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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Apr 05 2014 : 6:22:14 PM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 15 2019 2:43:16 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Apr 06 2014 : 11:37:40 AM
Picture #2 it is. If Lowell would ever get off the desktop, I will send the form out.
Holly - dsR sounds like a rascal. Can't wait to hear the tales of his teenage years. I talked to the art teacher at school about the name pictures and he showed me how to make the hanging down letters above the line. Incidentally, this art teacher and I were at the University of Minnesota at the same time and we played Dungeons & Dragons together with some friends.
Marianne - I feel very humble when I get this kind of recognition. I never expect it. I just do what I do because that is what I do. (?) It feels so good giving stuff you don't need to someone who could really use it. The sound of this weekend is Dreamer's Ball by Queen played over and over and over and . . .
Mmmmmmm . . . I like me some Freddy Mercury. Grrrroooowwwwllll.
Gypsy - thank you for the complement. The women on the Latvian side of my family keep their smooth skin for a long time. I just wish I wasn't so fat. If your brother has any books on Soviet history, mathematics or astronomy/astrophysics, Lowell and I will take them. I'll pay postage. Well you can't be all sweetness and light when trying to deal with loss and the responsibility of your brother's estate. Have B make his own food and get take-out for yourself. You need time to process and regroup. The Hawaiian graduation ceremony sounds neat. My brother and his wife lived in Hawaii when he was in the Navy and he never told me about this.
Janet - The snow wasn't so bad. We got about 8 inches of wet snow. The field trip was canceled but none of the kids were really upset by it. We had a fiesta instead. The leaders set up stations at which everyone had to complete a task such as do a yoga pose, make a basket or a goal or a duct tape wallet to get a ticket. They turned the tickets in for prises. There was pizza too. One kid said that it was the best day ever.
Mel - We do not need you stinkin' warm temps. LOL We are Minnesotans and revel in our hardship. It makes us hardy people and keep the riff raff away. I also jump from one project to another. I am trying to concentrate on one project at a time and finish it before I start another.
Now, I am just waiting for Lowell to leave. He has to be in St. Paul in 25 minutes and he is still listening to stuff on youtube. I NEED TO USE THAT F****N DESKTOP.
Marie, Sister #5142
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
Edited by - churunga on Apr 06 2014 11:44:26 AM |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Apr 06 2014 : 4:23:16 PM
Marie, as much as it is nice and so necessary to be appreciated by our loved ones, it feels so good to be honored by strangers/people we see less often. Hold your head high through this accolade. Enjoy every minute of it. Make sure that your loved ones acknowledge it, too.
GG, are you up for a trip to the tropics? It sounds nice, but I haven't been through the emotional wringer you have. Will B go, too?
Holly, the forecast is for the entire nation to warm up by the week's end. Get ready for mud. How is the teenage niceness meter running? High or low? Having game times split like that really hijacks your day completely.
mar |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Apr 06 2014 : 4:57:41 PM
Good evening everyone,
DsT's basketball team won all four of their games. The two today were at 9 AM and 3 PM. Then they had to drive to another school to get their t shirts for winning the tournament. They won all four games and had the highest number of points or the biggest point spreads. C went with him today. He was very happy to be on a winning team.
I stayed home we mucked out stalls and walked down the hill and back up. We still have a lot more manure to get out but it is not so squishy now...... well until the cows poop again. The pig stall is another story completely. It is nasty. C is lining up people to come and help us walk them to the other barn when the time is right.
Marie you are so funny. We are hardy folks here in Vermont. We like for people from down country to come and visit...... and then go home. Of course people like me call it home now.
Today was a lovely warm and sunny days. Temperatures may have risen into the high thirties. Not a naked bum day but we could be out in sweatshirts. The little boys are digging in the hard packed piles of snow looking for my clothes pins that they threw off the back of the porch this winter. Well, not me, threw them off.
