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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Mar 31 2014 : 1:32:13 PM
Janiee, will be praying for your brother. I hope it all turns out well for him.
CONGRATULATIONS MARINNE!!!!!!! You are our official farmgirl for the month of April!!!!! Where your crown with pride!!!!! Hope you find a perfect home soon.
Marie, looks like the new band likes a lot of the Beatles, plus other great bands. I cannot think of a good name off the top of my head at the moment. I am sure they will come up with a good one.
Gypsy, Hope things settle down some for you soon. How is your mom holding up?
Holly, it was 42 degrees here today, so hopefully it is headed your way. We are supposed to get rain tonight and tomorrow. I hope we do to wash most of this snow away. Our parking restrictions are lifted tonight, so we can again park on the street, but the snow banks are still out into the street quite a bit. The rain will help wash some of that away.
Have a great day!!!!
Jan Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
5602 Posts

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Posted - Mar 31 2014 : 2:19:25 PM
Marianne ~ I know that you're crazy busy in your life right now, but I hope that passing the FGOTM crown to you will bring a bit of happy to the busy 
You must do the thing you think you cannot do -Eleanor Roosevelt
She with the most chickens wins 
Annika Farmgirl & Sister #13
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Mar 31 2014 : 5:37:21 PM
Good evening everyone,
There is a good sheet of ice on top of the snow. It is thick enough that I can walk across the top with out crashing through. We went to the other barn to bring over hay this morning. The littles did body sledding across the slopes. Run fast throw himself down on the snow and slide along pretty fast. They were having a great time and laughing the whole way.
The kitchen is done. I will try to post a picture. Even if I just finish washing the dishes and drain the sink dirty dishes miraculously appear or someone has to eat right then so we rarely have a clean counter.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
rough start farmgirl
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Posted - Mar 31 2014 : 5:47:30 PM
Wow! Thanks for all the congratulations. I am so excited to be FGOTM. It was so nice of Annika to choose me. It was a complete surprise because I am so caught up in these move preparations that I wasn't even posting regularly. Although you know I have been checking in on all you gals.
Janie, I am so sorry to hear that your brother may be doing poorly. keep us updated as you get a chance.
Holly, I don't envy the mucking. Our stalls are cement covered with matting. We use shavings to cushion/absorb. I bet it is MUCH lighter than what you are mucking. Especially since we generally keep the horses locked out of their stalls. (They aren't made of sugar, they won't melt.) Aren't we mean? Or maybe it is just lazy? Of course, we aren't looking to milk them every morning either. I like your no electronics rule for the birthday presents. How's our girl's tattoo healing?
Jan, have you made your first shopping trip for looking at RVs yet? You must be dying to start!
Bunny, I sympathize with you each time you get those custom requests. It ruins the entire creative process. congratulations on all the sales. Enjoy your trip. I am so delighted that you get to have such a great getaway with your family. You were so smart to get all lined up your new dresses for posting.
My dd and her boyfriend are at the Columbia Clothing Company Store. With her boyfriend's new job (newish job, he's been there four months already) they get to shop there and everything is half off. So, I dropped a hint (like a ton of bricks) that since we are moving to the wetter side of the State that it would be nice to have an honest to goodness raincoat for Mother's Day and dh would love one for Father's Day... I think she took my hint since she called asking questions about colors, etc.
MIL saw her doctor today and has been taken off the drug that was bothering her in so many ways. She has returned to her usual rose-colored glasses self. Which is a heck of a lot better than the depressed woman she had morphed into. She had such bad side effects - swelling of her feet, no energy, weight gain, depression, muscle aches. But, had considered finishing her 90 day supply that she had just received. Are you kidding me? Get off that stuff, now! It took almost six days for her to feel her normal self again.
Gypsy, we are thinking of you. And I hope you can return to your little slice of heaven in the country soon. I know you are being a great help to your mom and probably want to get some of the preliminary steps in settling the estate over with. Here's hoping everything goes smoothly.
Marie, is everyone back to better behavior with their regular teacher? I really like the line up of songs that the group performs, but I don't think I am very good at thinking up names... Can't wait to hear everyone else's ideas, though.
Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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True Blue Farmgirl
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Mar 31 2014 : 6:39:57 PM
Congratulations, Marianne on being FGOTM. it's been quite a while since that honor was bestowed on someone in our group. I hope it will perk up your spirits and be a diversion from the day to day frustrations you are going through now. Great choice, Annika!
Bunny, have a great time and return to us safely
Janiee, I am so sorry about your brother. I will hope for a happy ending to that story like jan got. You surely needed a break from all your troubles. A longer one than what you got
Jan, I hope your son is still on the mend. I'm so happy for you that he got another chance
Marie, I love that you listed all those songs. Some of them I know but some I don't and I will look them up on iTunes.
Holly, that's pretty good news about the honey. I had no idea you could get that much from a hive. I'd love to see a pic of the littles playing in the snow.
We are home from a very sad four days. But we survived it and life goes on. I will have to go frequently to get everything settled. My mom is broken. She said she never wanted to outlive her children. Last night she was unable to complete a sentence. Today her mind was absent from her body. I hated to leave her but B had to get back to work and I had to escape for a few days anyway. I think she needs time alone to grieve in private.
True Blue Farmgirl
820 Posts
820 Posts |
Posted - Apr 01 2014 : 06:29:23 AM
