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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

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Posted - Mar 27 2014 :  9:54:14 PM  Show Profile
Holly, I think you can get paper clay at hobby lobby or Michaels or whatever hobby store you have nearby. I haven't used it in a long time but I think it doesn't have to be fired or baked. And nontoxic for kids.

Actually, I just googled it and you can get recipes online to make it.

Edited by - doll58maker on Mar 27 2014 9:57:25 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

2259 Posts

Posted - Mar 27 2014 :  11:23:31 PM  Show Profile
Me again...Holly, how many hives do you have? How much honey do you get from one hive? Do you have predator problems? I don't know if the raccoons would mess with the hive or if they would get stung and stay away. I have read that here we have to worry about ants. There was a beekeeping class near us but it was full by the time we found out about it. It just seems like there should be a way to make some income off the place and not have to work too hard. We are getting too old to take on too much.

I have had numerous swarms of bees over my place and I know some people have bees take up residence in their attics and barns.
It certainly is an interesting subject. Having completely given up on TV, and DH working into the wee hours, as he often does to meet a deadline, I'm reading and researching bees and herbs tonight. Taking a break from goats and chickens, lol. This MJF website is just amazing, the numbers of subjects, and participants and the cumulative knowledge on these pages is nothing short of remarkable.
But we are the funniest. I think that's why we have so many viewings compared to posts. Everybody likes a chuckle. Or.... Maybe they are checking in to see what
" those crazy old ladies" are up to now.

Since there's not much going on on this thread tonight, I was looking through some of the other threads and reading about herbs, etc. I do miss my herb garden and my cooking skills would improve dramatically if I had fresh herbs to cook with again.

Holly, I guess you are on my mind tonight. Ten boys! Seems to me that ought to allow for at least one melt down per month at least. I gather from your writings that C has a career and you are the stay at home mom. Tough job! I hope T comes around and makes you proud. I'm betting he will.

We have gay and lesbian couples who come to dance class. Sometimes they look uncomfortable or even defiant and I want to go over and give them a hug and tell them to chill out, we are just leaders and followers and everybody dances with everybody. But they usually won't change partners. Personally I think it's high time we discriminated against everyone who has blue eyes. When I tell people I'm trying to get that movement going, usually I get a blank stare. We really need to pass a law that two blue eyed persons can not marry. But it does make them think. Even my mom is seeming to come out of the dark ages.

Maybe K having to deal with poopy drawers and puke down her coat will make her think it would be more fun to go places, see the world, Get a good education and make some career goals before settling down to that scenario. She could buy a lot of cute shoes before settling into that routine. I didn't know any better and I had few choices compared to the young women of today.

I've rattled on enough. See you gals on Monday.


Edited by - doll58maker on Mar 27 2014 11:26:05 PM
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
3331 Posts

Posted - Mar 28 2014 :  02:45:42 AM  Show Profile
Hi Girls!

How did I miss the great lime shortage report? Thank goodness I have all of you to keep me informed. I think we will be fine, don't use that many limes anymore now that our Gin And Tonic Days are over. Too much sugar in Tonic, and Dh can't stand that sugarfree tonic.

Holly, you are amazing. The family you have created is worthy of having a book written about it. And I am sure you have had enough adventures to write one. Add in the evolution of the house and

Bunny, I'll be thinking of you soaking up that good weather and all those hugs. I hope you enjoy every minute of it.

G, I think bees are a great way for you to go.Especially since they are in need of being saved. You could legitimize your farm and help save the bees at the same time. I am sorry to hear the hesitation in your posts. I know you would be more at home with a bit more stimulation closer rather than such a drive. And why are you cooking so much? He has survived this long without you to put a meal in front of him nightly... I don't think your dh is even expecting all the cooking you are doing (and hating). do I get change for my "two cents"?

Dh and I are disassembling furniture and wrapping it. We will have friends here on Saturday to help move a great bit of it into storage. Dh and I will finish the small stuff ourselves as we go along. The house is echoing. And with a sharp chihuahua bark = yow! that hurts the eardrums.

