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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Mar 02 2014 : 4:55:57 PM
od evening everyone,
The gloomy day of this morning turned into a beautiful bright sunny day this afternoon. The eaves were dripping as such a great rate that I thought surely we had raised temperatures into the twenties. Not a chance. The thermometer still read just above 0. It must be that the metal roof absorbed the heat so well that the icicles began to drip. DsG who has had his eyes on a very long icicle for several weeks now was surprised that it had dropped to the ground.
DsT is home. He has been pleasant and helpful so far. He had a great time with his friend in Florida. He had his hair cut and shaped for the first time in his life at a barber shop. I usually do it. When he and my other boys were little there was no one around here who had any experience cutting black hair so why pay some one else when I could do it myself? C told him she cleaned his room and he said, thank you. I hope his old self continues to return.
Mar, I hope the nastiness of your sister's tirade recedes quickly. Where does she live? we could send out a posse to beat some sense into her head, with wet noodles.
We had guests for supper. They brought us pizza this past Monday when we had no kitchen and they came for pizza tonight when they had no propane to run theirs. The mom also showered. They do not have running water. They live off grid and bucket in their water to use. They have hooked up some hydropower that works in the summer and a solar panel that works whenever there is sun. They are good people.
I received a printer for my birthday. It did not work so C sent it back. Then the next one came and worked for two weeks. It was sent back and this one came. It made a nasty sound when it was turned on and C despaired that she would have to send it back as well. Then the dad from the above family who is clever with electronics looked at it and touched something and now it works wonderfully. Marie, I agree with you that it is very frustrating when it won't work because there is nothing wrong with it and then some one else touches it and it works.
I am fascinated by Lasik but on the other hand a slip and the vision I do have could be gone. So, I stay with the glasses.
I like the cuff, it is bright and cheery. You make a lot of people happy with your creations
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
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Posted - Mar 02 2014 : 5:16:32 PM
Bunny, I like your cuff, too. It looks like a lot of work. I can understand your irritation that your shop front has been changed. I hope it works to your advantage. I really enjoy the steampunk look. Did you see Under The Gunn last week with the steampunk challenge? A few of the designers really did well.
Holly, I am terrible with all electronics and my touch practically insures they will cease to work. Glad you got your printer all squared away. Thank you for your comments on my sister. She is older and has always been resentful towards me. It is difficult.She is a smart woman, a good worker and a good friend, but she doesn't seem to be able to set aside her deepest childhood resentments towards my existence and be a sister I can have a relationship with. I think I must give up. My family tells me I have tried long enough. They are very wise and I should listen to them in this case. Your ddK is a young woman after my own heart. I love my beauty supplies. I know she is not foolish enough to live with anyone who wouldn't enhance her life. Male or female. I hope dsT can hold on to the happiness he knows right now. And, Holly, I want to thank you for mentioning this morning that you hope we have moments of joy today. It reminded me that there are always moments of joy. You have to look for them and remember to acknowledge them no matter what else is going on. That said, some days it's easier than others!
Marie, that sounds like it was quite a lot of blood. But, I guess the head bleeds a lot. Still, you must have been a bit scared when you first walked into the bathroom! Hope he is feeling fine now. He might have a pretty good wound to tell a good story about! Glad to hear that although your computer was frustrating you terribly, it is all working now.
I don't know why our names are different colors. On my screen, Holly is red, Bunny, Marie and I are blue...
We got about 8 inches of snow today. Sometime about 3 am tomorrow morning we are supposed to reach above freezing and then you know what happens. Slush.
I am too much of a coward to ever choose to let someone cut my eyes. I will have cataract surgery if and when I need it kicking and screaming. Who has a needle phobia? My daughter, husband and MIL all do.
mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Mar 02 2014 : 8:10:30 PM
Hello everyone,
I typed a post earlier and it disappeared. Here goes again.
We got home about 4:00 this afternoon. Friday and Saturday were in the 70's. Today started out that way. Then the dreadful storm came through, I think we just got the bottom of it and not the brunt, but my car thermometer read 72 when we left Houston, and about an hour later we went through it, I literally watched the digits drop one after the other from 72 down to 46 in a matter of minutes, with blowing rain. So we stopped and had some lunch and got gas in the car. Then as we continued to drive toward Austin, the thermometer continued to drop until it was 31 when we arrived. It is supposed to be wet and cold all week. I think some of you, and even Mel, who is north of me in Texas, will have severe cold.
