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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

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Posted - Mar 12 2014 :  12:57:04 PM  Show Profile
Since I only type in the little box now, I miss some of your comments that I meant to respond to. Here's a few

Marie, I really like that photo of the snow melting - I think that is a very artistic photograph

Holly, I think you are right about why B likes doing the chores at the country house. He does not like his job but has to work for financial reasons. One of the not benefits of having children so late in life. His children are only slightly older than my grandchildren. He likes working with his hands and the computer work is a struggle for him. Plus his boss is a jerk. I like being out there not alone like I was. But I like the city a lot too. Actually, I'm pretty happy these days.

Mel, I need to figure out the etsy thing too. It's so big now I don't know how long it would take to get noticed.

Hope Jan is having an ok day.

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534

Edited by - doll58maker on Mar 12 2014 12:59:14 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Mar 12 2014 :  4:40:20 PM  Show Profile
Marie, here is something I made from part of your favorite dress.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Mar 12 2014 :  6:00:49 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Yes indee dee it is snowing and blowing here on the hill farm. By dark we had 8 inches or so. Hard to tell when the snow blows sideways. I put more feed out for the birds. I hope they are hanging on tight to the tree limbs. The schools let out early today. They stayed in session long enough so they will not have to make up the time. Most of the schools in the area are closed. DsT's has not made that decision yet, but we are not setting the alarm for tomorrow morning. The cow will just have to wait to be milked until I get up. C has already sent in notice that she will not go in to work. If it gets to be noon and the weather has cleared up she will go in. The school just called and there is none tomorrow. They use a robocall and it is so nice to not have to listen to the radio to find out.

The stove is hooked back up in the kitchen. The floor is done the handles are on the drawers and cabinets. It is a relief to be able to use the kitchen. The trim still needs to be put on, the stainless steel wall covering between the counter top and the cupboards and the hood over the stove. But, I can make breakfast and use real bowls instead of the paper ones. Relief.

M'lyn you have far more snow than we do. I hope your Mum feels better and can do what she needs to do to get back home. Are your siblings near you to help take care of her? I hope life settles down so you can make more of your beautiful bonnets.

Good luck on setting up your Etsy site, Mel. Try not to sweat to much in all that Texas heat. Marie here is the link for the Guitar whisperer t shirt for Lowell. It is on sale this week.

Gypsy if you get an Etsy site then your work room will clean out in no time.

My brother has a 9 week old English Springer Spaniel who has eye teeth like little tacks. He was in getting his blood drawn and the woman asked him why his arm had all of the little scabs on it. He said, he was trying to become immune to rattlesnake venom and those were all the fang marks. The next person asked him the same question and he said, I am a chew toy for a puppy. He is so happy to have her and is so much less lonely.

Jan, I hope you are dealing with dh and the loss of his brother. Hugs to you.

Bunny the package went out yesterday at noon. I spoke to a friend who wears button up shirts and he is going to his basement to find the shirts he just took out of his closet to send. He house sits so I will ask him again when he gets home.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Mar 12 2014 :  6:10:32 PM  Show Profile
Janiee, I got your package today. Wow!! Lots of great stuff. Thank you so much. I'm having fun looking at all the really cool buttons. I will defiantly be able to put them to good use.

Holly, hope everything holds up during your storm. I'm glad you are able to all stay home tomorrow.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Mar 12 2014 :  6:18:10 PM  Show Profile
Gypsy you are so funny. as in you have seen some lovely laundry rooms on Pinterest. I do a lot of laundry but have no interest in spending any more time in that area than I already do. Actually, our washing machines and dryer are in what used to be a closet right next to the kitchen so I can just take a few steps and move it.

The kitchen looks bigger but is not. I hope the floor will last a lot longer than the last few floors did. The counter top, refrigerator and stove are all the same.

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Mar 12 2014 :  10:30:49 PM  Show Profile
So tonight I decided to do a search of my new name and guess what was the first thing to pop up on the list-- this chat. Where I mentioned one time back in January what my new name would be. I have deleted the post, then searched again and it's still there. It appears I am the only one with that name whereas there were countless ones of my old name.
I forget this is not a private chat room.

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534

Edited by - doll58maker on Mar 12 2014 11:22:42 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

212 Posts

norwood Ontario
212 Posts

Posted - Mar 13 2014 :  08:20:11 AM  Show Profile
Nice dress Bunny.