I am having some difficulty packing my knitting supplies. I hate having my sewing machine packed and giving up the knitting needles will be tough. Ihave to get a project picked out and all my supplies pulled out before I can put all those items into a box for a few weeks. I know you all understand what I am talking about.

Well, all this packing has made a few things blatantly clear. One, I should never handle a tape gun unless it is absolutely necessary - of course, right now it is absolutely necessary. Two, if dh is going to start a project that requires any kind of space, he will either do it in the doorway of a room I need repeated access to or in front of the tv when I have decided I deserve a half hour's break and should tune out with some mindless entertainment. He is like a Labrador, always underfoot. He doesn't much.

On top of the stress of the move to "nowhere", I hate not having a house to move into, MIL has been very difficult. We finally recognized (because she hides/lies about so many things desperately hanging on to her independence) that a new medication had been causing many sideeffects. MIL decided to experiment with said medicine - you know, take it a few days...stop taking it for a few days... three days or was it four days without the, I took it yesterday... Anyway, she has an appt. on Monday to discuss the fact that she is experiencing many and severe side effects with her doctor. She just hates to bother him. And besides, she just filled the prescription... AHGHHGGHH.

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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Mar 28 2014 :  09:11:01 AM  Show Profile
Good morning everyone. Yes, I'm packed...for now. I'm still changing things up. The weather will be perfect. In the 60's. Not too hot and not too cold. I'm just hoping I can keep my energy level up. I understand there will be lots of walking. My son should be done with the crucible. It was the last 3 days. I feel for him. But then I'm thinking...he wanted this.
My mom will be here later today.

Gypsy, have you ever heard of It is a website for people to post places for vacationers to stay. If they have a cottage, or trailer...what ever for renting out for a few days. I have friends with a yurt they rent out. You might see if there is a building on your property you can fix up with a bathroom and kitchenette and rent it out. The most you would have to do it clean it after they leave. I bet both of you would make wonderful hosts.

Mar, men are fun huh. I'm sorry you don't have a home yet. I'm rooting for you to find the perfect place. MIL really sounds like a nightmare. You sure you want her living with you? I think the neighbor will seem like your bff compared to MiL.

I have 8 dresses finished and ready to post. I'll be working on those today. I won't post them all at once of course. One a day while I'm gone.

I'll have my computer with me on my trip. I'll try to keep everyone posted. That reminds me...better pack my camera!


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
2305 Posts

Posted - Mar 28 2014 :  10:38:27 AM  Show Profile
Good afternoon everyone,

I have two hives of bees. I get about 10 pounds a hive. That is not very much but I am not very attentive and the growing season is sporadic. I think you could get thirty or forty pounds a hive. Bees travel up to 2 miles to access the pollen so do not just count on what you have at your farm . I do not know how the African bees impact the hives in your area. You may need to put some sort of screen on your opening to keep them out. They are bigger than the bees used domestically. You could have many hives because of their range. You would need to make sure they have enough water to cool the hive in the summer. You could make money off them because people want honey that is not heated. Try a couple of hives and see how it goes, then add a couple of hives a year. Sometimes you can find equipment on Craig's list. Ask around there may be an old timer who is giving up his business and wants to liquidate for less.

I think fixing something in a doorway or narrow hall is genetically male. The littles do it all the time. I have locked up their scooters many times to keep from tripping on them over and over. Maybe the packing tape in strategic places on your dh, Mar would be fun. I believe your MIL is losing her mind. It is hard knowing she is not taking her medication and there is nothing you can do about it, now. Is there a home health agency near where she lives that might come in on the short term to give her the meds everyday? It might be a bit of an expense but it would relieve you and dh of one worry during this already stressful time. YOur dh could sell it to her as a gift of a friend. He is good at selling.

