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True Blue Farmgirl

2428 Posts

Gladstone Mi.
2428 Posts

Posted - Feb 26 2014 :  11:44:20 AM  Show Profile
Welcome Tiana!!! Glad to have you on board. You will get to know us soon, just hop right on and join in.
I just got back from breakfast with my sister. It is so cold and windy out there. It was -16 this morning, and is supposed to get worse tonight. I a praying our water does not freeze. The next door neighbor's did, as well as a neighbor across the alley. There does not seem to be an end is sight yet for all of this cold. It makes it so hard for me to breath in this cold air. I have cold weather asthma on top of COPD. I was supposed to move into a different climate 7 years ago, and am still stuck here. I know when we finally do move, I will be one happy camper, and will appreciate the warmth of winter!!!
Gypsy, gee, sorry to hear you got bad news, just when things seemed to be going so well for you. Know that we are here for you when you are ready to share. Big hug!!!!
Marlyn, glad you are feeling better and are having some me time just for you. Enjoy!!!
Bunny, Hope you get time to fit in more sewing. When is your mom returning?
Mar, I agree with you having hubby home. It is a life change, but for the better. Hope you find a good realtor to work with. That makes it a lot easier when house hunting.
Holly, how is the kitchen makeover going? Too bad it is not warmer weather to cook and eat outdoors.
More later,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

2259 Posts

Posted - Feb 26 2014 :  1:14:57 PM  Show Profile
I was a real estate broker for 15 years. One of the good ones. You would have liked me. I learned right away I could trust no one when it comes to money. I was cheated out of a few commissions early on when I was very naive. I toughened up in a hurry. The industry continues to deserve it's reputation so don't worry, I am not offended by your comments. There are some good ones so don't hesitate to fire the bad ones and keep looking. typically there is about an 80/20 ratio. Occasionally someone who tried to put the screws to me got what they deserved.

When I moved to Florida, I had to start over as an agent working for someone else, as they had no reciprocity with Texas, so I ended up working for a company called Emerson who represented new home subdivisions. My sales manager was a guy named Lee Corso. You might have seen him on ESPN. He hit on me, along with several other gals in the office, even though he had a lovely wife named Betsy. One I know for sure cooperated with him. He could take away your floor (phone) time, keep leads from you and do other little dirty deeds. I told him to go fly a kite, (or FO) and before long I had a job with a developer for an upscale subdivision, I was the project manager. There was a different project I wanted, but the daughter of the builder/developer didn't want me. So I took the other job, within months I had pre-sold 23 houses, and the daughter sent her brother to my sales office to try to recruit me. I told him nicely to FO. Then the sales manager, Corso, of the office started trying to force me to come to sales meetings, take phone time, etc. and again I told him--I'm an independent contractor and if you mess with me I will sue your ass. He couldn't fire me because I was a top producer, they had a board in the office where the sales were posted and my name was first on the board too many times. Back then I just made him leave me alone. Today I would do all sorts of bad things to him, including calling his wife.
Like I said, I toughened up in a hurry. nice girl like me. imagine.

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534

Edited by - doll58maker on Mar 04 2014 3:39:25 PM
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
3331 Posts

Posted - Feb 26 2014 :  1:50:10 PM  Show Profile
Paving the way for women in the workplace, Gypsy. Too much crud went on back then. It still does, but I think it is more likely to acted upon if reported.

The realtor that we listed our house with in July was fantastic. We became friends and he passed on people to us even after we decided to sell on our own once our listing with him expired in October. I haven't told him that we sold the house yet, but I will and I look forward to catching up with him on the phone. It's like everything. Good agents and poor employees are in every walk of life. Some times you just click with people and other times, even though you know they are fine people, they irritate ya.

did you miss Texas while you were living in Florida, Gypsy?
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

2259 Posts

Posted - Feb 26 2014 :  3:16:56 PM  Show Profile
No. I miss Florida now. If not for DD I would be living there.

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
2305 Posts

Posted - Feb 26 2014 :  5:49:57 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

I am reading through the posts so this note will probably seem for lack of a better word disjointed.

I have a friend who is 42 and travels as a companion with a man who is almost 80. He has a bucket list of things he wants to do and since his wife died he has no one to do them with so he pays her to drive and make reservations and such. They went to a family reunion of his. His sister would not let them share double beds in the same room because they are not married to each other. They left and went to see the historical sites of Washington DC. The and such mentioned above does not include touchy feely or further physical intimacy.

