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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Mar 08 2014 :  8:08:56 PM  Show Profile
Bunny, what is it that draws you back to California. Other than your sons? Do you want to go back to the same town?
What do you not like about where you are? Don't be sad--somehow things always work out for the best. Maybe that sounds trite but I believe it is true.

Marie, that was a bummer about the gig not working out and you and Lowell driving all over town for nothing.
I guess you could get creative and sew some colorful patches over the holes in your pants. I think when I finally get my stuff set back up and organized I am going to try my hand at some of the upcyled stuff I've seen, especially the ones where they mKe skirts out of jeans

My battery is almost gone. Good nite all

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Mar 08 2014 :  8:51:35 PM  Show Profile
Gypsy, I can't explain it, but it's home. Kind of like a homing pidgin. But being close to my kids is utmost for me. I just don't feel comfortable here.
I have been down all day. I couldn't even sew. Tomorrow I'm going to Portland with a friend. Maybe after all my finals are done I'll be in a better mood.

Marie, I hate it when you get all dressed up and ready for something fun and it all goes bad. I wonder what happened.
I'll try to get your yarn in the mail this week.

Holly, sounds like you had a nice night out with your friend. I would have skipped the oysters though. I'm not a fan at all!

I haven't been able to get a hold of my mom to see if they got back ok. She took her cat with her and her cat panics in the car when you take her out of the car. I'm hoping she didn't break out of the carrier before they could get her in the house. She never goes out side and will panic. I'm worried.


Farmgirl number 3738
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Mar 09 2014 :  09:29:33 AM  Show Profile
My mom saw my pillow and said she would get it for me. Now she doesn't want to stay in California because my half sister is there.

She says she is coming home next week.
I feel sorry for my sister's dad. She keeps taking about all these things they are going to do and trips. However, he is 84 and having dementia issues. He most likely won't get his drivers license this next time around.

He lives with his son (another not so nice person). She wants parents so badly but is so dysfunctional that everyone runs from her. She just doesn't get it.
My son says it is a good lesson in why you shouldn't screw around when you are young. It could come back and bit you in the behind years later.


Farmgirl number 3738
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Mar 09 2014 :  11:37:15 AM  Show Profile
So the cat must have made it ok, right? Bunny, your rollercoaster ride with your mom isn't over. At least you are the chosen daughter! Is your mom really coming home right away or was she blowing off steam? Try to ignore it all and create beauty, like usual. Oh, today's your trip into Portland! We will have to meet there sometime after we are settled. It would be such fun.

Holly, has the kitchen been completed? I think celebrating your un-birthday is pretty fun. I hope you enjoyed yourself. I do hope this is the last move, but in my case those are my famous last words...over and over and over! We'll see. This place is good for growing old. It seems like a waste of time doing my everyday stuff when there are so many out of the ordinary chores to be done.

Marie and Jan, we have gotten a taste of Spring. I hope it is heading your way. Marie, I hate getting all dressed up for nothing. But, pizza sounds like quite a treat. We haven't had that in a very long time.

Have a great day.
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Mar 09 2014 :  2:03:43 PM  Show Profile
Good afternoon everyone,

Today has been bright and sunny all day long. The temperature started out at 0F but is now +10 F. Snow is melting off the porch.

The boys were out this morning and are now sitting glazed eyed in front of a movie about making good choices. It is a Disney cartoon. They are quiet or laughing.

I think any good tasting meal is a treat when I do not need to make it or clean up the dishes. lol

I think iron on patches inside the pants that have holes in the wrong places would do the trick then no one will be able to tell whether you are going commando or not. They might go to the top of your need to iron pile. lol

I am glad there was not a fuss about retrieving your pillow. Mom, might drive you crazy but she does think.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Mar 09 2014 :  3:43:59 PM  Show Profile
I agree, Holly. Yay, Bunny's Mom for snatching that down pillow back. Pillows are important. It can take a long time to find the right one.

Sounds like you got a few minutes of rest while the littles caught their breath after playing in the cold. An afternoon in a swimming pool get youngsters into the same glazed look. Or a good change in altitude!