I am glad you have some dresses finished and ready to post while you are away. I had a meeting today with my foster daughters' case manager today and one of their guardians but the case manager's mother had a heart attack and died in a car accident so it was cancelled . It is only relevant to this post because the guardian told me he has a black plastic bag of dress shirts in his basement he sorted out last month and he was going to bring it to me. So, now it is delayed.

DsT had to watch a show on someone called Norman for his Media Literacy class. It was videos of some guy who lived his life and was taped while he was doing it and did not know it was happening. So, people watched him on the TV and he did not know. Is that like us here on this board. We are read by many who do not participate because we are ......................good.

Have a good afternoon.

farmgirl #2499
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
3331 Posts

Posted - Mar 28 2014 :  11:00:25 AM  Show Profile
Very astute analogy, Holly. I don't know if we are good, entertaining, or just make everyone else feel like they have their life together in comparison! Isn't that the country's fascination with reality tv, it makes us feel normal in comparison?
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True Blue Farmgirl

873 Posts

Dallas Texas
873 Posts

Posted - Mar 28 2014 :  12:02:23 PM  Show Profile
Yes are so right WE are good!....thoughtful, bright, kind, caring....and always willing to give our unsolicited advice!! Chuckle, chuckle!! And the answer about Janie and my proximity...I'm Dallas and She's Waco, about 100 miles due south of me! That movie dsT watched sounds like a movie called The Truman Show starring Jim Carey.

Gypsy....I love local honey and it's especially good for you....the key word here is would be good for you and B. I think it was last year, a group of MJF Texas glamping gals (I think near you) had a get together and the theme had something to do with bees and they had a local beekeeper visit and give a presentation about beekeeping!

Mar....sounds like you have a tough row to hoe when it comes to your MIL......It's good you have chucked the Gin and won't be affected by the lime shortage! :)

Had a flat tire this morning....I just don't have the werewithal to change 'em any I have AAA and they came out and put the donut on! is so old it barely got me to the Discount Tire very near me.
They are so nice over there and they checked my tire....were able to fix it for me and sent me on my way with nary a charge! Yes, I said FREE! I was ecstatic!!

My best to all,

Sassy City Girl with Farmgirl Fantasies!
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
2305 Posts

Posted - Mar 28 2014 :  5:00:23 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

I believe, Mel, that you are correct. Norman......Truman......sort of the same they both end in man. lol

Gypsy you asked about predators. I have not had problems with the raccoons. I have heard that skunks will eat out a hive. Bear certainly will. I have a fence around mine. It is the same fence that I have around my garden. A friend about ten miles from here has had bear take out his hives often. I do not know why he does not fence them if he knows it is consistent. I guess a determined bear will climb the fence.
I have had raccoons eat some of my meat chickens so I know they can get over the fence.

You could look up the WOOFers to help with chores on the farm. Workers on Organic Farms seems to be a group that lists farms and then you can list jobs or times you would be willing to host them to help you. There are WOOFers all over. I know people around here who have them come help and I know of some young people who have gone to Hawaii to help on farms out there. I have thought about it and certainly have jobs that need to be done but I am not sure I could manage an adult or two in addition to my brood. So, I consider it and think I should take the plunge. I'll see.

We use AAA as well. We have our two teenage drivers as well. They have used the service more than we have. I do not like to drive on donuts. Good for you that they fixed it for free.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499

Edited by - Tall Holly on Mar 28 2014 5:02:29 PM
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
2305 Posts

Posted - Mar 28 2014 :  5:41:41 PM  Show Profile
So,I am looking up how to make paper clay and this is one of the steps.

After it has had some time to soak, begin mixing the toilet paper with a suitable kitchen utensil. Remember -- power tools and water don't mix, although if you are competent with a paint mixer drill, you can use it, please don't electrocute yourself! Keep mixing until the toilet paper turns into a loose pulp.

I thought you all might get a chuckle.