I need to get my seeds ordered. The garden is starting to look more brown than white. I am optimistic.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

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Posted - Apr 06 2014 : 5:15:16 PM
We finally hit 42 degrees today. It was nice, but a bit breezy. Bob and I took Olivia for a little walk, not too far, but hope to do it more often now. The snow we got the other day has all melted now, but we still have a lot of winter left here on the ground. I am hoping that with this mild weather forecast for this week, that we will see some lawn by the end of the week. Holly, always so many chores on a farm. Good that you have help. Mar, glad most of your work is now behind you for awhile. Hope you find a place very soon. Then you will still have time for gardening. GG, How great that you are going to Hawaii!!!! Time for a pool boy while you are there? Is B going with you? Hope you get some rain at the farm. Looks like some stormy weather is in the forecast for the south. Marie, Hope you got to get some laptop time. I have a laptop and Bob has the big computer. I plan on getting a tablet when we move, and Bob can have my laptop to use. That way we will have smaller toys to take with us outside the motorhome. I am now looking for a smart phone, but that will take me awhile to learn how to use it. We are still looking for a motorhome, I am sure in the next month there will be a lot of them out of storage and put on Craig's list. There are a lot of huge ones on there now, nobody wants to pay the gas for those monsters. We have all summer to find one. I got all of my jewelry supplies organized and put in one area so I can hopefully start making jewelry in the next week or so. Next is organizing my sewing area. It is hard to not have clutter when in a small space. Have a great evening,
Jan Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
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Posted - Apr 06 2014 : 9:09:08 PM
Sounds like you northern ladies are finally starting to thaw. I hope it feels like spring soon. I'm in the San Francisco bay area and it was in the 70's here. I had a wonderful day with my son and his friends at a beer hangout. My X invited "her" motorcycle club to join and there was another motorcycle club that does a big welcome back to people coming back from basic training. When I first learned about the event I told my X that young son J had a bunkmate from the same town in the same platoon that should be there too. So both boys were there and the group did a big salute to them. My X and I are going to son J's girlfriends house tomorrow night for dinner. I really like her. We got along really well.
I did have a tense moment with my X. He (she) told me the guard (the motorcycle group) didn't know that she was really a he and so wouldn't be able to acknowledge me as J's mom. I burst out in tears and kinda ripped him (her) a new one. The message got through and everyone was great. The ladies in the women's motorcycle club my X belongs in made sure everyone knew I was J's mom. I really made me feel good they tried so hard to make me feel welcome. I think this was an enormous step in my X understanding what our sons and I have been dealing with all these years.
Jan, I bet you will have so much fun looking at prospective new homes. Just make sure you do a good inspection of the underside and all the systems. No surprises on the road!!
Holly, how wonderful for DsT's team to do so well. I bet he is feeling pretty good right now. Mucking out stalls... fun times. The pig pen sounds like it is living up to its name.
Marie, somehow I have no doubt you are a hardy woman. Spring will be here before you know it and everyone will soon be complaining about the heat of summer.
Mar, I think staying with your daughter will be nice. At least they go to work each day so you and DH will have some time to yourselves.
Well, that's all for now.. nite. Only one more day and it's back to Oregon. My mom leaves again on Friday so I'll have the house back to myself. At least until the end of summer I think.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Apr 07 2014 : 02:29:30 AM
Bunny, it sounds like you have had a wonderful time. I am delighted to hear about it. I hope your dinner at your son's girlfriend's house is a great time. You will have a lot of great memories to keep you feeling close when you get home. and having the house to yourself soon will be a bonus.
Holly, what fun to be the big winning team. That should keep the teenage angst at bay for a day or so. Spring time mucking is no fun. Hope your chore is done soon.
Three more nights left here. Dd isn't thrilled about moving to an area with so much rain. But, you can't have everything. I am pretty tired of the whining and constant, "Well, it will probably be raining..." comments. May have mentioned it to him, too. I got a scam call yesterday. It was an automated call that said our MasterCard debit had been locked and we needed to Press 1 to unlock it. Called the bank to ascertain that it wasn't them. Nope. Scary to have those types of calls out of the blue.
I got the water trough all scrubbed out and we loaded it onto the horse trailer. It is just easier to throw such a bulky item in with the animals rather than with the household goods. All drawers in the house are emptied and wiped out. Everything is just sitting on the countertop in the kitchen. Such a mess.
MIL related yet another story of someone telling her not to move. Such a delight to hear other's POV, especially when it is exactly opposite of yours! MIL tells me that her brother - 92 yo - told her on the phone, "Don't do it." She hasn't seen this man in two and a half decades and I have never met the man, Dh hasn't seen him since he was a teen... But, he knows best. Is my bitterness showing?
Jan, enjoy shopping for your RV. I hope you find something really cozy. And clean. I know you will be careful mechanically, and frankly that is just the boring part!
