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True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Mar 25 2014 : 06:10:24 AM
woo whoooo! jan! i am so happy for you! janiee farmgirl #390 |
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Mar 25 2014 : 07:19:33 AM
I'm okay. I am just busy with one Lowell "crisis" after another. I haven't been able to get tax forms, make soup, start seeds, take a shower or write on this thread. Crazy.
Marie, Sister #5142
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Mar 25 2014 : 1:28:55 PM
Today is a beautiful, sunshiny day, but cool. I felt fine all day and then last night my belly sounded like a tornado was going on in there. Feeling tired and queezy today. Last night DH didn't feel like going to dance class. Tonight we have to go because the private lessons are expensive and you don't get your money back.
I made chicken soup by using the remains of a rotisserie chicken from the grocery store, cover with water, add celery and onion salt and pepper and boil the meat off the bone. Then remove and bone the chicken, add whatever veggies I have on hand, cook them til tender then add the cooked chicken back in. This week I added carrots, potatoes and peas and a can of diced tomatoes. It sat easy on the stomach and was so simple to make. And doesn't waste anything. May have been the gluten free cornbread that did me in. Seems any corn is as bad as wheat for me.
Not anything new here. I'm wondering how mar and DH are doing with the house hunting, how Jan and Ginny are doing today. I always assume Bunny is sewing away and Holly undoubtedly doesn't have a spare minute with that lively crew she's taking care of. Janiee it is always great to have you stop by. I'm glad your life seems to be smoothing out after so much to deal with for so long. I'm not a huge fan of venison but the backstrap is the best meat there is. And deer sausage is really good too. Mel, I hope you are having fun with your new etsy store and start to get sales soon. I'm sorry that you lost a son, don't think I had heard that before. I do believe jan said a year or so ago that she had lost a child. That is the worst thing that could happen and as mothers I know it is our greatest fear.
Hope everyone is having a good day.
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Mar 25 2014 : 1:34:50 PM
Marie, hope you get your guy straightened out soon and hope you've got your blood sugar under control. I'm wondering if there is an OTC way to test your blood sugar, it seems so important to how your body functions. Ive been having some issues with low blood sugar for the first time in years and I have a hard time staying awake for about 40 minutes after I eat. I'm supposed to eat small amounts every couple hours but who has time to do that.
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Mar 25 2014 : 2:26:54 PM
G,corn is a common allergen for lots of people. I know you are careful with your dietary choices. Do you feel less lethargic when you eat a high protein meal versus one that is more carbohydrate laden?
Marie, tell Lowell we have crises you need to attend to! He can't hog your problem-solving skills all to himself. Seriously, I hope your day to day life slows a bit so you can get the things that are important to you done.
How are all you Midwestern and North-eastern gals holding up? It is supposed to be brutal again. We are looking for rain tomorrow and then the next five days...
Dh made a run to the dump today. Which is really a run to the recycling plant. We get to recycle a lot here, although they keep changing the rules on the plastics. Annoying. We had a glider for the yard that was on its last leg, so Dh took off the straps so that the aluminum could be recycled. It is time consuming, but so worthwhile. I like having a smaller "footprint." I mean, I wear size ten shoes in real life...
Mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Mar 25 2014 : 2:55:19 PM
Of course I have been sewing away. I made myself a dress for San Diego. It is really cute. I'll try to take a picture tonight. Finished another dress too. I am trying to stalk up so when I go to San Diego I can post one dress every day. I'm taking my computer and school books of course. Fun huh...
Gypsy, I'm finding I don't do well with wheat. I can do it in small doses, but not every day. I have been feeling terrible lately and I think it is because I have been eating a sandwich for lunch the last few days. Corn doesn't seem to bother me though. As far as allergies, I find if I eat local honey, I don't get allergies as bad. I felt terrible my first year here. I bought some at a Christmas fair and have had no problems since.
Other than that.. nothing new. The weather turned cold and gloomy today. For some reason, my feet have been getting so cold working in the basement. I never had that problem before. I wear these big fuzzy socks. But they aren't working anymore. I hate shoes. ( I know.. I'm broken). I have to wear slip-ons otherwise I feel claustrophobic.