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

2428 Posts

Gladstone Mi.
2428 Posts

Posted - Mar 28 2014 :  5:50:44 PM  Show Profile
I am so glad this week is over, and am hoping and praying next week will be less stress and more sunshine.
We got 8 inches of snow overnight, wet heavy snow, but the good thing is it is finally warming up some so it will melt faster. We did have -15 the other morning, hopefully we are done with the bitter cold now. Supposed to be sunny all weekend, so that will help melt the snow faster. We still have at least 2 feet on the ground.
My son is out of the hospital and he checked himself into the military hospital for rehab and counseling which should help him a lot. He had been on pain killers for a bad shoulder, and drinking a lot. Hopefully he will come out of this with good long term results. 21 years in the service is quite an adjustment to make when you get out. He saw too much battle while in the army.
I worked today, and it was so slow. Nobody wants to go out in the snow and wind. The schools were closed today also. Glad I do not have to work tomorrow.
Bunny, Enjoy your visit and have lots of fun. We will be thinking of you.
Gypsy, I am sure once you move back to the farm, you both will get used to a new routine and settle in just fine, just a slower pace.
Mar, I hope you find a home soon. Do you have to be out of there by the 1st? Good luck with MIL. Maybe she will change her mind about moving by you.
Mel, What a nice etsy store you have. I need to get things put back on mine. Seems there are not enough hours in the day to take pictures to list things.
Jainee, You got a great buy for Mel!!! Those fingerless gloves are beautiful!!!!
Holly, Hope you are starting to have a spring there. It will be nice for the children to be able to spend more time outdoors and also help with the chores?
Marlyn, Hope you are now with water. Our water was just on the verge of freezing, so we had to turn our water on to run all the time until the frost line pushes up. It has been running since March 5th, and will probably have to run until mid May. We pay for our water here, so am not looking forward to getting our bill.
Ginny, Hope you are slowing down some and hubby is back home again.
Marie, Hope things are going well for you. I will get more yarn to you soon. I have not had time to go to the post office, but will soon.
Hope I did not leave anyone out here.
Have a great evening,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

2259 Posts

Posted - Mar 28 2014 :  5:59:33 PM  Show Profile
Checking in by cell phone. Am at my brothers house. My mom found him dead this morning. My biggest fear.
But we will be ok. He is free at last.

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gladstone Mi.
2428 Posts

Posted - Mar 28 2014 :  6:08:15 PM  Show Profile
Gypsy, I am so sorry for your loss. You did know that it would come eventually. He is now at peace. Please take care. Hugs!!!!!

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Mar 28 2014 :  7:38:07 PM  Show Profile
Gypsy, so sorry! Glad he is finally free. I'm sure now the fun part begins. Hang tough.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
3966 Posts

Posted - Mar 28 2014 :  9:01:30 PM  Show Profile

Oh Gypsy, such heartache and relief. At least now your sister has to pay for her own stuff on Amazon.

The weather here is getting better. It has been 116 days since we last had 60 degrees. Sunday is supposed to be the first 60 degree day of the year. This is Minnesota though so things can change.

Mrs. Pendleton has been out for the last couple days. I came in on Thursday to help the substitute. They were very rowdy. It seems as if the kids who cause a lot of trouble normally cause even more trouble. The kids who cause some trouble cause more. The kids who cause a little bit of trouble start causing a medium amount of trouble. Some of the good kids cause a little bit of trouble. And the really good kids stay really good. Having a substitute is a test of character which about half the class fail. They cancel outdoor recess because the kids won't stay off the field where the ice is dangerous. Today they said outdoor recess was teachers' choice. The substitute said okay indoor recess. Many kids complained so she had them get their coats. They could not form a line quietly. One boy was sent to the end of the line. He got mad and punched the wall right outside the vice prinsipal's office. He came out of the office and told them what their job was - listen to the teacher and do what she said. He told them how disappointed he was that they were in second grade and they didn't even know how to line up. He took a couple kids out of line who continued to talk and put them at the back. He walked down the stairs with them reminding them to walk properly and to keep up with the line. I was going to eat lunch with them but told them I wasn't going to eat with a bunch a kids who didn't know how to follow directions. Mrs. Pendleton will not be happy when she gets the report.