I will have a lot of learning to know what to plant on the west side of the state. Dh calls it the wet side of the state. We will get considerably more rain than here in eastern WA, but much milder temperatures for the most part. And just a bit of snow. Enough for it to be exciting if you don't have to go anywhere!

When we were looking at the house that we are buying, we went out towards the barn and as we were walking around the side we found two young deer. They looked at us and started walking towards us. They weren't terribly far from us to begin with - maybe ten yards away. The fact that they walked towards us made me think, "Huh." Seriously, that summed up my thoughts at the moment. Then Dh raised his arms and they took off, as they should. I like it when the wildlife behave as they should -- namely, they are more afraid of me than I am of them. The realtor said there are bears in that part of the state. Stopped me in my tracks. Everyone started reassuring me that they are small and very skittish. In fact, they CLAIMED they are less of a threat than the coyotes that we are used to here. Again, my thoughts were summed up with, "Huh."

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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Mar 09 2014 :  4:08:50 PM  Show Profile
I keep forgetting to say how cute the penguin sweaters are. They might be enough reason for my dd to learn to knit. She is very soft-hearted when it comes to animals.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Mar 09 2014 :  5:55:18 PM  Show Profile
Mar, I would love a met up in Portland. Too bad we couldn't get more of us together.

I had a nice trip to the big city. I went to the fabric store for some much needed color therapy. Spent way too much money of course. But I do feel better. This is what I get to play with.


Farmgirl number 3738
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Mar 09 2014 :  6:57:48 PM  Show Profile

We found out from Shiloh, the bass player that the party was a bust and he cut out early. He showed up for rehearsal and he is an awesome player. It is now 8:30 and he is still here playing guitar with Lowell. Shiloh is teaching Lowell stuff and Lowell is pretty happy. I am so glad. Lowell rarely get to play with someone as good as or better than he is. Lowell took my chair so I am sitting on the seat that I have for sewing. We only have 4 chairs and one of them is being repaired and finished. I took it there in November. Guess I had better call and ask how far along they are.

Gypsy - Coloured patches are just not appropriate given the locations of the holes and because I need to wear these to school. Thanks for the suggestion.

Bunny - No hurry on the yarn. Your mother seems to care about you. I'm glad she is getting your pillow back.

Holly - This spring will be difficult with all the melt water not draining away. We have a big puddle at the back gate which is trapped by a ridge of snow and ice 8" above the road surface. I will go out tomorrow and cut a drainage channel. I actually love doing that. Iron on patches do not work for me. I can use matching fabric patches and mend them almost invisibly.

It is 9:00 and Shiloh is still here. Time for me to walk Mitzi.

Marie, Sister #5142

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

2259 Posts

Posted - Mar 10 2014 :  09:45:25 AM  Show Profile
Bunny, I love your sense of color and style in the things you choose. And your priorities. Jelly bellies right front and center tells it all. Can't enjoy the pretties without having some good munchies along with it ! Those fabrics? Were gorgeous. I never see anything like that here but I try to stay out of the quilt stores. Because I can't walk out without buying something.

We are back in town after a weekend in the country. No rain out there and everything is looking pretty sad. I'm disappointed because we got such nice rains earlier to get everything to come up and now nothing to help it grow. B is anxious to move out there. He gets up and works all day and says he loves doing it. Said before he met me he was just arseing about with no particular goals and now we have all this long list of stuff we want to do and he is excited about doing it.

Well, thanks to DST. I'm an hour behind so will get going. Have a great day everyone.

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Mar 10 2014 :  09:59:47 AM  Show Profile
Gypsy, most of the fabrics are from Kaffe Fassett (that is a man's name. He is an awesome fabric designer. ) the last one on the top is from P&B Textiles. Very unusual design from them. They use to be more traditional. If I ever get time, I'm going to use most of it for cuffs I think.

I think it is wonderful B is excited about his projects. It will make him happy to be busy doing something worthwhile. Too. Ad about the rain issue.

Finals start today. I'm not looking forward to it. Just want them all to be done!