hello gals, right now my brother has 3 broken vertabrae in his neck and am still running tests. thank you for all of your prayers and good wishes, the doctor told my older brother that if he had not brought him in when he did, the doctor did not think he would have survived the night. i will be going to see him later. he has a neck brace and a buch of wires on him. mel, got my packages today! thank you so much! i love love love the fabric, have already cut it up for scrap quilting and the gloves fit perfectly. bunny cannot wait to see the cuffs! thank you! gg, so sorry about all the grief you are having to deal with. i understand about your mom's mind being absent from her body, i had the same experience after my dh died. the guys at work helped me to get home and then checked on me every hour until my mind came back. sometimes the pain is so great, you just cannot face it and this is how the mind copes. i am praying for her and your family. hugs janiee farmgirl #390 |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
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Posted - Apr 01 2014 : 09:52:23 AM
Gypsy, losing a loved one will never be easy on anyone. So sorry your mom is having such a hard time. Grieving is a long process. Hopefully her church can help her cope. So glad you have B.
Janie, your cuffs went out today. I hope they fit ok. The white one is a bit big on me and isn't adjustable. But I have really skinny wrists. ( unfortunately that's the only skinny part on me). The black one is adjustable with the little black hair thingy wrapped around the button. You can either unwrap it to make it bigger or wrap it around more for smaller. I'm so glad your brother was able to take your other brother to the hospital. Hope he mends up soon.
I'm all packed and have this weeks homework done. I'm not keen on flying, so I'm holding the stress down as best I can. At least it isn't a long flight. About 2.5 hours. I have a window seat and I'll bring my knitting I think.
Cats are being needy. Time to go.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Apr 01 2014 : 10:50:40 AM
Bunny make sure security will allow your knitting needles. For a while they wouldn't They took away my nail file at one airport return flight while it had passed the outbound flight.
Thank you all for your warm thoughts and encouraging words. It's a process, as we all know. Holly, he was two years younger than me. My older brother has Parkinson's and is not well either. It's just that time in life when these things happen. We just endure.
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Apr 01 2014 : 11:25:56 AM
Gypsy, I hope you will not travel back and forth to your mom's too much now. How has your sister been about the new locks on the doors? My son has signed himself into the army hospital for treatment and counseling. He is sore and his chest is all bruised from the CPR he received. If he was not hooked up to machines, he would not be here right now. He was very lucky to survive that without any side effects. Janiee, What a relief that your brother got him to the hospital in time. I do hope he heals fast and returns to a normal lifestyle. All the hardships going on now, it has been a long winter for all of us!!!! I did see a robin today, and Bob saw one yesterday. That is a good sign that spring is arriving. There have been flocks of geese flying over for a couple of weeks now. They do not know where to go with all the snow on the ground yet, and the lake frozen over. We had a thunderstorm last night, today we are having snow flurries, but it is not sticking. The weatherman said we are supposed to have more snow Friday than we had gotten so far this winter. A huge snowstorm is not what we need now!!!!! The other day it was -15 degrees yet. We sure do have unpredictable weather here. Bunny, have a safe trip and enjoy yourself!!!! My computer is acting up, so I better send this before I lose it. Have a great day!!!
Jan Farmgirl Sister #3340
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
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Posted - Apr 01 2014 : 11:38:13 AM
Bunny, Have a great trip. I have always been allowed on the plane with my knitting needles...Southwest, Alaska, all different airlines. I hope you enjoy yourself. Knitting is very calming. I hate flying, too. Not out of fear, just the process, the waiting, the sometimes rude people. Of course, I always seem to find someone to talk to during the process, too. Dh used to laugh because he said he would leave me alone for two minutes and I would know who was going where and why,
dh has a project for me....sigh. mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Apr 01 2014 : 12:20:07 PM
Uggggh , I just fell down the stairs to the basement. All the way from the top to the bottom....on my butt. In so much pain. I hope I feel better tomorrow. Good thing there is lots of padding back there.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Apr 01 2014 : 1:31:38 PM
Bunny, I fell down our tiled stairs a couple years ago. I only "hit" two of them before I was able to throw myself forward enough to stop riding my tailbone. I wasn't ok for a bit. I think you might want to start on some ibuprofen... mar |
Blessed in Colorado
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Debbie L.
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Blessed in Colorado
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Debbie L.
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True Blue Farmgirl
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3966 Posts |
Posted - Apr 01 2014 : 1:58:22 PM
Bunny, I fell in a parking lot once. When I got home, I took a long hot bath. It helped a great deal.
Marie, Sister #5142
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
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Posted - Apr 01 2014 : 4:17:31 PM
I use epsom salt in my bath. For some reason that I do not know, they help with bruising. I don't mean they help you bruise, I mean they help to alleviate the pain of deep bruising. You probably knew what I meant.
Tired today. We have been going nonstop for a while and have had so many unexpected little projects like the exterior lighting going out and then yesterday we spent all day fixing the ramp on the horse trailer. We didn't realize that under the metal exterior and within the steel frame, the ramp was 3/4 inch plywood (underneath). There was no way for the wood to ever drain because the steel frame of the door/ramp held the water along the bottom. So, naturally, dry rot. The horses left dents in the exterior metal of the trailer. We are lucky we didn't have an accident such as a hoof through the ramp. So the trailer has been thoroughly checked over. The Suburban had to have its new alternator replaced and a belt that dh had recently replaced wouldn't stop squealing. When he removed it, he noticed it was significantly longer than the one it had replaced. He showed the man at Napa Auto and received a replacement. So the auto repairs were without cost to us, but boy did they cost a lot of time!
mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Apr 01 2014 : 4:31:07 PM
Mar, I bet you can't wait to get settled. So many little issues to deal with. At least they seem fixable. How is the house hunting going? Are you going to camp at your DD's until you find a place or do you have temp digs lines up.
I plan on using Epsom salts for sure. My mom is taking me out for Mexican food and a margarita is in order.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
5602 Posts