Bright sunny day, but terribly cold out. We had 14 inches of snow yesterday and now an arctic chill. I am home with the grandkids. The baby has a head cold so we will stay indoors most of the day.

Still no water and funny but I have gotten adjusted to it now.

Yesterday labels came for my smocked bonnets. I spent time in the afternoon sewing them on and then sewed up four new bonnets. Still need to attach the ribbon. But of course today is grandkid day so the day is gone. Will go up to see mum late afternoon. I understand there was a set back yesterday. So now I don't know what si going on.

Lifes curve balls.

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True Blue Farmgirl

526 Posts

Machias Maine
526 Posts

Posted - Mar 13 2014 :  4:21:50 PM  Show Profile
Hello Ladies!

So here's a lot to dump on you since I haven't been here in awhile! My current crisis is this. I REALLY want to just say good bye to my job and figure out how to maintain us until we get SS Disability for David but I am so afraid to because of our situation. I hate the thought of giving the County one more minute of my time, yet that is all we have right now besides the blessings sent to us from family and friends financially. But I do blame them for the position we are in. Funny, David doesn't, he doesn't give them any thought, but me, I am so angry! So I have not been to work for two weeks. Legit reasons really, but now that I've taken care of those reasons, I am due back there on Monday. Any thoughts ladies? UGH! I'm a wreck trying to make this decision!

The good news is David is doing exceptionally well. He can wheel around the house like a pro, other than getting his back brace on correctly and getting his upper torso washed up, there is very little I need to do for him. He has been doing a lot for me actually. He can now start fires in the wood stove, will fold laundry, as long as I keep frozen treats on the lowest shelf (like homemade waffles) of the freezer he can get meals for himself and I changed cupboards around and put much of what he might want along with a few dishes into the hoosier or on it so he can get to it all. He really is doing super! Me, I'm having a melt down!

Also, we went and saw the Dr. Tuesday for a prosthesis and it's a go! It will take many trips to get it fitted, etc... but by May he should be walking if his spine can handle it. We go tomorrow to a different Dr. to see about his spine and hopefully find out what's left to work with. So for him, things are progressing well.

And that's when I usually start to melt. Once everyone else is doing better I can finally exhale and collapse and I have done so these past two weeks.

DD is back home now too, has help in daily and is just now learning to walk with a walker and use her hands. She uses a pliers to open bottles and milk. SIL has gone back to Afghanistan so she's alone, but he sent her food via Amazon! Actually she finally has someone to help her shop, do her laundry, errands, etc..., plus she has PT in the apartment and someone to help her shower and such. She's on meds now for her mental health and I think she too is doing very well. At least I hope so. She didn't answer her phone tonight, I'm hoping she's sleeping.

I spent hours trying to catch up again, made it to page 124 and stopped. I'm glad everyone is doing well. Holly, I probably missed what you are putting into the kitchen that is boy proof, but I realized we have to do some major renovations too. DH wheel chair has ruined the kitchen floor and is starting to wreck the sunroom wooden floor as well. We have to redo the bathroom because he can't actually get into it with his wheel chair and when he can finally shower, he will need one without a lip and a built in seat. I just wonder what would hold up under a wheel chair???

Sorry, I'm being self absorbed and babbling only about me and us. I'll go back to catching up with all of you so I can know what's going on!

Farmgirl #2343

"The business of life is the acquisition of memories. In the end, that's all there is." Mr. Carson, Downton Abby

"Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally won out over it." Elwood P. Dowd (Jimmy Stewart) in the Movie Harvey
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True Blue Farmgirl

526 Posts

Machias Maine
526 Posts

Posted - Mar 13 2014 :  4:30:39 PM  Show Profile
And of course, like always I forgot things.

I have been doing Pinterest while watching TV on my tablet. How do I follow Mel and Gypsy? I'm at Email me and let me know ok? Not that I will EVER get close to your pins, but I'm sure you have a lot I want to view!

Farmgirl #2343

"The business of life is the acquisition of memories. In the end, that's all there is." Mr. Carson, Downton Abby

"Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally won out over it." Elwood P. Dowd (Jimmy Stewart) in the Movie Harvey
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
2305 Posts

Posted - Mar 13 2014 :  4:51:26 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

A lovely day here on the ol' hill farm. We woke to the snow blowing sideways at a tremendous rate of speed, The temperature was a bit below 0 F. In the afternoon the sky cleared and the wind died down. The sunshine was very welcome. The temperature rose to a balmy 14 F.