One of the little boys has been acting out more than usual. I had him alone this week making up a test. I told him that I noticed something was bothering him and if he wanted to talk about it, I would listen and if he didn't, I was find with that. After a while he said that his 5 year old brother had just been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. My heart just sank. I know how confused and frightened he must be. He told me a little bit about how it was affecting his family. I told him how my diagnosis affected my family and told him that he could talk to me about it any time. I also said that this was between us but encouraged him to go to the social worker also. I will call my doctor and see if she has a kid friendly book which would help him understand the illness a little better so that he can help out. I feel such compassion for this little boy.

Gypsy - a crock pot sounds as if it would make your cooking life easier. I make a soup in my which lasts for a week. I start with a veggie stock (32 oz), veggie boullian and a package of mixed frozen veggies. I then go through the refrigerator and chop up whatever vegetables are sitting there looking sad and drop them in. I always put in carrots, parsnips, onion, garlic, turnips and beans. I then add a small amount (no more than a cup) of cooked rice or uncooked potatoes. The trick is to gather 2 cups of liquid that is not entirely water so the soup is not too thin. I save all my juices from steamed vegetables and canned goods. Canned tomatoes will make a hearty broth but drain the liquid into the two cup measure first. If I have a bit of wine or beer, I add some of that too. Only when all the liquids are in the measuring cup do you top it off with water. I don't usually need to because I have an ample supply of juice. I cut up the carrot and radish greans and trimmings from vegetables, freeze them and add them to the next batch. Then, my favorite part, I put in nine different herbs and spices selected at random from my cupboard. Sometimes it gets crazy but it is usually a surprise. Stir it up, put the cover on and let it cook on high for 4 to 6 hours. You know it is done when it smells good. The neat thing about putting so many different kinds of stuff in the pot is that you don't need very much of any one thing and it is yummy.

Holly - The one-side only parking restriction has been lifted on the streets in Minneapolis and St Paul. That is our BIG news here. Toilet paper turning into pulp? Who would have known?

Mel - Before Lowell net me, he lived like a monk. He had nothing on the walls. His major appliances were his TV with cable and his guitars, keyboards and reel to reel 8-track recording deck. (Very old school.) He kept all his musical stuff in a large walk-in closet where he did his recording. He didn't much care for all the stuff I had on my apartment walls and all the stuff I collected for my sewing and crafts but he did like that I had turned the living room of my one bedroom apartment into a sewing studio. After he separated from his wife, he sowed a few wild oats. That's how we met. I believe that everyone has a good heart and they are to be treated well. If someone doesn't respond to my generousity, I leave them be but I will always be there for them in a time of crisis. I like everyone no matter their moods because when they are doing badly that's when they need the most help. Everyone needs kindness because we are all struggling. I know what you mean about having to put the knitting away. I do not know what I would do without my crochet projects. I take one everywhere I go. I lament that the bars Lowell sometimes play in have such insufficient light to work by. (No smoking in bars here so that is not a problem.) The children I teach really notice my passion for crochet and I believe that is why they like my classes so much.

Jan - OMG! Claustrophobic in a car. That must be uncomfortalbe. I only feel that was when a bunch of kids gather around me asking to use the bathroom, showing me something they have done, tattling on each other, etc. I make them form a line so I can take one problem at a time. Make sure you add the Etsy shop link to your signature.

Marianne - My nails are always so short they look like a homely girl in an elaborate ball gown when they are polished. When the polish begins to chip, they feel dirty and I just want to get it off. Yep, our men are amusing. We can't live with them and can't live without it. The people who lived across from us were a young couple with a new born baby. When they were planning to move out they didn't find a place until the afternoon of the move. The husband wasn't all that worried because the parents were the backup plan. They just treated it like an adventure. Ah, to be young again.

Bunny - Remember to bring your camera. A military base is a really fascinating place.

