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True Blue Farmgirl

212 Posts

norwood Ontario
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Posted - Mar 05 2014 :  1:02:20 PM  Show Profile
Hi all.

My mum's been in the hospital the last 24 hours. She is in a respite in the city after a bad reaction from a knee replacement. Anyway her blood pressure was 200/100, so she had to go into emergency and have tests done. She is fairing better now and today I brought her back to the senior home.

She is suppose to move back to her own home in April but right now it is still so cold and the snow up to your arm pit ( well at least the waist) I can't get her over the mountains of snow to get her into the house.

Holly my younger children are homeschooled. I have schooled them all, just what I have done for the last 26 years!!! I did it before it was " the neat thing to do" and before there was so much stuff out there. My older children all went to University as well. My eldest lives in the Ukraine ( fun place to be right now....not!)and he speaks six languages.

Its been cold because of the Vortex ( cold north winds). Tomorrow it is suppose to break and will feel like spring. Anything will feel like spring at this point.

We have a car port but only one car fits in it. Forever scraping cars, and washing them ( snow and slush).

Gypsy we do have summers and they can be hot. Because we are surrounded by lakes and rivers our summers are humid. That said it is rare we get to 100F.

Today was my work in my studio day. Haven't even opened the curtains in there and its time to do barn chores again. I hate unorganized days.

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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Mar 05 2014 :  1:31:42 PM  Show Profile
Holly, I'm flying to San Diego, then I drive back with them to where they live ( San Francisco area) then flying from there back to Oregon.

Gypsy, have you had chicken or ground turkey tacos or taco salad? That is a staple for me. I have a really good beef stew recipe if you can eat beef every once in a while.

I'm pooped. My mom and her moving crew are going to be here tomorrow night. I spent the morning cleaning. My wonderful cat MoeMoe the terrible brought in a bird and I have feathers all over the house. I also had to put clean sheets on my bed. I'll be pet/house sitting for two nights. So I think my mom is sleeping in my bed. I packed up sewing stuff for my half sister. Hopefully she will be able to make some money. I gave her a sewing machine, sewing tools and enough fabric to last a long time.

Marlyn, sounds like you are very committed to your family. You must be so proud of (and a little worried about ) your son.

Holly, you should be getting a package from me in a day or so. I hope you like it.

Marie, I got your package. Lots of good stuff to work with. I love the colors in your mishap dress. I'll get your shipping money to you soon. Can I write you a check? ( I could also send you a really nice box of yarn instead if you would prefer).

It's raining big time here. It is suppose to be nice on Friday though. Temps are in the high 40's which is wonderful.

Later for now....


Farmgirl number 3738
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Mar 05 2014 :  3:23:07 PM  Show Profile
Bunny, I looked at your house on your Pinterest and I see what you mean. It's much more practical and roomier. I would have to have a porch, though

Marie, I hope Lowell's head is healing up. I'm glad you have a good relationship with your sis. My sis is 15 years younger than I am so we did not grow up together.

Bunny,that was really generous to help your half sis out like that. I hope she appreciates it.

Marlyn, I hope your son is safe. Wow, six languages is quite an accomplishment. Does he utilize that with his work? I think there is a demand for translators in some languages. I was at the airport in Paris once and there were two non-Americans who were having a conversation in English. I commented that their English was so poor I wondered why they didn't just speak in their own language. My traveling companion explained that they were from two different countries and did not speak each other's language but both spoke English. He said that was quite common.

Marlyn, I don't know how you are doing so much, and dealing with that much snow as well. I would be stressed to the max. You need to take care of yourself first.
I would hate the humidity. It is a little humid in Austin but nice and dry at my country house. The nights are lovely in the summer and there is nearly always a breeze on the porch even in August.

Jan, are you thawing out yet? We will all be glad when daylight savings time returns on Sunday. This has been one long dreary winter. The worst weather here since 1986 they said on TV.

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534

Edited by - doll58maker on Mar 05 2014 3:31:14 PM
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Mar 05 2014 :  3:59:24 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Clouds came and went today. Temperatures hovered around 0 all day long. I wonder if my thermometer is broken.

All of the cupboards are up in the kitchen and we are trying to figure out where I put the plates. We are using paper plates and it is so nice to not have so many dishes to wash.

Good for you to homeschool all of the children and for them all to go to University. You have done your job well. So, your teenagers work on their own? Six languages is wonderful. German, English, Russian, ?? I guess all of your children are at least bilingual German English. Does your dh speak German? I have a friend who is fluent in sign language and was teaching her daughter to sign. Her partner was jealous that the two of them could speak together and she could not understand and asked her to stop. It was a sad time.
I am sorry your mum is so sick. I hope she heals with the extra help from the nursing home. I hope she can go home and be healthy.

