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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Apr 19 2014 :  07:33:47 AM  Show Profile
Gypsy - HUGS!

Marie, Sister #5142

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

3602 Posts

Nora Springs IA
3602 Posts

Posted - Apr 19 2014 :  09:48:54 AM  Show Profile
Holly and other farmmgirls:
Ok, so I am the nervy one. I've been thinking of Thelma quite often also. Guess we miss her! So, I just got up and called her.
She says she and Dar are doinng just fine. Waiting for Spring like the rest of us! It sounds like she might be back on-line soon. I let her know that you all are thinking of her. She sounds like she is feeling ok and so is Darwin. They are still on the acreage.

Can't believe I called her..but, a farmgirl's got to do what a farmgirl's got to do. I took one for the team.

Farmgirl sister #3926

"Courage is not the absence of fear, but the belief that something is more important than fear." Ambrose Red Moon
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Apr 19 2014 :  11:41:14 AM  Show Profile
Wow! I had sent a card a few months back and since I hadn't heard back, I really figured Thelma wasn't doing well. Judith, you get many thanks from me for having the gumption to call. It really made my day to read your post. YAY.
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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Apr 19 2014 :  11:57:08 AM  Show Profile
Judith, you are awesome! Thanks for the info on Thelma. We do miss her.

Gypsy, there are going to be ups and downs. Remember both of you lived alone for quite some time. Being with another person 24/7 takes adjustment. Don't give up! We are here for you! Maybe some counseling is in order if there are specific problems that need addressing. I know you can do this. You both are intelligent decent people. You two are with each other all day and night. Most people have jobs or an outlet so they can have me time. Is it harder at the apartment then out in the country?
Hang in there. I'm rooting for you! Hugs!

I didn't take my blood pressure pill last night and my knees are back to normal. I have to go in on Monday for blood work. I'll talk to her then and try to get her to put me back on my old medicine. I had no problems with it. She said she didn't like that one. They are both made by the same company so it shouldn't matter.

I'm procrastinating doing my homework. Need to get back to it.


Farmgirl number 3738
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Not all who wander are lost.../
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
3331 Posts

Posted - Apr 19 2014 :  12:02:51 PM  Show Profile
Bunny, I am sorry you are feeling under the weather on this new medication. I hope you either manage to acclimate to it or you get onto something less bothersome very soon.

Holly, hooking up the pto just doesn't work with a short sheer pin, does it? Tractors are magic. I bet the pigs will be happy to get a new pen. Do you let the littles ride on the tractor with you or do you follow the safety rules properly? We were always on the tractors as kids and returned the favor of the thrill to our kids. I know it wasn't "safe" but you always think you are being careful...

gg, the reason things get so heated, emotional, etc. is because you have to care an awful lot to even experience those feelings. The saying "there is a thin line between love and hate," is very true. The people who mean the most to you are the only ones who can really make you feel tremendously happy or sad. You would be delusional if you didn't have the thought that it might be easier on your own. Anyone who claims to have never had a fight or has never entertained the thought of leaving is a liar in my opinion. We get annoyed and you look for an escape route. You just decide whether you are staying in this relationship today. And then tomorrow you get to make another decision. Plus, everything is better tomorrow.

We are going to see two homes on Monday. Dh and I drove by seven homes yesterday and struck five of them off the list. You know how it is, the perfect house, but across the street is an ATV or dirt bike track. No thanks. The perfect house, only six miles from town, but four and a half of those are single lane, gravel road, 40% incline up a mountain pass. No thanks. The perfect house, but the neighbor believes there's gold in that thar rust on those thar Chevies and Fords and... No thanks. But, we do know our way around more now. Dh knows his way by "due North" and hwy numbers. I navigate by "The suspension bridge and the glass-curtained highrise." No wonder we never know what the other is talking about!

dd is working today. Dh and dd's boyfriend are going to see "Captain America." Mazel. I will hang out with the doggies. It sounds like such a great afternoon plan to me.

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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

2259 Posts

Posted - Apr 19 2014 :  12:26:47 PM  Show Profile
I'm so relieved to know Thelma is ok but now I'm mad at her for not checking in. Sort of like we yell at our kid" if you fall off that -----, and break your neck, I'm going to kill you"

Mar, living in the country with no zoning restrictions is a double edged sword. You get to do what you want to do but so does everybody else. Here we have a few subdivisions that have small acreages with restrictions against the kind of things you are describing.