My son is calling me... later all.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Mar 25 2014 : 4:21:16 PM
How funny that you get claustrophobic in shoes, Bunny! I feel like my fingers can't breathe when I polish my nails. Nothing strange about us. nope, nope, not us. mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Mar 25 2014 : 5:23:11 PM
We are still in winter mode here, still below zero at night, supposed to get to -15 tonight, but with the sun, it has been warming up nicely to the low 20s, still over 20 degrees below normal, but it is improving, if we could just stay above zero at night. Rain and snow mix on Thursday. I am trying to get back to some kind of normalcy around here. Just finally starting to calm down from all the commotion that was going on. Tomorrow I get to go out with my sister for our weekly brunch. Bob is backto being himself again. We have been looking very hard for a motorhome. They will be coming out of storage here soon, so hopefully it will not be long before we find one. I will try to catch up with all of you soon. Have a great evening,
Jan Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Mar 25 2014 : 8:25:23 PM
I had an okay birthday. Lowell did not go to breakfast because he doesn't have any money. He took me to the post office where I picked up two (count them) two Farmgirl mail packages. So nice they arrived on my birthday. I had to buy gas for Lowell's car. He took me to a Salvation Army to look for skirts and dresses which I can use for everyday wear, you know, not too fancy. I didn't find anything that fit. I wish I wasn't so, ahem, full-figured. We went grocery shopping. I had to pay for it and was feeling pretty low. I was trying very hard not to cry. I was walking through the store feeling badly when, all of a sudden, I felt happy and realized I could buy anything I wanted. I was paying after all. I got myself a chocolate chip cookie and a bag of pretzels. I ate the cookie in the car and felt so good. Lowell asked me later what he could do to make my birthday better. I mentioned that nothing since I would have to pay for it. He'll make it up to me later I think.
The weather took a turn to the cold again. We had some snow and the water on the ground froze to a frictionless surface. Recess was canceled at the school because kids were falling and being injured. I had lunch with some of the kids in the class on Monday to celebrate my birthday. There was an unannounced fire drill which was odd because the teachers are informed and Mrs. Pendleton would have told me. The kids had a big fail on it and were obliged to spend some time practicing how to do a fire drill properly. I learned later that the alarm was intentionally tripped by a 3rd grader who was suspended.
Bunny - I did get your package and the yarn is really lovely. Thank you. I'll send you a check for postage.
Holly - I've got a Suss Brim myself. Hate it. Yes, Lowell does have redeeming qualities. Remember how well he defended me to his father. He has an anxiety disorder and denies having it. He is very down on himself. He doesn't understand why I love him sometimes.
Gypsy - I love the faery gardens. I want to put one in a container. There are no OTC ways to test blood sugar inexpensively. The test strips cost about $120/100. I can get them way cheaper if I have a prescription. I have tried to teach Lowell how to use my blood glucose monitor but he doesn't want to learn. After he retires, I am making him come to a doctor appointment with me. I want them to give him a heads up.
Jan - I have been alone while having a low blood glucose. I don't know how I could have taken care of myself at those times. Lowell gets scared and worried and then thinks that if he yells at me loud enough, I will do as he says. When I first got diabetes, my mom didn't want me to tell anyone. I told everyone because I liked being different. I tell everyone now so that if I need help, everyone knows what to say to the EMTs.
Marianne - Lowell has little concept of what the real world is like and he doesn't want to follow real world rules. I keep telling him that it is likely I will predecease him and he will have to learn how to take care of things when I am gone.
I am looking forward to the end of April when my after school classes end. School will be over sometime in May. I need to start setting up some ducks for the summer.
Here's a picture of the class set up for their performance.

Marie, Sister #5142
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Mar 26 2014 : 06:47:29 AM
Oh, it was okay. The lift in my spirits at the grocery stores made my day completely good.
