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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Feb 24 2014 :  11:28:34 AM  Show Profile
My day has been much less exciting than Marlyn's. I have been packing. The snow has begun falling again. I fought sleep all night. Maybe sleep fought me? Either way, I am a bit bushed today, but glad to be moving forward. We haven't found our house yet. But, we have been able to check two off the list. I guess that's progress.

I did finish dd's afghan. Got all the ends woven in. I even washed it so it would smell like home for her.

Break time is over. Check up with you all later!
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
3966 Posts

Posted - Feb 24 2014 :  4:18:48 PM  Show Profile

The highways are icy, the streets are covered with snow, snow is piled high by the sides of the streets and the sidewalks are treacherous. All those people who did not shovel have made the sidewalks icy and bumpy - difficult to walk on. Mitzi is tired of winter and so am I. ACK!!! Just heard 1/2" more snow in the next 2 hours and sub-zero temperatures all the way to the first week of March.

Lowell wanted me to take and post this picture of him and his guitars.

They are from left to right the 12-string Italia Rimini (the over-achieving girl), Daddy Gretsch Heritage (very experienced performer with a wide variety of voices), Momma Martin acoustic (an experienced rhythm performer with a loud voice) and Fender Stratocaster (he's a bit of a partier who likes to bend the strings). The Italia and Stratocaster have not appeared on stage yet.

Marlyn - I am glad someone here is keeping us straight. I get so confused. Car frustration can be so frustrating. Get keys for everyone.

Bunny - The box will go out to you this week. It contains several men's and women's shirts and two dresses - one of them is the one damaged in the canoe incident.

Jan - Yes, I'll take all your patterns too. I love patterns. I can use them for my advanced crochet class. I will have them do small projects like the Amigurumi you sent to me. I am grateful to have all the extra yarn for my classes.

Gypsy - I knew someone who used one of those knobs because their hand was weak. I'll meet the pool boy at the Minneapolis airport on his way up to Jan's place to see if he measures up.

Mel - I'm afraid to get on Pinterest. It may just gobble up what it left of my free time.

Marianne - Congratulations on finally selling the house. I am keeping my figures crossed just in case. I know the hurt that our elders knowingly or unknowingly can inflict. Read this excerpt from Lowell's dad's letter of accusation:

I called Marie this morning about a problem that I am having with my computer.

Marie created the problem. Without authority, she used my password. Where did she get it? One place is in the computer where, as I showed you down South , I showed you where to find the information needed to get into my accounts after my death. Lowell, you are still a novice on computers, but let me tell you, it is a very serious invasion of privacy to use another's password without authority.

That said, Marie used my password to enter my account with Microsoft Store. She changed the name on the account to her own, and changed the password to her own.

Dennis and I worked from one to five yesterday in trying first to change it back and second to reach Microsoft and get help. They don't operate that way any longer. Now, you pay a company a yearly fee $199 and they fix problems .

The result of the account name change has been that I no longer have Microsoft Publisher because its use is attached to the account.

"I called Marie this morning and I asked her for her password so that I could try to change the account back to me and regain the use of Microsoft Publisher. She said she didn't know the password.that she put on the account. We raised our voices. She hung up. I called back to say we should act civilly for Lowell's sake and she hung up.

My next task is to change the passwords on anything important like Merrill Lynch and Sun Trust. Next, I have to engage a company to do whatever is necessary to regain the Microsoft account.

Do not make me the bad guy. I am the victim."

We have learned that he had sent an similar email prior to this to Lowell's daughter Hayley in which he called me "Lowell's roommate" intending her to forward it to Lowell. She didn't know what to do with it so she did nothing and didn't even tell us. That's how this family operates. We have deduced from remembered conversations that he has not liked me from the beginning and thinks I have been insincere with my kind acts toward him. I have set up an email for Lowell so that he can communicate with his dad in a way that he will think is more private. So that's a start. I am ready to forgive and forget but Lowell brings up his hurt over this and it hurts me all over again.

