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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Mar 16 2014 : 2:01:17 PM
I believe this winter has been difficult for all of us. In this 11 unit apartment, I count 3 breakups. Elliot, the guitar player downstairs, said that he and his girlfriend are about done and they are just looking for a graceful exit. Matthew, the bon vivant, said that he and his girlfriend broke up. I asked him if that is why I'm seeing all the pizza boxes and Black Velvet whiskey bottles in the garbage. One day about 2 weeks ago, Kally, the girl across the hall was banging on her apartment door trying to get her boyfriend to let her in. I haven't seen him for a while so I think she kicked him out. Lowell and I have had our (my) free and open discussions of our own differences. Mitzi is sssoooooo happy to be outside in the sunshine. This will all end soon and we can all move on.
Lowell is on notice that when I turn 53, I am no longer picking up after him. I practiced that yesterday letting his coat and hat hang out on the dining room table and his keys sitting where they should not be. I had to slap my hand to keep it from picking stuff up. I keep telling him that when I am no longer here, he will have to take care of everything himself. I am trying to show him where everything is and how to do stuff but I'm still here so he doesn't take it seriously. He is also not a fan of "the rules". Damn hippie.
Leaving for a while was a good idea. I had a yummy chocolate donut with bacon on it (the Scream Queen) and a bottle of diet Swill while I read the neighborhood newspaper. There was nothing to irritate me except for a couple of loud people. I just let them have their fun. Bliss!!!
As for the wallet, it was found on the sidewalk by a neighbor in another building. She is Hispanic so she brought her grade school daughter along to translate. She didn't have it with her because she wanted to keep it safe in her apartment so Lowell left with them to get it. He gave her the $13 he had in his wallet as a reward. Still, his cards are canceled and he has to wait for them. Sucker!!!
I have completed the initial tour of Pinterest and now am just waiting for the comfirming email. I may be a goner soon also.
Marie, Sister #5142
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Mar 16 2014 : 4:27:18 PM
Mar, sorry about the house. Hopefully you will find the perfect place soon.
Marie, I doubt that Lowell will change his ways. You will have to deal with what keeps you sane. I'm getting lots of mileage out of that pretty pink dress. I used a little more of it again today.
I was able to sew up three simple summer dresses and have a fourth dress pinned up for tomorrow. It isn't as simple but I love the way it is coming together. Just wish my dry spells weren't so far apart!
Holly, so sorry you have sickos at your house. Hopefully it will pass soon. Hopefully C will step up better and help more. You can tell her the alternative is to get rid of the animals and just buy everything at the store instead. She can come up with the difference.
time for a nap. I did too much as usual. I was having too much fun in the sewing room!
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Mar 16 2014 : 5:10:03 PM
Hummmm......a chocolate donut with bacon........ Seriously ???
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Mar 16 2014 : 7:05:58 PM
Holly, I'm sorry you had a meltdown yesterday, but, good grief, wasn't it your turn? You are the glue that holds everything together and there should be times when you should get a break from all of it. Before you reach that point. Sorry the stomach bug is visiting your house, hope you don't catch it.
Mar, what a cliffhanger you are going through! I still think you should just get an apartment and take your time looking for the perfect place without feeling rushed.
Marie, we do not pick up after each other. If I put something down it stays there til I pick it up and vice versa. My former DH got in the habit of getting up from the table and leaving everything for me to clean up so I started leaving his dirty place setting for him to find when he showed back up for supper. No tolerance for anyone who thinks I'm a personal maid.
Bunny two dresses in one day?. It would take me a week to make one dress.
Wishing everyone a good evening.
Edited by - doll58maker on Mar 16 2014 7:07:29 PM |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Mar 17 2014 : 09:01:34 AM
Hi all, I got up this morning and it was a false start. Everything caught up with me, felt dizzy, tired, all that. So, I took a nap and feel a bit better! Sleep does that for you.
DD was here this weekend and was a huge help. She listed items on Craigs List and took care of all the details. She sold almost everything that she had bugged us about getting rid of! It was a great idea and it went really well. Plus we have some cash to help with the cost of finding a place for the horses for the iterim and also us!