Good luck in the land of the family of origin. I am sure that you will survive their dysfunction in tact. Gypsy

It was-8 this morning a rose to a balmy +4. The wind was gusty. We read in the paper that someone had a maple sap run two days ago. They must have been on the very sheltered side of a south facing slope. Not any where around here.

I have little advice on mothers or mothers in law. Find her friends quickly and make sure she has transportation to get to her play dates. Introduce her to that man who speaks four languages that Gypsy knows in Texas. This is a suggestion for Mar's mother in law. For Bunny's I think her getting a duplex with her youngest daughter might be an option.

Marlyn I hope you feel better soon. Easter is coming would you be able to market for that occasion? Put key words into your descriptions so your bonnets come up. You have alone adult time. I am so jealous.

{{{{{{ Gypsy }}}}}}}} hope it is a problem with your son that can be resolved with time. It must be hard being so far away.

Tiana glad you stopped in I have a friend who lives near Annapolis. She has a house on the Bay. She has lived there for decades.

Our contractor fixed the wiring in the kitchen and put up the wall board today. The cabinets arrived. He had told the company that he wanted the boom truck for the cabinets. they said we do not usually send the boom truck for kitchens. He said, you will send it. I bring your company a lot of money in business and when I say I want the boom truck you will send it. They sent it and the boom put the cabinets right up on the porch deck. We had to carry them into the house but that was a breeze compared to having to carry them up a flight of stairs through two narrow doorways or having to carry them through 15 inches of snow 125 feet to take them through the French doors in the back. He is about my size almost feet and thin. He is strong but we all have our limits. I am glad he was persuasive.

I think about posting things and then think about the open forum. So, then I wonder if it would be safe to post for two days and then erase the sensitive material. Would the post erase no matter if it had been transferred to another area? I noticed Mar that you only noted when dh returned.

Marie I think ddK would really like the oatmeal recipe. She is a more adventurous eater than the little boys. Once she had it then two of them would gladly eat it. I am copying it to try as soon as the kitchen is back together and I can make some yogurt.

Jan I will offer my yard for you to park in in the summer time. I think Gypsy's yard will be far more to your liking in the colder months but then Mel seems to have warmer temps than even Gypsy. Is your sister moving with you? I bet you will miss breakfasting with her when you leave.

Sweet dreams everyone,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

2259 Posts

Posted - Feb 26 2014 :  9:34:08 PM  Show Profile
It's cold in Texas in dec and January jan, you and hubby need to drive til you see sand and palm trees.
I wore my silk long johns all day, then left them off when I took my shower and dressed to go for the dance lesson. I always get hot in class so I wore cool pants and threw on a sweater. Thought I'd freeze to death.

The good thing about dancing is that it is impossible to think about anything else. Tonight was cha cha and the month has been about style. I'm starting to look a little better and feel a little better about it.

Marie, I like that recipe.

Mar, don't overdo it with the packing. Wish I were close enough to help you with it.

I can't post my problem here. Just send good thoughts to my son if you think about it.

It's a little creepy to think about who might be lurking about.

Holly, sounds like the kitchen will be done relatively fast. That's good, with all those mouths to feed.

Tomorrow will be a very busy day and then I will be gone for a few days. You girls behave yourselves. (Not likely, she's thinking)

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
3331 Posts

Posted - Feb 27 2014 :  12:38:15 PM  Show Profile
I think I am getting close to having running water again! We are going through the well test. It started a bit before 8 am and four and a half hours later, we are very close to conclusion. Of course, I actually had to move my sensored hand soap dispenser because I had a hand full of cleanser twice this morning. Thank goodness for drinking water to rinse the soap off!

Ah...we do have water. I will check you gals out later!
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
3966 Posts

Posted - Feb 27 2014 :  5:00:58 PM  Show Profile

The ground here is frozen down to 7'. Most people in the city will not have problems. I was out in it last night. We had a ground blizzard and it was so cold and windy that my nose hairs froze.

Gypsy - You sound like a tough customer. I would NOT want to be on your bad side. Go ahead and put your head under the covers and pretend you are far away. B will guard you.

Holly - That is one well-trained carpenter. My mom has one of those.

I'm supposed to be at a craft meet-up tonight but I would have to get myself there and back on the bus and walk two blocks each way. I'm skipping it and having Lowell make me his wonderful stir fry dinner.