I took the littles to their swim lesson. I plowed the driveway with the tractor. I was so happy it started and the hydraulics worked. The snow was well over my knees and much higher in the areas left by the town snow plow. I went to get their car seats out of the other car and sunk up past my waist. Remember I have a 35 inch inseam. lol Imagine my surprise.

I search my name from time to time. There are people with my first and last name and my middle and last name but no one with my whole name. Most of the people with my name seem to have married into it. Although there are many people with my last name in the south both white and people of color. Gypsy, you have married into uniqueness.

Ross has had a belly ache for the last couple of hours. He is a dramatic young boy so we are never sure when he is for real. C is a social puker. Which means that when anyone pukes around her she wants to puke as well. So, she is sitting on his bed while he tries to go to sleep and............. the little guy pukes on his bedding, on C, on the floor and in the sink. C was a trooper and lucky for me did not reciprocate the gift. He is cleaned up now and settling back in. She is breathing deeply and holding her own.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

2428 Posts

Gladstone Mi.
2428 Posts

Posted - Mar 13 2014 :  5:13:10 PM  Show Profile
Today we went up to see Bob's brother. He was in a comatose state and all skin and bone. I don't think he weighed more than 80 lbs. His eyes were open, but were not moving or blinking at all. I do not think he was with us then. We just got a phone call, he passed just an hour ago. Bob is so glad we went back up there to see him one more time. He is at peace now, no more suffering. He was only 64 years old, just 2 years older than Bob. It has been a long rough 10 days.
Ginny, glad you are doing better and that DH is able to do most things on his own now. That is wonderful when they want to do things on their own. Sending you a big hug!!!!
I will post more tomorrow after work. We are back to below zero days for awhile again, oh well!!!! Have a great evening,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Mar 13 2014 :  5:36:11 PM  Show Profile
Ginny, I think you are coming down from all this stress and your mind and body can't cope. Just one day at a time. I think it is wonderful hubby is doing so well. As for you, you need time to adjust. Too bad you couldn't have a girls weekend away somehow. You need a break!

Holly, sorry about your little guy. Sounds like C held up pretty well.
I got your package today. I'll do better next time.

Jan, spring is here in Oregon, hopefully it will work its way to you eventually.

Janiee, I'm having so much fun looking through all the fun stuff you sent. Time to do some smaller projects!

I got my third final done today. However, the college website was down so I couldn't upload my files. They better get it fixed by tomorrow. I have my last class final then.
I did get a sale today, finally. Sold two dresses to the same person. I was getting worried.

Not much else going on.

Later for now......


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

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Posted - Mar 14 2014 :  09:27:22 AM  Show Profile
Ginny, I think you have given your all to everyone else and you are depleted, physically and emotionally. Not a good time to make permanent decisions. Wish you could just take at least a week for just you. You have really been through the fire and now you need recovery time. Not an answer, I know, but I do understand why you feel the way you feel. Sending hugs to you.

I went to your Pinterest and started following you, so you should get a notification to follow me back.

Jan, my heart is with you and DH during this time of grief. Hugs to you both.

Bunny, yea for you, two sales is great. Getting the measurements to customize sounds like a great marketing strategy because very few people fit the industry standard sizes and end up wearing ill fitting or one size fits all clothing.

Everybody have a wonderful day. We are off to enjoy our day.



Edited by - doll58maker on Mar 14 2014 09:29:07 AM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Mar 14 2014 :  12:44:43 PM  Show Profile
yea!!! Finals are done. Time for lunch and the basement for some sewing therapy.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
3966 Posts

Posted - Mar 14 2014 :  1:27:03 PM  Show Profile

I was at Dungeons & Dragons on Wednesday with the laptop and the thing kept going out. The store was having trouble with their phones. There was no dial tone and the payment scanner didn't work. The wifi was probably effected but I'm not sure. I just gave up. Only two players showed up so we played a board game instead.

The first true sign of spring is here. A patch of lawn is now clear of snow. The sidewalks have thin sheets of ice at random intervals with makes walking dangerous. There is a puddle in the backyard in a low spot which will not drain. I tried to go around it by stepping on the snow on the sides. I fell and cut my hand on the ice. Mitzi wants to do her business in the neighboring yards but these are covered with a foot of snow. When I go in to clean up her mess, my feet break through the frozen surface. I will be go glad when all of this is gone.