It has been such a busy time for me. Being named FGOTM has been such a fun thing to remind me that I won't lose any of my friends here by moving. You all mean the world to me. Mar |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Apr 07 2014 : 02:33:46 AM
Just noticed that Jan's birthday is coming up on Saturday, the 12th. We don't have anyone keeping our birthday list going, but Jan is always such a dear about remembering everyone else that I wanted to post this reminder to everyone in case you are having as much trouble keeping up with birthdays as I am! mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
820 Posts
820 Posts |
Posted - Apr 07 2014 : 09:58:57 AM
hello everyone! my brother has been released to his home but he doesn't want to stay tere. don't know if it is the medicine or his broken neck making him sound so weird. mel, thanks for asking, we are still working on all the glitches...they didn't make it easier on anyone to use. finally got to where i could create a pick/pack list and it wouldn't print. got it to print but not the delivery goes like that on and on and on... my sister has an infected hynoid (loose bone in throat)--she is going to have a scope done first part of may. will be trying to go to oklahoma to see here during the anniversary of my dh's death. i just really dont want to stay home this year and think about it.
not much else going on....jan, hope you get your rv and it is wonderful! bunny, still have not received the cuffs but am hoping today. holly, hope everyone is doing better at your house, thought of you when my big boss was telling me about her youngest getting sick in the truck when the oldest was driving...thought that stresses you out? let me tell you about one woman who has stress with kids! teheheheh gg take care of that fella and he will take care of you! i am so happy that you found someone got to go back to work and see what else i can mess up ,,,hahaha janiee farmgirl #390 |
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Apr 07 2014 : 11:21:53 AM
Ginny has a GoFundMe campaign to get the funds necessary to refit her bathroom for her DH to use. Here is the link:
Marie, Sister #5142
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
873 Posts
873 Posts |
Posted - Apr 07 2014 : 12:42:35 PM
| thoughtful of you to put Ginny's link on here! :) sorry about you brother's trials and now your sister's and they are in my prayers.
With so much misery for so many folks! I feel blessed just to be able to awake each morning to another wonderful day!! :)
My best to all, Mel Sassy City Girl with Farmgirl Fantasies! |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Apr 07 2014 : 5:48:57 PM
Marie, thank you for posting the link. Mel, you are right about needing to be happy with what we have.
janie, don't give up on the new system (actually, do you have a choice?) you'll get it working correctly.
Just borrowed bolt cutters from out neighbor since we couldn't remember the combination to the lock on the gate...after spending some time this morning at our storage facility looking for the other garage door opener. Sigh, three steps forward and two steps back is how it goes sometimes. I feel really strongly that you gals need to know that neither of these events were my fault. And I am almost out of patience...
We sign papers tomorrow morning, have the walk through on Wednesday, leave Thursday. mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Apr 07 2014 : 6:18:08 PM
Mar, things are finally coming to an end for you and a new beginning to start for you soon. That can be overwhelming, but exciting at the same time. We only moved across town 4 1/2 years ago, but we went from a 3 story half a block building to a very tiny one bedroom, one story house. We downsized a lot, but now that we will be living in a smaller motorhome, we need to downsize even more. I hope I have all of my projects done by then. Bunny, Glad you are having a great time, but sorry it is coming to an end for you. You will have memories to cherish forever though. Hope you got to take lots of pictures. Janie, It will do you good to get away for awhile, by the sounds of it. It is hard to wipe away such bad memories, hopefully it will get easier for you as time passes. Mel, hope you get more sales soon. You do such nice work. Marie, thank you for giving us the link for Ginny's husband. Hope they receive all that they need soon. GG, hope all is going well for you and you had a good weekend at the farm. Holly, Congrats to dsT on winning the games!!!!! Bet that puts him in better spirits. Hope you are warming up some now. We were in the 40s today and supposed to be all week. I think we are finally into some sort of spring, even though we are still below average temp wise yet. I am looking forward to seeing the lawn again, we still have a lot of snow on the ground. Our frost line is still down between 7 and 9 feet, so it will be awhile before our ground thaws enough to turn the soil. Bob and I took Olivia for a nice long walk down by the park. The lake is still frozen over, but there were lots of geese down there on the ice waiting for water to come back to make their nests. They were so loud honking away. We walked over a mile, so that was a good workout, we had to trek through some snow and we kept sinking down in it. Should have had snow shoes on. It was hard on the hips though, falling through the snow a foot or so. Felt good to get some fresh air and exercise though. Have a great evening,
Jan Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
820 Posts
820 Posts |
Posted - Apr 08 2014 : 05:46:53 AM
ok gals, here is an update on my brother. he decided that he was angry with the older brother and he left. we have no idea of where he is. we were able to track him to the bus station in waco but after that, ...the police tell us that since he is a grown man there is nothing we can do. if he wants to go to california or whereever, he is free to do so even if it hurts himself. i am so sad by this and the older brother who has taken care of him for 10 years is just heartbroken. janiee farmgirl #390 |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Apr 08 2014 : 11:14:03 AM
Good afternoon everyone,
I have Tai Chi tonight and last night I took DsT to his baseball practice. It is an hour and a half so it is not worth it to come home to turn around and go back so I stayed in town. DsT's elated mood lasted until I picked him up from practice. He was gnashing his teeth and snarling. A boy on the JV team has diarrhea of the mouth in a nasty way to another boy. DsT told him to stop and he wouldn't. DsT said he wanted to punch him out but he did not. He said only three other boys on the team really practice and the rest of the boys fool around. He wants to make it to the play offs because college scouts go to the play offs and not regular season games. He is also angry because I will not write him a check for $20 to give to another boy he says lent him the money. He had asked for a check to pay this boy and C wrote it for him at the end of last week. Now he wants more. I do not know why he owed this boy money. I think it might be for illegal substances that he tells me he has not used in a month now. But, he will not admit to that. He is better than a month ago but, my sweet young man is still irregular.