Bunny you are wise to stay off that medication. So many docs won't listen but you can find one who will.

I am thinking of a small tractor but don't know what I would get. I'd want to drill post holes and pick up heavy rocks Nd move them around. Maybe also plow a portion of the pasture and plant stuff like


Edited by - doll58maker on Jul 12 2014 2:09:15 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

3602 Posts

Nora Springs IA
3602 Posts

Posted - Apr 19 2014 :  12:35:53 PM  Show Profile
Oh, don't be mad at Thelma..we all know how life gets in the way sometimes. I know she mentioned a computer crash. But, I'll let her tell things her way. She did ask about you Gypsy, and Holly. Of course, I will let you girls get in touch with her yourselves. (Don't want to speak for anyone.)

Farmgirl sister #3926

"Courage is not the absence of fear, but the belief that something is more important than fear." Ambrose Red Moon
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

2259 Posts

Posted - Apr 19 2014 :  5:24:22 PM  Show Profile
Judith, thanks so much. I'm sorry I don't actually know who you are. Did you once post here in the past, or do you post here and am I going senile myself?

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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Apr 19 2014 :  5:36:53 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Judith, I am so glad that you jumped right in and called Thelma. I had looked online and not found an obit. So, I knew she had not died. I am so happy to hear she is well and just being busy.

{{{{{GG}}}}}}}} Iam glad that you and B worked it out or it worked itself out over night. Could he write down what is not right instead of having to say it or does he just go to a different dimension and not know what is happening? Relationships are never 50:50. Sometimes it is not a relationship but a relation barge or relation tug or a relation dingy and sometimes it is a full blown oceanliner. I agree with Mar that if a person said they never fought or argued or thought about ending it would be easier is a bold faced liar. You both have good hearts and time eases the strife.

It is good Bunny that you stopped taking the medicine at the first sign of nastiness. You know your body. The doctor needs to listen to you.

We live a mile from pavement. We do live on a hill but probably not as steep as what you are writing about, Mar. Soon the right house will be found for you and dh and the blessed MIL.

Marie, where are you?

Sweet dreams

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

2259 Posts

Posted - Apr 19 2014 :  8:29:51 PM  Show Profile
Holly, he lives in a different dimension. I'm the one who gets upset, not him. I put it in my post and then erased it because I remembered in time all the lurkers. I laughed your clever take on relation-ships. You are right. Some days it's like the little tugboat pushing the great big barge. Never thought about it that way. So we all pretty much agree that to be honest we harbor thoughts about going it alone, so that must mean our partners do too. Now that's something to ponder.

Sorry, but I think anyone who hangs out here regularly and gets to know everybody should not leave without saying goodbye. . Even Ginny with all the terrible stuff she went through and is still going through checks in once in a while.

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True Blue Farmgirl

3602 Posts

Nora Springs IA
3602 Posts

Posted - Apr 19 2014 :  9:03:36 PM  Show Profile
I think some of you know me. I post on this thread sometimes. Gypsy, I guess I have been on the site a few years now. I'm just not real chatty. Enjoy being a homebody, I guess. I kinda go through streaks. But, I try to keep in touch. :)

Farmgirl sister #3926

"Courage is not the absence of fear, but the belief that something is more important than fear." Ambrose Red Moon

Edited by - forgetmenot on Apr 19 2014 9:11:32 PM
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
3331 Posts

Posted - Apr 20 2014 :  07:45:21 AM  Show Profile
Holly, I will often think of you when I am having trouble in my relation-barge! So funny.

Happy Easter everyone. We are having a late brunch. I think there will be mimosas for some of us. Dh and I are up having coffee and seeing what is new in the world via the internet.

I keep forgetting to share that Sammie, aka Yellow Dog, was named Pet of the Month here at dd's community. She was given a really nice basket of all sorts of items. I am going to try to post the family portrait from the newsletter. Dd and her boyfriend were "honored" as "Sammie's Humans" and for being responsible pet owners. Sammie knows all the other dogs around here. There are a lot of them because the grounds are so extensive people with pets really want to live here.