Marie, Sister #5142

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
2305 Posts

Posted - Feb 24 2014 :  5:17:05 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

The kitchen is stripped down to the studs and base floor. Tomorrow we put the plywood down although is not plywood it has a wax base on it. I do not remember what it is called. We will strip out the insulation well what insulation there is in the wall. It is no wonder that the kitchen has always been so cold and breezy. On the wall that is not an outside wall there is a breeze that comes in two of the outlets but not the other one. Our contractor said it is a chimney effect from the downstairs barn. We live in a barn in which the ground level still has animals and work space. What was the loft is now a two story house. The kitchen is over one of the work rooms that is heated. There is a floor above the kitchen so the chimney effect is not too high.

The new kitchen will be worth it. Boys at least mine are so hard on all of the furniture and furnishings. The counter top before this one one of the bright sparks took a sharp knife and repeatedly beat the edge of the top so it had slits in the formica. We have threatened this set of boys with uncertain nasties if they so much as climb on set of shelves to get on the countertop.

Tonight our wonderful neighbors bought in pizza for us for supper. Luckily we have a microwave so all is not lost. Tomorrow mornings breakfast should be an adventure. I made bread yesterday so I hope it will last long enough for sandwiches. I am hoping that once the not plywood is in that we can put the stove back in place. C is having significant challenges around change and disruption in the kitchen. I am glad she goes to work each day so I do not have to listen to her angst.

M'lyn why are you ticked off at your family? I visited Denmark once. Where did your mother's village go? Time to get another set of keys. I am obsessed with having enough scattered in locations of no convenience.

It is a long way down to the lake in Texas. How close is it supposed to be to that deck when the lake is full.

Good luck visiting the family of origin,Gypsy. Will the B go with you? What a treat that will be.

I shiver with Jan's news of continued frigid temperatures. Town meeting day is next week and we are still well below freezing. I guess it will be in like a lion and out like a lamb for the month of March.

Mar, maybe you and dh should be flattered that MIL does not feel a need to take care of dh like she feels a need to continue to care for her siblings. Maybe she acknowledges that he has grown up or that you take good care of him so she does not need too. That would be a back handed compliment from her to you.
Are you looking for a place big enough to continue to keep the horses. I hope that the end of April there will be enough pasture grown up that you can use it and do not need to worry about buying in hay. You will have them shipped?

Congratulations on continuing sales of your designs, Bunny. I have no solution to the chaos in your sewing room. Maybe Mel does from her forays on to Pinterest. Someone must have come up with something clever besides bringing in a dumpster and being ruthless in sorting. I shudder to think what you must do when you move.

Sweet dreams.

farmgirl #2499
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Feb 24 2014 :  5:34:13 PM  Show Profile
Marie, your post was not there when I posted and now it is.

I would say that as people get older and start to lose their ability to reason that tact and the veneer that makes one seem rational disappears. This nastiness seems to have been going on for a long time in his mind. It does not make his words hurt any less. If you were me I would stop going to visit him. I do not like that type of stress. You were right to get Lowell an email account that his father thinks is more private. You are a good person and with out you he might not have a relationship with Lowell at all.

Hugs to you

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

212 Posts

norwood Ontario
212 Posts

Posted - Feb 24 2014 :  6:20:02 PM  Show Profile
Head cold coming on. I feel chilled and awful tonight.
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True Blue Farmgirl

2428 Posts

Gladstone Mi.
2428 Posts

Posted - Feb 24 2014 :  7:24:12 PM  Show Profile
I have not been out of the house since I worked Saturday. We will be below zero all week, into next week. Holly, I hope you are right, March in like a lion, out like a lamb. We usually have in like a lion and out like a lion. It has to warm up sometime, right? We are supposed to get to -20 Thursday night, that is without the wind chill!!!!
Marie, let me know how you like the pool boy before sending him this way. I will have to find a good place to hide him from Bob. I might have to put him in with all of my yarn stash. Then for sure I will need to get rid of more yarn. LOL!!!
Gypsy, looks like you were pretty high up in that picture. I do hope you get more rain, but not all at once so it floods. We do not flood here, our soil soaks it up fast.
Mel, I am like Marie. I do not want to get hooked on pinterest either. I signed up for it, but never took the time to figure out how to use it, or pin. I put everything I want to keep in my favorites and then when I have time, I print out what I want to keep. Works for me.
Mar, I do not envy you having to pack, plus look for a place out of your area. It will be good when you are all settled in though, and just in time for summer!!
Marlyn, Hope your cold goes away very fast. No fun, especially when you are taking care of little ones.
Bunny, that is good that you have pet sitting jobs also. I do hope you will be able to make the move by September. Where will your son be stationed?
Have a great evening,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
3331 Posts