The trip was not too bad. It took the B about an hour or less to completely charm my mom. He made and served her Earl grey tea made the British way with cream and sugar, with a KitKat. He sat and had tea with her and asked her sweet gentle questions about her religion. He heard her. That's all she wanted. Just to be heard. He is a very wise man.
Then he stayed with her yesterday and helped her do chores while I went out to my brothers and gave him a haircut and set up his IPad. When we left this morning, he hugged her and she teared up a little bit and told him he was a wonderful man and thanked him for making her sweet daughter so happy. He completely disarmed her and she became the sweet little old lady that she is capable of being. I'm never going there without him
I will have the LASIK surgery when my doctor says I need it. He said about two years ago that I am probably about ten years away from needing it for cataracts and by then they will have it perfected so that I will have perfect vision. Now I just need readers. The trick to any successful surgery is do the homework and find the best.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Edited by - doll58maker on Mar 04 2014 3:36:57 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Mar 02 2014 : 8:37:14 PM
Bunny, I really like the cuff. What will you put it on? Do you have to make two alike, or can they be different?
Mom gave me 25 doilies that she has crocheted over the years. I still think I might try to make that skirt. I already have a boxful of doilies but she made these and now having broken both wrists in the past few years, she won't be making any more. I gave her some money so I guess she didn't actually give them to me but she would have.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Mar 02 2014 : 8:56:53 PM
The sisterly no-show sounds very familiar, Gypsy. We used to fly from NY to CA to see the family and my sister didn't make the 20 minute drive...
mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Mar 02 2014 : 9:38:06 PM
Aren't sisters wonderful? Sounds like a few of us have sister issues in common. Kind a sad actually. Gypsy, the cuff is like a bracelet. It did take a while but that is because it took me a while to figure out how I wanted to make it. The hard part is figuring out how much to charge for them. They take almost an hour each.
Gypsy, I figured B would charm your mom. It's the accent.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Mar 02 2014 : 10:18:16 PM
Gypsy, Mar, Bunny........I never had sisters........listening to your issues.....I think I just may have been blessed having been an only child! :) I did have three stepsisters but never spent too much time with them....and they were 6,8 and 10 years older than me. I was a bit of a nuisance to the youngest for a year or so when she was a teenager, though. :)
Holly, I noticed you mentioned my name showed up as blue.....that usually happens when you have been on another board that I was also Marie is blue on my screen today because we were both on the 2014 Photo Challenge board today and I clicked on Bunny to see if she had been on another board so when I came back her name also appeared blue.
Bunny....I did find you on Pinterest and started following you. I was trying to set up my bannner for my Etsy shop but I didn't figure out how to over print the name to the picture. Oh well....onward and upward! :)
Gypsy.....How wonderful for B to charm your mom! He is your miracle man! :) You are right about the weather....we got sleet and a tiny bit of snow...not too horrendous but it was almost 80 yesterday and now it's 18. My son took me for a shared birthday lunch yesterday and he had the top down on his 500SL and it was wonderful! Now today I had to bundle up to the max just to walk Jake!
My best to all, Mel
Sassy City Girl with Farmgirl Fantasies! |
True Blue Farmgirl
820 Posts
820 Posts |
Posted - Mar 03 2014 : 07:56:04 AM
hello gals, got some bad news friday at the eye doctor. might have macular denergeration in my right eye. have started vitamins and ointment per his instructions. won't give me a prescription for glasses until he sees me again in 2 weeks. bleh. am having to rethink some things in my life. very sad... janiee farmgirl #390 |
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Mar 03 2014 : 1:21:10 PM
I am have the best sister. Her name is Vanessa and she is known as Audra Rose on this site. She got me into this. I must confess that I wasn't always very nice to her when we were young. I was always in the way. She wore my clothes and put perfume on them. She lost my favorite ring. She was always so happy which drove me nuts. As we grew and had our own lives, we realized how much we missed each other. Our fantasy is to be old ladies in the same nursing home. We would call all the nurses Heather, even the male ones, and then giggle because we really do know their names. She wants to get a farm, have a garden and raise chickens. When our DHs are no longer around, I will move in with her and we will end our lives together just how we began them.
Bunny - I apologize. The dress with the blue plaid tope looked as if it was made with the shirt I sent. I love the cuffs.
Holly - We all need a techno mage in our lives. My electronics have been saved many times by such people.
