written like a diary of this young black girl who was raped and then her struggles to climb out of a horrible life. Maybe it would be good for K to read. I don't know. It does not flow, many words are used incorrectly and sentence structure wrong, and misspellings. Yet it does tell a story. So I'll put in the mail to you tomorrow. If k reads it, I would be very interested in her take on it.

I like the fact that B is a late sleeper and I am not, so I get my early morning quiet reflection time with my coffee and my little dogs.

Have a wonderful day, everyone.

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gladstone Mi.
2428 Posts

Posted - Apr 13 2014 :  4:26:43 PM  Show Profile
Thank you all for the birthday wishes. I had a great day. Bob and I went out for dinner and had prime rib. Today was a lazy day, a gloomy day outside, but we did get in about a mile walk with the dog. Most of our snow is gone, just a few hills left where it was piled up from shoveling. Most of our yard is now melted. Now we see all the dead branches and leaves all over. Hope to get that raked up soon, but we are supposed to have rainy and snowy weather all week.
Mar, Where did you take your horses? Are they with you now? I hope you find a place soon.
GG, It is hard to have to worry about your mother, especially when she is being taken advantage of. I took care of my dad's bills and such for 13 years, and there were a couple of moochers in our family also. How nice of you to help out that new author. I am sure she appreciated it. I bet B was happy to see you home again.
Bunny, Hope you get back into the sewing mood again. Glad you got more sales. Good for the spirits.
Holly, sounds like you have been busy with kids activities lately. Bet the little ones are happy to see it warming up. Will they be helping you with the planting this year? Hope everyone is feeling better now.
Have a great evening,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
2305 Posts

Posted - Apr 13 2014 :  4:28:57 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Today was very rainy in the morning and bright and clear in the afternoon. The sunset was a pastel rose. The wind is blowing across the snow packs and wet ground to dry it off. The rivers are high. The rain brought the water level almost to flood stage. The weather guessers said that the snow alone would not cause the rivers to flood but the saturated ground would not allow the rain to seep in so it runs off and joins the snow runoff.

DsT's basketball team won three of the four games this weekend. He was told that the tournament win last weekend was enough to get them into the national playoffs in Orlando, Florida. He says, they will probably not go because it costs too much. I do not know when they are.

GG it is too bad that your sister and her children have no respect for your mother. The only thing you can really do is damage control. The habit of borrowing from her is so ingrained that it will not stop. I am glad B was welcoming and consoling when you arrived home.

I usually arrive upstairs from milking at 6;45. The littles are not supposed to come down until 7. That 15 minutes is so nice to breathe in. I hear you about the quiet time.

Sweet dreams everyone,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
3966 Posts

Posted - Apr 13 2014 :  9:00:40 PM  Show Profile

I have been busy. Mrs. Pendleton had a substitute in on Thursday and Friday and she told me that she didn't need me to come in. I slept in and started to clean up the yard and garden. I picked up two medium plastic bags of dog poop in the yard and garden and measured the space. Sarah, the lady who did most of the gardening last year, broke up with her boyfriend and moved out of the building. She took her tools, the fencing, the hose and all the solar lights. <sigh> I have a garden plan and all kinds of seeds. The building manager wants me to show her my plan. She would like to put in a rain barrel but an eave trough and down spout must be attached to the garage first.

Today while I was working on getting the garden ready for planting, Lowell cleaned the bathroom and did the dishes. I was so pleased. He will get some extra snuggles tonight.

Bunny - I feel so happy that the trip went well. Your X is dressed rather decently. I have seen m to f reassigned people dress either way too frumpy or way too slutty. It's as if this is how they perceive how a real woman behaves. Your son IS TALL. He is a whole head taller than most of the guys around him. Lowell is not as bad as I make him out to be. I am pretty unreasonable at times you know. I encourage you to apply for disability. Because I was on general assistance, I was able to have a free lawyer who basically communicated with the Social Security Administration for me. Last year Lowell was looking at our bank accounts and said that I had $17K in my account. I didn't believe him because I knew that I had less than $300 but there it was. It was the arrears of payments from the time I applied to the time I was accepted. I would maybe start the ball rolling by talking to your doctor about an acceptable diagnosis. When your classes are done, start in on the paperwork. You can apply online. It is somewhat easier but still a chore.

Holly - Credit card companies do not separate the debt when a couple has split up. A divorce decree has no weight because the contract is a financial one not a social one. I was just a co-signer on my ex-husband's credit card and not even a co-owner and still I was held financially for the debt he incurred after our divorce. The best thing to do is for the main owner of the credit card to close the current account and reopen it in their name only. Lowell and I have separate bank and credit card accounts. He is the co-signer on my bank account in case something happens to me. I will be a co-signer on his bank account when he retires and it is no longer used for business. I will not let him touch my IRA. He is the beneficiary however.

On Wednesday, the temperature was up to 62 and almost all of the ice and snow is gone. I have seen only one pitifully small pile on the north side of a fence. It was cold today but not too cold to work outside or build a fire to burn up some of the singed wood that has been sitting in the backyard all winter. This should be a good year for vegetables and herbs.

Marie, Sister #5142

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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