I joked that Sammie stole my thunder when she one-upped me by being pet of the month while I got to be FGOTM! OK, I'll go try to post that photo from my phone now. If you smell burning rubber...know I am thinking really hard about it!
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Apr 20 2014 :  07:55:55 AM  Show Profile
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

2259 Posts

Posted - Apr 20 2014 :  07:58:14 AM  Show Profile
Mar I vote you the funniest/sharpest wit on the forum or anywhere else for that matter. I see no photo and seems like there is something burning.

Everyone have a wonderful day.

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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

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Posted - Apr 20 2014 :  08:00:03 AM  Show Profile
Oh there it is! I can't get over how much dd looks like you.

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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
3331 Posts

Posted - Apr 20 2014 :  08:21:56 AM  Show Profile
Hey!! I thought I was pretty quick about that!

It is sideways, as usual, but we will just consider looking at it as our yoga move for the day, whaddayasay?

Does she look like me? I don't see it. But, she is beautiful in my eyes, like every daughter is to every mother.
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True Blue Farmgirl

873 Posts

Dallas Texas
873 Posts

Posted - Apr 20 2014 :  09:05:24 AM  Show Profile
HE is risen! Happy Easter!! Hope everyone is having a marvelous day!

My best to all,
Sassy City Girl with Farmgirl Fantasies!
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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Apr 20 2014 :  10:04:14 AM  Show Profile
Mar, what a great picture! Sammie looks like such a sweet heart and your daughter is beautiful. I do see the resemblance in her eyes.

I'm still doing homework today. Easter isn't much without family around. Maybe next year it will be different. I should be all caught up by the end of the dy. I will reward myself with sewing on Wednesday. I did get on the presidents list for last quarter at school. All this work will pay off someday.

Hope everyone has a wonderful Easter Sunday. Chocolate Easter bunnies all around!


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Not all who wander are lost.../
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
3331 Posts

Posted - Apr 20 2014 :  5:25:29 PM  Show Profile
Bunny, I know that holidays seem very weird when you are not with your family. I'm glad you are productive and have Wednesday to look forward to! congrats on the President's List. That's the highest honor roll, right?

One of Dd's boyfriend's friends said that Sammie had inherited HIS eyebrows (none). And another friend said that that dog is smiling. She does look quite pleased with herself or maybe she is just pleased to be with her people. Either way, I like the photo of their family.

We had a great brunch and then dh and dd's boyfriend went out to pick up a barbeque grill. That took them the rest of the day. And yes, they did come home midtrip without a grill. Dd and I just looked at each other and laughed. It is nice that the guys enjoy one another's company. They were talking over each other trying to show us the features of the grill when they brought it home. Nice grill. Compact, not one of those huge ones with a rotisserie.

The kids want us to stay here with them while we home shop. It is very comfortable and we would rather just give them money than pay it somewhere else. Plus as soon as we find a house we will be traveling down to my MIL to start that process while we wait to take possession of our new home.
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
2305 Posts

Posted - Apr 20 2014 :  5:38:56 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

We had a gorgeous day today. The sun was out all day and there was not a cloud in the sky. The little boys received a sand bucket with shovel, a hammer, a box of roofing nails ( short with big heads) and a measuring tape with a chocolate bunny and a peanut butter filled chocolate egg. They were so happy. They spent the day pounding nails, smashing rocks and digging in the sand pile.

C and I replaced two of the posts in the pig pen, re attached the fence and shored up some of the side fencing. Then we used the famous Maria Anna and the chocolate man method of pig moving. I laid marshmallows on the ground in the direction we wanted them to go. It was much easier than we thought it would be to move them a football field from the stall to the luxury pen and bottom of the barn. I am so relieved that they are out of the stall.

The stall is about 10 feet by 15 feet. It is about a foot deep in mud and pig manure and smashed in with hay. I have offered DsT $100 to dig it out. I took out one tractor bucket full this afternoon. It is very heavy and the hay mixed in with the manure makes it very hard to lift. It is a bit more than I usually pay but I want the job done and he wants the money. His face lit up when I offered that much. He asked when he could get the money. I told him the whole job needed to be done well. So, if he worked all day tomorrow and finished he would be richer that much quicker. He is not known for his attention span or perseverance when it comes to working.

Congratulations, Bunny on making the President's list. You are one smart and creative woman.

Now Mar when you get yourself an address you could get some farm girl of the month mail......late.