5602 Posts |
Posted - Apr 01 2014 : 6:07:00 PM
I'm chiming in on the bath. Epsom salts or just salt if you don't have the epsoms in a long warm tub will help. A hot microwave rice bag or heating pad also helps. I took plain old aspirin for my sore bottom this winter. I took a slide all the way down our icy porch steps and all of the above helped.
You must do the thing you think you cannot do -Eleanor Roosevelt
She with the most chickens wins 
Annika Farmgirl & Sister #13
True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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True Blue Farmgirl
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3966 Posts |
Posted - Apr 01 2014 : 8:06:04 PM
Lowell dropped my wooden puzzle pleiseosaur and broke her neck!!! Look at her!

Poor thing.
I have been contacted by the Minneapolis Public school volunteer office who say they want to feature me, probably for their annual recognition dinner. I need to finish filling out the form and send a picture. Which picture do you guys like best:


or #3

Marianne - Wow! Farmgirl of the Month, congratulations! Those were some very good hints for good quality coats. The teachers are all on spring break except for those involved with teaching at the Whittier Spring Break Academy. It is an experiment by the school district to get the kids extra help to pass the standardized tests. They are in classes in the morning and in the afternoon, they get to do fun stuff like basketball, soccer, yoga, dance, drawing . . . whatever they want. I am teaching paper folding. I have three boys in my class and they all want to make paper ninja stars. (Go figure!) I have had them make boxes today and yesterday. The ninja star unit will start tomorrow. 
Holly - I would like to see a picture of the littles body sliding down that icy slope. Such risk taking! I hate taking off my shoes for the TSA. It's so unnecessary. Good thing we don't have to have our underwear examined. 
Gypsy - The songs are better viewed on youtube. They all look so clean cut compared to the rock stars today, well, except for the Rolling Stores. No child should die before their parents. It is so sad.
Janie - I can't even imagine how long I would grieve when Lowell dies. I know that he would be lost without me. I would seek help in a group of other widows just as you did. He wouldn't go to any therapy at all, I know that.
Bunny - I once took two sets of double-pointed knitting needles on the plane. Enjoy the trip and the margarita. Remember, we are large and in charge. Baa Boom! 
Janet - This winter has been difficult. Everyone here says so. Even I became discouraged and that just doesn't happen. We could get snow here on Thursday. 
Good night. I will be punching goblins with my bare hands tomorrow. Wish me success.
Marie, Sister #5142
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
Edited by - churunga on Apr 01 2014 8:11:17 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Apr 02 2014 : 08:39:12 AM
Marie, I like #2 also. You look like you are enjoying yourself with the kids. It's nice to see what "Marie" looks like.
I've volunteered with 4-H kids and after school programs. Miss those kids. When the kids and gkids got to old to appreciate their gma's wackiness, the after school were still there.
Farmgirl sister #3926
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but the belief that something is more important than fear." Ambrose Red Moon |
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