Marie, Sister #5142

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
2305 Posts

Posted - Feb 27 2014 :  6:02:19 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

We woke to -10 F this morning and the high today was+4. I hope it gets a little warmer soon so I can throw the littles out the door. Our contractor is keeping them entertained to a point. They are very curious. He has told them that my anger issues are only a fraction of his so if they make him angry they better run fast. lol

They had swim lessons this afternoon and are sleeping soundly now. Mr Ross is now sleeping in his bed all night. I am so relieved that he is not wrapping his little hands in my hair and pulling for comfort anymore.

The lower cabinets are in place. Tomorrow the counter top goes on but not screwed because the covering that will go between the counter top and the bottom of the upper cabinets will still need to be put on. We need something that is easily cleaned and durable to cat piss. In the past we have had cats that enjoyed or even felt a compulsive need to piss on the walls or in the sockets in the kitchen. We want to be prepared.

I did not know that water was not accessible when one had a water test. We have always had water but it would not be potable because it would be saturated with chlorine. We did not drink it then I did do a lot more laundry to get it out of the system. I am glad not having water was only a temporary problem.

It is good that even with Lowell's tantrums he is trained to stick up for you and cook and entertain. I bet he has a nice smile that lights up his eyes.

Be strong, Gypsy, the visit will be over sooner than not and you will be home recovering.

I hope Bunny is having a good time dog sitting and that the re entry of Mom will be uneventful.

M'lyn who will take over the farm when your dh retires?

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

2428 Posts

Gladstone Mi.
2428 Posts

Posted - Feb 27 2014 :  6:05:53 PM  Show Profile
It is so cold, supposed to get down to -18 tonight, -40 with the wind chill. All the schools were closed again today, and I am sure they will be tomorrow also. I got pitchers of water just in case out water freezes. Ours is down 7 1/2 feet. Out water pipes are 6 feet. I am hoping that the snow is insulating the pipes in our yard. We are not sure where they run. Praying for no problems with them, but I gotta have my coffee in the morning, so have extra water on hand.
Marie, stay warm and indoors as much as possible. This should end pretty soon, it is March on Saturday!!!! In like a lion, out like a lamb? Let's hope for the best.
I am so tired tonight, gonna get my pjs on and watch tv in bed. Have a great evening,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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True Blue Farmgirl

873 Posts

Dallas Texas
873 Posts

Posted - Feb 27 2014 :  6:59:47 PM  Show Profile
Jan....Thanx for the b-day card.....and love the tea! :) So very thoughtful!

Marie....saw pics on the news and news report about your weather....stay warm and safe! They said your freeze is 8 ft. is going to take a bit for you to thaw out.

Gypsy.....Sorry you had bad news from your and family are in my prayers for a good outcome! We are supposed to have 80 this weekend from 32! How 'bout you? I am so sick of this roller coaster weather but at least we aren't frozen like every one of you up north and east!

Well tomorrow is another day and the prospect of improvement is always there! HUH? great that Ross is sleeping in his own bed now. How did you have swimming lessons in this weather? I realize it was indoors but even at that...I can't wrap my head around swimming with minus zero outside. :)
Sounds like the kitchen is coming along post haste.

Marlyn.....I can't believe your daughter would bring you all those apples and then expect you to make applesauce for don't have enough to do. It seems just a little inconsiderate....but good mom's always do too much for their kids and having 8, you surely have gone above and beyond many times! Can you suggest that she might just learn to make it or at least help you? Glad you are better and you did get some time for yourself!

Welcome nice for you to join us! We can always use another hand to set us straight. Marlyn is trying to get us straight!!!! LOL Right Marlyn? Just kiddin' ya! :)

My best to all,

Sassy City Girl with Farmgirl Fantasies!
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
3331 Posts

Posted - Feb 28 2014 :  08:37:19 AM  Show Profile
Holly, you have some stringent guidelines for what performance you require from your kitchen surfaces. I think you have one heck of a contractor working with you. Sounds like he saved a half day's work by having the cabinets delivered to the right floor! Plus, they arrived in good condition. And the progress seems to be at break neck speed. Good for you.

I read that many of you gals are really in for it weatherwise. Ice, Snow, has been quite a winter already and it just keeps coming. Please stay safe.

Marlyn, hope you are feeling more yourself and have kicked that cold.

Jan, I hope you have recovered some of your energy. The cold is really hitting you hard.