Marianne - Lowell bumps his head all the time. Here's the picture:
The shelf that was knocked off the wall by his head has broken and needs to be re-glued. I made that shelf in shop class 38 years ago. GAH!!!
Gypsy - What a special guy B is. I knew he was up to the challenge of your mother.
Marie, Sister #5142
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Mar 03 2014 : 5:03:04 PM
Good evening everyone,
Another lovely frigid day here in the northeast. The sun was shining, the snow was sparkling and the temperature was just above 0 all day long.
We had a friend Janet, who died many years ago who collected cats. At one point she and her partner had 24. Most of them were feline leukemia positive because no one wanted them so Janet took them. So, Janet said if you have a cat the is mean or nasty you should love them up that much more. I have a brother who sounds like your sisters. He was the oldest and has always thought that he should have been an only. When my sister calls him he talks to her husband more than he talks to her. When he came up to visit because our sister had come to visit us he brought a cuisinart and gave it to C. My sister and I joke that Big Brother likes C and R more than he likes us. Anyway since he lives several hours from me and we do not visit not that I would have much to talk to him about I send him a card with a photo on it that I have taken. I do it for me. I do not expect any reply. I have put him in a place in my life where he does not hurt me so much anymore. Now, he did not send me a card for winter holidays this past year and I still wonder why but I send him a card. Inside the card I put a little note about what my family is doing. It is not a big effort on my part to create the card but each week he receives a nice piece of mail. Maybe you all should annoy your siblings as well by being kind. Just a suggestion.
Mel you are so smart about the blue and red. I would never have known or figured it out. What are you putting on your etsy site?
Janiee I am sorry your eye is not doing well. I hope the medicine shows improvement in the degeneration in two weeks. It is good you could go now so maybe it can be stalled. Head wounds do bleed so much. I guess Lowell needs a web cam on his head or a little sensor that beeps when he gets too close. I have a box I made in high school that I keep.
Most of the time I do not think of myself as growing old. I do when I go to the periodontist and look in the mirror. the lighting is awful there for wrinkles. But, when I say remember 38 years ago when..... or when the news people talk about the 50th anniversary of the Beetles coming to America. I was alive then. To remember those events puts my years in a little more perspective. I am glad I am alive to remember.
I am glad B made your mother happy. What a gift that is to both she and you. What a change from the past visits. You are not nearly as stressed about seeing her as you have been in the past. NOw if she drops dead tonight you will know that the last time you saw her you left her happy.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

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Posted - Mar 03 2014 : 5:57:12 PM
Holly, like the saying goes, "Kill them with kindness." I have 8 siblings living, and they are all like that, except the sister I go out to eat with each week. She is my older sister. Most of us live right here and none of us see each other at all. My sister that lives by Chicago saw that I was on facebook on day a couple of months ago, so she asked me if one of my other sisters could come over and get all of our family pictures, she wants them. Now, I have had these pictures for 34 years, after my mom died, and not one person asked for any before that. She knows we are taking off in the fall. I think that is very rude and selfish. Gypsy, I am so glad your mother likes B and he made her happy. I am sure she feels so much more at peace knowing that you are well cared for now. Bless her. Mel, you and gypsy have had some cold weather too. It probably feels like our weather does to us. We have hit every record for cold there is this year. It was -20 this morning, and only got up to 5 degrees. There should be relief coming soon though, I am hoping. I am sure we will be complaining about heat in the summer too. Bunny, I like that cuff also, but I do see there are a lot of people making those, I am not sure if it would be worth the time to make them. Maybe. Marie, Poor Lowell!!!!! Hope he heals fast. I have another big box of yarn to send, but probably will not get it out until the end of the week. I will put in some pony beads for you also. I have tons of those. Mar, Sounds like most of us have a sister like yours. Live your own life, and forget about them. We will not miss any of our families, except my son and daughter. I always tell my big sister that if the rest of our family can't come and see me while I'm alive, don't come see me when I'm dead. I will be cremated for that reason. Bob's family is the same. Only thinking of themselves. Not even a Christmas card. Well, time to watch some tv before bed. Have a great evening,
Jan Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

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Posted - Mar 03 2014 : 6:08:45 PM
I misspoke. My sister was always in the way or so I thought when I was young. I was a very lonely, sad young lady and had so much responsibility being the oldest. Vanessa always tried to cheer me up.