Posted - Feb 24 2014 :  8:55:39 PM  Show Profile
Hope you are wrong, Marlyn, that it is just dryness and not a cold.

Holly, you are so good at staying calm. I know what you mean about having a partner who doesn't do well in certain events. The other day I told dh I was trying to not catch his stress. sometimes it actually works and I miss a good case of anxiety. Not often, though. Our horses will be loaded onto our horse trailer and will make the several hundred mile trip. It will seem short to them. When we load them on the trailer, it is usually for very long trips. NY to KS. KS to WA. WA to OR will be a breeze! They load and travel really well.

Marie, this letter and email debacle is still so fresh. It will probably hurt you for quite a while. I hope that it will bring you and Lowell closer. I am sorry you are living through this disagreeable time with Lowell's father.

Gypsy, when are you leaving for the trip to see your family? Will you be drinking immediately upon arrival?

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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Feb 24 2014 :  9:09:35 PM  Show Profile
Marlyn, sorry you are feeling sick. Time for echanacia tea. Sounds like your family needs to take care of you for a while.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

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Posted - Feb 24 2014 :  9:42:50 PM  Show Profile
Mar, no I won't be drinking but my doctor gives me wonderful little peach colored pills for occasions like this. The fun already begins. My sister, who took my brothers laptop, also has control of his amazon account and she orders his books for him. Plus a lot of stuff for herself. So now I'm needing his information and she won't give it to me. She isn't even careful with her lying any more.

B has his own family drama so he is braced for this. I told him at least since he has married me and made me an honest woman, mom will let himsleep in the same bedroom with me, whereas before she said he could use the futon in the dining room ( you read that right) or go to a motel.

Mel, I've been trying to make the B understand our language down here, and the proper use of it. y'all means one or two, all y'all means three or more, and Y'all's shows possession. As in, " here's all y'all's receipts right here." He's having trouble catching on. When he asks me if I can do something, and I say, "well, I Usta could, or, Well, I might could" he seems confused. But he caught right on to the expression " sinkin' spell" and he has them regularly.

Marie, your father in law sounds like my first mother in law. There was no pleasing that old bat so I finally gave up trying. Don't lose any sleep over that guy.
Your Mitzi is so sweet looking. It's nice that you have given all the guitars their own personalities. Seems like that's something that ought to catch on down here, right, Mel? It seems like a Texas kind of thing.
Jan, I'm starting to feel guilty about this wonderful weather we are having. Wish I could send a little of it your way. I don't envy you or Mar having to move.
Marlyn, I hope you do not have a cold but if you do, elderberry syrup really helps me. I've read that it strengthens your immune system which helps you fight off a cold. The last one I had did not respond to it and then I got a nasty sinus infection and was just about to give up and go for antibiotics, then I saw a utube of a doctor who said pour a capful of hydrogen peroxide into your ear and hold it in for a few minutes, then the other ear, and it will cure the infection. He said he did not know how it works but it does for many people. So I tried it and was significantly better right away.

My problem with Pinterest is that I'm afraid I'll never find that pin again if I don't pin it now, then when I pin it, there is another board that has a whole bunch more of the same, and then another, and another, and I won't ever find these boards again so I just gotta keep pinnin' ..............

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Feb 24 2014 :  9:44:11 PM  Show Profile
Bunny, maybe we could trade families for a while, just to give each other a break.