Bunny I hope your sister can make a go of supporting herself. If she is half the artist you are she should do well.

Sweet dreams everyone,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

2428 Posts

Gladstone Mi.
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Posted - Mar 05 2014 :  5:48:02 PM  Show Profile
Hi ladies, It was a very long day today. Last night we got a call from Bob's, SIL to let us know that his brother, who has Parkinson's and have been in a veteran's home for the last 15 years is dying. They went to see him, 65 miles from here, and did not tell us until 10 last night. We went there by ourselves this morning to see him. I don't know about you, but Bob and I are very upset about what we saw. He was kind of in a coma, drugged up with morphine. Bob asked why he did not have an IV, SIL said that they decided to not feed him or give him any fluids and to let his body shut down and die. I myself feel that this is very inhumane!!!! He is almost gone now. I do not feel he should die this way, like locking a dog in a cage without water or food until he dies. We just got home a little while ago, ordered a pizza, now gonna watch a movie and relax.
Holly, Tonight is supposed to be below zero, then 20s and 30s on the way for daytime weather. I think we may have a spring yet!!!!! It was sunny today, but cold with the wind. There is hope!!!
Marlyn, My, you are one busy gal. I hope your weather starts to improve for you also and make it easier to do your outside chores.
Gypsy, I think that is the hardest part of making meals, what to make, always looking for something a bit different to make. I could eat just vegetables most of the time, but Bob is a big meat eater, and cannot go without it. I love soup, he does not. I do not like to have to make 2 different meals to satisfy each of us, so he usually wins the battle.
Bunny, I bet you are getting anxious to see your son. It sounds like it will be a quick trip. Hope you are able to stay there for awhile to visit.
Jainee, I too am sorry to hear about your eye problems. I do hope the meds help. I have cataracts also, and have noticed this winter how much the snow is so bright and hurts the eyes when it is sunny out. Also a little harder to see things in the dark, I need a bright light for everything now. The price of getting old. I guess.
Mar, I imagine you have been busy house hunting and packing. How are things going so far? I hope you will be able to dig up some of your lavender plants to take with you.
Have a great evening,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

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Posted - Mar 05 2014 :  6:32:57 PM  Show Profile
Jan, I am so sorry about your brother in law. I know it must have been a shock that you were unprepared for. My older brother was recently diagnosed with Parkinson's He struggles to get out of his chair and has difficulty walking but isn't using a cane yet. It is a sad thing. His wife isn't able to take care of him but he has a son who never married and never left home so finally that will work out to be a good thing.

Bunny I forgot to say yes I would like your beef stew recipe.

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Mar 05 2014 :  6:48:05 PM  Show Profile
Jan I'm so sorry you had to see your brother in law like that. It is such a hard call what to do at the stage he is in. Maybe they felt it would hurry the process so he wouldn't have to suffer any longer than necessary. There are never truly good solutions. I hope he has peace soon.

I'm house/sitting tonight. Gypsy, I'll try to remember to send you the recipe tomorrow. I found it on the internet.

I'm learning that I have a little following on my etsy store. I'm also learning what they need in the way of sizes and fitting requirements. I just had a long conversation with my 6ft customer. I think it is time I put together a data base of these customers so when I go shopping I can make things that I think will fit them and that they would like. Then I can sent a little note letting them see the new item. Might help my sales.

No tv here so I'm going to knit for a while.

Mar!! Thinking about you. Hope you are coping with the house issues ok.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Mar 05 2014 :  9:48:49 PM  Show Profile
No rush, Bunny. Just whenever you have time.

Sending best wishes to Mar that she and DH find the perfect place.

Jan, hugs to you and your DH during this stressful time.

Everybody , have a good sleep and may the sun shine where you are tomorrow.

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534
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True Blue Farmgirl

212 Posts

norwood Ontario
212 Posts

Posted - Mar 06 2014 :  06:31:31 AM  Show Profile
Another cold one here this morning -28C and our water lines have froze up. I have a heater on them for four hours now, still no water.Will have to call a plumber to put heat down the pipes. In the meanwhile animals had to be lead through waist deep snow to the pond, which had to be axed open.

I have to go into the city to get mom's passport sent off. Without it we can't claim dad's German pension.

I have baby granddaughter with em today and she won't let me sit her down. Just blaws.

Its going to be one of those days. Its been one of those weeks!