Marie, if Lowell set something down in my house right now, I'd pack it! He'd really be in a fix. Good luck working the pick up/ don't pick up and listen to the whining choices you have to make.
Holly, any meltdown you have is long overdue and probably very mild in comparison to what most of us would have thrown. Glad you are feeling more back to normal now.
Bunny, congratulations on the end of the quarter.
Check on you all later! mar |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Mar 17 2014 : 12:55:47 PM
Good afternoon,
I did have boo boo belly last night but I did not barf. I am so relieved.
The sun is bright and the temperature is 0 F. It would be nice if it were in the twenties at least. I think knowing the cycle of the seasons in a scientific way allows for hope in prolonged times of 0 and below 0 weather. We know that it will end sometime and that we have not been forsaken or made some powerful god or goddess angry.
Our contractor is making the thresholds for the kitchen from oak that we grew on the property and had milled. Even with his time it is still saving us money with the price of oak being so high. He is having fun creating a nice piece of finish work from a rough cut piece of wood. I am glad we could have something we grew used.
I do pick up some. I do not search for laundry if it is not in the barrel it does not get done. I do not hang up coats or look for keys or wallets or cell phones. When anyone in the house asks for an item such as that I say nope, not my job. Sometimes I just put on a vacant look and start to drool.
Exploring your options is always good when you have the chance, Mar. Maybe you will find property in just the right place. I am glad that dd stepped in and eased your chores. She probably made it look simple as well.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Mar 17 2014 : 1:13:35 PM
Holly, I think the oak threshold is a wonderful addition to your home. What a very special touch and probably a very fun project for your contractor. Glad you missed the puking part of the illness that has been going around your house.
We are exploring our options as much as possible. We have a lot of heartbeats counting on dh and I. The horses have been accounted for, dd took care of that, as well as provided the funds. (they are her horses - we just love them endlessly)
MIL needs to be moved pronto. She is not at an age where we can say, "We'll let you know in two/three weeks." She needs a definite timeline and we have tried our best to provide one so that her calendar will be enough reminder and we can stop some of the "Ground Hog's Day" conversations we are destined to have.
We feel we are trying to balance a three-legged stool - us, horses, Grandma - and try to get everyone moving towards the same place. We don't all have to arrive there at the same time, but money from this house sale has to be available to make the next purchase, etc.
Yes, Holly, dd did make the listing, negotiating, and selling of the items look like a breeze. And also managed to help us move the larger items out of the house into the garage so that the estimation for the moving truck would be easier. She also completely packed out the rest of the cubby. Beyond those large chores, she put the horses (and us) through a refresher course on loading them into the trailer everyday so that everyone will be safe. As much as we love these animals, they tend to get frightened in confined spaces and you always have to know how you can get away from 1200 pounds of scared out of their mind animal. Her easy smile, laugh and same-mindedness of me always helps my day to be better, so it was especially appreciated this visit. mar
True Blue Farmgirl
212 Posts
212 Posts |
Posted - Mar 17 2014 : 7:40:14 PM
It sounds like we are all ready for a good holiday. Where to girls?
We are really cold here again tonight. I woke Emery up this morning but telling him to get up and that winter was still here! It is (-20C) 6F outdoors as I type.
The trees are tapped for maple sap. What a job as the snow is waist deep. But nothing is running, including our water. Still getting water from mom's house every two days.
The 17 year old was in a car accident last Thursday. Not hurt but took the bumper and tail light out the car.Money that was going to go to a plumber to heat my pipelines!! We will endure.We are strong....although a holiday sounds real good right now!
Mum is out the hospital today and back at the retirement home. First thing she did was wash her hair. Go Mom! She is pretty happy to be back but has to watch everything she eats. No salt, no sugar. Blaw.
Been smocking like crazy before the actually farming season starts. Need the bonnets by farmer market season mid-May.
Marlyn |
True Blue Farmgirl
526 Posts
526 Posts |
Posted - Mar 18 2014 : 1:55:04 PM
Hi Ladies,
No you haven't lost me to Pinterest yet, but it is easy for sure! Turns out I was already following Mel, lol.