Mar soon one head ache will be over. A new adventure will start. The horses will be so excited to have new pastures. You can grow beautiful flowers in the rain forest. Buy dh a new rain suit in chocolate.
Bunny I had forgotten your X was transgendered. Is she pretty? San Francisco is an interesting place for people to explore their sexuality and gender identity. I am glad the motorcycle women were accepting and compassionate. I am glad J survived basic training. Is he glad he did it and looking forward to his next assignment?
Janiee it is very scary to think that your brother is headed someplace without anyone knowing where and being hurt as well. I hope he contacts a family member soon.
We had thunder and lightning with heavy rain last night. I think we have about a foot of snow left on the ground. There is a bare spot by the clean out for the septic tank. It is 34 F now. It was warmer yesterday.
We walked down and up the hill yesterday. The place I thought had a bunch of feathers from a partridge was really deer fur. I think someone jacked a deer before the last big snow storm. I can see under the snow a grain bag that the animals have been working on digging out.
Have a good afternoon and sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
873 Posts
873 Posts |
Posted - Apr 08 2014 : 12:33:18 PM
Dearest sorry to hear of your brothers departure. Between dealing with all your mother's passing and finances and getting that settled and the soon to be anniversary of your DH's death...I have you in my prayers....I feel so sad for you. But let's hope your brother returns soon and all's well! :)
Holly....glad you are getting better weather. Tai's supposed to be a very good practice for the head as well as the you enjoy it? It's good that DsT held off acting on that impulse to take that other kid down. I am so glad not to have to deal with teenage angst.....I wasn't always so good at it , back in the day! :) Our oldest one put us through some trials...UGH! but it could have been worse, I guess. He did manage to stay out of juvy or jail....but he came soooooo close!
Jan....Thanx for the compliment...your too kind! :) I need to get some things posted....the worst is trying to get the description written.'s it goin'?
Mar...don't feel bad....patience is a virtue that seems to allude me often!! :)
Gypsy?????? and Lowell flowing peacefully along the river of life? :)
My best to all, Mel Sassy City Girl with Farmgirl Fantasies! |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Apr 08 2014 : 1:56:32 PM
I am here, thanks, Mel. I'm keeping up with the posts but not much to say right now. Just trying to get through to the other side of this particular phase. Probably back to Houston in the next few days.
I'll be back as soon as my self reappears. But I am fine and I'm so sorry for all the troubles and sorrow many of you are dealing with. Hugs to you Janiee.
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Apr 08 2014 : 4:35:21 PM
I do not feel very happy right now. I didn't get the form in to be a featured volunteer on time. You all know that Lowell takes over the computer in the evenings and sometimes is on it until the wee hours of the morning. I cannot stay up so late to wait for him to get off the desk top. I would have been too tired to do it anyway. Then I have all the effin housework to do. On the weekends when we come home from grocery shopping, he takes out his guitar and does not even help me put the groceries away. I am constantly doing dishes, laundry and sweeping up. In addition, I have to troubleshoot his computer use and type his g** d*** emails. He complains that his clothes are stained, wrinkled and torn but I do not have time to take care of it. Now the lady in the building who had done all the heavy garden lifting has broken up with her boyfriend and moved out taking all the tools, fencing, solar lights, hose and bird feeder. Now I have to find time to work on the garden too. I just can't depend on him. He doesn't understand how overwhelmed I am. Do you know that HE was the one who wanted Mitzi and I am the one tasked with taking care of her? I want to say that none of this is fair. Da**, I just wish he would step up once in a while instead of continually complaining about how sh**** he feels. Dam***, I keep going when I am sick and I don't complain about it. I wish he would just STFU and KMA.