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Feb 24 2014 :  9:56:12 PM  Show Profile
Gypsy, you know if we did that, they would be just sweet as pie to us. Your mother would just love me and your sister and I would be BFF's forever!
You would think my mother is just the sweetest old lady. You would learn not to make eye contact with my sisters though. My youngest would most likely not survive. Hmmmm, maybe a trade wouldn't be such a bad idea after all. I did have my hands around my youngest sisters neck once. I just keep thinking how terrible jail would be. It was the only thing that got me to let go. She is also a half sister. My mother got around.....quite a bit.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Not all who wander are lost.../
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True Blue Farmgirl

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norwood Ontario
212 Posts

Posted - Feb 25 2014 :  07:20:40 AM  Show Profile
I'm cold all over today and have an awful stuffy head. Keeping low for a few days I think.

My eldest daughter came by with 40lbs of apples yesterday. Sounds wonderful but really she wants me to cook it all up into apple sauce for her. Yea! Like I have time for that.I made some cookies and pudding out of a few this morning. The rest will have to wait until I'm feeling up to it.

It was terribly cold last night. Back into a cold spell I believe.

I totally get the Printest thing. I actually can't get into my account anymore and I haven't a clue what I am doing wrong?? I figured it was telling me to stop wasting my time on-line and get sewing.

Looking into Etsy today for my bonnets. Anyone have any ideas on what works with Etsy?

Have a great day.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Feb 25 2014 :  09:31:27 AM  Show Profile
Marlyn, it is hard to know for sure how to be successful on Etsy but here is what I have learned so far.

1. Pictures are the most important thing. Good lighting, not too much background and the hard part...making sure the whole bonnet fits in the main picture that is on your store. Take at least 3 pictures. Front, back and a close up. I also take a side view sometimes. If you can find a life size child doll head to show perspective, that helps. I use to just hang my garments on a hanger. But it was hard for people to see how it really looked on a person. I now use a manikin.

2. Don't post them all in one day. Post a few each day. For some reason doing that gets them on the first few pages of the searches.

3. More is better. I have read that 100 items is the magic number to shoot for. I haven't made it yet because I keep selling things. So take it for what it is. But having a lot to choose from on your site is important.

4. Your about page is important. People want to know a little something about you so they can have a connection. I always read a sellers about page before I buy.

5. Descriptions of your item are really important. Tell a story and make sure your measurements are easy to understand. I'm learning this the hard way. I copied the way other sellers similar to me, list their measurements. But it is only half of the total. In other words they would measure the garment laying flat across the front. So a bust measurement might be 20". I'm finding people don't read that it is just the front measurement. So I'm going to change. I imagine you use the metric system. State your measurements in both metric and inches.

6. Shipping will get you if you don't do your homework. I ship flat rate on almost everything. I don't know the shipping rates in Canada, but do some research. Ship the cheapest you can but make sure you charge enough when people buy more than one item. That is where it gets tricky. Invest in a postal scale if you can. They are worth their weight in gold. Especially if you ship over seas. Ounces count. One nice thing about Etsy shipping is you can buy your shipping labels from them. They now do Canadian shipping. Which is great because you can see how much rates cost.
You will just need to figure out how to attach the label to the package. Oh, and here in the US, it is cheaper to purchase postage online than at the post office.

7. Make your packaging look inviting. Not the outside. The inside. I make it like like a present. But I use plain brown paper and a nice ribbon. I fold the paper in half and sew up two sides. I fold the opening under and then wrap it like a present. I always add a little extra simple something as a thank you gift. I use scraps to make brooches or little coin purses. Something really simple and from leftovers.

I know this is a lot. It has taken me over 6 months to figure all this out and I'm still adjusting my store to make it better.
I hope this helps and haven't scared you too badly. The main thing is to just do it and adjust along the way.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Feb 25 2014 :  11:31:01 AM  Show Profile
Bunny, you shared really good information with Marlyn. I am sure you have saved her a headache or two!

Here's my idea. You (Bunny) ship your mom down to be with Gypsy's mom. Tell her to elaborate on and embellish her love life stories so that Gypsy's mom will have plenty to concentrate on saving your mom's soul...leaving Gypsy's alone. Then Gypsy gives your lil sis a talking to for ya! You are still stuck with your mom, but hey, one thing at a time.