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True Blue Farmgirl

820 Posts

Shawnee Oklahoma
820 Posts

Posted - Mar 06 2014 :  06:49:23 AM  Show Profile
oh jan, you brought back memories of my mom. we were so not prepared when they talked us into hospice and that is what they do, they keep them on morphine until they die but not fluids or food. we had such a hard time with it until they explained that with her stroke, she did know how to swallow anymore and the only way to feed her would have been to put a hole in her stomach and force feed thru it. i pray that you find comfort somehow in all of this you are going thru and please know that i am praying for you and your family.
farmgirl #390
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Mar 06 2014 :  2:38:09 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Jan death is not an easy process especially when it is long and drawn out. No one knows what dh's brother would have wanted I guess he did not create a durable power of attorney for health care. I would guess it would have been easier for you if someone had been sitting there reading to him or playing him music so he was not alone. If he indeed was unable to swallow then the alternative would have been an IV drip or a stomach tube. My father's wife had a stomach tube put in him and then when he aspirated anyway she had it removed and he went into hospice. Some one would come in occasionally and drip water into his mouth but not enough to hydrate him to keep him a live. It must have been awful for the two of you to have felt so helpless. I hope he eases into death soon and painlessly. People are more humane to their pets than to their relatives.

I am glad that you are able to read or knit in the car Bunny. I barf so my only entertainment is looking out the window. You will have a lot of time to visit while riding in the car.

Like you needed another thing to have to do M'lynn. Sometimes when I have my day planned out I get whammied like you all did this morning or was it yesterday and then I feel worn out before the day even starts. I am glad you could run the cows through the deep snow instead of having to bucket it to them. Soon the days will start to warm and this will go into the stories of survival in the north.

Today the high was 12 F. The air was almost balmy. DdK took the littles to the theater to see the Golden Dragons. They are a Chinese acrobatic group. They are a favorite of ours. They all had a great time. Then she took them to swimming lessons. So, I had time to do some things that were not possible with the children around. It was nice to not have someone chatting at me all the time.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Mar 06 2014 :  2:51:25 PM  Show Profile

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Mar 06 2014 :  3:34:32 PM  Show Profile
Marlyn, I can not imagine how you do what you do. You are a very strong woman and I'm not sure what your family would do without you.

Marie must be having computer troubles again. I miss her when she doesn't post. I think Mar is house hunting.

Jan please let us know how things go in your camp. I guess at least your DH will be there when his brother passes. If it had happened after you had left in your RV, you might not have been there to say goodbye. At least you do have that.

It is a situation we all have to deal with sooner or later. I don't know if it makes you feel any better, but I have a medical power of attorney and a document ( maybe the one called a living will?) that says I am not to be kept alive There is a standard form for that. I do not want my children to get stuck with a decision like that and I have told them they must follow my wishes whether they want to at the time or not. I do not want to be kept alive on tubes. If there is no possibility for recovery, I want to go to sleep. I do believe it is more humane for the person who is dying but harder for the loved ones. So the least we can do is make the decision ourselves before someone has to make it for us. Just my opinion.

Holly, I also get car sick. I get dizzy and barf if I don't sit up and look at the road. Therefore, I would usually prefer to be the driver, because it makes the time go faster.

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Mar 06 2014 :  4:25:59 PM  Show Profile
Gypsy, I pinned the beef stew recipe for you. You should get some kind of a notice that I sent it to you.

I got two of my things back from the magazine today. I'm ok with it. One was a dress that I knew was iffy. It is a lot like one of their other golden girl's designs. The other was the red skirt. They did keep the jacket for future possibilities. I can only hope. They still have my slip and the brooches made from men's shirt collars. The slip issue isn't until August I think, so that will be quite a while before I hear about that one. With a little additional fabric to lengthen the hem, I may be able to sell the dress to my tall lady. She liked on dress I did but showed me some pictures of other dresses she has bought that didn't fit and why. So I think I can adjust this one to fit her.
My mom and her "boyfriend" and his brother should be here tonight. I'll be house sitting so I won't be here. I'll get to wake everyone up nice and early tomorrow though! :)

Holly, you should have gotten your package today. I keep an eye on the tracking.

I got an email from Marie there other day so her computer should be working. Maybe she is busy with school and teaching.

Until later.....


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Not all who wander are lost.../
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Mar 06 2014 :  5:21:49 PM  Show Profile

Thank y'all for wondering about me. I just got a call from Lowell that he is stuck in someone's driveway way outside of the metro area. Several towing companies didn't want to try to pull him free because they think he is in a ditch. He told me someone will be there in an hour. I guess we have Pizza Luce for dinner tonight.