Marie, Sister #5142
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Mar 26 2014 : 4:09:50 PM
Hope everybody is having a good day. It is cold again, cloudy and gloomy but still no rain.
I'm cooking salmon in the oven tonight, with rice/quinoa and lettuce/tomato/cucumber salad. And roasted cauliflower. Don't need the cauliflower but found it in the fridge about to get stale. Maybe a left over green bean or two.
That's my exciting day.
There were two things about getting married that I dreaded. One, having to listen to snoring, and, two, having to cook supper. He doesn't snore.
Edited by - doll58maker on Mar 26 2014 4:11:05 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Mar 26 2014 : 4:40:20 PM
Gypsy, I hate to cook too. He sounds like a picky eater which doesn't make it easy. When I was married with small kids, I was the crockpot queen. Made life so much easier.
I didn't sew today. I had a few things on my list so I would be ready for my trip.
I tried to download the printer driver for my old printer I gave to my mom. Her computer is so old, I had to steal a ram chip from my dead computer to add to hers. It worked great after that. My son was impressed. It's the only computer repair thing I know how to do. Thankfully my mother wasn't here to see me take her computer apart.
I had to buy the last of my school books. Got sample sized tooth paste and bag of almond M&Ms to keep my blood sugar up while I travel. I just have to keep from eating them before the trip. Got cash for my trip. When I got home I was hurting so I took a nap. Now I'm ruining my dinner with a bag of sour gummy worms.
Mar, you cracked me up,with the fingernail polish comment. I can relate.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Mar 26 2014 : 5:02:28 PM
Good evening everyone,
Today was overcast and cold all day long. The town road crews have been pushing back the snow banks because the weather guessers are of 6" - 10 " on Friday. It is good to have them pushed back for when they melt as well so more of the water will go off the sides of the roads instead of down the travel lanes.
We put faces on the papier mache characters we made last week. It was not as stressful for me. We used strips of old green sheets so the faces are now green. Little Red Riding Hood, Grandma, the Wolf and the Wood cutter. I wonder if the paint will cover it any. I am trying to figure out how to make the wolf furry. His nose is very narrow so I am trying to figure out how to make it look wider. The boys are happy.
Our contractor is putting up the back splash all around the counters now. He is not as slow doing the work as it sounds because he is doing other fix ups as he goes. Like repairing the holes in the sheet rock that the boys have made, replacing ceiling lights, taking out the broken on demand hot water heater that was vented to the outside and let cold air in and a number of other tedious jobs.
I had the Artificial Inseminator come for Coco today.This was the fourth try. I hope it takes this time. She usually breeds on the first try so I hope there is not some problem that would prevent it. My first cow only produced one calf her whole life and made nasty hamburg when we finally beefed her. Another cow died of cancer and the next died of old age. Coco is only 6 or 7 years old. She has had four calves.
Bunny take lots of pictures on your trip.
Gypsy which part of moving back to the farm are you not looking forward too?
Jan, you might want to look at CrankyApe auctions. They are online and they are based in Michigan and often have many RV's.
I told ddK that some of you were jealous of her booty. She laughed. I will tell her that Marie has a booty.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Mar 26 2014 : 6:32:42 PM
Holly, would cotton balls look anything like fur? Maybe paper clay the nose bigger?
The part I'm not looking forward to is being miles from a decent grocery store or restaurant, and the lack of cultural anything if you don't go to the Friday night football game and the church activities. There is a municipal golf course tho.
Bunny, your feet feel claustrophobic and mar's fingers do-- you both crack me up.
Mar, I stand corrected on the goat thing. Everybody says you must have two goats for them to be happy but I just read today that a goat makes a good companion for a horse or cow. So the horse or cow would be happy, but how would the goat feel? I think further investigating is in order.
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Mar 26 2014 : 9:08:36 PM
Holly - Put another layer of mache on the wolf and roll it in straw while it is wet so it sticks onto the surface. The straw hairs can then be painted. I haven't tried this but I believe it might work.