Gypsy, I hope the drive was easy and the visit bearable.

Marie, I think you were smart to miss the craft event. That weather sounds wicked.

We are going to be cold here for the next 48 hours and then we are expecting temperatures about freezing for the rest of the week. A glimmer of hope.
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True Blue Farmgirl

820 Posts

Shawnee Oklahoma
820 Posts

Posted - Feb 28 2014 :  09:48:18 AM  Show Profile
hello gals! sorry for not coming sooner! hope everyone is well and staying as warm as they want to. the house is sold, the money is disbursed, the lawyer is paid and i am finally sleeping some at night. if it were not for the mountain cedar allergy i would be in wonderful condition! i have already scheduled an eye appointment for new glasses (these i wear are at least 10 years old and i am a diabetic) i might even get two pair! something i have not had money for in probably 20 years or more and my big splurge is an accuguilt go baby cutter and some dies. my hands just won't let me cut a lot of fabric to sew with and this is helping me out really really big. i am going to go to oklahoma in a couple of weeks to visit my sister. her husband shot and processed 2 deer for me and i am going to go get them! yahoo! meat again!!! his best friend cannot eat any meat except for rabbit..has anyone else ever heard of such a thing? my korean aunt loves to fry up rabbit and she is a very good cook but i never have tried to cook rabbit. speaking of cooking, i cannot decide about buying a new stove for inside the house or a gas grill for use outside of the house. i haven't had a stove in over a year so its not a big urgent item for me. any ideas?
also, i have a store load of beads for jewelry making that i am more than willing to send to anyone that can use them. just shoot me an email with an address and i will ship them to you. it might have to be in several shipments because they tend to become heavy with quantity and i do have a lot of them. i just cannot keep up with the needle like i use to and i hate to put them in the garage or garbage. just let me know..
as for the pool boy, boy oh boy, could i use a visit from him! i remember how cute he looked in his little outfit...hmmmm hmmmm hmmm. :)
bunny, saw that you had an internation sale..good for you! holly, redoing the kitchen is such a lot of work, hope you get it done to your satisfaction and with some help. marie, i am so glad that lowell took up for you, it really helps when the one you care about takes a stand, doesn't it?
jan, hoping you are doing better and if you could use some yarn, let me know, ok? i am going to focus on thread crochet and quilting and everything else is going out of my house. my add just won't let me focus if i have supplies for a lot of different things.
love to all of you and sorry if i missed anyone! still at work, missed yesterday taking my oldest brother to have cataract surgery so am catching up today.
love and hugs to all
farmgirl #390
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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Feb 28 2014 :  10:15:28 AM  Show Profile
Janiee, could you take a picture of some of your beads? I may be willing to trade for fabric. I'm thinking of making some fabric beaded cuffs.

I have been taking care of two little dogs for my pet sitting business. They are very good boys. I spend the night with them. Take them for a morning walk and then head home to do homework. Tonight is my last night. I go again next week for two nights.

My mom is coming the end of next week to move my half sister to California. She will be closer to her dad.

Janiee, I'm so glad you sold your house and have some money to spend on much needed things. I can relate to the glasses issue. I usually go many years before I can afford new ones.

Holly, you made me laugh about the cat piss on the counters. I have that issue with floors and cats. I have one that is the barf queen. She seems to have a propensity for barfing on my mom's bibles along with every where else in the house. Floors, window sills, furniture...need to be barf proof.

Mar, I'm getting so tired of the gloom. It must be hard for you to be excited about moving in this weather. I sure hope you find the perfect place!

Well, homework is calling.

Later farm girls.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
3331 Posts

Posted - Feb 28 2014 :  12:36:42 PM  Show Profile
Bunny, the gloom does take a toll, doesn't it? Like your idea about beaded cuffs! I know you are (somewhat) dreading your mom's return. I hope spring brings your wished for changes in the living situation.

Dh took my TMobile samsung smart phone in. I have been having all sorts of problems and when dd and her boyfriend were home, he tried to update it online. I have all the paraphanalia that came with the device and all paperwork, too. Boyfriend works in IT, so that job should have been a breeze for him. He was unable to get my phone updated online...hence the trip to the TMobile mothership. Where they told Dh they couldn't update it for him...huh? He told them the problems, the fact that we had tried to update it, and they said, "We don't do that. Thank you for coming in." Guess who will be researching Verizon's service once we move! In fact, dh told them that once this phone quits, TMobile is dead to him. Every once in a while he can really have a dramatic flair!