I remember you Judith from before and you are right you do pop in from time to time. We all make our own excitement in our own comfort zone. I live at the end of a half mile dirt road. I rarely go into town these days, too complicated. So we make our own excitement and then I write paragraphs to all of you to have some adult time. I think whatever you do to have moments of joy in your life would be interesting for me to read and not boring.

I was talking to DsJ (19) today and he said he is working on doing for himself to be the best he can be. I said, so you are thinking of going back to college? This is sort of a bone of contention between the two of us. He was enrolled 18 months ago and withdrew when he got mad at me. He said, they do not have anything I want to take. Today I tried to tell him that it really does not matter what you degree is in if you can present yourself well. Just having the degree will raise your earning potential significantly. I would rather have him earning $40,000 a year at 30 years old than $15,000 a year working as a prep cook at a restaurant. He said, he did not think a college would offer anything he would like. I told him to take one class at two different colleges each semester until he found an area that excited him. He is so smart, he can do anything he tries. He needs 15 credits to transfer into a four year college. I have hope he will find his way. Traditionally or non.

GG looking forward and knowing the hard times will pass is one way to get through to the other side.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Apr 20 2014 :  6:05:00 PM  Show Profile
Holly, what dsJ doesn't realize is if he doesn't finish college, he will be regretting it when he is 30. My oldest said he didn't want to go, nothing there for him. Now he tells me I should have pushed him into going. His regrets now. However, it's never too late.

I don't think I'll be making it into the presidents list this quarter. I'm having a terrible time with my math class. No one to help me if I don't understand something. Plus I got behind and all I have done for the last three days is math homework. I'm tired.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

2259 Posts

Posted - Apr 21 2014 :  1:51:21 PM  Show Profile
Holly, thanks for the card. You are the busiest person I know and yet you find time to be so thoughtful about sending out little remembrances to all of us. You are such a treasure.

Today was my monthly lunch with the girls. It was my turn to coordinate everything and choose the restaurant so I found a good northern Italian really authentic in a very out of the way place and everybody loved it. We got a round table so everybody could hear and it was quiet(except for us). But I did not sleep last night and had a glass of wine so I'm going to sleep until time to fix dinner. My back hurts often but usually ibuprofen will fix it. Nothing works this time and the pain is severe. I do not need this. My sister says she will meet up with me on Thursday and help pick our brothers headstone but I think she will call in sick at the last minute which is what she usually does. She will probably get a migraine. That's always the standby last minute excuse. Maybe she will surprise me.

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True Blue Farmgirl

526 Posts

Machias Maine
526 Posts

Posted - Apr 21 2014 :  2:55:24 PM  Show Profile
Hi Everyone, I started reading page 139 last night to just "check in" so you don't worry about me like you did Thelma and then never got to "check in" or finish the page. That's my life these days. Happy Belated Easter to whom ever celebrates. Happy Belated Smoke Day to whom ever may have made their way to Denver to smoke pot. Happy Earth Day if anyone celebrates that today. Did I get all of them? Whew!

So Holly, my little joys these days are watching the two new girl bunnies I got at the feed store last week. I have been seeing them in a small cage for about two months now and they looked miserable. So, when I went the other day I said "God, if you want me to have those two bunnies and give them freedom, I will buy them if they are still there". Apparently he did as I came home with two beautiful girls. I've named them Liberty and Freedom because once I got Oggie's old cage and stuff set back up and bunny proofed the living room for them, they must have done well over 100 binkies for me that night! Binkies are bunnies way of telling you they are happy. They run and then do a jump while twisting their bodies at the same time in mid air. It's fun to watch and I got to see more than I could ever have imagined so I have been very happy since. I agree, it's the small things in life that make you happy and since I can't go have fun, can't do much at all but work, chores, and being a nurse maid, these precious girls are my entertainment and joy in life. The difference between them is Miss Skeezix Liberty has a tiny bit of white on her front paw, that's it. They are sisters and bonded. Them and the fact that spring has finally arrived makes me feel GREAT!!

Not much else knew at our house. Waiting for MaineCare to approve David's leg/foot. Waiting to see a Dr. about his spine. DD is doing well, just got the ok to walk with the walker in her apartment alone and can stand with the wheel chair behind her to do dishes or cook on her stove. So they are both making progress, but Wednesday will be our 31st anniversary and the 6 month anniversary to this nightmare and I am sure we have a long way to go yet.