Janet - I have heard that many service people are prescribed opiates for pain when they return with injuries and become addicted to them. Some specialists are trying to use meditation and mental imaging for pain control while they are taken off the medication. I hope everything goes well for your son. No hurry on the yarn. I have a lot to go through.

This next week is Spring Break. The school has a Spring Academy set up. In the morning they focus on academics and in the afternoon on enrishment. I will be teaching crochet or knitting. I have supplies for both. I will be working 4 hours a day for 4 days and then 8 hours on the last day when we go to the Minnesota History Museum. CHA-CHING!!!

I believe people come here for the good counsel and wisdom. We here have, collectively, maybe 500 years of experience living in this world. The wisdom collected on this thread is beyond measure.

Marie, Sister #5142

Try everything once and the fun things twice.

Edited by - churunga on Apr 01 2014 6:19:38 PM
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Mar 29 2014 :  08:01:50 AM  Show Profile

One side of the street parking in Montpelier I think lifts in April...I will read the signs when I go into town next.

Jan, I am glad your son is alive and now making decisions that will make his life easier? in the long run. He survived the army and that is a huge accomplishment in and of itself.I am glad you are in contact again and I hope that you are allowed to continue to build a relationship with him and his son.

Over cast and chilly. Temperature was 22 F when I looked this morning.

DsT is at an AAU basketball tournament today. Two games and then two tomorrow.

Children are talking too much to type.

Have a good day.

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

212 Posts

norwood Ontario
212 Posts

Posted - Mar 29 2014 :  2:54:38 PM  Show Profile
Hi all.
Been busy in the Sugar bush as the sap is running but the water isn't I have water in the barn now and brought a hose from the barn into the house, attached to the fitting and voila we have water in the house. Only issue is it still freezes at night. Perfect sap weather. Still lots of snow and now a lot of mud as well. Saw a Robin today. That is hopefully.

Having huge issues getting around MJF lately. It takes forever to load up.

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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
2305 Posts

Posted - Mar 29 2014 :  4:36:23 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

WOW! we are waiting for sugaring season. The days must be a relief with the warmth. Even the professional sugarmakers are not running yet. They are using last year's syrup to do sugar on snow.

I can relate to the hose to the house. I have not done it with water but am familiar with the extension cord bypassing tripped circuits that refuse to reset.

The snow off the sides of the porch is still high enough that the littles can jump off the porch and slide down the pile without injuring themselves. They spent a happy hour outside doing just that while I enjoyed the quiet inside the house.

DsT had two basketball games today. His team won both games. He had ten points in the first game. He got a technical foul in the second game when he looked at the ump and said, "seriously" when a foul he was given he felt unfair. If the weather holds for tomorrow they will have two more games. They have to be almost two hours from the house for tomorrow's games and have to be there at 8:30 AM. We are supposed to receive 6- 10 inches of the heavy wet stuff tonight.

How are you doing Jan? Gypsy?

Mar totally frazzled yet? I hope dh is not working away during this move time.

Marie it seems the children had issues with the last substitute as well as this one. They are a lively bunch.

Sweet dreams everyone,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

2259 Posts

Posted - Mar 29 2014 :  6:57:20 PM  Show Profile
I am here. Was a long and difficult day. So thankful my sis is not here. I convinced mom not to go to funeral home so B went with me and I got through it. I was able to go in the casket room and pick that and all the other details but when I had to give them the clothes to put on him I just lost it. Then later while we were eating dinner they texted me and I opened it and it was the obituary for my approval. I was sitting in the booth next to mom and she was pretty focused on her food. So maybe she didn't notice. I am trying to get it done and over with so it is set for Monday morning. Short notice. We've put locks on his doors and locked his truck. It is my responsibility to protect his assets but DSis will be po'd when her key no longer works and I am back in Austin. Yes, bunny the fun now begins. I have four years to file probate if I choose.