I am catching up on laundry today after not having water yesterday.

Janie, it is so nice to hear that your chores with closing out your mother's estate are finished. New glasses will be such a treat, you never know how badly you need them until you get them, right? Enjoy your trip to see your sis and all that fresh venison.

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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Feb 28 2014 :  4:53:51 PM  Show Profile
Mar, I found out today my mom is only coming back in April to take care of the house while I'm in San Diego. Then she is headed back to California. I don't have the whole story but I think her "step-brother", "boyfriend", isn't in good health and for some reason she feels obligated to take care of him. I'll get the whole story when she comes back the end of March. I think I'll be spending most of the summer on my own... oh darn!!
I have my phone with AT&T. I would change to Verizon but they don't cover the town I want to move in. Go figure. One of the only places they don't. There is a little mom and pop company that covers that area. But my AT&T phone will work. However, only with 3G. They really need to get with the program. If I go with mom and pop... there are all kinds of extra charges when you go out of the network.

Finally got my homework done. I'm pooped. I need to get ready to take care of my four legged charges tonight. My kitties will be glad to have me back tomorrow. They all greet me at the door in the morning when I get home.

Later Y'all!!


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Feb 28 2014 :  4:59:06 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Another frigid day her on the hill farm and most other places in our neck of the woods. I bet Ginny is freezing her patootie off as well. I am so so glad that I am not living in an unchinked log cabin with an uncured hide door as some of the books say the original settlers of this area did. Can you imagine being a woman wearing woolen skirts, and leather shoes with out lining? I think I could live in the olden times except for the clothing. It has not been gloomy here. The sky has been a gorgeous winter blue and the stars at night are so bright that I can see them without my glasses.

What do you all think about Lazik surgery? Any one have any experience.?

Janiee I am glad your mother's estate is finally settled. I am glad you are not losing and more sleep about it. Is your sister any nicer to you? I think you have the right idea about paring down supplies to deal with ADD. If only I could be so disciplined. lol

The lower cabinets are in a usable. Our contractor hooked up the sink and stove for the weekend so we can live somewhat normally. The cupboard drawers are in a different pattern than the last ones so we need to figure out how to store things again. Maybe we could actually do the unthinkable and get rid of some of the items we do not use.

Bunny do you use that cream for cats that helps them deal with hair balls so they stop barfing. When we had eleven cats we had one with a delicate bladder so we had to feed delicate bladder cat food to all of them because we free feed. Now that we are down to three cats we still feed the delicate intestine food because that cat whose name is Birdseed, is still alive.

I hope Gypsy is maintaining her sanity and the B has not run as fast as he can in the other direction.

Mar we do Verizon on our cell phones but not on our internet service any more. Around here ATT does not have the coverage even though the contracts might be a little less money. I ,however am not the person to question about the coverage you would need to quiz C if you had questions.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

2428 Posts

Gladstone Mi.
2428 Posts

Posted - Feb 28 2014 :  5:44:14 PM  Show Profile
It was a frigid -25 degrees when we got up this morning. It only warmed up to 8. It started snowing around 3 today, and it is coming down pretty hard. Will need to shovel in the morning. The weatherman says we will not start to warm up until the first part of April. I really do hope we do not have this below zero temps the whole month of March.
I worked today and it was slow because of the weather. The sidewalks down town are all ice. It is too cold for salt to melt it. Sand works somewhat.
Holly, you will really like it when your kitchen is all done and put back together, although, it may take you awhile to find where things are put. Thank you for the offer to park our RV for the summer. We may take you up on that some day. We do plan on getting up that way for a visit hopefully in 2015. We shall see.
Janie, good to see you back!!! So glad you are finally done with your mother's affairs. Now you can take some time for yourself.
Marie, do be careful out in that cold and snow. I think you are a bit warmer than we are, but still cold enough to feel like you are in the Antarctica. Thank you for sending the pool boy my way. He is a cutie, but I must send him on his way, it is too difficult to hide him. I feel like the movie "It's Complicated". So funny!!! I am shipping him off to Janie. I know she will take very good care of him. He is too cold here, anyway.
Mar, hope you get your phone situation taken care of. I have a landline, and a cell phone, but not a smart one. I do not have the time right now to try to figure out how to use a phone that is smarter than I am. I am sure when we move, we will need one with good coverage while we are travelling around the country.
Gypsy, we are all waiting to hear how the weekend was. Curious minds want to know. Hope B did not get scared off. I am sure it will take more than that though!!!!
Mel, Glad you finally received your card. You would have received it by your birthday, if I would have remembered to put postage on it!!!!
Bunny, I am sure your kitties get lonely when you are gone all night. Sounds like you may be by yourself all summer. I am sure you will love that, and get a lot of sewing done after school is out for the summer. That would be great!!!
Marlyn, Hope you are feeling much better and rested up. I am sure if you put your hats on Etsy, they would sell very well. They are so beautiful!!!
Well, off for the night. Have a great evening,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Feb 28 2014 :  6:19:55 PM  Show Profile
Jan, I'm actually taking a full schedule this summer too. I have to do an internship along with three other classes. Then I will be done! I'll have a second degree.