Farmgirl number 3738
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gladstone Mi.
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Posted - Mar 10 2014 :  3:12:27 PM  Show Profile
I am still here, just waiting for BIL to pass away. He is 65 miles from here, so we cannot stay up there, we have nobody to take care of our dog. He is still hanging on. Today is day 7 without water or food. He must have a very strong heart. Bob is going through a lot now and he has been very moody. I can't say or do much, trying to put up with his moodiness.
It got up to 57 degrees here today!!!!! It is so nice out, but tomorrow night back to below zero. That is what is so hard, the up and down temps are hard on the old bones. The city cleared all of the drains on the corners last week, so all the melting runoff is draining, so no flooding, which is good. There is hope for a spring yet!!!
More later,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Mar 10 2014 :  5:23:11 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Today was overcast all day long. The highs did get close to 20 F and the eaves were dripping at a great rate. I was so glad that it is finally above 0F. I threw the little boys out to play. It was so nice not to have the constant motion for a little while.

Our contractor took the stove out of the kitchen today. He began to lay the tile floor. It took all day and he worked steady. It is not a huge floor but he was careful to cut the pieces to fit where needed. Tomorrow he will put in the grout and he says by supper we should be able to walk on the floor. I am thinking maybe by the next morning. The two entrances to the kitchen are blocked so no one can say it was an accident that he/she didn't know. One side has the stove in front of the door way. The other has a piece of plywood and a folding 8 foot table. Think we have a chance of preventing an oops mama, I'm sorry?

Gypsy, I can understand the B's enthusiasm for work on the farm. He can see and hold his accomplishments right then and there. In his line of work there is not a tangible thing that he can hold and say I made it better. Are you enjoying being on the farm?

A night of good music must have been enjoyable, Marie. Lowell being in a good mood and enjoying himself was an added bonus. Your repair pile must be taller still. lol

Jan I like to hear that warm weather is coming my way. The weather guesser here said do not even think there could be a maple sap run until after the 15th of March. Could your dh stay up with his brother for a night or two keeping him company and talking to him? Is this his first sib to die? I hope he is not doing woulda, coulda, shoulda and feeling guilty about what he has not done. Hugs to you both.

Bunny the fabric is beautiful. So, bright and cheery. You do have a great eye for color and combining.

Mar, it might be time to join Pinterest so you can start pinning ideas for plants for living in the rain forest. lol like you have time. We have bear around here. I have never seen one alive. There is a warning posted each year in the spring when the weather warms enough for them to end hibernation to bring in your bird feeders. They do love to eat the bird seed. In the process they break some yard things and scare people and make messes. Maybe yellow dog will come for a visit and bark and pee so the bear will not come near. Well, if you dh would do the same thing it might achieve the same goal.

DdK had her braces removed today. She is happy and we are happy. Next Monday she receives her retainer.

I hope M'Lyn is alright and the pipes have thawed.

Where is Mel? How is the Etsy store coming along?

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Mar 10 2014 :  5:25:57 PM  Show Profile
Jan, I am sorry you are going through such an emotional time. I know you want to support Bob, but it still hurts if he answers you sharply. And of course, he is dealing with a lot of sadness. You are in my thoughts. I am glad you have a bit of a break in the weather. SOMEthing has to go your way, right? The ups and downs in temps really are tough.

Today, we were packing some. We are dealing with a bunch of antique trains that my father collected. Some of them are still in their original boxes. I am sure someone would treasure them, but I don't really know what to do with them. There isn't such a demand for collections anymore. Too many of us are having trouble paying for the essentials, let alone things to "have." I've never really had a collection of anything but my Nancy Drew books. And my sister took those. Oh, well.

Feeling melancholy - probably from all the thoughts of my parents. They put such value on having these things. And then just kept them in the boxes in the basement. My sister has a lot of things. I don't think I ever fit in. Except, I feel guilty if I don't want these things that were so important to them. So, I did inherit the guilt gene!! I know how to give good guilt, too. ;)

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True Blue Farmgirl

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norwood Ontario
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Posted - Mar 10 2014 :  7:51:15 PM  Show Profile
Hi all.