Marie, Sister #5142
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Mar 03 2014 : 6:09:03 PM
Holly, I am very kind to my sister. Well, nice may be a better word. But not because I am a kind person. Rather, to keep peace in the family. But you are so right and your point is well taken. I think I will try to do as you are doing with your brother. That is the right thing to do. Try to give them a guilty conscience! Now why didn't I think of that!
I don't think of being old at all. I don't know what cruel sicko put those horrible mirrors in all the department store dressing rooms. Or the lights either.
We did not go to dance class tonight. It is just too cold. I'm stressed out and B is tired. Actually he's watching Ancient Aliens with his head back, eyes closed, mouth open. He watches a lot of TV like that.
Jainee, I'm so sorry about the dr report on your eyes but there is really so much they can do now. Please do not be discouraged. I too am glad they caught it when they did so you can begin to get proper treatment.
Marie, my ex used to open cabinet doors and then forget and raise up under them. His mother did the same thing. I thought it was so weird that they both did it fairly frequently. Tell Lowell we are sorry for his bobo and thanks for sharing.
Jan I know you are counting the days til you can get the heck out of dodge.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Edited by - doll58maker on Mar 03 2014 6:10:10 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
212 Posts
212 Posts |
Posted - Mar 03 2014 : 7:44:51 PM
Heh there Ladies
Kind of a tough weekend here. Very cold..too cold. -55C with windshield at night and not letting up tonight. Darn Vortex.
Marie: Your poor hubby. It looks dreadful. Of course the typical male would think the sky was falling on him.
Bunny: love your cuff. Can't wait to see the whole item.
Spent the weekend filling the oil tank to the house. We do it ourselves. To have it delivered is $1.30 litre plus tax. To do it myself is $1.04 litre. However it means driving to get the oil and filling the tank myself which takes muscles.I have done it every second week all winter except once.
This cold means a lot of barn care. The cows need to be closed in at night for warmth. It is so cold they could freeze in 5 minutes. I worry terribly about illness in them right now. In the morning they are let out to enjoy the sunshine.
My eggs are usually froze opened now. Even when I collect them hourly. Wish there was a way to have them come down a shoot into the house, not cracked open.
Today I brought Dearest car in for muffler work and oil change. We usually do the oil change ourselves but in this cold....forget it. Did laundry at mum's house and bought groceries. Went to a new quilting store but its closed on Mondays. Somehow I think that was a good thing.
Marlyn |
True Blue Farmgirl
820 Posts
820 Posts |
Posted - Mar 04 2014 : 06:08:43 AM
thank you ladies for all your encouragement. i really need my sisters! was going to to go to oklahoma next week but my sister called and told me the weather will be too bad and not to come. so maybe will do some sewing or cleaning. bunny, i LOVE the cuff, i would buy those from you. I would love to have one in black with bling bling and one with lots of lace. if you can make them, just let me know the price and i will gladly pay it! i would really like to see more of them because that is my "thing" to wear that makes me feel like a girl (i work with all men and have to wear blue jeans -bleh) janet, so sorry that your family is like that. in some ways my family is too although with all this going on,i really feel like my oldest brother and i are becomeing closer and that is nice. to go! love to all janiee farmgirl #390 |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Mar 04 2014 : 08:51:13 AM
Bunny, I keep finding things on Pinterest that I want you to see. So I just made Bunny's board. Go look at the house that is EXACTLY what you have been talking about! If you click on the link to the story, it could be your story. Let me know if you see it and what you think.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Mar 04 2014 : 08:54:43 AM
Never mind. I figured out how to send it directly yo you. In the process I see someone has hacked my profile and changed my wording.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
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Posted - Mar 04 2014 : 09:20:39 AM
Gypsy, I have seen articles about that house. It is very nice but looks cramped. I just pinned my favorite tiny house. I don't know that it will ever happen though. I need money and someone to build it for me. I just don't have enough energy to do it. My son would probably do it if I had the money, but he has no place to build it. I'll most likely end up in a trailer. I can still make it nice.
Janiee, thank you for the encouragement. I'll see what I can do.
Marlyn, I just can't imagine living somewhere that cold. I don't know how you do it!
Homework is calling....
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Mar 04 2014 : 11:11:33 AM
Good afternoon everyone,
DsJ is wrestling and running the little boys ragged right now so I have a couple of minutes to amuse myself.