Holly - The tangents you speak about when trying to complete a task is a process called chaining. It is the process of preparing for a task to get done. So say if you want to clean all the dishes, you would first gather them all in one place, sort and stack them, clean the sink, make sure there is enough soap and get a clean towel. I really enjoy completing a task in this way. The only drawback is I need an entire afternoon and have no one else around. Wow, guess you better feed that cow more thin set so she doesn't go crazy and eat it right out of the bag. Talk about a strange craving. I like the school robot calls too. If it is bad enough to call off school, I don't even want to go out. Thanks for the link for the shirt. I just bought it for Lowell. I bought one for myself which says "Your opinion is not part of the recipe." After we got Mitzi, we realized that she made our house a home and I am less likely to sleep all afternoon.

Mel - Thank you for the yarn. I will use it for my crochet classes and for my own projects. I will find something to do with the hairpin lace. I have never worked with it.

Gypsy - Glad you liked the picture. I have to walk thru/around this small lake every time I need to take a bus.

Bunny - It is son ice to see that dress resurrected and about to start a new life.

Ginny - In times of stress at home, I liked to be at my job. There I had responsibilities and felt valued and in control. I made important decisions such as whose internet service to cut for non-payment. MUUUUHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!! It was a stable, safe place for me to be. Because DD and DH are doing well, I believe you can take a bit of time for yourself even if it is just talking to the chickens. Try bamboo for the floors. It looks beautiful and is almost indestructible.

Last night Lowell and I went to a bar for a jam session. Each group gets about 30 minutes and they provide a drummer, piano player and pedal steel if you want it. They have amps and a sound system so all you have to bring your instrument. Lowell brought Strato with his amplifier and his effects. He was outside practicing his solo when they were ready to get on stage so I had to go to get him. He had no time to setup or to test his sound so he walked off the stage. I was really disappointed because I was all dressed up and wanted to hear him play. The three people he was supposed to play with were disappointed too. I guess this is not a good venue for him. He is so frustrated with trying to find a bass and guitar player. He has a bit of a social phobia so it is difficult for him to go out and engage people in person but I believe that is what he will have to do.

Marie, Sister #5142

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

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Posted - Mar 14 2014 :  1:27:27 PM  Show Profile
I'm sitting in the car while my shopaholic hubby is in the Celtic shop. They have some beautiful skirts and I really want one, so I left the store to fight the temptation. A little earlier we went to a little shop where I go occasionally, they have a box outside the door and everything that doesn't sell is thrown in the box for $15.00. Usually small or XL. I found 4 pieces today, for less than one piece inside the store!! It's an out of the way place and I don't get there very often. The fabric they use is flax which is good for this climate

Hugs toAllFromGypsy

Edited by - doll58maker on Mar 14 2014 1:28:28 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Mar 14 2014 :  1:34:52 PM  Show Profile
Marie you posted while I was posting. You bought L a cool T-shirt when you need pants . I think that guy has no idea how lucky he is to have you

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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Mar 14 2014 :  1:36:53 PM  Show Profile
No he doesn't. I have a pair of pants now so I am all good.

Marie, Sister #5142

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Mar 14 2014 :  4:57:33 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

It was colder today than yesterday even though the wind was not blowing. I went to feed the guinea fowl this afternoon and sunk up to my waist in the wind blown snow.

Jan I am glad that your BIL is not suffering any more. It must have been so hard on him to lose control of his body and then his mind. Parkinson's is a nasty disease. I am glad that your dh has found peace in his relationship with his brother.

Marie I like to read the What on Earth catalog because it has funny t shirts. Most I would not wear but I like to read them anyway.

Four new items to wear. Did the B get anything or is his shopaholic need just visual and not tactile?

Bunny one more semester done. Hurrah!

Sweet dreams everyone,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Mar 14 2014 :  11:23:43 PM  Show Profile
Holly, I got a nice long sleeved purple top, a long tie dyed skirt, a pink really large nice hand dyed scarf, big enough for a wraparound skirt, and some cobalt blue clam digger pants, all $15 each. It took me all of 15 minutes. At the Celtic shop B finally came out with a book. He just has no concept of time, he will stay in one store two hours, three if it's a music or book store. He doesn't buy much, he just loves to look at everything and doesn't seem to realize time is passing. I needed someone with a lot of patience so it works out ok.