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True Blue Farmgirl

2428 Posts

Gladstone Mi.
2428 Posts

Posted - Mar 29 2014 :  7:22:07 PM  Show Profile
Gypsy, sounds like you have everything under control. I am sure your mom is glad you are there for her. Your sis may be p---d but you did the right thing by changing the locks. Now she cannot take what she wants. We are here for you.
Holly, glad the littles were able to be outdoors and play today. It is finally wamrning up here, got up to 40 degrees. We had 77 days of below zero this year, now it feels so good to have it above freezing, if only for a couple of hours a day, it is an improvement.
Bunny, when are you leaving? When are you returning?
Marie, you are a lot warmer than we are. Hope you are able to enjoy it.
Marlyn, glad you at least are able to get water into the house one way or another. Hope you have a good syrup season this year.
Mar, When do you have to be out of your house? Hope you are able to get some relaxing in between packing.
Have a great evening,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Mar 29 2014 :  7:32:36 PM  Show Profile
Gypsy, I'm so sorry you have to go through all of this. I know you can only be so strong. I'm thankful you have B to support you. Good thinking about locking everything up. Does your sister have his credit card? You might want to cancel it. His amazon account probably lay has it on file. So you might want to contact them and cancel his credit card from his account.
I'll be thinking about you. Stay strong. I'm glad you are in charge of his estate. I. Sure it won't be easy but somehow I bet you are the right person for the job.

I had fun working on cuffs today. I of course did too much and ended up in pain. I'm feeling much better now after a good rest.
I also sold a dress yesterday and a top today. I also finished a cuff for Janiee to thank her for the wonderful goodies she sent.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
2305 Posts

Posted - Mar 30 2014 :  1:34:20 PM  Show Profile
Good afternoon everyone,

Gypsy such a hard path you are on. Was your brother older or younger, I can not remember? Hard no matter which. I am glad you had the fore thought to change the locks. Do you have to worry about anyone breaking in. Even if you and your mum do not get along on political and religious issues I hope she is relieved that you are named his executor. (((((Hugs)))))

It rained most of the night and most of the day today. The snow is compacting nicely. DsT's AAU basket ball games were forfeited today because the coach was worried about the drive down. DsT was not happy about it at all. He still is not happy. There are games next weekend in Burlington so he will get over it.

I worked on mucking out the cows' stalls today. There is still a lot more to do but at least it is not soggy in there. It is hard to muck them out when it is frozen. they are box stalls.

Bunny at least you are overdoing it with something you like to do instead of a chore.

Jan I look forward to the warmer weather arriving.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Mar 30 2014 :  3:02:23 PM  Show Profile
Holly, your right and at least I can stop when I get too far gone. Can't do that at a traditional job.

I got another order today. It was a dress made from an oxford like woman's blouse. She wanted the collar cut off and the neckline made rounded. I had never done anything like that before. After doing my usual stress (and her actually paying for it..more stress), I was able to actually pull it off. I think it looked pretty good. I would have been less stressed if she hadn't paid for it. I did have some castoffs I was able to practice one. I don't like custom!! Good thing was that she didn't get my discount because it was a custom fix. She actually asked me how much extra I would charge for the alteration. Most people don't see my discount info so she probably thought she was getting a deal.

Anyway, I'm done for today. I have had three sales in three days... feeling much better!

Hope everyone is doing well today. Thinking about all of you! It is so nice to have my farmgirl friends.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
2305 Posts

Posted - Mar 30 2014 :  4:40:35 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Bunny your skill level grows every day. It is good you are happy with the finished alterred dress. It is good the woman knew what she liked before you mailed it to her. It saves money to fix it the first time you mail it out instead of fixing it as a return.