Still no water here and I've about thrown in the towel and gotten a plumber out here. Thing is its me dealing with the cattle, sheep and brining in jugs for cooking and cleaning from the city.

My Mum is still in hospital with congested heart failure. She seemed better today the xrays say little improvement. I am going to look at a larger unit at the senior home for her and figure out the cost. She can't move back to the house with all those stairs. But this means closing up the five bedroom house of hoarded possessions for the last 48 years. This fall all on me.

School break here. Great timing with all that is going on. My granddaughters seem to be here all the time. I haven't a free moment until after 10pm and get up at 4:30am!

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Mar 10 2014 :  8:39:36 PM  Show Profile
sister. There is a model railroad magazine, or there used to be, where maybe you could run an ad if no one in the family wants them. Moving is stressful, no matter how many times you

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 15 2019 2:00:47 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Mar 11 2014 :  09:30:13 AM  Show Profile
Gypsy, I do have some good news. Although with my mother, it could change at a moments notice. She said if I can give her $100.00 a month she can afford to keep the house. I figured if she was really honest with her finances she would see that she could. I did a budget for her at one point and saw that she could afford it but she refused to believe the numbers. I think it is getting real for her. When she was here, she went to the VA to see my stepdad. I have a feeling he isn't doing well. So she finally sat down and really made an effort. It is such a relief for me. I have so much I still need to do before I'm able to be on my own.
I'm afraid I have been pretty depressed the last few days. But I feel better today. The sun is out. I'm sure that helps.

Marlyn, I'm afraid I agree with Gypsy. Your family needs to step up and help out.


Farmgirl number 3738
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Mar 11 2014 :  12:38:46 PM  Show Profile

The temperatures have warmed up here in Minnesota. Looks as if we will be reliably in the 40's to high 30's. We will be getting some rain soon and that should help get rid of some of the snow. But, look at this.

I have to walk past this to get to the bus. If you want to see something really cool, check out the second video in this link.

And just look at the garden!

What a mess this backyard is.

Gypsy - Oh, your B is so wonderful. <sigh> Handsome <sigh> Handy <sigh> Talented <sigh> Lowell is all thumbs with tools and tech except for guitars. He did buy me a pair of pants. I was reduced to wearing shorts around the house and skirts to school. The kids loved my skirts.

Janet - Maybe have Bob stay in a hotel closer to his brother. I think that would be good for both of you.

Holly - It's not so much a clothing repair pile as a clothing mitigation pile. I just try to fix them enough to wear them.

Marianne - List the trains on Ebay and emphasize that they are in pristine condition, never out of the box. Put a Buy It Now price $10 higher than similar items. Don't feel guilty about selling them. After all, they belong to you now. Might as well make some money and take yourself out to dinner.

Marlyn - It is time for you to put "no" into your vocabulary. "No" is a powerful word in any language. It is about self-preservation not unkindness. You have to take care of yourself before you can take care of anyone else. Yeah, where are your DH, siblings and grown children. Ask/demand help from them. If they don't/won't help, then go on strike, preferably in another city with no way to contact you. I am so angry that you are treated this way. If I lived nearby, I would spirit you away for a week and pamper you silly.

Bunny - Your mother's offer would be such a big help for you. I hope she will follow through with her proposal. Get the final agreement in writing just as if she were a landlord. It will save on misunderstandings later.

I have decided on a radical new strategy for getting stuff done. I will concentrate in one task at a time and finish it before moving on to another task. This will only be interrupted by the need to leave the house or for necessary tasks and emergencies. I have already gotten two past due tasks finished since Sunday.

Marie, Sister #5142

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Mar 11 2014 :  1:17:39 PM  Show Profile
Good afternoon everyone,

Ah Marie, you are trying to get a handle on the ADD by doing only one job at a time until it is done? I wish you luck. I am not good at that. My jobs are sort of like standing dominoes. I have to tangent onto other jobs so the first job has room to be done. congrats on finishing the past due jobs.

M'lyn I hear you about the farm jobs. The animals can not take care of themselves and it is just easier sometimes to do them yourself. I hope you have a break in the weather so the pipes thaw. I try to think one more day one more day and then the overwhelming feelings will subside. You are strong. I am glad to listen to you let off steam.