I miss the kitties probably more than they miss me. I really do love dogs, but kitties smell better. (Except for stinky Sammy. She will put you out of the room with her gas). Maybe some of that hair all stuff would be a good idea. She is also the barf queen.

I bought lotto to let's today and a local lottery ticket for st. Patties day. They only sell a certain amount of them and prizes range from $100 to $1million. With more than one prize in each category. It says I have a 50/50 chance of winning. Much better odds than lotto. Sometimes I feel like it is the only way I'm going to get back home.

Well, time for dinner...later y'all.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Mar 01 2014 :  01:01:54 AM  Show Profile
Oh, lotto tickets can be fun. Good luck, Bunny

You know, I hated having water running at ten gallons a minute for four hours. What a terrible waste! The well test was to test that the pump could be used at all out power for the entire time. I don't know what that proves. We did completely fill the horse trough - big deal, a hundred gallons that weren't wasted. The rest of it went on the ground and froze.

Tonight, sleep is escaping me. I am overly upset about a three minute conversation with my sister that ended when she hung up on me. Frankly, she is a bully and I am so tired of it. Jan, you are so lucky to have the relationship you enjoy with your sister. I bet you will miss her next winter.

Holly, I am again so impressed with your contractor. I have never heard of one making such efforts to keep your kitchen functional throughout the process.

Thinking of you all,
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True Blue Farmgirl

873 Posts

Dallas Texas
873 Posts

Posted - Mar 01 2014 :  5:46:09 PM  Show Profile
Janie.....emailed you.

My best to all,

Sassy City Girl with Farmgirl Fantasies!
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
2305 Posts

Posted - Mar 02 2014 :  04:23:30 AM  Show Profile
Good morning everyone,

Last night DdK and I went grocery shopping. She goes off with her cart to pick out her beauty supplies and then does the deli meat and cheese and then finds me somewhere. I do not know how she will afford herself when she moves out She tells me she will move out after this terms classes are over. Then she will be back for the fall term. She either wants to move in with her paranoid boyfriend who may not last or her friend in Boston.The adjectives are hers not mine. We have not met. She says he is too paranoid to meet us. I wonder if she has told him that she has white mamas. I told her the friend in Boston was probably the better choice because she can laugh and they would have a good time. I told her she should have a good time before settling in with anyone. She listened but who knows what choice she will make.

Yesterday we experienced the gloom from the west coast. Gloom and below temperatures. Today it is snowing so far. I could not sleep this morning so I thought I would get up and do somethings I wanted to do without any one asking me questions. This morning the temperature is 0 F. The house was relatively warm when I woke up.

DsC stole from a store on Thursday. He is grounded from TV and fun for now. I am trying to think what we should do with the store. In the past when I took the offending child to the store to make restitution the store clerk poo pooed it away. I do not want that to happen, I am thinking of waiting for his birthday money to arrive and then taking him in to the store and returning the merchandise and making him pay for it anyway.

DsT arrives home today. I know he had a good time. I hope his attitude has turned around and he can start to make good choices again. I hope he can be kind again. I wonder if his plane will be cancelled because we are having snow? It is not a lot that I can tell but it is steady.

Here we have a multi state powerball that has mega millions. A person has a better chance of being hit by lightning four times than winning powerball, but it sure would be nice. I would set up a trust for low wage working people to get their teeth fixed and eye glasses. I would put in water power, and solar power. I think about wind power but then i hear that it mangles birds and makes noise so I am not sure. Instate we have many scratch and sniff games and a lottery game.