I believe that the driveway he is stuck in looks a lot like our alley - high in the middle and low on the sides.

I had my tame Geek from Geek Squad over this morning. He arrived at 11:30 and left at about 1:30. He cleaned up my desktop and laptop, installed Skype and told me how to download the new driver for my printer for free and install it. He also said that my modem and router are really old and they may need to be replaced. He said that the router I have is not manufactured anymore. I'll wait until the thing goes out.

Lowell, his dad and brother had to make the decision to take his mom off life support. She was an alcoholic. While in the hospital for pancreatitis, she had the DTs and aspirated a tube and went into a coma. Lowell came how from college and they all were there when she passed. The last thing she said in his presence months earlier was, saying to his father, "Tell Lowell not to worry." Lowell and I need to craft our advanced directives and the durable power of attorney. We only really have each other and these documents would make the whole process easier. I will name a secondary decision maker also so at least I am covered. I don't really care what happens to my body. I will probably donate it to a medical school.

Gypsy - I am always so surprised and humbled when I learn that someone thinks well of me. I know people do, but few actually say it. Thank you.

I got the shelf in the bathroom rehung and not without a bit of invective. I will be Grandma again at school tomorrow afternoon when they hand out prizes for the Read-A-Thon. I am curious to see how many minutes all the kids read.

Marie, Sister #5142

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Mar 07 2014 :  12:52:24 PM  Show Profile
Good afternoon,

Tonight I am going out with a friend to dinner and to see Patti LuPone. He won tickets to the show.

Bunny the package arrived yesterday. I waited until the children went to bed so I would have some quiet to open it. I really like the style and it is indeed something I would wear but, the sleeves are about two inches to short and the Henley shirt and sleeves are too tight. I think they must be about a 32 and I wear a 36. I was sad I could not wear it. I will send it back to you when I get an envelope. Thank you so much for trying. hugs.

C is on her way home so I can leave. I must go get the children 3 o'clock snack so

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Mar 07 2014 :  1:32:40 PM  Show Profile
Holly!!! I'm so sorry. I measured it and thought it would fit. I'll be happy to try again.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Mar 07 2014 :  1:37:44 PM  Show Profile
Holly, do me a favor and find a favorite top (with long sleeves) and measure across the front from seam to seam and then again across the back from seam to seam. Also from the armpit to the edge of the cuff. I'm learning to get these measurements for a good fit for you tall ladies.

I have another red top I may be able to use. I may have to wait until I can find a bottom fabric that I think will work.


Farmgirl number 3738
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Mar 07 2014 :  9:02:23 PM  Show Profile

Missed talking daily with you gals. We are home from the Portland area where we were house hunting. We were successful in finding a house that we feel will be "home." We made an offer and accepted their counteroffer, so the process has begun. They have begun scheduling some of the tests that we have requested. Anyone who wants to check the place out, email me and I'll give you the address.

It sure feels good to be home. We apparently missed a huge melt that washed out part of the driveway and most of it went straight down The Neighbor's driveway. So after driving home for almost seven hours, dh and I grabbed shovels, a rake and the wheel barrow and went out to re dig the drainage and shore up the edges of the driveway. The Neighbor drove up as we were working right in front of her drive. She stopped and put her window down to ask, "What are you doing? Digging a ditch?" I said, "No, we are trying to fix this so that it doesn't keep washing down your driveway." And she said, "oh. Thank you?" Yes, the question mark is correctly placed. And then went on her way. She knew we had been looking for a home and I have introduced her to the future owner's of this house. She didn't mention that we had sold our house or ask if we found a new one. Self-centered people are so trying on my patience. Her son is not that way.

I really encourage everyone to take the time to make an advanced directive for your medical decisions. It is so important to your family members and loved ones.

What a bummer that your creation missed sizewise for Holly. I know you were excited to send it, Bunny. I'm sure you will nail it once you have the measurements. Sounds like the style was "right."

I am lucky in that I don't get carsick. It is nice to be able to get some stuff done during long trips. Even if it is only a puzzle!

Hope Lowell got home in short measure, Marie. Hate being stuck.

Tired, I will have to catch up with the rest of the news later.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Mar 08 2014 :  07:07:04 AM  Show Profile
Mar, I'm so glad you found a new place you will be happy in. I was a bit worried for you.

My mom, her two stepbrothers and my half sister just left. I'm so mad!!! My half sister stole one of my expensive down pillows with a really pretty pillow case I made myself. This after I gave her a sewing machine worth over $300.00 and hundreds of dollars worth of fabric and sewing supplies. I'm just a bit in shock.