Marie, Sister #5142
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
Edited by - churunga on Mar 26 2014 9:09:09 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
873 Posts
873 Posts |
Posted - Mar 26 2014 : 9:08:55 PM
Oh my Lord......crisis in Margaritaville!! Lime crisis....price has quintupled!!!! They said the crop in Mexico is bad. What will we do without the magnificent Margarita? sorry to hear that your DH and DD are both doing badly. Thanx for taking the time to visit my Etsy shop and the sweet comments on my apron. You and family are in my prayers!
Marie....glad you like my shop.....It's neat that you enjoy something so small as shopping and being able to purchase what you want. What on earth did Lowell do before you came along? You may have your flaws as we all do but you are too good to Lowell somedays. There is no way on this planet I could be as generous of spirit as you are.
Holly...sounds like you will almost have a new house when your contractor finishes all the projects. It's pretty cool that he is able to fix all those items. You come up with some real great things for your kids to do. Has K always been your only girl? Just seems like all the rest of the kids you talk about....even the older ones are boys.
Bunny.....looks like you are definitely on top of everything to be ready for your trip. I am so happy for you...getting to see your boys.
Jan.....I can not get over how cold you still are......You'll find the perfect motorhome just when you least expect it! Glad things are leveling off for you and Bob. Enjoy your lunch with the sis!!'s the house hunting going? Packing going well? Wish I could help....I like to pack things.
Gypsy....when you have your craft room up and running.....maybe you will appreciate living on the homestead a bit more! If you have animals and'll be soooo busy! Oh and thanx for following me on Etsy....I see you are registered so I was able to reciprocate.
I have been busy crocheting....making an afghan. My MIL made me an afghan years ago...and I love the pattern (still have it on my bed). So I was going through one of my books and few months ago and what to my surprise do I come across but that very pattern. So I decided to make it.. Maybe more than one. Maybe it'll go on the Etsy shop. It's just that I am not the fastest crocheter in the world so it may be a while. I am still waiting for a friend of mine to model my scarves and hats for the shop. And I have a couple others projects in progress. Also another apron. I realize this is a slow launch... but patience is a 'they' say. :) Later Gators!!!
My best to all, Mel Sassy City Girl with Farmgirl Fantasies! |
Edited by - Kirksmom71 on Mar 26 2014 9:10:15 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
820 Posts
820 Posts |
Posted - Mar 27 2014 : 09:29:23 AM
hello all! mel, just went to your shop and you have the most wonderful furry fuzzy white fingerless gloves that i would just love to buy! however i don't have an etsy card and do not know anything about them. can we work something out like me sending you a check plus postage?????please???? i really like those things (teheheheh) claustrophic feet and fingers - what a hoot! those are about the only things around me that don't make me claustrophic! sometimes i have to stop driving and get out of my car to breathe but we are all so normal--yep that is my story and i am sticking to it! and sour gummy worms? they are so my main food source! : :) nothing new here...just warm and cloudy and humid and my eyes are going crazy i think from that ointment i have to put in them at not fun. well, breaks over! hugs and love to all janiee farmgirl #390 |
True Blue Farmgirl
873 Posts
873 Posts |
Posted - Mar 27 2014 : 11:00:14 AM
Oh don't have to have an Etsy can use a credit card...VISA, AMEX, Discover or Paypal. Paypal is a secure way to go, also. And thanx so very much....glad you like the fingerless gloves...I too like the fuzzy cuffs! See if any of that works for you. I would like to go through etsy if possible so it looks like my shop is in business but if not we can work something out! Thanx again! :) Send me a conversation through the shop and see if that works....I am so new at this! :)
My best to all, Mel
Sassy City Girl with Farmgirl Fantasies! |
True Blue Farmgirl
820 Posts
820 Posts |
Posted - Mar 27 2014 : 11:43:42 AM
i just placed the order mel! i am so excited!! :) janiee farmgirl #390 |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Mar 27 2014 : 3:34:36 PM
Congratulations, Mel, on your first sale!! Those gloves are really cool! Good choice, Janiee.