Glad Mar's DD has helped her a great deal and made life a little easier at your house. That's what everyone needs. I on the other hand am fielding 3-4 calls a day from my DD, but I'm not complaining! At least she's back to "needing" us if only to vent or help figure out how to do something. She is walking with the PT at her side with a walker so she's doing well I think.
I go back to work tomorrow. I can't quit, but I need to soon. I just have so much to do around here, I don't need or want to be beholdin' to anyone else. But DH can now get his back brace on and get up and about so it's time.
Today I replenished my bunny business inventory. I went on paypal the other day and realized I had eight orders! DH helped by carving the pumpkins I still had in the cellar so they are now drying in the dryer. Bunnies love dried pumpkin and it flies out of here.
Not much else to say. Quite day, good day. Time to get supper. We're having left overs from last night. Chicken with parmassean cheese and an alfredo sauce with tomato's and a bowl of fresh fruit. I've gained 15 lb. from all the stress, time to eat better.
Ginny Farmgirl #2343
"The business of life is the acquisition of memories. In the end, that's all there is." Mr. Carson, Downton Abby
"Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally won out over it." Elwood P. Dowd (Jimmy Stewart) in the Movie Harvey
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Mar 18 2014 : 2:30:05 PM
Ginny, you are sounding better, more relaxed than you've sounded in a while. Marlyn, you are still too busy! Hope you are finding some time for yourself, even if it's in bits and pieces.
Today is my monthly luncheon with the ladies. It was great as usual. We got on the subject of have you ever been embarrassed when you showed up somewhere either over or underdressed? Of course when we were young we worried about things like that. Now that we've all lived long enough to endure some serious stuff, we aren't concerned with such foolishness. I actually came out of the restaurant toilette dragging a long string of tissue on my shoe about a week ago and just laughed, and shoved it under the table, whereas there was a time I would have been mortified.
Tonight is salsa class. I hope we have improved since last week, we've been practicing.
Mar, hope your search for a roof over your heads is working out right for you. Good that DD was able to lend a hand. Ginny I guess I missed what happened to your DD but I gather she is ok now? Glad she is calling and reaching out to you. You've had enough stuff to deal with.
The weather is so nice today I've left the back door open so doggies can go out when they want to, and I can hear the cardinals singing. Spring is quickly arriving, redbud trees are blooming all over town and the trees are starting to put on leaves. It's a good day.
Nothing newsworthy going on here. Holly I hope the boo boo belly has finished its rounds and has left the house.
Have a good day everyone
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Mar 18 2014 : 3:00:27 PM
Things have been slowly getting better around here. Bob is still in a mood, but he is glad we went to see his brother the day he died. Have not heard a word from anyone else in his family, getting the news from the paper for the funeral announcement. That will not be until Thursday due to being lent season, and other funerals. I can't wait til it is over, them hopefully Bob will settle down some. We are still below zero temps at night and will be at least through this weekend. We are expected to get 6 inches of snow tomorrow. Spring will get here some day, just not sure when. Ginny, glad things are slowing down some for you. I can only imagine all the stress you have been going through these last few months. Holly, hope you and the rest of your family are feeling better. No fun when one after another gets sick. Bunny, hope you are able to sew up a storm now before you leave for California. Mar, You will find the perfect place, it just may take a bit of time yet. Better than buying something you are not quite sure of. Glad your daughter was there to help. Marlyn, I do hope you get water soon. It must be hard trying to keep a farm going without running water. That is good that you can go to your mum's house for water though. Glad she is on the mend now. Gypsy, I had to laugh at the toilet paper on the shoe tale. Maybe nobody even noticed it. Glad you are having such nice weather now. Have you and B been out walking in the sunshine? Marie, I hope you are not getting this storm that is heading this way. Not sure where it is coming from. Spring will get here eventually. Well, Off to o some knitting. I am still trying to use up some of my yarn stash and have things made up for winter sales. Have a great evening,
Jan Farmgirl Sister #3340
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Mar 18 2014 : 5:46:57 PM
Gypsy, If it is warming up that much...maybe a night on the porch is in order.