Goodnight all, gypsy

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True Blue Farmgirl

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2259 Posts

Posted - Mar 15 2014 :  6:52:56 PM  Show Profile
Where is everybody? Out enjoying the spring weather? It rained here so that we stayed in, and now it is clear and nice, too late to go anywhere. I felt tired today for no reason. Bunny, I have your recipe beef stew cooking away on the stove, have gluten free brownies in the oven and soon as they come out I have gluten free cornbread to go in. Not as good as the real thing but better than nothing. The stew smells really good so I hope it will be tasty. My cooking is not as good as it once was, I just do not enjoy it

Time to go. Hope everyone is having a good weekend.

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 15 2019 2:15:59 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
3966 Posts

Posted - Mar 15 2014 :  8:13:09 PM  Show Profile

I got some things done today. Lowell has out at breakfast and then the guitar store and wasn't home until 4 PM. He bought a new gadjet and was goofing around with his amp and guitar while I washed dishes, took Mitzi out and made my dinner. He wanted me to put his ads for bass and guitar back on Craigslist and I said no, that I was too tired. I then sat down to eat dinner and watch TV when he announced that he lost his wallet and asked me what he should do. (?) I told him the usual things, search, call and retrace steps. Then he started freaking out and wanted me to turn off the TV. I told him to get his bank and credit card statements. He didn't know why he needed them, so I spelled it out. He wouldn't let me continue with my show so I left and went down to the donut shop and sat there for an hour reading a book. I am home now but haven't spoken to him much. Right now I believe he can KMA.

Marie, Sister #5142

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Mar 15 2014 :  10:45:24 PM  Show Profile
Marie, he seems to be acting very immature. You are not his mother. I can tell your feelings are hurt once again. His wallet=his problem. You aren't the one who lost it, but he seems to need you to fix everything.

Bunny, the beef stew was a hit. That's a good recipe. The gluten free cornbread was good too, but I didn't care much for the gluten free brownies. Some things just shouldn't be messed with.

We worked on a difficult dance step tonight and after two weeks we finally got it. The instructor allows us to video tape her doing the step at the end of each class but we just could not figure out what we were doing wrong, so finally I said to B to hold the phone and dance the steps with the instructor, who was doing the leader part. So when he did that, it worked. Before that we were looking at the video, then putting it down and trying to remember. This works much better.

It is hot in here tonight. Normally I would turn the ac on just to cool things down. Maybe after he goes to sleep.

I think this is probably a sad day for Jan. Bunny must be sewing up a storm. Where is everybody else? Ginny is probably a goner now that she's found Pinterest. We will have to send her and Mel to a 12step program or something like that.

Bedtime here, so good night everybody. In Holly's absence I wish you all sweet dreams.

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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Mar 16 2014 :  03:16:10 AM  Show Profile
Still here... frantically searching for a home and packing out this one. Everyone stay safe.

Jan, I am so sorry for your loss.

Marie, good luck with keeping your patience.

Gypsy, You are doing good just making the effort to put on a nice meal.

Bunny, glad to hear your dry spell for sales has ended.

Ginny, enjoy Pinterest, you deserve the distraction.

Holly, It is difficult for me to even imagine that much snow. Love hearing about the new kitchen!
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
2305 Posts

Posted - Mar 16 2014 :  1:20:54 PM  Show Profile
Good afternoon,

I had an overwhelmed break down yesterday afternoon and evening. I feel better now. I told C that she had time to do her master's program and I did not resent that but I did resent when she was done with that piece of her studying that she did not say, I am done for now you can go................ So, today she wakes up ready to help out more and goes to do her barn chores at which time she barfs in the aisle of the barn. DsC barfed last night as well. So, she is recovering. I feel pretty good right now. There were other issues contributing to the overwhelming feelings.

The littles are watching a movie. They must have it memorized by now.

The sun is out bright with some fast moving cumulus clouds passing by. It looks to be pretty warm but the thermometer reads 0 F.

Mar. sorry the house deal fell through. I hope you find another that you can see as your home. You and dh are resourceful if you sell and do not have anything signed for in the mean time. The stress is something neither of you needed. hugs to you.

Yesterday, I took the little boys to a circus game workshop sponsored by the Family Center. It was fun. They did scarf juggling, balancing a peacock feather, spinning plates and some other activities. DsC was having lack of impulse control so we had to leave earlier than we had planned but it ended up alright.

We are having chicken soup for supper hoping it will soothe some of the upset bellies.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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