True Blue Farmgirl
873 Posts
873 Posts |
Posted - Mar 27 2014 : 4:06:49 PM
Thanx Janie, your order went through!! I am doin' the happy dance!! :)
Thanx Gypsy!
My best to all, Mel
Sassy City Girl with Farmgirl Fantasies! |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Mar 27 2014 : 5:08:22 PM
Good evening everyone,
Yes, DdK is the only girl. When she was young she said quite adamantly that she did not want any sisters and she would be mean to any we brought home. So, we did not get any more girls. In the last couple of months she is saying this is not true. There are ten boys. The oldest are 34. Twin sons of different mothers, six months apart and the youngest is 6. DdK is the seventh in the line up but was the fifth to arrive in the family. The first arrived when he was 8 yo although he is not the oldest he is second.
Gypsy maybe you will need to plan a once a month hot date in the city so you can get your entertainment fix.
I do not know what paper clay is. What does it look like and where might I find it? I will think on rolling the wolf head in straw. We have hay so maybe I could chop it up into small pieces and sprinkle it on the wolf. I will talk to dsG about what he would like to do. I will need to dig in my work room and see if I have any old pieces of fur material.
I would like to have something fun to tell all of you but it was a boring,cold, overcast day. The children are experiencing severe bouts of cabin fever. The good part is that the temperature high was 18 F.
DdK returned from Boston last night. She went on Sunday to stay with her friend C and take care of her nephews so she could go to her uncle's wake and funeral. The nephews are 4 and just starting to walk triplet boys. They let her drive their Mercedes around the city and she took the buses and trains. She said the rivers are asses. You signal to move into another lane and they ignore you. So, you just have to pull right out in front of them. The little boys were sick so one of them vomited down the back of her coat. She said, she got them all dressed to go out and then she smells poop. She went into a dollar store in which the clerk was Asian. She asked for hand sanitizer and the woman took her to the purses. She said, no, hand sanitizer and the woman took her to the hand lotion. she said, no, hand sanitizer and the woman finally got her the right stuff. She sanitized the poles on the buses. The seat, she and the babies sat on. She came home and washed all of her clothes that night.
I wonder how key lime pie will be affected by the lime shortage in Mexico.
Relatively speaking are Janiee and Mel close to each other distance wise?
I hope M'Lyn is ok and has water. Ginny, hugs to you. Mar, spinning up for the move? Bunny, packing and repacking?
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Mar 27 2014 : 8:21:29 PM
Bunny, I have searched the crockpot recipes and when you leave out pork, grains, shellfish, it still gets down to either chicken or fish, and potatoes. And salads and fruits and vegetables. Healthy stuff. Not too bad once you get used to doing without all the other stuff. Tonight we had omelets with onions, bell pepper, mushrooms and cheese, hash browns from left over baked potato, and the left over salmon. He thought it was good. He's trying to give up bread because we keep reading that gluten is not good for anybody. He won't give up his scones, though. I don't know how to cook lamb but guess I need to learn. I'm afraid I will start gaining weight with having supper every night. Not to mention the ice cream.
Holly, sounds like K had quite an experience in Boston. The drivers here are also getting so rude and the sound of sirens never stops for long. I hate it. It has never bothered me to drive here but it does now. So I guess we will be better off in a quiet little town. I've heard there are hundreds of people a DAY moving to Austin. I didn't hear about the lime shortage but we sure use lots of limes here, since Mexican food is a staple. I had a key lime tree in a big pot when I lived in Florida and brought it to Texas with me and kept it for several years by putting it in the greenhouse in winter. Also had a Meyer lemon tree. Maybe we will try that again. I know DH will be much happier out there. Maybe I will too. He really needs the slower pace. He loves to putter about and fix things and just never runs out of patience. I'm lucky.
Seems we have several MIAs again. Bunny I hope you have a great trip. I know you will be so happy to see your boy again. Jan, I hope things are settling down for you, hope your son gets well and you find the perfect motor home. Marlyn, hope you are done with frozen pipes. Everyone have a good weekend we leave in the morning for the weekend.
Gathered Up: Over 50 Farmgirls  |