Mar I agree with Marie on selling the trains on EBay. Do some comparison shopping and price them as she said. I stopped collecting when the children were behaving like children and did some oops Mama I'm sorry. The things were not worth having to worry about. If you want something sentimental then find your favorite one. Do not feel guilty about not being attached to the things. It is a Catholic thing and you are recovering from your upbringing. lol

The kitchen floor will be done tomorrow. Our contractor ran out of floor thin set to set the tiles because he left it in the back of his truck and the cow broke the bag and ate half of it. She is fine. But, he did not have enough to finish setting the tile yesterday so the whole job is delayed a day. We can walk on part of the floor tonight but not all of it so we are just leaving it blocked so today's tile can set over night. Tomorrow the stove goes back in and the fan hood over the stove will go on and probably the handles on the doors and drawers.

Woohoo Go Gypsy girl on that soap box. You are right we need to not allow ourselves to be used. As you are well aware sometimes it is just easier to do it ourselves. Decide what is important and get it done. All in good time. When I win Powerball I will get a helper who will clean the bathrooms, clean the floors and fold the laundry. I think I would get a teacher for the little boys for writing and spelling and history not because I can't teach them but because then I could have some adult time.

I went to the periodontist this morning. He was very nice. He has a camera that looked like a small penlight. It made very clear images. No surgery yet. All in good time.

Have a good night. Sweet dreams.

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Dallas Texas
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Posted - Mar 11 2014 :  4:52:36 PM  Show Profile
Hey y'all...sorry I have been busy trying to get this Etsy thing going and can't seem to focus on ANYTHING else. Been checking on you guys but just no time to write. Prayers to all having trials and tribulations and for those of you steady on the tracks....Toot Toot!!! Love you's guys!!

My best to all,

Sassy City Girl with Farmgirl Fantasies!
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Mar 11 2014 :  5:32:45 PM  Show Profile
Hey Mel, someone just posted a thread asking for advice on setting up and Etsy shop and got some good information.

Marie, Sister #5142

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Mar 11 2014 :  6:31:35 PM  Show Profile
Marie, no contract necessary. She needs me as much as I need a place to live. $100.00 is doable as long as I can get dress sales every once in a while.

Today was beautiful outside! I got my final done early and did some sewing. Got two dresses done and one pinned up for tomorrow.

Off to play Bunco.

Later All....


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Not all who wander are lost.../
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Mar 12 2014 :  09:33:16 AM  Show Profile
Another beautiful sunny day. I'm finding it hard to go into the basement to sew. I miss my house in the mountains with its giant covered porches and large windows to let nature in.

Today is a sewing day. I'll just crank up some good rock music and hopefully get creative!


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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True Blue Farmgirl

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norwood Ontario
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Posted - Mar 12 2014 :  11:15:29 AM  Show Profile
One more chappy snow storm here today. WE have already 5 inches on the ground and its just 2pm. We are to get about 14 inches in total and snow right through the weekend. I want to get the maple trees tapped but with going to -20C tonight its not worth it. Anyway the winds are causing lots of whiteouts and I can't even see the barn from the kitchen window today.

Was up at the hospital at 7am this morning to see mum. I didn't get there yesterday. She might be released on Friday if all the test come back well. I hope they do.

Off to sew.

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Mar 12 2014 :  11:30:25 AM  Show Profile
Hugs to you, Marlyn, I know this a long winter for you. I just heard another snowstorm is expected to hit the east coast. Good grief, enough already!
Bunny, I hope you have a pleasant day sewing and get so caught up in your creative journey you won't even notice where you are.

Mar, are you behaving yourself and getting some rest? Don't make me come in there.

Holly, I'm wondering if the new kitchen will make your cooking for the big family a more pleasant and interesting task. At least a lot easier, I hope, and pleasant surroundings do help a lot. I've seen some really lovely laundry rooms on Pinterest. A place I would never think to decorate.

It is windy here today, a typical March day. I'm off to get my taxes

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 15 2019 2:10:46 PM
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