It is bright, sunny and cold here. The snow we got yesterday surprised everyone. It was one of those storms that stalls out on top of ya and just keeps dumping and dumping. A lot of schools are closed today and it isn't that we got that much snow, just the roads weren't prepared.

Packing is going pretty well. Locating a home is another question. The rollercoaster ride continues. I have found that dh is much more emotional - not tears, but moods - than he used to be. Dd actually agrees with me. Not a surprise to have us agree, I just didn't know she had noticed, too.

MIL is onboard with the move, as I have mentioned. So she is going through her belongings and I may lose my mind with the minutiae that her questions to me involve. Descriptions of what she keeps in her desk...imagine! the woman keeps envelopes, paper, stamps, scissors and the like in her desk! Who could imagine such a thing. Anyway, my daily call has become unimaginably more frustrating. And this is before we are in the same zip code! It will be fine as long as I can vent to you all. Sorry--- all y'alls. Right, Gypsy? Am I using it right or do I need to go to remedial slang school with B?

While we are on the subject of B...who turns down the option of a futon in a dining room? That sounds DEEluxe. Privacy galore. Have a safe and sane trip. Peach is a lovely color for a pill. Alcohol sometimes fuels disagreements so you are definitely taking the better course of action.

Marlyn, enjoy some cozy time to yourself while your cold isn't too terrible yet. Don't tackle those apples.

Jan, maybe you should take some time this weekend or your next day away from the store to go window shopping for your RV. Get you feeling excited and lift you out of the March doldrums. Is February or March worse in your opinion. For me, it's March.

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Feb 25 2014 :  12:43:06 PM  Show Profile
Mar, no,no,no--- it would be," as long as I have all y'all to vent to". Or, "as long as I have all y'all's attention. "

What? You mean everybody doesn't keep an extra futon in their dining room? There are canned goods in the living room bookshelves, so it balances out.

I'm liking your idea about bunny sending her mom down to visit my mom. That works!

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Feb 25 2014 :  1:39:30 PM  Show Profile
Sorry ladies but my mom is already saved. She belongs to the LDS church. Mormons if you don't know what the abbreviation means. So instead, they would most likely have a heated argument on who is actually saved.

Mar, I would be very stressed in your situation. I would hate to buy something out of express need instead of taking time to make sure it is right. I hate to say it but guys do tend to get more emotional as they age. My father in law was a basket case and a big softy on many occasion. My mil...stone cold heart.
Mar, you might want a place with a basement that you can hide in. I bet she "visits" often.

My eyes are rolling around in my head with this homework. I love it...but it is hard! I needed a break anyway.

Until later...


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Feb 25 2014 :  2:58:35 PM  Show Profile
Bunny, I have always moved because of an expressed need. Namely, a job. This time, we are moving for ourselves. The fact that we need to get the check out of this house to buy the next house makes the timing crucial. But, it's not like it isn't that way for everyone. This move has been excruciatingly slow. Usually, dh would get the job offer and off we went. Or rather, off HE went. I did have to oversee the sale and packing of house and kids, etc. One time, dh got the "word" of his promotion on a Friday and left on Monday for the new job. The company always took really good care of us, but most companies no longer do the nice things to entice you to move. We had our mortgages bought down up to three points. They would send in appraisers - two - and then average their appraisals. That dollar amount was what the company would pay us for our house. And we just walked away. A major mover would come in and pack everything for us. Sometime between taking the job and actually packing up the house, dh and I would take a trip to buy the next house. We would be a realtor's dream, arriving with a pre-approved mortgage back when that wasn't just the way it is done. Any "down" time between vacating the old house and moving into the new one was spent at a resort or four star hotel. One time we were at a resort in Wisconsin for six weeks while we waited for our house to be completed. Then our furniture would be delivered and placed, put together, tuned, whatever it needed. All boxes were unpacked and broken down and taken away with the packing debris. We did this process seven times in ten years. And then we slowed down a bit, spent six years in CA in the '90s and later on spent ten years here. It's been an adventure. All in all, dh and I have made about a dozen major moves. And to tell you the truth, we don't understand moving "around the corner." This is the first time we will live in the same time zone after we move as we were before. So, we have a different view of moving than the norm.