I'm busy doing all the chores. Spent today, a holiday for us called Patriot's Day, raking out my grass/driveway of all the rocks and sand from the snow plow and then raking up 13 wheelbarrows full of sawdust that was still there from last fall before this all started with David. We had just finished cutting, splitting, and stacking 3 cords of tree length wood when the infection took his foot and I never got to clean up the mess. Well, I did today and I am tired! the saw dust/mulch went onto my path to my large garden. Had a bridge made last year for it so I can get over the dry creek bed easily with equipment and now the path is being covered. It was about 63, windy, and at first sunny but then dark clouds rolled in. Now it's sunny again, go figure! BTW, David named "his" bunny Skeezix. He thought it was whimsical, I think it's stupid. So I said I will call her Miss Skeezix Liberty and Liberty for short. Am I mean or what? Here's a picture of the new members of our family. They are about 3 pounds right now. Now to go make dinner and be entertained again by those cuties.

Farmgirl #2343

"The business of life is the acquisition of memories. In the end, that's all there is." Mr. Carson, Downton Abby

"Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally won out over it." Elwood P. Dowd (Jimmy Stewart) in the Movie Harvey

Edited by - Oggie on Apr 21 2014 2:58:36 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Apr 21 2014 :  3:29:22 PM  Show Profile
Love them bunnies! I had a bunny once, Dewdrop, and she would run and jump like you described. Went to my parents' house yesterday for Easter and there were some baby bunnies in the backyard, hidden (well, not really) in a not very deep hole. I made a carrot cake for Easter and brought some to work today. A co-worker came in last Friday morning with a fifty pound bag of carrots--she was giving them away so I had to use some up. Wish I still had my guinea pig, Corky, he loved carrots. Hmm, Dewdrop preferred apples over carrots....anyway yesterday the weather was beautiful and I think it's OK to plant my beans now, don't think we'll get anymore frost. Rained some today but that's good, soon I'll need to mow my yard. Just came from Aldi, I got a goat cheese and spinach pizza and some naan bread. We don't have any Indian stores around here and I've never seen it at any of our regular grocery stores. I love garlic naan best but this is plain. I guess I need to find a recipe so I can make it myself.

"Vast floods can't quench love, no matter what love did/ Rivers can't drown love, no matter where love's hid"--Sinead O'Connor
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Apr 21 2014 :  4:58:03 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Today was overcast and warm all day long. The cloud cover made the day look cold but it really was not.

I forgot to say that yesterday my small pleasure was drying my sheets outside in the sun and then getting into bed at night with fresh air smelling sheets.

Bunny you are right if DsJ does not get a college degree he will regret it in the long run. Remember I do not know anything because he is still a teenager. We will pay for him to go if he takes up the three class and lives at home so it is not even the cost. I told him it did not matter what he earned a degree in that when an employer looked at him and saw college degree he would make significantly more money than he makes now.

I am so glad that you have some time to do as you need, Ginny. The bunnies are adorable. You will house train them? They are as good as fall kittens. Happiness is painted in their faces.

Glad you popped in Cindy. I hope you stay a while. I like your screen name. I planted spinach and lettuce today. We will not be out of danger of having our last frost until June. Pod beans or snap beans?

Two of the little boys have figured out that if they move a light switch that is a part of a three way then the light will not come on. I have spoken to them twice about it because it makes it very dark when someone comes home late and can not turn on the light. DsG will not watch morning TV tomorrow.

The pigs are happy in their outside pen.

DsC can ride his blue bicycle like wind.

So, DsT went down to start on the pig stall this afternoon. He had planned on finishing the job this afternoon so he could have all of the money. He came right back up and said the job is too big. He later said, he would get to it. We will see.

DdK went to Boston this past weekend to visit some friends. She stayed over at someone's house on Saturday and they stayed up and drank Mimosa. Dd has no experience in drinking although listening to her she calls herself very experienced. We are a dry household. She has had sips of wine at holidays when someone else brings it. She will be 18 in July. She was hung over on Sunday and slept all the drive home in the car and most of today. I think she may have had a lesson.

Gypsy the book arrived today. Dd opened it and was happy you sent it. I'll ask about it in a few days.

Where's Marie?

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499

Edited by - Tall Holly on Apr 21 2014 5:02:03 PM
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