Jan, I can't believe you have such cold nights still. We are still freezing, but not anywhere near zero. And we are warming up nicely during the day. It won't last, we will have another cold snap, but I am enjoying the sunshine! I do hope you get your fair share sooner rather than later.
Bunny, are you getting excited? San Diego weather is pretty nice year round, but it will feel really good right now.
Marlyn, what is the water report?
Holly, have you found any other wood touches you can incorporate?
Ginny, I hope you can enjoy a change of pace at work. I know you are hoping to quit soon, but in the mean time, I hope you have some nice days there.
mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Mar 18 2014 : 5:50:14 PM
Hello everyone. Not much going on here. I spent most of the day playing with stuff for making cuffs. I actually got one done. Took me most of the day. I just don't have it down yet.
Janiee, it is one I made for you! When I get another made I'll send them off to you. I'm having the best time looking through all the buttons you sent.
I did get 6 dresses loaded to put on my etsy site. I have two of them live. The others I'm adding one a day. I need to do some serious sewing tomorrow. I don't want to lose the chance to get as many things done as possible. I won't be able to sew for almost two weeks while I'm in California and dealing with my first two weeks of school at the same time. I did contact one of my teachers. The class is a TV class. I was worried I would miss the first week. But he was really nice and said we only have a simple assignment for the first week. I have to arrange to take my tests at the local community college here. I hate math.. it should be pretty easy though.
The weather has been pretty nice here. I'm still cold but it is really in the 50's during the day. The kitties love the sunshine coming through my bedroom window onto my bed.
Holly, I agree, I hope everyone is back on the mend at your house.
Ginny, you do sound better. I know going back to work is a bummer, but at least you have a job to go to. It will be time enough to retire. Enjoy the money while you can. I'm so glad hubby is able to handle so many things on his own.
Jan, Spring will be here eventually. Next year you will be laughing at all the people stuck in the snow and cold.
Gypsy, I have never done the over or under dressed thing and thankfully never had the toilet paper experience. Nice you were able to take in stride.
I have to sign off. Kitties are getting demanding. I can't type with them laying over my hands..
Later for now..
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Mar 18 2014 : 7:23:04 PM
I had a busy day. Lowell's dispatcher Raul called us at 8:30. I wanted to be out of bed by 7:00. Maybe I should shoot for 8:15. He wanted Lowell to be out the door in 20 minutes. He didn't leave the house until 9:00. No respect for authority I guess. Problem is, if he starts late, my day starts late. I packed up to swap packages and got them to the post office.
I had a beginning crochet class today. One of the boys dropped out but the other boy, Ryan, is doing really well. He gets it and that is so nice to hear. He will become as good as I am, maybe better. Mya kept complaining that she can't do it. Melissa and JiJi, my two more experienced crocheters, told her "can't" was not a word used in this class. She was stalling for time by asking to get a drink. I told her that if she went to get a drink, she might as well take her coat and her backpack and go home. It was her choice. She stayed. She is known in the school. I told the girls at the end of the beginning class last year that the teachers trade impressions about students. They all know about the good ones and the bad ones, but I didn't tell them that. One of the advanced students is in first grade and really does not know enough to be in the class but I do the best I can.
Gypsy - Those donuts are yummy. Want me to send you some? I once walked two blocks and into a building in downtown Minneapolis with my skirt tucked up into my pantyhose exposing my butt. The building engineer told me later and I asked him if he liked what he saw. LOL He did.
Bunny - I'm going to have a look at those dresses.
It is snowing again. We could get 2 - 6 inches. We are not in the area of heaviest snow. You will get the storm Jan but you might be in the edge.
Marie, Sister #5142
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
212 Posts
212 Posts |
Posted - Mar 19 2014 : 06:31:07 AM
Freezing rain here this morning. Yuck, just more winter like weather. Someone is coming out Friday for the water. My car should be done today or tomorrow.
I put more bonnets on my blog yesterday. Some "country girl" ones. Hope to get two more on today.
Animals are stir crazy. They know the weather is going to be bad. However I found my first Pussy Willow yesterday. Spring is on route.