And the basement idea is good...she is 87, I can still out run her if we don't have a basement, though.

Thanks for listening all y'alls.

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gladstone Mi.
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Posted - Feb 25 2014 :  5:44:46 PM  Show Profile
We had a balmy 12 degrees, after being -8 this morning. It is now -6. Tomorrow night it is supposed to get down to -18, and that is without the wind chill. There is no relief in sight for at least another week. March is usually our thawing out month with lots of heavy wet snow, but warmer temps, so the snow melts faster. There is 37 inches of ice on our lake right now, that may take until June to melt away. I bet the water will be cold this summer.
I do really have to start downsizing very soon. As soon as we get our motorhome, I can put in there what we need and start having yard sales to get rid of what we cannot take with us.
Got our taxes done today. That is always a relief to get that out of the way for the year.
Marlyn, do get well soon. Take it easy as much as you can, I know that is hard when you have little ones around. Drink lots of hot tea, and stay warm.
Our goal is to be on the road 8 months from today. That is our 28th wedding anniversary. Our lease is up on November 1st, so that will work out just fine. Fingers and toes crossed. Did I tell you we WILL NOT be here next winter?
Well, time to take a nice hot shower and relax a bit before bed. Have a great evening,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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True Blue Farmgirl

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norwood Ontario
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Posted - Feb 26 2014 :  07:30:51 AM  Show Profile
Bunny thank-you so much for those tips. I really appreciate this, more then you will ever know.

My husband is planning or retiring sometime in the next two years. I know how I will go crazy if I don't do something for me. With 8 children I have spent most my life caring for them and now for our elderly folks and grandkids, but a girl needs a dream of their own. Since I LOVE to smock this has become my dream of making something out of it.

I have the farmers market already for our organic produce but the smocking will be an added bonus for just me.I plan of selling the smocking there this year and I think Etsy would help too.

I am feeling better today. Am alone home (for now) . Have supper made for tonight and tomorrow and have hand washed all the socks. Now off to the sewing room to get my pink bonnets sewn up.

It is very cold here today, but sunny. I'll take the sun any day.
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True Blue Farmgirl

662 Posts

Berkeley Springs WV
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Posted - Feb 26 2014 :  07:59:45 AM  Show Profile
I'm in the 50 range. Just reading all the posts, as i sit here putting lotion on everything cause i'm so dry. can't sleep etc. lol

Farmgirl #4817-The greatest gift of the garden is the restoration of the five senses. ~Hanna Rion!/pages/Hodge-Lodge-Clothesline/285366378259342

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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

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The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Feb 26 2014 :  08:24:50 AM  Show Profile
"fifty range" works for posting seems you can identify with what we are talking about and we always welcome a new voice, Tiana.

Dh gets home today. He and dd were working a trade show in Portland and Seattle the last two days as well as looking at potential homes. No luck on the home front. Time was very tight so they looked at our top two choices in two different areas. The first realtor was "on her game" and knew the area really well. The second realtor...showed up a half hour late and talked to dh about some homes he had already driven by and discarded from our point of view. So, last night I get an email from this second realtor with the listings of the exact two houses that dh had told he had crossed off our list, as well as the house he had seen with her. Way off base and very discouraging. We may try to work with someone else for that area, she doesn't seem to listen very well.

It is so toasty warm in here by the fire, I don't feel like starting the day. I did load laundry. So I am getting something done! That counts, right? Sitting around while the washer works! I will pick up dh about 3 pm at the airport. Seems like old times when he traveled so much. It sure will be nice to have him back. I have become very spoiled this last year with him at home. Love it.

I haven't mentioned to The Neighbor that our house is sold. Of course, he son knows. But, they don't talk all that often.

Remember that I said I had to send back two duette blinds to be restrung by Levolor? They were returned to me in less than a week. I am so pleased by their customer service.

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Feb 26 2014 :  09:38:32 AM  Show Profile
Me,too, mar. It is cold and rainy and dreary today and I had a rough night. So much to do but I don't feel like doing any of it. I thought the cold was gone.