When they were almost gone from the driveway I started to feel really sad and didn't know why. I realized she is getting to move to California and I'm still stuck here.
Her dad has spent thousands of dollars to help her and she acts like she is entitled to everything. The little demon inside of me says she deserves to be homeless. But I know it wouldn't make her appreciate anything anyway. I just don't think she realizes how much effort everyone went through to help her.
I don't think they will be there for her next time...and there will be a next time.

Meanwhile I have the house to myself again. I'll get back to California somehow. I just have to stay positive.

Rest up mar, the fun part is yet to come!! Moving day.

I will try again for you Holly. I loved the flannel I used. I would like to find something like it again if I can.

This is my last week of school then a two week break so I can sew! Then school starts the week I go to San Diego. I hope I can get enough work done before I go.

Later for now......


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Not all who wander are lost.../
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Mar 08 2014 :  12:14:37 PM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 24 2019 8:49:38 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Mar 08 2014 :  4:53:17 PM  Show Profile
Bunny I forgot to say thanks for the stew recipe. I printed it out and I'll try it next week. It calls for one ingredient I am not familR with but I should be able to find most anything at the whole foods market.

Holly those cute penguin sweaters make me want to get out the knitting needles again.

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Mar 08 2014 :  5:24:09 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Congratulations on finding a house you can call home, Mar. Do you hope this is the last move? Soon the Neighbor will be a memory.

I hope Lowel's van was pulled out without too much difficulty. We will be cremated after any usable parts have been removed. Then the box will be dumped in a post hole in the field across the pond to join the fertilizer in the hay meadow.

Gypsy, now that you are married to the B he will be the one to make decisions about your health not your children. I am glad you found the doll. Now you can stop wracking your brains each time you go to the country house.

Today was +10 F at 7 AM. Almost Balmy. The sky was overcast until sunset and then it was gorgeous as the sun went behind the mountains.

Yesterday a friend came over to help me fix the back sliding door of the barn. I had bought new support brackets so the @#&* cows would not be able to push the door hard enough to pull the channel out of the brackets. Then the two channels would not line up. S has hands twice as big as mine and is very strong. He made the channels line up so the door slides lickety split open and closed.

Last night my friend K and I went out to dinner for my birthday (December) to Leunigs Bistro. I had oysters that were fixed three ways. Some were raw with a sauce. Some were fried with a spicey sauce and some were mushed up and breaded. I liked the spicey sauce so I dipped all of them in it. Then we went to see Patti LuPone sing. She is a broad way actor and singer. She has an amazing voice. Two songs she sang without the mic and everyone in the theater could hear her. She is only about 5' tall. She must have had on 4 inch heals and she walked smoothly. The outfits she wore were flattering and not garish. Sometimes when I go to the shows I wonder who dressed these famous people because the outfits are UGLY. Not hers. We had a fun time.

Bunny I am sorry that the short visit of your relatives was upsetting. We do our best for people. Some are takers and users an some are givers. I prefer to be the latter even if people sometimes take advantage of me.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Mar 08 2014 :  6:40:08 PM  Show Profile

A funny for you.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
3966 Posts

Posted - Mar 08 2014 :  7:27:46 PM  Show Profile

Lowell got a call from this bass player who asked him to come and play at a birthday party. He said "I don't have the address but it's at 38th and 4th by the Sabbatni Center. It's a club but looks like a house. There will be people around and lots of musicians." Well, we went there and nothing was happening. I know that part of the city and it is a wasteland. We decided to go to a similar address on the north side of town. Nothing going on there either. We went grocery shopping and went home. I was all dressed up too!!! Humpf!

Tomorrow we will have above freezing temperatures. The snow is already getting soft and squishy. The city has some real concerns about street flooding. Apparently, not only are the drains covered with snow and ice put the pipes below are also frozen. There may be no place for the melt water to go and the streets and alleys may be impassable.

Marianne - Congratulations on finding a new house. Yes, Lowell paid $100 to have someone tow him out of the spot he was stuck in. He got home at about 9:30 and we got delivery from Pizza Luce. YUM!!!

Gypsy - Oh how I wish I could again have a sewing room and have all my tools and supplies right where I want them. You are so lucky.

I was wearing shorts in the house today because all my long pants have holes in obscene places. They are not fit to wear in public. Lowell wants to take me to a thrift store to look for pants. There is a place in a nicer part of town which, I believe, will have a better selection.

That's it. Good night y'all.

Marie, Sister #5142

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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