Marlyn |
True Blue Farmgirl
873 Posts
873 Posts |
Posted - Mar 19 2014 : 3:22:14 PM
Marlyn....your bonnets are just the country girls with the small print. Too bad I don't have any lil' girls.
Bunny....sounds like you are going to be prepared for your trip. Like the new additions to Etsy. terrific that you were able to utilize oak from your property....can't wait to see pics of the finished product.
Mar....praying for a property find for will come along just like your buyers did!! :)
Janie....thanx so very much for all the beads.... was the Salsa class? Toilet paper a dragin'...too funny! Our weathers been great too....a little cooler today but 70's the rest of the week.
Ginny....get the ducks in a row before you chuck the don't need to create any new stress. So great that hubby is doing things on his own. Hope daughter is on the mend.
OK...last but not least...I DID IT!! Opened my Etsy shop today @ 4:20....yes that is significant for me. My eldest son was born on this day @ that time....46 years ago. Miss him!
Kirksmoms Kottage (that's my youngest. Sorta like my screen name...Kirksmom71)
My best to all, Mel
Sassy City Girl with Farmgirl Fantasies! |
Edited by - Kirksmom71 on Mar 19 2014 3:24:06 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Mar 19 2014 : 3:28:59 PM
Marlyn, at least there is hope that spring is on the way! It's been a tough winter.
I'm not posting much because there's nothing going on in my life. We got email from atty that b's application has finally been filed so now we wait. I think finger prints are next. Life is coasting along smoothly.
Marie, I will pass on the bacon chocolate cupcake. I've been working diligently for the past year to regain my health after the year from hell, and I'm finally seeing results so I'm not going to sabotage myself now. Sounds tempting, for sure.
Tonight will be roasted chicken from the deli and oven roasted potatoes and cauliflower. Not very creative but it's easy and I'm still not getting any urge to cook. It's the only thing I hate about married life. B does not expect it but he just won't eat properly if I don't do it. He polished off that stew from Bunny's recipe today. That was his lunch.
I seem to have writers block too these days so will wish everyone a good evening. Maybe I will be less boring tomorrow.
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Mar 19 2014 : 3:32:07 PM
Mel we were posting at the same time. I'm excited for you - can you put a link under your signature like bunny does so we can go look? I don't even know what you are going to sell. Hope it goes well for you Gypsy
True Blue Farmgirl
873 Posts
873 Posts |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Mar 19 2014 : 4:25:09 PM
So I'm following you now, Mel. Who knows, maybe I will get off my butt and finally set up my etsy. I have a lot of vintage stuff. Of course it was new when I got it lol.
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Mar 19 2014 : 9:37:38 PM
We are back from our cha cha class. I do not like the teacher. At all. I don't enjoy the class because of it. Most all the instructors are wonderful but this one is a big world champion with a prima Donna attitude. I have to wonder if she is so special why she's at this ordinary place teaching a bunch of ordinary mortals with two left feet. Doesn't add up. We are however, now doing a private class every week with an exceptional teacher so I am thrilled about that. We learn more from him in one hour than with this gal in a month. He's just a regular guy who knows how to be a great teacher, which isn't necessarily the same as being a world champion dancer. I will really miss the dance lessons when we leave the city. But not the crime. Our mailboxes got broken into last week, so now there is yet another lock to go through to get to the mailboxes. Everything is locked, the pool, the bathrooms, the gym, the entrances and exits, and now the mailboxes. It feels like a prison.
This used to be such a great town. The restaurants and malls all have guards at night now. Traffic I have heard is now fourth worst in the country, behind New York, Honolulu and Los Angeles , I think. That makes it worse than Chicago, Houston, Dallas, so it is getting scary to live here.
Oh, Mar, you never forget anything. I must not be the only person who ever thought about sleeping on the porch because someone on Pinterest actually figured out how to do it--get a big wading pool and fill it up with pillows, cushions and snugly blankets. Picture that.
Ok, if some of you girls don't get back to posting I'm going to have to resort to telling dirty jokes to fill up the space.
True Blue Farmgirl
212 Posts
212 Posts |
Posted - Mar 20 2014 : 07:22:11 AM
I have someone coming to look at the plumbing today. Hopefully too my car is fixed today. I will be over the moon if this is done.