My son called and gave me some very upsetting news, too much to go into, but it has ended my little happy world for now. I slept with pills in order to get any sleep at all so today will be a total loss. It's one of those pull the covers over your head and make the world go away days. But then there is the weekend trip down to the funny farm, which now will be in the rain. And I need a haircut. I hate short hair for that reason. One day it's fine and the next day it is impossible.

Mar, you don't have time to bother with another idiot realtor. They are the ones who give the industry such a bad name. Now your problem might be if you find what you want, getting a seller who can get out as soon as you need to move in. As bunny said, you have traded one stress for another.

Welcome Tiana. We don't [bleep] all the time. Sometimes we are funny.

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Feb 26 2014 :  09:55:31 AM  Show Profile
Tiana, welcome! We are a bit of an unruly bunch but you get use to it after a while. I hope you visit often and tell us a little about your self.

Marlyn, so glad you get some time to yourself and you are feeling better.

Mar, I wanted to be a realtor at one time but all the ones I knew were so cut throat. I'm not that competitive. I hope you can find someone to work with.

Gypsy, so sorry about your bad news we are here for you to vent. Plus now we all want to know the story. Feel better soon.

Not much going on in my world today. House sitting for three days, homework, sewing...the usual.
Gloomy overcast weather.....

Later y'all.


Farmgirl number 3738
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Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Feb 26 2014 :  11:16:17 AM  Show Profile
Gypsy, that's what those pills are for. We are here if and when you can share. I know how it is...I would share with you gals everything that goes on in my life, but you just can't tell who is lurking on these open forums. That's why you always here me dh is back from a trip, but never announce that he is going on one. I don't want to put it out there that I am here alone. So, we understand if maybe we can't always have the full story. We will still send good thoughts and strength your way!

Bunny, my husband always said I should be a realtor because of my architecture background. It doesn't really transfer...but, with all the moving, I never really knew the places we lived well enough to be of any help to anyone! Gloomy overcast weather, oh yay...please send it my way. sigh.

Anyone watching The Americans? It is the season premiere tonight. I am looking forward to it.

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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
3966 Posts

Posted - Feb 26 2014 :  11:43:24 AM  Show Profile

Welcome to our rubberized room Tiana. Feel free to bounce around with the rest of us.

Today is sunny, cold and windy. The school canceled outdoor recess but Mrs. Pendleton polled her kids and they wanted to go outside. She is relieved because they release a great deal of pent-up energy that way. They have been little s**ts lately.

Holly - I have this recipe for Blueberry Refrigerator Oatmeal. You make it overnight in the refrigerator. I think the littles would love to make this. Put 1/3 cup whole oats, 1/3 cup plain yogurt, 1/3 cup milk, 2 tbsps. fresh or frozen blueberries, 1 tbsp. sliced or chopped almonds, 1/2 tsp honey or maple syrup and a pinch of salt in a jar with a tight-fitting lid. Close it tightly and shake the jar well. Put it in the refrigerator overnight and eat it in the morning. I believe they will really like to shake it up.

Jan - Just got done examining the pool boy and I have to say that he is a fine specimen of the male gender and more than adequately proportioned.

Marianne - I am okay with this whole father thing. My dad has told me not to lose sleep over it and I don't. I have already come a long way from hatred to forgiveness. OH NO!!! SCISSORS!!! STAMPS!!! PENS!!! Who indeed would guess that such things are kept in a desk. We moved every three years while I was a kid because of transfers my dad had to take for his job. We were never taken care of as well as you were but the company did pay all our moving costs.

Gypsy - I've taken those peach pills. Marvelous, aren't they? Did you notice that all the boy guitars have a whammy bar? My sympathy for your latest trial. I do want to know but only when you are ready.

Marlyn - There is a very powerful word in the English language. That word is "NO". If they want to know a reason, tell them that "NO is a complete sentence". If they protest, ask them "What part of NO do you not understand?". Be firm and let everyone know that NO is your final decision. Remember, you have to take care of yourself before you can take care of anyone else.

Bunny - Your package is going out today before I head out to Dungeons & Dragons.

Marie, Sister #5142

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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