M'Lyn I do not envy your temperatures at all. I hope you have good insulation in your house. We have our oil delivered. I think we do not have a deliver yourself option for our fuel. I know of people who live in trailers who had some sort of system that used diesel fuel to heat and they took it home in 5 gallon containers. I bet the cows milk production goes down when the weather is so cold. My one jersey holstein cross decreases by a half gallon when she is really cold. You must have some huge haylage bunkers to store all of your feed. Do your children ride a bus to school?
At the Yestermorrow school in the Mad River Valley here in Vermont they teach people how to build tiny houses.
Today is Town Meeting Day. C is down at the school attending the meeting because she is on the Selectboard. It is when the members of the town decide on the budget and some other business of the town. People can be heard. there is also a school meeting. The school directors propose a budget and policies and the town's people speak to them and vote. There are some items decided by australian ballot as well.
Have a good afternoon,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
321 Posts
321 Posts |
Posted - Mar 04 2014 : 11:16:27 AM
Hello all - I have been stalking this board for quite a while.... I can't wait to read the post each day to see what you all are up to. Sounds like you have a wonderful bond. I am curious, how would I find what you have pinned on Pinterest? It appears that several of us have similar interest and I would love to see your "pins".
Thanks for sharing. Debi
GA Farmgirl #2515 |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Mar 04 2014 : 11:42:06 AM
Debi, welcome. We love new additions to our group! You can find me as "curious orange cat" on Pinterest.
I got all my classes lined up for next quarter. I'm a little worried about my business math class. It is a TV class. I think I can stream it on my computer. I'll be gone the first week of school so I'll take my computer and some of my books with me to San Diego so I can get work done. I may have to do homework while in the car on the way back to Calif. We are driving so I'll have hours of time to kill.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Mar 04 2014 : 4:10:12 PM
. |
Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 24 2019 8:46:27 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Mar 04 2014 : 4:50:33 PM
It reached a balmy 23 degrees today, was 6 this morning. This is the first night since I don't know when that it was not below zero!!!! Now when it gets into the 20s it feels so warm!!!! There is heat in the sun and was melting some snow, but we got another 2 inches overnight. They were saying on the news the other day that we have been having the same temp. as in the North Pole!!!! If we can just stay in the 20s now, we may have a spring yet!!!! It is nice to see the sun shining longer now. Sunday we spring forward, so it will be light even later. We need that now to feel like winter will be ending soon. I have a terrible headache tonight, so am off for the night. Will try to catch up with all of you tomorrow. Have a great evening,
Jan Farmgirl Sister #3340
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Mar 05 2014 : 09:41:51 AM
Good afternoon,
Jan you report such good news! I am so happy that the temperatures will soon be above zero. In 1827 or so there was a year without summer. It snowed every month and I was starting to fear that this would be a repeat.
For suppers that are not roast chicken with garlic. I boil or bake the meat off the bones and make a cheese sauce with broccoli and sprinkle with bread crumbs. There is always chicken parmesian, DdK likes to marinate the chicken pieces in a hoisin mix and stir fry them with rice. There is chicken ala king with peas and carrots. Chicken salad on lettuce. cooked chicken soaked in barbecue sauce and grilled or broiled. I am not so good with fish. We either broil it with butter and lime and dill or put on a white sauce or cook it into a chowder.
Bunny what a long drive from Oregon to San Diego. Did I understand that right?
Overcast today but we woke to 0 F so the house was relatively warm when we woke.
I worked with the little boys on their islands in the pizza boxes. We decided that the scale would be 1 cm to 1 meter. I am using the metric system because their islands are not very tall and 1 inch would just about make the distance. The islands are painted and glued to their positions. We have started narratives on each island. We need to do direction and distance. Remember they are only 6, 7 and 8 so this is simple not intricate.
Time to deal with lunch.
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Mar 05 2014 : 12:37:44 PM
Hello everyone,
Holly I will try some of the chicken suggestions. I do the lemon garlic chicken and baked chicken often but forget about other ways to do it. Well, I also do chicken Parmesan and chicken piccata I'm just tired of chicken. Today I got ground turkey to make meatloaf. B does not eat pork or shellfish or any bottom feeder fish and I don't eat any white flour, so when you take those things out there isn't a lot to choose from. He doesn't like beans or legumes either.
It's beginning to warm up again but supposed to rain all weekend. I don't gripe about rain because we really always need rain here.
The stores all have plants out for sale now. It's always great to see that. I'm wondering if heirloom plants are non GMO.?
I'm sort of stuck in a boring mode this week but thought I'd check in. |
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