Thank you, I feel better now.
Marie, Sister #5142
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
Edited by - churunga on Apr 08 2014 4:55:30 PM |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Apr 08 2014 : 4:56:37 PM
Marie, sorry your stress level is through the roof. I hope you get the form in for the next time they feature volunteers. It can be hard to demand the help you need and deserve, but it sounds like maybe that is what is necessary. I know you feel a bit better letting it out and knowing it falls on the broad shoulders of your farmgirls. I sure hope you can find a gardening buddy in the bldg.
Holly, I know you are thrilled that dsT didn't resort to violence. He has some cajones asking mom to give him the $ he owes for perhaps a substance you wouldn't be ok about... definitely teenage behaviour. Good to hear that you are back enjoying Ta Chi. And seeing some ground instead of white, white and more white! I hate people who lure in the prey to hunt them. Really goes against the idea of hunting, doesn't it?
We signed our papers today, gave the attorney the wiring instructions for the proceeds and came home to finish up the cleaning, etc. Tomorrow will be our last day here. Dh gave the chihuahua a bath for me. Somehow she came out with a bleeding foot. This was after Dh reached into one of the few things he had packed and came out bleeding. Who packs a saw blade up in a box with nothing covering it? patience is still escaping me, Mel... Dh keeps commenting on how much more work this move is than any other move we have made. Finally, pointed out to him that this is the first move that he has been in the same state as the house that we are selling while the move takes place. He always left weeks before I did the last eight or nine times we moved. That really cuts down on the work involved in moving, ya know?
Just sayin' mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Apr 08 2014 : 9:57:38 PM
Hi, girls, Marie and Mar, what you are doing is what the B calls a B**ch-Up. Everybody needs one to let off steam. Then you feel better. You always know your sisters are going to stick up for you, we just do not care about his side because we are on your side. B has a regular b**ch-up about the government and assorted things and then he feels all better. Unfortunately, most of my b**ch-ups are about him and his Neanderthal ways. They are all like that to some degree. Tonight I told him I did not want to take over the care and feeding of another man just like he did not want to support another woman financially. He finally got it. We keep our money separate and each pay half. I have more money than he does but that's too bad for him.
We watched The English Patient last night because it started pouring rain about the time we needed to leave for dance class. It was as good as I remembered it. Blessed rain finally. The death certificates came today so I will meet with the lawyer Friday and get probate started.
Janiee I still don't know how your brother broke his neck. My mom has totally gone over the edge. She can not speak or think logically. It's almost like she's had a small stroke. She will be the next one to deal with and that will be tough. She has a drivers license for two more years and I hope she does not pass the test. She can't see the filth in her house and can't see well enough to open a package of crackers but by god she can see well enough to drive. Yep. Love you gals. Hang tough!
True Blue Farmgirl
820 Posts
820 Posts |
Posted - Apr 09 2014 : 05:33:36 AM
ok gals, here is the update (and thank you all for your prayers and comforting words) glen is in waco at a hotel somewhere. he has paid for 1 week and he just wanted a break from everyone. he is doing ok and i know he took his pills yesterday at least. he is planning on returning to the other brothers house at some point. talked with the other brother and he is ok with that. i think he just wanted to know that we care about him and this is his childish way of doing that. they figured out that he was coming back to the house and climbing over a corral fence and slipped on the fence and fell breaking his neck. they found footprints and muddy clots on the fence and a body imprint in the grass and they are pretty sure that was it. i am so sorry about your mom, gg. i remember when i had to take my mom's keys away to keep her from trying to drive. it is not easy. it is not easy seeing your mom go downhill like that either. my thoughts and prayers are with you marie, i am thinking of you as well! hugs to all janiee farmgirl #390 |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
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Posted - Apr 09 2014 : 06:53:37 AM
Janie, I am glad to hear that you know your brother's whereabouts. Now, you can get some peace! Good to know that your other brother will welcome him home. I guess we all behave childishly at times, but this was unfair to you all having to worry like that.
Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Apr 09 2014 : 06:55:22 AM
Thank you ladies. Don't worry about me. I was just having a B**ch-Up.
Marie, Sister #5142
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
Gathered Up: Over 50 Farmgirls  |