We celebrated DsC's ninth birthday tonight. He is happy. I made a no electronics rule and stuck to it. Ross pointed out that a watch is an electronic but I did not think of it that way.
I made a pineapple upside down cake and it came out much better than any of my other attempts at upside down cakes. Even though I made it early in the afternoon it was still warm after supper and melted the ice cream. It even turned out of the pan in one piece.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
3966 Posts

Posted - Mar 30 2014 :  5:51:10 PM  Show Profile

The band just left and Lowell has just put everything away and made the living room habitable again. I told them all that it is time to start thinking of a name for the group. Here is a list of songs they will be playing:

Different Drum (Suzanna Hoffs' version)
You Were On My Mind by the We Five
One Fine Day by The Chiffons
Nowhere Man by The Beatles
Under My Thumb by The Rolling Stones
Don't Let Me Down by The Beatles
Sunny Afternoon by the Kinks
Gimme Some Kind of Sign by Bretton Woods
Destination Anywhere by The Marvelettes and The Commitments
Nobody Knows You When You’re Down and Out by Besse Smith
Dance The Night Away by Cream
Gimme Shelter by The Rolling Stones
You Don’t Know What It’s Like by The BeeGees
You’re Gonna Lose That Girl by The Beatles
Gonna Take a Miracle by The Royalettes
I Wish It Would Rain by The Temptations
Hazy Shade of Winter by Simon and Garfunkel
Rise To The Sun by Alabama Shakes
Lonely Street by Mason Jennings
Richard Cory by Simon and Garfunkel
Citadel by The Rolling Stones
Big Black Smoke by The Kinks
Everybody’s Been Burned by The Birds
Ticket to Ride by The Beatles
Take Me To The River by Al Green

The personnel are as follows: Lowell, guitar (you've seen him); Eric, guitar (a 23-year-old whose Dad is the music booker for the Hat Trick Bar in St Paul and he is an AWESOME player; cute too); Joanne, singer and keyboards/marimba (really great blues/folk voice); Ken, bass (solid and knows his stuff) and Vlad, drummer (he is from Russia; he lived there when it was the Soviet Union and taught himself how to play using bootleg tapes). So Ladies, suggestions for a band name are welcome. Any ideas will be considered, at least by me.

Holly - I believe many of the kids have trouble transferring authority, at least that's what the school psychologist says. Tyree, the most troubled kid, was taken out of the room. Congratulation on the cake success.

Gypsy - You are doing quite will with your executor duties. Lean on B for support. That is his job.

Jan - Yep, enjoying the warm air even if parts of Minnesota will be hit with snow tonight. Mitzi had her first roll in the grass today. She is so happy. We have to take her down to Minnehaha Creek and let her run around like a wild animal.

Bunny - Good job on the alteration. when I am asked to make something for someone, I am always nervous about doing it and spend hours visualizing the project in my mind. I am always so surprised when it turns out well. The prior visualization technique helps so much. Lowell cannot do this. I do it every time I have to plan any kind of project.

Season 6 of Madmen just became available. Lowell will probably go through the entire season in 2 weeks. I hope the bad weather doesn't come here.

Marie, Sister #5142

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

820 Posts

Shawnee Oklahoma
820 Posts

Posted - Mar 31 2014 :  11:50:23 AM  Show Profile
hello everyone! need prayers for my brother, glen. oldest brother called at lunch and told me that g was behaving like he had had a stroke or something. he was bleeding from the head so he might have a concussion. whatever it is , he is not making any sense with what he is talking about or doing so oldest brother is going to take off of work and try to get him some help. he doesn't have any insurance but he does have the money from mom's house (if the oldest one can fine where it was hid) but the oldest one is stressing out and this is just reminding me of how much i hate april. nephew, dh, died this month, mom died in may and if something happens to this brother - uggghhh. it is getting to where there are fewer and fewer of us to look out for each other so i do appreciate each and every one of you!
bunny, your note about the cuffs made my day, thank you! i am sure that i will love them. i love most of what you have in your shop.
holly, so jealous....real dh would have loved to have done that. he was a "honey" lover.
gypsy so sorry to hear about your brother. it is so hard the first few days so if you need anything, we are here for you. you and your family will be in my prayers.
got to go back to work...still trying to get this new system to actually function correctly...
love and hugs to all
farmgirl #390
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