Rained hard last night but snowing this morning.
I'm chilling out at home alone with 14 month old granddaughter.
Barn work done. Housework done, nothing to do but sew and babysit and wait on friend to fix my plumbing. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Mar 20 2014 : 09:48:06 AM
Gypsy, I'm afraid nothing new here either. Nice to have nothing to worry about for a bit. I cleaned house yesterday. Tonight is my bunco group at my house. I'll be sewing most of the day to catch up. I haven't sewn anything in three days. I need to stalk up.
I'm thinking about doing some custom sewing. I want to post one or two of my designs I can reproduce easily. The customer sends me the clothing they want me to use in the dress. That way, they get the size and fabrics they want. I just charge labor. I saw another seller who does that and she is doing very well. I think the biggest issue in selling is size. With my dresses being one offs, people like the dress, but the size is wrong.
I need to make about four different samples, so people can have a good idea of what they will get.
Marlyn, I hope you get your water back soon. Doesn't sound like much fun without it. I have been there myself.
Marie, I got a message the mail man tried to deliver my package to you yesterday, but didn't have anyone "authorized" to accept it. I hope you get it today.
Mar, how is the house hunting going?
Mel, good luck with your etsy store. Just remember to be patient and do everything you can to learn what works. It will always be a work in progress.
Talk to you all later!!
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Mar 20 2014 : 1:38:06 PM
Good afternoon everyone,
Last night ddK and I went birthday shopping for dsG, dsL and dsC. DsG's day has already passed but he is being good about waiting. DsL's is today and DsC is in a few days. Many reasons for not being on time. Mostly, we have not been at home in the night. DsT has baseball five nights a week now and AAU basketball two nights a week. He likes it and it is keeping him from having too much time to make poor choices. Tonight I am to go to a meeting with dsT's baseball coaches to discuss his behavior so he does not get expelled from the baseball team as he did from the basketball team. The meeting is at 6 after baseball practice and AAU starts at 7 til 9 PM. I do not enjoy being out that late.
I do not remember whether I told you all in early December the heating pipes in the front of the house froze and burst. We have three zones in the house and the wood stove so we were not freezing but it was inconvenient. Today, our dear contractor fixed the pipes so now we have automatic heat again in the front. Such decadence.
I hear your frustration with your 17 yo M'lyn. with the car. The Thursday before yours bumped the pile our dd who is also 17 slid across the road, took out a mailbox and parked the subaru perpendicular to the road on the side of someone's driveway in the snow bank. It has been at the mechanic's awaiting parts. I am glad your Mum is feeling better. It is a bummer that at her age she needs to be on a restricted diet. Will it really add to her health and longevity? It is a question we have pondered over the years. I bet you do thousands of taps. We only do about 50. Do you use pipeline? How many gallons do you hope to produce in a year?
Mar you are too funny. A night on the porch or Gypsy and the B. Maybe you will be inspirational for the weekend. Will your new house have a porch? I hope so. Could you not tell MIL some date like June 15 far enough away to not cause you so much stress but not so far she can not deal?
I hope too that Jan's dh grieves and becomes kind again. Glad to hear from you.
Time to finish the chili for supper.
I am glad you are all here.
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Mar 20 2014 : 5:49:43 PM
I sure am glad I have all of you as my family. Both of our families are just so dysfunctional and mean. We went to the funeral, family had to be there early. Bob has another brother and 3 sister that were there with their children and spouses. All were so cold towards us. We sat down behind most of them, they all got up and sat across the room by the wall. We really got the cold shoulder for some reason. We went to the church for the service and sat by ourselves in one of the middle pews. When the service was over, we did not stay for the luncheon, we came home and ate. We will be so happy to get out of this area. His family does not like me and this is how they treat me all the time. Bob finally saw it first hand this time. We are both glad this is all over and we do not have to put up with this nonsense. I will post more tomorrow when I have more time. Trying to finish my laundry before bed. Have to work tomorrow. Have a great evening,
Jan Farmgirl Sister #3340
Gathered Up: Over 50 Farmgirls  |