Sorry for the harsh words from your sister, Mar. My sister and I have an agreement about what to discuss. She is older than me. Hugs to you, Mar. I do not know how to stop the spinning and what ifs so sleep can come. I read science fantasy because it is nothing like my life and distracts. Glad you felt you could come here and be distracted some.

I told ddK that our contractor had hurt his back and that she could make it feel better since she is studying massage therapy. She smiled and said I would love to touch his back. In addition to being steady and have attention to detail he is some eye candy. If he worked at being buff he could be a pool boy. He is muscular from his work.

Why is Mel's name in blue and everyone else's in red?

It sounds like I will be joined soon by the family. I hope you each have moments of joy today.

farmgirl #2499

Edited by - Tall Holly on Mar 03 2014 04:08:52 AM
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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Mar 02 2014 :  09:20:26 AM  Show Profile
Holly, sounds like you have your hands full with children and their interesting personalities. DdK will figure out the spending issues. She needs to live on top roman for a while to get it.

As for the child that stole from the store, my experience is just having to go back with the item and admit the theft is pretty good punishment. I wouldn't make them give up the birthday money. Just don't let them spend it. Make them save it for a set amount of time. It could be a good lesson in saving for something you want instead of stealing. Make them save three times the cost of the item. So they understand to keep money back for later needs.

I hope T can change his ways. I just hope now that he is back, he just doesn't slip back into old ways because of the friends he is going to keep connecting with a school. They aren't going anywhere.

So much for my opinions. ...glad you were able to have so e quiet time to yourself. Too bad you have to get up so early to get it!

I was able to finish two dresses yesterday. One is quite beautiful if I say so myself. With the blouse all buttoned up, it has a Victorian feel to it. I'll market it to the steampunk crowd. Etsy is messing with the layout of our storefronts. I don't like the new layout at all. This morning everything was back to the old way. I hope they read all the messages from sellers that were very unhappy about it.

It is snowing this morning. Thankfully it is suppose to rain later today and warm up to almost 50 this week. I house sit again later this week. My mom comes on Thursday to move half sister. She is thinking about taking her cat with her this time. Sassy is very lonely. She doesn't like my " curious orange cat " Alex. She tries to sneak in my bedroom at night to sleep but he chases her out.

More sewing today...

Have a nice Sunday.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Mar 02 2014 :  2:04:18 PM  Show Profile

I have not been on for a couple days because the monitor went blank. We took the monitor to the Geeks, nothing wrong with it. Took the tower to the Geeks, nothing wrong with it. So I just plugged it all back in and it was fine. Geez!

At 4:30 AM on Saturday, I awoke to a crash and some swearing. Lowell was yelling that he hurt. There were no lights on so I asked him where he was and he turned the light on in the bathroom. He said he was bleeding and there was blood all over the place. I tried to look in the bathroom but something was blocking the door. I was still waking up when he asked me to get him a wash cloth. I handed it to him and got the broom to move debris away from the door. I saw Lowell leaning over the sink washing off his head. There was blood on the floor, sink and cabinet above the sink. The shelf I had screwed to the wall above the toilet was on the floor. I asked how that got down there. Lowell said he hit his head on it trying to pick up something he had dropped and while standing up he hit his head. Funny thing is the shelf is only 6" away from the wall. Anyway, here is a picture of his injury. Okay, can't download the picture because the computer isn't reading my microdisk. Dang Nabbit!

Holly - Oh yes! He does have a big smile and looks so much like his mom. If my scanner worked, I would show you a picture of him from the 1970's when he had long, curly hair. My dad has had Lazik and is quite satisfied with the results. I don't want to do it because I don't want to get my irises cut. I agree the DDK should move in with her girlfriend whom she could have fun with. The boyfriend sounds high maintenance.

Mel - The prospect for improvement is there but impatience is making us snarly.

Janie - I will take any pony beads you want to get rid of.

Bunny - How lonely you will be without your mom there, you poor dear. I only play the scratch games when my mom buys them. I don't like to gamble. I see that you used the flannel shirt I sent you. Nice to see it again.

Janet - Yeah, pool boy was cold here too but I managed to warm him up. Lowell doesn't care who I have here when he's at work.

Marie, Sister #5142

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Mar 02 2014 :  3:27:52 PM  Show Profile
Marie, .....??? What flannel shirt?? I haven't gotten anything from you yet.

I created a practice textile art cuff to figure out the process. What do you think?


Farmgirl number 3738
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Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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